| // Copyright (c) 2017-2022 Valve Corporation |
| // Copyright (c) 2017-2022 LunarG Inc. |
| // |
| // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |
| // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |
| // You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| // |
| // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| // |
| // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
| // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
| // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
| // limitations under the License. |
| |
| #include <memory> |
| #include <string> |
| #include <vector> |
| |
| #include "test/opt/pass_fixture.h" |
| #include "test/opt/pass_utils.h" |
| |
| namespace spvtools { |
| namespace opt { |
| namespace { |
| |
| using InlineTest = PassTest<::testing::Test>; |
| |
| TEST_F(InlineTest, Simple) { |
| // #version 140 |
| // |
| // in vec4 BaseColor; |
| // |
| // float foo(vec4 bar) |
| // { |
| // return bar.x + bar.y; |
| // } |
| // |
| // void main() |
| // { |
| // vec4 color = vec4(foo(BaseColor)); |
| // gl_FragColor = color; |
| // } |
| const std::vector<const char*> predefs = { |
| // clang-format off |
| "OpCapability Shader", |
| "%1 = OpExtInstImport \"GLSL.std.450\"", |
| "OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450", |
| "OpEntryPoint Fragment %main \"main\" %BaseColor %gl_FragColor", |
| "OpExecutionMode %main OriginUpperLeft", |
| "OpSource GLSL 140", |
| "OpName %main \"main\"", |
| "OpName %foo_vf4_ \"foo(vf4;\"", |
| "OpName %bar \"bar\"", |
| "OpName %color \"color\"", |
| "OpName %BaseColor \"BaseColor\"", |
| "OpName %param \"param\"", |
| "OpName %gl_FragColor \"gl_FragColor\"", |
| "%void = OpTypeVoid", |
| "%10 = OpTypeFunction %void", |
| "%float = OpTypeFloat 32", |
| "%v4float = OpTypeVector %float 4", |
| "%_ptr_Function_v4float = OpTypePointer Function %v4float", |
| "%14 = OpTypeFunction %float %_ptr_Function_v4float", |
| "%uint = OpTypeInt 32 0", |
| "%uint_0 = OpConstant %uint 0", |
| "%_ptr_Function_float = OpTypePointer Function %float", |
| "%uint_1 = OpConstant %uint 1", |
| "%_ptr_Input_v4float = OpTypePointer Input %v4float", |
| "%BaseColor = OpVariable %_ptr_Input_v4float Input", |
| "%_ptr_Output_v4float = OpTypePointer Output %v4float", |
| "%gl_FragColor = OpVariable %_ptr_Output_v4float Output", |
| // clang-format on |
| }; |
| |
| const std::vector<const char*> nonEntryFuncs = { |
| // clang-format off |
| "%foo_vf4_ = OpFunction %float None %14", |
| "%bar = OpFunctionParameter %_ptr_Function_v4float", |
| "%26 = OpLabel", |
| "%27 = OpAccessChain %_ptr_Function_float %bar %uint_0", |
| "%28 = OpLoad %float %27", |
| "%29 = OpAccessChain %_ptr_Function_float %bar %uint_1", |
| "%30 = OpLoad %float %29", |
| "%31 = OpFAdd %float %28 %30", |
| "OpReturnValue %31", |
| "OpFunctionEnd", |
| // clang-format on |
| }; |
| |
| const std::vector<const char*> before = { |
| // clang-format off |
| "%main = OpFunction %void None %10", |
| "%21 = OpLabel", |
| "%color = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_v4float Function", |
| "%param = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_v4float Function", |
| "%22 = OpLoad %v4float %BaseColor", |
| "OpStore %param %22", |
| "%23 = OpFunctionCall %float %foo_vf4_ %param", |
| "%24 = OpCompositeConstruct %v4float %23 %23 %23 %23", |
| "OpStore %color %24", |
| "%25 = OpLoad %v4float %color", |
| "OpStore %gl_FragColor %25", |
| "OpReturn", |
| "OpFunctionEnd", |
| // clang-format on |
| }; |
| |
| const std::vector<const char*> after = { |
| // clang-format off |
| "%main = OpFunction %void None %10", |
| "%21 = OpLabel", |
| "%32 = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_float Function", |
| "%color = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_v4float Function", |
| "%param = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_v4float Function", |
| "%22 = OpLoad %v4float %BaseColor", |
| "OpStore %param %22", |
| "%34 = OpAccessChain %_ptr_Function_float %param %uint_0", |
| "%35 = OpLoad %float %34", |
| "%36 = OpAccessChain %_ptr_Function_float %param %uint_1", |
| "%37 = OpLoad %float %36", |
| "%38 = OpFAdd %float %35 %37", |
| "OpStore %32 %38", |
| "%23 = OpLoad %float %32", |
| "%24 = OpCompositeConstruct %v4float %23 %23 %23 %23", |
| "OpStore %color %24", |
| "%25 = OpLoad %v4float %color", |
| "OpStore %gl_FragColor %25", |
| "OpReturn", |
| "OpFunctionEnd", |
| // clang-format on |
| }; |
| SinglePassRunAndCheck<InlineExhaustivePass>( |
| JoinAllInsts(Concat(Concat(predefs, before), nonEntryFuncs)), |
| JoinAllInsts(Concat(Concat(predefs, after), nonEntryFuncs)), |
| /* skip_nop = */ false, /* do_validate = */ true); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(InlineTest, Nested) { |
| // #version 140 |
| // |
| // in vec4 BaseColor; |
| // |
| // float foo2(float f, float f2) |
| // { |
| // return f * f2; |
| // } |
| // |
| // float foo(vec4 bar) |
| // { |
| // return foo2(bar.x + bar.y, bar.z); |
| // } |
| // |
| // void main() |
| // { |
| // vec4 color = vec4(foo(BaseColor)); |
| // gl_FragColor = color; |
| // } |
| const std::vector<const char*> predefs = { |
| // clang-format off |
| "OpCapability Shader", |
| "%1 = OpExtInstImport \"GLSL.std.450\"", |
| "OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450", |
| "OpEntryPoint Fragment %main \"main\" %BaseColor %gl_FragColor", |
| "OpExecutionMode %main OriginUpperLeft", |
| "OpSource GLSL 140", |
| "OpName %main \"main\"", |
| "OpName %foo2_f1_f1_ \"foo2(f1;f1;\"", |
| "OpName %f \"f\"", |
| "OpName %f2 \"f2\"", |
| "OpName %foo_vf4_ \"foo(vf4;\"", |
| "OpName %bar \"bar\"", |
| "OpName %param \"param\"", |
| "OpName %param_0 \"param\"", |
| "OpName %color \"color\"", |
| "OpName %BaseColor \"BaseColor\"", |
| "OpName %param_1 \"param\"", |
| "OpName %gl_FragColor \"gl_FragColor\"", |
| "%void = OpTypeVoid", |
| "%15 = OpTypeFunction %void", |
| "%float = OpTypeFloat 32", |
| "%_ptr_Function_float = OpTypePointer Function %float", |
| "%18 = OpTypeFunction %float %_ptr_Function_float %_ptr_Function_float", |
| "%v4float = OpTypeVector %float 4", |
| "%_ptr_Function_v4float = OpTypePointer Function %v4float", |
| "%21 = OpTypeFunction %float %_ptr_Function_v4float", |
| "%uint = OpTypeInt 32 0", |
| "%uint_0 = OpConstant %uint 0", |
| "%uint_1 = OpConstant %uint 1", |
| "%uint_2 = OpConstant %uint 2", |
| "%_ptr_Input_v4float = OpTypePointer Input %v4float", |
| "%BaseColor = OpVariable %_ptr_Input_v4float Input", |
| "%_ptr_Output_v4float = OpTypePointer Output %v4float", |
| "%gl_FragColor = OpVariable %_ptr_Output_v4float Output", |
| // clang-format on |
| }; |
| |
| const std::vector<const char*> nonEntryFuncs = { |
| // clang-format off |
| "%foo2_f1_f1_ = OpFunction %float None %18", |
| "%f = OpFunctionParameter %_ptr_Function_float", |
| "%f2 = OpFunctionParameter %_ptr_Function_float", |
| "%33 = OpLabel", |
| "%34 = OpLoad %float %f", |
| "%35 = OpLoad %float %f2", |
| "%36 = OpFMul %float %34 %35", |
| "OpReturnValue %36", |
| "OpFunctionEnd", |
| "%foo_vf4_ = OpFunction %float None %21", |
| "%bar = OpFunctionParameter %_ptr_Function_v4float", |
| "%37 = OpLabel", |
| "%param = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_float Function", |
| "%param_0 = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_float Function", |
| "%38 = OpAccessChain %_ptr_Function_float %bar %uint_0", |
| "%39 = OpLoad %float %38", |
| "%40 = OpAccessChain %_ptr_Function_float %bar %uint_1", |
| "%41 = OpLoad %float %40", |
| "%42 = OpFAdd %float %39 %41", |
| "OpStore %param %42", |
| "%43 = OpAccessChain %_ptr_Function_float %bar %uint_2", |
| "%44 = OpLoad %float %43", |
| "OpStore %param_0 %44", |
| "%45 = OpFunctionCall %float %foo2_f1_f1_ %param %param_0", |
| "OpReturnValue %45", |
| "OpFunctionEnd", |
| // clang-format on |
| }; |
| |
| const std::vector<const char*> before = { |
| // clang-format off |
| "%main = OpFunction %void None %15", |
| "%28 = OpLabel", |
| "%color = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_v4float Function", |
| "%param_1 = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_v4float Function", |
| "%29 = OpLoad %v4float %BaseColor", |
| "OpStore %param_1 %29", |
| "%30 = OpFunctionCall %float %foo_vf4_ %param_1", |
| "%31 = OpCompositeConstruct %v4float %30 %30 %30 %30", |
| "OpStore %color %31", |
| "%32 = OpLoad %v4float %color", |
| "OpStore %gl_FragColor %32", |
| "OpReturn", |
| "OpFunctionEnd", |
| // clang-format on |
| }; |
| |
| const std::vector<const char*> after = { |
| // clang-format off |
| "%main = OpFunction %void None %15", |
| "%28 = OpLabel", |
| "%58 = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_float Function", |
| "%46 = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_float Function", |
| "%47 = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_float Function", |
| "%48 = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_float Function", |
| "%color = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_v4float Function", |
| "%param_1 = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_v4float Function", |
| "%29 = OpLoad %v4float %BaseColor", |
| "OpStore %param_1 %29", |
| "%50 = OpAccessChain %_ptr_Function_float %param_1 %uint_0", |
| "%51 = OpLoad %float %50", |
| "%52 = OpAccessChain %_ptr_Function_float %param_1 %uint_1", |
| "%53 = OpLoad %float %52", |
| "%54 = OpFAdd %float %51 %53", |
| "OpStore %46 %54", |
| "%55 = OpAccessChain %_ptr_Function_float %param_1 %uint_2", |
| "%56 = OpLoad %float %55", |
| "OpStore %47 %56", |
| "%60 = OpLoad %float %46", |
| "%61 = OpLoad %float %47", |
| "%62 = OpFMul %float %60 %61", |
| "OpStore %58 %62", |
| "%57 = OpLoad %float %58", |
| "OpStore %48 %57", |
| "%30 = OpLoad %float %48", |
| "%31 = OpCompositeConstruct %v4float %30 %30 %30 %30", |
| "OpStore %color %31", |
| "%32 = OpLoad %v4float %color", |
| "OpStore %gl_FragColor %32", |
| "OpReturn", |
| "OpFunctionEnd", |
| // clang-format on |
| }; |
| SinglePassRunAndCheck<InlineExhaustivePass>( |
| JoinAllInsts(Concat(Concat(predefs, before), nonEntryFuncs)), |
| JoinAllInsts(Concat(Concat(predefs, after), nonEntryFuncs)), |
| /* skip_nop = */ false, /* do_validate = */ true); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(InlineTest, InOutParameter) { |
| // #version 400 |
| // |
| // in vec4 Basecolor; |
| // |
| // void foo(inout vec4 bar) |
| // { |
| // bar.z = bar.x + bar.y; |
| // } |
| // |
| // void main() |
| // { |
| // vec4 b = Basecolor; |
| // foo(b); |
| // vec4 color = vec4(b.z); |
| // gl_FragColor = color; |
| // } |
| const std::vector<const char*> predefs = { |
| // clang-format off |
| "OpCapability Shader", |
| "%1 = OpExtInstImport \"GLSL.std.450\"", |
| "OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450", |
| "OpEntryPoint Fragment %main \"main\" %Basecolor %gl_FragColor", |
| "OpExecutionMode %main OriginUpperLeft", |
| "OpSource GLSL 400", |
| "OpName %main \"main\"", |
| "OpName %foo_vf4_ \"foo(vf4;\"", |
| "OpName %bar \"bar\"", |
| "OpName %b \"b\"", |
| "OpName %Basecolor \"Basecolor\"", |
| "OpName %param \"param\"", |
| "OpName %color \"color\"", |
| "OpName %gl_FragColor \"gl_FragColor\"", |
| "%void = OpTypeVoid", |
| "%11 = OpTypeFunction %void", |
| "%float = OpTypeFloat 32", |
| "%v4float = OpTypeVector %float 4", |
| "%_ptr_Function_v4float = OpTypePointer Function %v4float", |
| "%15 = OpTypeFunction %void %_ptr_Function_v4float", |
| "%uint = OpTypeInt 32 0", |
| "%uint_0 = OpConstant %uint 0", |
| "%_ptr_Function_float = OpTypePointer Function %float", |
| "%uint_1 = OpConstant %uint 1", |
| "%uint_2 = OpConstant %uint 2", |
| "%_ptr_Input_v4float = OpTypePointer Input %v4float", |
| "%Basecolor = OpVariable %_ptr_Input_v4float Input", |
