Add DecodeImageCallbacks::OnImageFormat def impl
diff --git a/example/imageviewer/ b/example/imageviewer/
index 73a07c1..4a8fc07 100644
--- a/example/imageviewer/
+++ b/example/imageviewer/
@@ -90,26 +90,6 @@
 uint32_t g_background_color_index = 0;
 class Callbacks : public wuffs_aux::DecodeImageCallbacks {
-  wuffs_base__image_decoder::unique_ptr  //
-  OnImageFormat(uint32_t fourcc, wuffs_base__slice_u8 prefix) override {
-    switch (fourcc) {
-      case WUFFS_BASE__FOURCC__BMP:
-        return wuffs_bmp__decoder::alloc_as__wuffs_base__image_decoder();
-      case WUFFS_BASE__FOURCC__GIF:
-        return wuffs_gif__decoder::alloc_as__wuffs_base__image_decoder();
-      case WUFFS_BASE__FOURCC__NIE:
-        return wuffs_nie__decoder::alloc_as__wuffs_base__image_decoder();
-      case WUFFS_BASE__FOURCC__PNG: {
-        auto dec = wuffs_png__decoder::alloc_as__wuffs_base__image_decoder();
-        dec->set_quirk_enabled(WUFFS_BASE__QUIRK_IGNORE_CHECKSUM, true);
-        return dec;
-      }
-        return wuffs_wbmp__decoder::alloc_as__wuffs_base__image_decoder();
-    }
-    return wuffs_base__image_decoder::unique_ptr(nullptr, &free);
-  }
   DecodeImageCallbacks::AllocResult  //
   OnImageConfig(const wuffs_base__image_config& image_config) override {
     uint32_t w = image_config.pixcfg.width();
diff --git a/internal/cgen/auxiliary/ b/internal/cgen/auxiliary/
index 558ccfa..bbc133b 100644
--- a/internal/cgen/auxiliary/
+++ b/internal/cgen/auxiliary/
@@ -48,6 +48,43 @@
       error_message(std::move(error_message0)) {}
+wuffs_base__image_decoder::unique_ptr  //
+DecodeImageCallbacks::OnImageFormat(uint32_t fourcc,
+                                    wuffs_base__slice_u8 prefix) {
+  switch (fourcc) {
+      return wuffs_bmp__decoder::alloc_as__wuffs_base__image_decoder();
+      return wuffs_gif__decoder::alloc_as__wuffs_base__image_decoder();
+      return wuffs_nie__decoder::alloc_as__wuffs_base__image_decoder();
+    case WUFFS_BASE__FOURCC__PNG: {
+      auto dec = wuffs_png__decoder::alloc_as__wuffs_base__image_decoder();
+      // Favor faster decodes over rejecting invalid checksums.
+      dec->set_quirk_enabled(WUFFS_BASE__QUIRK_IGNORE_CHECKSUM, true);
+      return dec;
+    }
+      return wuffs_wbmp__decoder::alloc_as__wuffs_base__image_decoder();
+  }
+  return wuffs_base__image_decoder::unique_ptr(nullptr, &free);
 DecodeImageCallbacks::AllocResult  //
     const wuffs_base__image_config& image_config) {
diff --git a/internal/cgen/auxiliary/image.hh b/internal/cgen/auxiliary/image.hh
index 47702dc..35f5b63 100644
--- a/internal/cgen/auxiliary/image.hh
+++ b/internal/cgen/auxiliary/image.hh
@@ -58,19 +58,27 @@
   // OnImageFormat returns the image decoder for the input data's file format.
   // Returning a nullptr means failure (DecodeImage_UnsupportedImageFormat).
-  // Common formats will have a non-zero FourCC value, such as
-  // WUFFS_BASE__FOURCC__JPEG. A zero FourCC code means that the caller is
-  // responsible for examining the opening bytes (a prefix) of the input data.
-  // OnImageFormat implementations should not modify those bytes.
+  // Common formats will have a FourCC value in the range [1 ..= 0x7FFF_FFFF],
+  // such as WUFFS_BASE__FOURCC__JPEG. A zero FourCC value means that the
+  // caller is responsible for examining the opening bytes (a prefix) of the
+  // input data. OnImageFormat implementations should not modify those bytes.
   // OnImageFormat might be called more than once, since some image file
   // formats can wrap others. For example, a nominal BMP file can actually
   // contain a JPEG or a PNG.
-  // There is no default implementation, as modular Wuffs builds (those that
-  // define WUFFS_CONFIG__MODULES) may enable or disable particular codecs.
