Fix `emsdk activate` breaking configuration file (#602)

Fixes: #587

> If nodejs is not installed by `emsdk`, the output ".emscripten" file by `emsdk activate` will look like this.
> ```python
> NODE_JS = ''/usr/bin/nodejs''
> # too many quotes
> ```
> `emcc` fails to execute by this syntax error.
> I think fixing [this line]( could be a solution.
> ```python
> activated_config['NODE_JS'] = "'%s'" % node_fallback
> # the value will be quoted later again
> ```
diff --git a/ b/
index 89e9d68..14ce884 100755
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1452,7 +1452,7 @@
     node_fallback = which('nodejs')
     if not node_fallback:
       node_fallback = 'node'
-    activated_config['NODE_JS'] = "'%s'" % node_fallback
+    activated_config['NODE_JS'] = node_fallback
   for name, value in activated_config.items():
     cfg += name + " = '" + value + "'\n"