blob: 1ff727ba7c254356a0c81a58a50e3240f5871cdf [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
package com.airbnb.lottie;
import static com.airbnb.lottie.utils.Utils.closeQuietly;
import static okio.Okio.buffer;
import static okio.Okio.source;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.res.Configuration;
import android.content.res.Resources;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import androidx.annotation.RawRes;
import androidx.annotation.WorkerThread;
import com.airbnb.lottie.model.LottieCompositionCache;
import com.airbnb.lottie.parser.LottieCompositionMoshiParser;
import com.airbnb.lottie.parser.moshi.JsonReader;
import com.airbnb.lottie.utils.Logger;
import com.airbnb.lottie.utils.Utils;
import org.json.JSONObject;
import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
import okio.BufferedSource;
import okio.Okio;
* Helpers to create or cache a LottieComposition.
* <p>
* All factory methods take a cache key. The animation will be stored in an LRU cache for future use.
* In-progress tasks will also be held so they can be returned for subsequent requests for the same
* animation prior to the cache being populated.
@SuppressWarnings({"WeakerAccess", "unused", "NullAway"})
public class LottieCompositionFactory {
* Keep a map of cache keys to in-progress tasks and return them for new requests.
* Without this, simultaneous requests to parse a composition will trigger multiple parallel
* parse tasks prior to the cache getting populated.
private static final Map<String, LottieTask<LottieComposition>> taskCache = new HashMap<>();
* reference magic bytes for zip compressed files.
* useful to determine if an InputStream is a zip file or not
private static final byte[] MAGIC = new byte[]{0x50, 0x4b, 0x03, 0x04};
private LottieCompositionFactory() {
* Set the maximum number of compositions to keep cached in memory.
* This must be {@literal >} 0.
public static void setMaxCacheSize(int size) {
public static void clearCache(Context context) {
* Fetch an animation from an http url. Once it is downloaded once, Lottie will cache the file to disk for
* future use. Because of this, you may call `fromUrl` ahead of time to warm the cache if you think you
* might need an animation in the future.
* <p>
* To skip the cache, add null as a third parameter.
public static LottieTask<LottieComposition> fromUrl(final Context context, final String url) {
return fromUrl(context, url, "url_" + url);
* Fetch an animation from an http url. Once it is downloaded once, Lottie will cache the file to disk for
* future use. Because of this, you may call `fromUrl` ahead of time to warm the cache if you think you
* might need an animation in the future.
public static LottieTask<LottieComposition> fromUrl(final Context context, final String url, @Nullable final String cacheKey) {
return cache(cacheKey, () -> {
LottieResult<LottieComposition> result = L.networkFetcher(context).fetchSync(url, cacheKey);
if (cacheKey != null && result.getValue() != null) {
LottieCompositionCache.getInstance().put(cacheKey, result.getValue());
return result;
* Fetch an animation from an http url. Once it is downloaded once, Lottie will cache the file to disk for
* future use. Because of this, you may call `fromUrl` ahead of time to warm the cache if you think you
* might need an animation in the future.
public static LottieResult<LottieComposition> fromUrlSync(Context context, String url) {
return fromUrlSync(context, url, url);
* Fetch an animation from an http url. Once it is downloaded once, Lottie will cache the file to disk for
* future use. Because of this, you may call `fromUrl` ahead of time to warm the cache if you think you
* might need an animation in the future.
public static LottieResult<LottieComposition> fromUrlSync(Context context, String url, @Nullable String cacheKey) {
LottieResult<LottieComposition> result = L.networkFetcher(context).fetchSync(url, cacheKey);
if (cacheKey != null && result.getValue() != null) {
LottieCompositionCache.getInstance().put(cacheKey, result.getValue());
return result;
* Parse an animation from src/main/assets. It is recommended to use {@link #fromRawRes(Context, int)} instead.
* The asset file name will be used as a cache key so future usages won't have to parse the json again.
* However, if your animation has images, you may package the json and images as a single flattened zip file in assets.
* <p>
* To skip the cache, add null as a third parameter.
* @see #fromZipStream(ZipInputStream, String)
public static LottieTask<LottieComposition> fromAsset(Context context, final String fileName) {
String cacheKey = "asset_" + fileName;
return fromAsset(context, fileName, cacheKey);
* Parse an animation from src/main/assets. It is recommended to use {@link #fromRawRes(Context, int)} instead.
