blob: a2c1f2cabc529d9551263b77363938377d8a818a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "source/fuzz/fact_manager/data_synonym_and_id_equation_facts.h"
#include "source/fuzz/fuzzer_util.h"
namespace spvtools {
namespace fuzz {
namespace fact_manager {
size_t DataSynonymAndIdEquationFacts::OperationHash::operator()(
const Operation& operation) const {
std::u32string hash;
for (auto operand : operation.operands) {
return std::hash<std::u32string>()(hash);
bool DataSynonymAndIdEquationFacts::OperationEquals::operator()(
const Operation& first, const Operation& second) const {
// Equal operations require...
// Equal opcodes.
if (first.opcode != second.opcode) {
return false;
// Matching operand counts.
if (first.operands.size() != second.operands.size()) {
return false;
// Equal operands.
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < first.operands.size(); i++) {
if (!DataDescriptorEquals()(first.operands[i], second.operands[i])) {
return false;
return true;
opt::IRContext* ir_context)
: ir_context_(ir_context) {}
bool DataSynonymAndIdEquationFacts::MaybeAddFact(
const protobufs::FactDataSynonym& fact,
const DeadBlockFacts& dead_block_facts,
const IrrelevantValueFacts& irrelevant_value_facts) {
if (irrelevant_value_facts.IdIsIrrelevant(fact.data1().object(),
dead_block_facts) ||
dead_block_facts)) {
// Irrelevant ids cannot be synonymous with other ids.
return false;
// Add the fact, including all facts relating sub-components of the data
// descriptors that are involved.
AddDataSynonymFactRecursive(fact.data1(), fact.data2());
return true;
bool DataSynonymAndIdEquationFacts::MaybeAddFact(
const protobufs::FactIdEquation& fact,
const DeadBlockFacts& dead_block_facts,
const IrrelevantValueFacts& irrelevant_value_facts) {
if (irrelevant_value_facts.IdIsIrrelevant(fact.lhs_id(), dead_block_facts)) {
// Irrelevant ids cannot participate in IdEquation facts.
return false;
for (auto id : fact.rhs_id()) {
if (irrelevant_value_facts.IdIsIrrelevant(id, dead_block_facts)) {
// Irrelevant ids cannot participate in IdEquation facts.
return false;
protobufs::DataDescriptor lhs_dd = MakeDataDescriptor(fact.lhs_id(), {});
// Register the LHS in the equivalence relation if needed.
// Get equivalence class representatives for all ids used on the RHS of the
// equation.
std::vector<const protobufs::DataDescriptor*> rhs_dds;
for (auto rhs_id : fact.rhs_id()) {
// Register a data descriptor based on this id in the equivalence relation
// if needed, and then record the equivalence class representative.
rhs_dds.push_back(RegisterDataDescriptor(MakeDataDescriptor(rhs_id, {})));
// Now add the fact.
AddEquationFactRecursive(lhs_dd, static_cast<SpvOp>(fact.opcode()), rhs_dds);
return true;
const protobufs::DataDescriptor* lhs) const {
auto existing = id_equations_.find(lhs);
if (existing == id_equations_.end()) {
return OperationSet();
return existing->second;
void DataSynonymAndIdEquationFacts::AddEquationFactRecursive(
const protobufs::DataDescriptor& lhs_dd, SpvOp opcode,
const std::vector<const protobufs::DataDescriptor*>& rhs_dds) {
assert(synonymous_.Exists(lhs_dd) &&
"The LHS must be known to the equivalence relation.");
for (auto rhs_dd : rhs_dds) {
// Keep release compilers happy.
assert(synonymous_.Exists(*rhs_dd) &&
"The RHS operands must be known to the equivalence relation.");
auto lhs_dd_representative = synonymous_.Find(&lhs_dd);
if (id_equations_.count(lhs_dd_representative) == 0) {
// We have not seen an equation with this LHS before, so associate the LHS
// with an initially empty set.
id_equations_.insert({lhs_dd_representative, OperationSet()});
auto existing_equations = id_equations_.find(lhs_dd_representative);
assert(existing_equations != id_equations_.end() &&
"A set of operations should be present, even if empty.");
Operation new_operation = {opcode, rhs_dds};
if (existing_equations->second.count(new_operation)) {
// This equation is known, so there is nothing further to be done.