+  // The default OnImageFormat accepts the FOURCC codes listed below. For
+  // modular builds (i.e. when #define'ing WUFFS_CONFIG__MODULES), acceptance
+  // of the ETC file format is optional (for each value of ETC) and depends on
+  // the corresponding module to be enabled at compile time (i.e. #define'ing
   virtual wuffs_base__image_decoder::unique_ptr  //
-  OnImageFormat(uint32_t fourcc, wuffs_base__slice_u8 prefix) = 0;
+  OnImageFormat(uint32_t fourcc, wuffs_base__slice_u8 prefix);
   // OnImageConfig allocates the pixel buffer.
diff --git a/internal/cgen/data/data.go b/internal/cgen/data/data.go
index 46fb8a9..1bfb326 100644
--- a/internal/cgen/data/data.go
+++ b/internal/cgen/data/data.go
@@ -736,9 +736,10 @@
 const AuxImageCc = "" +
 	"// ---------------- Auxiliary - Image\n\n#if !defined(WUFFS_CONFIG__MODULES) || defined(WUFFS_CONFIG__MODULE__AUX__IMAGE)\n\n#include <utility>\n\nnamespace wuffs_aux {\n\nDecodeImageResult::DecodeImageResult(MemOwner&& pixbuf_mem_owner0,\n                                     wuffs_base__slice_u8 pixbuf_mem_slice0,\n                                     wuffs_base__pixel_buffer pixbuf0,\n                                     std::string&& error_message0)\n    : pixbuf_mem_owner(std::move(pixbuf_mem_owner0)),\n      pixbuf_mem_slice(pixbuf_mem_slice0),\n      pixbuf(pixbuf0),\n      error_message(std::move(error_message0)) {}\n\nDecodeImageResult::DecodeImageResult(std::string&& error_message0)\n    : pixbuf_mem_owner(nullptr, &free),\n      pixbuf_mem_slice(wuffs_base__empty_slice_u8()),\n      pixbuf(wuffs_base__null_pixel_buffer()),\n      error_message(std::move(error_message0)) {}\n\nDecodeImageCallbacks::AllocResult::AllocResult(MemOwner&& mem_owner0,\n                                               wuffs_base__slice_u8 mem_slice0" +
-	")\n    : mem_owner(std::move(mem_owner0)),\n      mem_slice(mem_slice0),\n      error_message(\"\") {}\n\nDecodeImageCallbacks::AllocResult::AllocResult(std::string&& error_message0)\n    : mem_owner(nullptr, &free),\n      mem_slice(wuffs_base__empty_slice_u8()),\n      error_message(std::move(error_message0)) {}\n\nDecodeImageCallbacks::AllocResult  //\nDecodeImageCallbacks::OnImageConfig(\n    const wuffs_base__image_config& image_config) {\n  uint32_t w = image_config.pixcfg.width();\n  uint32_t h = image_config.pixcfg.height();\n  if ((w == 0) || (h == 0)) {\n    return AllocResult(\"\");\n  }\n  uint64_t len = image_config.pixcfg.pixbuf_len();\n  if ((len == 0) || (SIZE_MAX < len)) {\n    return AllocResult(DecodeImage_UnsupportedPixelConfiguration);\n  }\n  void* ptr = calloc((size_t)len, 1);\n  if (!ptr) {\n    return AllocResult(DecodeImage_OutOfMemory);\n  }\n  return AllocResult(MemOwner(ptr, &free),\n                     wuffs_base__make_slice_u8((uint8_t*)ptr, (size_t)len));\n}\n\nDecodeImageCallbacks::AllocResult  //\nDecodeImage" +
-	"Callbacks::AllocWorkbuf(wuffs_base__range_ii_u64 len) {\n  if (len.max_incl == 0) {\n    return DecodeImageCallbacks::AllocResult(\"\");\n  } else if (SIZE_MAX < len.max_incl) {\n    return DecodeImageCallbacks::AllocResult(DecodeImage_OutOfMemory);\n  }\n  void* p = calloc((size_t)len.max_incl, 1);\n  if (!p) {\n    return DecodeImageCallbacks::AllocResult(DecodeImage_OutOfMemory);\n  }\n  return DecodeImageCallbacks::AllocResult(\n      MemOwner(p, &free),\n      wuffs_base__make_slice_u8((uint8_t*)p, (size_t)len.max_incl));\n}\n\nvoid  //\nDecodeImageCallbacks::Done(\n    DecodeImageResult& result,\n    sync_io::Input& input,\n    IOBuffer& buffer,\n    wuffs_base__image_decoder::unique_ptr image_decoder) {}\n\nconst char DecodeImage_BufferIsTooShort[] =  //\n    \"wuffs_aux::DecodeImage: buffer is too short\";\nconst char DecodeImage_MaxInclDimensionExceeded[] =  //\n    \"wuffs_aux::DecodeImage: max_incl_dimension exceeded\";\nconst char DecodeImage_OutOfMemory[] =  //\n    \"wuffs_aux::DecodeImage: out of memory\";\nconst char DecodeImage" +