* The asset file name will be used as a cache key so future usages won't have to parse the json again.
* However, if your animation has images, you may package the json and images as a single flattened zip file in assets.
* <p>
* Pass null as the cache key to skip the cache.
* @see #fromZipStream(ZipInputStream, String)
public static LottieTask<LottieComposition> fromAsset(Context context, final String fileName, @Nullable final String cacheKey) {
// Prevent accidentally leaking an Activity.
final Context appContext = context.getApplicationContext();
return cache(cacheKey, () -> fromAssetSync(appContext, fileName, cacheKey));
* Parse an animation from src/main/assets. It is recommended to use {@link #fromRawRes(Context, int)} instead.
* The asset file name will be used as a cache key so future usages won't have to parse the json again.
* However, if your animation has images, you may package the json and images as a single flattened zip file in assets.
* <p>
* To skip the cache, add null as a third parameter.
* @see #fromZipStreamSync(ZipInputStream, String)
public static LottieResult<LottieComposition> fromAssetSync(Context context, String fileName) {
String cacheKey = "asset_" + fileName;
return fromAssetSync(context, fileName, cacheKey);
* Parse an animation from src/main/assets. It is recommended to use {@link #fromRawRes(Context, int)} instead.
* The asset file name will be used as a cache key so future usages won't have to parse the json again.
* However, if your animation has images, you may package the json and images as a single flattened zip file in assets.
* <p>
* Pass null as the cache key to skip the cache.
* @see #fromZipStreamSync(ZipInputStream, String)
public static LottieResult<LottieComposition> fromAssetSync(Context context, String fileName, @Nullable String cacheKey) {
try {
if (fileName.endsWith(".zip") || fileName.endsWith(".lottie")) {
return fromZipStreamSync(new ZipInputStream(context.getAssets().open(fileName)), cacheKey);
return fromJsonInputStreamSync(context.getAssets().open(fileName), cacheKey);
} catch (IOException e) {
return new LottieResult<>(e);
* Parse an animation from raw/res. This is recommended over putting your animation in assets because
* it uses a hard reference to R.
* The resource id will be used as a cache key so future usages won't parse the json again.
* Note: to correctly load dark mode (-night) resources, make sure you pass Activity as a context (instead of e.g. the application context).
* The Activity won't be leaked.
* <p>
* To skip the cache, add null as a third parameter.
public static LottieTask<LottieComposition> fromRawRes(Context context, @RawRes final int rawRes) {
return fromRawRes(context, rawRes, rawResCacheKey(context, rawRes));
* Parse an animation from raw/res. This is recommended over putting your animation in assets because
* it uses a hard reference to R.
* The resource id will be used as a cache key so future usages won't parse the json again.
* Note: to correctly load dark mode (-night) resources, make sure you pass Activity as a context (instead of e.g. the application context).
* The Activity won't be leaked.
* <p>
* Pass null as the cache key to skip caching.
public static LottieTask<LottieComposition> fromRawRes(Context context, @RawRes final int rawRes, @Nullable final String cacheKey) {
// Prevent accidentally leaking an Activity.
final WeakReference<Context> contextRef = new WeakReference<>(context);
final Context appContext = context.getApplicationContext();
return cache(cacheKey, () -> {
@Nullable Context originalContext = contextRef.get();
Context context1 = originalContext != null ? originalContext : appContext;
return fromRawResSync(context1, rawRes, cacheKey);
* Parse an animation from raw/res. This is recommended over putting your animation in assets because
* it uses a hard reference to R.
* The resource id will be used as a cache key so future usages won't parse the json again.
* Note: to correctly load dark mode (-night) resources, make sure you pass Activity as a context (instead of e.g. the application context).
* The Activity won't be leaked.
* <p>
* To skip the cache, add null as a third parameter.
public static LottieResult<LottieComposition> fromRawResSync(Context context, @RawRes int rawRes) {
return fromRawResSync(context, rawRes, rawResCacheKey(context, rawRes));
* Parse an animation from raw/res. This is recommended over putting your animation in assets because
* it uses a hard reference to R.
* The resource id will be used as a cache key so future usages won't parse the json again.
* Note: to correctly load dark mode (-night) resources, make sure you pass Activity as a context (instead of e.g. the application context).
* The Activity won't be leaked.
