blob: a87e673978a950a74d1597f3ec9c798ba673387a [file] [log] [blame]
// Code generated by running "go generate". DO NOT EDIT.
// Copyright 2017 The Wuffs Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package cgen
const baseAllImplC = "" +
"#ifndef WUFFS_INCLUDE_GUARD__BASE\n#define WUFFS_INCLUDE_GUARD__BASE\n\n#if defined(WUFFS_IMPLEMENTATION) && !defined(WUFFS_CONFIG__MODULES)\n#define WUFFS_CONFIG__MODULES\n#define WUFFS_CONFIG__MODULE__BASE\n#endif\n\n// !! WUFFS MONOLITHIC RELEASE DISCARDS EVERYTHING ABOVE.\n\n// !! INSERT base/copyright\n\n#include <stdbool.h>\n#include <stdint.h>\n#include <string.h>\n\n// GCC does not warn for unused *static inline* functions, but clang does.\n#ifdef __clang__\n#pragma clang diagnostic push\n#pragma clang diagnostic ignored \"-Wunused-function\"\n#endif\n\n#ifdef __cplusplus\nextern \"C\" {\n#endif\n\n// !! INSERT base/all-public.h.\n\n// !! INSERT InterfaceDeclarations.\n\n" +
"" +
"// ----------------\n\n#ifdef __cplusplus\n} // extern \"C\"\n#endif\n\n#ifdef __clang__\n#pragma clang diagnostic pop\n#endif\n\n// WUFFS C HEADER ENDS HERE.\n#ifdef WUFFS_IMPLEMENTATION\n\n// GCC does not warn for unused *static inline* functions, but clang does.\n#ifdef __clang__\n#pragma clang diagnostic push\n#pragma clang diagnostic ignored \"-Wunused-function\"\n#endif\n\n#ifdef __cplusplus\nextern \"C\" {\n#endif\n\n// !! INSERT base/all-private.h.\n\n#if !defined(WUFFS_CONFIG__MODULES) || defined(WUFFS_CONFIG__MODULE__BASE)\n\nconst uint8_t wuffs_base__low_bits_mask__u8[9] = {\n 0x00, 0x01, 0x03, 0x07, 0x0F, 0x1F, 0x3F, 0x7F, 0xFF,\n};\n\nconst uint16_t wuffs_base__low_bits_mask__u16[17] = {\n 0x0000, 0x0001, 0x0003, 0x0007, 0x000F, 0x001F, 0x003F, 0x007F, 0x00FF,\n 0x01FF, 0x03FF, 0x07FF, 0x0FFF, 0x1FFF, 0x3FFF, 0x7FFF, 0xFFFF,\n};\n\nconst uint32_t wuffs_base__low_bits_mask__u32[33] = {\n 0x00000000, 0x00000001, 0x00000003, 0x00000007, 0x0000000F, 0x0000001F,\n 0x0000003F, 0x0000007F, 0x000000FF, 0x000001FF, 0x000003FF, 0x000" +
"007FF,\n 0x00000FFF, 0x00001FFF, 0x00003FFF, 0x00007FFF, 0x0000FFFF, 0x0001FFFF,\n 0x0003FFFF, 0x0007FFFF, 0x000FFFFF, 0x001FFFFF, 0x003FFFFF, 0x007FFFFF,\n 0x00FFFFFF, 0x01FFFFFF, 0x03FFFFFF, 0x07FFFFFF, 0x0FFFFFFF, 0x1FFFFFFF,\n 0x3FFFFFFF, 0x7FFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF,\n};\n\nconst uint64_t wuffs_base__low_bits_mask__u64[65] = {\n 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000001, 0x0000000000000003,\n 0x0000000000000007, 0x000000000000000F, 0x000000000000001F,\n 0x000000000000003F, 0x000000000000007F, 0x00000000000000FF,\n 0x00000000000001FF, 0x00000000000003FF, 0x00000000000007FF,\n 0x0000000000000FFF, 0x0000000000001FFF, 0x0000000000003FFF,\n 0x0000000000007FFF, 0x000000000000FFFF, 0x000000000001FFFF,\n 0x000000000003FFFF, 0x000000000007FFFF, 0x00000000000FFFFF,\n 0x00000000001FFFFF, 0x00000000003FFFFF, 0x00000000007FFFFF,\n 0x0000000000FFFFFF, 0x0000000001FFFFFF, 0x0000000003FFFFFF,\n 0x0000000007FFFFFF, 0x000000000FFFFFFF, 0x000000001FFFFFFF,\n 0x000000003FFFFFFF, 0x000000007FFFFFFF, 0x00000" +
"000FFFFFFFF,\n 0x00000001FFFFFFFF, 0x00000003FFFFFFFF, 0x00000007FFFFFFFF,\n 0x0000000FFFFFFFFF, 0x0000001FFFFFFFFF, 0x0000003FFFFFFFFF,\n 0x0000007FFFFFFFFF, 0x000000FFFFFFFFFF, 0x000001FFFFFFFFFF,\n 0x000003FFFFFFFFFF, 0x000007FFFFFFFFFF, 0x00000FFFFFFFFFFF,\n 0x00001FFFFFFFFFFF, 0x00003FFFFFFFFFFF, 0x00007FFFFFFFFFFF,\n 0x0000FFFFFFFFFFFF, 0x0001FFFFFFFFFFFF, 0x0003FFFFFFFFFFFF,\n 0x0007FFFFFFFFFFFF, 0x000FFFFFFFFFFFFF, 0x001FFFFFFFFFFFFF,\n 0x003FFFFFFFFFFFFF, 0x007FFFFFFFFFFFFF, 0x00FFFFFFFFFFFFFF,\n 0x01FFFFFFFFFFFFFF, 0x03FFFFFFFFFFFFFF, 0x07FFFFFFFFFFFFFF,\n 0x0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, 0x1FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, 0x3FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF,\n 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF,\n};\n\n// !! INSERT wuffs_base__status strings.\n\n// !! INSERT InterfaceDefinitions.\n\n// !! INSERT base/image-impl.c.\n\n#endif // !defined(WUFFS_CONFIG__MODULES) ||\n // defined(WUFFS_CONFIG__MODULE__BASE)\n\n#ifdef __cplusplus\n} // extern \"C\"\n#endif\n\n#ifdef __clang__\n#pragma clang diagnostic pop\n#endif\n\n#endif // WUFFS_IMP" +
const baseImageImplC = "" +
"// ---------------- Images\n\nconst uint32_t wuffs_base__pixel_format__bits_per_channel[16] = {\n 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07,\n 0x08, 0x0A, 0x0C, 0x10, 0x18, 0x20, 0x30, 0x40,\n};\n\nstatic inline uint32_t //\nwuffs_base__swap_u32_argb_abgr(uint32_t u) {\n uint32_t o = u & 0xFF00FF00;\n uint32_t r = u & 0x00FF0000;\n uint32_t b = u & 0x000000FF;\n return o | (r >> 16) | (b << 16);\n}\n\nstatic inline uint32_t //\nwuffs_base__composite_premul_nonpremul_u32_axxx(uint32_t dst_premul,\n uint32_t src_nonpremul) {\n // Convert from 8-bit color to 16-bit color.\n uint32_t sa = 0x101 * (0xFF & (src_nonpremul >> 24));\n uint32_t sr = 0x101 * (0xFF & (src_nonpremul >> 16));\n uint32_t sg = 0x101 * (0xFF & (src_nonpremul >> 8));\n uint32_t sb = 0x101 * (0xFF & (src_nonpremul >> 0));\n uint32_t da = 0x101 * (0xFF & (dst_premul >> 24));\n uint32_t dr = 0x101 * (0xFF & (dst_premul >> 16));\n uint32_t dg = 0x101 * (0xFF & (dst_premul >> 8));\n uint32_t db = 0x101" +
" * (0xFF & (dst_premul >> 0));\n\n // Calculate the inverse of the src-alpha: how much of the dst to keep.\n uint32_t ia = 0xFFFF - sa;\n\n // Composite src (nonpremul) over dst (premul).\n da = sa + ((da * ia) / 0xFFFF);\n dr = ((sr * sa) + (dr * ia)) / 0xFFFF;\n dg = ((sg * sa) + (dg * ia)) / 0xFFFF;\n db = ((sb * sa) + (db * ia)) / 0xFFFF;\n\n // Convert from 16-bit color to 8-bit color and combine the components.\n da >>= 8;\n dr >>= 8;\n dg >>= 8;\n db >>= 8;\n return (db << 0) | (dg << 8) | (dr << 16) | (da << 24);\n}\n\nstatic inline uint32_t //\nwuffs_base__premul_u32_axxx(uint32_t nonpremul) {\n // Multiplying by 0x101 (twice, once for alpha and once for color) converts\n // from 8-bit to 16-bit color. Shifting right by 8 undoes that.\n //\n // Working in the higher bit depth can produce slightly different (and\n // arguably slightly more accurate) results. For example, given 8-bit blue\n // and alpha of 0x80 and 0x81:\n //\n // - ((0x80 * 0x81 ) / 0xFF ) = 0x40 = 0x40\n // - ((0x8080 * 0" +
"x8181) / 0xFFFF) >> 8 = 0x4101 >> 8 = 0x41\n uint32_t a = 0xFF & (nonpremul >> 24);\n uint32_t a16 = a * (0x101 * 0x101);\n\n uint32_t r = 0xFF & (nonpremul >> 16);\n r = ((r * a16) / 0xFFFF) >> 8;\n uint32_t g = 0xFF & (nonpremul >> 8);\n g = ((g * a16) / 0xFFFF) >> 8;\n uint32_t b = 0xFF & (nonpremul >> 0);\n b = ((b * a16) / 0xFFFF) >> 8;\n\n return (a << 24) | (r << 16) | (g << 8) | (b << 0);\n}\n\nstatic inline uint32_t //\nwuffs_base__nonpremul_u32_axxx(uint32_t premul) {\n uint32_t a = 0xFF & (premul >> 24);\n if (a == 0xFF) {\n return premul;\n } else if (a == 0) {\n return 0;\n }\n uint32_t a16 = a * 0x101;\n\n uint32_t r = 0xFF & (premul >> 16);\n r = ((r * (0x101 * 0xFFFF)) / a16) >> 8;\n uint32_t g = 0xFF & (premul >> 8);\n g = ((g * (0x101 * 0xFFFF)) / a16) >> 8;\n uint32_t b = 0xFF & (premul >> 0);\n b = ((b * (0x101 * 0xFFFF)) / a16) >> 8;\n\n return (a << 24) | (r << 16) | (g << 8) | (b << 0);\n}\n\nwuffs_base__color_u32_argb_premul //\nwuffs_base__pixel_buffer__color_u32_at(const wuffs_base__pixel_" +
"buffer* b,\n uint32_t x,\n uint32_t y) {\n if (!b || (x >= b->pixcfg.private_impl.width) ||\n (y >= b->pixcfg.private_impl.height)) {\n return 0;\n }\n\n if (wuffs_base__pixel_format__is_planar(&b->pixcfg.private_impl.pixfmt)) {\n // TODO: support planar formats.\n return 0;\n }\n\n size_t stride = b->private_impl.planes[0].stride;\n uint8_t* row = b->private_impl.planes[0].ptr + (stride * ((size_t)y));\n\n switch (b->pixcfg.private_impl.pixfmt.repr) {\n case WUFFS_BASE__PIXEL_FORMAT__BGRA_PREMUL:\n WUFFS_BASE__FALLTHROUGH;\n case WUFFS_BASE__PIXEL_FORMAT__BGRA_BINARY:\n return wuffs_base__load_u32le(row + (4 * ((size_t)x)));\n\n case WUFFS_BASE__PIXEL_FORMAT__INDEXED__BGRA_PREMUL:\n WUFFS_BASE__FALLTHROUGH;\n case WUFFS_BASE__PIXEL_FORMAT__INDEXED__BGRA_BINARY: {\n uint8_t* palette = b->private_impl.planes[3].ptr;\n return wuffs_base__load_u32le(palette + (4 * ((size_t)row[x])));\n }\n\n // Common" +
" formats above. Rarer formats below.\n\n case WUFFS_BASE__PIXEL_FORMAT__Y:\n return 0xFF000000 | (0x00010101 * ((uint32_t)(row[x])));\n\n case WUFFS_BASE__PIXEL_FORMAT__INDEXED__BGRA_NONPREMUL: {\n uint8_t* palette = b->private_impl.planes[3].ptr;\n return wuffs_base__premul_u32_axxx(\n wuffs_base__load_u32le(palette + (4 * ((size_t)row[x]))));\n }\n\n case WUFFS_BASE__PIXEL_FORMAT__BGR_565: {\n uint16_t bgr = wuffs_base__load_u16le(row + (2 * ((size_t)x)));\n uint32_t b5 = 0x1F & (bgr >> 0);\n uint32_t b = (b5 << 3) | (b5 >> 2);\n uint32_t g6 = 0x3F & (bgr >> 5);\n uint32_t g = (g6 << 2) | (g6 >> 4);\n uint32_t r5 = 0x1F & (bgr >> 11);\n uint32_t r = (r5 << 3) | (r5 >> 2);\n return 0xFF000000 | (r << 16) | (g << 8) | (b << 0);\n }\n case WUFFS_BASE__PIXEL_FORMAT__BGR:\n return 0xFF000000 | wuffs_base__load_u24le(row + (3 * ((size_t)x)));\n case WUFFS_BASE__PIXEL_FORMAT__BGRX:\n return 0xFF000000 | wuffs_base__load_u32le(row + (4 * ((size_" +
"t)x)));\n case WUFFS_BASE__PIXEL_FORMAT__BGRA_NONPREMUL:\n return wuffs_base__premul_u32_axxx(\n wuffs_base__load_u32le(row + (4 * ((size_t)x))));\n\n case WUFFS_BASE__PIXEL_FORMAT__RGB:\n return wuffs_base__swap_u32_argb_abgr(\n 0xFF000000 | wuffs_base__load_u24le(row + (3 * ((size_t)x))));\n case WUFFS_BASE__PIXEL_FORMAT__RGBX:\n return wuffs_base__swap_u32_argb_abgr(\n 0xFF000000 | wuffs_base__load_u32le(row + (4 * ((size_t)x))));\n case WUFFS_BASE__PIXEL_FORMAT__RGBA_NONPREMUL:\n return wuffs_base__swap_u32_argb_abgr(wuffs_base__premul_u32_axxx(\n wuffs_base__load_u32le(row + (4 * ((size_t)x)))));\n case WUFFS_BASE__PIXEL_FORMAT__RGBA_PREMUL:\n WUFFS_BASE__FALLTHROUGH;\n case WUFFS_BASE__PIXEL_FORMAT__RGBA_BINARY:\n return wuffs_base__swap_u32_argb_abgr(\n wuffs_base__load_u32le(row + (4 * ((size_t)x))));\n\n default:\n // TODO: support more formats.\n break;\n }\n\n return 0;\n}\n\nwuffs_base__status //\nwuffs_base__pixel_buf" +
"fer__set_color_u32_at(\n wuffs_base__pixel_buffer* b,\n uint32_t x,\n uint32_t y,\n wuffs_base__color_u32_argb_premul color) {\n if (!b) {\n return wuffs_base__make_status(wuffs_base__error__bad_receiver);\n }\n if ((x >= b->pixcfg.private_impl.width) ||\n (y >= b->pixcfg.private_impl.height)) {\n return wuffs_base__make_status(wuffs_base__error__bad_argument);\n }\n\n if (wuffs_base__pixel_format__is_planar(&b->pixcfg.private_impl.pixfmt)) {\n // TODO: support planar formats.\n return wuffs_base__make_status(wuffs_base__error__unsupported_option);\n }\n\n size_t stride = b->private_impl.planes[0].stride;\n uint8_t* row = b->private_impl.planes[0].ptr + (stride * ((size_t)y));\n\n switch (b->pixcfg.private_impl.pixfmt.repr) {\n case WUFFS_BASE__PIXEL_FORMAT__BGRA_PREMUL:\n WUFFS_BASE__FALLTHROUGH;\n case WUFFS_BASE__PIXEL_FORMAT__BGRX:\n wuffs_base__store_u32le(row + (4 * ((size_t)x)), color);\n break;\n\n // Common formats above. Rarer formats below.\n\n case WUFFS_BASE__" +
"PIXEL_FORMAT__BGR_565: {\n uint32_t b5 = 0x1F & (color >> (8 - 5));\n uint32_t g6 = 0x3F & (color >> (16 - 6));\n uint32_t r5 = 0x1F & (color >> (24 - 5));\n uint32_t bgr565 = (b5 << 0) | (g6 << 5) | (r5 << 11);\n wuffs_base__store_u16le(row + (2 * ((size_t)x)), (uint16_t)bgr565);\n break;\n }\n case WUFFS_BASE__PIXEL_FORMAT__BGR:\n wuffs_base__store_u24le(row + (3 * ((size_t)x)), color);\n break;\n case WUFFS_BASE__PIXEL_FORMAT__BGRA_NONPREMUL:\n wuffs_base__store_u32le(row + (4 * ((size_t)x)),\n wuffs_base__nonpremul_u32_axxx(color));\n break;\n\n case WUFFS_BASE__PIXEL_FORMAT__RGB:\n wuffs_base__store_u24le(row + (3 * ((size_t)x)),\n wuffs_base__swap_u32_argb_abgr(color));\n break;\n case WUFFS_BASE__PIXEL_FORMAT__RGBA_NONPREMUL:\n wuffs_base__store_u32le(row + (4 * ((size_t)x)),\n wuffs_base__nonpremul_u32_axxx(\n wuffs_base__swap_" +
"u32_argb_abgr(color)));\n break;\n case WUFFS_BASE__PIXEL_FORMAT__RGBA_PREMUL:\n WUFFS_BASE__FALLTHROUGH;\n case WUFFS_BASE__PIXEL_FORMAT__RGBX:\n wuffs_base__store_u32le(row + (4 * ((size_t)x)),\n wuffs_base__swap_u32_argb_abgr(color));\n break;\n\n default:\n // TODO: support more formats.\n return wuffs_base__make_status(wuffs_base__error__unsupported_option);\n }\n\n return wuffs_base__make_status(NULL);\n}\n\n" +
"" +
"// --------\n\nstatic uint64_t //\nwuffs_base__pixel_swizzler__bgra_premul__bgra_nonpremul__src(\n wuffs_base__slice_u8 dst,\n wuffs_base__slice_u8 dst_palette,\n wuffs_base__slice_u8 src) {\n size_t dst_len4 = dst.len / 4;\n size_t src_len4 = src.len / 4;\n size_t len = dst_len4 < src_len4 ? dst_len4 : src_len4;\n uint8_t* d = dst.ptr;\n uint8_t* s = src.ptr;\n size_t n = len;\n\n // TODO: unroll.\n\n while (n >= 1) {\n uint32_t s0 =\n wuffs_base__premul_u32_axxx(wuffs_base__load_u32le(s + (0 * 4)));\n wuffs_base__store_u32le(d + (0 * 4), s0);\n\n s += 1 * 4;\n d += 1 * 4;\n n -= 1;\n }\n\n return len;\n}\n\nstatic uint64_t //\nwuffs_base__pixel_swizzler__bgra_premul__bgra_nonpremul__src_over(\n wuffs_base__slice_u8 dst,\n wuffs_base__slice_u8 dst_palette,\n wuffs_base__slice_u8 src) {\n size_t dst_len4 = dst.len / 4;\n size_t src_len4 = src.len / 4;\n size_t len = dst_len4 < src_len4 ? dst_len4 : src_len4;\n uint8_t* d = dst.ptr;\n uint8_t* s = src.ptr;\n size_t n = len;\n\n // TODO: unrol" +
"l.\n\n while (n >= 1) {\n uint32_t d0 = wuffs_base__load_u32le(d + (0 * 4));\n uint32_t s0 = wuffs_base__load_u32le(s + (0 * 4));\n wuffs_base__store_u32le(\n d + (0 * 4), wuffs_base__composite_premul_nonpremul_u32_axxx(d0, s0));\n\n s += 1 * 4;\n d += 1 * 4;\n n -= 1;\n }\n\n return len;\n}\n\nstatic uint64_t //\nwuffs_base__pixel_swizzler__copy_1_1(wuffs_base__slice_u8 dst,\n wuffs_base__slice_u8 dst_palette,\n wuffs_base__slice_u8 src) {\n return wuffs_base__slice_u8__copy_from_slice(dst, src);\n}\n\nstatic uint64_t //\nwuffs_base__pixel_swizzler__copy_4_4(wuffs_base__slice_u8 dst,\n wuffs_base__slice_u8 dst_palette,\n wuffs_base__slice_u8 src) {\n size_t dst_len4 = dst.len / 4;\n size_t src_len4 = src.len / 4;\n size_t len = dst_len4 < src_len4 ? dst_len4 : src_len4;\n if (len > 0) {\n memmove(dst.ptr, src.ptr, len * 4);\n }\n return len;\n}\n\nstatic uint64_t" +
" //\nwuffs_base__pixel_swizzler__xx__index__src(wuffs_base__slice_u8 dst,\n wuffs_base__slice_u8 dst_palette,\n wuffs_base__slice_u8 src) {\n if (dst_palette.len != 1024) {\n return 0;\n }\n size_t dst_len2 = dst.len / 2;\n size_t len = dst_len2 < src.len ? dst_len2 : src.len;\n uint8_t* d = dst.ptr;\n uint8_t* s = src.ptr;\n size_t n = len;\n\n const size_t loop_unroll_count = 4;\n\n while (n >= loop_unroll_count) {\n wuffs_base__store_u16le(\n d + (0 * 2),\n wuffs_base__load_u16le(dst_palette.ptr + ((size_t)s[0] * 4)));\n wuffs_base__store_u16le(\n d + (1 * 2),\n wuffs_base__load_u16le(dst_palette.ptr + ((size_t)s[1] * 4)));\n wuffs_base__store_u16le(\n d + (2 * 2),\n wuffs_base__load_u16le(dst_palette.ptr + ((size_t)s[2] * 4)));\n wuffs_base__store_u16le(\n d + (3 * 2),\n wuffs_base__load_u16le(dst_palette.ptr + ((size_t)s[3] * 4)));\n\n s += loop_unroll_count * 1;\n " +
"d += loop_unroll_count * 2;\n n -= loop_unroll_count;\n }\n\n while (n >= 1) {\n wuffs_base__store_u16le(\n d + (0 * 2),\n wuffs_base__load_u16le(dst_palette.ptr + ((size_t)s[0] * 4)));\n\n s += 1 * 1;\n d += 1 * 2;\n n -= 1;\n }\n\n return len;\n}\n\nstatic uint64_t //\nwuffs_base__pixel_swizzler__xxx__index__src(wuffs_base__slice_u8 dst,\n wuffs_base__slice_u8 dst_palette,\n wuffs_base__slice_u8 src) {\n if (dst_palette.len != 1024) {\n return 0;\n }\n size_t dst_len3 = dst.len / 3;\n size_t len = dst_len3 < src.len ? dst_len3 : src.len;\n uint8_t* d = dst.ptr;\n uint8_t* s = src.ptr;\n size_t n = len;\n\n const size_t loop_unroll_count = 4;\n\n // The comparison in the while condition is \">\", not \">=\", because with \">=\",\n // the last 4-byte store could write past the end of the dst slice.\n //\n // Each 4-byte store writes one too many bytes, but a subsequent store will\n // overwrite that with the correct " +
"byte. There is always another store,\n // whether a 4-byte store in this loop or a 1-byte store in the next loop.\n while (n > loop_unroll_count) {\n wuffs_base__store_u32le(\n d + (0 * 3),\n wuffs_base__load_u32le(dst_palette.ptr + ((size_t)s[0] * 4)));\n wuffs_base__store_u32le(\n d + (1 * 3),\n wuffs_base__load_u32le(dst_palette.ptr + ((size_t)s[1] * 4)));\n wuffs_base__store_u32le(\n d + (2 * 3),\n wuffs_base__load_u32le(dst_palette.ptr + ((size_t)s[2] * 4)));\n wuffs_base__store_u32le(\n d + (3 * 3),\n wuffs_base__load_u32le(dst_palette.ptr + ((size_t)s[3] * 4)));\n\n s += loop_unroll_count * 1;\n d += loop_unroll_count * 3;\n n -= loop_unroll_count;\n }\n\n while (n >= 1) {\n uint32_t s0 = wuffs_base__load_u32le(dst_palette.ptr + ((size_t)s[0] * 4));\n d[0] = (uint8_t)(s0 >> 0);\n d[1] = (uint8_t)(s0 >> 8);\n d[2] = (uint8_t)(s0 >> 16);\n\n s += 1 * 1;\n d += 1 * 3;\n n -= 1;\n }\n\n return len;\n}\n\nstatic uint64_t //\nwuffs_base__pi" +