| "%_ptr_Output_v4float = OpTypePointer Output %v4float", |
| "%gl_FragColor = OpVariable %_ptr_Output_v4float Output", |
| // clang-format on |
| }; |
| |
| const std::vector<const char*> nonEntryFuncs = { |
| // clang-format off |
| "%foo_vf4_ = OpFunction %void None %15", |
| "%bar = OpFunctionParameter %_ptr_Function_v4float", |
| "%32 = OpLabel", |
| "%33 = OpAccessChain %_ptr_Function_float %bar %uint_0", |
| "%34 = OpLoad %float %33", |
| "%35 = OpAccessChain %_ptr_Function_float %bar %uint_1", |
| "%36 = OpLoad %float %35", |
| "%37 = OpFAdd %float %34 %36", |
| "%38 = OpAccessChain %_ptr_Function_float %bar %uint_2", |
| "OpStore %38 %37", |
| "OpReturn", |
| "OpFunctionEnd", |
| // clang-format on |
| }; |
| |
| const std::vector<const char*> before = { |
| // clang-format off |
| "%main = OpFunction %void None %11", |
| "%23 = OpLabel", |
| "%b = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_v4float Function", |
| "%param = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_v4float Function", |
| "%color = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_v4float Function", |
| "%24 = OpLoad %v4float %Basecolor", |
| "OpStore %b %24", |
| "%25 = OpLoad %v4float %b", |
| "OpStore %param %25", |
| "%26 = OpFunctionCall %void %foo_vf4_ %param", |
| "%27 = OpLoad %v4float %param", |
| "OpStore %b %27", |
| "%28 = OpAccessChain %_ptr_Function_float %b %uint_2", |
| "%29 = OpLoad %float %28", |
| "%30 = OpCompositeConstruct %v4float %29 %29 %29 %29", |
| "OpStore %color %30", |
| "%31 = OpLoad %v4float %color", |
| "OpStore %gl_FragColor %31", |
| "OpReturn", |
| "OpFunctionEnd", |
| // clang-format on |
| }; |
| |
| const std::vector<const char*> after = { |
| // clang-format off |
| "%main = OpFunction %void None %11", |
| "%23 = OpLabel", |
| "%b = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_v4float Function", |
| "%param = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_v4float Function", |
| "%color = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_v4float Function", |
| "%24 = OpLoad %v4float %Basecolor", |
| "OpStore %b %24", |
| "%25 = OpLoad %v4float %b", |
| "OpStore %param %25", |
| "%40 = OpAccessChain %_ptr_Function_float %param %uint_0", |
| "%41 = OpLoad %float %40", |
| "%42 = OpAccessChain %_ptr_Function_float %param %uint_1", |
| "%43 = OpLoad %float %42", |
| "%44 = OpFAdd %float %41 %43", |
| "%45 = OpAccessChain %_ptr_Function_float %param %uint_2", |
| "OpStore %45 %44", |
| "%27 = OpLoad %v4float %param", |
| "OpStore %b %27", |
| "%28 = OpAccessChain %_ptr_Function_float %b %uint_2", |
| "%29 = OpLoad %float %28", |
| "%30 = OpCompositeConstruct %v4float %29 %29 %29 %29", |
| "OpStore %color %30", |
| "%31 = OpLoad %v4float %color", |
| "OpStore %gl_FragColor %31", |
| "OpReturn", |
| "OpFunctionEnd", |
| // clang-format on |
| }; |
| SinglePassRunAndCheck<InlineExhaustivePass>( |
| JoinAllInsts(Concat(Concat(predefs, before), nonEntryFuncs)), |
| JoinAllInsts(Concat(Concat(predefs, after), nonEntryFuncs)), |
| /* skip_nop = */ false, /* do_validate = */ true); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(InlineTest, BranchInCallee) { |
| // #version 140 |
| // |
| // in vec4 BaseColor; |
| // |
| // float foo(vec4 bar) |
| // { |
| // float r = bar.x; |
| // if (r < 0.0) |
| // r = -r; |
| // return r; |
| // } |
| // |
| // void main() |
| // { |
| // vec4 color = vec4(foo(BaseColor)); |
| // |
| // gl_FragColor = color; |
| // } |
| const std::vector<const char*> predefs = { |
| // clang-format off |
| "OpCapability Shader", |
| "%1 = OpExtInstImport \"GLSL.std.450\"", |
| "OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450", |
| "OpEntryPoint Fragment %main \"main\" %BaseColor %gl_FragColor", |
| "OpExecutionMode %main OriginUpperLeft", |
| "OpSource GLSL 140", |
| "OpName %main \"main\"", |
| "OpName %foo_vf4_ \"foo(vf4;\"", |
| "OpName %bar \"bar\"", |
| "OpName %r \"r\"", |
| "OpName %color \"color\"", |
| "OpName %BaseColor \"BaseColor\"", |
| "OpName %param \"param\"", |
| "OpName %gl_FragColor \"gl_FragColor\"", |
| "%void = OpTypeVoid", |
| "%11 = OpTypeFunction %void", |
| "%float = OpTypeFloat 32", |
| "%v4float = OpTypeVector %float 4", |
| "%_ptr_Function_v4float = OpTypePointer Function %v4float", |
| "%15 = OpTypeFunction %float %_ptr_Function_v4float", |
| "%_ptr_Function_float = OpTypePointer Function %float", |
| "%uint = OpTypeInt 32 0", |
| "%uint_0 = OpConstant %uint 0", |
| "%float_0 = OpConstant %float 0", |
| "%bool = OpTypeBool", |
| "%_ptr_Input_v4float = OpTypePointer Input %v4float", |
| "%BaseColor = OpVariable %_ptr_Input_v4float Input", |
| "%_ptr_Output_v4float = OpTypePointer Output %v4float", |
| "%gl_FragColor = OpVariable %_ptr_Output_v4float Output", |
| // clang-format on |
| }; |
| |
| const std::vector<const char*> nonEntryFuncs = { |
| // clang-format off |
| "%foo_vf4_ = OpFunction %float None %15", |
| "%bar = OpFunctionParameter %_ptr_Function_v4float", |
| "%28 = OpLabel", |
| "%r = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_float Function", |
| "%29 = OpAccessChain %_ptr_Function_float %bar %uint_0", |
| "%30 = OpLoad %float %29", |
| "OpStore %r %30", |
| "%31 = OpLoad %float %r", |
| "%32 = OpFOrdLessThan %bool %31 %float_0", |
| "OpSelectionMerge %33 None", |
| "OpBranchConditional %32 %34 %33", |
| "%34 = OpLabel", |
| "%35 = OpLoad %float %r", |
| "%36 = OpFNegate %float %35", |
| "OpStore %r %36", |
| "OpBranch %33", |
| "%33 = OpLabel", |
| "%37 = OpLoad %float %r", |
| "OpReturnValue %37", |
| "OpFunctionEnd", |
| // clang-format on |
| }; |
| |
| const std::vector<const char*> before = { |
| // clang-format off |
| "%main = OpFunction %void None %11", |
| "%23 = OpLabel", |
| "%color = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_v4float Function", |
| "%param = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_v4float Function", |
| "%24 = OpLoad %v4float %BaseColor", |
| "OpStore %param %24", |
| "%25 = OpFunctionCall %float %foo_vf4_ %param", |
| "%26 = OpCompositeConstruct %v4float %25 %25 %25 %25", |
| "OpStore %color %26", |
| "%27 = OpLoad %v4float %color", |
| "OpStore %gl_FragColor %27", |
| "OpReturn", |
| "OpFunctionEnd", |
| // clang-format on |
| }; |
| |
| const std::vector<const char*> after = { |
| // clang-format off |
| "%main = OpFunction %void None %11", |
| "%23 = OpLabel", |
| "%38 = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_float Function", |
| "%39 = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_float Function", |
| "%color = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_v4float Function", |
| "%param = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_v4float Function", |
| "%24 = OpLoad %v4float %BaseColor", |
| "OpStore %param %24", |
| "%41 = OpAccessChain %_ptr_Function_float %param %uint_0", |
| "%42 = OpLoad %float %41", |
| "OpStore %38 %42", |
| "%43 = OpLoad %float %38", |
| "%44 = OpFOrdLessThan %bool %43 %float_0", |
| "OpSelectionMerge %48 None", |
| "OpBranchConditional %44 %45 %48", |
| "%45 = OpLabel", |
| "%46 = OpLoad %float %38", |
| "%47 = OpFNegate %float %46", |
| "OpStore %38 %47", |
| "OpBranch %48", |
| "%48 = OpLabel", |
| "%49 = OpLoad %float %38", |
| "OpStore %39 %49", |
| "%25 = OpLoad %float %39", |
| "%26 = OpCompositeConstruct %v4float %25 %25 %25 %25", |
| "OpStore %color %26", |
| "%27 = OpLoad %v4float %color", |
| "OpStore %gl_FragColor %27", |
| "OpReturn", |
| "OpFunctionEnd", |
| // clang-format on |
| }; |
| SinglePassRunAndCheck<InlineExhaustivePass>( |
| JoinAllInsts(Concat(Concat(predefs, before), nonEntryFuncs)), |
| JoinAllInsts(Concat(Concat(predefs, after), nonEntryFuncs)), |
| /* skip_nop = */ false, /* do_validate = */ true); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(InlineTest, PhiAfterCall) { |
| // #version 140 |
| // |
| // in vec4 BaseColor; |
| // |
| // float foo(float bar) |
| // { |
| // float r = bar; |
| // if (r < 0.0) |
| // r = -r; |
| // return r; |
| // } |
| // |
| // void main() |
| // { |
| // vec4 color = BaseColor; |
| // if (foo(color.x) > 2.0 && foo(color.y) > 2.0) |
| // color = vec4(0.0); |
| // gl_FragColor = color; |
| // } |
| const std::vector<const char*> predefs = { |
| // clang-format off |
| "OpCapability Shader", |
| "%1 = OpExtInstImport \"GLSL.std.450\"", |
| "OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450", |
| "OpEntryPoint Fragment %main \"main\" %BaseColor %gl_FragColor", |
| "OpExecutionMode %main OriginUpperLeft", |
| "OpSource GLSL 140", |
| "OpName %main \"main\"", |
| "OpName %foo_f1_ \"foo(f1;\"", |
| "OpName %bar \"bar\"", |
| "OpName %r \"r\"", |
| "OpName %color \"color\"", |
| "OpName %BaseColor \"BaseColor\"", |
| "OpName %param \"param\"", |
| "OpName %param_0 \"param\"", |
| "OpName %gl_FragColor \"gl_FragColor\"", |
| "%void = OpTypeVoid", |
| "%12 = OpTypeFunction %void", |
| "%float = OpTypeFloat 32", |
| "%_ptr_Function_float = OpTypePointer Function %float", |
| "%15 = OpTypeFunction %float %_ptr_Function_float", |
| "%float_0 = OpConstant %float 0", |
| "%bool = OpTypeBool", |
| "%v4float = OpTypeVector %float 4", |
| "%_ptr_Function_v4float = OpTypePointer Function %v4float", |
| "%_ptr_Input_v4float = OpTypePointer Input %v4float", |
| "%BaseColor = OpVariable %_ptr_Input_v4float Input", |
| "%uint = OpTypeInt 32 0", |
| "%uint_0 = OpConstant %uint 0", |
| "%float_2 = OpConstant %float 2", |
| "%uint_1 = OpConstant %uint 1", |
| "%25 = OpConstantComposite %v4float %float_0 %float_0 %float_0 %float_0", |
| "%_ptr_Output_v4float = OpTypePointer Output %v4float", |
| "%gl_FragColor = OpVariable %_ptr_Output_v4float Output", |
| // clang-format on |
| }; |
| |
| const std::vector<const char*> nonEntryFuncs = { |
| // clang-format off |
| "%foo_f1_ = OpFunction %float None %15", |
| "%bar = OpFunctionParameter %_ptr_Function_float", |
| "%43 = OpLabel", |
| "%r = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_float Function", |
| "%44 = OpLoad %float %bar", |
| "OpStore %r %44", |
| "%45 = OpLoad %float %r", |
| "%46 = OpFOrdLessThan %bool %45 %float_0", |
| "OpSelectionMerge %47 None", |
| "OpBranchConditional %46 %48 %47", |
| "%48 = OpLabel", |
| "%49 = OpLoad %float %r", |
| "%50 = OpFNegate %float %49", |
| "OpStore %r %50", |
| "OpBranch %47", |
| "%47 = OpLabel", |
| "%51 = OpLoad %float %r", |
| "OpReturnValue %51", |
| "OpFunctionEnd", |
| // clang-format on |
| }; |
| |
| const std::vector<const char*> before = { |
| // clang-format off |
| "%main = OpFunction %void None %12", |
| "%27 = OpLabel", |
| "%color = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_v4float Function", |
| "%param = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_float Function", |
| "%param_0 = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_float Function", |
| "%28 = OpLoad %v4float %BaseColor", |
| "OpStore %color %28", |
| "%29 = OpAccessChain %_ptr_Function_float %color %uint_0", |
| "%30 = OpLoad %float %29", |
| "OpStore %param %30", |
| "%31 = OpFunctionCall %float %foo_f1_ %param", |
| "%32 = OpFOrdGreaterThan %bool %31 %float_2", |
| "OpSelectionMerge %33 None", |
| "OpBranchConditional %32 %34 %33", |
| "%34 = OpLabel", |
| "%35 = OpAccessChain %_ptr_Function_float %color %uint_1", |
| "%36 = OpLoad %float %35", |
| "OpStore %param_0 %36", |
| "%37 = OpFunctionCall %float %foo_f1_ %param_0", |
| "%38 = OpFOrdGreaterThan %bool %37 %float_2", |
| "OpBranch %33", |
| "%33 = OpLabel", |
| "%39 = OpPhi %bool %32 %27 %38 %34", |
| "OpSelectionMerge %40 None", |
| "OpBranchConditional %39 %41 %40", |
| "%41 = OpLabel", |
| "OpStore %color %25", |
| "OpBranch %40", |
| "%40 = OpLabel", |
| "%42 = OpLoad %v4float %color", |
| "OpStore %gl_FragColor %42", |
| "OpReturn", |
| "OpFunctionEnd", |
| // clang-format on |
| }; |
| |
| const std::vector<const char*> after = { |