-	"_UnexpectedEndOfFile[] =  //\n    \"wuffs_aux::DecodeImage: unexpected end of file\";\nconst char DecodeImage_UnsupportedImageFormat[] =  //\n    \"wuffs_aux::DecodeImage: unsupported image format\";\nconst char DecodeImage_UnsupportedPixelBlend[] =  //\n    \"wuffs_aux::DecodeImage: unsupported pixel blend\";\nconst char DecodeImage_UnsupportedPixelConfiguration[] =  //\n    \"wuffs_aux::DecodeImage: unsupported pixel configuration\";\nconst char DecodeImage_UnsupportedPixelFormat[] =  //\n    \"wuffs_aux::DecodeImage: unsupported pixel format\";\n\n" +
+	")\n    : mem_owner(std::move(mem_owner0)),\n      mem_slice(mem_slice0),\n      error_message(\"\") {}\n\nDecodeImageCallbacks::AllocResult::AllocResult(std::string&& error_message0)\n    : mem_owner(nullptr, &free),\n      mem_slice(wuffs_base__empty_slice_u8()),\n      error_message(std::move(error_message0)) {}\n\nwuffs_base__image_decoder::unique_ptr  //\nDecodeImageCallbacks::OnImageFormat(uint32_t fourcc,\n                                    wuffs_base__slice_u8 prefix) {\n  switch (fourcc) {\n#if !defined(WUFFS_CONFIG__MODULES) || defined(WUFFS_CONFIG__MODULE__BMP)\n    case WUFFS_BASE__FOURCC__BMP:\n      return wuffs_bmp__decoder::alloc_as__wuffs_base__image_decoder();\n#endif\n\n#if !defined(WUFFS_CONFIG__MODULES) || defined(WUFFS_CONFIG__MODULE__GIF)\n    case WUFFS_BASE__FOURCC__GIF:\n      return wuffs_gif__decoder::alloc_as__wuffs_base__image_decoder();\n#endif\n\n#if !defined(WUFFS_CONFIG__MODULES) || defined(WUFFS_CONFIG__MODULE__NIE)\n    case WUFFS_BASE__FOURCC__NIE:\n      return wuffs_nie__decoder::alloc_as__wuffs_ba" +
+	"se__image_decoder();\n#endif\n\n#if !defined(WUFFS_CONFIG__MODULES) || defined(WUFFS_CONFIG__MODULE__PNG)\n    case WUFFS_BASE__FOURCC__PNG: {\n      auto dec = wuffs_png__decoder::alloc_as__wuffs_base__image_decoder();\n      // Favor faster decodes over rejecting invalid checksums.\n      dec->set_quirk_enabled(WUFFS_BASE__QUIRK_IGNORE_CHECKSUM, true);\n      return dec;\n    }\n#endif\n\n#if !defined(WUFFS_CONFIG__MODULES) || defined(WUFFS_CONFIG__MODULE__WBMP)\n    case WUFFS_BASE__FOURCC__WBMP:\n      return wuffs_wbmp__decoder::alloc_as__wuffs_base__image_decoder();\n#endif\n  }\n\n  return wuffs_base__image_decoder::unique_ptr(nullptr, &free);\n}\n\nDecodeImageCallbacks::AllocResult  //\nDecodeImageCallbacks::OnImageConfig(\n    const wuffs_base__image_config& image_config) {\n  uint32_t w = image_config.pixcfg.width();\n  uint32_t h = image_config.pixcfg.height();\n  if ((w == 0) || (h == 0)) {\n    return AllocResult(\"\");\n  }\n  uint64_t len = image_config.pixcfg.pixbuf_len();\n  if ((len == 0) || (SIZE_MAX < len)) {\n    return " +
+	"AllocResult(DecodeImage_UnsupportedPixelConfiguration);\n  }\n  void* ptr = calloc((size_t)len, 1);\n  if (!ptr) {\n    return AllocResult(DecodeImage_OutOfMemory);\n  }\n  return AllocResult(MemOwner(ptr, &free),\n                     wuffs_base__make_slice_u8((uint8_t*)ptr, (size_t)len));\n}\n\nDecodeImageCallbacks::AllocResult  //\nDecodeImageCallbacks::AllocWorkbuf(wuffs_base__range_ii_u64 len) {\n  if (len.max_incl == 0) {\n    return DecodeImageCallbacks::AllocResult(\"\");\n  } else if (SIZE_MAX < len.max_incl) {\n    return DecodeImageCallbacks::AllocResult(DecodeImage_OutOfMemory);\n  }\n  void* p = calloc((size_t)len.max_incl, 1);\n  if (!p) {\n    return DecodeImageCallbacks::AllocResult(DecodeImage_OutOfMemory);\n  }\n  return DecodeImageCallbacks::AllocResult(\n      MemOwner(p, &free),\n      wuffs_base__make_slice_u8((uint8_t*)p, (size_t)len.max_incl));\n}\n\nvoid  //\nDecodeImageCallbacks::Done(\n    DecodeImageResult& result,\n    sync_io::Input& input,\n    IOBuffer& buffer,\n    wuffs_base__image_decoder::unique_ptr image_" +
