| package com.airbnb.lottie |
| |
| import android.content.Context |
| import android.content.res.Resources |
| import android.graphics.* |
| import android.graphics.drawable.ColorDrawable |
| import android.os.Environment |
| import android.util.Log |
| import android.util.TypedValue |
| import android.view.ViewGroup |
| import android.widget.FrameLayout |
| import android.widget.ImageView |
| import com.airbnb.happo.SnapshotProvider |
| import com.airbnb.lottie.model.KeyPath |
| import com.airbnb.lottie.value.* |
| import java.io.File |
| import java.io.IOException |
| import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue |
| import java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor |
| import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit |
| |
| private class SnapshotInfo(val canvas: Canvas, val progress: Float) |
| |
| class LottieSnapshotProvider internal constructor(private val context: Context) : SnapshotProvider() { |
| |
| private val queue = LinkedBlockingQueue<Runnable>() |
| private val executor = ThreadPoolExecutor(CORES, CORES, 15, TimeUnit.MINUTES, queue) |
| // Bitmap to return from an ImageAssetDelegate to make testing animations with images easier. |
| private val dummyBitmap: Bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(context.resources, com.airbnb.lottie.samples.R.drawable.airbnb) |
| private val renderBitmap: Bitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(1000, 1000, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888) |
| private val clearPaint = Paint().apply { |
| xfermode = PorterDuffXfermode(PorterDuff.Mode.CLEAR) |
| } |
| private val renderCanvas = Canvas(renderBitmap) |
| private val snapshotInfos: List<SnapshotInfo> by lazy { |
| ArrayList<SnapshotInfo>(25).apply { |
| for (row in 0..4) { |
| for (col in 0..4) { |
| val matrix = Matrix() |
| matrix.setRectToRect( |
| RectF(0f, 0f, 1000f, 1000f), |
| RectF(col * 200f, row * 200f, col * 200f + 200f, row * 200f + 200f), |
| Matrix.ScaleToFit.CENTER |
| ) |
| val canvas = Canvas(renderBitmap) |
| canvas.matrix = matrix |
| canvas.scale(0.2f, 0.2f, 0f, 0f) |
| canvas.translate(col * 1000f, row * 1000f) |
| |
| add(SnapshotInfo(canvas, 0.04f * (row * 5f + col))) |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| private var remainingTasks = 0 |
| |
| override fun beginSnapshotting() { |
| Log.d(L.TAG, "beginSnapshotting") |
| try { |
| snapshotAssets(context.assets.list("")) |
| val tests = context.assets.list("Tests") |
| for (i in tests!!.indices) { |
| tests[i] = "Tests/" + tests[i] |
| } |
| snapshotAssets(tests) |
| |
| val lottiefiles = context.assets.list("lottiefiles") |
| for (i in lottiefiles!!.indices) { |
| lottiefiles[i] = "lottiefiles/" + lottiefiles[i] |
| } |
| snapshotAssets(lottiefiles) |
| } catch (e: IOException) { |
| onError(e) |
| } |
| |
| testFrameBoundary() |
| testFrameBoundary2() |
| testScaleTypes() |
| testDynamicProperties() |
| testSwitchingToDrawableAndBack() |
| testStartEndFrameWithStartEndProgress() |
| testUrl() |
| } |
| |
| private fun snapshotAssets(animations: Array<String>?) { |
| val dir = File(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().toString() + "/Snapshots") |
| |
| dir.mkdirs() |
| for (file in dir.listFiles()) { |
| |
| file.delete() |
| } |
| for (animation in animations!!) { |
| if (!animation.contains(".json") && !animation.contains(".zip")) { |
| continue |
| } |
| remainingTasks += 1 |
| Log.d(L.TAG, "Enqueueing $animation") |