"xel_swizzler__xxx__index_binary_alpha__src_over(\n wuffs_base__slice_u8 dst,\n wuffs_base__slice_u8 dst_palette,\n wuffs_base__slice_u8 src) {\n if (dst_palette.len != 1024) {\n return 0;\n }\n size_t dst_len3 = dst.len / 3;\n size_t len = dst_len3 < src.len ? dst_len3 : src.len;\n uint8_t* d = dst.ptr;\n uint8_t* s = src.ptr;\n size_t n = len;\n\n const size_t loop_unroll_count = 4;\n\n while (n >= loop_unroll_count) {\n uint32_t s0 = wuffs_base__load_u32le(dst_palette.ptr + ((size_t)s[0] * 4));\n if (s0) {\n wuffs_base__store_u24le(d + (0 * 4), s0);\n }\n uint32_t s1 = wuffs_base__load_u32le(dst_palette.ptr + ((size_t)s[1] * 4));\n if (s1) {\n wuffs_base__store_u24le(d + (1 * 4), s1);\n }\n uint32_t s2 = wuffs_base__load_u32le(dst_palette.ptr + ((size_t)s[2] * 4));\n if (s2) {\n wuffs_base__store_u24le(d + (2 * 4), s2);\n }\n uint32_t s3 = wuffs_base__load_u32le(dst_palette.ptr + ((size_t)s[3] * 4));\n if (s3) {\n wuffs_base__store_u24le(d + (3 * 4), s3);\n }\n\n " +
" s += loop_unroll_count * 1;\n d += loop_unroll_count * 3;\n n -= loop_unroll_count;\n }\n\n while (n >= 1) {\n uint32_t s0 = wuffs_base__load_u32le(dst_palette.ptr + ((size_t)s[0] * 4));\n if (s0) {\n wuffs_base__store_u24le(d + (0 * 4), s0);\n }\n\n s += 1 * 1;\n d += 1 * 3;\n n -= 1;\n }\n\n return len;\n}\n\nstatic uint64_t //\nwuffs_base__pixel_swizzler__xxxx__index__src(wuffs_base__slice_u8 dst,\n wuffs_base__slice_u8 dst_palette,\n wuffs_base__slice_u8 src) {\n if (dst_palette.len != 1024) {\n return 0;\n }\n size_t dst_len4 = dst.len / 4;\n size_t len = dst_len4 < src.len ? dst_len4 : src.len;\n uint8_t* d = dst.ptr;\n uint8_t* s = src.ptr;\n size_t n = len;\n\n const size_t loop_unroll_count = 4;\n\n while (n >= loop_unroll_count) {\n wuffs_base__store_u32le(\n d + (0 * 4),\n wuffs_base__load_u32le(dst_palette.ptr + ((size_t)s[0] * 4)));\n wuffs_base__store_u32le(\n d + (1 * 4)," +
"\n wuffs_base__load_u32le(dst_palette.ptr + ((size_t)s[1] * 4)));\n wuffs_base__store_u32le(\n d + (2 * 4),\n wuffs_base__load_u32le(dst_palette.ptr + ((size_t)s[2] * 4)));\n wuffs_base__store_u32le(\n d + (3 * 4),\n wuffs_base__load_u32le(dst_palette.ptr + ((size_t)s[3] * 4)));\n\n s += loop_unroll_count * 1;\n d += loop_unroll_count * 4;\n n -= loop_unroll_count;\n }\n\n while (n >= 1) {\n wuffs_base__store_u32le(\n d + (0 * 4),\n wuffs_base__load_u32le(dst_palette.ptr + ((size_t)s[0] * 4)));\n\n s += 1 * 1;\n d += 1 * 4;\n n -= 1;\n }\n\n return len;\n}\n\nstatic uint64_t //\nwuffs_base__pixel_swizzler__xxxx__index_binary_alpha__src_over(\n wuffs_base__slice_u8 dst,\n wuffs_base__slice_u8 dst_palette,\n wuffs_base__slice_u8 src) {\n if (dst_palette.len != 1024) {\n return 0;\n }\n size_t dst_len4 = dst.len / 4;\n size_t len = dst_len4 < src.len ? dst_len4 : src.len;\n uint8_t* d = dst.ptr;\n uint8_t* s = src.ptr;\n size_t n = len;\n\n const size_t" +
" loop_unroll_count = 4;\n\n while (n >= loop_unroll_count) {\n uint32_t s0 = wuffs_base__load_u32le(dst_palette.ptr + ((size_t)s[0] * 4));\n if (s0) {\n wuffs_base__store_u32le(d + (0 * 4), s0);\n }\n uint32_t s1 = wuffs_base__load_u32le(dst_palette.ptr + ((size_t)s[1] * 4));\n if (s1) {\n wuffs_base__store_u32le(d + (1 * 4), s1);\n }\n uint32_t s2 = wuffs_base__load_u32le(dst_palette.ptr + ((size_t)s[2] * 4));\n if (s2) {\n wuffs_base__store_u32le(d + (2 * 4), s2);\n }\n uint32_t s3 = wuffs_base__load_u32le(dst_palette.ptr + ((size_t)s[3] * 4));\n if (s3) {\n wuffs_base__store_u32le(d + (3 * 4), s3);\n }\n\n s += loop_unroll_count * 1;\n d += loop_unroll_count * 4;\n n -= loop_unroll_count;\n }\n\n while (n >= 1) {\n uint32_t s0 = wuffs_base__load_u32le(dst_palette.ptr + ((size_t)s[0] * 4));\n if (s0) {\n wuffs_base__store_u32le(d + (0 * 4), s0);\n }\n\n s += 1 * 1;\n d += 1 * 4;\n n -= 1;\n }\n\n return len;\n}\n\nstatic uint64_t //\nwuffs_base__pixel_sw" +
"izzler__xxxx__xxx(wuffs_base__slice_u8 dst,\n wuffs_base__slice_u8 dst_palette,\n wuffs_base__slice_u8 src) {\n size_t dst_len4 = dst.len / 4;\n size_t src_len3 = src.len / 3;\n size_t len = dst_len4 < src_len3 ? dst_len4 : src_len3;\n uint8_t* d = dst.ptr;\n uint8_t* s = src.ptr;\n size_t n = len;\n\n // TODO: unroll.\n\n while (n >= 1) {\n wuffs_base__store_u32le(d + (0 * 4),\n 0xFF000000 | wuffs_base__load_u24le(s + (0 * 3)));\n\n s += 1 * 3;\n d += 1 * 4;\n n -= 1;\n }\n\n return len;\n}\n\nstatic uint64_t //\nwuffs_base__pixel_swizzler__xxxx__y(wuffs_base__slice_u8 dst,\n wuffs_base__slice_u8 dst_palette,\n wuffs_base__slice_u8 src) {\n size_t dst_len4 = dst.len / 4;\n size_t len = dst_len4 < src.len ? dst_len4 : src.len;\n uint8_t* d = dst.ptr;\n uint8_t* s = src.ptr;\n size_t n = len;\n\n // TODO: unroll.\n\n while (n >= 1) {\n wuffs_base" +
"__store_u32le(d + (0 * 4),\n 0xFF000000 | (0x010101 * (uint32_t)s[0]));\n\n s += 1 * 1;\n d += 1 * 4;\n n -= 1;\n }\n\n return len;\n}\n\n" +
"" +
"// --------\n\nstatic uint64_t //\nwuffs_base__pixel_swizzler__squash_bgr_565_888(wuffs_base__slice_u8 dst,\n wuffs_base__slice_u8 src) {\n size_t len4 = (dst.len < src.len ? dst.len : src.len) / 4;\n uint8_t* d = dst.ptr;\n uint8_t* s = src.ptr;\n\n size_t n = len4;\n while (n--) {\n uint32_t argb = wuffs_base__load_u32le(s);\n uint32_t b5 = 0x1F & (argb >> (8 - 5));\n uint32_t g6 = 0x3F & (argb >> (16 - 6));\n uint32_t r5 = 0x1F & (argb >> (24 - 5));\n wuffs_base__store_u32le(d, (b5 << 0) | (g6 << 5) | (r5 << 11));\n s += 4;\n d += 4;\n }\n return len4 * 4;\n}\n\nstatic uint64_t //\nwuffs_base__pixel_swizzler__swap_rgbx_bgrx(wuffs_base__slice_u8 dst,\n wuffs_base__slice_u8 src) {\n size_t len4 = (dst.len < src.len ? dst.len : src.len) / 4;\n uint8_t* d = dst.ptr;\n uint8_t* s = src.ptr;\n\n size_t n = len4;\n while (n--) {\n uint8_t b0 = s[0];\n uint8_t b1 = s[1];\n uint8_t b2 = s[2];\n uint8_t b3 = s[3];\n " +
" d[0] = b2;\n d[1] = b1;\n d[2] = b0;\n d[3] = b3;\n s += 4;\n d += 4;\n }\n return len4 * 4;\n}\n\n" +
"" +
"// --------\n\nstatic wuffs_base__pixel_swizzler__func //\nwuffs_base__pixel_swizzler__prepare__y(wuffs_base__pixel_swizzler* p,\n wuffs_base__pixel_format dst_format,\n wuffs_base__slice_u8 dst_palette,\n wuffs_base__slice_u8 src_palette,\n wuffs_base__pixel_blend blend) {\n switch (dst_format.repr) {\n case WUFFS_BASE__PIXEL_FORMAT__BGR_565:\n // TODO.\n break;\n\n case WUFFS_BASE__PIXEL_FORMAT__BGR:\n case WUFFS_BASE__PIXEL_FORMAT__RGB:\n // TODO.\n break;\n\n case WUFFS_BASE__PIXEL_FORMAT__BGRX:\n case WUFFS_BASE__PIXEL_FORMAT__BGRA_NONPREMUL:\n case WUFFS_BASE__PIXEL_FORMAT__BGRA_PREMUL:\n case WUFFS_BASE__PIXEL_FORMAT__BGRA_BINARY:\n case WUFFS_BASE__PIXEL_FORMAT__RGBX:\n case WUFFS_BASE__PIXEL_FORMAT__RGBA_NONPREMUL:\n case WUFFS_BASE__PIXEL_FORMAT__RGBA_PREMUL:\n case WUFFS_BASE__PIXEL_FORMAT__RGBA_BINARY:\n return wuf" +
"fs_base__pixel_swizzler__xxxx__y;\n }\n return NULL;\n}\n\nstatic wuffs_base__pixel_swizzler__func //\nwuffs_base__pixel_swizzler__prepare__indexed__bgra_binary(\n wuffs_base__pixel_swizzler* p,\n wuffs_base__pixel_format dst_format,\n wuffs_base__slice_u8 dst_palette,\n wuffs_base__slice_u8 src_palette,\n wuffs_base__pixel_blend blend) {\n switch (dst_format.repr) {\n case WUFFS_BASE__PIXEL_FORMAT__INDEXED__BGRA_NONPREMUL:\n case WUFFS_BASE__PIXEL_FORMAT__INDEXED__BGRA_PREMUL:\n case WUFFS_BASE__PIXEL_FORMAT__INDEXED__BGRA_BINARY:\n if (wuffs_base__slice_u8__copy_from_slice(dst_palette, src_palette) !=\n 1024) {\n return NULL;\n }\n switch (blend) {\n case WUFFS_BASE__PIXEL_BLEND__SRC:\n return wuffs_base__pixel_swizzler__copy_1_1;\n }\n return NULL;\n\n case WUFFS_BASE__PIXEL_FORMAT__BGR_565:\n if (wuffs_base__pixel_swizzler__squash_bgr_565_888(dst_palette,\n src_palette) != 1024) {\n " +
" return NULL;\n }\n switch (blend) {\n case WUFFS_BASE__PIXEL_BLEND__SRC:\n return wuffs_base__pixel_swizzler__xx__index__src;\n }\n return NULL;\n\n case WUFFS_BASE__PIXEL_FORMAT__BGR:\n if (wuffs_base__slice_u8__copy_from_slice(dst_palette, src_palette) !=\n 1024) {\n return NULL;\n }\n switch (blend) {\n case WUFFS_BASE__PIXEL_BLEND__SRC:\n return wuffs_base__pixel_swizzler__xxx__index__src;\n case WUFFS_BASE__PIXEL_BLEND__SRC_OVER:\n return wuffs_base__pixel_swizzler__xxx__index_binary_alpha__src_over;\n }\n return NULL;\n\n case WUFFS_BASE__PIXEL_FORMAT__BGRA_NONPREMUL:\n case WUFFS_BASE__PIXEL_FORMAT__BGRA_PREMUL:\n case WUFFS_BASE__PIXEL_FORMAT__BGRA_BINARY:\n if (wuffs_base__slice_u8__copy_from_slice(dst_palette, src_palette) !=\n 1024) {\n return NULL;\n }\n switch (blend) {\n case WUFFS_BASE__PIXEL_BLEND__SRC:\n return wuffs_base__pixel_swizzler__xxxx__index__sr" +
"c;\n case WUFFS_BASE__PIXEL_BLEND__SRC_OVER:\n return wuffs_base__pixel_swizzler__xxxx__index_binary_alpha__src_over;\n }\n return NULL;\n\n case WUFFS_BASE__PIXEL_FORMAT__RGB:\n if (wuffs_base__pixel_swizzler__swap_rgbx_bgrx(dst_palette,\n src_palette) != 1024) {\n return NULL;\n }\n switch (blend) {\n case WUFFS_BASE__PIXEL_BLEND__SRC:\n return wuffs_base__pixel_swizzler__xxx__index__src;\n case WUFFS_BASE__PIXEL_BLEND__SRC_OVER:\n return wuffs_base__pixel_swizzler__xxx__index_binary_alpha__src_over;\n }\n return NULL;\n\n case WUFFS_BASE__PIXEL_FORMAT__RGBA_NONPREMUL:\n case WUFFS_BASE__PIXEL_FORMAT__RGBA_PREMUL:\n case WUFFS_BASE__PIXEL_FORMAT__RGBA_BINARY:\n if (wuffs_base__pixel_swizzler__swap_rgbx_bgrx(dst_palette,\n src_palette) != 1024) {\n return NULL;\n }\n switch (blend) {\n case WUFFS_BASE__P" +
"IXEL_BLEND__SRC:\n return wuffs_base__pixel_swizzler__xxxx__index__src;\n case WUFFS_BASE__PIXEL_BLEND__SRC_OVER:\n return wuffs_base__pixel_swizzler__xxxx__index_binary_alpha__src_over;\n }\n return NULL;\n }\n return NULL;\n}\n\nstatic wuffs_base__pixel_swizzler__func //\nwuffs_base__pixel_swizzler__prepare__bgr(wuffs_base__pixel_swizzler* p,\n wuffs_base__pixel_format dst_format,\n wuffs_base__slice_u8 dst_palette,\n wuffs_base__slice_u8 src_palette,\n wuffs_base__pixel_blend blend) {\n switch (dst_format.repr) {\n case WUFFS_BASE__PIXEL_FORMAT__BGR_565:\n // TODO.\n break;\n\n case WUFFS_BASE__PIXEL_FORMAT__BGR:\n case WUFFS_BASE__PIXEL_FORMAT__RGB:\n // TODO.\n break;\n\n case WUFFS_BASE__PIXEL_FORMAT__BGRX:\n case WUFFS_BASE__PIXEL_FORMAT__BGRA_NONPREMUL:\n case WUFFS_BASE__PIXEL_FORMAT__BGRA_PREMU" +
"L:\n case WUFFS_BASE__PIXEL_FORMAT__BGRA_BINARY:\n return wuffs_base__pixel_swizzler__xxxx__xxx;\n\n case WUFFS_BASE__PIXEL_FORMAT__RGBX:\n case WUFFS_BASE__PIXEL_FORMAT__RGBA_NONPREMUL:\n case WUFFS_BASE__PIXEL_FORMAT__RGBA_PREMUL:\n case WUFFS_BASE__PIXEL_FORMAT__RGBA_BINARY:\n // TODO.\n break;\n }\n return NULL;\n}\n\nstatic wuffs_base__pixel_swizzler__func //\nwuffs_base__pixel_swizzler__prepare__bgra_nonpremul(\n wuffs_base__pixel_swizzler* p,\n wuffs_base__pixel_format dst_format,\n wuffs_base__slice_u8 dst_palette,\n wuffs_base__slice_u8 src_palette,\n wuffs_base__pixel_blend blend) {\n switch (dst_format.repr) {\n case WUFFS_BASE__PIXEL_FORMAT__BGR_565:\n // TODO.\n break;\n\n case WUFFS_BASE__PIXEL_FORMAT__BGR:\n case WUFFS_BASE__PIXEL_FORMAT__RGB:\n // TODO.\n break;\n\n case WUFFS_BASE__PIXEL_FORMAT__BGRX:\n case WUFFS_BASE__PIXEL_FORMAT__BGRA_NONPREMUL:\n switch (blend) {\n case WUFFS_BASE__PIXEL_BLEND__SRC:\n return wuffs_base" +
"__pixel_swizzler__copy_4_4;\n }\n return NULL;\n\n case WUFFS_BASE__PIXEL_FORMAT__BGRA_PREMUL:\n switch (blend) {\n case WUFFS_BASE__PIXEL_BLEND__SRC:\n return wuffs_base__pixel_swizzler__bgra_premul__bgra_nonpremul__src;\n case WUFFS_BASE__PIXEL_BLEND__SRC_OVER:\n return wuffs_base__pixel_swizzler__bgra_premul__bgra_nonpremul__src_over;\n }\n return NULL;\n\n case WUFFS_BASE__PIXEL_FORMAT__BGRA_BINARY:\n // TODO.\n break;\n\n case WUFFS_BASE__PIXEL_FORMAT__RGBX:\n case WUFFS_BASE__PIXEL_FORMAT__RGBA_NONPREMUL:\n case WUFFS_BASE__PIXEL_FORMAT__RGBA_PREMUL:\n case WUFFS_BASE__PIXEL_FORMAT__RGBA_BINARY:\n // TODO.\n break;\n }\n return NULL;\n}\n\n" +
"" +
"// --------\n\nwuffs_base__status //\nwuffs_base__pixel_swizzler__prepare(wuffs_base__pixel_swizzler* p,\n wuffs_base__pixel_format dst_format,\n wuffs_base__slice_u8 dst_palette,\n wuffs_base__pixel_format src_format,\n wuffs_base__slice_u8 src_palette,\n wuffs_base__pixel_blend blend) {\n if (!p) {\n return wuffs_base__make_status(wuffs_base__error__bad_receiver);\n }\n\n // TODO: support many more formats.\n\n wuffs_base__pixel_swizzler__func func = NULL;\n\n switch (src_format.repr) {\n case WUFFS_BASE__PIXEL_FORMAT__Y:\n func = wuffs_base__pixel_swizzler__prepare__y(p, dst_format, dst_palette,\n src_palette, blend);\n break;\n\n case WUFFS_BASE__PIXEL_FORMAT__INDEXED__BGRA_BINARY:\n func = wuffs_base__pixel_swizzler__prepare__indexed__bgra_binary(\n p, dst_format, dst_" +
"palette, src_palette, blend);\n break;\n\n case WUFFS_BASE__PIXEL_FORMAT__BGR:\n func = wuffs_base__pixel_swizzler__prepare__bgr(\n p, dst_format, dst_palette, src_palette, blend);\n break;\n\n case WUFFS_BASE__PIXEL_FORMAT__BGRA_NONPREMUL:\n func = wuffs_base__pixel_swizzler__prepare__bgra_nonpremul(\n p, dst_format, dst_palette, src_palette, blend);\n break;\n }\n\n p->private_impl.func = func;\n return wuffs_base__make_status(\n func ? NULL : wuffs_base__error__unsupported_pixel_swizzler_option);\n}\n\nuint64_t //\nwuffs_base__pixel_swizzler__swizzle_interleaved(\n const wuffs_base__pixel_swizzler* p,\n wuffs_base__slice_u8 dst,\n wuffs_base__slice_u8 dst_palette,\n wuffs_base__slice_u8 src) {\n if (p && p->private_impl.func) {\n return (*p->private_impl.func)(dst, dst_palette, src);\n }\n return 0;\n}\n" +
const baseCorePrivateH = "" +
"static inline wuffs_base__empty_struct //\nwuffs_base__ignore_status(wuffs_base__status z) {\n return wuffs_base__make_empty_struct();\n}\n\n// WUFFS_BASE__MAGIC is a magic number to check that initializers are called.\n// It's not foolproof, given C doesn't automatically zero memory before use,\n// but it should catch 99.99% of cases.\n//\n// Its (non-zero) value is arbitrary, based on md5sum(\"wuffs\").\n#define WUFFS_BASE__MAGIC ((uint32_t)0x3CCB6C71)\n\n// WUFFS_BASE__DISABLED is a magic number to indicate that a non-recoverable\n// error was previously encountered.\n//\n// Its (non-zero) value is arbitrary, based on md5sum(\"disabled\").\n#define WUFFS_BASE__DISABLED ((uint32_t)0x075AE3D2)\n\n// Denote intentional fallthroughs for -Wimplicit-fallthrough.\n//\n// The order matters here. Clang also defines \"__GNUC__\".\n#if defined(__clang__) && defined(__cplusplus) && (__cplusplus >= 201103L)\n#define WUFFS_BASE__FALLTHROUGH [[clang::fallthrough]]\n#elif !defined(__clang__) && defined(__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ >= 7)\n#define WUFFS_BAS" +
"E__FALLTHROUGH __attribute__((fallthrough))\n#else\n#define WUFFS_BASE__FALLTHROUGH\n#endif\n\n// Use switch cases for coroutine suspension points, similar to the technique\n// in\n//\n// We use trivial macros instead of an explicit assignment and case statement\n// so that clang-format doesn't get confused by the unusual \"case\"s.\n#define WUFFS_BASE__COROUTINE_SUSPENSION_POINT_0 case 0:;\n#define WUFFS_BASE__COROUTINE_SUSPENSION_POINT(n) \\\n coro_susp_point = n; \\\n WUFFS_BASE__FALLTHROUGH; \\\n case n:;\n\n#define WUFFS_BASE__COROUTINE_SUSPENSION_POINT_MAYBE_SUSPEND(n) \\\n if (!status.repr) { \\\n goto ok; \\\n } else if (*status.repr != '$') { \\\n goto exit; \\\n } \\\n coro_susp_point" +
" = n; \\\n goto suspend; \\\n case n:;\n\n// Clang also defines \"__GNUC__\".\n#if defined(__GNUC__)\n#define WUFFS_BASE__LIKELY(expr) (__builtin_expect(!!(expr), 1))\n#define WUFFS_BASE__UNLIKELY(expr) (__builtin_expect(!!(expr), 0))\n#else\n#define WUFFS_BASE__LIKELY(expr) (expr)\n#define WUFFS_BASE__UNLIKELY(expr) (expr)\n#endif\n\n// The helpers below are functions, instead of macros, because their arguments\n// can be an expression that we shouldn't evaluate more than once.\n//\n// They are static, so that linking multiple wuffs .o files won't complain about\n// duplicate function definitions.\n//\n// They are explicitly marked inline, even if modern compilers don't use the\n// inline attribute to guide optimizations such as inlining, to avoid the\n// -Wunused-function warning, and we like to compile with -Wall -Werror.\n\n" +
"" +
"// ---------------- Numeric Types\n\nstatic inline uint8_t //\nwuffs_base__load_u8be(uint8_t* p) {\n return p[0];\n}\n\nstatic inline uint16_t //\nwuffs_base__load_u16be(uint8_t* p) {\n return (uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(p[0]) << 8) | ((uint16_t)(p[1]) << 0));\n}\n\nstatic inline uint16_t //\nwuffs_base__load_u16le(uint8_t* p) {\n return (uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(p[0]) << 0) | ((uint16_t)(p[1]) << 8));\n}\n\nstatic inline uint32_t //\nwuffs_base__load_u24be(uint8_t* p) {\n return ((uint32_t)(p[0]) << 16) | ((uint32_t)(p[1]) << 8) |\n ((uint32_t)(p[2]) << 0);\n}\n\nstatic inline uint32_t //\nwuffs_base__load_u24le(uint8_t* p) {\n return ((uint32_t)(p[0]) << 0) | ((uint32_t)(p[1]) << 8) |\n ((uint32_t)(p[2]) << 16);\n}\n\nstatic inline uint32_t //\nwuffs_base__load_u32be(uint8_t* p) {\n return ((uint32_t)(p[0]) << 24) | ((uint32_t)(p[1]) << 16) |\n ((uint32_t)(p[2]) << 8) | ((uint32_t)(p[3]) << 0);\n}\n\nstatic inline uint32_t //\nwuffs_base__load_u32le(uint8_t* p) {\n return ((uint32_t)(p[0]) << 0) | ((uint32_t)(p[1]" +
