Implement a better GetTID on Apple platforms, and a better fallback too.

The fallback isn't totally portable, even within POSIX, but we can special case any future platforms where it's not just like this change does for Apple.

PiperOrigin-RevId: 535324103
Change-Id: Ib628925c4946b6c112373678fe37e9bb44259090
diff --git a/absl/base/internal/ b/absl/base/internal/
index 8429fb9..ed20335 100644
--- a/absl/base/internal/
+++ b/absl/base/internal/
@@ -414,82 +414,24 @@
   return tid;
+#elif defined(__APPLE__)
+pid_t GetTID() {
+  uint64_t tid;
+  // `nullptr` here implies this thread.  This only fails if the specified
+  // thread is invalid or the pointer-to-tid is null, so we needn't worry about
+  // it.
+  pthread_threadid_np(nullptr, &tid);
+  return static_cast<pid_t>(tid);
-// Fallback implementation of GetTID using pthread_getspecific.
-ABSL_CONST_INIT static once_flag tid_once;
-ABSL_CONST_INIT static pthread_key_t tid_key;
-ABSL_CONST_INIT static absl::base_internal::SpinLock tid_lock(
-    absl::kConstInit, base_internal::SCHEDULE_KERNEL_ONLY);
-// We set a bit per thread in this array to indicate that an ID is in
-// use. ID 0 is unused because it is the default value returned by
-// pthread_getspecific().
-ABSL_CONST_INIT static std::vector<uint32_t> *tid_array
-    ABSL_GUARDED_BY(tid_lock) = nullptr;
-static constexpr int kBitsPerWord = 32;  // tid_array is uint32_t.
-// Returns the TID to tid_array.
-static void FreeTID(void *v) {
-  intptr_t tid = reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(v);
-  intptr_t word = tid / kBitsPerWord;
-  uint32_t mask = ~(1u << (tid % kBitsPerWord));
-  absl::base_internal::SpinLockHolder lock(&tid_lock);
-  assert(0 <= word && static_cast<size_t>(word) < tid_array->size());
-  (*tid_array)[static_cast<size_t>(word)] &= mask;
-static void InitGetTID() {
-  if (pthread_key_create(&tid_key, FreeTID) != 0) {
-    // The logging system calls GetTID() so it can't be used here.
-    perror("pthread_key_create failed");
-    abort();
-  }
-  // Initialize tid_array.
-  absl::base_internal::SpinLockHolder lock(&tid_lock);
-  tid_array = new std::vector<uint32_t>(1);
-  (*tid_array)[0] = 1;  // ID 0 is never-allocated.
-// Return a per-thread small integer ID from pthread's thread-specific data.
+// Fallback implementation of `GetTID` using `pthread_self`.
 pid_t GetTID() {
-  absl::call_once(tid_once, InitGetTID);
-  intptr_t tid = reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(pthread_getspecific(tid_key));
-  if (tid != 0) {
-    return static_cast<pid_t>(tid);
-  }
-  int bit;  // tid_array[word] = 1u << bit;
-  size_t word;
-  {
-    // Search for the first unused ID.
-    absl::base_internal::SpinLockHolder lock(&tid_lock);
-    // First search for a word in the array that is not all ones.
-    word = 0;
-    while (word < tid_array->size() && ~(*tid_array)[word] == 0) {
-      ++word;
-    }
-    if (word == tid_array->size()) {
-      tid_array->push_back(0);  // No space left, add kBitsPerWord more IDs.
-    }
-    // Search for a zero bit in the word.
-    bit = 0;
-    while (bit < kBitsPerWord && (((*tid_array)[word] >> bit) & 1) != 0) {
-      ++bit;
-    }
-    tid =
-        static_cast<intptr_t>((word * kBitsPerWord) + static_cast<size_t>(bit));
-    (*tid_array)[word] |= 1u << bit;  // Mark the TID as allocated.
-  }
-  if (pthread_setspecific(tid_key, reinterpret_cast<void *>(tid)) != 0) {
-    perror("pthread_setspecific failed");
-    abort();
-  }
-  return static_cast<pid_t>(tid);
+  // `pthread_t` need not be arithmetic per POSIX; platforms where it isn't
+  // should be handled above.
+  return static_cast<pid_t>(pthread_self());