| executor.execute { |
| runAnimation(animation) |
| decrementAndCompleteIfDone() |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| private fun runAnimation(name: String) { |
| Log.d(L.TAG, "Running $name") |
| val result = LottieCompositionFactory.fromAssetSync(context, name) |
| if (result.exception != null) throw IllegalStateException(result.exception) |
| val composition = result.value ?: return |
| |
| val bounds = composition.bounds |
| val width = bounds.width() |
| val height = bounds.height() |
| val displayMetrics = Resources.getSystem().displayMetrics |
| if (width > 4 * displayMetrics.widthPixels || height > 4 * displayMetrics.heightPixels) { |
| Log.d("Happo", name + " is too large. Skipping (" + width + "x" + height + ")") |
| return |
| } |
| drawComposition(composition, name) |
| } |
| |
| private fun drawComposition(composition: LottieComposition, name: String) { |
| Log.d(L.TAG, "Drawing $name") |
| val drawable = LottieDrawable() |
| drawable.composition = composition |
| drawable.setImageAssetDelegate { dummyBitmap } |
| drawable.scale = maxOf(composition.bounds.width(), composition.bounds.height()) / 200f |
| |
| val strokeWidth = 7f |
| val outlinePaint = Paint().apply { |
| style = Paint.Style.STROKE |
| color = Color.RED |
| this.strokeWidth = strokeWidth |
| } |
| |
| clearBitmap() |
| snapshotInfos.forEach { |
| drawable.progress = it.progress |
| drawable.draw(it.canvas) |
| it.canvas.drawRect(strokeWidth, strokeWidth, it.canvas.width - strokeWidth, it.canvas.height - strokeWidth, outlinePaint) |
| } |
| recordSnapshot(renderBitmap, "android", name, "Main") |
| } |
| |
| override fun stopSnapshotting() { |
| queue.clear() |
| } |
| |
| private fun decrementAndCompleteIfDone() { |
| remainingTasks-- |
| Log.d(L.TAG, "There are $remainingTasks tasks left.") |
| Log.d("Happo", "There are $remainingTasks remaining tasks.") |
| if (remainingTasks < 0) { |
| throw IllegalStateException("Remaining tasks cannot be negative.") |
| } |
| if (remainingTasks == 0) { |
| onComplete() |
| } |
| } |
| |
| private fun testScaleTypes() { |
| val composition = LottieComposition.Factory.fromFileSync( |
| context, "LottieLogo1.json") |
| |
| var params = FrameLayout.LayoutParams( |
| ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT) |
| testScaleTypeView(context, composition, "Wrap Content", params, null, null) |
| |
| params = FrameLayout.LayoutParams(dpToPx(300), dpToPx(300)) |
| testScaleTypeView(context, composition, "300x300 @4x", params, null, 4f) |
| |
| params = FrameLayout.LayoutParams(dpToPx(300), dpToPx(300)) |
| testScaleTypeView(context, composition, "300x300 centerCrop", params, |
| ImageView.ScaleType.CENTER_CROP, null) |
| |
| params = FrameLayout.LayoutParams(dpToPx(300), dpToPx(300)) |
| testScaleTypeView(context, composition, "300x300 centerInside", params, |
| ImageView.ScaleType.CENTER_INSIDE, null) |
| |
| params = FrameLayout.LayoutParams(dpToPx(300), dpToPx(300)) |
| testScaleTypeView(context, composition, "300x300 centerInside @2x", params, |
| ImageView.ScaleType.CENTER_INSIDE, 2f) |
| |
| params = FrameLayout.LayoutParams(dpToPx(300), dpToPx(300)) |
| testScaleTypeView(context, composition, "300x300 centerCrop @2x", params, |
| ImageView.ScaleType.CENTER_CROP, 2f) |
| |
| params = FrameLayout.LayoutParams(dpToPx(300), dpToPx(300)) |
| testScaleTypeView(context, composition, "300x300 @2x", params, null, 2f) |
| |
| params = FrameLayout.LayoutParams(dpToPx(600), dpToPx(300)) |
