spirv-fuzz: Fix the bug in TransformationReplaceBranchFromDeadBlockWithExit (#4140)

Fixes #4136.
diff --git a/source/fuzz/fuzzer_util.cpp b/source/fuzz/fuzzer_util.cpp
index 8a23392..15c7246 100644
--- a/source/fuzz/fuzzer_util.cpp
+++ b/source/fuzz/fuzzer_util.cpp
@@ -25,6 +25,25 @@
 namespace fuzzerutil {
 namespace {
+// A utility class that uses RAII to change and restore the terminator
+// instruction of the |block|.
+class ChangeTerminatorRAII {
+ public:
+  explicit ChangeTerminatorRAII(opt::BasicBlock* block,
+                                opt::Instruction new_terminator)
+      : block_(block), old_terminator_(std::move(*block->terminator())) {
+    *block_->terminator() = std::move(new_terminator);
+  }
+  ~ChangeTerminatorRAII() {
+    *block_->terminator() = std::move(old_terminator_);
+  }
+ private:
+  opt::BasicBlock* block_;
+  opt::Instruction old_terminator_;
 uint32_t MaybeGetOpConstant(opt::IRContext* ir_context,
                             const TransformationContext& transformation_context,
                             const std::vector<uint32_t>& words,
@@ -163,35 +182,46 @@
   return true;
-void AddUnreachableEdgeAndUpdateOpPhis(
-    opt::IRContext* context, opt::BasicBlock* bb_from, opt::BasicBlock* bb_to,
-    uint32_t bool_id,
-    const google::protobuf::RepeatedField<google::protobuf::uint32>& phi_ids) {
-  assert(PhiIdsOkForNewEdge(context, bb_from, bb_to, phi_ids) &&
-         "Precondition on phi_ids is not satisfied");
+opt::Instruction CreateUnreachableEdgeInstruction(opt::IRContext* ir_context,
+                                                  uint32_t bb_from_id,
+                                                  uint32_t bb_to_id,
+                                                  uint32_t bool_id) {
+  const auto* bb_from = MaybeFindBlock(ir_context, bb_from_id);
+  assert(bb_from && "|bb_from_id| is invalid");
+  assert(MaybeFindBlock(ir_context, bb_to_id) && "|bb_to_id| is invalid");
   assert(bb_from->terminator()->opcode() == SpvOpBranch &&
          "Precondition on terminator of bb_from is not satisfied");
   // Get the id of the boolean constant to be used as the condition.
-  auto condition_inst = context->get_def_use_mgr()->GetDef(bool_id);
+  auto condition_inst = ir_context->get_def_use_mgr()->GetDef(bool_id);
   assert(condition_inst &&
          (condition_inst->opcode() == SpvOpConstantTrue ||
           condition_inst->opcode() == SpvOpConstantFalse) &&
          "|bool_id| is invalid");
   auto condition_value = condition_inst->opcode() == SpvOpConstantTrue;
-  const bool from_to_edge_already_exists = bb_from->IsSuccessor(bb_to);
-  auto successor = bb_from->terminator()->GetSingleWordInOperand(0);
+  auto successor_id = bb_from->terminator()->GetSingleWordInOperand(0);
   // Add the dead branch, by turning OpBranch into OpBranchConditional, and
   // ordering the targets depending on whether the given boolean corresponds to
   // true or false.
-  bb_from->terminator()->SetOpcode(SpvOpBranchConditional);
-  bb_from->terminator()->SetInOperands(
+  return opt::Instruction(
+      ir_context, SpvOpBranchConditional, 0, 0,
       {{SPV_OPERAND_TYPE_ID, {bool_id}},
-       {SPV_OPERAND_TYPE_ID, {condition_value ? successor : bb_to->id()}},
-       {SPV_OPERAND_TYPE_ID, {condition_value ? bb_to->id() : successor}}});
+       {SPV_OPERAND_TYPE_ID, {condition_value ? successor_id : bb_to_id}},
+       {SPV_OPERAND_TYPE_ID, {condition_value ? bb_to_id : successor_id}}});
+void AddUnreachableEdgeAndUpdateOpPhis(
+    opt::IRContext* context, opt::BasicBlock* bb_from, opt::BasicBlock* bb_to,
+    uint32_t bool_id,
+    const google::protobuf::RepeatedField<google::protobuf::uint32>& phi_ids) {
+  assert(PhiIdsOkForNewEdge(context, bb_from, bb_to, phi_ids) &&
+         "Precondition on phi_ids is not satisfied");
+  const bool from_to_edge_already_exists = bb_from->IsSuccessor(bb_to);
+  *bb_from->terminator() = CreateUnreachableEdgeInstruction(
+      context, bb_from->id(), bb_to->id(), bool_id);
   // Update OpPhi instructions in the target block if this branch adds a
   // previously non-existent edge from source to target.
