blob: 42400320c4d8ec147bdafc1dda7d14cd007eec3e [file] [log] [blame]
package com.airbnb.lottie;
import org.json.JSONArray;
import org.json.JSONException;
import org.json.JSONObject;
class AnimatableShapeValue extends BaseAnimatableValue<ShapeData, Path> {
private final Path convertTypePath = new Path();
private boolean closed;
AnimatableShapeValue(JSONObject json, int frameRate, LottieComposition composition,
boolean closed) {
super(null, frameRate, composition, true);
this.closed = closed;
@Override protected ShapeData valueFromObject(Object object, float scale) throws JSONException {
JSONObject pointsData = null;
if (object instanceof JSONArray) {
try {
Object firstObject = ((JSONArray) object).get(0);
if (firstObject instanceof JSONObject && ((JSONObject) firstObject).has("v")) {
pointsData = (JSONObject) firstObject;
} catch (JSONException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to get shape. " + object);
} else if (object instanceof JSONObject && ((JSONObject) object).has("v")) {
pointsData = (JSONObject) object;
if (pointsData == null) {
return null;
JSONArray pointsArray = null;
JSONArray inTangents = null;
JSONArray outTangents = null;
try {
pointsArray = pointsData.getJSONArray("v");
inTangents = pointsData.getJSONArray("i");
outTangents = pointsData.getJSONArray("o");
if (pointsData.has("c")) {
// Bodymovin < 4.4 uses "closed" one level up in the json so it is passed in to the
// constructor.
// Bodymovin 4.4+ has closed here.
closed = pointsData.getBoolean("c");
} catch (JSONException e) {
// Do nothing.
if (pointsArray == null || inTangents == null || outTangents == null ||
pointsArray.length() != inTangents.length() ||
pointsArray.length() != outTangents.length()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to process points array or tangents. " + pointsData);
ShapeData shape = new ShapeData();
PointF vertex = vertexAtIndex(0, pointsArray);
vertex.x *= scale;
vertex.y *= scale;
for (int i = 1; i < pointsArray.length(); i++) {
vertex = vertexAtIndex(i, pointsArray);
PointF previousVertex = vertexAtIndex(i - 1, pointsArray);
PointF cp1 = vertexAtIndex(i - 1, outTangents);
PointF cp2 = vertexAtIndex(i, inTangents);
PointF shapeCp1 = MiscUtils.addPoints(previousVertex, cp1);
PointF shapeCp2 = MiscUtils.addPoints(vertex, cp2);
shapeCp1.x *= scale;
shapeCp1.y *= scale;
shapeCp2.x *= scale;
shapeCp2.y *= scale;
vertex.x *= scale;
vertex.y *= scale;
shape.addCurve(new CubicCurveData(shapeCp1, shapeCp2, vertex));
if (closed) {
vertex = vertexAtIndex(0, pointsArray);
PointF previousVertex = vertexAtIndex(pointsArray.length() - 1, pointsArray);
PointF cp1 = vertexAtIndex(pointsArray.length() - 1, outTangents);
PointF cp2 = vertexAtIndex(0, inTangents);
PointF shapeCp1 = MiscUtils.addPoints(previousVertex, cp1);
PointF shapeCp2 = MiscUtils.addPoints(vertex, cp2);
if (scale != 1f) {
shapeCp1.x *= scale;
shapeCp1.y *= scale;
shapeCp2.x *= scale;
shapeCp2.y *= scale;
vertex.x *= scale;
vertex.y *= scale;
shape.addCurve(new CubicCurveData(shapeCp1, shapeCp2, vertex));
return shape;
private PointF vertexAtIndex(int idx, JSONArray points) {
if (idx >= points.length()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Invalid index " + idx + ". There are only " + points.length() + " points.");
try {
JSONArray pointArray = points.getJSONArray(idx);
Object x = pointArray.get(0);
Object y = pointArray.get(1);
return new PointF(
x instanceof Double ? new Float((Double) x) : (int) x,
y instanceof Double ? new Float((Double) y) : (int) y);
} catch (JSONException e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unable to get point.", e);
@Override public KeyframeAnimation<Path> createAnimation() {
if (!hasAnimation()) {
return new StaticKeyframeAnimation<>(convertType(initialValue));
ShapeKeyframeAnimation animation =
new ShapeKeyframeAnimation(duration, composition, keyTimes, keyValues, interpolators);
return animation;
@Override Path convertType(ShapeData shapeData) {
MiscUtils.getPathFromData(shapeData, convertTypePath);
return convertTypePath;