| // clang-format off |
| "%main = OpFunction %void None %12", |
| "%27 = OpLabel", |
| "%63 = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_float Function", |
| "%64 = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_float Function", |
| "%52 = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_float Function", |
| "%53 = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_float Function", |
| "%color = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_v4float Function", |
| "%param = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_float Function", |
| "%param_0 = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_float Function", |
| "%28 = OpLoad %v4float %BaseColor", |
| "OpStore %color %28", |
| "%29 = OpAccessChain %_ptr_Function_float %color %uint_0", |
| "%30 = OpLoad %float %29", |
| "OpStore %param %30", |
| "%55 = OpLoad %float %param", |
| "OpStore %52 %55", |
| "%56 = OpLoad %float %52", |
| "%57 = OpFOrdLessThan %bool %56 %float_0", |
| "OpSelectionMerge %61 None", |
| "OpBranchConditional %57 %58 %61", |
| "%58 = OpLabel", |
| "%59 = OpLoad %float %52", |
| "%60 = OpFNegate %float %59", |
| "OpStore %52 %60", |
| "OpBranch %61", |
| "%61 = OpLabel", |
| "%62 = OpLoad %float %52", |
| "OpStore %53 %62", |
| "%31 = OpLoad %float %53", |
| "%32 = OpFOrdGreaterThan %bool %31 %float_2", |
| "OpSelectionMerge %33 None", |
| "OpBranchConditional %32 %34 %33", |
| "%34 = OpLabel", |
| "%35 = OpAccessChain %_ptr_Function_float %color %uint_1", |
| "%36 = OpLoad %float %35", |
| "OpStore %param_0 %36", |
| "%66 = OpLoad %float %param_0", |
| "OpStore %63 %66", |
| "%67 = OpLoad %float %63", |
| "%68 = OpFOrdLessThan %bool %67 %float_0", |
| "OpSelectionMerge %72 None", |
| "OpBranchConditional %68 %69 %72", |
| "%69 = OpLabel", |
| "%70 = OpLoad %float %63", |
| "%71 = OpFNegate %float %70", |
| "OpStore %63 %71", |
| "OpBranch %72", |
| "%72 = OpLabel", |
| "%73 = OpLoad %float %63", |
| "OpStore %64 %73", |
| "%37 = OpLoad %float %64", |
| "%38 = OpFOrdGreaterThan %bool %37 %float_2", |
| "OpBranch %33", |
| "%33 = OpLabel", |
| "%39 = OpPhi %bool %32 %61 %38 %72", |
| "OpSelectionMerge %40 None", |
| "OpBranchConditional %39 %41 %40", |
| "%41 = OpLabel", |
| "OpStore %color %25", |
| "OpBranch %40", |
| "%40 = OpLabel", |
| "%42 = OpLoad %v4float %color", |
| "OpStore %gl_FragColor %42", |
| "OpReturn", |
| "OpFunctionEnd", |
| // clang-format on |
| }; |
| SinglePassRunAndCheck<InlineExhaustivePass>( |
| JoinAllInsts(Concat(Concat(predefs, before), nonEntryFuncs)), |
| JoinAllInsts(Concat(Concat(predefs, after), nonEntryFuncs)), |
| /* skip_nop = */ false, /* do_validate = */ true); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(InlineTest, OpSampledImageOutOfBlock) { |
| // #version 450 |
| // |
| // uniform texture2D t2D; |
| // uniform sampler samp; |
| // out vec4 FragColor; |
| // in vec4 BaseColor; |
| // |
| // float foo(vec4 bar) |
| // { |
| // float r = bar.x; |
| // if (r < 0.0) |
| // r = -r; |
| // return r; |
| // } |
| // |
| // void main() |
| // { |
| // vec4 color1 = texture(sampler2D(t2D, samp), vec2(1.0)); |
| // vec4 color2 = vec4(foo(BaseColor)); |
| // vec4 color3 = texture(sampler2D(t2D, samp), vec2(0.5)); |
| // FragColor = (color1 + color2 + color3)/3; |
| // } |
| // |
| // Note: the before SPIR-V will need to be edited to create a use of |
| // the OpSampledImage across the function call. |
| const std::vector<const char*> predefs = { |
| // clang-format off |
| "OpCapability Shader", |
| "%1 = OpExtInstImport \"GLSL.std.450\"", |
| "OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450", |
| "OpEntryPoint Fragment %main \"main\" %BaseColor %FragColor", |
| "OpExecutionMode %main OriginUpperLeft", |
| "OpSource GLSL 450", |
| "OpName %main \"main\"", |
| "OpName %foo_vf4_ \"foo(vf4;\"", |
| "OpName %bar \"bar\"", |
| "OpName %r \"r\"", |
| "OpName %color1 \"color1\"", |
| "OpName %t2D \"t2D\"", |
| "OpName %samp \"samp\"", |
| "OpName %color2 \"color2\"", |
| "OpName %BaseColor \"BaseColor\"", |
| "OpName %param \"param\"", |
| "OpName %color3 \"color3\"", |
| "OpName %FragColor \"FragColor\"", |
| "OpDecorate %t2D DescriptorSet 0", |
| "OpDecorate %samp DescriptorSet 0", |
| "%void = OpTypeVoid", |
| "%15 = OpTypeFunction %void", |
| "%float = OpTypeFloat 32", |
| "%v4float = OpTypeVector %float 4", |
| "%_ptr_Function_v4float = OpTypePointer Function %v4float", |
| "%19 = OpTypeFunction %float %_ptr_Function_v4float", |
| "%_ptr_Function_float = OpTypePointer Function %float", |
| "%uint = OpTypeInt 32 0", |
| "%uint_0 = OpConstant %uint 0", |
| "%float_0 = OpConstant %float 0", |
| "%bool = OpTypeBool", |
| "%25 = OpTypeImage %float 2D 0 0 0 1 Unknown", |
| "%_ptr_UniformConstant_25 = OpTypePointer UniformConstant %25", |
| "%t2D = OpVariable %_ptr_UniformConstant_25 UniformConstant", |
| "%27 = OpTypeSampler", |
| "%_ptr_UniformConstant_27 = OpTypePointer UniformConstant %27", |
| "%samp = OpVariable %_ptr_UniformConstant_27 UniformConstant", |
| "%29 = OpTypeSampledImage %25", |
| "%v2float = OpTypeVector %float 2", |
| "%float_1 = OpConstant %float 1", |
| "%32 = OpConstantComposite %v2float %float_1 %float_1", |
| "%_ptr_Input_v4float = OpTypePointer Input %v4float", |
| "%BaseColor = OpVariable %_ptr_Input_v4float Input", |
| "%float_0_5 = OpConstant %float 0.5", |
| "%35 = OpConstantComposite %v2float %float_0_5 %float_0_5", |
| "%_ptr_Output_v4float = OpTypePointer Output %v4float", |
| "%FragColor = OpVariable %_ptr_Output_v4float Output", |
| "%float_3 = OpConstant %float 3", |
| // clang-format on |
| }; |
| |
| const std::vector<const char*> nonEntryFuncs = { |
| // clang-format off |
| "%foo_vf4_ = OpFunction %float None %19", |
| "%bar = OpFunctionParameter %_ptr_Function_v4float", |
| "%56 = OpLabel", |
| "%r = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_float Function", |
| "%57 = OpAccessChain %_ptr_Function_float %bar %uint_0", |
| "%58 = OpLoad %float %57", |
| "OpStore %r %58", |
| "%59 = OpLoad %float %r", |
| "%60 = OpFOrdLessThan %bool %59 %float_0", |
| "OpSelectionMerge %61 None", |
| "OpBranchConditional %60 %62 %61", |
| "%62 = OpLabel", |
| "%63 = OpLoad %float %r", |
| "%64 = OpFNegate %float %63", |
| "OpStore %r %64", |
| "OpBranch %61", |
| "%61 = OpLabel", |
| "%65 = OpLoad %float %r", |
| "OpReturnValue %65", |
| "OpFunctionEnd", |
| // clang-format on |
| }; |
| |
| const std::vector<const char*> before = { |
| // clang-format off |
| "%main = OpFunction %void None %15", |
| "%38 = OpLabel", |
| "%color1 = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_v4float Function", |
| "%color2 = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_v4float Function", |
| "%param = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_v4float Function", |
| "%color3 = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_v4float Function", |
| "%39 = OpLoad %25 %t2D", |
| "%40 = OpLoad %27 %samp", |
| "%41 = OpSampledImage %29 %39 %40", |
| "%42 = OpImageSampleImplicitLod %v4float %41 %32", |
| "OpStore %color1 %42", |
| "%43 = OpLoad %v4float %BaseColor", |
| "OpStore %param %43", |
| "%44 = OpFunctionCall %float %foo_vf4_ %param", |
| "%45 = OpCompositeConstruct %v4float %44 %44 %44 %44", |
| "OpStore %color2 %45", |
| "%46 = OpLoad %25 %t2D", |
| "%47 = OpLoad %27 %samp", |
| "%48 = OpImageSampleImplicitLod %v4float %41 %35", |
| "OpStore %color3 %48", |
| "%49 = OpLoad %v4float %color1", |
| "%50 = OpLoad %v4float %color2", |
| "%51 = OpFAdd %v4float %49 %50", |
| "%52 = OpLoad %v4float %color3", |
| "%53 = OpFAdd %v4float %51 %52", |
| "%54 = OpCompositeConstruct %v4float %float_3 %float_3 %float_3 %float_3", |
| "%55 = OpFDiv %v4float %53 %54", |
| "OpStore %FragColor %55", |
| "OpReturn", |
| "OpFunctionEnd", |
| // clang-format on |
| }; |
| |
| const std::vector<const char*> after = { |
| // clang-format off |
| "%main = OpFunction %void None %15", |
| "%38 = OpLabel", |
| "%66 = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_float Function", |
| "%67 = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_float Function", |
| "%color1 = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_v4float Function", |
| "%color2 = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_v4float Function", |
| "%param = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_v4float Function", |
| "%color3 = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_v4float Function", |
| "%39 = OpLoad %25 %t2D", |
| "%40 = OpLoad %27 %samp", |
| "%41 = OpSampledImage %29 %39 %40", |
| "%42 = OpImageSampleImplicitLod %v4float %41 %32", |
| "OpStore %color1 %42", |
| "%43 = OpLoad %v4float %BaseColor", |
| "OpStore %param %43", |
| "%69 = OpAccessChain %_ptr_Function_float %param %uint_0", |
| "%70 = OpLoad %float %69", |
| "OpStore %66 %70", |
| "%71 = OpLoad %float %66", |
| "%72 = OpFOrdLessThan %bool %71 %float_0", |
| "OpSelectionMerge %76 None", |
| "OpBranchConditional %72 %73 %76", |
| "%73 = OpLabel", |
| "%74 = OpLoad %float %66", |
| "%75 = OpFNegate %float %74", |
| "OpStore %66 %75", |
| "OpBranch %76", |
| "%76 = OpLabel", |
| "%77 = OpLoad %float %66", |
| "OpStore %67 %77", |
| "%44 = OpLoad %float %67", |
| "%45 = OpCompositeConstruct %v4float %44 %44 %44 %44", |
| "OpStore %color2 %45", |
| "%46 = OpLoad %25 %t2D", |
| "%47 = OpLoad %27 %samp", |
| "%78 = OpSampledImage %29 %39 %40", |
| "%48 = OpImageSampleImplicitLod %v4float %78 %35", |
| "OpStore %color3 %48", |
| "%49 = OpLoad %v4float %color1", |
| "%50 = OpLoad %v4float %color2", |
| "%51 = OpFAdd %v4float %49 %50", |
| "%52 = OpLoad %v4float %color3", |
| "%53 = OpFAdd %v4float %51 %52", |
| "%54 = OpCompositeConstruct %v4float %float_3 %float_3 %float_3 %float_3", |
| "%55 = OpFDiv %v4float %53 %54", |
| "OpStore %FragColor %55", |
| "OpReturn", |
| "OpFunctionEnd", |
| // clang-format on |
| }; |
| SinglePassRunAndCheck<InlineExhaustivePass>( |
| JoinAllInsts(Concat(Concat(predefs, before), nonEntryFuncs)), |
| JoinAllInsts(Concat(Concat(predefs, after), nonEntryFuncs)), |
| /* skip_nop = */ false, /* do_validate = */ true); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(InlineTest, OpImageOutOfBlock) { |
| // #version 450 |
| // |
| // uniform texture2D t2D; |
| // uniform sampler samp; |
| // uniform sampler samp2; |
| // |
| // out vec4 FragColor; |
| // |
| // in vec4 BaseColor; |
| // |
| // float foo(vec4 bar) |
| // { |
| // float r = bar.x; |
| // if (r < 0.0) |
| // r = -r; |
| // return r; |
| // } |
| // |
| // void main() |
| // { |
| // vec4 color1 = texture(sampler2D(t2D, samp), vec2(1.0)); |
| // vec4 color2 = vec4(foo(BaseColor)); |
| // vec4 color3 = texture(sampler2D(t2D, samp2), vec2(0.5)); |
| // FragColor = (color1 + color2 + color3)/3; |
| // } |
| // Note: the before SPIR-V will need to be edited to create an OpImage |
| // from the first OpSampledImage, place it before the call and use it |
| // in the second OpSampledImage following the call. |
| const std::vector<const char*> predefs = { |
| // clang-format off |
| "OpCapability Shader", |
| "%1 = OpExtInstImport \"GLSL.std.450\"", |
| "OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450", |
| "OpEntryPoint Fragment %main \"main\" %BaseColor %FragColor", |
| "OpExecutionMode %main OriginUpperLeft", |
| "OpSource GLSL 450", |
| "OpName %main \"main\"", |
| "OpName %foo_vf4_ \"foo(vf4;\"", |
| "OpName %bar \"bar\"", |
| "OpName %r \"r\"", |
| "OpName %color1 \"color1\"", |
| "OpName %t2D \"t2D\"", |
| "OpName %samp \"samp\"", |
| "OpName %color2 \"color2\"", |
| "OpName %BaseColor \"BaseColor\"", |
| "OpName %param \"param\"", |
| "OpName %color3 \"color3\"", |
| "OpName %samp2 \"samp2\"", |
| "OpName %FragColor \"FragColor\"", |
| "OpDecorate %t2D DescriptorSet 0", |
| "OpDecorate %samp DescriptorSet 0", |
| "OpDecorate %samp2 DescriptorSet 0", |