") << 8) |\n ((uint32_t)(p[2]) << 16) | ((uint32_t)(p[3]) << 24);\n}\n\nstatic inline uint64_t //\nwuffs_base__load_u40be(uint8_t* p) {\n return ((uint64_t)(p[0]) << 32) | ((uint64_t)(p[1]) << 24) |\n ((uint64_t)(p[2]) << 16) | ((uint64_t)(p[3]) << 8) |\n ((uint64_t)(p[4]) << 0);\n}\n\nstatic inline uint64_t //\nwuffs_base__load_u40le(uint8_t* p) {\n return ((uint64_t)(p[0]) << 0) | ((uint64_t)(p[1]) << 8) |\n ((uint64_t)(p[2]) << 16) | ((uint64_t)(p[3]) << 24) |\n ((uint64_t)(p[4]) << 32);\n}\n\nstatic inline uint64_t //\nwuffs_base__load_u48be(uint8_t* p) {\n return ((uint64_t)(p[0]) << 40) | ((uint64_t)(p[1]) << 32) |\n ((uint64_t)(p[2]) << 24) | ((uint64_t)(p[3]) << 16) |\n ((uint64_t)(p[4]) << 8) | ((uint64_t)(p[5]) << 0);\n}\n\nstatic inline uint64_t //\nwuffs_base__load_u48le(uint8_t* p) {\n return ((uint64_t)(p[0]) << 0) | ((uint64_t)(p[1]) << 8) |\n ((uint64_t)(p[2]) << 16) | ((uint64_t)(p[3]) << 24) |\n ((uint64_t)(p[4]) << 32) | ((uint64_t)(p[5]) <<" +
" 40);\n}\n\nstatic inline uint64_t //\nwuffs_base__load_u56be(uint8_t* p) {\n return ((uint64_t)(p[0]) << 48) | ((uint64_t)(p[1]) << 40) |\n ((uint64_t)(p[2]) << 32) | ((uint64_t)(p[3]) << 24) |\n ((uint64_t)(p[4]) << 16) | ((uint64_t)(p[5]) << 8) |\n ((uint64_t)(p[6]) << 0);\n}\n\nstatic inline uint64_t //\nwuffs_base__load_u56le(uint8_t* p) {\n return ((uint64_t)(p[0]) << 0) | ((uint64_t)(p[1]) << 8) |\n ((uint64_t)(p[2]) << 16) | ((uint64_t)(p[3]) << 24) |\n ((uint64_t)(p[4]) << 32) | ((uint64_t)(p[5]) << 40) |\n ((uint64_t)(p[6]) << 48);\n}\n\nstatic inline uint64_t //\nwuffs_base__load_u64be(uint8_t* p) {\n return ((uint64_t)(p[0]) << 56) | ((uint64_t)(p[1]) << 48) |\n ((uint64_t)(p[2]) << 40) | ((uint64_t)(p[3]) << 32) |\n ((uint64_t)(p[4]) << 24) | ((uint64_t)(p[5]) << 16) |\n ((uint64_t)(p[6]) << 8) | ((uint64_t)(p[7]) << 0);\n}\n\nstatic inline uint64_t //\nwuffs_base__load_u64le(uint8_t* p) {\n return ((uint64_t)(p[0]) << 0) | ((uint64_t)(p[1]) << 8" +
") |\n ((uint64_t)(p[2]) << 16) | ((uint64_t)(p[3]) << 24) |\n ((uint64_t)(p[4]) << 32) | ((uint64_t)(p[5]) << 40) |\n ((uint64_t)(p[6]) << 48) | ((uint64_t)(p[7]) << 56);\n}\n\n" +
"" +
"// --------\n\nstatic inline void //\nwuffs_base__store_u8be(uint8_t* p, uint8_t x) {\n p[0] = x;\n}\n\nstatic inline void //\nwuffs_base__store_u16be(uint8_t* p, uint16_t x) {\n p[0] = (uint8_t)(x >> 8);\n p[1] = (uint8_t)(x >> 0);\n}\n\nstatic inline void //\nwuffs_base__store_u16le(uint8_t* p, uint16_t x) {\n p[0] = (uint8_t)(x >> 0);\n p[1] = (uint8_t)(x >> 8);\n}\n\nstatic inline void //\nwuffs_base__store_u24be(uint8_t* p, uint32_t x) {\n p[0] = (uint8_t)(x >> 16);\n p[1] = (uint8_t)(x >> 8);\n p[2] = (uint8_t)(x >> 0);\n}\n\nstatic inline void //\nwuffs_base__store_u24le(uint8_t* p, uint32_t x) {\n p[0] = (uint8_t)(x >> 0);\n p[1] = (uint8_t)(x >> 8);\n p[2] = (uint8_t)(x >> 16);\n}\n\nstatic inline void //\nwuffs_base__store_u32be(uint8_t* p, uint32_t x) {\n p[0] = (uint8_t)(x >> 24);\n p[1] = (uint8_t)(x >> 16);\n p[2] = (uint8_t)(x >> 8);\n p[3] = (uint8_t)(x >> 0);\n}\n\nstatic inline void //\nwuffs_base__store_u32le(uint8_t* p, uint32_t x) {\n p[0] = (uint8_t)(x >> 0);\n p[1] = (uint8_t)(x >> 8);\n p[2] = (uint8_t)(x" +
" >> 16);\n p[3] = (uint8_t)(x >> 24);\n}\n\nstatic inline void //\nwuffs_base__store_u40be(uint8_t* p, uint64_t x) {\n p[0] = (uint8_t)(x >> 32);\n p[1] = (uint8_t)(x >> 24);\n p[2] = (uint8_t)(x >> 16);\n p[3] = (uint8_t)(x >> 8);\n p[4] = (uint8_t)(x >> 0);\n}\n\nstatic inline void //\nwuffs_base__store_u40le(uint8_t* p, uint64_t x) {\n p[0] = (uint8_t)(x >> 0);\n p[1] = (uint8_t)(x >> 8);\n p[2] = (uint8_t)(x >> 16);\n p[3] = (uint8_t)(x >> 24);\n p[4] = (uint8_t)(x >> 32);\n}\n\nstatic inline void //\nwuffs_base__store_u48be(uint8_t* p, uint64_t x) {\n p[0] = (uint8_t)(x >> 40);\n p[1] = (uint8_t)(x >> 32);\n p[2] = (uint8_t)(x >> 24);\n p[3] = (uint8_t)(x >> 16);\n p[4] = (uint8_t)(x >> 8);\n p[5] = (uint8_t)(x >> 0);\n}\n\nstatic inline void //\nwuffs_base__store_u48le(uint8_t* p, uint64_t x) {\n p[0] = (uint8_t)(x >> 0);\n p[1] = (uint8_t)(x >> 8);\n p[2] = (uint8_t)(x >> 16);\n p[3] = (uint8_t)(x >> 24);\n p[4] = (uint8_t)(x >> 32);\n p[5] = (uint8_t)(x >> 40);\n}\n\nstatic inline void //\nwuffs_base__store_u56be(ui" +
"nt8_t* p, uint64_t x) {\n p[0] = (uint8_t)(x >> 48);\n p[1] = (uint8_t)(x >> 40);\n p[2] = (uint8_t)(x >> 32);\n p[3] = (uint8_t)(x >> 24);\n p[4] = (uint8_t)(x >> 16);\n p[5] = (uint8_t)(x >> 8);\n p[6] = (uint8_t)(x >> 0);\n}\n\nstatic inline void //\nwuffs_base__store_u56le(uint8_t* p, uint64_t x) {\n p[0] = (uint8_t)(x >> 0);\n p[1] = (uint8_t)(x >> 8);\n p[2] = (uint8_t)(x >> 16);\n p[3] = (uint8_t)(x >> 24);\n p[4] = (uint8_t)(x >> 32);\n p[5] = (uint8_t)(x >> 40);\n p[6] = (uint8_t)(x >> 48);\n}\n\nstatic inline void //\nwuffs_base__store_u64be(uint8_t* p, uint64_t x) {\n p[0] = (uint8_t)(x >> 56);\n p[1] = (uint8_t)(x >> 48);\n p[2] = (uint8_t)(x >> 40);\n p[3] = (uint8_t)(x >> 32);\n p[4] = (uint8_t)(x >> 24);\n p[5] = (uint8_t)(x >> 16);\n p[6] = (uint8_t)(x >> 8);\n p[7] = (uint8_t)(x >> 0);\n}\n\nstatic inline void //\nwuffs_base__store_u64le(uint8_t* p, uint64_t x) {\n p[0] = (uint8_t)(x >> 0);\n p[1] = (uint8_t)(x >> 8);\n p[2] = (uint8_t)(x >> 16);\n p[3] = (uint8_t)(x >> 24);\n p[4] = (uint8_t)(x >> 32" +
");\n p[5] = (uint8_t)(x >> 40);\n p[6] = (uint8_t)(x >> 48);\n p[7] = (uint8_t)(x >> 56);\n}\n\n" +
"" +
"// --------\n\nextern const uint8_t wuffs_base__low_bits_mask__u8[9];\nextern const uint16_t wuffs_base__low_bits_mask__u16[17];\nextern const uint32_t wuffs_base__low_bits_mask__u32[33];\nextern const uint64_t wuffs_base__low_bits_mask__u64[65];\n\n#define WUFFS_BASE__LOW_BITS_MASK__U8(n) (wuffs_base__low_bits_mask__u8[n])\n#define WUFFS_BASE__LOW_BITS_MASK__U16(n) (wuffs_base__low_bits_mask__u16[n])\n#define WUFFS_BASE__LOW_BITS_MASK__U32(n) (wuffs_base__low_bits_mask__u32[n])\n#define WUFFS_BASE__LOW_BITS_MASK__U64(n) (wuffs_base__low_bits_mask__u64[n])\n\n" +
"" +
"// --------\n\nstatic inline void //\nwuffs_base__u8__sat_add_indirect(uint8_t* x, uint8_t y) {\n *x = wuffs_base__u8__sat_add(*x, y);\n}\n\nstatic inline void //\nwuffs_base__u8__sat_sub_indirect(uint8_t* x, uint8_t y) {\n *x = wuffs_base__u8__sat_sub(*x, y);\n}\n\nstatic inline void //\nwuffs_base__u16__sat_add_indirect(uint16_t* x, uint16_t y) {\n *x = wuffs_base__u16__sat_add(*x, y);\n}\n\nstatic inline void //\nwuffs_base__u16__sat_sub_indirect(uint16_t* x, uint16_t y) {\n *x = wuffs_base__u16__sat_sub(*x, y);\n}\n\nstatic inline void //\nwuffs_base__u32__sat_add_indirect(uint32_t* x, uint32_t y) {\n *x = wuffs_base__u32__sat_add(*x, y);\n}\n\nstatic inline void //\nwuffs_base__u32__sat_sub_indirect(uint32_t* x, uint32_t y) {\n *x = wuffs_base__u32__sat_sub(*x, y);\n}\n\nstatic inline void //\nwuffs_base__u64__sat_add_indirect(uint64_t* x, uint64_t y) {\n *x = wuffs_base__u64__sat_add(*x, y);\n}\n\nstatic inline void //\nwuffs_base__u64__sat_sub_indirect(uint64_t* x, uint64_t y) {\n *x = wuffs_base__u64__sat_sub(*x, y);\n}\n\n" +
"" +
"// ---------------- Slices and Tables\n\n// wuffs_base__slice_u8__prefix returns up to the first up_to bytes of s.\nstatic inline wuffs_base__slice_u8 //\nwuffs_base__slice_u8__prefix(wuffs_base__slice_u8 s, uint64_t up_to) {\n if ((uint64_t)(s.len) > up_to) {\n s.len = up_to;\n }\n return s;\n}\n\n// wuffs_base__slice_u8__suffix returns up to the last up_to bytes of s.\nstatic inline wuffs_base__slice_u8 //\nwuffs_base__slice_u8__suffix(wuffs_base__slice_u8 s, uint64_t up_to) {\n if ((uint64_t)(s.len) > up_to) {\n s.ptr += (uint64_t)(s.len) - up_to;\n s.len = up_to;\n }\n return s;\n}\n\n// wuffs_base__slice_u8__copy_from_slice calls memmove(dst.ptr, src.ptr, len)\n// where len is the minimum of dst.len and src.len.\n//\n// Passing a wuffs_base__slice_u8 with all fields NULL or zero (a valid, empty\n// slice) is valid and results in a no-op.\nstatic inline uint64_t //\nwuffs_base__slice_u8__copy_from_slice(wuffs_base__slice_u8 dst,\n wuffs_base__slice_u8 src) {\n size_t len = dst.l" +
"en < src.len ? dst.len : src.len;\n if (len > 0) {\n memmove(dst.ptr, src.ptr, len);\n }\n return len;\n}\n\n" +
"" +
"// --------\n\nstatic inline wuffs_base__slice_u8 //\nwuffs_base__table_u8__row(wuffs_base__table_u8 t, uint32_t y) {\n if (y < t.height) {\n return wuffs_base__make_slice_u8(t.ptr + (t.stride * y), t.width);\n }\n return wuffs_base__make_slice_u8(NULL, 0);\n}\n\n " +
"" +
"// ---------------- Slices and Tables (Utility)\n\n#define wuffs_base__utility__empty_slice_u8 wuffs_base__empty_slice_u8\n" +
const baseCorePublicH = "" +
"// ---------------- Fundamentals\n\n// WUFFS_VERSION is the major.minor.patch version, as per,\n// as a uint64_t. The major number is the high 32 bits. The minor number is the\n// middle 16 bits. The patch number is the low 16 bits. The pre-release label\n// and build metadata are part of the string representation (such as\n// \"1.2.3-beta+456.20181231\") but not the uint64_t representation.\n//\n// WUFFS_VERSION_PRE_RELEASE_LABEL (such as \"\", \"beta\" or \"rc.1\") being\n// non-empty denotes a developer preview, not a release version, and has no\n// backwards or forwards compatibility guarantees.\n//\n// WUFFS_VERSION_BUILD_METADATA_XXX, if non-zero, are the number of commits and\n// the last commit date in the repository used to build this library. Within\n// each major.minor branch, the commit count should increase monotonically.\n//\n// !! Some code generation programs can override WUFFS_VERSION.\n#define WUFFS_VERSION ((uint64_t)0)\n#define WUFFS_VERSION_MAJOR ((uint64_t)0)\n#define WUFFS_VERSION_MINOR ((uint" +
"64_t)0)\n#define WUFFS_VERSION_PATCH ((uint64_t)0)\n#define WUFFS_VERSION_PRE_RELEASE_LABEL \"\"\n#define WUFFS_VERSION_BUILD_METADATA_COMMIT_COUNT 0\n#define WUFFS_VERSION_BUILD_METADATA_COMMIT_DATE 0\n#define WUFFS_VERSION_STRING \"0.0.0+0.00000000\"\n\n// Define WUFFS_CONFIG__STATIC_FUNCTIONS to make all of Wuffs' functions have\n// static storage. The motivation is discussed in the \"ALLOW STATIC\n// IMPLEMENTATION\" section of\n//\n#ifdef WUFFS_CONFIG__STATIC_FUNCTIONS\n#define WUFFS_BASE__MAYBE_STATIC static\n#else\n#define WUFFS_BASE__MAYBE_STATIC\n#endif\n\n" +
"" +
"// --------\n\n// Wuffs assumes that:\n// - converting a uint32_t to a size_t will never overflow.\n// - converting a size_t to a uint64_t will never overflow.\n#ifdef __WORDSIZE\n#if (__WORDSIZE != 32) && (__WORDSIZE != 64)\n#error \"Wuffs requires a word size of either 32 or 64 bits\"\n#endif\n#endif\n\n#if defined(__clang__)\n#define WUFFS_BASE__POTENTIALLY_UNUSED_FIELD __attribute__((unused))\n#else\n#define WUFFS_BASE__POTENTIALLY_UNUSED_FIELD\n#endif\n\n// Clang also defines \"__GNUC__\".\n#if defined(__GNUC__)\n#define WUFFS_BASE__POTENTIALLY_UNUSED __attribute__((unused))\n#define WUFFS_BASE__WARN_UNUSED_RESULT __attribute__((warn_unused_result))\n#else\n#define WUFFS_BASE__POTENTIALLY_UNUSED\n#define WUFFS_BASE__WARN_UNUSED_RESULT\n#endif\n\n// Flags for wuffs_foo__bar__initialize functions.\n\n#define WUFFS_INITIALIZE__DEFAULT_OPTIONS ((uint32_t)0x00000000)\n\n// WUFFS_INITIALIZE__ALREADY_ZEROED means that the \"self\" receiver struct value\n// has already been set to all zeroes.\n#define WUFFS_INITIALIZE__ALREADY_ZEROED ((uint32_t)0x" +
"00000001)\n\n// WUFFS_INITIALIZE__LEAVE_INTERNAL_BUFFERS_UNINITIALIZED means that, absent\n// WUFFS_INITIALIZE__ALREADY_ZEROED, only some of the \"self\" receiver struct\n// value will be set to all zeroes. Internal buffers, which tend to be a large\n// proportion of the struct's size, will be left uninitialized. Internal means\n// that the buffer is contained by the receiver struct, as opposed to being\n// passed as a separately allocated \"work buffer\".\n//\n// For more detail, see:\n//\n#define WUFFS_INITIALIZE__LEAVE_INTERNAL_BUFFERS_UNINITIALIZED \\\n ((uint32_t)0x00000002)\n\n" +
"" +
"// --------\n\n// wuffs_base__empty_struct is used when a Wuffs function returns an empty\n// struct. In C, if a function f returns void, you can't say \"x = f()\", but in\n// Wuffs, if a function g returns empty, you can say \"y = g()\".\ntypedef struct {\n // private_impl is a placeholder field. It isn't explicitly used, except that\n // without it, the sizeof a struct with no fields can differ across C/C++\n // compilers, and it is undefined behavior in C99. For example, gcc says that\n // the sizeof an empty struct is 0, and g++ says that it is 1. This leads to\n // ABI incompatibility if a Wuffs .c file is processed by one compiler and\n // its .h file with another compiler.\n //\n // Instead, we explicitly insert an otherwise unused field, so that the\n // sizeof this struct is always 1.\n uint8_t private_impl;\n} wuffs_base__empty_struct;\n\nstatic inline wuffs_base__empty_struct //\nwuffs_base__make_empty_struct() {\n wuffs_base__empty_struct ret;\n ret.private_impl = 0;\n return ret;\n}\n\n// wuffs_base__utility is" +
" a placeholder receiver type. It enables what Java\n// calls static methods, as opposed to regular methods.\ntypedef struct {\n // private_impl is a placeholder field. It isn't explicitly used, except that\n // without it, the sizeof a struct with no fields can differ across C/C++\n // compilers, and it is undefined behavior in C99. For example, gcc says that\n // the sizeof an empty struct is 0, and g++ says that it is 1. This leads to\n // ABI incompatibility if a Wuffs .c file is processed by one compiler and\n // its .h file with another compiler.\n //\n // Instead, we explicitly insert an otherwise unused field, so that the\n // sizeof this struct is always 1.\n uint8_t private_impl;\n} wuffs_base__utility;\n\ntypedef struct {\n const char* vtable_name;\n const void* function_pointers;\n} wuffs_base__vtable;\n\n" +
"" +
"// --------\n\n// See\ntypedef struct {\n const char* repr;\n\n#ifdef __cplusplus\n inline bool is_complete() const;\n inline bool is_error() const;\n inline bool is_note() const;\n inline bool is_ok() const;\n inline bool is_suspension() const;\n inline const char* message() const;\n#endif // __cplusplus\n\n} wuffs_base__status;\n\n// !! INSERT wuffs_base__status names.\n\nstatic inline wuffs_base__status //\nwuffs_base__make_status(const char* repr) {\n wuffs_base__status z;\n z.repr = repr;\n return z;\n}\n\nstatic inline bool //\nwuffs_base__status__is_complete(const wuffs_base__status* z) {\n return (z->repr == NULL) || ((*z->repr != '$') && (*z->repr != '#'));\n}\n\nstatic inline bool //\nwuffs_base__status__is_error(const wuffs_base__status* z) {\n return z->repr && (*z->repr == '#');\n}\n\nstatic inline bool //\nwuffs_base__status__is_note(const wuffs_base__status* z) {\n return z->repr && (*z->repr != '$') && (*z->repr != '#');\n}\n\nstatic inline bool //\nwu" +
"ffs_base__status__is_ok(const wuffs_base__status* z) {\n return z->repr == NULL;\n}\n\nstatic inline bool //\nwuffs_base__status__is_suspension(const wuffs_base__status* z) {\n return z->repr && (*z->repr == '$');\n}\n\n// wuffs_base__status__message strips the leading '$', '#' or '@'.\nstatic inline const char* //\nwuffs_base__status__message(const wuffs_base__status* z) {\n if (z->repr) {\n if ((*z->repr == '$') || (*z->repr == '#') || (*z->repr == '@')) {\n return z->repr + 1;\n }\n }\n return z->repr;\n}\n\n#ifdef __cplusplus\n\ninline bool //\nwuffs_base__status::is_complete() const {\n return wuffs_base__status__is_complete(this);\n}\n\ninline bool //\nwuffs_base__status::is_error() const {\n return wuffs_base__status__is_error(this);\n}\n\ninline bool //\nwuffs_base__status::is_note() const {\n return wuffs_base__status__is_note(this);\n}\n\ninline bool //\nwuffs_base__status::is_ok() const {\n return wuffs_base__status__is_ok(this);\n}\n\ninline bool //\nwuffs_base__status::is_suspension() const {\n return wuffs_base" +
"__status__is_suspension(this);\n}\n\ninline const char* //\nwuffs_base__status::message() const {\n return wuffs_base__status__message(this);\n}\n\n#endif // __cplusplus\n\n" +
"" +
"// --------\n\n// FourCC constants.\n\n// !! INSERT FourCCs.\n\n" +
"" +
"// --------\n\n// Flicks are a unit of time. One flick (frame-tick) is 1 / 705_600_000 of a\n// second. See\ntypedef int64_t wuffs_base__flicks;\n\n#define WUFFS_BASE__FLICKS_PER_SECOND ((uint64_t)705600000)\n#define WUFFS_BASE__FLICKS_PER_MILLISECOND ((uint64_t)705600)\n\n" +
"" +
"// ---------------- Numeric Types\n\nstatic inline uint8_t //\nwuffs_base__u8__min(uint8_t x, uint8_t y) {\n return x < y ? x : y;\n}\n\nstatic inline uint8_t //\nwuffs_base__u8__max(uint8_t x, uint8_t y) {\n return x > y ? x : y;\n}\n\nstatic inline uint16_t //\nwuffs_base__u16__min(uint16_t x, uint16_t y) {\n return x < y ? x : y;\n}\n\nstatic inline uint16_t //\nwuffs_base__u16__max(uint16_t x, uint16_t y) {\n return x > y ? x : y;\n}\n\nstatic inline uint32_t //\nwuffs_base__u32__min(uint32_t x, uint32_t y) {\n return x < y ? x : y;\n}\n\nstatic inline uint32_t //\nwuffs_base__u32__max(uint32_t x, uint32_t y) {\n return x > y ? x : y;\n}\n\nstatic inline uint64_t //\nwuffs_base__u64__min(uint64_t x, uint64_t y) {\n return x < y ? x : y;\n}\n\nstatic inline uint64_t //\nwuffs_base__u64__max(uint64_t x, uint64_t y) {\n return x > y ? x : y;\n}\n\n" +
"" +