+	"decoder) {}\n\nconst char DecodeImage_BufferIsTooShort[] =  //\n    \"wuffs_aux::DecodeImage: buffer is too short\";\nconst char DecodeImage_MaxInclDimensionExceeded[] =  //\n    \"wuffs_aux::DecodeImage: max_incl_dimension exceeded\";\nconst char DecodeImage_OutOfMemory[] =  //\n    \"wuffs_aux::DecodeImage: out of memory\";\nconst char DecodeImage_UnexpectedEndOfFile[] =  //\n    \"wuffs_aux::DecodeImage: unexpected end of file\";\nconst char DecodeImage_UnsupportedImageFormat[] =  //\n    \"wuffs_aux::DecodeImage: unsupported image format\";\nconst char DecodeImage_UnsupportedPixelBlend[] =  //\n    \"wuffs_aux::DecodeImage: unsupported pixel blend\";\nconst char DecodeImage_UnsupportedPixelConfiguration[] =  //\n    \"wuffs_aux::DecodeImage: unsupported pixel configuration\";\nconst char DecodeImage_UnsupportedPixelFormat[] =  //\n    \"wuffs_aux::DecodeImage: unsupported pixel format\";\n\n" +
 	"" +
 	"// --------\n\nnamespace {\n\nstd::string  //\nDecodeImageAdvanceIOBuf(sync_io::Input& input,\n                        wuffs_base__io_buffer& io_buf,\n                        bool compactable,\n                        uint64_t min_excl_pos,\n                        uint64_t pos) {\n  if ((pos <= min_excl_pos) || (pos < io_buf.reader_position())) {\n    // Redirects must go forward.\n    return DecodeImage_UnsupportedImageFormat;\n  }\n  while (true) {\n    uint64_t relative_pos = pos - io_buf.reader_position();\n    if (relative_pos <= io_buf.reader_length()) {\n      io_buf.meta.ri += (size_t)relative_pos;\n      break;\n    } else if (io_buf.meta.closed) {\n      return DecodeImage_UnexpectedEndOfFile;\n    }\n    io_buf.meta.ri = io_buf.meta.wi;\n    if (compactable) {\n      io_buf.compact();\n    }\n    std::string error_message = input.CopyIn(&io_buf);\n    if (!error_message.empty()) {\n      return error_message;\n    }\n  }\n  return \"\";\n}\n\nDecodeImageResult  //\nDecodeImage0(wuffs_base__image_decoder::unique_ptr& image_decoder,\n  " +
 	"           DecodeImageCallbacks& callbacks,\n             sync_io::Input& input,\n             wuffs_base__io_buffer& io_buf,\n             uint32_t override_pixel_format_repr,\n             wuffs_base__pixel_blend pixel_blend,\n             uint32_t max_incl_dimension) {\n  // Check args.\n  switch (override_pixel_format_repr) {\n    case 0:\n    case WUFFS_BASE__PIXEL_FORMAT__BGR_565:\n    case WUFFS_BASE__PIXEL_FORMAT__BGR:\n    case WUFFS_BASE__PIXEL_FORMAT__BGRA_NONPREMUL:\n    case WUFFS_BASE__PIXEL_FORMAT__BGRA_PREMUL:\n      break;\n    default:\n      return DecodeImageResult(DecodeImage_UnsupportedPixelFormat);\n  }\n  switch (pixel_blend) {\n    case WUFFS_BASE__PIXEL_BLEND__SRC:\n    case WUFFS_BASE__PIXEL_BLEND__SRC_OVER:\n      break;\n    default:\n      return DecodeImageResult(DecodeImage_UnsupportedPixelBlend);\n  }\n\n  wuffs_base__image_config image_config = wuffs_base__null_image_config();\n  uint64_t start_pos = io_buf.reader_position();\n  bool redirected = false;\n  int32_t fourcc = 0;\nredirect:\n  do {\n    // Det" +
@@ -754,12 +755,13 @@
 const AuxImageHh = "" +
 	"// ---------------- Auxiliary - Image\n\nnamespace wuffs_aux {\n\nstruct DecodeImageResult {\n  DecodeImageResult(MemOwner&& pixbuf_mem_owner0,\n                    wuffs_base__slice_u8 pixbuf_mem_slice0,\n                    wuffs_base__pixel_buffer pixbuf0,\n                    std::string&& error_message0);\n  DecodeImageResult(std::string&& error_message0);\n\n  MemOwner pixbuf_mem_owner;\n  wuffs_base__slice_u8 pixbuf_mem_slice;\n  wuffs_base__pixel_buffer pixbuf;\n  std::string error_message;\n};\n\n// DecodeImageCallbacks are the callbacks given to DecodeImage. They are always\n// called in this order:\n//  1. OnImageFormat\n//  2. OnImageConfig\n//  3. AllocWorkbuf\n//  4. Done\n//\n// It may return early - the third callback might not be invoked if the second\n// one fails (returns a non-empty error message) - but the final callback\n// (Done) is always invoked.\nclass DecodeImageCallbacks {\n public:\n  // AllocResult holds a memory allocation (the result of malloc or new, a\n  // statically allocated pointer, etc), or an error " +