@@ -1856,6 +1886,104 @@
   return result;
+bool NewTerminatorPreservesDominationRules(opt::IRContext* ir_context,
+                                           uint32_t block_id,
+                                           opt::Instruction new_terminator) {
+  auto* mutated_block = MaybeFindBlock(ir_context, block_id);
+  assert(mutated_block && "|block_id| is invalid");
+  ChangeTerminatorRAII change_terminator_raii(mutated_block,
+                                              std::move(new_terminator));
+  opt::DominatorAnalysis dominator_analysis;
+  dominator_analysis.InitializeTree(*ir_context->cfg(),
+                                    mutated_block->GetParent());
+  // Check that each dominator appears before each dominated block.
+  std::unordered_map<uint32_t, size_t> positions;
+  for (const auto& block : *mutated_block->GetParent()) {
+    positions[block.id()] = positions.size();
+  }
+  std::queue<uint32_t> q({mutated_block->GetParent()->begin()->id()});
+  std::unordered_set<uint32_t> visited;
+  while (!q.empty()) {
+    auto block = q.front();
+    q.pop();
+    visited.insert(block);
+    auto success = ir_context->cfg()->block(block)->WhileEachSuccessorLabel(
+        [&positions, &visited, &dominator_analysis, block, &q](uint32_t id) {
+          if (id == block) {
+            // Handle the case when loop header and continue target are the same
+            // block.
+            return true;
+          }
+          if (dominator_analysis.Dominates(block, id) &&
+              positions[block] > positions[id]) {
+            // |block| dominates |id| but appears after |id| - violates
+            // domination rules.
+            return false;
+          }
+          if (!visited.count(id)) {
+            q.push(id);
+          }
+          return true;
+        });
+    if (!success) {
+      return false;
+    }
+  }
+  // For each instruction in the |block->GetParent()| function check whether
+  // all its dependencies satisfy domination rules (i.e. all id operands
+  // dominate that instruction).
+  for (const auto& block : *mutated_block->GetParent()) {
+    if (!dominator_analysis.IsReachable(&block)) {
+      // If some block is not reachable then we don't need to worry about the
+      // preservation of domination rules for its instructions.
+      continue;
+    }
+    for (const auto& inst : block) {
+      for (uint32_t i = 0; i < inst.NumInOperands();
+           i += inst.opcode() == SpvOpPhi ? 2 : 1) {
+        const auto& operand = inst.GetInOperand(i);
+        if (!spvIsInIdType(operand.type)) {
+          continue;
+        }
+        if (MaybeFindBlock(ir_context, operand.words[0])) {
+          // Ignore operands that refer to OpLabel instructions.
+          continue;
+        }
+        const auto* dependency_block =
+            ir_context->get_instr_block(operand.words[0]);
+        if (!dependency_block) {
+          // A global instruction always dominates all instructions in any
+          // function.
