blob: a36aa75fbeb3fef8044176c201a77e0128ed7954 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017 Pierre Moreau
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <cstdint>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include "libspirv.hpp"
namespace spvtools {
class LinkerOptions {
: createLibrary_(false),
verifyIds_(false) {}
// Returns whether a library or an executable should be produced by the
// linking phase.
// All exported symbols are kept when creating a library, whereas they will
// be removed when creating an executable.
// The returned value will be true if creating a library, and false if
// creating an executable.
bool GetCreateLibrary() const { return createLibrary_; }
// Sets whether a library or an executable should be produced.
void SetCreateLibrary(bool create_library) {
createLibrary_ = create_library;
// Returns whether to verify the uniqueness of the unique ids in the merged
// context.
bool GetVerifyIds() const { return verifyIds_; }
// Sets whether to verify the uniqueness of the unique ids in the merged
// context.
void SetVerifyIds(bool verifyIds) {
verifyIds_ = verifyIds;
bool createLibrary_;
bool verifyIds_;
class Linker {
// Constructs an instance targeting the given environment |env|.
// The constructed instance will have an empty message consumer, which just
// ignores all messages from the library. Use SetMessageConsumer() to supply
// one if messages are of concern.
explicit Linker(spv_target_env env);
// Disables copy/move constructor/assignment operations.
Linker(const Linker&) = delete;
Linker(Linker&&) = delete;
Linker& operator=(const Linker&) = delete;
Linker& operator=(Linker&&) = delete;
// Destructs this instance.
// Sets the message consumer to the given |consumer|. The |consumer| will be
// invoked once for each message communicated from the library.
void SetMessageConsumer(MessageConsumer consumer);
// Links one or more SPIR-V modules into a new SPIR-V module. That is,
// combine several SPIR-V modules into one, resolving link dependencies
// between them.
// At least one binary has to be provided in |binaries|. Those binaries do
// not have to be valid, but they should be at least parseable.
// The functions can fail due to the following:
// * No input modules were given;
// * One or more of those modules were not parseable;
// * The input modules used different addressing or memory models;
// * The ID or global variable number limit were exceeded;
// * Some entry points were defined multiple times;
// * Some imported symbols did not have an exported counterpart;
// * Possibly other reasons.
spv_result_t Link(const std::vector<std::vector<uint32_t>>& binaries,
std::vector<uint32_t>& linked_binary,
const LinkerOptions& options = LinkerOptions()) const;
spv_result_t Link(const uint32_t* const* binaries, const size_t* binary_sizes,
size_t num_binaries, std::vector<uint32_t>& linked_binary,
const LinkerOptions& options = LinkerOptions()) const;
struct Impl; // Opaque struct for holding the data fields used by this class.
std::unique_ptr<Impl> impl_; // Unique pointer to implementation data.
} // namespace spvtools