| testScaleTypeView(context, composition, "600x300 centerInside", params, |
| ImageView.ScaleType.CENTER_INSIDE, null) |
| |
| params = FrameLayout.LayoutParams(dpToPx(300), dpToPx(600)) |
| testScaleTypeView(context, composition, "300x600 centerInside", params, |
| ImageView.ScaleType.CENTER_INSIDE, null) |
| |
| params = FrameLayout.LayoutParams( |
| ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT, ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT) |
| testScaleTypeView(context, composition, "Match Parent", params, null, null) |
| } |
| |
| private fun testScaleTypeView(context: Context, composition: LottieComposition?, |
| name: String, params: FrameLayout.LayoutParams, scaleType: ImageView.ScaleType?, |
| scale: Float?) { |
| val container = FrameLayout(context) |
| val animationView = LottieAnimationView(context) |
| animationView.setComposition(composition!!) |
| animationView.progress = 1f |
| if (scaleType != null) { |
| animationView.scaleType = scaleType |
| } |
| if (scale != null) { |
| animationView.scale = scale |
| } |
| container.addView(animationView, params) |
| |
| recordSnapshot(container, 1080, "android", "Scale Types", name, ViewGroup.LayoutParams( |
| ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT)) |
| } |
| |
| private fun testFrameBoundary() { |
| val animationView = LottieAnimationView(context) |
| val composition = LottieComposition.Factory.fromFileSync(context, "Tests/Frame.json") |
| animationView.setComposition(composition!!) |
| val params = ViewGroup.LayoutParams( |
| ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT) |
| |
| animationView.frame = 16 |
| recordSnapshot(animationView, 1080, "android", "Frame Boundary", "Frame 16 Red", params) |
| animationView.frame = 17 |
| recordSnapshot(animationView, 1080, "android", "Frame Boundary", "Frame 17 Blue", params) |
| animationView.frame = 50 |
| recordSnapshot(animationView, 1080, "android", "Frame Boundary", "Frame 50 Blue", params) |
| animationView.frame = 51 |
| recordSnapshot(animationView, 1080, "android", "Frame Boundary", "Frame 51 Green", params) |
| } |
| |
| private fun testFrameBoundary2() { |
| val animationView = LottieAnimationView(context) |
| val composition = LottieComposition.Factory.fromFileSync(context, "Tests/RGB.json") |
| animationView.setComposition(composition!!) |
| val params = ViewGroup.LayoutParams( |
| ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT) |
| |
| animationView.frame = 0 |
| recordSnapshot(animationView, 1080, "android", "Frame Boundary", "Frame 0 Red", params) |
| animationView.frame = 1 |
| recordSnapshot(animationView, 1080, "android", "Frame Boundary", "Frame 1 Green", params) |
| animationView.frame = 2 |
| recordSnapshot(animationView, 1080, "android", "Frame Boundary", "Frame 2 Blue", params) |
| } |
| |
| private fun testDynamicProperties() { |
| testDynamicProperty( |
| "Fill color (Green)", |
| KeyPath("Shape Layer 1", "Rectangle", "Fill 1"), |
| LottieProperty.COLOR, |
| LottieValueCallback(Color.GREEN)) |
| |
| testDynamicProperty( |
| "Fill color (Yellow)", |
| KeyPath("Shape Layer 1", "Rectangle", "Fill 1"), |
| LottieProperty.COLOR, |
| LottieValueCallback(Color.YELLOW)) |
| |
| testDynamicProperty( |
| "Fill opacity", |
| KeyPath("Shape Layer 1", "Rectangle", "Fill 1"), |
| LottieProperty.OPACITY, |
| LottieValueCallback(50)) |
| |
| testDynamicProperty( |
| "Stroke color", |
| KeyPath("Shape Layer 1", "Rectangle", "Stroke 1"), |
| LottieProperty.STROKE_COLOR, |
