blob: 8d2666991c47c7feb7cfb3d6e86dd06bb98a79ec [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import json
import os
import shutil
import subprocess
import sys
import tempfile
import unittest
WINDOWS = sys.platform.startswith('win')
MACOS = sys.platform == 'darwin'
assert 'EM_CONFIG' in os.environ, "emsdk should be activated before running this script"
# Remove the EM_CACHE environment variable. It interferes with testing since
# it would otherwise be fixed for the duration of the script and we expect
# "emsdk activate" to be able switch between SDKs during the running of this
# script.
del os.environ['EM_CACHE']
emconfig = os.environ['EM_CONFIG']
upstream_emcc = os.path.join('upstream', 'emscripten', 'emcc')
fastcomp_emcc = os.path.join('fastcomp', 'emscripten', 'emcc')
emsdk = './emsdk'
upstream_emcc += '.bat'
fastcomp_emcc += '.bat'
emsdk = 'emsdk.bat'
emsdk = './emsdk'
# Utilities
def listify(x):
if type(x) == list or type(x) == tuple:
return x
return [x]
def check_call(cmd, **args):
if type(cmd) != list:
cmd = cmd.split()
print('running: %s' % cmd)
args['universal_newlines'] = True
subprocess.check_call(cmd, **args)
def checked_call_with_output(cmd, expected=None, unexpected=None, stderr=None):
cmd = cmd.split(' ')
print('running: %s' % cmd)
stdout = subprocess.check_output(cmd, stderr=stderr, universal_newlines=True)
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
raise e
if expected:
for x in listify(expected):
assert x in stdout, 'call had the right output: ' + stdout + '\n[[[' + x + ']]]'
if unexpected:
for x in listify(unexpected):
assert x not in stdout, 'call had the wrong output: ' + stdout + '\n[[[' + x + ']]]'
def failing_call_with_output(cmd, expected):
proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd.split(' '), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True)
stdout, stderr = proc.communicate()
print('warning: skipping part of failing_call_with_output() due to error codes not being propagated (see #592)')
assert proc.returncode, 'call must have failed: ' + str([stdout, "\n========\n", stderr])
assert expected in stdout or expected in stderr, 'call did not have the right output'
def hack_emsdk(marker, replacement):
with open('') as f:
src =
assert marker in src
src = src.replace(marker, replacement)
name = '__test_emsdk'
with open(name, 'w') as f:
return name
# Set up
TAGS = json.loads(open('emscripten-releases-tags.txt').read())
# Tests
def do_lib_building(emcc):
cache_building_messages = ['generating system library: ']
def do_build(args, expected):
if expected:
expected = cache_building_messages
unexpected = []
expected = []
unexpected = cache_building_messages
checked_call_with_output(emcc + ' hello_world.c' + args,
# The emsdk ships all system libraries so we don't expect to see any
# cache population unless we explicly --clear-cache.
do_build('', expected=False)
check_call(emcc + ' --clear-cache')
do_build(' -O2', expected=True)
do_build(' -s WASM=0', expected=False)
do_build(' -O2 -s WASM=0', expected=False)
def run_emsdk(cmd):
if type(cmd) != list:
cmd = cmd.split()
check_call([emsdk] + cmd)
class Emsdk(unittest.TestCase):
def setUpClass(cls):
with open('hello_world.c', 'w') as f:
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
printf("Hello, world!\\n");
return 0;
def setUp(self):
run_emsdk('install latest')
run_emsdk('activate latest')
def test_already_installed(self):
# Test we don't re-download unnecessarily
checked_call_with_output(emsdk + ' install latest', expected='already installed', unexpected='Downloading:')
def test_list(self):
