blob: 20c695bf3335de786a78664669a34741a277035f [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
#!/usr/bin/env python
import json
import os
import shutil
import subprocess
import sys
import tempfile
# Utilities
def listify(x):
if type(x) == list or type(x) == tuple:
return x
return [x]
def check_call(cmd, **args):
if type(cmd) != list:
cmd = cmd.split()
print('running: %s' % cmd)
subprocess.check_call(cmd, **args)
def checked_call_with_output(cmd, expected=None, unexpected=None, stderr=None):
cmd = cmd.split(' ')
print('running: %s' % cmd)
stdout = subprocess.check_output(cmd, stderr=stderr)
if expected:
for x in listify(expected):
assert x in stdout, 'call had the right output: ' + stdout + '\n[[[' + x + ']]]'
if unexpected:
for x in listify(unexpected):
assert x not in stdout, 'call had the wrong output: ' + stdout + '\n[[[' + x + ']]]'
def failing_call_with_output(cmd, expected):
proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd.split(' '), stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
stdout, stderr = proc.communicate()
assert proc.returncode, 'call must have failed'
assert expected in stdout, 'call did not have the right output'
def hack_emsdk(marker, replacement):
src = open('').read()
assert marker in src
src = src.replace(marker, replacement)
name = '__test_emsdk'
open(name, 'w').write(src)
return name
# Set up
open('hello_world.cpp', 'w').write('int main() {}')
TAGS = json.loads(open('emscripten-releases-tags.txt').read())
LIBC = os.path.expanduser('~/.emscripten_cache/wasm-obj/libc.a')
# Tests
print('test .emscripten contents (latest was installed/activated in')
assert 'fastcomp' in open(os.path.expanduser('~/.emscripten')).read()
assert 'upstream' not in open(os.path.expanduser('~/.emscripten')).read()
print('building proper system libraries')
def test_lib_building(emcc, use_asmjs_optimizer):
def test_build(args, expected=None, unexpected=None):
checked_call_with_output(emcc + ' hello_world.cpp' + args,
# by default we ship libc, struct_info, and the asm.js optimizer, as they
# are important for various reasons (libc takes a long time to build;
# struct_info is a bootstrap product so if the user's setup is broken it's
# confusing; the asm.js optimizer is a native application so it needs a
# working native local build environment). otherwise we don't ship every
# single lib, so some building is expected on first run.
unexpected_system_libs = ['generating system library: libc.',
'generating system asset: optimizer']
if use_asmjs_optimizer:
unexpected_system_libs += ['generating system asset: generated_struct_info.json']
first_time_system_libs = ['generating system library: libdlmalloc.']
test_build('', expected=first_time_system_libs,
test_build(' -O2', unexpected=unexpected_system_libs + first_time_system_libs)
test_build(' -s WASM=0', unexpected=unexpected_system_libs + first_time_system_libs)
test_build(' -O2 -s WASM=0', unexpected=unexpected_system_libs + first_time_system_libs)
def run_emsdk(cmd):
if type(cmd) != list:
cmd = cmd.split()
check_call([emsdk] + cmd)
WINDOWS = sys.platform.startswith('win')
MACOS = sys.platform == 'darwin'
upstream_emcc = os.path.join('upstream', 'emscripten', 'emcc')
fastcomp_emcc = os.path.join('fastcomp', 'emscripten', 'emcc')
emsdk = './emsdk'
upstream_emcc += '.bat'
fastcomp_emcc += '.bat'
emsdk = 'emsdk.bat'
emsdk = './emsdk'
test_lib_building(fastcomp_emcc, use_asmjs_optimizer=True)
print('test latest-releases-upstream')
run_emsdk('install latest-upstream')
run_emsdk('activate latest-upstream')
test_lib_building(upstream_emcc, use_asmjs_optimizer=False)
assert open(os.path.expanduser('~/.emscripten')).read().count('LLVM_ROOT') == 1
assert 'upstream' in open(os.path.expanduser('~/.emscripten')).read()
assert 'fastcomp' not in open(os.path.expanduser('~/.emscripten')).read()
print('verify version')
checked_call_with_output(upstream_emcc + ' -v', TAGS['latest'], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
print('clear cache')
check_call(upstream_emcc + ' --clear-cache')
assert not os.path.exists(LIBC)
print('test tot-upstream')
run_emsdk('install tot-upstream')
assert not os.path.exists(LIBC)
old_config = open(os.path.expanduser('~/.emscripten')).read()
run_emsdk('activate tot-upstream')
assert old_config == open(os.path.expanduser('~/.emscripten.old')).read()
# TODO; test on latest as well
assert os.path.exists(LIBC), 'activation supplies prebuilt libc'
check_call(upstream_emcc + ' hello_world.cpp')
print('test tot-fastcomp')
run_emsdk('install tot-fastcomp')
run_emsdk('activate tot-fastcomp')
check_call(fastcomp_emcc + ' hello_world.cpp')
print('test specific release (old)')
run_emsdk('install sdk-1.38.31-64bit')
run_emsdk('activate sdk-1.38.31-64bit')
print('test specific release (new, short name)')
run_emsdk('install 1.38.33')
print('another install must re-download')
checked_call_with_output(emsdk + ' install 1.38.33', expected='Downloading:', unexpected='already exist in destination')
run_emsdk('activate 1.38.33')
assert 'fastcomp' in open(os.path.expanduser('~/.emscripten')).read()
assert 'upstream' not in open(os.path.expanduser('~/.emscripten')).read()
print('test specific release (new, full name)')
run_emsdk('install sdk-1.38.33-upstream-64bit')
run_emsdk('activate sdk-1.38.33-upstream-64bit')
print('test specific release (new, full name)')
run_emsdk('install sdk-tag-1.38.33-64bit')
run_emsdk('activate sdk-tag-1.38.33-64bit')
print('test binaryen source build')
run_emsdk(['install', '--build=Release', '--generator=Unix Makefiles', 'binaryen-master-64bit'])
print('test 32-bit error')
failing_call_with_output('python %s install latest' % hack_emsdk('not is_os_64bit()', 'True'), 'this tool is only provided for 64-bit OSes')
print('test non-git update')
temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
for filename in os.listdir('.'):
if not filename.startswith('.') and not os.path.isdir(filename):
shutil.copy2(filename, os.path.join(temp_dir, filename))
print('second time')
print('verify downloads exist for all OSes')
latest_hash = TAGS['releases'][TAGS['latest']]
for osname, suffix in [
('linux', 'tbz2'),
('mac', 'tbz2'),
('win', 'zip')
url = '' % (osname, latest_hash, suffix)
print(' checking url: ' + url),
check_call('curl --fail --head --silent ' + url, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)