+          continue;
+        }
+        auto domination_target_id = inst.opcode() == SpvOpPhi
+                                        ? inst.GetSingleWordInOperand(i + 1)
+                                        : block.id();
+        if (!dominator_analysis.Dominates(dependency_block->id(),
+                                          domination_target_id)) {
+          return false;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  return true;
 }  // namespace fuzzerutil
 }  // namespace fuzz
 }  // namespace spvtools
diff --git a/source/fuzz/fuzzer_util.h b/source/fuzz/fuzzer_util.h
index 3bb1aa6..cc212bc 100644
--- a/source/fuzz/fuzzer_util.h
+++ b/source/fuzz/fuzzer_util.h
@@ -68,6 +68,16 @@
     opt::IRContext* context, opt::BasicBlock* bb_from, opt::BasicBlock* bb_to,
     const google::protobuf::RepeatedField<google::protobuf::uint32>& phi_ids);
+// Returns an OpBranchConditional instruction that will create an unreachable
+// branch from |bb_from_id| to |bb_to_id|. |bool_id| must be a result id of
+// either OpConstantTrue or OpConstantFalse. Based on the opcode of |bool_id|,
+// operands of the returned instruction will be positioned in a way that the
+// branch from |bb_from_id| to |bb_to_id| is always unreachable.
+opt::Instruction CreateUnreachableEdgeInstruction(opt::IRContext* ir_context,
+                                                  uint32_t bb_from_id,
+                                                  uint32_t bb_to_id,
+                                                  uint32_t bool_id);
 // Requires that |bool_id| is a valid result id of either OpConstantTrue or
 // OpConstantFalse, that PhiIdsOkForNewEdge(context, bb_from, bb_to, phi_ids)
 // holds, and that bb_from ends with "OpBranch %some_block".  Turns OpBranch
@@ -597,6 +607,14 @@
 std::set<uint32_t> GetReachableReturnBlocks(opt::IRContext* ir_context,
                                             uint32_t function_id);
+// Returns true if changing terminator instruction to |new_terminator| in the
+// basic block with id |block_id| preserves domination rules and valid block
+// order (i.e. dominator must always appear before dominated in the CFG).
+// Returns false otherwise.
+bool NewTerminatorPreservesDominationRules(opt::IRContext* ir_context,
+                                           uint32_t block_id,
+                                           opt::Instruction new_terminator);
 }  // namespace fuzzerutil
 }  // namespace fuzz
 }  // namespace spvtools
diff --git a/source/fuzz/transformation_add_dead_break.cpp b/source/fuzz/transformation_add_dead_break.cpp
index bc938d4..56cd92b 100644
--- a/source/fuzz/transformation_add_dead_break.cpp
+++ b/source/fuzz/transformation_add_dead_break.cpp
@@ -112,9 +112,10 @@
     const TransformationContext& transformation_context) const {
   // First, we check that a constant with the same value as
   // |message_.break_condition_value| is present.
-  if (!fuzzerutil::MaybeGetBoolConstant(ir_context, transformation_context,
-                                        message_.break_condition_value(),
-                                        false)) {
+  const auto bool_id =
+      fuzzerutil::MaybeGetBoolConstant(ir_context, transformation_context,
+                                       message_.break_condition_value(), false);
+  if (!bool_id) {
     // The required constant is not present, so the transformation cannot be
     // applied.
     return false;
@@ -171,25 +172,23 @@
   // Adding the dead break is only valid if SPIR-V rules related to dominance
-  // hold.  Rather than checking these rules explicitly, we defer to the
-  // validator.  We make a clone of the module, apply the transformation to the
-  // clone, and check whether the transformed clone is valid.
-  //
-  // In principle some of the above checks could be removed, with more reliance
-  // being places on the validator.  This should be revisited if we are sure
-  // the validator is complete with respect to checking structured control flow
-  // rules.
-  auto cloned_context = fuzzerutil::CloneIRContext(ir_context);
-  ApplyImpl(cloned_context.get(), transformation_context);
-  return fuzzerutil::IsValid(cloned_context.get(),
-                             transformation_context.GetValidatorOptions(),
-                             fuzzerutil::kSilentMessageConsumer);
+  // hold.