"// --------\n\n// Saturating arithmetic (sat_add, sat_sub) branchless bit-twiddling algorithms\n// are per\n//\n// It is important that the underlying types are unsigned integers, as signed\n// integer arithmetic overflow is undefined behavior in C.\n\nstatic inline uint8_t //\nwuffs_base__u8__sat_add(uint8_t x, uint8_t y) {\n uint8_t res = (uint8_t)(x + y);\n res |= (uint8_t)(-(res < x));\n return res;\n}\n\nstatic inline uint8_t //\nwuffs_base__u8__sat_sub(uint8_t x, uint8_t y) {\n uint8_t res = (uint8_t)(x - y);\n res &= (uint8_t)(-(res <= x));\n return res;\n}\n\nstatic inline uint16_t //\nwuffs_base__u16__sat_add(uint16_t x, uint16_t y) {\n uint16_t res = (uint16_t)(x + y);\n res |= (uint16_t)(-(res < x));\n return res;\n}\n\nstatic inline uint16_t //\nwuffs_base__u16__sat_sub(uint16_t x, uint16_t y) {\n uint16_t res = (uint16_t)(x - y);\n res &= (uint16_t)(-(res <= x));\n return res;\n}\n\nstatic inline uint32_t //\nwuffs_base__u32__sat_add(uint32_t x, uint32_t y) {\n uint32" +
"_t res = (uint32_t)(x + y);\n res |= (uint32_t)(-(res < x));\n return res;\n}\n\nstatic inline uint32_t //\nwuffs_base__u32__sat_sub(uint32_t x, uint32_t y) {\n uint32_t res = (uint32_t)(x - y);\n res &= (uint32_t)(-(res <= x));\n return res;\n}\n\nstatic inline uint64_t //\nwuffs_base__u64__sat_add(uint64_t x, uint64_t y) {\n uint64_t res = (uint64_t)(x + y);\n res |= (uint64_t)(-(res < x));\n return res;\n}\n\nstatic inline uint64_t //\nwuffs_base__u64__sat_sub(uint64_t x, uint64_t y) {\n uint64_t res = (uint64_t)(x - y);\n res &= (uint64_t)(-(res <= x));\n return res;\n}\n\n" +
"" +
"// ---------------- Slices and Tables\n\n// WUFFS_BASE__SLICE is a 1-dimensional buffer.\n//\n// len measures a number of elements, not necessarily a size in bytes.\n//\n// A value with all fields NULL or zero is a valid, empty slice.\n#define WUFFS_BASE__SLICE(T) \\\n struct { \\\n T* ptr; \\\n size_t len; \\\n }\n\n// WUFFS_BASE__TABLE is a 2-dimensional buffer.\n//\n// width height, and stride measure a number of elements, not necessarily a\n// size in bytes.\n//\n// A value with all fields NULL or zero is a valid, empty table.\n#define WUFFS_BASE__TABLE(T) \\\n struct { \\\n T* ptr; \\\n size_t width; \\\n size_t height; \\\n size_t stride; \\\n }\n\ntypedef WUFFS_BASE__SLICE(uint8_t) wuffs_base__slice_u8;\ntypedef WUFFS_BASE__SLICE(uint16_t) wuffs_base__slice_u16;\ntypedef WUFFS_BASE__SLICE(uint32_t) wuffs_base__slice_u32;\ntypedef WUFFS_BASE__SLICE(uint64_t) wuffs_base__slice_u64;\n\ntypedef WUFFS_BASE__TABLE(u" +
"int8_t) wuffs_base__table_u8;\ntypedef WUFFS_BASE__TABLE(uint16_t) wuffs_base__table_u16;\ntypedef WUFFS_BASE__TABLE(uint32_t) wuffs_base__table_u32;\ntypedef WUFFS_BASE__TABLE(uint64_t) wuffs_base__table_u64;\n\nstatic inline wuffs_base__slice_u8 //\nwuffs_base__make_slice_u8(uint8_t* ptr, size_t len) {\n wuffs_base__slice_u8 ret;\n ret.ptr = ptr;\n ret.len = len;\n return ret;\n}\n\nstatic inline wuffs_base__slice_u16 //\nwuffs_base__make_slice_u16(uint16_t* ptr, size_t len) {\n wuffs_base__slice_u16 ret;\n ret.ptr = ptr;\n ret.len = len;\n return ret;\n}\n\nstatic inline wuffs_base__slice_u32 //\nwuffs_base__make_slice_u32(uint32_t* ptr, size_t len) {\n wuffs_base__slice_u32 ret;\n ret.ptr = ptr;\n ret.len = len;\n return ret;\n}\n\nstatic inline wuffs_base__slice_u64 //\nwuffs_base__make_slice_u64(uint64_t* ptr, size_t len) {\n wuffs_base__slice_u64 ret;\n ret.ptr = ptr;\n ret.len = len;\n return ret;\n}\n\nstatic inline wuffs_base__slice_u8 //\nwuffs_base__empty_slice_u8() {\n wuffs_base__slice_u8 ret;\n ret.ptr = NULL;\n" +
" ret.len = 0;\n return ret;\n}\n\nstatic inline wuffs_base__table_u8 //\nwuffs_base__empty_table_u8() {\n wuffs_base__table_u8 ret;\n ret.ptr = NULL;\n ret.width = 0;\n ret.height = 0;\n ret.stride = 0;\n return ret;\n}\n\n// wuffs_base__slice_u8__subslice_i returns s[i:].\n//\n// It returns an empty slice if i is out of bounds.\nstatic inline wuffs_base__slice_u8 //\nwuffs_base__slice_u8__subslice_i(wuffs_base__slice_u8 s, uint64_t i) {\n if ((i <= SIZE_MAX) && (i <= s.len)) {\n return wuffs_base__make_slice_u8(s.ptr + i, s.len - i);\n }\n return wuffs_base__make_slice_u8(NULL, 0);\n}\n\n// wuffs_base__slice_u8__subslice_j returns s[:j].\n//\n// It returns an empty slice if j is out of bounds.\nstatic inline wuffs_base__slice_u8 //\nwuffs_base__slice_u8__subslice_j(wuffs_base__slice_u8 s, uint64_t j) {\n if ((j <= SIZE_MAX) && (j <= s.len)) {\n return wuffs_base__make_slice_u8(s.ptr, j);\n }\n return wuffs_base__make_slice_u8(NULL, 0);\n}\n\n// wuffs_base__slice_u8__subslice_ij returns s[i:j].\n//\n// It returns an empty s" +
"lice if i or j is out of bounds.\nstatic inline wuffs_base__slice_u8 //\nwuffs_base__slice_u8__subslice_ij(wuffs_base__slice_u8 s,\n uint64_t i,\n uint64_t j) {\n if ((i <= j) && (j <= SIZE_MAX) && (j <= s.len)) {\n return wuffs_base__make_slice_u8(s.ptr + i, j - i);\n }\n return wuffs_base__make_slice_u8(NULL, 0);\n}\n" +
const baseMemoryPrivateH = "" +
"// ---------------- Memory Allocation\n" +
const baseMemoryPublicH = "" +
"// ---------------- Memory Allocation\n\n// The memory allocation related functions in this section aren't used by Wuffs\n// per se, but they may be helpful to the code that uses Wuffs.\n\n// wuffs_base__malloc_slice_uxx wraps calling a malloc-like function, except\n// that it takes a uint64_t number of elements instead of a size_t size in\n// bytes, and it returns a slice (a pointer and a length) instead of just a\n// pointer.\n//\n// You can pass the C stdlib's malloc as the malloc_func.\n//\n// It returns an empty slice (containing a NULL ptr field) if (num_uxx *\n// sizeof(uintxx_t)) would overflow SIZE_MAX.\n\nstatic inline wuffs_base__slice_u8 //\nwuffs_base__malloc_slice_u8(void* (*malloc_func)(size_t), uint64_t num_u8) {\n if (malloc_func && (num_u8 <= (SIZE_MAX / sizeof(uint8_t)))) {\n void* p = (*malloc_func)(num_u8 * sizeof(uint8_t));\n if (p) {\n return wuffs_base__make_slice_u8((uint8_t*)(p), num_u8);\n }\n }\n return wuffs_base__make_slice_u8(NULL, 0);\n}\n\nstatic inline wuffs_base__slice_u16 //\nwuffs" +
"_base__malloc_slice_u16(void* (*malloc_func)(size_t), uint64_t num_u16) {\n if (malloc_func && (num_u16 <= (SIZE_MAX / sizeof(uint16_t)))) {\n void* p = (*malloc_func)(num_u16 * sizeof(uint16_t));\n if (p) {\n return wuffs_base__make_slice_u16((uint16_t*)(p), num_u16);\n }\n }\n return wuffs_base__make_slice_u16(NULL, 0);\n}\n\nstatic inline wuffs_base__slice_u32 //\nwuffs_base__malloc_slice_u32(void* (*malloc_func)(size_t), uint64_t num_u32) {\n if (malloc_func && (num_u32 <= (SIZE_MAX / sizeof(uint32_t)))) {\n void* p = (*malloc_func)(num_u32 * sizeof(uint32_t));\n if (p) {\n return wuffs_base__make_slice_u32((uint32_t*)(p), num_u32);\n }\n }\n return wuffs_base__make_slice_u32(NULL, 0);\n}\n\nstatic inline wuffs_base__slice_u64 //\nwuffs_base__malloc_slice_u64(void* (*malloc_func)(size_t), uint64_t num_u64) {\n if (malloc_func && (num_u64 <= (SIZE_MAX / sizeof(uint64_t)))) {\n void* p = (*malloc_func)(num_u64 * sizeof(uint64_t));\n if (p) {\n return wuffs_base__make_slice_u64((uint64_" +
"t*)(p), num_u64);\n }\n }\n return wuffs_base__make_slice_u64(NULL, 0);\n}\n" +
const baseImagePrivateH = "" +
"// ---------------- Images\n\n" +
"" +
"// ---------------- Images (Utility)\n\n#define wuffs_base__utility__make_pixel_format wuffs_base__make_pixel_format\n" +
const baseImagePublicH = "" +
"// ---------------- Images\n\n// wuffs_base__color_u32_argb_premul is an 8 bit per channel premultiplied\n// Alpha, Red, Green, Blue color, as a uint32_t value. It is in word order, not\n// byte order: its value is always 0xAARRGGBB, regardless of endianness.\ntypedef uint32_t wuffs_base__color_u32_argb_premul;\n\n" +
"" +
"// --------\n\ntypedef uint8_t wuffs_base__pixel_blend;\n\n// wuffs_base__pixel_blend encodes how to blend source and destination pixels,\n// accounting for transparency. It encompasses the Porter-Duff compositing\n// operators as well as the other blending modes defined by PDF.\n//\n// TODO: implement the other modes.\n#define WUFFS_BASE__PIXEL_BLEND__SRC ((wuffs_base__pixel_blend)0)\n#define WUFFS_BASE__PIXEL_BLEND__SRC_OVER ((wuffs_base__pixel_blend)1)\n\n" +
"" +
"// --------\n\n// wuffs_base__pixel_format encodes the format of the bytes that constitute an\n// image frame's pixel data.\n//\n// See\n//\n// Do not manipulate its bits directly; they are private implementation\n// details. Use methods such as wuffs_base__pixel_format__num_planes instead.\ntypedef struct {\n uint32_t repr;\n\n#ifdef __cplusplus\n inline bool is_valid() const;\n inline uint32_t bits_per_pixel() const;\n inline bool is_indexed() const;\n inline bool is_interleaved() const;\n inline bool is_planar() const;\n inline uint32_t num_planes() const;\n#endif // __cplusplus\n\n} wuffs_base__pixel_format;\n\nstatic inline wuffs_base__pixel_format //\nwuffs_base__make_pixel_format(uint32_t repr) {\n wuffs_base__pixel_format f;\n f.repr = repr;\n return f;\n}\n\n // Common 8-bit-depth pixel formats. This list is not exhaustive; not all\n // valid wuffs_base__pixel_format values are present.\n\n#define WUFFS_BASE__PIXEL_FORMAT__INVALID 0x00000000\n\n#define" +
"_PIXEL_FORMAT__BGRA_BINARY 0x47008888\n\n#define WUFFS_BASE__PIXEL_FORMAT__RGB 0x50000888\n#define WUFFS_BASE__PIXEL_FORMAT__RGBX 0x51008888\n#define WUFFS_BASE__PIXEL_FORMAT__RGBA_NONPREMUL 0x55008888\n#define WUFFS_BASE__PIXEL_FORMAT__RGBA_PREMUL 0x56008888\n#define WUFFS_BASE__PIXEL_FORMAT__RGBA_BINARY 0x57008888\n\n#define WUFFS_BASE__PIXEL_FORMAT__CMY 0x60020888\n#define WUFFS_BASE__PIXEL_FORMAT__CMYK 0x61038888\n\nextern const uint32_t wuffs_base__pixel_format__bits_per_channel[16];\n\nstatic inline bool //\nwuffs_base__pixel_format__is_valid(const wuffs_base__pixel_format* f) {\n return f->repr != 0;\n}\n\n// wuffs_base__pixel_format__bits_per_pixel returns the number of bits per\n// pixel for interleaved pixel formats, and returns 0 for planar pixel formats.\nstatic inline uint32_t //\nwuffs_base__pixel_format__bits_per_pixel(const wuffs_base__pixel_format* f) {\n if (((f->repr >> 16) & 0x03) != 0) {\n return 0;\n }\n return wuffs_base__pixel_format__bits_per_channel[0x0F & (f->repr >> 0)] +\n wuffs_base__pixe" +
"l_format__bits_per_channel[0x0F & (f->repr >> 4)] +\n wuffs_base__pixel_format__bits_per_channel[0x0F & (f->repr >> 8)] +\n wuffs_base__pixel_format__bits_per_channel[0x0F & (f->repr >> 12)];\n}\n\nstatic inline bool //\nwuffs_base__pixel_format__is_indexed(const wuffs_base__pixel_format* f) {\n return (f->repr >> 18) & 0x01;\n}\n\nstatic inline bool //\nwuffs_base__pixel_format__is_interleaved(const wuffs_base__pixel_format* f) {\n return ((f->repr >> 16) & 0x03) == 0;\n}\n\nstatic inline bool //\nwuffs_base__pixel_format__is_planar(const wuffs_base__pixel_format* f) {\n return ((f->repr >> 16) & 0x03) != 0;\n}\n\nstatic inline uint32_t //\nwuffs_base__pixel_format__num_planes(const wuffs_base__pixel_format* f) {\n return ((f->repr >> 16) & 0x03) + 1;\n}\n\n#define WUFFS_BASE__PIXEL_FORMAT__NUM_PLANES_MAX 4\n\n#define WUFFS_BASE__PIXEL_FORMAT__INDEXED__INDEX_PLANE 0\n#define WUFFS_BASE__PIXEL_FORMAT__INDEXED__COLOR_PLANE 3\n\n#ifdef __cplusplus\n\ninline bool //\nwuffs_base__pixel_format::is_valid() const {\n return" +
" wuffs_base__pixel_format__is_valid(this);\n}\n\ninline uint32_t //\nwuffs_base__pixel_format::bits_per_pixel() const {\n return wuffs_base__pixel_format__bits_per_pixel(this);\n}\n\ninline bool //\nwuffs_base__pixel_format::is_indexed() const {\n return wuffs_base__pixel_format__is_indexed(this);\n}\n\ninline bool //\nwuffs_base__pixel_format::is_interleaved() const {\n return wuffs_base__pixel_format__is_interleaved(this);\n}\n\ninline bool //\nwuffs_base__pixel_format::is_planar() const {\n return wuffs_base__pixel_format__is_planar(this);\n}\n\ninline uint32_t //\nwuffs_base__pixel_format::num_planes() const {\n return wuffs_base__pixel_format__num_planes(this);\n}\n\n#endif // __cplusplus\n\n" +
"" +
"// --------\n\n// wuffs_base__pixel_subsampling encodes whether sample values cover one pixel\n// or cover multiple pixels.\n//\n// See\n//\n// Do not manipulate its bits directly; they are private implementation\n// details. Use methods such as wuffs_base__pixel_subsampling__bias_x instead.\ntypedef struct {\n uint32_t repr;\n\n#ifdef __cplusplus\n inline uint32_t bias_x(uint32_t plane) const;\n inline uint32_t denominator_x(uint32_t plane) const;\n inline uint32_t bias_y(uint32_t plane) const;\n inline uint32_t denominator_y(uint32_t plane) const;\n#endif // __cplusplus\n\n} wuffs_base__pixel_subsampling;\n\nstatic inline wuffs_base__pixel_subsampling //\nwuffs_base__make_pixel_subsampling(uint32_t repr) {\n wuffs_base__pixel_subsampling s;\n s.repr = repr;\n return s;\n}\n\n#define WUFFS_BASE__PIXEL_SUBSAMPLING__NONE 0x00000000\n\n#define WUFFS_BASE__PIXEL_SUBSAMPLING__444 0x000000\n#define WUFFS_BASE__PIXEL_SUBSAMPLING__440 0x010100\n#define WUFFS_BASE__" +
"PIXEL_SUBSAMPLING__422 0x101000\n#define WUFFS_BASE__PIXEL_SUBSAMPLING__420 0x111100\n#define WUFFS_BASE__PIXEL_SUBSAMPLING__411 0x303000\n#define WUFFS_BASE__PIXEL_SUBSAMPLING__410 0x313100\n\nstatic inline uint32_t //\nwuffs_base__pixel_subsampling__bias_x(const wuffs_base__pixel_subsampling* s,\n uint32_t plane) {\n uint32_t shift = ((plane & 0x03) * 8) + 6;\n return (s->repr >> shift) & 0x03;\n}\n\nstatic inline uint32_t //\nwuffs_base__pixel_subsampling__denominator_x(\n const wuffs_base__pixel_subsampling* s,\n uint32_t plane) {\n uint32_t shift = ((plane & 0x03) * 8) + 4;\n return ((s->repr >> shift) & 0x03) + 1;\n}\n\nstatic inline uint32_t //\nwuffs_base__pixel_subsampling__bias_y(const wuffs_base__pixel_subsampling* s,\n uint32_t plane) {\n uint32_t shift = ((plane & 0x03) * 8) + 2;\n return (s->repr >> shift) & 0x03;\n}\n\nstatic inline uint32_t //\nwuffs_base__pixel_subsampling__denominator_y(\n const wuffs_base__pixel_subsampling* s," +
"\n uint32_t plane) {\n uint32_t shift = ((plane & 0x03) * 8) + 0;\n return ((s->repr >> shift) & 0x03) + 1;\n}\n\n#ifdef __cplusplus\n\ninline uint32_t //\nwuffs_base__pixel_subsampling::bias_x(uint32_t plane) const {\n return wuffs_base__pixel_subsampling__bias_x(this, plane);\n}\n\ninline uint32_t //\nwuffs_base__pixel_subsampling::denominator_x(uint32_t plane) const {\n return wuffs_base__pixel_subsampling__denominator_x(this, plane);\n}\n\ninline uint32_t //\nwuffs_base__pixel_subsampling::bias_y(uint32_t plane) const {\n return wuffs_base__pixel_subsampling__bias_y(this, plane);\n}\n\ninline uint32_t //\nwuffs_base__pixel_subsampling::denominator_y(uint32_t plane) const {\n return wuffs_base__pixel_subsampling__denominator_y(this, plane);\n}\n\n#endif // __cplusplus\n\n" +
"" +
"// --------\n\ntypedef struct {\n // Do not access the private_impl's fields directly. There is no API/ABI\n // compatibility or safety guarantee if you do so.\n struct {\n wuffs_base__pixel_format pixfmt;\n wuffs_base__pixel_subsampling pixsub;\n uint32_t width;\n uint32_t height;\n } private_impl;\n\n#ifdef __cplusplus\n inline void set(uint32_t pixfmt_repr,\n uint32_t pixsub_repr,\n uint32_t width,\n uint32_t height);\n inline void invalidate();\n inline bool is_valid() const;\n inline wuffs_base__pixel_format pixel_format() const;\n inline wuffs_base__pixel_subsampling pixel_subsampling() const;\n inline wuffs_base__rect_ie_u32 bounds() const;\n inline uint32_t width() const;\n inline uint32_t height() const;\n inline uint64_t pixbuf_len() const;\n#endif // __cplusplus\n\n} wuffs_base__pixel_config;\n\nstatic inline wuffs_base__pixel_config //\nwuffs_base__null_pixel_config() {\n wuffs_base__pixel_config ret;\n ret.private_impl.pixfmt.repr = 0;\n ret.private" +
"_impl.pixsub.repr = 0;\n ret.private_impl.width = 0;\n ret.private_impl.height = 0;\n return ret;\n}\n\n// TODO: Should this function return bool? An error type?\nstatic inline void //\nwuffs_base__pixel_config__set(wuffs_base__pixel_config* c,\n uint32_t pixfmt_repr,\n uint32_t pixsub_repr,\n uint32_t width,\n uint32_t height) {\n if (!c) {\n return;\n }\n if (pixfmt_repr) {\n uint64_t wh = ((uint64_t)width) * ((uint64_t)height);\n // TODO: handle things other than 1 byte per pixel.\n if (wh <= ((uint64_t)SIZE_MAX)) {\n c->private_impl.pixfmt.repr = pixfmt_repr;\n c->private_impl.pixsub.repr = pixsub_repr;\n c->private_impl.width = width;\n c->private_impl.height = height;\n return;\n }\n }\n\n c->private_impl.pixfmt.repr = 0;\n c->private_impl.pixsub.repr = 0;\n c->private_impl.width = 0;\n c->private_impl.height = 0;\n}\n\nstatic inline void //\nwuffs_base__pixel_config__inv" +
"alidate(wuffs_base__pixel_config* c) {\n if (c) {\n c->private_impl.pixfmt.repr = 0;\n c->private_impl.pixsub.repr = 0;\n c->private_impl.width = 0;\n c->private_impl.height = 0;\n }\n}\n\nstatic inline bool //\nwuffs_base__pixel_config__is_valid(const wuffs_base__pixel_config* c) {\n return c && c->private_impl.pixfmt.repr;\n}\n\nstatic inline wuffs_base__pixel_format //\nwuffs_base__pixel_config__pixel_format(const wuffs_base__pixel_config* c) {\n return c ? c->private_impl.pixfmt : wuffs_base__make_pixel_format(0);\n}\n\nstatic inline wuffs_base__pixel_subsampling //\nwuffs_base__pixel_config__pixel_subsampling(const wuffs_base__pixel_config* c) {\n return c ? c->private_impl.pixsub : wuffs_base__make_pixel_subsampling(0);\n}\n\nstatic inline wuffs_base__rect_ie_u32 //\nwuffs_base__pixel_config__bounds(const wuffs_base__pixel_config* c) {\n if (c) {\n wuffs_base__rect_ie_u32 ret;\n ret.min_incl_x = 0;\n ret.min_incl_y = 0;\n ret.max_excl_x = c->private_impl.width;\n ret.max_excl_y = c->private_impl.h" +