| "%void = OpTypeVoid", |
| "%16 = OpTypeFunction %void", |
| "%float = OpTypeFloat 32", |
| "%v4float = OpTypeVector %float 4", |
| "%_ptr_Function_v4float = OpTypePointer Function %v4float", |
| "%20 = OpTypeFunction %float %_ptr_Function_v4float", |
| "%_ptr_Function_float = OpTypePointer Function %float", |
| "%uint = OpTypeInt 32 0", |
| "%uint_0 = OpConstant %uint 0", |
| "%float_0 = OpConstant %float 0", |
| "%bool = OpTypeBool", |
| "%26 = OpTypeImage %float 2D 0 0 0 1 Unknown", |
| "%_ptr_UniformConstant_26 = OpTypePointer UniformConstant %26", |
| "%t2D = OpVariable %_ptr_UniformConstant_26 UniformConstant", |
| "%28 = OpTypeSampler", |
| "%_ptr_UniformConstant_28 = OpTypePointer UniformConstant %28", |
| "%samp = OpVariable %_ptr_UniformConstant_28 UniformConstant", |
| "%30 = OpTypeSampledImage %26", |
| "%v2float = OpTypeVector %float 2", |
| "%float_1 = OpConstant %float 1", |
| "%33 = OpConstantComposite %v2float %float_1 %float_1", |
| "%_ptr_Input_v4float = OpTypePointer Input %v4float", |
| "%BaseColor = OpVariable %_ptr_Input_v4float Input", |
| "%samp2 = OpVariable %_ptr_UniformConstant_28 UniformConstant", |
| "%float_0_5 = OpConstant %float 0.5", |
| "%36 = OpConstantComposite %v2float %float_0_5 %float_0_5", |
| "%_ptr_Output_v4float = OpTypePointer Output %v4float", |
| "%FragColor = OpVariable %_ptr_Output_v4float Output", |
| "%float_3 = OpConstant %float 3", |
| // clang-format on |
| }; |
| |
| const std::vector<const char*> nonEntryFuncs = { |
| // clang-format off |
| "%foo_vf4_ = OpFunction %float None %20", |
| "%bar = OpFunctionParameter %_ptr_Function_v4float", |
| "%58 = OpLabel", |
| "%r = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_float Function", |
| "%59 = OpAccessChain %_ptr_Function_float %bar %uint_0", |
| "%60 = OpLoad %float %59", |
| "OpStore %r %60", |
| "%61 = OpLoad %float %r", |
| "%62 = OpFOrdLessThan %bool %61 %float_0", |
| "OpSelectionMerge %63 None", |
| "OpBranchConditional %62 %64 %63", |
| "%64 = OpLabel", |
| "%65 = OpLoad %float %r", |
| "%66 = OpFNegate %float %65", |
| "OpStore %r %66", |
| "OpBranch %63", |
| "%63 = OpLabel", |
| "%67 = OpLoad %float %r", |
| "OpReturnValue %67", |
| "OpFunctionEnd", |
| // clang-format on |
| }; |
| |
| const std::vector<const char*> before = { |
| // clang-format off |
| "%main = OpFunction %void None %16", |
| "%39 = OpLabel", |
| "%color1 = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_v4float Function", |
| "%color2 = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_v4float Function", |
| "%param = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_v4float Function", |
| "%color3 = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_v4float Function", |
| "%40 = OpLoad %26 %t2D", |
| "%41 = OpLoad %28 %samp", |
| "%42 = OpSampledImage %30 %40 %41", |
| "%43 = OpImageSampleImplicitLod %v4float %42 %33", |
| "%44 = OpImage %26 %42", |
| "%45 = OpLoad %28 %samp2", |
| "OpStore %color1 %43", |
| "%46 = OpLoad %v4float %BaseColor", |
| "OpStore %param %46", |
| "%47 = OpFunctionCall %float %foo_vf4_ %param", |
| "%48 = OpCompositeConstruct %v4float %47 %47 %47 %47", |
| "OpStore %color2 %48", |
| "%49 = OpSampledImage %30 %44 %45", |
| "%50 = OpImageSampleImplicitLod %v4float %49 %36", |
| "OpStore %color3 %50", |
| "%51 = OpLoad %v4float %color1", |
| "%52 = OpLoad %v4float %color2", |
| "%53 = OpFAdd %v4float %51 %52", |
| "%54 = OpLoad %v4float %color3", |
| "%55 = OpFAdd %v4float %53 %54", |
| "%56 = OpCompositeConstruct %v4float %float_3 %float_3 %float_3 %float_3", |
| "%57 = OpFDiv %v4float %55 %56", |
| "OpStore %FragColor %57", |
| "OpReturn", |
| "OpFunctionEnd", |
| // clang-format on |
| }; |
| |
| const std::vector<const char*> after = { |
| // clang-format off |
| "%main = OpFunction %void None %16", |
| "%39 = OpLabel", |
| "%68 = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_float Function", |
| "%69 = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_float Function", |
| "%color1 = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_v4float Function", |
| "%color2 = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_v4float Function", |
| "%param = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_v4float Function", |
| "%color3 = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_v4float Function", |
| "%40 = OpLoad %26 %t2D", |
| "%41 = OpLoad %28 %samp", |
| "%42 = OpSampledImage %30 %40 %41", |
| "%43 = OpImageSampleImplicitLod %v4float %42 %33", |
| "%44 = OpImage %26 %42", |
| "%45 = OpLoad %28 %samp2", |
| "OpStore %color1 %43", |
| "%46 = OpLoad %v4float %BaseColor", |
| "OpStore %param %46", |
| "%71 = OpAccessChain %_ptr_Function_float %param %uint_0", |
| "%72 = OpLoad %float %71", |
| "OpStore %68 %72", |
| "%73 = OpLoad %float %68", |
| "%74 = OpFOrdLessThan %bool %73 %float_0", |
| "OpSelectionMerge %78 None", |
| "OpBranchConditional %74 %75 %78", |
| "%75 = OpLabel", |
| "%76 = OpLoad %float %68", |
| "%77 = OpFNegate %float %76", |
| "OpStore %68 %77", |
| "OpBranch %78", |
| "%78 = OpLabel", |
| "%79 = OpLoad %float %68", |
| "OpStore %69 %79", |
| "%47 = OpLoad %float %69", |
| "%48 = OpCompositeConstruct %v4float %47 %47 %47 %47", |
| "OpStore %color2 %48", |
| "%80 = OpSampledImage %30 %40 %41", |
| "%81 = OpImage %26 %80", |
| "%49 = OpSampledImage %30 %81 %45", |
| "%50 = OpImageSampleImplicitLod %v4float %49 %36", |
| "OpStore %color3 %50", |
| "%51 = OpLoad %v4float %color1", |
| "%52 = OpLoad %v4float %color2", |
| "%53 = OpFAdd %v4float %51 %52", |
| "%54 = OpLoad %v4float %color3", |
| "%55 = OpFAdd %v4float %53 %54", |
| "%56 = OpCompositeConstruct %v4float %float_3 %float_3 %float_3 %float_3", |
| "%57 = OpFDiv %v4float %55 %56", |
| "OpStore %FragColor %57", |
| "OpReturn", |
| "OpFunctionEnd", |
| // clang-format on |
| }; |
| SinglePassRunAndCheck<InlineExhaustivePass>( |
| JoinAllInsts(Concat(Concat(predefs, before), nonEntryFuncs)), |
| JoinAllInsts(Concat(Concat(predefs, after), nonEntryFuncs)), |
| /* skip_nop = */ false, /* do_validate = */ true); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(InlineTest, OpImageAndOpSampledImageOutOfBlock) { |
| // #version 450 |
| // |
| // uniform texture2D t2D; |
| // uniform sampler samp; |
| // uniform sampler samp2; |
| // |
| // out vec4 FragColor; |
| // |
| // in vec4 BaseColor; |
| // |
| // float foo(vec4 bar) |
| // { |
| // float r = bar.x; |
| // if (r < 0.0) |
| // r = -r; |
| // return r; |
| // } |
| // |
| // void main() |
| // { |
| // vec4 color1 = texture(sampler2D(t2D, samp), vec2(1.0)); |
| // vec4 color2 = vec4(foo(BaseColor)); |
| // vec4 color3 = texture(sampler2D(t2D, samp2), vec2(0.5)); |
| // FragColor = (color1 + color2 + color3)/3; |
| // } |
| // Note: the before SPIR-V will need to be edited to create an OpImage |
| // and subsequent OpSampledImage that is used across the function call. |
| const std::vector<const char*> predefs = { |
| // clang-format off |
| "OpCapability Shader", |
| "%1 = OpExtInstImport \"GLSL.std.450\"", |
| "OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450", |
| "OpEntryPoint Fragment %main \"main\" %BaseColor %FragColor", |
| "OpExecutionMode %main OriginUpperLeft", |
| "OpSource GLSL 450", |
| "OpName %main \"main\"", |
| "OpName %foo_vf4_ \"foo(vf4;\"", |
| "OpName %bar \"bar\"", |
| "OpName %r \"r\"", |
| "OpName %color1 \"color1\"", |
| "OpName %t2D \"t2D\"", |
| "OpName %samp \"samp\"", |
| "OpName %color2 \"color2\"", |
| "OpName %BaseColor \"BaseColor\"", |
| "OpName %param \"param\"", |
| "OpName %color3 \"color3\"", |
| "OpName %samp2 \"samp2\"", |
| "OpName %FragColor \"FragColor\"", |
| "OpDecorate %t2D DescriptorSet 0", |
| "OpDecorate %samp DescriptorSet 0", |
| "OpDecorate %samp2 DescriptorSet 0", |
| "%void = OpTypeVoid", |
| "%16 = OpTypeFunction %void", |
| "%float = OpTypeFloat 32", |
| "%v4float = OpTypeVector %float 4", |
| "%_ptr_Function_v4float = OpTypePointer Function %v4float", |
| "%20 = OpTypeFunction %float %_ptr_Function_v4float", |
| "%_ptr_Function_float = OpTypePointer Function %float", |
| "%uint = OpTypeInt 32 0", |
| "%uint_0 = OpConstant %uint 0", |
| "%float_0 = OpConstant %float 0", |
| "%bool = OpTypeBool", |
| "%26 = OpTypeImage %float 2D 0 0 0 1 Unknown", |
| "%_ptr_UniformConstant_26 = OpTypePointer UniformConstant %26", |
| "%t2D = OpVariable %_ptr_UniformConstant_26 UniformConstant", |
| "%28 = OpTypeSampler", |
| "%_ptr_UniformConstant_28 = OpTypePointer UniformConstant %28", |
| "%samp = OpVariable %_ptr_UniformConstant_28 UniformConstant", |
| "%30 = OpTypeSampledImage %26", |
| "%v2float = OpTypeVector %float 2", |
| "%float_1 = OpConstant %float 1", |
| "%33 = OpConstantComposite %v2float %float_1 %float_1", |
| "%_ptr_Input_v4float = OpTypePointer Input %v4float", |
| "%BaseColor = OpVariable %_ptr_Input_v4float Input", |
| "%samp2 = OpVariable %_ptr_UniformConstant_28 UniformConstant", |
| "%float_0_5 = OpConstant %float 0.5", |
| "%36 = OpConstantComposite %v2float %float_0_5 %float_0_5", |
| "%_ptr_Output_v4float = OpTypePointer Output %v4float", |
| "%FragColor = OpVariable %_ptr_Output_v4float Output", |
| "%float_3 = OpConstant %float 3", |
| // clang-format on |
| }; |
| |
| const std::vector<const char*> nonEntryFuncs = { |
| // clang-format off |
| "%foo_vf4_ = OpFunction %float None %20", |
| "%bar = OpFunctionParameter %_ptr_Function_v4float", |
| "%58 = OpLabel", |
| "%r = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_float Function", |
| "%59 = OpAccessChain %_ptr_Function_float %bar %uint_0", |
| "%60 = OpLoad %float %59", |
| "OpStore %r %60", |
| "%61 = OpLoad %float %r", |
| "%62 = OpFOrdLessThan %bool %61 %float_0", |
| "OpSelectionMerge %63 None", |
| "OpBranchConditional %62 %64 %63", |
| "%64 = OpLabel", |
| "%65 = OpLoad %float %r", |
| "%66 = OpFNegate %float %65", |
| "OpStore %r %66", |
| "OpBranch %63", |
| "%63 = OpLabel", |
| "%67 = OpLoad %float %r", |
| "OpReturnValue %67", |
| "OpFunctionEnd", |
| // clang-format on |
| }; |
| |
| const std::vector<const char*> before = { |
| // clang-format off |
| "%main = OpFunction %void None %16", |
| "%39 = OpLabel", |
| "%color1 = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_v4float Function", |
| "%color2 = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_v4float Function", |
| "%param = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_v4float Function", |
| "%color3 = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_v4float Function", |
| "%40 = OpLoad %26 %t2D", |
| "%41 = OpLoad %28 %samp", |
| "%42 = OpSampledImage %30 %40 %41", |
| "%43 = OpImageSampleImplicitLod %v4float %42 %33", |
| "%44 = OpImage %26 %42", |
| "%45 = OpLoad %28 %samp2", |
| "%46 = OpSampledImage %30 %44 %45", |
| "OpStore %color1 %43", |
| "%47 = OpLoad %v4float %BaseColor", |
| "OpStore %param %47", |
| "%48 = OpFunctionCall %float %foo_vf4_ %param", |
| "%49 = OpCompositeConstruct %v4float %48 %48 %48 %48", |
| "OpStore %color2 %49", |
| "%50 = OpImageSampleImplicitLod %v4float %46 %36", |
| "OpStore %color3 %50", |
| "%51 = OpLoad %v4float %color1", |
| "%52 = OpLoad %v4float %color2", |
| "%53 = OpFAdd %v4float %51 %52", |
| "%54 = OpLoad %v4float %color3", |
| "%55 = OpFAdd %v4float %53 %54", |
| "%56 = OpCompositeConstruct %v4float %float_3 %float_3 %float_3 %float_3", |
| "%57 = OpFDiv %v4float %55 %56", |
| "OpStore %FragColor %57", |
| "OpReturn", |
| "OpFunctionEnd", |
| // clang-format on |
| }; |
| |
| const std::vector<const char*> after = { |
| // clang-format off |
| "%main = OpFunction %void None %16", |
| "%39 = OpLabel", |
| "%68 = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_float Function", |
| "%69 = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_float Function", |
| "%color1 = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_v4float Function", |
