blob: b70e9f15c141d4c165f224a06f98c3bc7a30d1de [file] [log] [blame]
package com.airbnb.lottie.compose
import androidx.compose.animation.core.*
import androidx.compose.runtime.*
import com.airbnb.lottie.LottieComposition
import kotlinx.coroutines.channels.BufferOverflow
import kotlinx.coroutines.channels.Channel
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.MutableSharedFlow
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.first
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
class LottieAnimationState internal constructor(initialIsPlaying: Boolean) : State<Float> {
var isPlaying: Boolean by mutableStateOf(initialIsPlaying)
internal set
override var value: Float by mutableStateOf(0f)
internal set
var currentRepeatCount: Int by mutableStateOf(1)
internal set
internal val actionChannel = Channel<LottieAnimationAction>()
internal val onFinished = MutableSharedFlow<Long>(extraBufferCapacity = 1, onBufferOverflow = BufferOverflow.DROP_OLDEST)
suspend fun restart() {
suspend fun toggleIsPlaying() {
actionChannel.send(if (isPlaying) LottieAnimationAction.Pause else LottieAnimationAction.Resume)
suspend fun pause() {
suspend fun resume() {
suspend fun snapTo(progress: Float) {
* Suspends until the animation finishes and then returns the last frame time nanos.
suspend fun awaitFinished(): Long {
return onFinished.first()
* Returns a mutable state representing the progress of an animation.
* Because the state is mutable, you can modify its value and the internal animation
* will continue animating from the value you set. The progress will snap to the value you
* set without changing the repeat count.
* There is also a suspending version of this that takes progress as a MutableState<Float>
* as a required second parameter.
* You do not have to use this to animate a Lottie composition. You may create your own animation
* and pass its progress to [LottieComposition].
* @param composition The composition to render. This should be retrieved with [lottieComposition].
* @param isPlaying Whether or not the animation is currently playing. Note that the internal
* animation may end due to reaching the target repeatCount. If that happens,
* the animation may stop even if this is still true. You may want to use
* onFinished to set isPlaying to false but in many cases, it won't matter.
* @param restartOnPlay If isPlaying switches from false to true, restartOnPlay determines whether
* the progress and repeatCount get reset.
* @param clipSpec A [LottieClipSpec] that specifies the bound the animation playback
* should be clipped to.
* @param speed The speed the animation should play at. Numbers larger than one will speed it up.
* Numbers between 0 and 1 will slow it down. Numbers less than 0 will play it backwards.
* @param repeatCount The number of times the animation should repeat before stopping. It must be
* a positive number. [LottieConstants.repeatForever] can be used to repeat forever.
* @param onRepeat An optional callback to be notified every time the animation repeats.
* @param onFinished An optional callback that is invoked when animation completes. Note that the isPlaying
* parameter you pass in may still be true. If you want to restart the animation, increase the
* repeatCount or change isPlaying to false and then true again.
fun animateLottieComposition(
composition: LottieComposition?,
initialIsPlaying: Boolean = true,
clipSpec: LottieClipSpec? = null,
speed: Float = 1f,
repeatCount: Int = 1,
): LottieAnimationState {
require(repeatCount > 0) { "Repeat count must be a positive number ($repeatCount)." }
require(speed != 0f) { "Speed must not be 0" }
require(speed.isFinite()) { "Speed must be a finite number. It is $speed." }
val state = remember { LottieAnimationState(initialIsPlaying) }
LaunchedEffect(composition) {
state.value = when (composition) {
null -> 0f
else -> when {
speed >= 0 -> clipSpec?.getMinProgress(composition) ?: 0f
else -> clipSpec?.getMaxProgress(composition) ?: 1f
state.currentRepeatCount = 0
LaunchedEffect(state) {
for (action in state.actionChannel) {
when (action) {
LottieAnimationAction.Reset -> {
state.value = when {
composition == null -> 0f
speed > 0 -> clipSpec?.getMinProgress(composition) ?: 0f
else -> clipSpec?.getMaxProgress(composition) ?: 1f
LottieAnimationAction.Pause -> {
state.isPlaying = false
LottieAnimationAction.Resume -> {
state.isPlaying = true
is LottieAnimationAction.SnapTo -> {
state.value = when {
composition == null -> 0f
clipSpec == null -> action.progress
else -> action.progress.coerceIn(
LaunchedEffect(composition, state.isPlaying, repeatCount, clipSpec, speed) {
if (!state.isPlaying || composition == null) return@LaunchedEffect
val minProgress = clipSpec?.getMinProgress(composition) ?: 0f
val maxProgress = clipSpec?.getMaxProgress(composition) ?: 1f
if (speed >= 0 && (state.value == 1f)) {
state.value = minProgress
} else if (speed < 0 && (state.value == 0f)) {
state.value = maxProgress
var lastFrameTime = withFrameNanos { it }
var done = false
while (!done) {
withFrameNanos { frameTime ->
val dTime = (frameTime - lastFrameTime) / TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toNanos(1).toFloat()
lastFrameTime = frameTime
val dProgress = (dTime * speed) / composition.duration
val rawProgress = minProgress + ((state.value - minProgress) + dProgress)
if (speed > 0 && rawProgress > maxProgress) {
} else if (speed < 0 && rawProgress < minProgress) {
done = if (state.currentRepeatCount < repeatCount && !rawProgress.isInfinite()) {
state.value = minProgress + ((rawProgress - minProgress) fmod (maxProgress - minProgress))
} else {
state.value = when {
speed >= 0 -> clipSpec?.getMaxProgress(composition) ?: 1f
else -> clipSpec?.getMinProgress(composition) ?: 0f
return state
* Floor mod instead of % which is remainder. This allows negative speeds to properly wrap around to
* the max progress.
private infix fun Float.fmod(other: Float) = ((this % other) + other) % other
internal sealed class LottieAnimationAction {
object Reset : LottieAnimationAction()
object Pause : LottieAnimationAction()
object Resume : LottieAnimationAction()
class SnapTo(val progress: Float) : LottieAnimationAction()