Provide "executable" in wasm_cc_binary's DefaultInfo. (#998)

This is needed to allow custom rules and/or transitions on top of wasm_cc_binary (e.g. to workaround #972).

It's debatable whether .wasm is the correct executable target for non-standalone Wasm builds, but we don't have a way to differentiate those in wasm_cc_binary, and considering that this attribute isn't exported now, it shouldn't break anything.
diff --git a/bazel/emscripten_toolchain/wasm_cc_binary.bzl b/bazel/emscripten_toolchain/wasm_cc_binary.bzl
index 96101a5..dbdb238 100644
--- a/bazel/emscripten_toolchain/wasm_cc_binary.bzl
+++ b/bazel/emscripten_toolchain/wasm_cc_binary.bzl
@@ -80,6 +80,7 @@
     return DefaultInfo(
+        executable = ctx.outputs.wasm,
         files = depset(outputs),
         # This is needed since rules like web_test usually have a data
         # dependency on this target.