// Add the equation to the set of known equations.
// Now try to work out corollaries implied by the new equation and existing
// facts.
switch (opcode) {
case SpvOpConvertSToF:
case SpvOpConvertUToF:
case SpvOpBitcast: {
assert(DataDescriptorsAreWellFormedAndComparable(lhs_dd, *rhs_dds[0]) &&
"Operands of OpBitcast equation fact must have compatible types");
if (!synonymous_.IsEquivalent(lhs_dd, *rhs_dds[0])) {
AddDataSynonymFactRecursive(lhs_dd, *rhs_dds[0]);
} break;
case SpvOpIAdd: {
// Equation form: "a = b + c"
for (const auto& equation : GetEquations(rhs_dds[0])) {
if (equation.opcode == SpvOpISub) {
// Equation form: "a = (d - e) + c"
if (synonymous_.IsEquivalent(*equation.operands[1], *rhs_dds[1])) {
// Equation form: "a = (d - c) + c"
// We can thus infer "a = d"
AddDataSynonymFactRecursive(lhs_dd, *equation.operands[0]);
for (const auto& equation : GetEquations(rhs_dds[1])) {
if (equation.opcode == SpvOpISub) {
// Equation form: "a = b + (d - e)"
if (synonymous_.IsEquivalent(*equation.operands[1], *rhs_dds[0])) {
// Equation form: "a = b + (d - b)"
// We can thus infer "a = d"
AddDataSynonymFactRecursive(lhs_dd, *equation.operands[0]);
case SpvOpISub: {
// Equation form: "a = b - c"
for (const auto& equation : GetEquations(rhs_dds[0])) {
if (equation.opcode == SpvOpIAdd) {
// Equation form: "a = (d + e) - c"
if (synonymous_.IsEquivalent(*equation.operands[0], *rhs_dds[1])) {
// Equation form: "a = (c + e) - c"
// We can thus infer "a = e"
AddDataSynonymFactRecursive(lhs_dd, *equation.operands[1]);
if (synonymous_.IsEquivalent(*equation.operands[1], *rhs_dds[1])) {
// Equation form: "a = (d + c) - c"
// We can thus infer "a = d"
AddDataSynonymFactRecursive(lhs_dd, *equation.operands[0]);
if (equation.opcode == SpvOpISub) {
// Equation form: "a = (d - e) - c"
if (synonymous_.IsEquivalent(*equation.operands[0], *rhs_dds[1])) {
// Equation form: "a = (c - e) - c"
// We can thus infer "a = -e"
AddEquationFactRecursive(lhs_dd, SpvOpSNegate,
for (const auto& equation : GetEquations(rhs_dds[1])) {
if (equation.opcode == SpvOpIAdd) {
// Equation form: "a = b - (d + e)"
if (synonymous_.IsEquivalent(*equation.operands[0], *rhs_dds[0])) {
// Equation form: "a = b - (b + e)"
// We can thus infer "a = -e"
AddEquationFactRecursive(lhs_dd, SpvOpSNegate,
if (synonymous_.IsEquivalent(*equation.operands[1], *rhs_dds[0])) {
// Equation form: "a = b - (d + b)"
// We can thus infer "a = -d"
AddEquationFactRecursive(lhs_dd, SpvOpSNegate,
if (equation.opcode == SpvOpISub) {
// Equation form: "a = b - (d - e)"
if (synonymous_.IsEquivalent(*equation.operands[0], *rhs_dds[0])) {
// Equation form: "a = b - (b - e)"
// We can thus infer "a = e"
AddDataSynonymFactRecursive(lhs_dd, *equation.operands[1]);
case SpvOpLogicalNot:
case SpvOpSNegate: {
// Equation form: "a = !b" or "a = -b"
for (const auto& equation : GetEquations(rhs_dds[0])) {
if (equation.opcode == opcode) {
// Equation form: "a = !!b" or "a = -(-b)"
// We can thus infer "a = b"
AddDataSynonymFactRecursive(lhs_dd, *equation.operands[0]);
void DataSynonymAndIdEquationFacts::AddDataSynonymFactRecursive(
const protobufs::DataDescriptor& dd1,
const protobufs::DataDescriptor& dd2) {
assert((!ObjectStillExists(dd1) || !ObjectStillExists(dd2) ||
DataDescriptorsAreWellFormedAndComparable(dd1, dd2)) &&
"Mismatched data descriptors.");
// Record that the data descriptors provided in the fact are equivalent.
