blob: 5ea2c4619a23e667aec37af382278ff78d9c4192 [file] [log] [blame]
package com.airbnb.lottie.compose
import androidx.annotation.FloatRange
import androidx.compose.runtime.Composable
import androidx.compose.runtime.LaunchedEffect
import androidx.compose.runtime.getValue
import androidx.compose.runtime.mutableStateOf
import androidx.compose.runtime.remember
import androidx.compose.runtime.setValue
import androidx.compose.ui.Modifier
import androidx.compose.ui.geometry.Offset
import androidx.compose.ui.platform.LocalContext
import com.airbnb.lottie.ImageAssetDelegate
import com.airbnb.lottie.LottieComposition
import com.airbnb.lottie.LottieDrawable
import com.airbnb.lottie.manager.ImageAssetManager
import com.airbnb.lottie.setImageAssetManager
* This is the base LottieAnimation composable. It takes a composition and renders it at a specific progress.
* The overloaded version of [LottieAnimation] that handles playback and is sufficient for most use cases.
* @param composition The composition that will be rendered. To generate a [LottieComposition], you can use
* [rememberLottieComposition].
* @param progress The progress (between 0 and 1) that should be rendered. If you want to render a specific
* frame, you can use [LottieComposition.getFrameForProgress]. In most cases, you will want
* to use one of th overloaded LottieAnimation composables that drives the animation for you.
* The overloads that have isPlaying as a parameter instead of progress will drive the
* animation automatically. You may want to use this version if you want to drive the animation
* from your own Animatable or via events such as download progress or a gesture.
* @param imageAssetsFolder If you use image assets, you must explicitly specify the folder in assets/ in which
* they are located because bodymovin uses the name filenames across all
* compositions (img_#). Do NOT rename the images themselves.
* If your images are located in src/main/assets/airbnb_loader/ then imageAssetsFolder
* should be set to "airbnb_loader"
* Be wary if you are using many images, however. Lottie is designed to work with
* vector shapes from After Effects. If your images look like they could be
* represented with vector shapes, see if it is possible to convert them to shape
* layers and re-export your animation. Check the documentation at
* for more information about importing shapes from Sketch
* or Illustrator to avoid this.
* @param imageAssetDelegate Use this if you can't bundle images with your app. This may be useful if you
* download the animations from the network or have the images saved to an SD Card.
* In that case, Lottie will defer the loading of the bitmap to this delegate.
* Be wary if you are using many images, however. Lottie is designed to work with
* vector shapes from After Effects. If your images look like they could be
* represented with vector shapes, see if it is possible to convert them to shape
* layers and re-export your animation. Check the documentation at
* for more information about importing shapes from Sketch
* or Illustrator to avoid this.
* @param outlineMasksAndMattes Enable this to debug slow animations by outlining masks and mattes.
* The performance overhead of the masks and mattes will be proportional to the
* surface area of all of the masks/mattes combined.
* DO NOT leave this enabled in production.
* @param applyOpacityToLayers Sets whether to apply opacity to the each layer instead of shape.
* Opacity is normally applied directly to a shape. In cases where translucent
* shapes overlap, applying opacity to a layer will be more accurate at the
* expense of performance.
* Note: This process is very expensive. The performance impact will be reduced
* when hardware acceleration is enabled.
* @param enableMergePaths Enables experimental merge paths support. Most animations with merge paths will
* want this on but merge path support is more limited than some other rendering
* features so it defaults to off. The only way to know if your animation will work
* well with merge paths or not is to try it. If your animation has merge paths and
* doesn't render correctly, please file an issue.
* @param dynamicProperties Allows you to change the properties of an animation dynamically. To use them, use
* [rememberLottieDynamicProperties]. Refer to its docs for more info.
fun LottieAnimation(
composition: LottieComposition?,
@FloatRange(from = 0.0, to = 1.0) progress: Float,
modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
imageAssetsFolder: String? = null,
imageAssetDelegate: ImageAssetDelegate? = null,
outlineMasksAndMattes: Boolean = false,
applyOpacityToLayers: Boolean = false,
enableMergePaths: Boolean = false,
dynamicProperties: LottieDynamicProperties? = null,
) {
val drawable = remember { LottieDrawable() }
var imageAssetManager by remember { mutableStateOf<ImageAssetManager?>(null) }
var setDynamicProperties: LottieDynamicProperties? by remember { mutableStateOf(null) }
if (composition == null || composition.duration == 0f) return Box(modifier)
if (composition.hasImages()) {
val context = LocalContext.current
LaunchedEffect(context, composition, imageAssetsFolder, imageAssetDelegate) {
imageAssetManager = ImageAssetManager(context, imageAssetsFolder, imageAssetDelegate, composition.images)
} else {
imageAssetManager = null
modifier = modifier
) {
drawIntoCanvas { canvas ->
scale(size.width / composition.bounds.width().toFloat(), size.height / composition.bounds.height().toFloat(), Offset.Zero)
}) {
drawable.composition = composition
if (dynamicProperties !== setDynamicProperties) {
setDynamicProperties = dynamicProperties
drawable.isApplyingOpacityToLayersEnabled = applyOpacityToLayers
drawable.progress = progress
* This is like [LottieAnimation] except that it handles driving the animation via [animateLottieCompositionAsState]
* instead of taking a raw progress parameter.
* @see LottieAnimation
* @see animateLottieCompositionAsState
fun LottieAnimation(
composition: LottieComposition?,
modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
isPlaying: Boolean = true,
restartOnPlay: Boolean = true,
clipSpec: LottieClipSpec? = null,
speed: Float = 1f,
iterations: Int = 1,
imageAssetsFolder: String? = null,
imageAssetDelegate: ImageAssetDelegate? = null,
outlineMasksAndMattes: Boolean = false,
applyOpacityToLayers: Boolean = false,
enableMergePaths: Boolean = false,
dynamicProperties: LottieDynamicProperties? = null,
) {
val progress by animateLottieCompositionAsState(
private fun Modifier.maintainAspectRatio(composition: LottieComposition?): Modifier {
composition ?: return this
// TODO: use ContentScale and a transform here
return this.then(aspectRatio(composition.bounds.width() / composition.bounds.height().toFloat()))