roll deps (#5408)

* Roll external/googletest/ 8a6feabf0..adc514538 (7 commits)

$ git log 8a6feabf0..adc514538 --date=short --no-merges --format='%ad %ae %s'
2023-09-18 absl-team Update code with IWYU annotations.
2023-09-18 absl-team Use the `empty()` method to check for emptiness instead of `length()`
2023-09-14 hirshleifer GoogleTest FAQ: minor punctuation fixes
2023-09-14 hirshleifer Remove Googletest FAQ entry for obsolete `ProtocolMessageEquals` and `ProtocolMessageEquiv`
2023-09-03 tanzinul.islam Count threads after thread-creation while still holding mutex lock
2023-08-26 tanzinul.islam Reuse TempDir() function
2023-08-18 tanzinul.islam Prefer $TMPDIR to /data/local/tmp on Android

Created with:
  roll-dep external/googletest

* Roll external/re2/ a807e8a3a..09de536bb (1 commit)

$ git log a807e8a3a..09de536bb --date=short --no-merges --format='%ad %ae %s'
2023-09-14 junyer Use Abseil's character class functions.

Created with:
  roll-dep external/re2


Co-authored-by: GitHub Actions[bot] <>
diff --git a/DEPS b/DEPS
index b181769..74c5cd9 100644
--- a/DEPS
+++ b/DEPS
@@ -7,12 +7,12 @@
   'effcee_revision': '19b4aa87af25cb4ee779a071409732f34bfc305c',
-  'googletest_revision': '8a6feabf04bec8fb125e0df0ad1195c42350725f',
+  'googletest_revision': 'adc514538678a61b13c240f7b41babbc03b2ac24',
   # Use protobufs before they gained the dependency on abseil
   'protobuf_revision': 'v21.12',
-  're2_revision': 'a807e8a3aac2cc33c77b7071efea54fcabe38e0c',
+  're2_revision': '09de536bb7c77c2e0869a001f012d49560f56cbe',
   'spirv_headers_revision': 'fc7d2462765183c784a0c46beb13eee9e506a067',