MakeEquivalent(dd1, dd2);
assert(synonymous_.Find(&dd1) == synonymous_.Find(&dd2) &&
"|dd1| and |dd2| must have a single representative");
// Compute various corollary facts.
// |dd1| and |dd2| belong to the same equivalence class so it doesn't matter
// which one we use here.
ComputeCompositeDataSynonymFacts(dd1, dd2);
void DataSynonymAndIdEquationFacts::ComputeConversionDataSynonymFacts(
const protobufs::DataDescriptor& dd) {
assert(synonymous_.Exists(dd) &&
"|dd| should've been registered in the equivalence relation");
if (!ObjectStillExists(dd)) {
// The object is gone from the module, so we cannot proceed.
const auto* type =
ir_context_, fuzzerutil::GetTypeId(ir_context_, dd.object()),
assert(type && "Data descriptor has invalid type");
if ((type->AsVector() && type->AsVector()->element_type()->AsInteger()) ||
type->AsInteger()) {
// If there exist equation facts of the form |%a = opcode %representative|
// and |%b = opcode %representative| where |opcode| is either OpConvertSToF
// or OpConvertUToF, then |a| and |b| are synonymous.
std::vector<const protobufs::DataDescriptor*> convert_s_to_f_lhs;
std::vector<const protobufs::DataDescriptor*> convert_u_to_f_lhs;
for (const auto& fact : id_equations_) {
auto equivalence_class = synonymous_.GetEquivalenceClass(*fact.first);
auto dd_it =
std::find_if(equivalence_class.begin(), equivalence_class.end(),
[this](const protobufs::DataDescriptor* a) {
return ObjectStillExists(*a);
if (dd_it == equivalence_class.end()) {
// Skip |equivalence_class| if it has no valid ids.
for (const auto& equation : fact.second) {
if (synonymous_.IsEquivalent(*equation.operands[0], dd)) {
if (equation.opcode == SpvOpConvertSToF) {
} else if (equation.opcode == SpvOpConvertUToF) {
// We use pointers in the initializer list here since otherwise we would
// copy memory from these vectors.
for (const auto* synonyms : {&convert_s_to_f_lhs, &convert_u_to_f_lhs}) {
for (const auto* synonym_a : *synonyms) {
for (const auto* synonym_b : *synonyms) {
// DataDescriptorsAreWellFormedAndComparable will be called in the
// AddDataSynonymFactRecursive method.
if (!synonymous_.IsEquivalent(*synonym_a, *synonym_b)) {
// |synonym_a| and |synonym_b| have compatible types - they are
// synonymous.
AddDataSynonymFactRecursive(*synonym_a, *synonym_b);
void DataSynonymAndIdEquationFacts::ComputeCompositeDataSynonymFacts(
const protobufs::DataDescriptor& dd1,
const protobufs::DataDescriptor& dd2) {
// Check whether this is a synonym about composite objects. If it is,
// we can recursively add synonym facts about their associated sub-components.