| "%color2 = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_v4float Function", |
| "%param = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_v4float Function", |
| "%color3 = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_v4float Function", |
| "%40 = OpLoad %26 %t2D", |
| "%41 = OpLoad %28 %samp", |
| "%42 = OpSampledImage %30 %40 %41", |
| "%43 = OpImageSampleImplicitLod %v4float %42 %33", |
| "%44 = OpImage %26 %42", |
| "%45 = OpLoad %28 %samp2", |
| "%46 = OpSampledImage %30 %44 %45", |
| "OpStore %color1 %43", |
| "%47 = OpLoad %v4float %BaseColor", |
| "OpStore %param %47", |
| "%71 = OpAccessChain %_ptr_Function_float %param %uint_0", |
| "%72 = OpLoad %float %71", |
| "OpStore %68 %72", |
| "%73 = OpLoad %float %68", |
| "%74 = OpFOrdLessThan %bool %73 %float_0", |
| "OpSelectionMerge %78 None", |
| "OpBranchConditional %74 %75 %78", |
| "%75 = OpLabel", |
| "%76 = OpLoad %float %68", |
| "%77 = OpFNegate %float %76", |
| "OpStore %68 %77", |
| "OpBranch %78", |
| "%78 = OpLabel", |
| "%79 = OpLoad %float %68", |
| "OpStore %69 %79", |
| "%48 = OpLoad %float %69", |
| "%49 = OpCompositeConstruct %v4float %48 %48 %48 %48", |
| "OpStore %color2 %49", |
| "%80 = OpSampledImage %30 %40 %41", |
| "%81 = OpImage %26 %80", |
| "%82 = OpSampledImage %30 %81 %45", |
| "%50 = OpImageSampleImplicitLod %v4float %82 %36", |
| "OpStore %color3 %50", |
| "%51 = OpLoad %v4float %color1", |
| "%52 = OpLoad %v4float %color2", |
| "%53 = OpFAdd %v4float %51 %52", |
| "%54 = OpLoad %v4float %color3", |
| "%55 = OpFAdd %v4float %53 %54", |
| "%56 = OpCompositeConstruct %v4float %float_3 %float_3 %float_3 %float_3", |
| "%57 = OpFDiv %v4float %55 %56", |
| "OpStore %FragColor %57", |
| "OpReturn", |
| "OpFunctionEnd", |
| // clang-format on |
| }; |
| SinglePassRunAndCheck<InlineExhaustivePass>( |
| JoinAllInsts(Concat(Concat(predefs, before), nonEntryFuncs)), |
| JoinAllInsts(Concat(Concat(predefs, after), nonEntryFuncs)), |
| /* skip_nop = */ false, /* do_validate = */ true); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(InlineTest, EarlyReturnInLoopIsNotInlined) { |
| // #version 140 |
| // |
| // in vec4 BaseColor; |
| // |
| // float foo(vec4 bar) |
| // { |
| // while (true) { |
| // if (bar.x < 0.0) |
| // return 0.0; |
| // return bar.x; |
| // } |
| // } |
| // |
| // void main() |
| // { |
| // vec4 color = vec4(foo(BaseColor)); |
| // gl_FragColor = color; |
| // } |
| |
| const std::string assembly = |
| R"(OpCapability Shader |
| %1 = OpExtInstImport "GLSL.std.450" |
| OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450 |
| OpEntryPoint Fragment %main "main" %BaseColor %gl_FragColor |
| OpExecutionMode %main OriginUpperLeft |
| OpSource GLSL 140 |
| OpName %main "main" |
| OpName %foo_vf4_ "foo(vf4;" |
| OpName %bar "bar" |
| OpName %color "color" |
| OpName %BaseColor "BaseColor" |
| OpName %param "param" |
| OpName %gl_FragColor "gl_FragColor" |
| %void = OpTypeVoid |
| %10 = OpTypeFunction %void |
| %float = OpTypeFloat 32 |
| %v4float = OpTypeVector %float 4 |
| %_ptr_Function_v4float = OpTypePointer Function %v4float |
| %14 = OpTypeFunction %float %_ptr_Function_v4float |
| %bool = OpTypeBool |
| %true = OpConstantTrue %bool |
| %uint = OpTypeInt 32 0 |
| %uint_0 = OpConstant %uint 0 |
| %_ptr_Function_float = OpTypePointer Function %float |
| %float_0 = OpConstant %float 0 |
| %_ptr_Input_v4float = OpTypePointer Input %v4float |
| %BaseColor = OpVariable %_ptr_Input_v4float Input |
| %_ptr_Output_v4float = OpTypePointer Output %v4float |
| %gl_FragColor = OpVariable %_ptr_Output_v4float Output |
| %main = OpFunction %void None %10 |
| %23 = OpLabel |
| %color = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_v4float Function |
| %param = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_v4float Function |
| %24 = OpLoad %v4float %BaseColor |
| OpStore %param %24 |
| %25 = OpFunctionCall %float %foo_vf4_ %param |
| %26 = OpCompositeConstruct %v4float %25 %25 %25 %25 |
| OpStore %color %26 |
| %27 = OpLoad %v4float %color |
| OpStore %gl_FragColor %27 |
| OpReturn |
| OpFunctionEnd |
| %foo_vf4_ = OpFunction %float None %14 |
| %bar = OpFunctionParameter %_ptr_Function_v4float |
| %28 = OpLabel |
| OpBranch %29 |
| %29 = OpLabel |
| OpLoopMerge %30 %31 None |
| OpBranch %32 |
| %32 = OpLabel |
| OpBranchConditional %true %33 %30 |
| %33 = OpLabel |
| %34 = OpAccessChain %_ptr_Function_float %bar %uint_0 |
| %35 = OpLoad %float %34 |
| %36 = OpFOrdLessThan %bool %35 %float_0 |
| OpSelectionMerge %37 None |
| OpBranchConditional %36 %38 %37 |
| %38 = OpLabel |
| OpReturnValue %float_0 |
| %37 = OpLabel |
| %39 = OpAccessChain %_ptr_Function_float %bar %uint_0 |
| %40 = OpLoad %float %39 |
| OpReturnValue %40 |
| %31 = OpLabel |
| OpBranch %29 |
| %30 = OpLabel |
| %41 = OpUndef %float |
| OpReturnValue %41 |
| OpFunctionEnd |
| )"; |
| |
| SinglePassRunAndCheck<InlineExhaustivePass>(assembly, assembly, false, true); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(InlineTest, ExternalFunctionIsNotInlined) { |
| // In particular, don't crash. |
| // See report https://github.com/KhronosGroup/SPIRV-Tools/issues/605 |
| const std::string assembly = |
| R"(OpCapability Addresses |
| OpCapability Kernel |
| OpCapability Linkage |
| OpMemoryModel Physical32 OpenCL |
| OpEntryPoint Kernel %1 "entry_pt" |
| OpDecorate %2 LinkageAttributes "external" Import |
| %void = OpTypeVoid |
| %4 = OpTypeFunction %void |
| %2 = OpFunction %void None %4 |
| OpFunctionEnd |
| %1 = OpFunction %void None %4 |
| %5 = OpLabel |
| %6 = OpFunctionCall %void %2 |
| OpReturn |
| OpFunctionEnd |
| )"; |
| |
| SinglePassRunAndCheck<InlineExhaustivePass>(assembly, assembly, false, true); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(InlineTest, SingleBlockLoopCallsMultiBlockCallee) { |
| // Example from https://github.com/KhronosGroup/SPIRV-Tools/issues/787 |
| // |
| // CFG structure is: |
| // foo: |
| // fooentry -> fooexit |
| // |
| // main: |
| // entry -> loop |
| // loop -> loop, merge |
| // loop calls foo() |
| // merge |
| // |
| // Since the callee has multiple blocks, it will split the calling block |
| // into at least two, resulting in a new "back-half" block that contains |
| // the instructions after the inlined function call. If the calling block |
| // has an OpLoopMerge that points back to the calling block itself, then |
| // the OpLoopMerge can't remain in the back-half block, but must be |
| // moved to the end of the original calling block, and it continue target |
| // operand updated to point to the back-half block. |
| |
| const std::string predefs = |
| R"(OpCapability Shader |
| OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450 |
| OpEntryPoint GLCompute %1 "main" |
| OpSource OpenCL_C 120 |
| %bool = OpTypeBool |
| %true = OpConstantTrue %bool |
| %void = OpTypeVoid |
| %5 = OpTypeFunction %void |
| )"; |
| |
| const std::string nonEntryFuncs = |
| R"(%6 = OpFunction %void None %5 |
| %7 = OpLabel |
| OpBranch %8 |
| %8 = OpLabel |
| OpReturn |
| OpFunctionEnd |
| )"; |
| |
| const std::string before = |
| R"(%1 = OpFunction %void None %5 |
| %9 = OpLabel |
| OpBranch %10 |
| %10 = OpLabel |
| %11 = OpFunctionCall %void %6 |
| OpLoopMerge %12 %10 None |
| OpBranchConditional %true %10 %12 |
| %12 = OpLabel |
| OpReturn |
| OpFunctionEnd |
| )"; |
| |
| const std::string after = |
| R"(%1 = OpFunction %void None %5 |
| %9 = OpLabel |
| OpBranch %10 |
| %10 = OpLabel |
| OpLoopMerge %12 %15 None |
| OpBranch %14 |
| %14 = OpLabel |
| OpBranch %15 |
| %15 = OpLabel |
| OpBranchConditional %true %10 %12 |
| %12 = OpLabel |
| OpReturn |
| OpFunctionEnd |
| )"; |
| |
| SinglePassRunAndCheck<InlineExhaustivePass>(predefs + nonEntryFuncs + before, |
| predefs + nonEntryFuncs + after, |
| false, true); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(InlineTest, MultiBlockLoopHeaderCallsMultiBlockCallee) { |
| // Like SingleBlockLoopCallsMultiBlockCallee but the loop has several |
| // blocks, but the function call still occurs in the loop header. |
| // Example from https://github.com/KhronosGroup/SPIRV-Tools/issues/800 |
| |
| const std::string predefs = |
| R"(OpCapability Shader |
| OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450 |
| OpEntryPoint GLCompute %1 "main" |
| OpSource OpenCL_C 120 |
| %bool = OpTypeBool |
| %true = OpConstantTrue %bool |
| %int = OpTypeInt 32 1 |
| %int_1 = OpConstant %int 1 |
| %int_2 = OpConstant %int 2 |
| %int_3 = OpConstant %int 3 |
| %int_4 = OpConstant %int 4 |
| %int_5 = OpConstant %int 5 |
| %void = OpTypeVoid |
| %11 = OpTypeFunction %void |
| )"; |
| |
| const std::string nonEntryFuncs = |
| R"(%12 = OpFunction %void None %11 |
| %13 = OpLabel |
| %14 = OpCopyObject %int %int_1 |
| OpBranch %15 |
| %15 = OpLabel |
| %16 = OpCopyObject %int %int_2 |
| OpReturn |
| OpFunctionEnd |
| )"; |
| |
| const std::string before = |
| R"(%1 = OpFunction %void None %11 |
| %17 = OpLabel |
| OpBranch %18 |
| %18 = OpLabel |
| %19 = OpCopyObject %int %int_3 |
| %20 = OpFunctionCall %void %12 |
| %21 = OpCopyObject %int %int_4 |
| OpLoopMerge %22 %23 None |
| OpBranchConditional %true %23 %22 |
| %23 = OpLabel |
| %24 = OpCopyObject %int %int_5 |
| OpBranchConditional %true %18 %22 |
| %22 = OpLabel |
| OpReturn |
| OpFunctionEnd |
| )"; |
| |
| const std::string after = |
| R"(%1 = OpFunction %void None %11 |
| %17 = OpLabel |
| OpBranch %18 |
| %18 = OpLabel |
| %19 = OpCopyObject %int %int_3 |
| %26 = OpCopyObject %int %int_1 |
| OpLoopMerge %22 %23 None |
| OpBranch %27 |
| %27 = OpLabel |
| %28 = OpCopyObject %int %int_2 |
| %21 = OpCopyObject %int %int_4 |
| OpBranchConditional %true %23 %22 |
| %23 = OpLabel |
| %24 = OpCopyObject %int %int_5 |
| OpBranchConditional %true %18 %22 |
| %22 = OpLabel |
| OpReturn |
| OpFunctionEnd |
| )"; |
| |
| SinglePassRunAndCheck<InlineExhaustivePass>(predefs + nonEntryFuncs + before, |
| predefs + nonEntryFuncs + after, |
| false, true); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(InlineTest, SingleBlockLoopCallsMultiBlockCalleeHavingSelectionMerge) { |
| // This is similar to SingleBlockLoopCallsMultiBlockCallee except |
| // that calleee block also has a merge instruction in its first block. |
| // That merge instruction must be an OpSelectionMerge (because the entry |
| // block of a function can't be the header of a loop since the entry |
| // block can't be the target of a branch). |
| // |
| // In this case the OpLoopMerge can't be placed in the same block as |
| // the OpSelectionMerge, so inlining must create a new block to contain |
| // the callee contents. |
| // |
| // Additionally, we have two extra OpCopyObject instructions to prove that |
| // the OpLoopMerge is moved to the right location. |
| // |
| // Also ensure that OpPhis within the cloned callee code are valid. |
| // We need to test that the predecessor blocks are remapped correctly so that |
| // dominance rules are satisfied |
| |
| const std::string predefs = |
| R"(OpCapability Shader |
| OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450 |
| OpEntryPoint GLCompute %1 "main" |
| OpSource OpenCL_C 120 |
| %bool = OpTypeBool |
| %true = OpConstantTrue %bool |
| %false = OpConstantFalse %bool |
| %void = OpTypeVoid |
| %6 = OpTypeFunction %void |
| )"; |
| |
| // This callee has multiple blocks, and an OpPhi in the last block |
| // that references a value from the first block. This tests that |
| // cloned block IDs are remapped appropriately. The OpPhi dominance |
| // requires that the remapped %9 must be in a block that dominates |
| // the remapped %8. |
| const std::string nonEntryFuncs = |
| R"(%7 = OpFunction %void None %6 |
| %8 = OpLabel |
| %9 = OpCopyObject %bool %true |
| OpSelectionMerge %10 None |
| OpBranchConditional %true %10 %10 |