"eight;\n return ret;\n }\n\n wuffs_base__rect_ie_u32 ret;\n ret.min_incl_x = 0;\n ret.min_incl_y = 0;\n ret.max_excl_x = 0;\n ret.max_excl_y = 0;\n return ret;\n}\n\nstatic inline uint32_t //\nwuffs_base__pixel_config__width(const wuffs_base__pixel_config* c) {\n return c ? c->private_impl.width : 0;\n}\n\nstatic inline uint32_t //\nwuffs_base__pixel_config__height(const wuffs_base__pixel_config* c) {\n return c ? c->private_impl.height : 0;\n}\n\n// TODO: this is the right API for planar (not interleaved) pixbufs? Should it\n// allow decoding into a color model different from the format's intrinsic one?\n// For example, decoding a JPEG image straight to RGBA instead of to YCbCr?\nstatic inline uint64_t //\nwuffs_base__pixel_config__pixbuf_len(const wuffs_base__pixel_config* c) {\n if (!c) {\n return 0;\n }\n if (wuffs_base__pixel_format__is_planar(&c->private_impl.pixfmt)) {\n // TODO: support planar pixel formats, concious of pixel subsampling.\n return 0;\n }\n uint32_t bits_per_pixel =\n wuffs_base__pixel_" +
"format__bits_per_pixel(&c->private_impl.pixfmt);\n if ((bits_per_pixel == 0) || ((bits_per_pixel % 8) != 0)) {\n // TODO: support fraction-of-byte pixels, e.g. 1 bit per pixel?\n return 0;\n }\n uint64_t bytes_per_pixel = bits_per_pixel / 8;\n\n uint64_t n =\n ((uint64_t)c->private_impl.width) * ((uint64_t)c->private_impl.height);\n if (n > (UINT64_MAX / bytes_per_pixel)) {\n return 0;\n }\n n *= bytes_per_pixel;\n\n if (wuffs_base__pixel_format__is_indexed(&c->private_impl.pixfmt)) {\n if (n > (UINT64_MAX - 1024)) {\n return 0;\n }\n n += 1024;\n }\n\n return n;\n}\n\n#ifdef __cplusplus\n\ninline void //\nwuffs_base__pixel_config::set(uint32_t pixfmt_repr,\n uint32_t pixsub_repr,\n uint32_t width,\n uint32_t height) {\n wuffs_base__pixel_config__set(this, pixfmt_repr, pixsub_repr, width, height);\n}\n\ninline void //\nwuffs_base__pixel_config::invalidate() {\n wuffs_base__pixel_config__invalidate(this);\n}\n\ninline boo" +
"l //\nwuffs_base__pixel_config::is_valid() const {\n return wuffs_base__pixel_config__is_valid(this);\n}\n\ninline wuffs_base__pixel_format //\nwuffs_base__pixel_config::pixel_format() const {\n return wuffs_base__pixel_config__pixel_format(this);\n}\n\ninline wuffs_base__pixel_subsampling //\nwuffs_base__pixel_config::pixel_subsampling() const {\n return wuffs_base__pixel_config__pixel_subsampling(this);\n}\n\ninline wuffs_base__rect_ie_u32 //\nwuffs_base__pixel_config::bounds() const {\n return wuffs_base__pixel_config__bounds(this);\n}\n\ninline uint32_t //\nwuffs_base__pixel_config::width() const {\n return wuffs_base__pixel_config__width(this);\n}\n\ninline uint32_t //\nwuffs_base__pixel_config::height() const {\n return wuffs_base__pixel_config__height(this);\n}\n\ninline uint64_t //\nwuffs_base__pixel_config::pixbuf_len() const {\n return wuffs_base__pixel_config__pixbuf_len(this);\n}\n\n#endif // __cplusplus\n\n" +
"" +
"// --------\n\ntypedef struct {\n wuffs_base__pixel_config pixcfg;\n\n // Do not access the private_impl's fields directly. There is no API/ABI\n // compatibility or safety guarantee if you do so.\n struct {\n uint64_t first_frame_io_position;\n bool first_frame_is_opaque;\n } private_impl;\n\n#ifdef __cplusplus\n inline void set(uint32_t pixfmt_repr,\n uint32_t pixsub_repr,\n uint32_t width,\n uint32_t height,\n uint64_t first_frame_io_position,\n bool first_frame_is_opaque);\n inline void invalidate();\n inline bool is_valid() const;\n inline uint64_t first_frame_io_position() const;\n inline bool first_frame_is_opaque() const;\n#endif // __cplusplus\n\n} wuffs_base__image_config;\n\nstatic inline wuffs_base__image_config //\nwuffs_base__null_image_config() {\n wuffs_base__image_config ret;\n ret.pixcfg = wuffs_base__null_pixel_config();\n ret.private_impl.first_frame_io_position = 0;\n ret.private_impl.first_frame_is_opaque = false;" +
"\n return ret;\n}\n\n// TODO: Should this function return bool? An error type?\nstatic inline void //\nwuffs_base__image_config__set(wuffs_base__image_config* c,\n uint32_t pixfmt_repr,\n uint32_t pixsub_repr,\n uint32_t width,\n uint32_t height,\n uint64_t first_frame_io_position,\n bool first_frame_is_opaque) {\n if (!c) {\n return;\n }\n if (pixfmt_repr) {\n c->pixcfg.private_impl.pixfmt.repr = pixfmt_repr;\n c->pixcfg.private_impl.pixsub.repr = pixsub_repr;\n c->pixcfg.private_impl.width = width;\n c->pixcfg.private_impl.height = height;\n c->private_impl.first_frame_io_position = first_frame_io_position;\n c->private_impl.first_frame_is_opaque = first_frame_is_opaque;\n return;\n }\n\n c->pixcfg.private_impl.pixfmt.repr = 0;\n c->pixcfg.private_impl.pixsub.repr = 0;\n c->pixcfg.private_impl.width = 0;\n c->pixcfg.private_impl.he" +
"ight = 0;\n c->private_impl.first_frame_io_position = 0;\n c->private_impl.first_frame_is_opaque = 0;\n}\n\nstatic inline void //\nwuffs_base__image_config__invalidate(wuffs_base__image_config* c) {\n if (c) {\n c->pixcfg.private_impl.pixfmt.repr = 0;\n c->pixcfg.private_impl.pixsub.repr = 0;\n c->pixcfg.private_impl.width = 0;\n c->pixcfg.private_impl.height = 0;\n c->private_impl.first_frame_io_position = 0;\n c->private_impl.first_frame_is_opaque = 0;\n }\n}\n\nstatic inline bool //\nwuffs_base__image_config__is_valid(const wuffs_base__image_config* c) {\n return c && wuffs_base__pixel_config__is_valid(&(c->pixcfg));\n}\n\nstatic inline uint64_t //\nwuffs_base__image_config__first_frame_io_position(\n const wuffs_base__image_config* c) {\n return c ? c->private_impl.first_frame_io_position : 0;\n}\n\nstatic inline bool //\nwuffs_base__image_config__first_frame_is_opaque(\n const wuffs_base__image_config* c) {\n return c ? c->private_impl.first_frame_is_opaque : false;\n}\n\n#ifdef __cplusplus\n\ninline void" +
" //\nwuffs_base__image_config::set(uint32_t pixfmt_repr,\n uint32_t pixsub_repr,\n uint32_t width,\n uint32_t height,\n uint64_t first_frame_io_position,\n bool first_frame_is_opaque) {\n wuffs_base__image_config__set(this, pixfmt_repr, pixsub_repr, width, height,\n first_frame_io_position, first_frame_is_opaque);\n}\n\ninline void //\nwuffs_base__image_config::invalidate() {\n wuffs_base__image_config__invalidate(this);\n}\n\ninline bool //\nwuffs_base__image_config::is_valid() const {\n return wuffs_base__image_config__is_valid(this);\n}\n\ninline uint64_t //\nwuffs_base__image_config::first_frame_io_position() const {\n return wuffs_base__image_config__first_frame_io_position(this);\n}\n\ninline bool //\nwuffs_base__image_config::first_frame_is_opaque() const {\n return wuffs_base__image_config__first_frame_is_opaque(this);\n}\n\n#endif // __cplusplus\n\n" +
"" +
"// --------\n\n// Deprecated: use wuffs_base__pixel_blend instead.\n//\n// wuffs_base__animation_blend encodes, for an animated image, how to blend the\n// transparent pixels of this frame with the existing canvas. In Porter-Duff\n// compositing operator terminology:\n// - 0 means the frame may be transparent, and should be blended \"src over\n// dst\", also known as just \"over\".\n// - 1 means the frame may be transparent, and should be blended \"src\".\n// - 2 means the frame is completely opaque, so that \"src over dst\" and \"src\"\n// are equivalent.\n//\n// These semantics are conservative. It is valid for a completely opaque frame\n// to have a blend value other than 2.\ntypedef uint8_t wuffs_base__animation_blend;\n\n#define WUFFS_BASE__ANIMATION_BLEND__SRC_OVER_DST \\\n ((wuffs_base__animation_blend)0)\n#define WUFFS_BASE__ANIMATION_BLEND__SRC ((wuffs_base__animation_blend)1)\n#define WUFFS_BASE__ANIMATION_BLEND__OPAQUE ((wuffs_base__animation_blend)2)\n\n" +
"" +
"// --------\n\n// wuffs_base__animation_disposal encodes, for an animated image, how to\n// dispose of a frame after displaying it:\n// - None means to draw the next frame on top of this one.\n// - Restore Background means to clear the frame's dirty rectangle to \"the\n// background color\" (in practice, this means transparent black) before\n// drawing the next frame.\n// - Restore Previous means to undo the current frame, so that the next frame\n// is drawn on top of the previous one.\ntypedef uint8_t wuffs_base__animation_disposal;\n\n#define WUFFS_BASE__ANIMATION_DISPOSAL__NONE ((wuffs_base__animation_disposal)0)\n#define WUFFS_BASE__ANIMATION_DISPOSAL__RESTORE_BACKGROUND \\\n ((wuffs_base__animation_disposal)1)\n#define WUFFS_BASE__ANIMATION_DISPOSAL__RESTORE_PREVIOUS \\\n ((wuffs_base__animation_disposal)2)\n\n" +
"" +
"// --------\n\ntypedef struct {\n // Do not access the private_impl's fields directly. There is no API/ABI\n // compatibility or safety guarantee if you do so.\n struct {\n wuffs_base__rect_ie_u32 bounds;\n wuffs_base__flicks duration;\n uint64_t index;\n uint64_t io_position;\n wuffs_base__animation_disposal disposal;\n bool opaque_within_bounds;\n bool overwrite_instead_of_blend;\n wuffs_base__color_u32_argb_premul background_color;\n } private_impl;\n\n#ifdef __cplusplus\n inline void update(wuffs_base__rect_ie_u32 bounds,\n wuffs_base__flicks duration,\n uint64_t index,\n uint64_t io_position,\n wuffs_base__animation_disposal disposal,\n bool opaque_within_bounds,\n bool overwrite_instead_of_blend,\n wuffs_base__color_u32_argb_premul background_color);\n inline wuffs_base__rect_ie_u32 bounds() const;\n inline uint32_t width() const;\n inline uint32_t height() con" +
"st;\n inline wuffs_base__flicks duration() const;\n inline uint64_t index() const;\n inline uint64_t io_position() const;\n inline wuffs_base__animation_disposal disposal() const;\n inline bool opaque_within_bounds() const;\n inline bool overwrite_instead_of_blend() const;\n inline wuffs_base__color_u32_argb_premul background_color() const;\n#endif // __cplusplus\n\n} wuffs_base__frame_config;\n\nstatic inline wuffs_base__frame_config //\nwuffs_base__null_frame_config() {\n wuffs_base__frame_config ret;\n ret.private_impl.bounds = wuffs_base__make_rect_ie_u32(0, 0, 0, 0);\n ret.private_impl.duration = 0;\n ret.private_impl.index = 0;\n ret.private_impl.io_position = 0;\n ret.private_impl.disposal = 0;\n ret.private_impl.opaque_within_bounds = false;\n ret.private_impl.overwrite_instead_of_blend = false;\n return ret;\n}\n\nstatic inline void //\nwuffs_base__frame_config__update(\n wuffs_base__frame_config* c,\n wuffs_base__rect_ie_u32 bounds,\n wuffs_base__flicks duration,\n uint64_t index,\n uint64_t io_p" +
"osition,\n wuffs_base__animation_disposal disposal,\n bool opaque_within_bounds,\n bool overwrite_instead_of_blend,\n wuffs_base__color_u32_argb_premul background_color) {\n if (!c) {\n return;\n }\n\n c->private_impl.bounds = bounds;\n c->private_impl.duration = duration;\n c->private_impl.index = index;\n c->private_impl.io_position = io_position;\n c->private_impl.disposal = disposal;\n c->private_impl.opaque_within_bounds = opaque_within_bounds;\n c->private_impl.overwrite_instead_of_blend = overwrite_instead_of_blend;\n c->private_impl.background_color = background_color;\n}\n\nstatic inline wuffs_base__rect_ie_u32 //\nwuffs_base__frame_config__bounds(const wuffs_base__frame_config* c) {\n if (c) {\n return c->private_impl.bounds;\n }\n\n wuffs_base__rect_ie_u32 ret;\n ret.min_incl_x = 0;\n ret.min_incl_y = 0;\n ret.max_excl_x = 0;\n ret.max_excl_y = 0;\n return ret;\n}\n\nstatic inline uint32_t //\nwuffs_base__frame_config__width(const wuffs_base__frame_config* c) {\n return c ? wuffs_base__rect_ie_" +
"u32__width(&c->private_impl.bounds) : 0;\n}\n\nstatic inline uint32_t //\nwuffs_base__frame_config__height(const wuffs_base__frame_config* c) {\n return c ? wuffs_base__rect_ie_u32__height(&c->private_impl.bounds) : 0;\n}\n\n// wuffs_base__frame_config__duration returns the amount of time to display\n// this frame. Zero means to display forever - a still (non-animated) image.\nstatic inline wuffs_base__flicks //\nwuffs_base__frame_config__duration(const wuffs_base__frame_config* c) {\n return c ? c->private_impl.duration : 0;\n}\n\n// wuffs_base__frame_config__index returns the index of this frame. The first\n// frame in an image has index 0, the second frame has index 1, and so on.\nstatic inline uint64_t //\nwuffs_base__frame_config__index(const wuffs_base__frame_config* c) {\n return c ? c->private_impl.index : 0;\n}\n\n// wuffs_base__frame_config__io_position returns the I/O stream position before\n// the frame config.\nstatic inline uint64_t //\nwuffs_base__frame_config__io_position(const wuffs_base__frame_config* c) {\n " +
"return c ? c->private_impl.io_position : 0;\n}\n\n// wuffs_base__frame_config__disposal returns, for an animated image, how to\n// dispose of this frame after displaying it.\nstatic inline wuffs_base__animation_disposal //\nwuffs_base__frame_config__disposal(const wuffs_base__frame_config* c) {\n return c ? c->private_impl.disposal : 0;\n}\n\n// wuffs_base__frame_config__opaque_within_bounds returns whether all pixels\n// within the frame's bounds are fully opaque. It makes no claim about pixels\n// outside the frame bounds but still inside the overall image. The two\n// bounding rectangles can differ for animated images.\n//\n// Its semantics are conservative. It is valid for a fully opaque frame to have\n// this value be false: a false negative.\n//\n// If true, drawing the frame with WUFFS_BASE__PIXEL_BLEND__SRC and\n// WUFFS_BASE__PIXEL_BLEND__SRC_OVER should be equivalent, in terms of\n// resultant pixels, but the former may be faster.\nstatic inline bool //\nwuffs_base__frame_config__opaque_within_bounds(\n const wuffs_" +
"base__frame_config* c) {\n return c && c->private_impl.opaque_within_bounds;\n}\n\n// wuffs_base__frame_config__overwrite_instead_of_blend returns, for an\n// animated image, whether to ignore the previous image state (within the frame\n// bounds) when drawing this incremental frame. Equivalently, whether to use\n// WUFFS_BASE__PIXEL_BLEND__SRC instead of WUFFS_BASE__PIXEL_BLEND__SRC_OVER.\n//\n// The WebP spec (\n// calls this the \"Blending method\" bit. WebP's \"Do not blend\" corresponds to\n// Wuffs' \"overwrite_instead_of_blend\".\nstatic inline bool //\nwuffs_base__frame_config__overwrite_instead_of_blend(\n const wuffs_base__frame_config* c) {\n return c && c->private_impl.overwrite_instead_of_blend;\n}\n\nstatic inline wuffs_base__color_u32_argb_premul //\nwuffs_base__frame_config__background_color(const wuffs_base__frame_config* c) {\n return c ? c->private_impl.background_color : 0;\n}\n\n#ifdef __cplusplus\n\ninline void //\nwuffs_base__frame_config::update(\n " +
" wuffs_base__rect_ie_u32 bounds,\n wuffs_base__flicks duration,\n uint64_t index,\n uint64_t io_position,\n wuffs_base__animation_disposal disposal,\n bool opaque_within_bounds,\n bool overwrite_instead_of_blend,\n wuffs_base__color_u32_argb_premul background_color) {\n wuffs_base__frame_config__update(\n this, bounds, duration, index, io_position, disposal,\n opaque_within_bounds, overwrite_instead_of_blend, background_color);\n}\n\ninline wuffs_base__rect_ie_u32 //\nwuffs_base__frame_config::bounds() const {\n return wuffs_base__frame_config__bounds(this);\n}\n\ninline uint32_t //\nwuffs_base__frame_config::width() const {\n return wuffs_base__frame_config__width(this);\n}\n\ninline uint32_t //\nwuffs_base__frame_config::height() const {\n return wuffs_base__frame_config__height(this);\n}\n\ninline wuffs_base__flicks //\nwuffs_base__frame_config::duration() const {\n return wuffs_base__frame_config__duration(this);\n}\n\ninline uint64_t //\nwuffs_base__frame_config::index() const {\n return wuffs_b" +
"ase__frame_config__index(this);\n}\n\ninline uint64_t //\nwuffs_base__frame_config::io_position() const {\n return wuffs_base__frame_config__io_position(this);\n}\n\ninline wuffs_base__animation_disposal //\nwuffs_base__frame_config::disposal() const {\n return wuffs_base__frame_config__disposal(this);\n}\n\ninline bool //\nwuffs_base__frame_config::opaque_within_bounds() const {\n return wuffs_base__frame_config__opaque_within_bounds(this);\n}\n\ninline bool //\nwuffs_base__frame_config::overwrite_instead_of_blend() const {\n return wuffs_base__frame_config__overwrite_instead_of_blend(this);\n}\n\ninline wuffs_base__color_u32_argb_premul //\nwuffs_base__frame_config::background_color() const {\n return wuffs_base__frame_config__background_color(this);\n}\n\n#endif // __cplusplus\n\n" +
"" +
"// --------\n\ntypedef struct {\n wuffs_base__pixel_config pixcfg;\n\n // Do not access the private_impl's fields directly. There is no API/ABI\n // compatibility or safety guarantee if you do so.\n struct {\n wuffs_base__table_u8 planes[WUFFS_BASE__PIXEL_FORMAT__NUM_PLANES_MAX];\n // TODO: color spaces.\n } private_impl;\n\n#ifdef __cplusplus\n inline wuffs_base__status set_from_slice(\n const wuffs_base__pixel_config* pixcfg,\n wuffs_base__slice_u8 pixbuf_memory);\n inline wuffs_base__status set_from_table(\n const wuffs_base__pixel_config* pixcfg,\n wuffs_base__table_u8 pixbuf_memory);\n inline wuffs_base__slice_u8 palette();\n inline wuffs_base__pixel_format pixel_format() const;\n inline wuffs_base__table_u8 plane(uint32_t p);\n inline wuffs_base__color_u32_argb_premul color_u32_at(uint32_t x,\n uint32_t y) const;\n inline wuffs_base__status set_color_u32_at(\n uint32_t x,\n uint32_t y,\n wuffs_base__color_u32_argb_premul co" +
