blob: f1cb8820f2ffcebddad53083b8ed8e3eaaf615c6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Wuffs Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package render
// TODO: render an *ast.Node instead of a []token.Token, as this will better
// allow automated refactoring tools, not just automated formatting. For now,
// rendering tokens is easier, especially with respect to tracking comments.
import (
t ""
var newLine = []byte{'\n'}
func max(a, b int) int {
if a > b {
return a
return b
func Render(w io.Writer, tm *t.Map, src []t.Token, comments []string) (err error) {
if len(src) == 0 {
return nil
const maxIndent = 0xFFFF
indent := 0
buf := make([]byte, 0, 1024)
commentLine := uint32(0)
inStruct := false
varNameLength := uint32(0)
prevLine := src[0].Line - 1
prevLineHanging := false
for len(src) > 0 {
// Find the tokens in this line.
line := src[0].Line
i := 1
for ; i < len(src) && src[i].Line == line; i++ {
if i == len(src) || src[i].Line != line {
lineTokens := src[:i]
src = src[i:]
// Print any previous comments.
commentIndent := indent
if prevLineHanging {
commentIndent += 2
for ; commentLine < line; commentLine++ {
buf = buf[:0]
buf = appendComment(buf, comments, commentLine, commentIndent, true)
if len(buf) == 0 {
if commentLine > prevLine+1 {
if _, err = w.Write(newLine); err != nil {
return err
buf = append(buf, '\n')
if _, err = w.Write(buf); err != nil {
return err
varNameLength = 0
prevLine = commentLine
// Strip any trailing semi-colons.
hanging := prevLineHanging
prevLineHanging = true
for len(lineTokens) > 0 && lineTokens[len(lineTokens)-1].ID == t.IDSemicolon {
prevLineHanging = false
lineTokens = lineTokens[:len(lineTokens)-1]
if len(lineTokens) == 0 {
// Collapse one or more blank lines to just one.
if prevLine < line-1 {
if _, err = w.Write(newLine); err != nil {
return err
varNameLength = 0
// Render any leading indentation. If this line starts with a close
// token, outdent it so that it hopefully aligns vertically with the
// line containing the matching open token.
buf = buf[:0]
indentAdjustment := 0
if id := lineTokens[0].ID; id == t.IDCloseDoubleCurly {
// No-op.
} else if id.IsClose() {
} else if hanging && ((id != t.IDOpenCurly) && (id != t.IDOpenDoubleCurly)) {
indentAdjustment += 2
buf = appendTabs(buf, indent+indentAdjustment)
// Apply or update varNameLength.
if len(lineTokens) < 4 {
varNameLength = 0
} else {
id0 := lineTokens[0].ID
id1 := lineTokens[1].ID
if (id0 == t.IDPri) || (id0 == t.IDPub) {
inStruct = id1 == t.IDStruct
if id1 != t.IDConst {
varNameLength = 0
if (id1 == t.IDConst) || (id0 == t.IDVar) || inStruct {
if varNameLength == 0 {
varNameLength = measureVarNameLength(tm, lineTokens, src)
name := ""
if colon := findColon(lineTokens); colon >= 0 {
for _, lt := range lineTokens[:colon] {
name = tm.ByID(lt.ID)
buf = append(buf, name...)
buf = append(buf, ' ')
for i := uint32(len(name)); i < varNameLength; i++ {
buf = append(buf, ' ')
lineTokens = lineTokens[colon:]
} else {
varNameLength = 0
// Render the lineTokens.
prevID, prevIsTightRight := t.ID(0), false
for _, tok := range lineTokens {
if prevID == t.IDEq || (prevID != 0 && !prevIsTightRight && !tok.ID.IsTightLeft()) {
// The "(" token's tight-left-ness is context dependent. For
// "f(x)", the "(" is tight-left. For "a * (b + c)", it is not.
if tok.ID != t.IDOpenParen || !isCloseIdentStrLiteralQuestion(tm, prevID) {
buf = append(buf, ' ')
if s := tm.ByID(tok.ID); (s == "") || (s[0] < '0') || ('9' < s[0]) {
buf = append(buf, s...)
} else {
buf = appendNum(buf, s)
if tok.ID == t.IDOpenCurly {
if indent == maxIndent {
return errors.New("render: too many \"{\" tokens")
} else if tok.ID == t.IDCloseCurly {
if indent == 0 {
return errors.New("render: too many \"}\" tokens")
prevIsTightRight = tok.ID.IsTightRight()
// The "+" and "-" tokens' tight-right-ness is context dependent.
