Fix a typo in the Compose LottieAnimation docs (#1934)

diff --git a/lottie-compose/src/main/java/com/airbnb/lottie/compose/LottieAnimation.kt b/lottie-compose/src/main/java/com/airbnb/lottie/compose/LottieAnimation.kt
index 679a6ef..06dba44 100644
--- a/lottie-compose/src/main/java/com/airbnb/lottie/compose/LottieAnimation.kt
+++ b/lottie-compose/src/main/java/com/airbnb/lottie/compose/LottieAnimation.kt
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
  *                    [rememberLottieComposition].
  * @param progress The progress (between 0 and 1) that should be rendered. If you want to render a specific
  *                 frame, you can use [LottieComposition.getFrameForProgress]. In most cases, you will want
- *                 to use one of th overloaded LottieAnimation composables that drives the animation for you.
+ *                 to use one of the overloaded LottieAnimation composables that drives the animation for you.
  *                 The overloads that have isPlaying as a parameter instead of progress will drive the
  *                 animation automatically. You may want to use this version if you want to drive the animation
  *                 from your own Animatable or via events such as download progress or a gesture.
@@ -153,4 +153,4 @@
 private operator fun Size.times(scale: ScaleFactor): IntSize {
     return IntSize((width * scale.scaleX).toInt(), (height * scale.scaleY).toInt())
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