# Test we report installed tools properly. The latest version should be
# installed, but not some random old one.
checked_call_with_output(emsdk + ' list', expected=TAGS['latest'] + ' INSTALLED', unexpected='1.39.15 INSTALLED:')
def test_config_contents(self):
print('test .emscripten contents')
with open(emconfig) as f:
config =
assert 'fastcomp' not in config
assert 'upstream' in config
def test_lib_building(self):
print('building proper system libraries')
def test_fastcomp(self):
print('test the last fastcomp release')
run_emsdk('install 1.40.1-fastcomp')
run_emsdk('activate 1.40.1-fastcomp')
with open(emconfig) as f:
config =
assert config.count('LLVM_ROOT') == 1
assert 'upstream' not in config
assert 'fastcomp' in config
print('verify latest fastcomp version is fixed at 1.40.1')
checked_call_with_output(fastcomp_emcc + ' -v', '1.40.1', stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
def test_fastcomp_missing(self):
print('verify that attempting to use newer fastcomp gives an error')
fastcomp_error = 'The fastcomp backend is not getting new builds or releases. Please use the upstream llvm backend or use an older version than 2.0.0 (such as 1.40.1).'
failing_call_with_output(emsdk + ' install latest-fastcomp', fastcomp_error)
failing_call_with_output(emsdk + ' install tot-fastcomp', fastcomp_error)
failing_call_with_output(emsdk + ' install 2.0.0-fastcomp', fastcomp_error)
def test_redownload(self):
print('go back to using upstream')
run_emsdk('activate latest')
# Test the normal tools like node don't re-download on re-install
print('another install must re-download')
checked_call_with_output(emsdk + ' uninstall node-14.15.5-64bit')
checked_call_with_output(emsdk + ' install node-14.15.5-64bit', expected='Downloading:', unexpected='already installed')
checked_call_with_output(emsdk + ' install node-14.15.5-64bit', unexpected='Downloading:', expected='already installed')
def test_tot_upstream(self):
print('test update-tags')
print('test tot-upstream')
run_emsdk('install tot-upstream')
with open(emconfig) as f:
config =
run_emsdk('activate tot-upstream')
with open(emconfig + '.old') as f:
old_config =
self.assertEqual(config, old_config)
# TODO; test on latest as well
check_call(upstream_emcc + ' hello_world.c')
def test_closure(self):
# Specificlly test with `--closure` so we know that node_modules is working
check_call(upstream_emcc + ' hello_world.c --closure=1')
def test_specific_old(self):
print('test specific release (old, using sdk-* notation)')
run_emsdk('install sdk-fastcomp-1.38.31-64bit')
run_emsdk('activate sdk-fastcomp-1.38.31-64bit')
def test_specific_version(self):
print('test specific release (new, short name)')
run_emsdk('install 1.38.33')
print('another install, but no need for re-download')
checked_call_with_output(emsdk + ' install 1.38.33', expected='Skipped', unexpected='Downloading:')
run_emsdk('activate 1.38.33')
with open(emconfig) as f:
config =
assert 'upstream' not in config
assert 'fastcomp' in config
def test_specific_version_full(self):
print('test specific release (new, full name)')
run_emsdk('install sdk-1.38.33-upstream-64bit')
run_emsdk('activate sdk-1.38.33-upstream-64bit')
print('test specific release (new, tag name)')
run_emsdk('install sdk-tag-1.38.33-64bit')
run_emsdk('activate sdk-tag-1.38.33-64bit')
def test_binaryen_from_source(self):
print('test binaryen source build')
run_emsdk(['install', '--build=Release', '--generator=Unix Makefiles', 'binaryen-main-64bit'])
def test_no_32bit(self):
print('test 32-bit error')
emsdk_hacked = hack_emsdk('not is_os_64bit()', 'True')
failing_call_with_output('python %s install latest' % emsdk_hacked, 'this tool is only provided for 64-bit OSes')
def test_update_no_git(self):
print('test non-git update')
temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
for filename in os.listdir('.'):
if not filename.startswith('.') and not os.path.isdir(filename):
shutil.copy2(filename, os.path.join(temp_dir, filename))
print('second time')
def test_install_arbitrary(self):
# Test that its possible to install arbrary emscripten-releases SDKs
run_emsdk('install 5c776e6a91c0cb8edafca16a652ee1ee48f4f6d2')
# Check that its not re-downloaded
checked_call_with_output(emsdk + ' install 5c776e6a91c0cb8edafca16a652ee1ee48f4f6d2', expected='Skipped', unexpected='Downloading:')
if __name__ == '__main__':