blob: 09a8c5f996112188f4f707a2f8b1cd73738c973c [file] [log] [blame]
package com.airbnb.lottie.compose
import androidx.compose.animation.core.*
import androidx.compose.runtime.*
import com.airbnb.lottie.LottieComposition
import kotlinx.coroutines.*
import kotlinx.coroutines.channels.Channel
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference
enum class LottiePlayMode {
operator fun not(): LottiePlayMode = if (this == Play) Pause else Play
fun rememberLottieAnimationState(
iterations: Int = 1,
clipSpec: LottieClipSpec? = null,
speed: Float = 1f,
): LottieAnimationState {
val state = remember { LottieAnimationState() }
LaunchedEffect(iterations) {
state.iterations = iterations
LaunchedEffect(clipSpec) {
state.clipSpec = clipSpec
LaunchedEffect(speed) {
state.speed = speed
return state
class LottieAnimationState internal constructor() : MutableState<Float> {
private var job = AtomicReference<Job?>()
private val updatesChannel = Channel<Unit>()
private var _value by mutableStateOf(0f)
override var value: Float
get() = _value
set(value) {
_value = value
var isPlaying: Boolean by mutableStateOf(false)
private set
var iteration: Int by mutableStateOf(1)
private var _iterations: Int by mutableStateOf(1)
var iterations: Int
get() = _iterations
set(value) {
_iterations = value
iteration = minOf(iteration, value)
var _clipSpec: LottieClipSpec? by mutableStateOf(null)
var clipSpec: LottieClipSpec?
get() = _clipSpec
set(value) {
_clipSpec = value
var speed: Float by mutableStateOf(1f)
var isAtEnd by mutableStateOf(true)
private set
* Animate the Lottie composition given the state properties above.
* If the animation reaches the end, instead of finishing,
suspend fun animate(
composition: LottieComposition?,
cancellationBehavior: LottieCancellationBehavior = LottieCancellationBehavior.Immediate,
): Unit = coroutineScope {
val oldJob = job.get()
if (composition == null) {
isPlaying = false
val newJob = coroutineContext.job
job.compareAndSet(oldJob, newJob)
isPlaying = true
try {
animateImpl(composition, cancellationBehavior)
} finally {
isPlaying = false
private suspend fun animateImpl(
composition: LottieComposition,
cancellationBehavior: LottieCancellationBehavior,
) {
val minProgress = clipSpec?.getMinProgress(composition) ?: 0f
val maxProgress = clipSpec?.getMaxProgress(composition) ?: 1f
_value = value.coerceIn(minProgress, maxProgress)
var lastFrameTimeNanos = withFrameNanos { it }
while (true) {
lastFrameTimeNanos = animateLottieComposition(
progress = this@LottieAnimationState,
clipSpec = clipSpec,
speed = speed,
lastFrameTimeNanos = lastFrameTimeNanos,
startAtMinProgress = false,
cancellationBehavior = cancellationBehavior,
if (iteration < iterations) {
_value = when {
speed >= 0 -> minProgress
else -> maxProgress
private suspend fun awaitReadyToAnimate(maxProgress: Float) {
if (iteration < iterations || value < maxProgress) {
isAtEnd = false
isPlaying = false
isAtEnd = true
for (u in updatesChannel) {
if (iteration < iterations || value < maxProgress) {
isAtEnd = false
isPlaying = true
override fun component1(): Float {
return value
override fun component2(): (Float) -> Unit {
return { value = it }
* Returns a mutable state representing the progress of an animation.
* Because the state is mutable, you can modify its value and the internal animation
* will continue animating from the value you set. The progress will snap to the value you
* set without changing the repeat count.
* There is also a suspending version of this that takes progress as a MutableState<Float>
* as a required second parameter.
* You do not have to use this to animate a Lottie composition. You may create your own animation
* and pass its progress to [LottieComposition].
* @param composition The composition to render. This should be retrieved with [lottieComposition].
* @param playMode Whether or not the Lottie animation should be playing if it is not at the end of
* the animation.
* @param clipSpec A [LottieClipSpec] that specifies the bound the animation playback
* should be clipped to.
* @param speed The speed the animation should play at. Numbers larger than one will speed it up.
* Numbers between 0 and 1 will slow it down. Numbers less than 0 will play it backwards.
* @param iterations The number of times the animation should repeat before stopping. It must be
* a positive number. [Integer.MAX_VALUE] can be used to repeat forever.
fun animateLottieComposition(
composition: LottieComposition?,
playMode: LottiePlayMode = LottiePlayMode.Play,
iterations: Int = 1,
clipSpec: LottieClipSpec? = null,
speed: Float = 1f,
): LottieAnimationState {
val state = rememberLottieAnimationState(
iterations = iterations,
clipSpec = clipSpec,
speed = speed,
LaunchedEffect(composition, playMode) {
if (playMode == LottiePlayMode.Play) state.animate(composition)
return state