"lor);\n#endif // __cplusplus\n\n} wuffs_base__pixel_buffer;\n\nstatic inline wuffs_base__pixel_buffer //\nwuffs_base__null_pixel_buffer() {\n wuffs_base__pixel_buffer ret;\n ret.pixcfg = wuffs_base__null_pixel_config();\n ret.private_impl.planes[0] = wuffs_base__empty_table_u8();\n ret.private_impl.planes[1] = wuffs_base__empty_table_u8();\n ret.private_impl.planes[2] = wuffs_base__empty_table_u8();\n ret.private_impl.planes[3] = wuffs_base__empty_table_u8();\n return ret;\n}\n\nstatic inline wuffs_base__status //\nwuffs_base__pixel_buffer__set_from_slice(wuffs_base__pixel_buffer* b,\n const wuffs_base__pixel_config* pixcfg,\n wuffs_base__slice_u8 pixbuf_memory) {\n if (!b) {\n return wuffs_base__make_status(wuffs_base__error__bad_receiver);\n }\n memset(b, 0, sizeof(*b));\n if (!pixcfg) {\n return wuffs_base__make_status(wuffs_base__error__bad_argument);\n }\n if (wuffs_base__pixel_format__is_planar(&pixcfg->private_impl.pixfmt)) {\n " +
" // TODO: support planar pixel formats, concious of pixel subsampling.\n return wuffs_base__make_status(wuffs_base__error__unsupported_option);\n }\n uint32_t bits_per_pixel =\n wuffs_base__pixel_format__bits_per_pixel(&pixcfg->private_impl.pixfmt);\n if ((bits_per_pixel == 0) || ((bits_per_pixel % 8) != 0)) {\n // TODO: support fraction-of-byte pixels, e.g. 1 bit per pixel?\n return wuffs_base__make_status(wuffs_base__error__unsupported_option);\n }\n uint64_t bytes_per_pixel = bits_per_pixel / 8;\n\n uint8_t* ptr = pixbuf_memory.ptr;\n uint64_t len = pixbuf_memory.len;\n if (wuffs_base__pixel_format__is_indexed(&pixcfg->private_impl.pixfmt)) {\n // Split a 1024 byte chunk (256 palette entries × 4 bytes per entry) from\n // the start of pixbuf_memory. We split from the start, not the end, so\n // that the both chunks' pointers have the same alignment as the original\n // pointer, up to an alignment of 1024.\n if (len < 1024) {\n return wuffs_base__make_status(\n wuffs_base__e" +
"rror__bad_argument_length_too_short);\n }\n wuffs_base__table_u8* tab =\n &b->private_impl.planes[WUFFS_BASE__PIXEL_FORMAT__INDEXED__COLOR_PLANE];\n tab->ptr = ptr;\n tab->width = 1024;\n tab->height = 1;\n tab->stride = 1024;\n ptr += 1024;\n len -= 1024;\n }\n\n uint64_t wh = ((uint64_t)pixcfg->private_impl.width) *\n ((uint64_t)pixcfg->private_impl.height);\n size_t width = (size_t)(pixcfg->private_impl.width);\n if ((wh > (UINT64_MAX / bytes_per_pixel)) ||\n (width > (SIZE_MAX / bytes_per_pixel))) {\n return wuffs_base__make_status(wuffs_base__error__bad_argument);\n }\n wh *= bytes_per_pixel;\n width *= bytes_per_pixel;\n if (wh > len) {\n return wuffs_base__make_status(\n wuffs_base__error__bad_argument_length_too_short);\n }\n\n b->pixcfg = *pixcfg;\n wuffs_base__table_u8* tab = &b->private_impl.planes[0];\n tab->ptr = ptr;\n tab->width = width;\n tab->height = pixcfg->private_impl.height;\n tab->stride = width;\n return wuffs_base__make_status(NULL);\n}\n\n" +
"static inline wuffs_base__status //\nwuffs_base__pixel_buffer__set_from_table(wuffs_base__pixel_buffer* b,\n const wuffs_base__pixel_config* pixcfg,\n wuffs_base__table_u8 pixbuf_memory) {\n if (!b) {\n return wuffs_base__make_status(wuffs_base__error__bad_receiver);\n }\n memset(b, 0, sizeof(*b));\n if (!pixcfg ||\n wuffs_base__pixel_format__is_planar(&pixcfg->private_impl.pixfmt)) {\n return wuffs_base__make_status(wuffs_base__error__bad_argument);\n }\n uint32_t bits_per_pixel =\n wuffs_base__pixel_format__bits_per_pixel(&pixcfg->private_impl.pixfmt);\n if ((bits_per_pixel == 0) || ((bits_per_pixel % 8) != 0)) {\n // TODO: support fraction-of-byte pixels, e.g. 1 bit per pixel?\n return wuffs_base__make_status(wuffs_base__error__unsupported_option);\n }\n uint64_t bytes_per_pixel = bits_per_pixel / 8;\n\n uint64_t width_in_bytes =\n ((uint64_t)pixcfg->private_impl.width) * bytes_per_pixel;\n if ((width_in_bytes " +
"> pixbuf_memory.width) ||\n (pixcfg->private_impl.height > pixbuf_memory.height)) {\n return wuffs_base__make_status(wuffs_base__error__bad_argument);\n }\n\n b->pixcfg = *pixcfg;\n b->private_impl.planes[0] = pixbuf_memory;\n return wuffs_base__make_status(NULL);\n}\n\n// wuffs_base__pixel_buffer__palette returns the palette color data. If\n// non-empty, it will have length 1024.\nstatic inline wuffs_base__slice_u8 //\nwuffs_base__pixel_buffer__palette(wuffs_base__pixel_buffer* b) {\n if (b &&\n wuffs_base__pixel_format__is_indexed(&b->pixcfg.private_impl.pixfmt)) {\n wuffs_base__table_u8* tab =\n &b->private_impl.planes[WUFFS_BASE__PIXEL_FORMAT__INDEXED__COLOR_PLANE];\n if ((tab->width == 1024) && (tab->height == 1)) {\n return wuffs_base__make_slice_u8(tab->ptr, 1024);\n }\n }\n return wuffs_base__make_slice_u8(NULL, 0);\n}\n\nstatic inline wuffs_base__pixel_format //\nwuffs_base__pixel_buffer__pixel_format(const wuffs_base__pixel_buffer* b) {\n if (b) {\n return b->pixcfg.private_impl.p" +
"ixfmt;\n }\n return wuffs_base__make_pixel_format(WUFFS_BASE__PIXEL_FORMAT__INVALID);\n}\n\nstatic inline wuffs_base__table_u8 //\nwuffs_base__pixel_buffer__plane(wuffs_base__pixel_buffer* b, uint32_t p) {\n if (b && (p < WUFFS_BASE__PIXEL_FORMAT__NUM_PLANES_MAX)) {\n return b->private_impl.planes[p];\n }\n\n wuffs_base__table_u8 ret;\n ret.ptr = NULL;\n ret.width = 0;\n ret.height = 0;\n ret.stride = 0;\n return ret;\n}\n\nwuffs_base__color_u32_argb_premul //\nwuffs_base__pixel_buffer__color_u32_at(const wuffs_base__pixel_buffer* b,\n uint32_t x,\n uint32_t y);\n\nwuffs_base__status //\nwuffs_base__pixel_buffer__set_color_u32_at(\n wuffs_base__pixel_buffer* b,\n uint32_t x,\n uint32_t y,\n wuffs_base__color_u32_argb_premul color);\n\n#ifdef __cplusplus\n\ninline wuffs_base__status //\nwuffs_base__pixel_buffer::set_from_slice(const wuffs_base__pixel_config* pixcfg,\n wuffs_base__slice_u8 pixbuf_memory" +
") {\n return wuffs_base__pixel_buffer__set_from_slice(this, pixcfg, pixbuf_memory);\n}\n\ninline wuffs_base__status //\nwuffs_base__pixel_buffer::set_from_table(const wuffs_base__pixel_config* pixcfg,\n wuffs_base__table_u8 pixbuf_memory) {\n return wuffs_base__pixel_buffer__set_from_table(this, pixcfg, pixbuf_memory);\n}\n\ninline wuffs_base__slice_u8 //\nwuffs_base__pixel_buffer::palette() {\n return wuffs_base__pixel_buffer__palette(this);\n}\n\ninline wuffs_base__pixel_format //\nwuffs_base__pixel_buffer::pixel_format() const {\n return wuffs_base__pixel_buffer__pixel_format(this);\n}\n\ninline wuffs_base__table_u8 //\nwuffs_base__pixel_buffer::plane(uint32_t p) {\n return wuffs_base__pixel_buffer__plane(this, p);\n}\n\ninline wuffs_base__color_u32_argb_premul //\nwuffs_base__pixel_buffer::color_u32_at(uint32_t x, uint32_t y) const {\n return wuffs_base__pixel_buffer__color_u32_at(this, x, y);\n}\n\ninline wuffs_base__status //\nwuffs_base__pixel_buffer::set_color_u32_at(\n uint32_t" +
" x,\n uint32_t y,\n wuffs_base__color_u32_argb_premul color) {\n return wuffs_base__pixel_buffer__set_color_u32_at(this, x, y, color);\n}\n\n#endif // __cplusplus\n\n" +
"" +
"// --------\n\ntypedef struct {\n // Do not access the private_impl's fields directly. There is no API/ABI\n // compatibility or safety guarantee if you do so.\n struct {\n uint8_t TODO;\n } private_impl;\n\n#ifdef __cplusplus\n#endif // __cplusplus\n\n} wuffs_base__decode_frame_options;\n\n#ifdef __cplusplus\n\n#endif // __cplusplus\n\n" +
"" +
"// --------\n\n// TODO: should the func type take restrict pointers?\ntypedef uint64_t (*wuffs_base__pixel_swizzler__func)(\n wuffs_base__slice_u8 dst,\n wuffs_base__slice_u8 dst_palette,\n wuffs_base__slice_u8 src);\n\ntypedef struct {\n // Do not access the private_impl's fields directly. There is no API/ABI\n // compatibility or safety guarantee if you do so.\n struct {\n wuffs_base__pixel_swizzler__func func;\n } private_impl;\n\n#ifdef __cplusplus\n inline wuffs_base__status prepare(wuffs_base__pixel_format dst_format,\n wuffs_base__slice_u8 dst_palette,\n wuffs_base__pixel_format src_format,\n wuffs_base__slice_u8 src_palette,\n wuffs_base__pixel_blend blend);\n inline uint64_t swizzle_interleaved(wuffs_base__slice_u8 dst,\n wuffs_base__slice_u8 dst_palette,\n wuffs_base__slice_u8 src) const;\n#endi" +
"f // __cplusplus\n\n} wuffs_base__pixel_swizzler;\n\nwuffs_base__status //\nwuffs_base__pixel_swizzler__prepare(wuffs_base__pixel_swizzler* p,\n wuffs_base__pixel_format dst_format,\n wuffs_base__slice_u8 dst_palette,\n wuffs_base__pixel_format src_format,\n wuffs_base__slice_u8 src_palette,\n wuffs_base__pixel_blend blend);\n\nuint64_t //\nwuffs_base__pixel_swizzler__swizzle_interleaved(\n const wuffs_base__pixel_swizzler* p,\n wuffs_base__slice_u8 dst,\n wuffs_base__slice_u8 dst_palette,\n wuffs_base__slice_u8 src);\n\n#ifdef __cplusplus\n\ninline wuffs_base__status //\nwuffs_base__pixel_swizzler::prepare(wuffs_base__pixel_format dst_format,\n wuffs_base__slice_u8 dst_palette,\n wuffs_base__pixel_format src_format,\n wuffs_base__slice_u8 src" +
"_palette,\n wuffs_base__pixel_blend blend) {\n return wuffs_base__pixel_swizzler__prepare(this, dst_format, dst_palette,\n src_format, src_palette, blend);\n}\n\nuint64_t //\nwuffs_base__pixel_swizzler::swizzle_interleaved(\n wuffs_base__slice_u8 dst,\n wuffs_base__slice_u8 dst_palette,\n wuffs_base__slice_u8 src) const {\n return wuffs_base__pixel_swizzler__swizzle_interleaved(this, dst, dst_palette,\n src);\n}\n\n#endif // __cplusplus\n" +
const baseIOPrivateH = "" +
"// ---------------- I/O\n\nstatic inline uint64_t //\nwuffs_base__io__count_since(uint64_t mark, uint64_t index) {\n if (index >= mark) {\n return index - mark;\n }\n return 0;\n}\n\nstatic inline wuffs_base__slice_u8 //\nwuffs_base__io__since(uint64_t mark, uint64_t index, uint8_t* ptr) {\n if (index >= mark) {\n return wuffs_base__make_slice_u8(ptr + mark, index - mark);\n }\n return wuffs_base__make_slice_u8(NULL, 0);\n}\n\nstatic inline uint32_t //\nwuffs_base__io_writer__copy_n32_from_history(uint8_t** ptr_iop_w,\n uint8_t* io1_w,\n uint8_t* io2_w,\n uint32_t length,\n uint32_t distance) {\n if (!distance) {\n return 0;\n }\n uint8_t* p = *ptr_iop_w;\n if ((size_t)(p - io1_w) < (size_t)(distance)) {\n return 0;\n }\n uint8_t* q = p - distance;\n size_t n = (size_t)(io2_w - p);\n if ((size_t)(length) > n) {\n length = (uint32_t)(n);\n " +
" } else {\n n = (size_t)(length);\n }\n // TODO: unrolling by 3 seems best for the std/deflate benchmarks, but that\n // is mostly because 3 is the minimum length for the deflate format. This\n // function implementation shouldn't overfit to that one format. Perhaps the\n // copy_n32_from_history Wuffs method should also take an unroll hint\n // argument, and the cgen can look if that argument is the constant\n // expression '3'.\n //\n // See also wuffs_base__io_writer__copy_n32_from_history_fast below.\n //\n // Alternatively, or additionally, have a sloppy_copy_n32_from_history method\n // that copies 8 bytes at a time, possibly writing more than length bytes?\n for (; n >= 3; n -= 3) {\n *p++ = *q++;\n *p++ = *q++;\n *p++ = *q++;\n }\n for (; n; n--) {\n *p++ = *q++;\n }\n *ptr_iop_w = p;\n return length;\n}\n\n// wuffs_base__io_writer__copy_n32_from_history_fast is like the\n// wuffs_base__io_writer__copy_n32_from_history function above, but has\n// stronger pre-conditions. The caller needs to prove" +
" that:\n// - distance > 0\n// - distance <= (*ptr_iop_w - io1_w)\n// - length <= (io2_w - *ptr_iop_w)\nstatic inline uint32_t //\nwuffs_base__io_writer__copy_n32_from_history_fast(uint8_t** ptr_iop_w,\n uint8_t* io1_w,\n uint8_t* io2_w,\n uint32_t length,\n uint32_t distance) {\n uint8_t* p = *ptr_iop_w;\n uint8_t* q = p - distance;\n uint32_t n = length;\n for (; n >= 3; n -= 3) {\n *p++ = *q++;\n *p++ = *q++;\n *p++ = *q++;\n }\n for (; n; n--) {\n *p++ = *q++;\n }\n *ptr_iop_w = p;\n return length;\n}\n\nstatic inline uint32_t //\nwuffs_base__io_writer__copy_n32_from_reader(uint8_t** ptr_iop_w,\n uint8_t* io2_w,\n uint32_t length,\n uint8_t** ptr_iop_r,\n " +
" uint8_t* io2_r) {\n uint8_t* iop_w = *ptr_iop_w;\n size_t n = length;\n if (n > ((size_t)(io2_w - iop_w))) {\n n = (size_t)(io2_w - iop_w);\n }\n uint8_t* iop_r = *ptr_iop_r;\n if (n > ((size_t)(io2_r - iop_r))) {\n n = (size_t)(io2_r - iop_r);\n }\n if (n > 0) {\n memmove(iop_w, iop_r, n);\n *ptr_iop_w += n;\n *ptr_iop_r += n;\n }\n return (uint32_t)(n);\n}\n\nstatic inline uint64_t //\nwuffs_base__io_writer__copy_from_slice(uint8_t** ptr_iop_w,\n uint8_t* io2_w,\n wuffs_base__slice_u8 src) {\n uint8_t* iop_w = *ptr_iop_w;\n size_t n = src.len;\n if (n > ((size_t)(io2_w - iop_w))) {\n n = (size_t)(io2_w - iop_w);\n }\n if (n > 0) {\n memmove(iop_w, src.ptr, n);\n *ptr_iop_w += n;\n }\n return (uint64_t)(n);\n}\n\nstatic inline uint32_t //\nwuffs_base__io_writer__copy_n32_from_slice(uint8_t** ptr_iop_w,\n uint8_t* io2_w,\n uint32_t" +
" length,\n wuffs_base__slice_u8 src) {\n uint8_t* iop_w = *ptr_iop_w;\n size_t n = src.len;\n if (n > length) {\n n = length;\n }\n if (n > ((size_t)(io2_w - iop_w))) {\n n = (size_t)(io2_w - iop_w);\n }\n if (n > 0) {\n memmove(iop_w, src.ptr, n);\n *ptr_iop_w += n;\n }\n return (uint32_t)(n);\n}\n\nstatic inline wuffs_base__io_buffer* //\nwuffs_base__io_reader__set(wuffs_base__io_buffer* b,\n uint8_t** ptr_iop_r,\n uint8_t** ptr_io0_r,\n uint8_t** ptr_io1_r,\n uint8_t** ptr_io2_r,\n wuffs_base__slice_u8 data) {\n b->data = data;\n b->meta.wi = data.len;\n b->meta.ri = 0;\n b->meta.pos = 0;\n b->meta.closed = false;\n\n *ptr_iop_r = data.ptr;\n *ptr_io0_r = data.ptr;\n *ptr_io1_r = data.ptr;\n *ptr_io2_r = data.ptr + data.len;\n\n return b;\n}\n\nstatic inline wuffs_base__slice_u8 //\nwuffs_base__io_reader__take(uint8_t** ptr_iop_r, uint8_t* io2" +
"_r, uint64_t n) {\n if (n <= ((size_t)(io2_r - *ptr_iop_r))) {\n uint8_t* p = *ptr_iop_r;\n *ptr_iop_r += n;\n return wuffs_base__make_slice_u8(p, n);\n }\n return wuffs_base__make_slice_u8(NULL, 0);\n}\n\nstatic inline wuffs_base__io_buffer* //\nwuffs_base__io_writer__set(wuffs_base__io_buffer* b,\n uint8_t** ptr_iop_w,\n uint8_t** ptr_io0_w,\n uint8_t** ptr_io1_w,\n uint8_t** ptr_io2_w,\n wuffs_base__slice_u8 data) {\n b->data = data;\n b->meta.wi = 0;\n b->meta.ri = 0;\n b->meta.pos = 0;\n b->meta.closed = false;\n\n *ptr_iop_w = data.ptr;\n *ptr_io0_w = data.ptr;\n *ptr_io1_w = data.ptr;\n *ptr_io2_w = data.ptr + data.len;\n\n return b;\n}\n\n" +
"" +
"// ---------------- I/O (Utility)\n\n#define wuffs_base__utility__empty_io_reader wuffs_base__empty_io_reader\n#define wuffs_base__utility__empty_io_writer wuffs_base__empty_io_writer\n" +
const baseIOPublicH = "" +
"// ---------------- I/O\n//\n// See (/doc/note/\n\n// wuffs_base__io_buffer_meta is the metadata for a wuffs_base__io_buffer's\n// data.\ntypedef struct {\n size_t wi; // Write index. Invariant: wi <= len.\n size_t ri; // Read index. Invariant: ri <= wi.\n uint64_t pos; // Position of the buffer start relative to the stream start.\n bool closed; // No further writes are expected.\n} wuffs_base__io_buffer_meta;\n\n// wuffs_base__io_buffer is a 1-dimensional buffer (a pointer and length) plus\n// additional metadata.\n//\n// A value with all fields zero is a valid, empty buffer.\ntypedef struct {\n wuffs_base__slice_u8 data;\n wuffs_base__io_buffer_meta meta;\n\n#ifdef __cplusplus\n inline void compact();\n inline uint64_t reader_available() const;\n inline uint64_t reader_io_position() const;\n inline uint64_t writer_available() const;\n inline uint64_t writer_io_position() const;\n#endif // __cplusplus\n\n} wuffs_base__io_buffer;\n\nstatic inline wuffs_base__io_buffer //\nwuffs_base__make_io_buff" +
"er(wuffs_base__slice_u8 data,\n wuffs_base__io_buffer_meta meta) {\n wuffs_base__io_buffer ret;\n = data;\n ret.meta = meta;\n return ret;\n}\n\nstatic inline wuffs_base__io_buffer_meta //\nwuffs_base__make_io_buffer_meta(size_t wi,\n size_t ri,\n uint64_t pos,\n bool closed) {\n wuffs_base__io_buffer_meta ret;\n ret.wi = wi;\n ret.ri = ri;\n ret.pos = pos;\n ret.closed = closed;\n return ret;\n}\n\nstatic inline wuffs_base__io_buffer //\nwuffs_base__empty_io_buffer() {\n wuffs_base__io_buffer ret;\n = NULL;\n = 0;\n ret.meta.wi = 0;\n ret.meta.ri = 0;\n ret.meta.pos = 0;\n ret.meta.closed = false;\n return ret;\n}\n\nstatic inline wuffs_base__io_buffer_meta //\nwuffs_base__empty_io_buffer_meta() {\n wuffs_base__io_buffer_meta ret;\n ret.wi = 0;\n ret.ri = 0;\n ret.pos = 0;\n ret.closed = false;\n return ret;\n}\n\n// wuffs_base__io_buffer__compact moves any written but unr" +
"ead bytes to the\n// start of the buffer.\nstatic inline void //\nwuffs_base__io_buffer__compact(wuffs_base__io_buffer* buf) {\n if (!buf || (buf->meta.ri == 0)) {\n return;\n }\n buf->meta.pos = wuffs_base__u64__sat_add(buf->meta.pos, buf->meta.ri);\n size_t n = buf->meta.wi - buf->meta.ri;\n if (n != 0) {\n memmove(buf->data.ptr, buf->data.ptr + buf->meta.ri, n);\n }\n buf->meta.wi = n;\n buf->meta.ri = 0;\n}\n\nstatic inline uint64_t //\nwuffs_base__io_buffer__reader_available(const wuffs_base__io_buffer* buf) {\n return buf ? buf->meta.wi - buf->meta.ri : 0;\n}\n\nstatic inline uint64_t //\nwuffs_base__io_buffer__reader_io_position(const wuffs_base__io_buffer* buf) {\n return buf ? wuffs_base__u64__sat_add(buf->meta.pos, buf->meta.ri) : 0;\n}\n\nstatic inline uint64_t //\nwuffs_base__io_buffer__writer_available(const wuffs_base__io_buffer* buf) {\n return buf ? buf->data.len - buf->meta.wi : 0;\n}\n\nstatic inline uint64_t //\nwuffs_base__io_buffer__writer_io_position(const wuffs_base__io_buffer* buf) {\n return bu" +