| %10 = OpLabel |
| %11 = OpPhi %bool %9 %8 |
| OpReturn |
| OpFunctionEnd |
| )"; |
| |
| const std::string before = |
| R"(%1 = OpFunction %void None %6 |
| %12 = OpLabel |
| OpBranch %13 |
| %13 = OpLabel |
| %14 = OpCopyObject %bool %false |
| %15 = OpFunctionCall %void %7 |
| OpLoopMerge %16 %13 None |
| OpBranchConditional %true %13 %16 |
| %16 = OpLabel |
| OpReturn |
| OpFunctionEnd |
| )"; |
| |
| // Note the remapped Phi uses %17 as the parent instead |
| // of %13, demonstrating that the parent block has been remapped |
| // correctly. |
| const std::string after = |
| R"(%1 = OpFunction %void None %6 |
| %12 = OpLabel |
| OpBranch %13 |
| %13 = OpLabel |
| %14 = OpCopyObject %bool %false |
| OpLoopMerge %16 %22 None |
| OpBranch %17 |
| %17 = OpLabel |
| %19 = OpCopyObject %bool %true |
| OpSelectionMerge %20 None |
| OpBranchConditional %true %20 %20 |
| %20 = OpLabel |
| %21 = OpPhi %bool %19 %17 |
| OpBranch %22 |
| %22 = OpLabel |
| OpBranchConditional %true %13 %16 |
| %16 = OpLabel |
| OpReturn |
| OpFunctionEnd |
| )"; |
| SinglePassRunAndCheck<InlineExhaustivePass>(predefs + nonEntryFuncs + before, |
| predefs + nonEntryFuncs + after, |
| false, true); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(InlineTest, |
| MultiBlockLoopHeaderCallsFromToMultiBlockCalleeHavingSelectionMerge) { |
| // This is similar to SingleBlockLoopCallsMultiBlockCalleeHavingSelectionMerge |
| // but the call is in the header block of a multi block loop. |
| |
| const std::string predefs = |
| R"(OpCapability Shader |
| OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450 |
| OpEntryPoint GLCompute %1 "main" |
| OpSource OpenCL_C 120 |
| %bool = OpTypeBool |
| %true = OpConstantTrue %bool |
| %int = OpTypeInt 32 1 |
| %int_1 = OpConstant %int 1 |
| %int_2 = OpConstant %int 2 |
| %int_3 = OpConstant %int 3 |
| %int_4 = OpConstant %int 4 |
| %int_5 = OpConstant %int 5 |
| %void = OpTypeVoid |
| %11 = OpTypeFunction %void |
| )"; |
| |
| const std::string nonEntryFuncs = |
| R"(%12 = OpFunction %void None %11 |
| %13 = OpLabel |
| %14 = OpCopyObject %int %int_1 |
| OpSelectionMerge %15 None |
| OpBranchConditional %true %15 %15 |
| %15 = OpLabel |
| %16 = OpCopyObject %int %int_2 |
| OpReturn |
| OpFunctionEnd |
| )"; |
| |
| const std::string before = |
| R"(%1 = OpFunction %void None %11 |
| %17 = OpLabel |
| OpBranch %18 |
| %18 = OpLabel |
| %19 = OpCopyObject %int %int_3 |
| %20 = OpFunctionCall %void %12 |
| %21 = OpCopyObject %int %int_4 |
| OpLoopMerge %22 %23 None |
| OpBranchConditional %true %23 %22 |
| %23 = OpLabel |
| %24 = OpCopyObject %int %int_5 |
| OpBranchConditional %true %18 %22 |
| %22 = OpLabel |
| OpReturn |
| OpFunctionEnd |
| )"; |
| |
| const std::string after = |
| R"(%1 = OpFunction %void None %11 |
| %17 = OpLabel |
| OpBranch %18 |
| %18 = OpLabel |
| %19 = OpCopyObject %int %int_3 |
| OpLoopMerge %22 %23 None |
| OpBranch %25 |
| %25 = OpLabel |
| %27 = OpCopyObject %int %int_1 |
| OpSelectionMerge %28 None |
| OpBranchConditional %true %28 %28 |
| %28 = OpLabel |
| %29 = OpCopyObject %int %int_2 |
| %21 = OpCopyObject %int %int_4 |
| OpBranchConditional %true %23 %22 |
| %23 = OpLabel |
| %24 = OpCopyObject %int %int_5 |
| OpBranchConditional %true %18 %22 |
| %22 = OpLabel |
| OpReturn |
| OpFunctionEnd |
| )"; |
| |
| SinglePassRunAndCheck<InlineExhaustivePass>(predefs + nonEntryFuncs + before, |
| predefs + nonEntryFuncs + after, |
| false, true); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(InlineTest, NonInlinableCalleeWithSingleReturn) { |
| // The case from https://github.com/KhronosGroup/SPIRV-Tools/issues/2018 |
| // |
| // The callee has a single return, but cannot be inlined because the |
| // return is inside a loop. |
| |
| const std::string predefs = |
| R"(OpCapability Shader |
| %1 = OpExtInstImport "GLSL.std.450" |
| OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450 |
| OpEntryPoint Fragment %main "main" %_GLF_color |
| OpExecutionMode %main OriginUpperLeft |
| OpSource ESSL 310 |
| OpName %main "main" |
| OpName %f_ "f(" |
| OpName %i "i" |
| OpName %_GLF_color "_GLF_color" |
| OpDecorate %_GLF_color Location 0 |
| %void = OpTypeVoid |
| %7 = OpTypeFunction %void |
| %float = OpTypeFloat 32 |
| %9 = OpTypeFunction %float |
| %float_1 = OpConstant %float 1 |
| %bool = OpTypeBool |
| %false = OpConstantFalse %bool |
| %int = OpTypeInt 32 1 |
| %_ptr_Function_int = OpTypePointer Function %int |
| %int_0 = OpConstant %int 0 |
| %int_1 = OpConstant %int 1 |
| %v4float = OpTypeVector %float 4 |
| %_ptr_Output_v4float = OpTypePointer Output %v4float |
| %_GLF_color = OpVariable %_ptr_Output_v4float Output |
| %float_0 = OpConstant %float 0 |
| %20 = OpConstantComposite %v4float %float_0 %float_0 %float_0 %float_0 |
| %21 = OpConstantComposite %v4float %float_0 %float_1 %float_0 %float_1 |
| )"; |
| |
| const std::string caller = |
| R"(%main = OpFunction %void None %7 |
| %22 = OpLabel |
| %i = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_int Function |
| OpStore %i %int_0 |
| OpBranch %23 |
| %23 = OpLabel |
| OpLoopMerge %24 %25 None |
| OpBranch %26 |
| %26 = OpLabel |
| %27 = OpLoad %int %i |
| %28 = OpSLessThan %bool %27 %int_1 |
| OpBranchConditional %28 %29 %24 |
| %29 = OpLabel |
| OpStore %_GLF_color %20 |
| %30 = OpFunctionCall %float %f_ |
| OpBranch %25 |
| %25 = OpLabel |
| %31 = OpLoad %int %i |
| %32 = OpIAdd %int %31 %int_1 |
| OpStore %i %32 |
| OpBranch %23 |
| %24 = OpLabel |
| OpStore %_GLF_color %21 |
| OpReturn |
| OpFunctionEnd |
| )"; |
| |
| const std::string callee = |
| R"(%f_ = OpFunction %float None %9 |
| %33 = OpLabel |
| OpBranch %34 |
| %34 = OpLabel |
| OpLoopMerge %35 %36 None |
| OpBranch %37 |
| %37 = OpLabel |
| OpReturnValue %float_1 |
| %36 = OpLabel |
| OpBranch %34 |
| %35 = OpLabel |
| OpUnreachable |
| OpFunctionEnd |
| )"; |
| |
| SinglePassRunAndCheck<InlineExhaustivePass>( |
| predefs + caller + callee, predefs + caller + callee, false, true); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(InlineTest, Decorated1) { |
| // Same test as Simple with the difference |
| // that OpFAdd in the outlined function is |
| // decorated with RelaxedPrecision |
| // Expected result is an equal decoration |
| // of the corresponding inlined instruction |
| // |
| // #version 140 |
| // |
| // in vec4 BaseColor; |
| // |
| // float foo(vec4 bar) |
| // { |
| // return bar.x + bar.y; |
| // } |
| // |
| // void main() |
| // { |
| // vec4 color = vec4(foo(BaseColor)); |
| // gl_FragColor = color; |
| // } |
| |
| const std::string predefs = |
| R"(OpCapability Shader |
| %1 = OpExtInstImport "GLSL.std.450" |
| OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450 |
| OpEntryPoint Fragment %main "main" %BaseColor %gl_FragColor |
| OpExecutionMode %main OriginUpperLeft |
| OpSource GLSL 140 |
| OpName %main "main" |
| OpName %foo_vf4_ "foo(vf4;" |
| OpName %bar "bar" |
| OpName %color "color" |
| OpName %BaseColor "BaseColor" |
| OpName %param "param" |
| OpName %gl_FragColor "gl_FragColor" |
| OpDecorate %9 RelaxedPrecision |
| )"; |
| |
| const std::string before = |
| R"(%void = OpTypeVoid |
| %11 = OpTypeFunction %void |
| %float = OpTypeFloat 32 |
| %v4float = OpTypeVector %float 4 |
| %_ptr_Function_v4float = OpTypePointer Function %v4float |
| %15 = OpTypeFunction %float %_ptr_Function_v4float |
| %uint = OpTypeInt 32 0 |
| %uint_0 = OpConstant %uint 0 |
| %_ptr_Function_float = OpTypePointer Function %float |
| %uint_1 = OpConstant %uint 1 |
| %_ptr_Input_v4float = OpTypePointer Input %v4float |
| %BaseColor = OpVariable %_ptr_Input_v4float Input |
| %_ptr_Output_v4float = OpTypePointer Output %v4float |
| %gl_FragColor = OpVariable %_ptr_Output_v4float Output |
| %main = OpFunction %void None %11 |
| %22 = OpLabel |
| %color = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_v4float Function |
| %param = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_v4float Function |
| %23 = OpLoad %v4float %BaseColor |
| OpStore %param %23 |
| %24 = OpFunctionCall %float %foo_vf4_ %param |
| %25 = OpCompositeConstruct %v4float %24 %24 %24 %24 |
| OpStore %color %25 |
| %26 = OpLoad %v4float %color |
| OpStore %gl_FragColor %26 |
| OpReturn |
| OpFunctionEnd |
| )"; |
| |
| const std::string after = |
| R"(OpDecorate %38 RelaxedPrecision |
| %void = OpTypeVoid |
| %11 = OpTypeFunction %void |
| %float = OpTypeFloat 32 |
| %v4float = OpTypeVector %float 4 |
| %_ptr_Function_v4float = OpTypePointer Function %v4float |
| %15 = OpTypeFunction %float %_ptr_Function_v4float |
| %uint = OpTypeInt 32 0 |
| %uint_0 = OpConstant %uint 0 |
| %_ptr_Function_float = OpTypePointer Function %float |
| %uint_1 = OpConstant %uint 1 |
| %_ptr_Input_v4float = OpTypePointer Input %v4float |
| %BaseColor = OpVariable %_ptr_Input_v4float Input |
| %_ptr_Output_v4float = OpTypePointer Output %v4float |
| %gl_FragColor = OpVariable %_ptr_Output_v4float Output |
| %main = OpFunction %void None %11 |
| %22 = OpLabel |
| %32 = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_float Function |
| %color = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_v4float Function |
| %param = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_v4float Function |
| %23 = OpLoad %v4float %BaseColor |
| OpStore %param %23 |
| %34 = OpAccessChain %_ptr_Function_float %param %uint_0 |
| %35 = OpLoad %float %34 |
| %36 = OpAccessChain %_ptr_Function_float %param %uint_1 |
| %37 = OpLoad %float %36 |
| %38 = OpFAdd %float %35 %37 |
| OpStore %32 %38 |
| %24 = OpLoad %float %32 |
| %25 = OpCompositeConstruct %v4float %24 %24 %24 %24 |
| OpStore %color %25 |
| %26 = OpLoad %v4float %color |
| OpStore %gl_FragColor %26 |
| OpReturn |
| OpFunctionEnd |
| )"; |
| |
| const std::string nonEntryFuncs = |
| R"(%foo_vf4_ = OpFunction %float None %15 |
| %bar = OpFunctionParameter %_ptr_Function_v4float |
| %27 = OpLabel |
| %28 = OpAccessChain %_ptr_Function_float %bar %uint_0 |
| %29 = OpLoad %float %28 |
| %30 = OpAccessChain %_ptr_Function_float %bar %uint_1 |
| %31 = OpLoad %float %30 |
| %9 = OpFAdd %float %29 %31 |
| OpReturnValue %9 |
| OpFunctionEnd |
| )"; |
| SinglePassRunAndCheck<InlineExhaustivePass>(predefs + before + nonEntryFuncs, |
| predefs + after + nonEntryFuncs, |
| false, true); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(InlineTest, Decorated2) { |
| // Same test as Simple with the difference |
| // that the Result <id> of the outlined OpFunction |
| // is decorated with RelaxedPrecision |
| // Expected result is an equal decoration |
| // of the created return variable |
| // |
| // #version 140 |
| // |
| // in vec4 BaseColor; |
| // |
| // float foo(vec4 bar) |
| // { |
| // return bar.x + bar.y; |
| // } |
| // |
| // void main() |
| // { |
| // vec4 color = vec4(foo(BaseColor)); |
| // gl_FragColor = color; |
| // } |
| |
| const std::string predefs = |
| R"(OpCapability Shader |
| %1 = OpExtInstImport "GLSL.std.450" |
| OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450 |
| OpEntryPoint Fragment %main "main" %BaseColor %gl_FragColor |
| OpExecutionMode %main OriginUpperLeft |
| OpSource GLSL 140 |
| OpName %main "main" |
| OpName %foo_vf4_ "foo(vf4;" |
| OpName %bar "bar" |
| OpName %color "color" |
| OpName %BaseColor "BaseColor" |
| OpName %param "param" |
| OpName %gl_FragColor "gl_FragColor" |
| OpDecorate %foo_vf4_ RelaxedPrecision |
| )"; |
| |
| const std::string before = |
| R"(%void = OpTypeVoid |
| %10 = OpTypeFunction %void |
| %float = OpTypeFloat 32 |
| %v4float = OpTypeVector %float 4 |
| %_ptr_Function_v4float = OpTypePointer Function %v4float |
| %14 = OpTypeFunction %float %_ptr_Function_v4float |
| %uint = OpTypeInt 32 0 |
| %uint_0 = OpConstant %uint 0 |
| %_ptr_Function_float = OpTypePointer Function %float |
| %uint_1 = OpConstant %uint 1 |