| LottieValueCallback(Color.GREEN)) |
| |
| testDynamicProperty( |
| "Stroke width", |
| KeyPath("Shape Layer 1", "Rectangle", "Stroke 1"), |
| LottieProperty.STROKE_WIDTH, |
| LottieRelativeFloatValueCallback(50f)) |
| |
| testDynamicProperty( |
| "Stroke opacity", |
| KeyPath("Shape Layer 1", "Rectangle", "Stroke 1"), |
| LottieProperty.OPACITY, |
| LottieValueCallback(50)) |
| |
| testDynamicProperty( |
| "Transform anchor point", |
| KeyPath("Shape Layer 1", "Rectangle"), |
| LottieRelativePointValueCallback(PointF(20f, 20f))) |
| |
| testDynamicProperty( |
| "Transform position", |
| KeyPath("Shape Layer 1", "Rectangle"), |
| LottieProperty.TRANSFORM_POSITION, |
| LottieRelativePointValueCallback(PointF(20f, 20f))) |
| |
| testDynamicProperty( |
| "Transform position (relative)", |
| KeyPath("Shape Layer 1", "Rectangle"), |
| LottieProperty.TRANSFORM_POSITION, |
| LottieRelativePointValueCallback(PointF(20f, 20f))) |
| |
| testDynamicProperty( |
| "Transform opacity", |
| KeyPath("Shape Layer 1", "Rectangle"), |
| LottieProperty.TRANSFORM_OPACITY, |
| LottieValueCallback(50)) |
| |
| testDynamicProperty( |
| "Transform rotation", |
| KeyPath("Shape Layer 1", "Rectangle"), |
| LottieProperty.TRANSFORM_ROTATION, |
| LottieValueCallback(45f)) |
| |
| testDynamicProperty( |
| "Transform scale", |
| KeyPath("Shape Layer 1", "Rectangle"), |
| LottieProperty.TRANSFORM_SCALE, |
| LottieValueCallback(ScaleXY(0.5f, 0.5f))) |
| |
| testDynamicProperty( |
| "Ellipse position", |
| KeyPath("Shape Layer 1", "Ellipse", "Ellipse Path 1"), |
| LottieProperty.POSITION, |
| LottieRelativePointValueCallback(PointF(20f, 20f))) |
| |
| testDynamicProperty( |
| "Ellipse size", |
| KeyPath("Shape Layer 1", "Ellipse", "Ellipse Path 1"), |
| LottieProperty.ELLIPSE_SIZE, |
| LottieRelativePointValueCallback(PointF(40f, 60f))) |
| |
| testDynamicProperty( |
| "Star points", |
| KeyPath("Shape Layer 1", "Star", "Polystar Path 1"), |
| LottieProperty.POLYSTAR_POINTS, |
| LottieValueCallback(8f)) |
| |
| testDynamicProperty( |
| "Star rotation", |
| KeyPath("Shape Layer 1", "Star", "Polystar Path 1"), |
| LottieProperty.POLYSTAR_ROTATION, |
| LottieValueCallback(10f)) |
| |
| testDynamicProperty( |
| "Star position", |
| KeyPath("Shape Layer 1", "Star", "Polystar Path 1"), |
| LottieProperty.POSITION, |
| LottieRelativePointValueCallback(PointF(20f, 20f))) |
| |
| testDynamicProperty( |
| "Star inner radius", |
| KeyPath("Shape Layer 1", "Star", "Polystar Path 1"), |
| LottieValueCallback(10f)) |
| |
| testDynamicProperty( |
| "Star inner roundedness", |
| KeyPath("Shape Layer 1", "Star", "Polystar Path 1"), |
| LottieValueCallback(100f)) |
| |
| testDynamicProperty( |
| "Star outer radius", |
| KeyPath("Shape Layer 1", "Star", "Polystar Path 1"), |
| LottieValueCallback(60f)) |
| |
| testDynamicProperty( |
| "Star outer roundedness", |
| KeyPath("Shape Layer 1", "Star", "Polystar Path 1"), |
| LottieValueCallback(100f)) |
| |
| testDynamicProperty( |
| "Polygon points", |
| KeyPath("Shape Layer 1", "Polygon", "Polystar Path 1"), |
| LottieProperty.POLYSTAR_POINTS, |
| LottieValueCallback(8f)) |
| |
| testDynamicProperty( |
| "Polygon rotation", |
| KeyPath("Shape Layer 1", "Polygon", "Polystar Path 1"), |
| LottieProperty.POLYSTAR_ROTATION, |
| LottieValueCallback(10f)) |
| |
| testDynamicProperty( |
| "Polygon position", |
| KeyPath("Shape Layer 1", "Polygon", "Polystar Path 1"), |
| LottieProperty.POSITION, |