"f ? wuffs_base__u64__sat_add(buf->meta.pos, buf->meta.wi) : 0;\n}\n\n#ifdef __cplusplus\n\ninline void //\nwuffs_base__io_buffer::compact() {\n wuffs_base__io_buffer__compact(this);\n}\n\ninline uint64_t //\nwuffs_base__io_buffer::reader_available() const {\n return wuffs_base__io_buffer__reader_available(this);\n}\n\ninline uint64_t //\nwuffs_base__io_buffer::reader_io_position() const {\n return wuffs_base__io_buffer__reader_io_position(this);\n}\n\ninline uint64_t //\nwuffs_base__io_buffer::writer_available() const {\n return wuffs_base__io_buffer__writer_available(this);\n}\n\ninline uint64_t //\nwuffs_base__io_buffer::writer_io_position() const {\n return wuffs_base__io_buffer__writer_io_position(this);\n}\n\n#endif // __cplusplus\n" +
const baseRangePrivateH = "" +
"// ---------------- Ranges and Rects\n\nstatic inline uint32_t //\nwuffs_base__range_ii_u32__get_min_incl(const wuffs_base__range_ii_u32* r) {\n return r->min_incl;\n}\n\nstatic inline uint32_t //\nwuffs_base__range_ii_u32__get_max_incl(const wuffs_base__range_ii_u32* r) {\n return r->max_incl;\n}\n\nstatic inline uint32_t //\nwuffs_base__range_ie_u32__get_min_incl(const wuffs_base__range_ie_u32* r) {\n return r->min_incl;\n}\n\nstatic inline uint32_t //\nwuffs_base__range_ie_u32__get_max_excl(const wuffs_base__range_ie_u32* r) {\n return r->max_excl;\n}\n\nstatic inline uint64_t //\nwuffs_base__range_ii_u64__get_min_incl(const wuffs_base__range_ii_u64* r) {\n return r->min_incl;\n}\n\nstatic inline uint64_t //\nwuffs_base__range_ii_u64__get_max_incl(const wuffs_base__range_ii_u64* r) {\n return r->max_incl;\n}\n\nstatic inline uint64_t //\nwuffs_base__range_ie_u64__get_min_incl(const wuffs_base__range_ie_u64* r) {\n return r->min_incl;\n}\n\nstatic inline uint64_t //\nwuffs_base__range_ie_u64__get_max_excl(const wuffs_base__range_" +
"ie_u64* r) {\n return r->max_excl;\n}\n\n" +
"" +
"// ---------------- Ranges and Rects (Utility)\n\n#define wuffs_base__utility__empty_range_ii_u32 wuffs_base__empty_range_ii_u32\n#define wuffs_base__utility__empty_range_ie_u32 wuffs_base__empty_range_ie_u32\n#define wuffs_base__utility__empty_range_ii_u64 wuffs_base__empty_range_ii_u64\n#define wuffs_base__utility__empty_range_ie_u64 wuffs_base__empty_range_ie_u64\n#define wuffs_base__utility__empty_rect_ii_u32 wuffs_base__empty_rect_ii_u32\n#define wuffs_base__utility__empty_rect_ie_u32 wuffs_base__empty_rect_ie_u32\n#define wuffs_base__utility__make_range_ii_u32 wuffs_base__make_range_ii_u32\n#define wuffs_base__utility__make_range_ie_u32 wuffs_base__make_range_ie_u32\n#define wuffs_base__utility__make_range_ii_u64 wuffs_base__make_range_ii_u64\n#define wuffs_base__utility__make_range_ie_u64 wuffs_base__make_range_ie_u64\n#define wuffs_base__utility__make_rect_ii_u32 wuffs_base__make_rect_ii_u32\n#define wuffs_base__utility__make_rect_ie_u32 wuffs_base__make_rect_ie_u32\n" +
const baseRangePublicH = "" +
"// ---------------- Ranges and Rects\n\n// See\n\ntypedef struct wuffs_base__range_ii_u32__struct {\n uint32_t min_incl;\n uint32_t max_incl;\n\n#ifdef __cplusplus\n inline bool is_empty() const;\n inline bool equals(wuffs_base__range_ii_u32__struct s) const;\n inline wuffs_base__range_ii_u32__struct intersect(\n wuffs_base__range_ii_u32__struct s) const;\n inline wuffs_base__range_ii_u32__struct unite(\n wuffs_base__range_ii_u32__struct s) const;\n inline bool contains(uint32_t x) const;\n inline bool contains_range(wuffs_base__range_ii_u32__struct s) const;\n#endif // __cplusplus\n\n} wuffs_base__range_ii_u32;\n\nstatic inline wuffs_base__range_ii_u32 //\nwuffs_base__empty_range_ii_u32() {\n wuffs_base__range_ii_u32 ret;\n ret.min_incl = 0;\n ret.max_incl = 0;\n return ret;\n}\n\nstatic inline wuffs_base__range_ii_u32 //\nwuffs_base__make_range_ii_u32(uint32_t min_incl, uint32_t max_incl) {\n wuffs_base__range_ii_u32 ret;\n ret.min_incl = m" +
"in_incl;\n ret.max_incl = max_incl;\n return ret;\n}\n\nstatic inline bool //\nwuffs_base__range_ii_u32__is_empty(const wuffs_base__range_ii_u32* r) {\n return r->min_incl > r->max_incl;\n}\n\nstatic inline bool //\nwuffs_base__range_ii_u32__equals(const wuffs_base__range_ii_u32* r,\n wuffs_base__range_ii_u32 s) {\n return (r->min_incl == s.min_incl && r->max_incl == s.max_incl) ||\n (wuffs_base__range_ii_u32__is_empty(r) &&\n wuffs_base__range_ii_u32__is_empty(&s));\n}\n\nstatic inline wuffs_base__range_ii_u32 //\nwuffs_base__range_ii_u32__intersect(const wuffs_base__range_ii_u32* r,\n wuffs_base__range_ii_u32 s) {\n wuffs_base__range_ii_u32 t;\n t.min_incl = wuffs_base__u32__max(r->min_incl, s.min_incl);\n t.max_incl = wuffs_base__u32__min(r->max_incl, s.max_incl);\n return t;\n}\n\nstatic inline wuffs_base__range_ii_u32 //\nwuffs_base__range_ii_u32__unite(const wuffs_base__range_ii_u32* r,\n wuffs_base__range_" +
"ii_u32 s) {\n if (wuffs_base__range_ii_u32__is_empty(r)) {\n return s;\n }\n if (wuffs_base__range_ii_u32__is_empty(&s)) {\n return *r;\n }\n wuffs_base__range_ii_u32 t;\n t.min_incl = wuffs_base__u32__min(r->min_incl, s.min_incl);\n t.max_incl = wuffs_base__u32__max(r->max_incl, s.max_incl);\n return t;\n}\n\nstatic inline bool //\nwuffs_base__range_ii_u32__contains(const wuffs_base__range_ii_u32* r,\n uint32_t x) {\n return (r->min_incl <= x) && (x <= r->max_incl);\n}\n\nstatic inline bool //\nwuffs_base__range_ii_u32__contains_range(const wuffs_base__range_ii_u32* r,\n wuffs_base__range_ii_u32 s) {\n return wuffs_base__range_ii_u32__equals(\n &s, wuffs_base__range_ii_u32__intersect(r, s));\n}\n\n#ifdef __cplusplus\n\ninline bool //\nwuffs_base__range_ii_u32::is_empty() const {\n return wuffs_base__range_ii_u32__is_empty(this);\n}\n\ninline bool //\nwuffs_base__range_ii_u32::equals(wuffs_base__range_ii_u32 s) const {\n return wuffs_base__rang" +
"e_ii_u32__equals(this, s);\n}\n\ninline wuffs_base__range_ii_u32 //\nwuffs_base__range_ii_u32::intersect(wuffs_base__range_ii_u32 s) const {\n return wuffs_base__range_ii_u32__intersect(this, s);\n}\n\ninline wuffs_base__range_ii_u32 //\nwuffs_base__range_ii_u32::unite(wuffs_base__range_ii_u32 s) const {\n return wuffs_base__range_ii_u32__unite(this, s);\n}\n\ninline bool //\nwuffs_base__range_ii_u32::contains(uint32_t x) const {\n return wuffs_base__range_ii_u32__contains(this, x);\n}\n\ninline bool //\nwuffs_base__range_ii_u32::contains_range(wuffs_base__range_ii_u32 s) const {\n return wuffs_base__range_ii_u32__contains_range(this, s);\n}\n\n#endif // __cplusplus\n\n" +
"" +
"// --------\n\ntypedef struct wuffs_base__range_ie_u32__struct {\n uint32_t min_incl;\n uint32_t max_excl;\n\n#ifdef __cplusplus\n inline bool is_empty() const;\n inline bool equals(wuffs_base__range_ie_u32__struct s) const;\n inline wuffs_base__range_ie_u32__struct intersect(\n wuffs_base__range_ie_u32__struct s) const;\n inline wuffs_base__range_ie_u32__struct unite(\n wuffs_base__range_ie_u32__struct s) const;\n inline bool contains(uint32_t x) const;\n inline bool contains_range(wuffs_base__range_ie_u32__struct s) const;\n inline uint32_t length() const;\n#endif // __cplusplus\n\n} wuffs_base__range_ie_u32;\n\nstatic inline wuffs_base__range_ie_u32 //\nwuffs_base__empty_range_ie_u32() {\n wuffs_base__range_ie_u32 ret;\n ret.min_incl = 0;\n ret.max_excl = 0;\n return ret;\n}\n\nstatic inline wuffs_base__range_ie_u32 //\nwuffs_base__make_range_ie_u32(uint32_t min_incl, uint32_t max_excl) {\n wuffs_base__range_ie_u32 ret;\n ret.min_incl = min_incl;\n ret.max_excl = max_excl;\n return ret;\n}\n\nstatic inline bool " +
" //\nwuffs_base__range_ie_u32__is_empty(const wuffs_base__range_ie_u32* r) {\n return r->min_incl >= r->max_excl;\n}\n\nstatic inline bool //\nwuffs_base__range_ie_u32__equals(const wuffs_base__range_ie_u32* r,\n wuffs_base__range_ie_u32 s) {\n return (r->min_incl == s.min_incl && r->max_excl == s.max_excl) ||\n (wuffs_base__range_ie_u32__is_empty(r) &&\n wuffs_base__range_ie_u32__is_empty(&s));\n}\n\nstatic inline wuffs_base__range_ie_u32 //\nwuffs_base__range_ie_u32__intersect(const wuffs_base__range_ie_u32* r,\n wuffs_base__range_ie_u32 s) {\n wuffs_base__range_ie_u32 t;\n t.min_incl = wuffs_base__u32__max(r->min_incl, s.min_incl);\n t.max_excl = wuffs_base__u32__min(r->max_excl, s.max_excl);\n return t;\n}\n\nstatic inline wuffs_base__range_ie_u32 //\nwuffs_base__range_ie_u32__unite(const wuffs_base__range_ie_u32* r,\n wuffs_base__range_ie_u32 s) {\n if (wuffs_base__range_ie_u32__is_empty(r)) {\n return s" +
";\n }\n if (wuffs_base__range_ie_u32__is_empty(&s)) {\n return *r;\n }\n wuffs_base__range_ie_u32 t;\n t.min_incl = wuffs_base__u32__min(r->min_incl, s.min_incl);\n t.max_excl = wuffs_base__u32__max(r->max_excl, s.max_excl);\n return t;\n}\n\nstatic inline bool //\nwuffs_base__range_ie_u32__contains(const wuffs_base__range_ie_u32* r,\n uint32_t x) {\n return (r->min_incl <= x) && (x < r->max_excl);\n}\n\nstatic inline bool //\nwuffs_base__range_ie_u32__contains_range(const wuffs_base__range_ie_u32* r,\n wuffs_base__range_ie_u32 s) {\n return wuffs_base__range_ie_u32__equals(\n &s, wuffs_base__range_ie_u32__intersect(r, s));\n}\n\nstatic inline uint32_t //\nwuffs_base__range_ie_u32__length(const wuffs_base__range_ie_u32* r) {\n return wuffs_base__u32__sat_sub(r->max_excl, r->min_incl);\n}\n\n#ifdef __cplusplus\n\ninline bool //\nwuffs_base__range_ie_u32::is_empty() const {\n return wuffs_base__range_ie_u32__is_empty(this);\n}\n\ninline bool //\nwuffs" +
"_base__range_ie_u32::equals(wuffs_base__range_ie_u32 s) const {\n return wuffs_base__range_ie_u32__equals(this, s);\n}\n\ninline wuffs_base__range_ie_u32 //\nwuffs_base__range_ie_u32::intersect(wuffs_base__range_ie_u32 s) const {\n return wuffs_base__range_ie_u32__intersect(this, s);\n}\n\ninline wuffs_base__range_ie_u32 //\nwuffs_base__range_ie_u32::unite(wuffs_base__range_ie_u32 s) const {\n return wuffs_base__range_ie_u32__unite(this, s);\n}\n\ninline bool //\nwuffs_base__range_ie_u32::contains(uint32_t x) const {\n return wuffs_base__range_ie_u32__contains(this, x);\n}\n\ninline bool //\nwuffs_base__range_ie_u32::contains_range(wuffs_base__range_ie_u32 s) const {\n return wuffs_base__range_ie_u32__contains_range(this, s);\n}\n\ninline uint32_t //\nwuffs_base__range_ie_u32::length() const {\n return wuffs_base__range_ie_u32__length(this);\n}\n\n#endif // __cplusplus\n\n" +
"" +
"// --------\n\ntypedef struct wuffs_base__range_ii_u64__struct {\n uint64_t min_incl;\n uint64_t max_incl;\n\n#ifdef __cplusplus\n inline bool is_empty() const;\n inline bool equals(wuffs_base__range_ii_u64__struct s) const;\n inline wuffs_base__range_ii_u64__struct intersect(\n wuffs_base__range_ii_u64__struct s) const;\n inline wuffs_base__range_ii_u64__struct unite(\n wuffs_base__range_ii_u64__struct s) const;\n inline bool contains(uint64_t x) const;\n inline bool contains_range(wuffs_base__range_ii_u64__struct s) const;\n#endif // __cplusplus\n\n} wuffs_base__range_ii_u64;\n\nstatic inline wuffs_base__range_ii_u64 //\nwuffs_base__empty_range_ii_u64() {\n wuffs_base__range_ii_u64 ret;\n ret.min_incl = 0;\n ret.max_incl = 0;\n return ret;\n}\n\nstatic inline wuffs_base__range_ii_u64 //\nwuffs_base__make_range_ii_u64(uint64_t min_incl, uint64_t max_incl) {\n wuffs_base__range_ii_u64 ret;\n ret.min_incl = min_incl;\n ret.max_incl = max_incl;\n return ret;\n}\n\nstatic inline bool //\nwuffs_base__range_ii_u64__is_e" +
"mpty(const wuffs_base__range_ii_u64* r) {\n return r->min_incl > r->max_incl;\n}\n\nstatic inline bool //\nwuffs_base__range_ii_u64__equals(const wuffs_base__range_ii_u64* r,\n wuffs_base__range_ii_u64 s) {\n return (r->min_incl == s.min_incl && r->max_incl == s.max_incl) ||\n (wuffs_base__range_ii_u64__is_empty(r) &&\n wuffs_base__range_ii_u64__is_empty(&s));\n}\n\nstatic inline wuffs_base__range_ii_u64 //\nwuffs_base__range_ii_u64__intersect(const wuffs_base__range_ii_u64* r,\n wuffs_base__range_ii_u64 s) {\n wuffs_base__range_ii_u64 t;\n t.min_incl = wuffs_base__u64__max(r->min_incl, s.min_incl);\n t.max_incl = wuffs_base__u64__min(r->max_incl, s.max_incl);\n return t;\n}\n\nstatic inline wuffs_base__range_ii_u64 //\nwuffs_base__range_ii_u64__unite(const wuffs_base__range_ii_u64* r,\n wuffs_base__range_ii_u64 s) {\n if (wuffs_base__range_ii_u64__is_empty(r)) {\n return s;\n }\n if (wuffs_base__range_ii_u6" +
"4__is_empty(&s)) {\n return *r;\n }\n wuffs_base__range_ii_u64 t;\n t.min_incl = wuffs_base__u64__min(r->min_incl, s.min_incl);\n t.max_incl = wuffs_base__u64__max(r->max_incl, s.max_incl);\n return t;\n}\n\nstatic inline bool //\nwuffs_base__range_ii_u64__contains(const wuffs_base__range_ii_u64* r,\n uint64_t x) {\n return (r->min_incl <= x) && (x <= r->max_incl);\n}\n\nstatic inline bool //\nwuffs_base__range_ii_u64__contains_range(const wuffs_base__range_ii_u64* r,\n wuffs_base__range_ii_u64 s) {\n return wuffs_base__range_ii_u64__equals(\n &s, wuffs_base__range_ii_u64__intersect(r, s));\n}\n\n#ifdef __cplusplus\n\ninline bool //\nwuffs_base__range_ii_u64::is_empty() const {\n return wuffs_base__range_ii_u64__is_empty(this);\n}\n\ninline bool //\nwuffs_base__range_ii_u64::equals(wuffs_base__range_ii_u64 s) const {\n return wuffs_base__range_ii_u64__equals(this, s);\n}\n\ninline wuffs_base__range_ii_u64 //\nwuffs_base__range_ii_u64::intersect(wuff" +
"s_base__range_ii_u64 s) const {\n return wuffs_base__range_ii_u64__intersect(this, s);\n}\n\ninline wuffs_base__range_ii_u64 //\nwuffs_base__range_ii_u64::unite(wuffs_base__range_ii_u64 s) const {\n return wuffs_base__range_ii_u64__unite(this, s);\n}\n\ninline bool //\nwuffs_base__range_ii_u64::contains(uint64_t x) const {\n return wuffs_base__range_ii_u64__contains(this, x);\n}\n\ninline bool //\nwuffs_base__range_ii_u64::contains_range(wuffs_base__range_ii_u64 s) const {\n return wuffs_base__range_ii_u64__contains_range(this, s);\n}\n\n#endif // __cplusplus\n\n" +
"" +
"// --------\n\ntypedef struct wuffs_base__range_ie_u64__struct {\n uint64_t min_incl;\n uint64_t max_excl;\n\n#ifdef __cplusplus\n inline bool is_empty() const;\n inline bool equals(wuffs_base__range_ie_u64__struct s) const;\n inline wuffs_base__range_ie_u64__struct intersect(\n wuffs_base__range_ie_u64__struct s) const;\n inline wuffs_base__range_ie_u64__struct unite(\n wuffs_base__range_ie_u64__struct s) const;\n inline bool contains(uint64_t x) const;\n inline bool contains_range(wuffs_base__range_ie_u64__struct s) const;\n inline uint64_t length() const;\n#endif // __cplusplus\n\n} wuffs_base__range_ie_u64;\n\nstatic inline wuffs_base__range_ie_u64 //\nwuffs_base__empty_range_ie_u64() {\n wuffs_base__range_ie_u64 ret;\n ret.min_incl = 0;\n ret.max_excl = 0;\n return ret;\n}\n\nstatic inline wuffs_base__range_ie_u64 //\nwuffs_base__make_range_ie_u64(uint64_t min_incl, uint64_t max_excl) {\n wuffs_base__range_ie_u64 ret;\n ret.min_incl = min_incl;\n ret.max_excl = max_excl;\n return ret;\n}\n\nstatic inline bool " +
" //\nwuffs_base__range_ie_u64__is_empty(const wuffs_base__range_ie_u64* r) {\n return r->min_incl >= r->max_excl;\n}\n\nstatic inline bool //\nwuffs_base__range_ie_u64__equals(const wuffs_base__range_ie_u64* r,\n wuffs_base__range_ie_u64 s) {\n return (r->min_incl == s.min_incl && r->max_excl == s.max_excl) ||\n (wuffs_base__range_ie_u64__is_empty(r) &&\n wuffs_base__range_ie_u64__is_empty(&s));\n}\n\nstatic inline wuffs_base__range_ie_u64 //\nwuffs_base__range_ie_u64__intersect(const wuffs_base__range_ie_u64* r,\n wuffs_base__range_ie_u64 s) {\n wuffs_base__range_ie_u64 t;\n t.min_incl = wuffs_base__u64__max(r->min_incl, s.min_incl);\n t.max_excl = wuffs_base__u64__min(r->max_excl, s.max_excl);\n return t;\n}\n\nstatic inline wuffs_base__range_ie_u64 //\nwuffs_base__range_ie_u64__unite(const wuffs_base__range_ie_u64* r,\n wuffs_base__range_ie_u64 s) {\n if (wuffs_base__range_ie_u64__is_empty(r)) {\n return s" +
";\n }\n if (wuffs_base__range_ie_u64__is_empty(&s)) {\n return *r;\n }\n wuffs_base__range_ie_u64 t;\n t.min_incl = wuffs_base__u64__min(r->min_incl, s.min_incl);\n t.max_excl = wuffs_base__u64__max(r->max_excl, s.max_excl);\n return t;\n}\n\nstatic inline bool //\nwuffs_base__range_ie_u64__contains(const wuffs_base__range_ie_u64* r,\n uint64_t x) {\n return (r->min_incl <= x) && (x < r->max_excl);\n}\n\nstatic inline bool //\nwuffs_base__range_ie_u64__contains_range(const wuffs_base__range_ie_u64* r,\n wuffs_base__range_ie_u64 s) {\n return wuffs_base__range_ie_u64__equals(\n &s, wuffs_base__range_ie_u64__intersect(r, s));\n}\n\nstatic inline uint64_t //\nwuffs_base__range_ie_u64__length(const wuffs_base__range_ie_u64* r) {\n return wuffs_base__u64__sat_sub(r->max_excl, r->min_incl);\n}\n\n#ifdef __cplusplus\n\ninline bool //\nwuffs_base__range_ie_u64::is_empty() const {\n return wuffs_base__range_ie_u64__is_empty(this);\n}\n\ninline bool //\nwuffs" +
"_base__range_ie_u64::equals(wuffs_base__range_ie_u64 s) const {\n return wuffs_base__range_ie_u64__equals(this, s);\n}\n\ninline wuffs_base__range_ie_u64 //\nwuffs_base__range_ie_u64::intersect(wuffs_base__range_ie_u64 s) const {\n return wuffs_base__range_ie_u64__intersect(this, s);\n}\n\ninline wuffs_base__range_ie_u64 //\nwuffs_base__range_ie_u64::unite(wuffs_base__range_ie_u64 s) const {\n return wuffs_base__range_ie_u64__unite(this, s);\n}\n\ninline bool //\nwuffs_base__range_ie_u64::contains(uint64_t x) const {\n return wuffs_base__range_ie_u64__contains(this, x);\n}\n\ninline bool //\nwuffs_base__range_ie_u64::contains_range(wuffs_base__range_ie_u64 s) const {\n return wuffs_base__range_ie_u64__contains_range(this, s);\n}\n\ninline uint64_t //\nwuffs_base__range_ie_u64::length() const {\n return wuffs_base__range_ie_u64__length(this);\n}\n\n#endif // __cplusplus\n\n" +