| %_ptr_Input_v4float = OpTypePointer Input %v4float |
| %BaseColor = OpVariable %_ptr_Input_v4float Input |
| %_ptr_Output_v4float = OpTypePointer Output %v4float |
| %gl_FragColor = OpVariable %_ptr_Output_v4float Output |
| %main = OpFunction %void None %10 |
| %21 = OpLabel |
| %color = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_v4float Function |
| %param = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_v4float Function |
| %22 = OpLoad %v4float %BaseColor |
| OpStore %param %22 |
| %23 = OpFunctionCall %float %foo_vf4_ %param |
| %24 = OpCompositeConstruct %v4float %23 %23 %23 %23 |
| OpStore %color %24 |
| %25 = OpLoad %v4float %color |
| OpStore %gl_FragColor %25 |
| OpReturn |
| OpFunctionEnd |
| )"; |
| |
| const std::string after = |
| R"(OpDecorate %32 RelaxedPrecision |
| %void = OpTypeVoid |
| %10 = OpTypeFunction %void |
| %float = OpTypeFloat 32 |
| %v4float = OpTypeVector %float 4 |
| %_ptr_Function_v4float = OpTypePointer Function %v4float |
| %14 = OpTypeFunction %float %_ptr_Function_v4float |
| %uint = OpTypeInt 32 0 |
| %uint_0 = OpConstant %uint 0 |
| %_ptr_Function_float = OpTypePointer Function %float |
| %uint_1 = OpConstant %uint 1 |
| %_ptr_Input_v4float = OpTypePointer Input %v4float |
| %BaseColor = OpVariable %_ptr_Input_v4float Input |
| %_ptr_Output_v4float = OpTypePointer Output %v4float |
| %gl_FragColor = OpVariable %_ptr_Output_v4float Output |
| %main = OpFunction %void None %10 |
| %21 = OpLabel |
| %32 = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_float Function |
| %color = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_v4float Function |
| %param = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_v4float Function |
| %22 = OpLoad %v4float %BaseColor |
| OpStore %param %22 |
| %34 = OpAccessChain %_ptr_Function_float %param %uint_0 |
| %35 = OpLoad %float %34 |
| %36 = OpAccessChain %_ptr_Function_float %param %uint_1 |
| %37 = OpLoad %float %36 |
| %38 = OpFAdd %float %35 %37 |
| OpStore %32 %38 |
| %23 = OpLoad %float %32 |
| %24 = OpCompositeConstruct %v4float %23 %23 %23 %23 |
| OpStore %color %24 |
| %25 = OpLoad %v4float %color |
| OpStore %gl_FragColor %25 |
| OpReturn |
| OpFunctionEnd |
| )"; |
| |
| const std::string nonEntryFuncs = |
| R"(%foo_vf4_ = OpFunction %float None %14 |
| %bar = OpFunctionParameter %_ptr_Function_v4float |
| %26 = OpLabel |
| %27 = OpAccessChain %_ptr_Function_float %bar %uint_0 |
| %28 = OpLoad %float %27 |
| %29 = OpAccessChain %_ptr_Function_float %bar %uint_1 |
| %30 = OpLoad %float %29 |
| %31 = OpFAdd %float %28 %30 |
| OpReturnValue %31 |
| OpFunctionEnd |
| )"; |
| SinglePassRunAndCheck<InlineExhaustivePass>(predefs + before + nonEntryFuncs, |
| predefs + after + nonEntryFuncs, |
| false, true); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(InlineTest, DeleteName) { |
| // Test that the name of the result id of the call is deleted. |
| const std::string before = |
| R"( |
| OpCapability Shader |
| OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450 |
| OpEntryPoint Vertex %main "main" |
| OpName %main "main" |
| OpName %main_entry "main_entry" |
| OpName %foo_result "foo_result" |
| OpName %void_fn "void_fn" |
| OpName %foo "foo" |
| OpName %foo_entry "foo_entry" |
| %void = OpTypeVoid |
| %void_fn = OpTypeFunction %void |
| %foo = OpFunction %void None %void_fn |
| %foo_entry = OpLabel |
| OpReturn |
| OpFunctionEnd |
| %main = OpFunction %void None %void_fn |
| %main_entry = OpLabel |
| %foo_result = OpFunctionCall %void %foo |
| OpReturn |
| OpFunctionEnd |
| )"; |
| |
| const std::string after = |
| R"(OpCapability Shader |
| OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450 |
| OpEntryPoint Vertex %main "main" |
| OpName %main "main" |
| OpName %main_entry "main_entry" |
| OpName %void_fn "void_fn" |
| OpName %foo "foo" |
| OpName %foo_entry "foo_entry" |
| %void = OpTypeVoid |
| %void_fn = OpTypeFunction %void |
| %foo = OpFunction %void None %void_fn |
| %foo_entry = OpLabel |
| OpReturn |
| OpFunctionEnd |
| %main = OpFunction %void None %void_fn |
| %main_entry = OpLabel |
| OpReturn |
| OpFunctionEnd |
| )"; |
| |
| SinglePassRunAndCheck<InlineExhaustivePass>(before, after, false, true); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(InlineTest, SetParent) { |
| // Test that after inlining all basic blocks have the correct parent. |
| const std::string text = |
| R"( |
| OpCapability Shader |
| OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450 |
| OpEntryPoint Vertex %main "main" |
| OpName %main "main" |
| OpName %main_entry "main_entry" |
| OpName %foo_result "foo_result" |
| OpName %void_fn "void_fn" |
| OpName %foo "foo" |
| OpName %foo_entry "foo_entry" |
| %void = OpTypeVoid |
| %void_fn = OpTypeFunction %void |
| %foo = OpFunction %void None %void_fn |
| %foo_entry = OpLabel |
| OpReturn |
| OpFunctionEnd |
| %main = OpFunction %void None %void_fn |
| %main_entry = OpLabel |
| %foo_result = OpFunctionCall %void %foo |
| OpReturn |
| OpFunctionEnd |
| )"; |
| |
| std::unique_ptr<IRContext> context = |
| BuildModule(SPV_ENV_UNIVERSAL_1_2, nullptr, text); |
| InlineExhaustivePass pass; |
| pass.Run(context.get()); |
| |
| for (Function& func : *context->module()) { |
| for (BasicBlock& bb : func) { |
| EXPECT_TRUE(bb.GetParent() == &func); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(InlineTest, OpVariableWithInit) { |
| // Check that there is a store that corresponds to the initializer. This |
| // test makes sure that is a store to the variable in the loop and before any |
| // load. |
| const std::string text = R"( |
| ; CHECK: OpFunction |
| ; CHECK-NOT: OpFunctionEnd |
| ; CHECK: [[var:%\w+]] = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_float Function %float_0 |
| ; CHECK: OpLoopMerge [[outer_merge:%\w+]] |
| ; CHECK-NOT: OpLoad %float [[var]] |
| ; CHECK: OpStore [[var]] %float_0 |
| ; CHECK: OpFunctionEnd |
| OpCapability Shader |
| %1 = OpExtInstImport "GLSL.std.450" |
| OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450 |
| OpEntryPoint Fragment %main "main" %o |
| OpExecutionMode %main OriginUpperLeft |
| OpSource GLSL 450 |
| OpDecorate %o Location 0 |
| %void = OpTypeVoid |
| %3 = OpTypeFunction %void |
| %float = OpTypeFloat 32 |
| %7 = OpTypeFunction %float |
| %_ptr_Function_float = OpTypePointer Function %float |
| %float_0 = OpConstant %float 0 |
| %bool = OpTypeBool |
| %float_1 = OpConstant %float 1 |
| %_ptr_Output_float = OpTypePointer Output %float |
| %o = OpVariable %_ptr_Output_float Output |
| %int = OpTypeInt 32 1 |
| %_ptr_Function_int = OpTypePointer Function %int |
| %_ptr_Input_int = OpTypePointer Input %int |
| %int_0 = OpConstant %int 0 |
| %int_1 = OpConstant %int 1 |
| %int_2 = OpConstant %int 2 |
| %main = OpFunction %void None %3 |
| %5 = OpLabel |
| OpStore %o %float_0 |
| OpBranch %34 |
| %34 = OpLabel |
| %39 = OpPhi %int %int_0 %5 %47 %37 |
| OpLoopMerge %36 %37 None |
| OpBranch %38 |
| %38 = OpLabel |
| %41 = OpSLessThan %bool %39 %int_2 |
| OpBranchConditional %41 %35 %36 |
| %35 = OpLabel |
| %42 = OpFunctionCall %float %foo_ |
| %43 = OpLoad %float %o |
| %44 = OpFAdd %float %43 %42 |
| OpStore %o %44 |
| OpBranch %37 |
| %37 = OpLabel |
| %47 = OpIAdd %int %39 %int_1 |
| OpBranch %34 |
| %36 = OpLabel |
| OpReturn |
| OpFunctionEnd |
| %foo_ = OpFunction %float None %7 |
| %9 = OpLabel |
| %n = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_float Function %float_0 |
| %13 = OpLoad %float %n |
| %15 = OpFOrdEqual %bool %13 %float_0 |
| OpSelectionMerge %17 None |
| OpBranchConditional %15 %16 %17 |
| %16 = OpLabel |
| %19 = OpLoad %float %n |
| %20 = OpFAdd %float %19 %float_1 |
| OpStore %n %20 |
| OpBranch %17 |
| %17 = OpLabel |
| %21 = OpLoad %float %n |
| OpReturnValue %21 |
| OpFunctionEnd |
| )"; |
| |
| SinglePassRunAndMatch<InlineExhaustivePass>(text, true); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(InlineTest, DontInlineDirectlyRecursiveFunc) { |
| // Test that the name of the result id of the call is deleted. |
| const std::string test = |
| R"(OpCapability Shader |
| OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450 |
| OpEntryPoint Fragment %1 "main" |
| OpExecutionMode %1 OriginUpperLeft |
| %void = OpTypeVoid |
| %4 = OpTypeFunction %void |
| %float = OpTypeFloat 32 |
| %_struct_6 = OpTypeStruct %float %float |
| %15 = OpConstantNull %_struct_6 |
| %7 = OpTypeFunction %_struct_6 |
| %1 = OpFunction %void Pure|Const %4 |
| %8 = OpLabel |
| %2 = OpFunctionCall %_struct_6 %9 |
| OpKill |
| OpFunctionEnd |
| %9 = OpFunction %_struct_6 None %7 |
| %10 = OpLabel |
| %11 = OpFunctionCall %_struct_6 %9 |
| OpReturnValue %15 |
| OpFunctionEnd |
| )"; |
| |
| SinglePassRunAndCheck<InlineExhaustivePass>(test, test, false, true); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(InlineTest, DontInlineInDirectlyRecursiveFunc) { |
| // Test that the name of the result id of the call is deleted. |
| const std::string test = |
| R"(OpCapability Shader |
| OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450 |
| OpEntryPoint Fragment %1 "main" |
| OpExecutionMode %1 OriginUpperLeft |
| %void = OpTypeVoid |
| %4 = OpTypeFunction %void |
| %float = OpTypeFloat 32 |
| %_struct_6 = OpTypeStruct %float %float |
| %15 = OpConstantNull %_struct_6 |
| %7 = OpTypeFunction %_struct_6 |
| %1 = OpFunction %void Pure|Const %4 |
| %8 = OpLabel |
| %2 = OpFunctionCall %_struct_6 %9 |
| OpKill |
| OpFunctionEnd |
| %9 = OpFunction %_struct_6 None %7 |
| %10 = OpLabel |
| %11 = OpFunctionCall %_struct_6 %12 |
| OpReturnValue %15 |
| OpFunctionEnd |
| %12 = OpFunction %_struct_6 None %7 |
| %13 = OpLabel |
| %14 = OpFunctionCall %_struct_6 %9 |
| OpReturnValue %15 |
| OpFunctionEnd |
| )"; |
| |
| SinglePassRunAndCheck<InlineExhaustivePass>(test, test, false, true); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(InlineTest, DontInlineFuncWithOpKillInContinue) { |
| const std::string test = |
| R"(OpCapability Shader |
| %1 = OpExtInstImport "GLSL.std.450" |
| OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450 |
| OpEntryPoint Fragment %main "main" |
| OpExecutionMode %main OriginUpperLeft |
| OpSource GLSL 330 |
| OpName %main "main" |
| OpName %kill_ "kill(" |
| %void = OpTypeVoid |
| %3 = OpTypeFunction %void |
| %bool = OpTypeBool |
| %true = OpConstantTrue %bool |
| %main = OpFunction %void None %3 |
| %5 = OpLabel |
| OpBranch %9 |
| %9 = OpLabel |
| OpLoopMerge %11 %12 None |
| OpBranch %13 |
| %13 = OpLabel |
| OpBranchConditional %true %10 %11 |
| %10 = OpLabel |
| OpBranch %12 |
| %12 = OpLabel |
| %16 = OpFunctionCall %void %kill_ |
| OpBranch %9 |
| %11 = OpLabel |
| OpReturn |
| OpFunctionEnd |
| %kill_ = OpFunction %void None %3 |
| %7 = OpLabel |
| OpKill |
| OpFunctionEnd |
| )"; |
| |
| SinglePassRunAndCheck<InlineExhaustivePass>(test, test, false, true); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(InlineTest, DontInlineFuncWithDontInline) { |
| // Check that the function with DontInline flag is not inlined. |
| const std::string text = R"( |
| ; CHECK: %foo = OpFunction %int DontInline |
| ; CHECK: OpReturnValue %int_0 |
| |
| OpCapability Shader |
| OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450 |
| OpEntryPoint Fragment %main "main" |
| OpExecutionMode %main OriginUpperLeft |
| OpSource HLSL 600 |
| OpName %main "main" |
| OpName %foo "foo" |
| %int = OpTypeInt 32 1 |
| %int_0 = OpConstant %int 0 |
| %void = OpTypeVoid |
| %6 = OpTypeFunction %void |
| %7 = OpTypeFunction %int |
| %main = OpFunction %void None %6 |
| %8 = OpLabel |
| %9 = OpFunctionCall %int %foo |
| OpReturn |
| OpFunctionEnd |
| %foo = OpFunction %int DontInline %7 |
| %10 = OpLabel |
| OpReturnValue %int_0 |
| OpFunctionEnd |
| )"; |
| |
| SinglePassRunAndMatch<InlineExhaustivePass>(text, true); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(InlineTest, InlineFuncWithOpKillNotInContinue) { |
