spirv-val: Revert Validate PhysicalStorageBuffer Stage Interface (#5575)

diff --git a/source/val/validate_interfaces.cpp b/source/val/validate_interfaces.cpp
index ef775a8..54ebfd7 100644
--- a/source/val/validate_interfaces.cpp
+++ b/source/val/validate_interfaces.cpp
@@ -46,29 +46,6 @@
-// Special validation for varibles that are between shader stages
-spv_result_t ValidateInputOutputInterfaceVariables(ValidationState_t& _,
-                                                   const Instruction* var) {
-  auto var_pointer = _.FindDef(var->GetOperandAs<uint32_t>(0));
-  uint32_t pointer_id = var_pointer->GetOperandAs<uint32_t>(2);
-  const auto isPhysicalStorageBuffer = [](const Instruction* insn) {
-    return insn->opcode() == spv::Op::OpTypePointer &&
-           insn->GetOperandAs<spv::StorageClass>(1) ==
-               spv::StorageClass::PhysicalStorageBuffer;
-  };
-  if (_.ContainsType(pointer_id, isPhysicalStorageBuffer)) {
-    return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_ID, var)
-           << _.VkErrorID(9557) << "Input/Output interface variable id <"
-           << var->id()
-           << "> contains a PhysicalStorageBuffer pointer, which is not "
-              "allowed. If you want to interface shader stages with a "
-              "PhysicalStorageBuffer, cast to a uint64 or uvec2 instead.";
-  }
-  return SPV_SUCCESS;
 // Checks that \c var is listed as an interface in all the entry points that use
 // it.
 spv_result_t check_interface_variable(ValidationState_t& _,
@@ -128,12 +105,6 @@
-  if (var->GetOperandAs<spv::StorageClass>(2) == spv::StorageClass::Input ||
-      var->GetOperandAs<spv::StorageClass>(2) == spv::StorageClass::Output) {
-    if (auto error = ValidateInputOutputInterfaceVariables(_, var))
-      return error;
-  }
   return SPV_SUCCESS;
diff --git a/source/val/validation_state.cpp b/source/val/validation_state.cpp
index 6d764e8..971e031 100644
--- a/source/val/validation_state.cpp
+++ b/source/val/validation_state.cpp
@@ -2307,8 +2307,6 @@
       return VUID_WRAP(VUID-StandaloneSpirv-OpEntryPoint-08722);
     case 8973:
       return VUID_WRAP(VUID-StandaloneSpirv-Pointer-08973);
-    case 9557:
-      return VUID_WRAP(VUID-StandaloneSpirv-Input-09557);
       return "";  // unknown id
diff --git a/test/val/val_interfaces_test.cpp b/test/val/val_interfaces_test.cpp
index 45b5f20..d75c20c 100644
--- a/test/val/val_interfaces_test.cpp
+++ b/test/val/val_interfaces_test.cpp
@@ -1599,7 +1599,7 @@
               HasSubstr("Invalid type to assign a location"));
-TEST_F(ValidateInterfacesTest, PhysicalStorageBufferPointer) {
+TEST_F(ValidateInterfacesTest, ValidLocationTypePhysicalStorageBufferPointer) {
   const std::string text = R"(
 OpCapability Shader
 OpCapability PhysicalStorageBufferAddresses
@@ -1608,10 +1608,10 @@
 OpDecorate %var Location 0
 OpDecorate %var RestrictPointer
 %void = OpTypeVoid
-%uint = OpTypeInt 32 0
-%psb_ptr = OpTypePointer PhysicalStorageBuffer %uint
-%in_ptr = OpTypePointer Input %psb_ptr
-%var = OpVariable %in_ptr Input
+%int = OpTypeInt 32 0
+%ptr = OpTypePointer PhysicalStorageBuffer %int
+%ptr2 = OpTypePointer Input %ptr
+%var = OpVariable %ptr2 Input
 %void_fn = OpTypeFunction %void
 %main = OpFunction %void None %void_fn
 %entry = OpLabel
@@ -1619,140 +1619,7 @@
   CompileSuccessfully(text, SPV_ENV_VULKAN_1_3);
-  EXPECT_THAT(getDiagnosticString(),
-              AnyVUID("VUID-StandaloneSpirv-Input-09557"));
-  EXPECT_THAT(getDiagnosticString(),
-              HasSubstr("Input/Output interface variable id <2> contains a "
-                        "PhysicalStorageBuffer pointer, which is not allowed"));
-TEST_F(ValidateInterfacesTest, PhysicalStorageBufferPointerArray) {
-  const std::string text = R"(
-OpCapability Shader
-OpCapability PhysicalStorageBufferAddresses
-OpMemoryModel PhysicalStorageBuffer64 GLSL450
-OpEntryPoint Vertex %main "main" %var
-OpDecorate %var Location 0
-OpDecorate %var RestrictPointer
-%void = OpTypeVoid
-%uint = OpTypeInt 32 0
-%uint_3 = OpConstant %uint 3