// Get the type of the object referred to by the first data descriptor in the
// synonym fact.
uint32_t type_id = fuzzerutil::WalkCompositeTypeIndices(
auto type = ir_context_->get_type_mgr()->GetType(type_id);
auto type_instruction = ir_context_->get_def_use_mgr()->GetDef(type_id);
assert(type != nullptr &&
"Invalid data synonym fact: one side has an unknown type.");
// Check whether the type is composite, recording the number of elements
// associated with the composite if so.
uint32_t num_composite_elements;
if (type->AsArray()) {
num_composite_elements =
fuzzerutil::GetArraySize(*type_instruction, ir_context_);
} else if (type->AsMatrix()) {
num_composite_elements = type->AsMatrix()->element_count();
} else if (type->AsStruct()) {
num_composite_elements =
} else if (type->AsVector()) {
num_composite_elements = type->AsVector()->element_count();
} else {
// The type is not a composite, so return.
// If the fact has the form:
// obj_1[a_1, ..., a_m] == obj_2[b_1, ..., b_n]
// then for each composite index i, we add a fact of the form:
// obj_1[a_1, ..., a_m, i] == obj_2[b_1, ..., b_n, i]
// However, to avoid adding a large number of synonym facts e.g. in the case
// of arrays, we bound the number of composite elements to which this is
// applied. Nevertheless, we always add a synonym fact for the final
// components, as this may be an interesting edge case.
// The bound on the number of indices of the composite pair to note as being
// synonymous.
const uint32_t kCompositeElementBound = 10;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < num_composite_elements;) {
std::vector<uint32_t> extended_indices1 =
std::vector<uint32_t> extended_indices2 =
MakeDataDescriptor(dd1.object(), extended_indices1),
MakeDataDescriptor(dd2.object(), extended_indices2));
if (i < kCompositeElementBound - 1 || i == num_composite_elements - 1) {
// We have not reached the bound yet, or have already skipped ahead to the
// last element, so increment the loop counter as standard.
} else {
// We have reached the bound, so skip ahead to the last element.
assert(i == kCompositeElementBound - 1);
i = num_composite_elements - 1;
void DataSynonymAndIdEquationFacts::ComputeClosureOfFacts(
uint32_t maximum_equivalence_class_size) {
// Suppose that obj_1[a_1, ..., a_m] and obj_2[b_1, ..., b_n] are distinct
// data descriptors that describe objects of the same composite type, and that
// the composite type is comprised of k components.
// For example, if m is a mat4x4 and v a vec4, we might consider:
// m[2]: describes the 2nd column of m, a vec4
// v[]: describes all of v, a vec4
// Suppose that we know, for every 0 <= i < k, that the fact:
// obj_1[a_1, ..., a_m, i] == obj_2[b_1, ..., b_n, i]
// holds - i.e. that the children of the two data descriptors are synonymous.
// Then we can conclude that:
// obj_1[a_1, ..., a_m] == obj_2[b_1, ..., b_n]
// holds.
// For instance, if we have the facts:
// m[2, 0] == v[0]
// m[2, 1] == v[1]
// m[2, 2] == v[2]
// m[2, 3] == v[3]
// then we can conclude that:
// m[2] == v.
// This method repeatedly searches the equivalence relation of data
// descriptors, deducing and adding such facts, until a pass over the
// relation leads to no further facts being deduced.
// The method relies on working with pairs of data descriptors, and in
// particular being able to hash and compare such pairs.
using DataDescriptorPair =
std::pair<protobufs::DataDescriptor, protobufs::DataDescriptor>;
struct DataDescriptorPairHash {
std::size_t operator()(const DataDescriptorPair& pair) const {
return DataDescriptorHash()(&pair.first) ^
struct DataDescriptorPairEquals {
bool operator()(const DataDescriptorPair& first,
const DataDescriptorPair& second) const {
return (DataDescriptorEquals()(&first.first, &second.first) &&
DataDescriptorEquals()(&first.second, &second.second)) ||
(DataDescriptorEquals()(&first.first, &second.second) &&
DataDescriptorEquals()(&first.second, &second.first));
// This map records, for a given pair of composite data descriptors of the
// same type, all the indices at which the data descriptors are known to be
// synonymous. A pair is a key to this map only if we have observed that
// the pair are synonymous at *some* index, but not at *all* indices.