+  return fuzzerutil::NewTerminatorPreservesDominationRules(
+      ir_context, message_.from_block(),
+      fuzzerutil::CreateUnreachableEdgeInstruction(
+          ir_context, message_.from_block(), message_.to_block(), bool_id));
 void TransformationAddDeadBreak::Apply(
     opt::IRContext* ir_context,
     TransformationContext* transformation_context) const {
-  ApplyImpl(ir_context, *transformation_context);
+  fuzzerutil::AddUnreachableEdgeAndUpdateOpPhis(
+      ir_context, ir_context->cfg()->block(message_.from_block()),
+      ir_context->cfg()->block(message_.to_block()),
+      fuzzerutil::MaybeGetBoolConstant(ir_context, *transformation_context,
+                                       message_.break_condition_value(), false),
+      message_.phi_id());
   // Invalidate all analyses
@@ -201,17 +200,6 @@
   return result;
-void TransformationAddDeadBreak::ApplyImpl(
-    spvtools::opt::IRContext* ir_context,
-    const TransformationContext& transformation_context) const {
-  fuzzerutil::AddUnreachableEdgeAndUpdateOpPhis(
-      ir_context, ir_context->cfg()->block(message_.from_block()),
-      ir_context->cfg()->block(message_.to_block()),
-      fuzzerutil::MaybeGetBoolConstant(ir_context, transformation_context,
-                                       message_.break_condition_value(), false),
-      message_.phi_id());
 std::unordered_set<uint32_t> TransformationAddDeadBreak::GetFreshIds() const {
   return std::unordered_set<uint32_t>();
diff --git a/source/fuzz/transformation_add_dead_break.h b/source/fuzz/transformation_add_dead_break.h
index afb8dc7..b050260 100644
--- a/source/fuzz/transformation_add_dead_break.h
+++ b/source/fuzz/transformation_add_dead_break.h
@@ -71,15 +71,6 @@
   bool AddingBreakRespectsStructuredControlFlow(opt::IRContext* ir_context,
                                                 opt::BasicBlock* bb_from) const;
-  // Used by 'Apply' to actually apply the transformation to the module of
-  // interest, and by 'IsApplicable' to do a dry-run of the transformation on a
-  // cloned module, in order to check that the transformation leads to a valid
-  // module.  This is only invoked by 'IsApplicable' after certain basic
-  // applicability checks have been made, ensuring that the invocation of this
-  // method is legal.
-  void ApplyImpl(opt::IRContext* ir_context,
-                 const TransformationContext& transformation_context) const;
   protobufs::TransformationAddDeadBreak message_;
diff --git a/source/fuzz/transformation_add_dead_continue.cpp b/source/fuzz/transformation_add_dead_continue.cpp
index 18b3c39..c3bdb4a 100644
--- a/source/fuzz/transformation_add_dead_continue.cpp
+++ b/source/fuzz/transformation_add_dead_continue.cpp
@@ -38,9 +38,10 @@
     const TransformationContext& transformation_context) const {
   // First, we check that a constant with the same value as
   // |message_.continue_condition_value| is present.
-  if (!fuzzerutil::MaybeGetBoolConstant(ir_context, transformation_context,
-                                        message_.continue_condition_value(),
-                                        false)) {
+  const auto bool_id = fuzzerutil::MaybeGetBoolConstant(
+      ir_context, transformation_context, message_.continue_condition_value(),
+      false);
+  if (!bool_id) {
     // The required constant is not present, so the transformation cannot be
     // applied.
     return false;
@@ -111,39 +112,16 @@
   // Adding the dead break is only valid if SPIR-V rules related to dominance
-  // hold.  Rather than checking these rules explicitly, we defer to the
-  // validator.  We make a clone of the module, apply the transformation to the
-  // clone, and check whether the transformed clone is valid.
-  //
-  // In principle some of the above checks could be removed, with more reliance
-  // being placed on the validator.  This should be revisited if we are sure
-  // the validator is complete with respect to checking structured control flow
-  // rules.
-  auto cloned_context = fuzzerutil::CloneIRContext(ir_context);
-  ApplyImpl(cloned_context.get(), transformation_context);
-  return fuzzerutil::IsValid(cloned_context.get(),
-                             transformation_context.GetValidatorOptions(),
-                             fuzzerutil::kSilentMessageConsumer);
+  // hold.