-	"message. The memory is\n  // de-allocated when mem_owner goes out of scope and is destroyed.\n  struct AllocResult {\n    AllocResult(MemOwner&& mem_owner0, wuffs_base__slice_u8 mem_slice0);\n    AllocResult(std::string&& error_message0);\n\n    MemOwner mem_owner;\n    wuffs_base__slice_u8 mem_slice;\n    std::string error_message;\n  };\n\n  // OnImageFormat returns the image decoder for the input data's file format.\n  // Returning a nullptr means failure (DecodeImage_UnsupportedImageFormat).\n  //\n  // Common formats will have a non-zero FourCC value, such as\n  // WUFFS_BASE__FOURCC__JPEG. A zero FourCC code means that the caller is\n  // responsible for examining the opening bytes (a prefix) of the input data.\n  // OnImageFormat implementations should not modify those bytes.\n  //\n  // OnImageFormat might be called more than once, since some image file\n  // formats can wrap others. For example, a nominal BMP file can actually\n  // contain a JPEG or a PNG.\n  //\n  // There is no default implementation, as modular Wuffs b" +
-	"uilds (those that\n  // define WUFFS_CONFIG__MODULES) may enable or disable particular codecs.\n  virtual wuffs_base__image_decoder::unique_ptr  //\n  OnImageFormat(uint32_t fourcc, wuffs_base__slice_u8 prefix) = 0;\n\n  // OnImageConfig allocates the pixel buffer.\n  //\n  // The default OnImageConfig implementation allocates zeroed memory.\n  virtual AllocResult  //\n  OnImageConfig(const wuffs_base__image_config& image_config);\n\n  // AllocWorkbuf allocates the work buffer. The allocated buffer's length\n  // should be at least len.min_incl, but larger allocations (up to\n  // len.max_incl) may have better performance (by using more memory).\n  //\n  // The default AllocWorkbuf implementation allocates len.max_incl bytes of\n  // zeroed memory.\n  virtual AllocResult  //\n  AllocWorkbuf(wuffs_base__range_ii_u64 len);\n\n  // Done is always the last Callback method called by DecodeImage, whether or\n  // not parsing the input encountered an error. Even when successful, trailing\n  // data may remain in input and buffer.\n  //\n  " +
-	"// The image_decoder is the one returned by OnImageFormat (if OnImageFormat\n  // was successful), or a no-op unique_ptr otherwise. Like any unique_ptr,\n  // ownership moves to the Done implementation.\n  //\n  // Do not keep a reference to buffer or after Done returns,\n  // as DecodeImage may then de-allocate the backing array.\n  //\n  // The default Done implementation is a no-op, other than running the\n  // image_decoder unique_ptr destructor.\n  virtual void  //\n  Done(DecodeImageResult& result,\n       sync_io::Input& input,\n       IOBuffer& buffer,\n       wuffs_base__image_decoder::unique_ptr image_decoder);\n};\n\nextern const char DecodeImage_BufferIsTooShort[];\nextern const char DecodeImage_MaxInclDimensionExceeded[];\nextern const char DecodeImage_OutOfMemory[];\nextern const char DecodeImage_UnexpectedEndOfFile[];\nextern const char DecodeImage_UnsupportedImageFormat[];\nextern const char DecodeImage_UnsupportedPixelBlend[];\nextern const char DecodeImage_UnsupportedPixelConfiguration[];\nextern c" +
