blob: 9075a0d66499cabcfaacf827569e50598f95f026 [file] [log] [blame]
package com.airbnb.lottie;
import android.view.animation.Interpolator;
import org.json.JSONArray;
import org.json.JSONObject;
class PathKeyframe extends Keyframe<PointF> {
@Nullable private Path path;
private PathKeyframe(LottieComposition composition, @Nullable PointF startValue,
@Nullable PointF endValue, @Nullable Interpolator interpolator, float startFrame,
@Nullable Float endFrame) {
super(composition, startValue, endValue, interpolator, startFrame, endFrame);
static class Factory {
private Factory() {
static PathKeyframe newInstance(JSONObject json, LottieComposition composition,
AnimatableValue.Factory<PointF> valueFactory) {
Keyframe<PointF> keyframe = Keyframe.Factory.newInstance(json, composition,
composition.getDpScale(), valueFactory);
PointF cp1 = null;
PointF cp2 = null;
JSONArray tiJson = json.optJSONArray("ti");
JSONArray toJson = json.optJSONArray("to");
if (tiJson != null && toJson != null) {
cp1 = JsonUtils.pointFromJsonArray(toJson, composition.getDpScale());
cp2 = JsonUtils.pointFromJsonArray(tiJson, composition.getDpScale());
PathKeyframe pathKeyframe = new PathKeyframe(composition, keyframe.startValue,
keyframe.endValue, keyframe.interpolator, keyframe.startFrame, keyframe.endFrame);
// This must use equals(float, float) because PointF didn't have an equals(PathF) method
// until KitKat...
boolean equals = keyframe.endValue != null && keyframe.startValue != null &&
keyframe.startValue.equals(keyframe.endValue.x, keyframe.endValue.y);
//noinspection ConstantConditions
if (pathKeyframe.endValue != null && !equals) {
pathKeyframe.path = Utils.createPath(keyframe.startValue, keyframe.endValue, cp1, cp2);
return pathKeyframe;
/** This will be null if the startValue and endValue are the same. */
@Nullable Path getPath() {
return path;