+  return fuzzerutil::NewTerminatorPreservesDominationRules(
+      ir_context, message_.from_block(),
+      fuzzerutil::CreateUnreachableEdgeInstruction(
+          ir_context, message_.from_block(), continue_block, bool_id));
 void TransformationAddDeadContinue::Apply(
     opt::IRContext* ir_context,
     TransformationContext* transformation_context) const {
-  ApplyImpl(ir_context, *transformation_context);
-  // Invalidate all analyses
-  ir_context->InvalidateAnalysesExceptFor(
-      opt::IRContext::Analysis::kAnalysisNone);
-protobufs::Transformation TransformationAddDeadContinue::ToMessage() const {
-  protobufs::Transformation result;
-  *result.mutable_add_dead_continue() = message_;
-  return result;
-void TransformationAddDeadContinue::ApplyImpl(
-    spvtools::opt::IRContext* ir_context,
-    const TransformationContext& transformation_context) const {
   auto bb_from = ir_context->cfg()->block(message_.from_block());
   auto continue_block =
@@ -153,10 +131,20 @@
   assert(continue_block && "message_.from_block must be in a loop.");
       ir_context, bb_from, ir_context->cfg()->block(continue_block),
-      fuzzerutil::MaybeGetBoolConstant(ir_context, transformation_context,
+      fuzzerutil::MaybeGetBoolConstant(ir_context, *transformation_context,
+  // Invalidate all analyses
+  ir_context->InvalidateAnalysesExceptFor(
+      opt::IRContext::Analysis::kAnalysisNone);
+protobufs::Transformation TransformationAddDeadContinue::ToMessage() const {
+  protobufs::Transformation result;
+  *result.mutable_add_dead_continue() = message_;
+  return result;
 std::unordered_set<uint32_t> TransformationAddDeadContinue::GetFreshIds()
diff --git a/source/fuzz/transformation_add_dead_continue.h b/source/fuzz/transformation_add_dead_continue.h
index 27527e7..c78b907 100644
--- a/source/fuzz/transformation_add_dead_continue.h
+++ b/source/fuzz/transformation_add_dead_continue.h
@@ -68,15 +68,6 @@
   protobufs::Transformation ToMessage() const override;
-  // Used by 'Apply' to actually apply the transformation to the module of
-  // interest, and by 'IsApplicable' to do a dry-run of the transformation on a
-  // cloned module, in order to check that the transformation leads to a valid
-  // module.  This is only invoked by 'IsApplicable' after certain basic
-  // applicability checks have been made, ensuring that the invocation of this
-  // method is legal.
-  void ApplyImpl(opt::IRContext* ir_context,
-                 const TransformationContext& transformation_context) const;
   protobufs::TransformationAddDeadContinue message_;
diff --git a/source/fuzz/transformation_replace_branch_from_dead_block_with_exit.cpp b/source/fuzz/transformation_replace_branch_from_dead_block_with_exit.cpp
index e809012..78b54c4 100644
--- a/source/fuzz/transformation_replace_branch_from_dead_block_with_exit.cpp
+++ b/source/fuzz/transformation_replace_branch_from_dead_block_with_exit.cpp
@@ -162,7 +162,10 @@
   if (ir_context->cfg()->preds(successor->id()).size() < 2) {
     return false;
-  return true;
+  // Make sure that domination rules are satisfied when we remove the branch
+  // from the |block| to its |successor|.
+  return fuzzerutil::NewTerminatorPreservesDominationRules(
+      ir_context, block.id(), {ir_context, SpvOpUnreachable});
 }  // namespace fuzz
diff --git a/source/fuzz/transformation_replace_branch_from_dead_block_with_exit.h b/source/fuzz/transformation_replace_branch_from_dead_block_with_exit.h
index e1418c9..e0f596e 100644
--- a/source/fuzz/transformation_replace_branch_from_dead_block_with_exit.h
+++ b/source/fuzz/transformation_replace_branch_from_dead_block_with_exit.h
@@ -41,13 +41,17 @@
   //   predecessor
   // - |message_.opcode()| must be one of OpKill, OpReturn, OpReturnValue and
   //   OpUnreachable
-  // - |message_.opcode()| can only be OpKill the module's entry points all
+  // - |message_.opcode()| can only be OpKill if the module's entry points all
   //   have Fragment execution mode
   // - |message_.opcode()| can only be OpReturn if the return type of the
   //   function containing the block is void
   // - If |message_.opcode()| is OpReturnValue then |message_.return_value_id|
   //   must be an id that is available at the block terminator and that matches
   //   the return type of the enclosing function
+  // - Domination rules should be preserved when we apply this transformation.