"" +
"// --------\n\ntypedef struct wuffs_base__rect_ii_u32__struct {\n uint32_t min_incl_x;\n uint32_t min_incl_y;\n uint32_t max_incl_x;\n uint32_t max_incl_y;\n\n#ifdef __cplusplus\n inline bool is_empty() const;\n inline bool equals(wuffs_base__rect_ii_u32__struct s) const;\n inline wuffs_base__rect_ii_u32__struct intersect(\n wuffs_base__rect_ii_u32__struct s) const;\n inline wuffs_base__rect_ii_u32__struct unite(\n wuffs_base__rect_ii_u32__struct s) const;\n inline bool contains(uint32_t x, uint32_t y) const;\n inline bool contains_rect(wuffs_base__rect_ii_u32__struct s) const;\n#endif // __cplusplus\n\n} wuffs_base__rect_ii_u32;\n\nstatic inline wuffs_base__rect_ii_u32 //\nwuffs_base__empty_rect_ii_u32() {\n wuffs_base__rect_ii_u32 ret;\n ret.min_incl_x = 0;\n ret.min_incl_y = 0;\n ret.max_incl_x = 0;\n ret.max_incl_y = 0;\n return ret;\n}\n\nstatic inline wuffs_base__rect_ii_u32 //\nwuffs_base__make_rect_ii_u32(uint32_t min_incl_x,\n uint32_t min_incl_y,\n " +
"uint32_t max_incl_x,\n uint32_t max_incl_y) {\n wuffs_base__rect_ii_u32 ret;\n ret.min_incl_x = min_incl_x;\n ret.min_incl_y = min_incl_y;\n ret.max_incl_x = max_incl_x;\n ret.max_incl_y = max_incl_y;\n return ret;\n}\n\nstatic inline bool //\nwuffs_base__rect_ii_u32__is_empty(const wuffs_base__rect_ii_u32* r) {\n return (r->min_incl_x > r->max_incl_x) || (r->min_incl_y > r->max_incl_y);\n}\n\nstatic inline bool //\nwuffs_base__rect_ii_u32__equals(const wuffs_base__rect_ii_u32* r,\n wuffs_base__rect_ii_u32 s) {\n return (r->min_incl_x == s.min_incl_x && r->min_incl_y == s.min_incl_y &&\n r->max_incl_x == s.max_incl_x && r->max_incl_y == s.max_incl_y) ||\n (wuffs_base__rect_ii_u32__is_empty(r) &&\n wuffs_base__rect_ii_u32__is_empty(&s));\n}\n\nstatic inline wuffs_base__rect_ii_u32 //\nwuffs_base__rect_ii_u32__intersect(const wuffs_base__rect_ii_u32* r,\n wuffs_base__rect_ii_u32 s) {\n wuffs_base__rect_ii_u32" +
" t;\n t.min_incl_x = wuffs_base__u32__max(r->min_incl_x, s.min_incl_x);\n t.min_incl_y = wuffs_base__u32__max(r->min_incl_y, s.min_incl_y);\n t.max_incl_x = wuffs_base__u32__min(r->max_incl_x, s.max_incl_x);\n t.max_incl_y = wuffs_base__u32__min(r->max_incl_y, s.max_incl_y);\n return t;\n}\n\nstatic inline wuffs_base__rect_ii_u32 //\nwuffs_base__rect_ii_u32__unite(const wuffs_base__rect_ii_u32* r,\n wuffs_base__rect_ii_u32 s) {\n if (wuffs_base__rect_ii_u32__is_empty(r)) {\n return s;\n }\n if (wuffs_base__rect_ii_u32__is_empty(&s)) {\n return *r;\n }\n wuffs_base__rect_ii_u32 t;\n t.min_incl_x = wuffs_base__u32__min(r->min_incl_x, s.min_incl_x);\n t.min_incl_y = wuffs_base__u32__min(r->min_incl_y, s.min_incl_y);\n t.max_incl_x = wuffs_base__u32__max(r->max_incl_x, s.max_incl_x);\n t.max_incl_y = wuffs_base__u32__max(r->max_incl_y, s.max_incl_y);\n return t;\n}\n\nstatic inline bool //\nwuffs_base__rect_ii_u32__contains(const wuffs_base__rect_ii_u32* r,\n " +
" uint32_t x,\n uint32_t y) {\n return (r->min_incl_x <= x) && (x <= r->max_incl_x) && (r->min_incl_y <= y) &&\n (y <= r->max_incl_y);\n}\n\nstatic inline bool //\nwuffs_base__rect_ii_u32__contains_rect(const wuffs_base__rect_ii_u32* r,\n wuffs_base__rect_ii_u32 s) {\n return wuffs_base__rect_ii_u32__equals(\n &s, wuffs_base__rect_ii_u32__intersect(r, s));\n}\n\n#ifdef __cplusplus\n\ninline bool //\nwuffs_base__rect_ii_u32::is_empty() const {\n return wuffs_base__rect_ii_u32__is_empty(this);\n}\n\ninline bool //\nwuffs_base__rect_ii_u32::equals(wuffs_base__rect_ii_u32 s) const {\n return wuffs_base__rect_ii_u32__equals(this, s);\n}\n\ninline wuffs_base__rect_ii_u32 //\nwuffs_base__rect_ii_u32::intersect(wuffs_base__rect_ii_u32 s) const {\n return wuffs_base__rect_ii_u32__intersect(this, s);\n}\n\ninline wuffs_base__rect_ii_u32 //\nwuffs_base__rect_ii_u32::unite(wuffs_base__rect_ii_u32 s) const {\n return wuffs_base__rect_ii_u32__unite(this, s);" +
"\n}\n\ninline bool //\nwuffs_base__rect_ii_u32::contains(uint32_t x, uint32_t y) const {\n return wuffs_base__rect_ii_u32__contains(this, x, y);\n}\n\ninline bool //\nwuffs_base__rect_ii_u32::contains_rect(wuffs_base__rect_ii_u32 s) const {\n return wuffs_base__rect_ii_u32__contains_rect(this, s);\n}\n\n#endif // __cplusplus\n\n" +
"" +
"// --------\n\ntypedef struct wuffs_base__rect_ie_u32__struct {\n uint32_t min_incl_x;\n uint32_t min_incl_y;\n uint32_t max_excl_x;\n uint32_t max_excl_y;\n\n#ifdef __cplusplus\n inline bool is_empty() const;\n inline bool equals(wuffs_base__rect_ie_u32__struct s) const;\n inline wuffs_base__rect_ie_u32__struct intersect(\n wuffs_base__rect_ie_u32__struct s) const;\n inline wuffs_base__rect_ie_u32__struct unite(\n wuffs_base__rect_ie_u32__struct s) const;\n inline bool contains(uint32_t x, uint32_t y) const;\n inline bool contains_rect(wuffs_base__rect_ie_u32__struct s) const;\n inline uint32_t width() const;\n inline uint32_t height() const;\n#endif // __cplusplus\n\n} wuffs_base__rect_ie_u32;\n\nstatic inline wuffs_base__rect_ie_u32 //\nwuffs_base__empty_rect_ie_u32() {\n wuffs_base__rect_ie_u32 ret;\n ret.min_incl_x = 0;\n ret.min_incl_y = 0;\n ret.max_excl_x = 0;\n ret.max_excl_y = 0;\n return ret;\n}\n\nstatic inline wuffs_base__rect_ie_u32 //\nwuffs_base__make_rect_ie_u32(uint32_t min_incl_x,\n " +
" uint32_t min_incl_y,\n uint32_t max_excl_x,\n uint32_t max_excl_y) {\n wuffs_base__rect_ie_u32 ret;\n ret.min_incl_x = min_incl_x;\n ret.min_incl_y = min_incl_y;\n ret.max_excl_x = max_excl_x;\n ret.max_excl_y = max_excl_y;\n return ret;\n}\n\nstatic inline bool //\nwuffs_base__rect_ie_u32__is_empty(const wuffs_base__rect_ie_u32* r) {\n return (r->min_incl_x >= r->max_excl_x) || (r->min_incl_y >= r->max_excl_y);\n}\n\nstatic inline bool //\nwuffs_base__rect_ie_u32__equals(const wuffs_base__rect_ie_u32* r,\n wuffs_base__rect_ie_u32 s) {\n return (r->min_incl_x == s.min_incl_x && r->min_incl_y == s.min_incl_y &&\n r->max_excl_x == s.max_excl_x && r->max_excl_y == s.max_excl_y) ||\n (wuffs_base__rect_ie_u32__is_empty(r) &&\n wuffs_base__rect_ie_u32__is_empty(&s));\n}\n\nstatic inline wuffs_base__rect_ie_u32 //\nwuffs_base__rect_ie_u32__intersect(const wuffs_base__rect_ie_u32* r,\n " +
" wuffs_base__rect_ie_u32 s) {\n wuffs_base__rect_ie_u32 t;\n t.min_incl_x = wuffs_base__u32__max(r->min_incl_x, s.min_incl_x);\n t.min_incl_y = wuffs_base__u32__max(r->min_incl_y, s.min_incl_y);\n t.max_excl_x = wuffs_base__u32__min(r->max_excl_x, s.max_excl_x);\n t.max_excl_y = wuffs_base__u32__min(r->max_excl_y, s.max_excl_y);\n return t;\n}\n\nstatic inline wuffs_base__rect_ie_u32 //\nwuffs_base__rect_ie_u32__unite(const wuffs_base__rect_ie_u32* r,\n wuffs_base__rect_ie_u32 s) {\n if (wuffs_base__rect_ie_u32__is_empty(r)) {\n return s;\n }\n if (wuffs_base__rect_ie_u32__is_empty(&s)) {\n return *r;\n }\n wuffs_base__rect_ie_u32 t;\n t.min_incl_x = wuffs_base__u32__min(r->min_incl_x, s.min_incl_x);\n t.min_incl_y = wuffs_base__u32__min(r->min_incl_y, s.min_incl_y);\n t.max_excl_x = wuffs_base__u32__max(r->max_excl_x, s.max_excl_x);\n t.max_excl_y = wuffs_base__u32__max(r->max_excl_y, s.max_excl_y);\n return t;\n}\n\nstatic inline bool //\nwuffs_base__rect_ie_u32__con" +
"tains(const wuffs_base__rect_ie_u32* r,\n uint32_t x,\n uint32_t y) {\n return (r->min_incl_x <= x) && (x < r->max_excl_x) && (r->min_incl_y <= y) &&\n (y < r->max_excl_y);\n}\n\nstatic inline bool //\nwuffs_base__rect_ie_u32__contains_rect(const wuffs_base__rect_ie_u32* r,\n wuffs_base__rect_ie_u32 s) {\n return wuffs_base__rect_ie_u32__equals(\n &s, wuffs_base__rect_ie_u32__intersect(r, s));\n}\n\nstatic inline uint32_t //\nwuffs_base__rect_ie_u32__width(const wuffs_base__rect_ie_u32* r) {\n return wuffs_base__u32__sat_sub(r->max_excl_x, r->min_incl_x);\n}\n\nstatic inline uint32_t //\nwuffs_base__rect_ie_u32__height(const wuffs_base__rect_ie_u32* r) {\n return wuffs_base__u32__sat_sub(r->max_excl_y, r->min_incl_y);\n}\n\n#ifdef __cplusplus\n\ninline bool //\nwuffs_base__rect_ie_u32::is_empty() const {\n return wuffs_base__rect_ie_u32__is_empty(this);\n}\n\ninline bool //\nwuffs_base__rect_ie_u32::equals(wuffs_bas" +
"e__rect_ie_u32 s) const {\n return wuffs_base__rect_ie_u32__equals(this, s);\n}\n\ninline wuffs_base__rect_ie_u32 //\nwuffs_base__rect_ie_u32::intersect(wuffs_base__rect_ie_u32 s) const {\n return wuffs_base__rect_ie_u32__intersect(this, s);\n}\n\ninline wuffs_base__rect_ie_u32 //\nwuffs_base__rect_ie_u32::unite(wuffs_base__rect_ie_u32 s) const {\n return wuffs_base__rect_ie_u32__unite(this, s);\n}\n\ninline bool //\nwuffs_base__rect_ie_u32::contains(uint32_t x, uint32_t y) const {\n return wuffs_base__rect_ie_u32__contains(this, x, y);\n}\n\ninline bool //\nwuffs_base__rect_ie_u32::contains_rect(wuffs_base__rect_ie_u32 s) const {\n return wuffs_base__rect_ie_u32__contains_rect(this, s);\n}\n\ninline uint32_t //\nwuffs_base__rect_ie_u32::width() const {\n return wuffs_base__rect_ie_u32__width(this);\n}\n\ninline uint32_t //\nwuffs_base__rect_ie_u32::height() const {\n return wuffs_base__rect_ie_u32__height(this);\n}\n\n#endif // __cplusplus\n" +
const baseTokenPrivateH = "" +
"// ---------------- Tokens\n\n" +
"" +
"// ---------------- Tokens (Utility)\n" +
const baseTokenPublicH = "" +
"// ---------------- Tokens\n\n#define WUFFS_BASE__TOKEN__VALUE__MASK 0xFFFFFFFFFFFF\n#define WUFFS_BASE__TOKEN__VALUE_MAJOR__MASK 0xFFFFFF\n#define WUFFS_BASE__TOKEN__VALUE_MINOR__MASK 0xFFFFFF\n#define WUFFS_BASE__TOKEN__VALUE_BASE_CATEGORY__MASK 0x7FFFFFF\n#define WUFFS_BASE__TOKEN__VALUE_BASE_DETAIL__MASK 0x1FFFFF\n#define WUFFS_BASE__TOKEN__LENGTH__MASK 0xFFFF\n\n#define WUFFS_BASE__TOKEN__VALUE__SHIFT 16\n#define WUFFS_BASE__TOKEN__VALUE_MAJOR__SHIFT 40\n#define WUFFS_BASE__TOKEN__VALUE_MINOR__SHIFT 16\n#define WUFFS_BASE__TOKEN__VALUE_BASE_CATEGORY__SHIFT 37\n#define WUFFS_BASE__TOKEN__VALUE_BASE_DETAIL__SHIFT 16\n#define WUFFS_BASE__TOKEN__LENGTH__SHIFT 0\n\ntypedef struct {\n // Bits 63 .. 40 (24 bits) is the major value.\n // Bits 39 .. 16 (24 bits) is the minor value.\n // Bits 15 .. 0 (16 bits) is the length.\n uint64_t repr;\n\n#ifdef __cplusplus\n inline uint64_t value() const;\n inline uint64_t value_major() const;\n inline uint64_t value_minor() const;\n inline uint64_t value_base_category() const;\n inline uin" +
"t64_t value_base_detail() const;\n inline uint64_t length() const;\n#endif // __cplusplus\n\n} wuffs_base__token;\n\nstatic inline wuffs_base__token //\nwuffs_base__make_token(uint64_t repr) {\n wuffs_base__token ret;\n ret.repr = repr;\n return ret;\n}\n\nstatic inline uint64_t //\nwuffs_base__token__value(const wuffs_base__token* t) {\n return (t->repr >> WUFFS_BASE__TOKEN__VALUE__SHIFT) &\n WUFFS_BASE__TOKEN__VALUE__MASK;\n}\n\nstatic inline uint64_t //\nwuffs_base__token__value_major(const wuffs_base__token* t) {\n return (t->repr >> WUFFS_BASE__TOKEN__VALUE_MAJOR__SHIFT) &\n WUFFS_BASE__TOKEN__VALUE_MAJOR__MASK;\n}\n\nstatic inline uint64_t //\nwuffs_base__token__value_minor(const wuffs_base__token* t) {\n return (t->repr >> WUFFS_BASE__TOKEN__VALUE_MINOR__SHIFT) &\n WUFFS_BASE__TOKEN__VALUE_MINOR__MASK;\n}\n\nstatic inline uint64_t //\nwuffs_base__token__value_base_category(const wuffs_base__token* t) {\n return (t->repr >> WUFFS_BASE__TOKEN__VALUE_BASE_CATEGORY__SHIFT) &\n WUFFS_BASE__TOKEN" +
"__VALUE_BASE_CATEGORY__MASK;\n}\n\nstatic inline uint64_t //\nwuffs_base__token__value_base_detail(const wuffs_base__token* t) {\n return (t->repr >> WUFFS_BASE__TOKEN__VALUE_BASE_DETAIL__SHIFT) &\n WUFFS_BASE__TOKEN__VALUE_BASE_DETAIL__MASK;\n}\n\nstatic inline uint64_t //\nwuffs_base__token__length(const wuffs_base__token* t) {\n return (t->repr >> WUFFS_BASE__TOKEN__LENGTH__SHIFT) &\n WUFFS_BASE__TOKEN__LENGTH__MASK;\n}\n\n#ifdef __cplusplus\n\ninline uint64_t //\nwuffs_base__token::value() const {\n return wuffs_base__token__value(this);\n}\n\ninline uint64_t //\nwuffs_base__token::value_major() const {\n return wuffs_base__token__value_major(this);\n}\n\ninline uint64_t //\nwuffs_base__token::value_minor() const {\n return wuffs_base__token__value_minor(this);\n}\n\ninline uint64_t //\nwuffs_base__token::value_base_category() const {\n return wuffs_base__token__value_base_category(this);\n}\n\ninline uint64_t //\nwuffs_base__token::value_base_detail() const {\n return wuffs_base__token__value_base_detail(this);\n}" +
"\n\ninline uint64_t //\nwuffs_base__token::length() const {\n return wuffs_base__token__length(this);\n}\n\n#endif // __cplusplus\n\n" +
"" +
"// --------\n\ntypedef WUFFS_BASE__SLICE(wuffs_base__token) wuffs_base__slice_token;\n\nstatic inline wuffs_base__slice_token //\nwuffs_base__make_slice_token(wuffs_base__token* ptr, size_t len) {\n wuffs_base__slice_token ret;\n ret.ptr = ptr;\n ret.len = len;\n return ret;\n}\n\n" +
"" +
"// --------\n\n// wuffs_base__token_buffer_meta is the metadata for a\n// wuffs_base__token_buffer's data.\ntypedef struct {\n size_t wi; // Write index. Invariant: wi <= len.\n size_t ri; // Read index. Invariant: ri <= wi.\n uint64_t pos; // Position of the buffer start relative to the stream start.\n bool closed; // No further writes are expected.\n} wuffs_base__token_buffer_meta;\n\n// wuffs_base__token_buffer is a 1-dimensional buffer (a pointer and length)\n// plus additional metadata.\n//\n// A value with all fields zero is a valid, empty buffer.\ntypedef struct {\n wuffs_base__slice_token data;\n wuffs_base__token_buffer_meta meta;\n\n#ifdef __cplusplus\n inline void compact();\n inline uint64_t reader_available() const;\n inline uint64_t reader_token_position() const;\n inline uint64_t writer_available() const;\n inline uint64_t writer_token_position() const;\n#endif // __cplusplus\n\n} wuffs_base__token_buffer;\n\nstatic inline wuffs_base__token_buffer //\nwuffs_base__make_token_buffer(wuffs_base__slice_" +
"token data,\n wuffs_base__token_buffer_meta meta) {\n wuffs_base__token_buffer ret;\n = data;\n ret.meta = meta;\n return ret;\n}\n\nstatic inline wuffs_base__token_buffer_meta //\nwuffs_base__make_token_buffer_meta(size_t wi,\n size_t ri,\n uint64_t pos,\n bool closed) {\n wuffs_base__token_buffer_meta ret;\n ret.wi = wi;\n ret.ri = ri;\n ret.pos = pos;\n ret.closed = closed;\n return ret;\n}\n\nstatic inline wuffs_base__token_buffer //\nwuffs_base__empty_token_buffer() {\n wuffs_base__token_buffer ret;\n = NULL;\n = 0;\n ret.meta.wi = 0;\n ret.meta.ri = 0;\n ret.meta.pos = 0;\n ret.meta.closed = false;\n return ret;\n}\n\nstatic inline wuffs_base__token_buffer_meta //\nwuffs_base__empty_token_buffer_meta() {\n wuffs_base__token_buffer_meta ret;\n ret.wi = 0;\n ret.ri = 0;\n ret.pos = 0;\n ret.closed = false;\n return ret;\n}\n\n// wuffs_base__token_buffer__com" +
"pact moves any written but unread tokens to the\n// start of the buffer.\nstatic inline void //\nwuffs_base__token_buffer__compact(wuffs_base__token_buffer* buf) {\n if (!buf || (buf->meta.ri == 0)) {\n return;\n }\n buf->meta.pos = wuffs_base__u64__sat_add(buf->meta.pos, buf->meta.ri);\n size_t n = buf->meta.wi - buf->meta.ri;\n if (n != 0) {\n memmove(buf->data.ptr, buf->data.ptr + buf->meta.ri,\n n * sizeof(wuffs_base__token));\n }\n buf->meta.wi = n;\n buf->meta.ri = 0;\n}\n\nstatic inline uint64_t //\nwuffs_base__token_buffer__reader_available(\n const wuffs_base__token_buffer* buf) {\n return buf ? buf->meta.wi - buf->meta.ri : 0;\n}\n\nstatic inline uint64_t //\nwuffs_base__token_buffer__reader_token_position(\n const wuffs_base__token_buffer* buf) {\n return buf ? wuffs_base__u64__sat_add(buf->meta.pos, buf->meta.ri) : 0;\n}\n\nstatic inline uint64_t //\nwuffs_base__token_buffer__writer_available(\n const wuffs_base__token_buffer* buf) {\n return buf ? buf->data.len - buf->meta.wi : 0;\n}\n\nsta" +
"tic inline uint64_t //\nwuffs_base__token_buffer__writer_token_position(\n const wuffs_base__token_buffer* buf) {\n return buf ? wuffs_base__u64__sat_add(buf->meta.pos, buf->meta.wi) : 0;\n}\n\n#ifdef __cplusplus\n\ninline void //\nwuffs_base__token_buffer::compact() {\n wuffs_base__token_buffer__compact(this);\n}\n\ninline uint64_t //\nwuffs_base__token_buffer::reader_available() const {\n return wuffs_base__token_buffer__reader_available(this);\n}\n\ninline uint64_t //\nwuffs_base__token_buffer::reader_token_position() const {\n return wuffs_base__token_buffer__reader_token_position(this);\n}\n\ninline uint64_t //\nwuffs_base__token_buffer::writer_available() const {\n return wuffs_base__token_buffer__writer_available(this);\n}\n\ninline uint64_t //\nwuffs_base__token_buffer::writer_token_position() const {\n return wuffs_base__token_buffer__writer_token_position(this);\n}\n\n#endif // __cplusplus\n" +
const baseCopyright = "" +
"// Copyright 2017 The Wuffs Authors.\n//\n// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n// You may obtain a copy of the License at\n//\n//\n//\n// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n// distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n// limitations under the License.\n\n" +