// The unary flavor is tight-right, the binary flavor is not.
if prevID != 0 && tok.ID.IsUnaryOp() && tok.ID.IsBinaryOp() {
// Token-based (not ast.Node-based) heuristic for whether the
// operator looks unary instead of binary.
prevIsTightRight = !isCloseIdentLiteral(tm, prevID)
prevID = tok.ID
buf = appendComment(buf, comments, line, 0, false)
buf = append(buf, '\n')
if _, err = w.Write(buf); err != nil {
return err
commentLine = line + 1
prevLine = line
lastID := lineTokens[len(lineTokens)-1].ID
prevLineHanging = prevLineHanging &&
(lastID != t.IDOpenCurly) && (lastID != t.IDOpenDoubleCurly)
// Print any trailing comments.
for ; uint(commentLine) < uint(len(comments)); commentLine++ {
buf = buf[:0]
buf = appendComment(buf, comments, commentLine, indent, true)
if len(buf) > 0 {
if commentLine > prevLine+1 {
if _, err = w.Write(newLine); err != nil {
return err
buf = append(buf, '\n')
if _, err = w.Write(buf); err != nil {
return err
prevLine = commentLine
return nil
func appendComment(buf []byte, comments []string, line uint32, indent int, otherwiseEmpty bool) []byte {
if uint(line) < uint(len(comments)) {
if com := comments[line]; com != "" {
// Strip trailing spaces.
for len(com) > 0 {
if com[len(com)-1] != ' ' {
com = com[:len(com)-1]
if otherwiseEmpty {
buf = appendTabs(buf, indent)
} else {
buf = append(buf, " "...)
buf = append(buf, com...)
return buf
func appendNum(buf []byte, s string) []byte {
groupLen := uint32(6)
if (len(s) >= 2) && (s[0] == '0') {
if (s[1] == 'X') || (s[1] == 'x') {
buf = append(buf, "0x"...)
s = s[2:]
groupLen = 4
} else if (s[1] == 'B') || (s[1] == 'b') {
buf = append(buf, "0b"...)
s = s[2:]
groupLen = 4
nonUnderscores := uint32(0)
for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ {
c := s[i]
if c == '_' {
digitsUntilGroup := nonUnderscores % groupLen
if digitsUntilGroup == 0 {
digitsUntilGroup = groupLen
for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ {
c := s[i]
if c == '_' {
} else if 'a' <= c {
c -= 'a' - 'A'
if digitsUntilGroup > 0 {
} else {
digitsUntilGroup = groupLen - 1
buf = append(buf, '_')
buf = append(buf, c)
return buf
func appendTabs(buf []byte, nTabs int) []byte {
nSpaces := 4 * nTabs // Hard-code 4 spaces per tab.
if nSpaces > 0 {
const spaces = "" + // 256 spaces.
" " +
" " +
" " +
" "
for ; nSpaces > len(spaces); nSpaces -= len(spaces) {
buf = append(buf, spaces...)
buf = append(buf, spaces[:nSpaces]...)
return buf
func isCloseIdentLiteral(tm *t.Map, x t.ID) bool {
return x.IsClose() || x.IsIdent(tm) || x.IsLiteral(tm)
func isCloseIdentStrLiteralQuestion(tm *t.Map, x t.ID) bool {
return x.IsClose() || x.IsIdent(tm) || x.IsDQStrLiteral(tm) ||
x.IsSQStrLiteral(tm) || (x == t.IDQuestion)
func findColon(lineTokens []t.Token) int {
for i, lt := range lineTokens {
if lt.ID == t.IDColon {
return i
return -1
func measureVarNameLength(tm *t.Map, lineTokens []t.Token, remaining []t.Token) uint32 {
x := findColon(lineTokens)
if x <= 0 {
return 0
line := lineTokens[0].Line
length := len(tm.ByID(lineTokens[x-1].ID))
for (len(remaining) > x) &&
(remaining[0].Line == line+1) &&
(remaining[x].Line == line+1) &&
(remaining[x].ID == t.IDColon) {
line = remaining[0].Line
length = max(length, len(tm.ByID(remaining[x-1].ID)))
remaining = remaining[x+1:]
for len(remaining) > 0 && remaining[0].Line == line {
remaining = remaining[1:]
return uint32(length)