+  //   In particular, if some block appears after the |block_id|'s successor in
+  //   the CFG, then that block cannot dominate |block_id|'s successor when this
+  //   transformation is applied.
   bool IsApplicable(
       opt::IRContext* ir_context,
       const TransformationContext& transformation_context) const override;
diff --git a/test/fuzz/transformation_replace_branch_from_dead_block_with_exit_test.cpp b/test/fuzz/transformation_replace_branch_from_dead_block_with_exit_test.cpp
index 4532503..6bba14f 100644
--- a/test/fuzz/transformation_replace_branch_from_dead_block_with_exit_test.cpp
+++ b/test/fuzz/transformation_replace_branch_from_dead_block_with_exit_test.cpp
@@ -566,6 +566,302 @@
   ASSERT_TRUE(IsEqual(env, after_transformation, context.get()));
+     DominatorAfterDeadBlockSuccessor) {
+  std::string shader = R"(
+               OpCapability Shader
+          %1 = OpExtInstImport "GLSL.std.450"
+               OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450
+               OpEntryPoint Fragment %4 "main"
+               OpExecutionMode %4 OriginUpperLeft
+               OpSource ESSL 320
+          %2 = OpTypeVoid
+          %3 = OpTypeFunction %2
+          %6 = OpTypeBool
+          %7 = OpConstantFalse %6
+          %4 = OpFunction %2 None %3
+          %5 = OpLabel
+               OpSelectionMerge %8 None
+               OpBranchConditional %7 %9 %10
+          %9 = OpLabel
+               OpBranch %11
+         %11 = OpLabel
+         %12 = OpCopyObject %6 %7
+               OpBranch %8
+         %10 = OpLabel
+               OpBranch %13
+          %8 = OpLabel
+               OpReturn
+         %13 = OpLabel
+               OpBranch %8
+               OpFunctionEnd
+  )";
+  const auto env = SPV_ENV_UNIVERSAL_1_4;
+  const auto consumer = nullptr;
+  const auto context = BuildModule(env, consumer, shader, kFuzzAssembleOption);
+  spvtools::ValidatorOptions validator_options;
+  ASSERT_TRUE(fuzzerutil::IsValidAndWellFormed(context.get(), validator_options,
+                                               kConsoleMessageConsumer));
+  TransformationContext transformation_context(
+      MakeUnique<FactManager>(context.get()), validator_options);
+  transformation_context.GetFactManager()->AddFactBlockIsDead(9);
+  transformation_context.GetFactManager()->AddFactBlockIsDead(11);
+      TransformationReplaceBranchFromDeadBlockWithExit(11, SpvOpUnreachable, 0)
+          .IsApplicable(context.get(), transformation_context));
+     UnreachableSuccessor) {
+  std::string shader = R"(
+               OpCapability Shader
+          %1 = OpExtInstImport "GLSL.std.450"
+               OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450
+               OpEntryPoint Fragment %4 "main"
+               OpExecutionMode %4 OriginUpperLeft
+               OpSource ESSL 320
+          %2 = OpTypeVoid
+          %3 = OpTypeFunction %2
+          %6 = OpTypeBool
+          %7 = OpConstantFalse %6
+          %4 = OpFunction %2 None %3
+          %5 = OpLabel
+               OpSelectionMerge %8 None
+               OpBranchConditional %7 %9 %10
+          %9 = OpLabel
+               OpBranch %11
+         %11 = OpLabel
+         %12 = OpCopyObject %6 %7
+               OpBranch %8
+         %10 = OpLabel
+               OpReturn
+          %8 = OpLabel
+               OpReturn
+         %13 = OpLabel
+               OpBranch %8
+               OpFunctionEnd
+  )";
+  const auto env = SPV_ENV_UNIVERSAL_1_4;
+  const auto consumer = nullptr;
+  const auto context = BuildModule(env, consumer, shader, kFuzzAssembleOption);
+  spvtools::ValidatorOptions validator_options;
+  ASSERT_TRUE(fuzzerutil::IsValidAndWellFormed(context.get(), validator_options,
+                                               kConsoleMessageConsumer));