* <p>
* Pass null as the cache key to skip caching.
public static LottieResult<LottieComposition> fromRawResSync(Context context, @RawRes int rawRes, @Nullable String cacheKey) {
try {
BufferedSource source = Okio.buffer(source(context.getResources().openRawResource(rawRes)));
if (isZipCompressed(source)) {
return fromZipStreamSync(new ZipInputStream(source.inputStream()), cacheKey);
return fromJsonInputStreamSync(source.inputStream(), cacheKey);
} catch (Resources.NotFoundException e) {
return new LottieResult<>(e);
private static String rawResCacheKey(Context context, @RawRes int resId) {
return "rawRes" + (isNightMode(context) ? "_night_" : "_day_") + resId;
* It is important to include day/night in the cache key so that if it changes, the cache won't return an animation from the wrong bucket.
private static boolean isNightMode(Context context) {
int nightModeMasked = context.getResources().getConfiguration().uiMode & Configuration.UI_MODE_NIGHT_MASK;
return nightModeMasked == Configuration.UI_MODE_NIGHT_YES;
* Auto-closes the stream.
* @see #fromJsonInputStreamSync(InputStream, String, boolean)
public static LottieTask<LottieComposition> fromJsonInputStream(final InputStream stream, @Nullable final String cacheKey) {
return cache(cacheKey, () -> fromJsonInputStreamSync(stream, cacheKey));
* Return a LottieComposition for the given InputStream to json.
public static LottieResult<LottieComposition> fromJsonInputStreamSync(InputStream stream, @Nullable String cacheKey) {
return fromJsonInputStreamSync(stream, cacheKey, true);
private static LottieResult<LottieComposition> fromJsonInputStreamSync(InputStream stream, @Nullable String cacheKey, boolean close) {
try {
return fromJsonReaderSync(JsonReader.of(buffer(source(stream))), cacheKey);
} finally {
if (close) {
* @see #fromJsonSync(JSONObject, String)
public static LottieTask<LottieComposition> fromJson(final JSONObject json, @Nullable final String cacheKey) {
return cache(cacheKey, () -> {
//noinspection deprecation
return fromJsonSync(json, cacheKey);
* Prefer passing in the json string directly. This method just calls `toString()` on your JSONObject.
* If you are loading this animation from the network, just use the response body string instead of
* parsing it first for improved performance.
public static LottieResult<LottieComposition> fromJsonSync(JSONObject json, @Nullable String cacheKey) {
return fromJsonStringSync(json.toString(), cacheKey);
* @see #fromJsonStringSync(String, String)
public static LottieTask<LottieComposition> fromJsonString(final String json, @Nullable final String cacheKey) {
return cache(cacheKey, () -> fromJsonStringSync(json, cacheKey));
* Return a LottieComposition for the specified raw json string.
* If loading from a file, it is preferable to use the InputStream or rawRes version.
public static LottieResult<LottieComposition> fromJsonStringSync(String json, @Nullable String cacheKey) {
ByteArrayInputStream stream = new ByteArrayInputStream(json.getBytes());
return fromJsonReaderSync(JsonReader.of(buffer(source(stream))), cacheKey);
public static LottieTask<LottieComposition> fromJsonReader(final JsonReader reader, @Nullable final String cacheKey) {
return cache(cacheKey, () -> fromJsonReaderSync(reader, cacheKey));
public static LottieResult<LottieComposition> fromJsonReaderSync(com.airbnb.lottie.parser.moshi.JsonReader reader, @Nullable String cacheKey) {
return fromJsonReaderSyncInternal(reader, cacheKey, true);
private static LottieResult<LottieComposition> fromJsonReaderSyncInternal(
com.airbnb.lottie.parser.moshi.JsonReader reader, @Nullable String cacheKey, boolean close) {
try {
LottieComposition composition = LottieCompositionMoshiParser.parse(reader);
if (cacheKey != null) {
LottieCompositionCache.getInstance().put(cacheKey, composition);
return new LottieResult<>(composition);
} catch (Exception e) {
return new LottieResult<>(e);
} finally {
if (close) {
public static LottieTask<LottieComposition> fromZipStream(final ZipInputStream inputStream, @Nullable final String cacheKey) {
return cache(cacheKey, () -> fromZipStreamSync(inputStream, cacheKey));
* Parses a zip input stream into a Lottie composition.