-	"onst char DecodeImage_UnsupportedPixelFormat[];\n\n// DecodeImage decodes the image data in input. A variety of image file formats\n// can be decoded, depending on what callbacks.OnImageFormat returns.\n//\n// For animated formats, only the first frame is returned, since the API is\n// simpler for synchronous I/O and having DecodeImage only return when\n// completely done, but rendering animation often involves handling other\n// events in between animation frames. To decode multiple frames of animated\n// images, or for asynchronous I/O (e.g. when decoding an image streamed over\n// the network), use Wuffs' lower level C API instead of its higher level,\n// simplified C++ API (the wuffs_aux API).\n//\n// The DecodeImageResult's fields depend on whether decoding succeeded:\n//  - On total success, the error_message is empty and pixbuf.pixcfg.is_valid()\n//    is true.\n//  - On partial success (e.g. the input file was truncated but we are still\n//    able to decode some of the pixels), error_message is non-empty but\n//    pi" +
-	"xbuf.pixcfg.is_valid() is still true. It is up to the caller whether to\n//    accept or reject partial success.\n//  - On failure, the error_message is non_empty and pixbuf.pixcfg.is_valid()\n//    is false.\n//\n// The callbacks allocate the pixel buffer memory and work buffer memory. On\n// success, pixel buffer memory ownership is passed to the DecodeImage caller\n// as the returned pixbuf_mem_owner. Regardless of success or failure, the work\n// buffer memory is deleted.\n//\n// If override_pixel_format_repr is zero then the pixel buffer will have the\n// image file's natural pixel format. For example, GIF images' natural pixel\n// format is an indexed one.\n//\n// If override_pixel_format_repr is non-zero (and one of the constants listed\n// below) then the image will be decoded to that particular pixel format:\n//  - WUFFS_BASE__PIXEL_FORMAT__BGR_565\n//  - WUFFS_BASE__PIXEL_FORMAT__BGR\n//  - WUFFS_BASE__PIXEL_FORMAT__BGRA_NONPREMUL\n//  - WUFFS_BASE__PIXEL_FORMAT__BGRA_PREMUL\n//\n// The pixel_blend (one of the constants" +
-	" listed below) determines how to\n// composite the decoded image over the pixel buffer's original pixels (as\n// returned by callbacks.OnImageConfig):\n//  - WUFFS_BASE__PIXEL_BLEND__SRC\n//  - WUFFS_BASE__PIXEL_BLEND__SRC_OVER\n//\n// Decoding fails (with DecodeImage_MaxInclDimensionExceeded) if the image's\n// width or height is greater than max_incl_dimension.\nDecodeImageResult  //\nDecodeImage(DecodeImageCallbacks& callbacks,\n            sync_io::Input& input,\n            uint32_t override_pixel_format_repr,\n            wuffs_base__pixel_blend pixel_blend = WUFFS_BASE__PIXEL_BLEND__SRC,\n            uint32_t max_incl_dimension = 1048575);  // 0x000F_FFFF\n\n}  // namespace wuffs_aux\n" +
+	"message. The memory is\n  // de-allocated when mem_owner goes out of scope and is destroyed.\n  struct AllocResult {\n    AllocResult(MemOwner&& mem_owner0, wuffs_base__slice_u8 mem_slice0);\n    AllocResult(std::string&& error_message0);\n\n    MemOwner mem_owner;\n    wuffs_base__slice_u8 mem_slice;\n    std::string error_message;\n  };\n\n  // OnImageFormat returns the image decoder for the input data's file format.\n  // Returning a nullptr means failure (DecodeImage_UnsupportedImageFormat).\n  //\n  // Common formats will have a FourCC value in the range [1 ..= 0x7FFF_FFFF],\n  // such as WUFFS_BASE__FOURCC__JPEG. A zero FourCC value means that the\n  // caller is responsible for examining the opening bytes (a prefix) of the\n  // input data. OnImageFormat implementations should not modify those bytes.\n  //\n  // OnImageFormat might be called more than once, since some image file\n  // formats can wrap others. For example, a nominal BMP file can actually\n  // contain a JPEG or a PNG.\n  //\n  // The default OnImageFormat acc" +