+  TransformationContext transformation_context(
+      MakeUnique<FactManager>(context.get()), validator_options);
+  transformation_context.GetFactManager()->AddFactBlockIsDead(9);
+  transformation_context.GetFactManager()->AddFactBlockIsDead(11);
+  TransformationReplaceBranchFromDeadBlockWithExit transformation(
+      11, SpvOpUnreachable, 0);
+      transformation.IsApplicable(context.get(), transformation_context));
+  transformation.Apply(context.get(), &transformation_context);
+  ASSERT_TRUE(fuzzerutil::IsValidAndWellFormed(context.get(), validator_options,
+                                               kConsoleMessageConsumer));
+  std::string after_transformation = R"(
+               OpCapability Shader
+          %1 = OpExtInstImport "GLSL.std.450"
+               OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450
+               OpEntryPoint Fragment %4 "main"
+               OpExecutionMode %4 OriginUpperLeft
+               OpSource ESSL 320
+          %2 = OpTypeVoid
+          %3 = OpTypeFunction %2
+          %6 = OpTypeBool
+          %7 = OpConstantFalse %6
+          %4 = OpFunction %2 None %3
+          %5 = OpLabel
+               OpSelectionMerge %8 None
+               OpBranchConditional %7 %9 %10
+          %9 = OpLabel
+               OpBranch %11
+         %11 = OpLabel
+         %12 = OpCopyObject %6 %7
+               OpUnreachable
+         %10 = OpLabel
+               OpReturn
+          %8 = OpLabel
+               OpReturn
+         %13 = OpLabel
+               OpBranch %8
+               OpFunctionEnd
+  )";
+  ASSERT_TRUE(IsEqual(env, after_transformation, context.get()));
+     DeadBlockAfterItsSuccessor) {
+  std::string shader = R"(
+               OpCapability Shader
+          %1 = OpExtInstImport "GLSL.std.450"
+               OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450
+               OpEntryPoint Fragment %4 "main"
+               OpExecutionMode %4 OriginUpperLeft
+               OpSource ESSL 320
+          %2 = OpTypeVoid
+          %3 = OpTypeFunction %2
+          %6 = OpTypeBool
+          %7 = OpConstantTrue %6
+          %4 = OpFunction %2 None %3
+          %5 = OpLabel
+               OpSelectionMerge %8 None
+               OpBranchConditional %7 %9 %10
+          %9 = OpLabel
+               OpBranch %11
+         %11 = OpLabel
+         %12 = OpCopyObject %6 %7
+               OpBranch %8
+         %10 = OpLabel
+               OpBranch %13
+          %8 = OpLabel
+               OpReturn
+         %13 = OpLabel
+               OpBranch %8
+               OpFunctionEnd
+  )";
+  const auto env = SPV_ENV_UNIVERSAL_1_4;
+  const auto consumer = nullptr;
+  const auto context = BuildModule(env, consumer, shader, kFuzzAssembleOption);
+  spvtools::ValidatorOptions validator_options;
+  ASSERT_TRUE(fuzzerutil::IsValidAndWellFormed(context.get(), validator_options,
+                                               kConsoleMessageConsumer));
+  TransformationContext transformation_context(
+      MakeUnique<FactManager>(context.get()), validator_options);
+  transformation_context.GetFactManager()->AddFactBlockIsDead(10);
+  transformation_context.GetFactManager()->AddFactBlockIsDead(13);
+  TransformationReplaceBranchFromDeadBlockWithExit transformation(
+      13, SpvOpUnreachable, 0);
+      transformation.IsApplicable(context.get(), transformation_context));
+  transformation.Apply(context.get(), &transformation_context);
+  ASSERT_TRUE(fuzzerutil::IsValidAndWellFormed(context.get(), validator_options,
+                                               kConsoleMessageConsumer));
+  std::string after_transformation = R"(
+               OpCapability Shader
+          %1 = OpExtInstImport "GLSL.std.450"
+               OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450