* Your zip file should just be a folder with your json file and images zipped together.
* It will automatically store and configure any images inside the animation if they exist.
public static LottieResult<LottieComposition> fromZipStreamSync(ZipInputStream inputStream, @Nullable String cacheKey) {
try {
return fromZipStreamSyncInternal(inputStream, cacheKey);
} finally {
private static LottieResult<LottieComposition> fromZipStreamSyncInternal(ZipInputStream inputStream, @Nullable String cacheKey) {
LottieComposition composition = null;
Map<String, Bitmap> images = new HashMap<>();
try {
ZipEntry entry = inputStream.getNextEntry();
while (entry != null) {
final String entryName = entry.getName();
if (entryName.contains("__MACOSX")) {
} else if (entry.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("manifest.json")) { //ignore .lottie manifest
} else if (entry.getName().contains(".json")) {
com.airbnb.lottie.parser.moshi.JsonReader reader = JsonReader.of(buffer(source(inputStream)));
composition = LottieCompositionFactory.fromJsonReaderSyncInternal(reader, null, false).getValue();
} else if (entryName.contains(".png") || entryName.contains(".webp") || entryName.contains(".jpg") || entryName.contains(".jpeg")) {
String[] splitName = entryName.split("/");
String name = splitName[splitName.length - 1];
images.put(name, BitmapFactory.decodeStream(inputStream));
} else {
entry = inputStream.getNextEntry();
} catch (IOException e) {
return new LottieResult<>(e);
if (composition == null) {
return new LottieResult<>(new IllegalArgumentException("Unable to parse composition"));
for (Map.Entry<String, Bitmap> e : images.entrySet()) {
LottieImageAsset imageAsset = findImageAssetForFileName(composition, e.getKey());
if (imageAsset != null) {
imageAsset.setBitmap(Utils.resizeBitmapIfNeeded(e.getValue(), imageAsset.getWidth(), imageAsset.getHeight()));
// Ensure that all bitmaps have been set.
for (Map.Entry<String, LottieImageAsset> entry : composition.getImages().entrySet()) {
if (entry.getValue().getBitmap() == null) {
return new LottieResult<>(new IllegalStateException("There is no image for " + entry.getValue().getFileName()));
if (cacheKey != null) {
LottieCompositionCache.getInstance().put(cacheKey, composition);
return new LottieResult<>(composition);
* Check if a given InputStream points to a .zip compressed file
private static Boolean isZipCompressed(BufferedSource inputSource) {
try {
BufferedSource peek = inputSource.peek();
for (byte b : MAGIC) {
if (peek.readByte() != b) {
return false;
return true;
} catch (NoSuchMethodError e) {
// This happens in the Android Studio layout preview.
return false;
} catch (Exception e) {
Logger.error("Failed to check zip file header", e);
return false;
private static LottieImageAsset findImageAssetForFileName(LottieComposition composition, String fileName) {
for (LottieImageAsset asset : composition.getImages().values()) {
if (asset.getFileName().equals(fileName)) {
return asset;
return null;
* First, check to see if there are any in-progress tasks associated with the cache key and return it if there is.
* If not, create a new task for the callable.
* Then, add the new task to the task cache and set up listeners so it gets cleared when done.
private static LottieTask<LottieComposition> cache(
@Nullable final String cacheKey, Callable<LottieResult<LottieComposition>> callable) {
final LottieComposition cachedComposition = cacheKey == null ? null : LottieCompositionCache.getInstance().get(cacheKey);
if (cachedComposition != null) {
return new LottieTask<>(() -> new LottieResult<>(cachedComposition));
if (cacheKey != null && taskCache.containsKey(cacheKey)) {
return taskCache.get(cacheKey);
LottieTask<LottieComposition> task = new LottieTask<>(callable);
if (cacheKey != null) {
AtomicBoolean resultAlreadyCalled = new AtomicBoolean(false);
task.addListener(result -> {
task.addFailureListener(result -> {
// It is technically possible for the task to finish and for the listeners to get called
// before this code runs. If this happens, the task will be put in taskCache but never removed.
// This would require this thread to be sleeping at exactly this point in the code
// for long enough for the task to finish and call the listeners. Unlikely but not impossible.
if (!resultAlreadyCalled.get()) {
taskCache.put(cacheKey, task);
return task;