// Once we find that a pair of data descriptors are equivalent at all indices
// we record the fact that they are synonymous and remove them from the map.
// Using the m and v example from above, initially the pair (m[2], v) would
// not be a key to the map. If we find that m[2, 2] == v[2] holds, we would
// add an entry:
// (m[2], v) -> [false, false, true, false]
// to record that they are synonymous at index 2. If we then find that
// m[2, 0] == v[0] holds, we would update this entry to:
// (m[2], v) -> [true, false, true, false]
// If we then find that m[2, 3] == v[3] holds, we would update this entry to:
// (m[2], v) -> [true, false, true, true]
// Finally, if we then find that m[2, 1] == v[1] holds, which would make the
// boolean vector true at every index, we would add the fact:
// m[2] == v
// to the equivalence relation and remove (m[2], v) from the map.
std::unordered_map<DataDescriptorPair, std::vector<bool>,
DataDescriptorPairHash, DataDescriptorPairEquals>
// We keep looking for new facts until we perform a complete pass over the
// equivalence relation without finding any new facts.
while (closure_computation_required_) {
// We have not found any new facts yet during this pass; we set this to
// 'true' if we do find a new fact.
closure_computation_required_ = false;
// Consider each class in the equivalence relation.
for (auto representative :
synonymous_.GetEquivalenceClassRepresentatives()) {
auto equivalence_class = synonymous_.GetEquivalenceClass(*representative);
if (equivalence_class.size() > maximum_equivalence_class_size) {
// This equivalence class is larger than the maximum size we are willing
// to consider, so we skip it. This potentially leads to missed fact
// deductions, but avoids excessive runtime for closure computation.
// Consider every data descriptor in the equivalence class.
for (auto dd1_it = equivalence_class.begin();
dd1_it != equivalence_class.end(); ++dd1_it) {
// If this data descriptor has no indices then it does not have the form
// obj_1[a_1, ..., a_m, i], so move on.
auto dd1 = *dd1_it;
if (dd1->index_size() == 0) {
// Consider every other data descriptor later in the equivalence class
// (due to symmetry, there is no need to compare with previous data
// descriptors).
auto dd2_it = dd1_it;
for (++dd2_it; dd2_it != equivalence_class.end(); ++dd2_it) {
auto dd2 = *dd2_it;
// If this data descriptor has no indices then it does not have the
// form obj_2[b_1, ..., b_n, i], so move on.
if (dd2->index_size() == 0) {
// At this point we know that:
// - |dd1| has the form obj_1[a_1, ..., a_m, i]
// - |dd2| has the form obj_2[b_1, ..., b_n, j]
assert(dd1->index_size() > 0 && dd2->index_size() > 0 &&
"Control should not reach here if either data descriptor has "
"no indices.");
// We are only interested if i == j.
if (dd1->index(dd1->index_size() - 1) !=
dd2->index(dd2->index_size() - 1)) {
const uint32_t common_final_index = dd1->index(dd1->index_size() - 1);
// Make data descriptors |dd1_prefix| and |dd2_prefix| for
// obj_1[a_1, ..., a_m]
// and
// obj_2[b_1, ..., b_n]
// These are the two data descriptors we might be getting closer to
// deducing as being synonymous, due to knowing that they are
// synonymous when extended by a particular index.
protobufs::DataDescriptor dd1_prefix;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < static_cast<uint32_t>(dd1->index_size() - 1);
i++) {
protobufs::DataDescriptor dd2_prefix;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < static_cast<uint32_t>(dd2->index_size() - 1);
i++) {
assert(!DataDescriptorEquals()(&dd1_prefix, &dd2_prefix) &&
"By construction these prefixes should be different.");
// If we already know that these prefixes are synonymous, move on.
if (synonymous_.Exists(dd1_prefix) &&
synonymous_.Exists(dd2_prefix) &&
synonymous_.IsEquivalent(dd1_prefix, dd2_prefix)) {
if (!ObjectStillExists(*dd1) || !ObjectStillExists(*dd2)) {
// The objects are not both available in the module, so we cannot
// investigate the types of the associated data descriptors; we need
// to move on.