+               OpEntryPoint Fragment %4 "main"
+               OpExecutionMode %4 OriginUpperLeft
+               OpSource ESSL 320
+          %2 = OpTypeVoid
+          %3 = OpTypeFunction %2
+          %6 = OpTypeBool
+          %7 = OpConstantTrue %6
+          %4 = OpFunction %2 None %3
+          %5 = OpLabel
+               OpSelectionMerge %8 None
+               OpBranchConditional %7 %9 %10
+          %9 = OpLabel
+               OpBranch %11
+         %11 = OpLabel
+         %12 = OpCopyObject %6 %7
+               OpBranch %8
+         %10 = OpLabel
+               OpBranch %13
+          %8 = OpLabel
+               OpReturn
+         %13 = OpLabel
+               OpUnreachable
+               OpFunctionEnd
+  )";
+  ASSERT_TRUE(IsEqual(env, after_transformation, context.get()));
+     BranchToOuterMergeBlock) {
+  std::string shader = R"(
+               OpCapability Shader
+          %1 = OpExtInstImport "GLSL.std.450"
+               OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450
+               OpEntryPoint Fragment %4 "main"
+               OpExecutionMode %4 OriginUpperLeft
+               OpSource ESSL 320
+          %2 = OpTypeVoid
+          %3 = OpTypeFunction %2
+          %6 = OpTypeBool
+          %7 = OpConstantTrue %6
+         %15 = OpTypeInt 32 0
+         %14 = OpUndef %15
+          %4 = OpFunction %2 None %3
+          %5 = OpLabel
+               OpSelectionMerge %8 None
+               OpSwitch %14 %9 1 %8
+          %9 = OpLabel
+               OpSelectionMerge %10 None
+               OpBranchConditional %7 %11 %10
+          %8 = OpLabel
+               OpReturn
+         %11 = OpLabel
+               OpBranch %8
+         %10 = OpLabel
+               OpBranch %8
+               OpFunctionEnd
+  )";
+  const auto env = SPV_ENV_UNIVERSAL_1_4;
+  const auto consumer = nullptr;
+  const auto context = BuildModule(env, consumer, shader, kFuzzAssembleOption);
+  spvtools::ValidatorOptions validator_options;
+  ASSERT_TRUE(fuzzerutil::IsValidAndWellFormed(context.get(), validator_options,
+                                               kConsoleMessageConsumer));
+  TransformationContext transformation_context(
+      MakeUnique<FactManager>(context.get()), validator_options);
+  transformation_context.GetFactManager()->AddFactBlockIsDead(10);
+  TransformationReplaceBranchFromDeadBlockWithExit transformation(
+      10, SpvOpUnreachable, 0);
+      transformation.IsApplicable(context.get(), transformation_context));
+  transformation.Apply(context.get(), &transformation_context);
+  ASSERT_TRUE(fuzzerutil::IsValidAndWellFormed(context.get(), validator_options,
+                                               kConsoleMessageConsumer));
+  std::string after_transformation = R"(
+               OpCapability Shader
+          %1 = OpExtInstImport "GLSL.std.450"
+               OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450
+               OpEntryPoint Fragment %4 "main"
+               OpExecutionMode %4 OriginUpperLeft
+               OpSource ESSL 320
+          %2 = OpTypeVoid
+          %3 = OpTypeFunction %2
+          %6 = OpTypeBool
+          %7 = OpConstantTrue %6
+         %15 = OpTypeInt 32 0
+         %14 = OpUndef %15
+          %4 = OpFunction %2 None %3
+          %5 = OpLabel
+               OpSelectionMerge %8 None
+               OpSwitch %14 %9 1 %8
+          %9 = OpLabel
+               OpSelectionMerge %10 None
+               OpBranchConditional %7 %11 %10
+          %8 = OpLabel
+               OpReturn
+         %11 = OpLabel
+               OpBranch %8
+         %10 = OpLabel
+               OpUnreachable
+               OpFunctionEnd
+  )";
+  ASSERT_TRUE(IsEqual(env, after_transformation, context.get()));
 }  // namespace
 }  // namespace fuzz
 }  // namespace spvtools