| LottieRelativePointValueCallback(PointF(20f, 20f))) |
| |
| testDynamicProperty( |
| "Polygon radius", |
| KeyPath("Shape Layer 1", "Polygon", "Polystar Path 1"), |
| LottieRelativeFloatValueCallback(60f)) |
| |
| testDynamicProperty( |
| "Polygon roundedness", |
| KeyPath("Shape Layer 1", "Polygon", "Polystar Path 1"), |
| LottieValueCallback(100f)) |
| |
| testDynamicProperty( |
| "Repeater transform position", |
| KeyPath("Shape Layer 1", "Repeater Shape", "Repeater 1"), |
| LottieProperty.TRANSFORM_POSITION, |
| LottieRelativePointValueCallback(PointF(100f, 100f))) |
| |
| testDynamicProperty( |
| "Repeater transform start opacity", |
| KeyPath("Shape Layer 1", "Repeater Shape", "Repeater 1"), |
| LottieValueCallback(25f)) |
| |
| testDynamicProperty( |
| "Repeater transform end opacity", |
| KeyPath("Shape Layer 1", "Repeater Shape", "Repeater 1"), |
| LottieValueCallback(25f)) |
| |
| testDynamicProperty( |
| "Repeater transform rotation", |
| KeyPath("Shape Layer 1", "Repeater Shape", "Repeater 1"), |
| LottieProperty.TRANSFORM_ROTATION, |
| LottieValueCallback(45f)) |
| |
| testDynamicProperty( |
| "Repeater transform scale", |
| KeyPath("Shape Layer 1", "Repeater Shape", "Repeater 1"), |
| LottieProperty.TRANSFORM_SCALE, |
| LottieValueCallback(ScaleXY(2f, 2f))) |
| |
| testDynamicProperty( |
| "Time remapping", |
| KeyPath("Circle 1"), |
| LottieProperty.TIME_REMAP, |
| LottieValueCallback(1f)) |
| |
| testDynamicProperty( |
| "Color Filter", |
| KeyPath("**"), |
| LottieProperty.COLOR_FILTER, |
| LottieValueCallback<ColorFilter>(SimpleColorFilter(Color.GREEN))) |
| |
| val blueColorFilter = LottieValueCallback<ColorFilter>(SimpleColorFilter(Color.GREEN)) |
| val animationView = LottieAnimationView(context) |
| val composition = LottieComposition.Factory.fromFileSync(context, "Tests/Shapes.json") |
| animationView.setComposition(composition!!) |
| animationView.progress = 0f |
| val params = ViewGroup.LayoutParams(ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT) |
| animationView.addValueCallback(KeyPath("**"), LottieProperty.COLOR_FILTER, blueColorFilter) |
| recordSnapshot(animationView, 1080, "android", "Dynamic Properties", "Color Filter before blue", params) |
| blueColorFilter.setValue(SimpleColorFilter(Color.BLUE)) |
| recordSnapshot(animationView, 1080, "android", "Dynamic Properties", "Color Filter after blue", params) |
| |
| testDynamicProperty( |
| "Null Color Filter", |
| KeyPath("**"), |
| LottieProperty.COLOR_FILTER, |
| LottieValueCallback<ColorFilter>(null)) |
| |
| testDynamicProperty( |
| "Opacity interpolation (0)", |
| KeyPath("Shape Layer 1", "Rectangle"), |
| LottieProperty.TRANSFORM_OPACITY, |
| LottieInterpolatedIntegerValue(10, 100), |
| 0f) |
| |
| testDynamicProperty( |
| "Opacity interpolation (0.5)", |
| KeyPath("Shape Layer 1", "Rectangle"), |
| LottieProperty.TRANSFORM_OPACITY, |
| LottieInterpolatedIntegerValue(10, 100), |
| 0.5f) |
| |
| testDynamicProperty( |
| "Opacity interpolation (1)", |
| KeyPath("Shape Layer 1", "Rectangle"), |
| LottieProperty.TRANSFORM_OPACITY, |
| LottieInterpolatedIntegerValue(10, 100), |
| 1f) |
| } |
| |
| private fun <T> testDynamicProperty( |
| name: String, keyPath: KeyPath, property: T, callback: LottieValueCallback<T>) { |
| testDynamicProperty(name, keyPath, property, callback, 0f) |
| } |
| |
| private fun <T> testDynamicProperty( |
| name: String, keyPath: KeyPath, property: T, callback: LottieValueCallback<T>, progress: Float) { |