// Get the type of obj_1
auto dd1_root_type_id =
fuzzerutil::GetTypeId(ir_context_, dd1->object());
// Use this type, together with a_1, ..., a_m, to get the type of
// obj_1[a_1, ..., a_m].
auto dd1_prefix_type = fuzzerutil::WalkCompositeTypeIndices(
ir_context_, dd1_root_type_id, dd1_prefix.index());
// Similarly, get the type of obj_2 and use it to get the type of
// obj_2[b_1, ..., b_n].
auto dd2_root_type_id =
fuzzerutil::GetTypeId(ir_context_, dd2->object());
auto dd2_prefix_type = fuzzerutil::WalkCompositeTypeIndices(
ir_context_, dd2_root_type_id, dd2_prefix.index());
// If the types of dd1_prefix and dd2_prefix are not the same, they
// cannot be synonymous.
if (dd1_prefix_type != dd2_prefix_type) {
// At this point, we know we have synonymous data descriptors of the
// form:
// obj_1[a_1, ..., a_m, i]
// obj_2[b_1, ..., b_n, i]
// with the same last_index i, such that:
// obj_1[a_1, ..., a_m]
// and
// obj_2[b_1, ..., b_n]
// have the same type.
// Work out how many components there are in the (common) commposite
// type associated with obj_1[a_1, ..., a_m] and obj_2[b_1, ..., b_n].
// This depends on whether the composite type is array, matrix, struct
// or vector.
uint32_t num_components_in_composite;
auto composite_type =
auto composite_type_instruction =
if (composite_type->AsArray()) {
num_components_in_composite = fuzzerutil::GetArraySize(
*composite_type_instruction, ir_context_);
if (num_components_in_composite == 0) {
// This indicates that the array has an unknown size, in which
// case we cannot be sure we have matched all of its elements with
// synonymous elements of another array.
} else if (composite_type->AsMatrix()) {
num_components_in_composite =
} else if (composite_type->AsStruct()) {
num_components_in_composite = fuzzerutil::GetNumberOfStructMembers(
} else {
num_components_in_composite =
// We are one step closer to being able to say that |dd1_prefix| and
// |dd2_prefix| are synonymous.
DataDescriptorPair candidate_composite_synonym(dd1_prefix,
// We look up what we already know about this pair.
auto existing_entry =
if (existing_entry == candidate_composite_synonyms.end()) {
// If this is the first time we have seen the pair, we make a vector
// of size |num_components_in_composite| that is 'true' at the
// common final index associated with |dd1| and |dd2|, and 'false'
// everywhere else, and register this vector as being associated
// with the pair.
std::vector<bool> entry;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < num_components_in_composite; i++) {
entry.push_back(i == common_final_index);
candidate_composite_synonyms[candidate_composite_synonym] = entry;
existing_entry =
} else {
// We have seen this pair of data descriptors before, and we now
// know that they are synonymous at one further index, so we
// update the entry to record that.
existing_entry->second[common_final_index] = true;
assert(existing_entry != candidate_composite_synonyms.end());
// Check whether |dd1_prefix| and |dd2_prefix| are now known to match
// at every sub-component.
bool all_components_match = true;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < num_components_in_composite; i++) {
if (!existing_entry->second[i]) {
all_components_match = false;
if (all_components_match) {
// The two prefixes match on all sub-components, so we know that
// they are synonymous. We add this fact *non-recursively*, as we
// have deduced that |dd1_prefix| and |dd2_prefix| are synonymous
// by observing that all their sub-components are already
// synonymous.