+	"epts the FOURCC codes listed below. For\n  // modular builds (i.e. when #define'ing WUFFS_CONFIG__MODULES), acceptance\n  // of the ETC file format is optional (for each value of ETC) and depends on\n  // the corresponding module to be enabled at compile time (i.e. #define'ing\n  // WUFFS_CONFIG__MODULE__ETC).\n  //  - WUFFS_BASE__FOURCC__BMP\n  //  - WUFFS_BASE__FOURCC__GIF\n  //  - WUFFS_BASE__FOURCC__NIE\n  //  - WUFFS_BASE__FOURCC__PNG\n  //  - WUFFS_BASE__FOURCC__WBMP\n  virtual wuffs_base__image_decoder::unique_ptr  //\n  OnImageFormat(uint32_t fourcc, wuffs_base__slice_u8 prefix);\n\n  // OnImageConfig allocates the pixel buffer.\n  //\n  // The default OnImageConfig implementation allocates zeroed memory.\n  virtual AllocResult  //\n  OnImageConfig(const wuffs_base__image_config& image_config);\n\n  // AllocWorkbuf allocates the work buffer. The allocated buffer's length\n  // should be at least len.min_incl, but larger allocations (up to\n  // len.max_incl) may have better performance (by using more memory).\n  //\n  // Th" +
+	"e default AllocWorkbuf implementation allocates len.max_incl bytes of\n  // zeroed memory.\n  virtual AllocResult  //\n  AllocWorkbuf(wuffs_base__range_ii_u64 len);\n\n  // Done is always the last Callback method called by DecodeImage, whether or\n  // not parsing the input encountered an error. Even when successful, trailing\n  // data may remain in input and buffer.\n  //\n  // The image_decoder is the one returned by OnImageFormat (if OnImageFormat\n  // was successful), or a no-op unique_ptr otherwise. Like any unique_ptr,\n  // ownership moves to the Done implementation.\n  //\n  // Do not keep a reference to buffer or after Done returns,\n  // as DecodeImage may then de-allocate the backing array.\n  //\n  // The default Done implementation is a no-op, other than running the\n  // image_decoder unique_ptr destructor.\n  virtual void  //\n  Done(DecodeImageResult& result,\n       sync_io::Input& input,\n       IOBuffer& buffer,\n       wuffs_base__image_decoder::unique_ptr image_decoder);\n};\n\nextern const char" +
+	" DecodeImage_BufferIsTooShort[];\nextern const char DecodeImage_MaxInclDimensionExceeded[];\nextern const char DecodeImage_OutOfMemory[];\nextern const char DecodeImage_UnexpectedEndOfFile[];\nextern const char DecodeImage_UnsupportedImageFormat[];\nextern const char DecodeImage_UnsupportedPixelBlend[];\nextern const char DecodeImage_UnsupportedPixelConfiguration[];\nextern const char DecodeImage_UnsupportedPixelFormat[];\n\n// DecodeImage decodes the image data in input. A variety of image file formats\n// can be decoded, depending on what callbacks.OnImageFormat returns.\n//\n// For animated formats, only the first frame is returned, since the API is\n// simpler for synchronous I/O and having DecodeImage only return when\n// completely done, but rendering animation often involves handling other\n// events in between animation frames. To decode multiple frames of animated\n// images, or for asynchronous I/O (e.g. when decoding an image streamed over\n// the network), use Wuffs' lower level C API instead of its higher level,\n" +
+	"// simplified C++ API (the wuffs_aux API).\n//\n// The DecodeImageResult's fields depend on whether decoding succeeded:\n//  - On total success, the error_message is empty and pixbuf.pixcfg.is_valid()\n//    is true.\n//  - On partial success (e.g. the input file was truncated but we are still\n//    able to decode some of the pixels), error_message is non-empty but\n//    pixbuf.pixcfg.is_valid() is still true. It is up to the caller whether to\n//    accept or reject partial success.\n//  - On failure, the error_message is non_empty and pixbuf.pixcfg.is_valid()\n//    is false.\n//\n// The callbacks allocate the pixel buffer memory and work buffer memory. On\n// success, pixel buffer memory ownership is passed to the DecodeImage caller\n// as the returned pixbuf_mem_owner. Regardless of success or failure, the work\n// buffer memory is deleted.\n//\n// If override_pixel_format_repr is zero then the pixel buffer will have the\n// image file's natural pixel format. For example, GIF images' natural pixel\n// format is an indexed" +