| val animationView = LottieAnimationView(context) |
| val composition = LottieComposition.Factory.fromFileSync(context, "Tests/Shapes.json") |
| animationView.setComposition(composition!!) |
| animationView.progress = progress |
| val params = ViewGroup.LayoutParams( |
| ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT) |
| animationView.addValueCallback(keyPath, property, callback) |
| recordSnapshot(animationView, 1080, "android", "Dynamic Properties", name, params) |
| } |
| |
| private fun testSwitchingToDrawableAndBack() { |
| val composition = LottieComposition.Factory.fromFileSync(context, "Tests/Shapes.json") |
| val view = LottieAnimationView(context) |
| view.setComposition(composition!!) |
| view.setImageDrawable(ColorDrawable(Color.RED)) |
| view.setComposition(composition) |
| val params = ViewGroup.LayoutParams( |
| ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT) |
| recordSnapshot(view, 1080, "android", "Reset Animation", "Drawable and back", params) |
| } |
| |
| private fun testStartEndFrameWithStartEndProgress() { |
| var composition = LottieComposition.Factory.fromFileSync(context, "Tests/StartEndFrame.json") |
| var view = LottieAnimationView(context) |
| view.setComposition(composition!!) |
| val params = ViewGroup.LayoutParams( |
| ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT) |
| view.setMinProgress(0f) |
| view.progress = 0f |
| recordSnapshot(view, 1080, "android", "MinMaxFrame", "minProgress 0", params) |
| view.setMinProgress(0.25f) |
| view.progress = 0f |
| recordSnapshot(view, 1080, "android", "MinMaxFrame", "minProgress 0.25", params) |
| view.setMinProgress(0.75f) |
| view.progress = 0f |
| recordSnapshot(view, 1080, "android", "MinMaxFrame", "minProgress 0.75", params) |
| view.setMinProgress(1f) |
| view.progress = 0f |
| recordSnapshot(view, 1080, "android", "MinMaxFrame", "minProgress 1", params) |
| |
| view.setMaxProgress(0f) |
| view.progress = 1f |
| recordSnapshot(view, 1080, "android", "MinMaxFrame", "maxProgress 0", params) |
| view.setMaxProgress(0.25f) |
| view.progress = 1f |
| recordSnapshot(view, 1080, "android", "MinMaxFrame", "maxProgress 0.25", params) |
| view.setMaxProgress(0.75f) |
| view.progress = 1f |
| recordSnapshot(view, 1080, "android", "MinMaxFrame", "maxProgress 0.75", params) |
| view.setMaxProgress(1f) |
| view.progress = 1f |
| recordSnapshot(view, 1080, "android", "MinMaxFrame", "maxProgress 1", params) |
| |
| composition = LottieComposition.Factory.fromFileSync(context, "Tests/EndFrame.json") |
| view = LottieAnimationView(context) |
| view.setComposition(composition!!) |
| view.frame = 29 |
| recordSnapshot(view, 1080, "android", "EndFrame", "End Frame (red)", params) |
| view.frame = 30 |
| recordSnapshot(view, 1080, "android", "EndFrame", "End Frame (blue)", params) |
| |
| } |
| |
| private fun testUrl() { |
| val composition = LottieCompositionFactory.fromUrlSync(context, "https://www.lottiefiles.com/download/427").value ?: return |
| drawComposition(composition, "GiftBox from LottieFiles URL (427)") |
| } |
| |
| private fun dpToPx(dp: Int): Int { |
| val resources = context.resources |
| return TypedValue.applyDimension(1, dp.toFloat(), resources.displayMetrics).toInt() |
| } |
| |
| private fun clearBitmap() { |
| renderCanvas.drawRect(0f, 0f, renderBitmap.width.toFloat(), renderBitmap.height.toFloat(), clearPaint) |
| } |
| |
| companion object { |
| private val CORES = 1 //Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors(); |
| } |
| } |