MakeEquivalent(dd1_prefix, dd2_prefix);
// Now that we know this pair of data descriptors are synonymous,
// there is no point recording how close they are to being
// synonymous.
void DataSynonymAndIdEquationFacts::MakeEquivalent(
const protobufs::DataDescriptor& dd1,
const protobufs::DataDescriptor& dd2) {
// Register the data descriptors if they are not already known to the
// equivalence relation.
if (synonymous_.IsEquivalent(dd1, dd2)) {
// The data descriptors are already known to be equivalent, so there is
// nothing to do.
// We must make the data descriptors equivalent, and also make sure any
// equation facts known about their representatives are merged.
// Record the original equivalence class representatives of the data
// descriptors.
auto dd1_original_representative = synonymous_.Find(&dd1);
auto dd2_original_representative = synonymous_.Find(&dd2);
// Make the data descriptors equivalent.
synonymous_.MakeEquivalent(dd1, dd2);
// As we have updated the equivalence relation, we might be able to deduce
// more facts by performing a closure computation, so we record that such a
// computation is required.
closure_computation_required_ = true;
// At this point, exactly one of |dd1_original_representative| and
// |dd2_original_representative| will be the representative of the combined
// equivalence class. We work out which one of them is still the class
// representative and which one is no longer the class representative.
auto still_representative = synonymous_.Find(dd1_original_representative) ==
? dd1_original_representative
: dd2_original_representative;
auto no_longer_representative =
still_representative == dd1_original_representative
? dd2_original_representative
: dd1_original_representative;
assert(no_longer_representative != still_representative &&
"The current and former representatives cannot be the same.");
// We now need to add all equations about |no_longer_representative| to the
// set of equations known about |still_representative|.
// Get the equations associated with |no_longer_representative|.
auto no_longer_representative_id_equations =
if (no_longer_representative_id_equations != id_equations_.end()) {
// There are some equations to transfer. There might not yet be any
// equations about |still_representative|; create an empty set of equations
// if this is the case.
if (!id_equations_.count(still_representative)) {
id_equations_.insert({still_representative, OperationSet()});
auto still_representative_id_equations =
assert(still_representative_id_equations != id_equations_.end() &&
"At this point there must be a set of equations.");
// Add all the equations known about |no_longer_representative| to the set
// of equations known about |still_representative|.
// Delete the no longer-relevant equations about |no_longer_representative|.
const protobufs::DataDescriptor*
const protobufs::DataDescriptor& dd) {
return synonymous_.Exists(dd) ? synonymous_.Find(&dd)
: synonymous_.Register(dd);
bool DataSynonymAndIdEquationFacts::DataDescriptorsAreWellFormedAndComparable(
const protobufs::DataDescriptor& dd1,
const protobufs::DataDescriptor& dd2) const {
if (!ObjectStillExists(dd1) || !ObjectStillExists(dd2)) {
// We trivially return true if one or other of the objects associated with
// the data descriptors is gone.
return true;
auto end_type_id_1 = fuzzerutil::WalkCompositeTypeIndices(
ir_context_, fuzzerutil::GetTypeId(ir_context_, dd1.object()),
auto end_type_id_2 = fuzzerutil::WalkCompositeTypeIndices(
ir_context_, fuzzerutil::GetTypeId(ir_context_, dd2.object()),
// The end types of the data descriptors must exist.
if (end_type_id_1 == 0 || end_type_id_2 == 0) {
return false;
// Neither end type is allowed to be void.
if (ir_context_->get_def_use_mgr()->GetDef(end_type_id_1)->opcode() ==
SpvOpTypeVoid ||
ir_context_->get_def_use_mgr()->GetDef(end_type_id_2)->opcode() ==
SpvOpTypeVoid) {
return false;
// If the end types are the same, the data descriptors are comparable.
if (end_type_id_1 == end_type_id_2) {
return true;
// Otherwise they are only comparable if they are integer scalars or integer
// vectors that differ only in signedness.