-%psb_ptr = OpTypePointer PhysicalStorageBuffer %uint
-%array = OpTypeArray %psb_ptr %uint_3
-%in_ptr = OpTypePointer Input %array
-%var = OpVariable %in_ptr Input
-%void_fn = OpTypeFunction %void
-%main = OpFunction %void None %void_fn
-%entry = OpLabel
-  CompileSuccessfully(text, SPV_ENV_VULKAN_1_3);
-  EXPECT_THAT(getDiagnosticString(),
-              AnyVUID("VUID-StandaloneSpirv-Input-09557"));
-  EXPECT_THAT(getDiagnosticString(),
-              HasSubstr("Input/Output interface variable id <2> contains a "
-                        "PhysicalStorageBuffer pointer, which is not allowed"));
-TEST_F(ValidateInterfacesTest, PhysicalStorageBufferPointerStruct) {
-  const std::string text = R"(
-OpCapability Shader
-OpCapability PhysicalStorageBufferAddresses
-OpMemoryModel PhysicalStorageBuffer64 GLSL450
-OpEntryPoint Vertex %main "main" %var
-OpDecorate %var Location 0
-OpDecorate %var RestrictPointer
-%void = OpTypeVoid
-%int = OpTypeInt 32 1
-OpTypeForwardPointer %psb_ptr PhysicalStorageBuffer
-%struct_0 = OpTypeStruct %int %psb_ptr
-%struct_1 = OpTypeStruct %int %int
-%psb_ptr = OpTypePointer PhysicalStorageBuffer %struct_1
-%in_ptr = OpTypePointer Input %struct_0
-%var = OpVariable %in_ptr Input
-%void_fn = OpTypeFunction %void
-%main = OpFunction %void None %void_fn
-%entry = OpLabel
-  CompileSuccessfully(text, SPV_ENV_VULKAN_1_3);
-  EXPECT_THAT(getDiagnosticString(),
-              AnyVUID("VUID-StandaloneSpirv-Input-09557"));
-  EXPECT_THAT(getDiagnosticString(),
-              HasSubstr("Input/Output interface variable id <2> contains a "
-                        "PhysicalStorageBuffer pointer, which is not allowed"));
-TEST_F(ValidateInterfacesTest, PhysicalStorageBufferPointerArrayOfStruct) {
-  const std::string text = R"(
-OpCapability Shader
-OpCapability PhysicalStorageBufferAddresses
-OpMemoryModel PhysicalStorageBuffer64 GLSL450
-OpEntryPoint Vertex %main "main" %var
-OpDecorate %var Location 0
-OpDecorate %var RestrictPointer
-%void = OpTypeVoid
-%int = OpTypeInt 32 1
-%uint = OpTypeInt 32 0
-%uint_3 = OpConstant %uint 3
-OpTypeForwardPointer %psb_ptr PhysicalStorageBuffer
-%array_1 = OpTypeArray %psb_ptr %uint_3
-%struct_0 = OpTypeStruct %int %array_1
- %struct_1 = OpTypeStruct %int %int
-%psb_ptr = OpTypePointer PhysicalStorageBuffer %struct_1
-%array_0 = OpTypeArray %struct_0 %uint_3
-%in_ptr = OpTypePointer Input %array_0
-%var = OpVariable %in_ptr Input
-%void_fn = OpTypeFunction %void
-%main = OpFunction %void None %void_fn
-%entry = OpLabel
-  CompileSuccessfully(text, SPV_ENV_VULKAN_1_3);
-  EXPECT_THAT(getDiagnosticString(),
-              AnyVUID("VUID-StandaloneSpirv-Input-09557"));
-  EXPECT_THAT(getDiagnosticString(),
-              HasSubstr("Input/Output interface variable id <2> contains a "
-                        "PhysicalStorageBuffer pointer, which is not allowed"));
-TEST_F(ValidateInterfacesTest, PhysicalStorageBufferPointerNestedStruct) {
-  const std::string text = R"(
-OpCapability Shader
-OpCapability PhysicalStorageBufferAddresses
-OpMemoryModel PhysicalStorageBuffer64 GLSL450
-OpEntryPoint Vertex %main "main" %var
-OpDecorate %var Location 0
-OpDecorate %var RestrictPointer
-%void = OpTypeVoid
-%int = OpTypeInt 32 1
-OpTypeForwardPointer %psb_ptr PhysicalStorageBuffer
-%struct_0 = OpTypeStruct %int %psb_ptr
-%struct_1 = OpTypeStruct %int %int
-%psb_ptr = OpTypePointer PhysicalStorageBuffer %struct_1
-%struct_2 = OpTypeStruct %int %struct_0
-%in_ptr = OpTypePointer Input %struct_2
-%var = OpVariable %in_ptr Input
-%void_fn = OpTypeFunction %void
-%main = OpFunction %void None %void_fn
-%entry = OpLabel
-  CompileSuccessfully(text, SPV_ENV_VULKAN_1_3);
-  EXPECT_THAT(getDiagnosticString(),
-              AnyVUID("VUID-StandaloneSpirv-Input-09557"));
-  EXPECT_THAT(getDiagnosticString(),
-              HasSubstr("Input/Output interface variable id <2> contains a "
-                        "PhysicalStorageBuffer pointer, which is not allowed"));
+  EXPECT_EQ(SPV_SUCCESS, ValidateInstructions(SPV_ENV_VULKAN_1_3));
 }  // namespace