+	" one.\n//\n// If override_pixel_format_repr is non-zero (and one of the constants listed\n// below) then the image will be decoded to that particular pixel format:\n//  - WUFFS_BASE__PIXEL_FORMAT__BGR_565\n//  - WUFFS_BASE__PIXEL_FORMAT__BGR\n//  - WUFFS_BASE__PIXEL_FORMAT__BGRA_NONPREMUL\n//  - WUFFS_BASE__PIXEL_FORMAT__BGRA_PREMUL\n//\n// The pixel_blend (one of the constants listed below) determines how to\n// composite the decoded image over the pixel buffer's original pixels (as\n// returned by callbacks.OnImageConfig):\n//  - WUFFS_BASE__PIXEL_BLEND__SRC\n//  - WUFFS_BASE__PIXEL_BLEND__SRC_OVER\n//\n// Decoding fails (with DecodeImage_MaxInclDimensionExceeded) if the image's\n// width or height is greater than max_incl_dimension.\nDecodeImageResult  //\nDecodeImage(DecodeImageCallbacks& callbacks,\n            sync_io::Input& input,\n            uint32_t override_pixel_format_repr,\n            wuffs_base__pixel_blend pixel_blend = WUFFS_BASE__PIXEL_BLEND__SRC,\n            uint32_t max_incl_dimension = 1048575);  // 0x000F_" +
+	"FFFF\n\n}  // namespace wuffs_aux\n" +
 const AuxJsonCc = "" +
diff --git a/release/c/wuffs-unsupported-snapshot.c b/release/c/wuffs-unsupported-snapshot.c
index c55cd6d..728a550 100644
--- a/release/c/wuffs-unsupported-snapshot.c
+++ b/release/c/wuffs-unsupported-snapshot.c
@@ -9458,19 +9458,27 @@
   // OnImageFormat returns the image decoder for the input data's file format.
   // Returning a nullptr means failure (DecodeImage_UnsupportedImageFormat).
-  // Common formats will have a non-zero FourCC value, such as
-  // WUFFS_BASE__FOURCC__JPEG. A zero FourCC code means that the caller is
-  // responsible for examining the opening bytes (a prefix) of the input data.
-  // OnImageFormat implementations should not modify those bytes.
+  // Common formats will have a FourCC value in the range [1 ..= 0x7FFF_FFFF],
+  // such as WUFFS_BASE__FOURCC__JPEG. A zero FourCC value means that the
+  // caller is responsible for examining the opening bytes (a prefix) of the
+  // input data. OnImageFormat implementations should not modify those bytes.
   // OnImageFormat might be called more than once, since some image file
   // formats can wrap others. For example, a nominal BMP file can actually
   // contain a JPEG or a PNG.
-  // There is no default implementation, as modular Wuffs builds (those that
-  // define WUFFS_CONFIG__MODULES) may enable or disable particular codecs.
+  // The default OnImageFormat accepts the FOURCC codes listed below. For
+  // modular builds (i.e. when #define'ing WUFFS_CONFIG__MODULES), acceptance
+  // of the ETC file format is optional (for each value of ETC) and depends on
+  // the corresponding module to be enabled at compile time (i.e. #define'ing
   virtual wuffs_base__image_decoder::unique_ptr  //
-  OnImageFormat(uint32_t fourcc, wuffs_base__slice_u8 prefix) = 0;
+  OnImageFormat(uint32_t fourcc, wuffs_base__slice_u8 prefix);
   // OnImageConfig allocates the pixel buffer.
@@ -36766,6 +36774,43 @@
       error_message(std::move(error_message0)) {}
+wuffs_base__image_decoder::unique_ptr  //
+DecodeImageCallbacks::OnImageFormat(uint32_t fourcc,
+                                    wuffs_base__slice_u8 prefix) {
+  switch (fourcc) {
+      return wuffs_bmp__decoder::alloc_as__wuffs_base__image_decoder();
+      return wuffs_gif__decoder::alloc_as__wuffs_base__image_decoder();
+      return wuffs_nie__decoder::alloc_as__wuffs_base__image_decoder();
+    case WUFFS_BASE__FOURCC__PNG: {
+      auto dec = wuffs_png__decoder::alloc_as__wuffs_base__image_decoder();
+      // Favor faster decodes over rejecting invalid checksums.
+      dec->set_quirk_enabled(WUFFS_BASE__QUIRK_IGNORE_CHECKSUM, true);
+      return dec;
+    }
+      return wuffs_wbmp__decoder::alloc_as__wuffs_base__image_decoder();
+  }
+  return wuffs_base__image_decoder::unique_ptr(nullptr, &free);
 DecodeImageCallbacks::AllocResult  //
     const wuffs_base__image_config& image_config) {