// Get both types.
const auto* type_a = ir_context_->get_type_mgr()->GetType(end_type_id_1);
const auto* type_b = ir_context_->get_type_mgr()->GetType(end_type_id_2);
assert(type_a && type_b && "Data descriptors have invalid type(s)");
// If both types are numerical or vectors of numerical components, then they
// are compatible if they have the same number of components and the same bit
// count per component.
if (type_a->AsVector() && type_b->AsVector()) {
const auto* vector_a = type_a->AsVector();
const auto* vector_b = type_b->AsVector();
if (vector_a->element_count() != vector_b->element_count() ||
vector_a->element_type()->AsBool() ||
vector_b->element_type()->AsBool()) {
// The case where both vectors have boolean elements and the same number
// of components is handled by the direct equality check earlier.
// You can't have multiple identical boolean vector types.
return false;
type_a = vector_a->element_type();
type_b = vector_b->element_type();
auto get_bit_count_for_numeric_type =
[](const opt::analysis::Type& type) -> uint32_t {
if (const auto* integer = type.AsInteger()) {
return integer->width();
} else if (const auto* floating = type.AsFloat()) {
return floating->width();
} else {
assert(false && "|type| must be a numerical type");
return 0;
// Checks that both |type_a| and |type_b| are either numerical or vectors of
// numerical components and have the same number of bits.
return (type_a->AsInteger() || type_a->AsFloat()) &&
(type_b->AsInteger() || type_b->AsFloat()) &&
(get_bit_count_for_numeric_type(*type_a) ==
std::vector<const protobufs::DataDescriptor*>
DataSynonymAndIdEquationFacts::GetSynonymsForId(uint32_t id) const {
return GetSynonymsForDataDescriptor(MakeDataDescriptor(id, {}));
std::vector<const protobufs::DataDescriptor*>
const protobufs::DataDescriptor& data_descriptor) const {
std::vector<const protobufs::DataDescriptor*> result;
if (synonymous_.Exists(data_descriptor)) {
for (auto dd : synonymous_.GetEquivalenceClass(data_descriptor)) {
// There may be data descriptors in the equivalence class whose base
// objects have been removed from the module. We do not expose these
// data descriptors to clients of the fact manager.
if (ObjectStillExists(*dd)) {
return result;
DataSynonymAndIdEquationFacts::GetIdsForWhichSynonymsAreKnown() const {
std::vector<uint32_t> result;
for (auto& data_descriptor : synonymous_.GetAllKnownValues()) {
// We skip any data descriptors whose base objects no longer exist in the
// module, and we restrict attention to data descriptors for plain ids,
// which have no indices.
if (ObjectStillExists(*data_descriptor) &&
data_descriptor->index().empty()) {
return result;
std::vector<const protobufs::DataDescriptor*>
DataSynonymAndIdEquationFacts::GetAllKnownSynonyms() const {
std::vector<const protobufs::DataDescriptor*> result;
for (const auto* dd : synonymous_.GetAllKnownValues()) {
if (ObjectStillExists(*dd)) {
return result;
bool DataSynonymAndIdEquationFacts::IsSynonymous(
const protobufs::DataDescriptor& data_descriptor1,
const protobufs::DataDescriptor& data_descriptor2) const {
return synonymous_.Exists(data_descriptor1) &&
synonymous_.Exists(data_descriptor2) &&
synonymous_.IsEquivalent(data_descriptor1, data_descriptor2);
bool DataSynonymAndIdEquationFacts::ObjectStillExists(
const protobufs::DataDescriptor& dd) const {
return ir_context_->get_def_use_mgr()->GetDef(dd.object()) != nullptr;
} // namespace fact_manager
} // namespace fuzz
} // namespace spvtools