blob: a6e3ccbcf0419a6640c4f6d7a8501d614220f5b9 [file] [log] [blame]
package com.airbnb.lottie.manager;
import android.content.res.AssetManager;
import android.util.Log;
import android.view.View;
import com.airbnb.lottie.FontAssetDelegate;
import com.airbnb.lottie.L;
import com.airbnb.lottie.model.MutablePair;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
public class FontAssetManager {
private final MutablePair<String> tempPair = new MutablePair<>();
/** Pair is (fontName, fontStyle) */
private final Map<MutablePair<String>, Typeface> fontMap = new HashMap<>();
/** Map of font families to their fonts. Necessary to create a font with a different style */
private final Map<String, Typeface> fontFamilies = new HashMap<>();
private final AssetManager assetManager;
@Nullable private FontAssetDelegate delegate;
private String defaultFontFileExtension = ".ttf";
public FontAssetManager(Drawable.Callback callback, @Nullable FontAssetDelegate delegate) {
this.delegate = delegate;
if (!(callback instanceof View)) {
Log.w(L.TAG, "LottieDrawable must be inside of a view for images to work.");
assetManager = null;
assetManager = ((View) callback).getContext().getAssets();
public void setDelegate(@Nullable FontAssetDelegate assetDelegate) {
this.delegate = assetDelegate;
* Sets the default file extension (include the `.`).
* e.g. `.ttf` `.otf`
* Defaults to `.ttf`
@SuppressWarnings("unused") public void setDefaultFontFileExtension(String defaultFontFileExtension) {
this.defaultFontFileExtension = defaultFontFileExtension;
public Typeface getTypeface(String fontFamily, String style) {
tempPair.set(fontFamily, style);
Typeface typeface = fontMap.get(tempPair);
if (typeface != null) {
return typeface;
Typeface typefaceWithDefaultStyle = getFontFamily(fontFamily);
typeface = typefaceForStyle(typefaceWithDefaultStyle, style);
fontMap.put(tempPair, typeface);
return typeface;
private Typeface getFontFamily(String fontFamily) {
Typeface defaultTypeface = fontFamilies.get(fontFamily);
if (defaultTypeface != null) {
return defaultTypeface;
Typeface typeface = null;
if (delegate != null) {
typeface = delegate.fetchFont(fontFamily);
if (delegate != null && typeface == null) {
String path = delegate.getFontPath(fontFamily);
if (path != null) {
typeface = Typeface.createFromAsset(assetManager, path);
if (typeface == null) {
String path = "fonts/" + fontFamily + defaultFontFileExtension;
typeface = Typeface.createFromAsset(assetManager, path);
fontFamilies.put(fontFamily, typeface);
return typeface;
private Typeface typefaceForStyle(Typeface typeface, String style) {
int styleInt = Typeface.NORMAL;
boolean containsItalic = style.contains("Italic");
boolean containsBold = style.contains("Bold");
if (containsItalic && containsBold) {
styleInt = Typeface.BOLD_ITALIC;
} else if (containsItalic) {
styleInt = Typeface.ITALIC;
} else if (containsBold) {
styleInt = Typeface.BOLD;
if (typeface.getStyle() == styleInt) {
return typeface;
return Typeface.create(typeface, styleInt);