| const std::string before = |
| R"(OpCapability Shader |
| %1 = OpExtInstImport "GLSL.std.450" |
| OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450 |
| OpEntryPoint Fragment %main "main" |
| OpExecutionMode %main OriginUpperLeft |
| OpSource GLSL 330 |
| OpName %main "main" |
| OpName %kill_ "kill(" |
| %void = OpTypeVoid |
| %3 = OpTypeFunction %void |
| %bool = OpTypeBool |
| %true = OpConstantTrue %bool |
| %main = OpFunction %void None %3 |
| %5 = OpLabel |
| %16 = OpFunctionCall %void %kill_ |
| OpReturn |
| OpFunctionEnd |
| %kill_ = OpFunction %void None %3 |
| %7 = OpLabel |
| OpKill |
| OpFunctionEnd |
| )"; |
| |
| const std::string after = |
| R"(OpCapability Shader |
| %1 = OpExtInstImport "GLSL.std.450" |
| OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450 |
| OpEntryPoint Fragment %main "main" |
| OpExecutionMode %main OriginUpperLeft |
| OpSource GLSL 330 |
| OpName %main "main" |
| OpName %kill_ "kill(" |
| %void = OpTypeVoid |
| %3 = OpTypeFunction %void |
| %bool = OpTypeBool |
| %true = OpConstantTrue %bool |
| %main = OpFunction %void None %3 |
| %5 = OpLabel |
| OpKill |
| %18 = OpLabel |
| OpReturn |
| OpFunctionEnd |
| %kill_ = OpFunction %void None %3 |
| %7 = OpLabel |
| OpKill |
| OpFunctionEnd |
| )"; |
| |
| SinglePassRunAndCheck<InlineExhaustivePass>(before, after, false, true); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(InlineTest, DontInlineFuncWithOpTerminateInvocationInContinue) { |
| const std::string test = |
| R"(OpCapability Shader |
| OpExtension "SPV_KHR_terminate_invocation" |
| %1 = OpExtInstImport "GLSL.std.450" |
| OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450 |
| OpEntryPoint Fragment %main "main" |
| OpExecutionMode %main OriginUpperLeft |
| OpSource GLSL 330 |
| OpName %main "main" |
| OpName %kill_ "kill(" |
| %void = OpTypeVoid |
| %3 = OpTypeFunction %void |
| %bool = OpTypeBool |
| %true = OpConstantTrue %bool |
| %main = OpFunction %void None %3 |
| %5 = OpLabel |
| OpBranch %9 |
| %9 = OpLabel |
| OpLoopMerge %11 %12 None |
| OpBranch %13 |
| %13 = OpLabel |
| OpBranchConditional %true %10 %11 |
| %10 = OpLabel |
| OpBranch %12 |
| %12 = OpLabel |
| %16 = OpFunctionCall %void %kill_ |
| OpBranch %9 |
| %11 = OpLabel |
| OpReturn |
| OpFunctionEnd |
| %kill_ = OpFunction %void None %3 |
| %7 = OpLabel |
| OpTerminateInvocation |
| OpFunctionEnd |
| )"; |
| |
| SinglePassRunAndCheck<InlineExhaustivePass>(test, test, false, true); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(InlineTest, InlineFuncWithOpTerminateInvocationNotInContinue) { |
| const std::string before = |
| R"(OpCapability Shader |
| OpExtension "SPV_KHR_terminate_invocation" |
| %1 = OpExtInstImport "GLSL.std.450" |
| OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450 |
| OpEntryPoint Fragment %main "main" |
| OpExecutionMode %main OriginUpperLeft |
| OpSource GLSL 330 |
| OpName %main "main" |
| OpName %kill_ "kill(" |
| %void = OpTypeVoid |
| %3 = OpTypeFunction %void |
| %bool = OpTypeBool |
| %true = OpConstantTrue %bool |
| %main = OpFunction %void None %3 |
| %5 = OpLabel |
| %16 = OpFunctionCall %void %kill_ |
| OpReturn |
| OpFunctionEnd |
| %kill_ = OpFunction %void None %3 |
| %7 = OpLabel |
| OpTerminateInvocation |
| OpFunctionEnd |
| )"; |
| |
| const std::string after = |
| R"(OpCapability Shader |
| OpExtension "SPV_KHR_terminate_invocation" |
| %1 = OpExtInstImport "GLSL.std.450" |
| OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450 |
| OpEntryPoint Fragment %main "main" |
| OpExecutionMode %main OriginUpperLeft |
| OpSource GLSL 330 |
| OpName %main "main" |
| OpName %kill_ "kill(" |
| %void = OpTypeVoid |
| %3 = OpTypeFunction %void |
| %bool = OpTypeBool |
| %true = OpConstantTrue %bool |
| %main = OpFunction %void None %3 |
| %5 = OpLabel |
| OpTerminateInvocation |
| %18 = OpLabel |
| OpReturn |
| OpFunctionEnd |
| %kill_ = OpFunction %void None %3 |
| %7 = OpLabel |
| OpTerminateInvocation |
| OpFunctionEnd |
| )"; |
| |
| SinglePassRunAndCheck<InlineExhaustivePass>(before, after, false, true); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(InlineTest, InlineForLinkage) { |
| const std::string before = |
| R"(OpCapability SampledBuffer |
| OpCapability ImageBuffer |
| OpCapability Shader |
| OpCapability Linkage |
| OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450 |
| OpSource HLSL 630 |
| OpName %type_buffer_image "type.buffer.image" |
| OpName %output "output" |
| OpName %main "main" |
| OpName %color "color" |
| OpName %bb_entry "bb.entry" |
| OpName %param_var_color "param.var.color" |
| OpName %fn "fn" |
| OpName %color_0 "color" |
| OpName %bb_entry_0 "bb.entry" |
| OpName %v "v" |
| OpDecorate %main LinkageAttributes "main" Export |
| OpDecorate %output DescriptorSet 0 |
| OpDecorate %output Binding 1 |
| %float = OpTypeFloat 32 |
| %float_0_200000003 = OpConstant %float 0.200000003 |
| %v4float = OpTypeVector %float 4 |
| %6 = OpConstantComposite %v4float %float_0_200000003 %float_0_200000003 %float_0_200000003 %float_0_200000003 |
| %int = OpTypeInt 32 1 |
| %int_0 = OpConstant %int 0 |
| %type_buffer_image = OpTypeImage %float Buffer 2 0 0 2 Rgba32f |
| %_ptr_UniformConstant_type_buffer_image = OpTypePointer UniformConstant %type_buffer_image |
| %_ptr_Function_v4float = OpTypePointer Function %v4float |
| %11 = OpTypeFunction %float %_ptr_Function_v4float |
| %_ptr_Function_float = OpTypePointer Function %float |
| %output = OpVariable %_ptr_UniformConstant_type_buffer_image UniformConstant |
| %main = OpFunction %float None %11 |
| %color = OpFunctionParameter %_ptr_Function_v4float |
| %bb_entry = OpLabel |
| %param_var_color = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_v4float Function |
| %16 = OpLoad %v4float %color |
| OpStore %param_var_color %16 |
| %17 = OpFunctionCall %float %fn %param_var_color |
| OpReturnValue %17 |
| OpFunctionEnd |
| %fn = OpFunction %float None %11 |
| %color_0 = OpFunctionParameter %_ptr_Function_v4float |
| %bb_entry_0 = OpLabel |
| %v = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_v4float Function |
| %22 = OpLoad %v4float %color_0 |
| OpStore %v %22 |
| %23 = OpLoad %v4float %v |
| %24 = OpFMul %v4float %23 %6 |
| OpStore %v %24 |
| %26 = OpAccessChain %_ptr_Function_float %v %int_0 |
| %27 = OpLoad %float %26 |
| OpReturnValue %27 |
| OpFunctionEnd |
| )"; |
| |
| const std::string after = |
| R"(OpCapability SampledBuffer |
| OpCapability ImageBuffer |
| OpCapability Shader |
| OpCapability Linkage |
| OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450 |
| OpSource HLSL 630 |
| OpName %type_buffer_image "type.buffer.image" |
| OpName %output "output" |
| OpName %main "main" |
| OpName %color "color" |
| OpName %bb_entry "bb.entry" |
| OpName %param_var_color "param.var.color" |
| OpName %fn "fn" |
| OpName %color_0 "color" |
| OpName %bb_entry_0 "bb.entry" |
| OpName %v "v" |
| OpDecorate %main LinkageAttributes "main" Export |
| OpDecorate %output DescriptorSet 0 |
| OpDecorate %output Binding 1 |
| %float = OpTypeFloat 32 |
| %float_0_200000003 = OpConstant %float 0.200000003 |
| %v4float = OpTypeVector %float 4 |
| %6 = OpConstantComposite %v4float %float_0_200000003 %float_0_200000003 %float_0_200000003 %float_0_200000003 |
| %int = OpTypeInt 32 1 |
| %int_0 = OpConstant %int 0 |
| %type_buffer_image = OpTypeImage %float Buffer 2 0 0 2 Rgba32f |
| %_ptr_UniformConstant_type_buffer_image = OpTypePointer UniformConstant %type_buffer_image |
| %_ptr_Function_v4float = OpTypePointer Function %v4float |
| %11 = OpTypeFunction %float %_ptr_Function_v4float |
| %_ptr_Function_float = OpTypePointer Function %float |
| %output = OpVariable %_ptr_UniformConstant_type_buffer_image UniformConstant |
| %main = OpFunction %float None %11 |
| %color = OpFunctionParameter %_ptr_Function_v4float |
| %bb_entry = OpLabel |
| %28 = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_v4float Function |
| %29 = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_float Function |
| %param_var_color = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_v4float Function |
| %16 = OpLoad %v4float %color |
| OpStore %param_var_color %16 |
| %31 = OpLoad %v4float %param_var_color |
| OpStore %28 %31 |
| %32 = OpLoad %v4float %28 |
| %33 = OpFMul %v4float %32 %6 |
| OpStore %28 %33 |
| %34 = OpAccessChain %_ptr_Function_float %28 %int_0 |
| %35 = OpLoad %float %34 |
| OpStore %29 %35 |
| %17 = OpLoad %float %29 |
| OpReturnValue %17 |
| OpFunctionEnd |
| %fn = OpFunction %float None %11 |
| %color_0 = OpFunctionParameter %_ptr_Function_v4float |
| %bb_entry_0 = OpLabel |
| %v = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_v4float Function |
| %22 = OpLoad %v4float %color_0 |
| OpStore %v %22 |
| %23 = OpLoad %v4float %v |
| %24 = OpFMul %v4float %23 %6 |
| OpStore %v %24 |
| %26 = OpAccessChain %_ptr_Function_float %v %int_0 |
| %27 = OpLoad %float %26 |
| OpReturnValue %27 |
| OpFunctionEnd |
| )"; |
| SinglePassRunAndCheck<InlineExhaustivePass>(before, after, false, true); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(InlineTest, InlineFuncWithOpTerminateRayNotInContinue) { |
| const std::string text = |
| R"( |
| OpCapability RayTracingKHR |
| OpExtension "SPV_KHR_ray_tracing" |
| OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450 |
| OpEntryPoint AnyHitKHR %MyAHitMain2 "MyAHitMain2" %a |
| OpSource HLSL 630 |
| OpName %a "a" |
| OpName %MyAHitMain2 "MyAHitMain2" |
| OpName %param_var_a "param.var.a" |
| OpName %src_MyAHitMain2 "src.MyAHitMain2" |
| OpName %a_0 "a" |
| OpName %bb_entry "bb.entry" |
| %int = OpTypeInt 32 1 |
| %_ptr_IncomingRayPayloadKHR_int = OpTypePointer IncomingRayPayloadKHR %int |
| %void = OpTypeVoid |
| %6 = OpTypeFunction %void |
| %_ptr_Function_int = OpTypePointer Function %int |
| %14 = OpTypeFunction %void %_ptr_Function_int |
| %a = OpVariable %_ptr_IncomingRayPayloadKHR_int IncomingRayPayloadKHR |
| %MyAHitMain2 = OpFunction %void None %6 |
| %7 = OpLabel |
| %param_var_a = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_int Function |
| %10 = OpLoad %int %a |
| OpStore %param_var_a %10 |
| %11 = OpFunctionCall %void %src_MyAHitMain2 %param_var_a |
| %13 = OpLoad %int %param_var_a |
| OpStore %a %13 |
| OpReturn |
| OpFunctionEnd |
| %src_MyAHitMain2 = OpFunction %void None %14 |
| %a_0 = OpFunctionParameter %_ptr_Function_int |
| %bb_entry = OpLabel |
| %17 = OpLoad %int %a_0 |
| OpStore %a %17 |
| OpTerminateRayKHR |
| OpFunctionEnd |
| |
| ; CHECK: %MyAHitMain2 = OpFunction %void None |
| ; CHECK-NEXT: OpLabel |
| ; CHECK-NEXT: %param_var_a = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_int Function |
| ; CHECK-NEXT: OpLoad %int %a |
| ; CHECK-NEXT: OpStore %param_var_a {{%\d+}} |
| ; CHECK-NEXT: OpLoad %int %param_var_a |
| ; CHECK-NEXT: OpStore %a {{%\d+}} |
| ; CHECK-NEXT: OpTerminateRayKHR |
| ; CHECK-NEXT: OpLabel |
| ; CHECK-NEXT: OpLoad %int %param_var_a |
| ; CHECK-NEXT: OpStore %a %16 |
| ; CHECK-NEXT: OpReturn |
| ; CHECK-NEXT: OpFunctionEnd |
| )"; |
| |
| SinglePassRunAndMatch<InlineExhaustivePass>(text, false); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(InlineTest, EarlyReturnFunctionInlined) { |
| // #version 140 |
| // |
| // in vec4 BaseColor; |
| // |
| // float foo(vec4 bar) |
| // { |
| // if (bar.x < 0.0) |
| // return 0.0; |
| // return bar.x; |
| // } |
| // |
| // void main() |
| // { |
| // vec4 color = vec4(foo(BaseColor)); |
| // gl_FragColor = color; |
| // } |
| |
| const std::string predefs = |
| R"(OpCapability Shader |
| %1 = OpExtInstImport "GLSL.std.450" |
| OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450 |
| OpEntryPoint Fragment %main "main" %BaseColor %gl_FragColor |
| OpExecutionMode %main OriginUpperLeft |
| OpSource GLSL 140 |
| OpName %main "main" |
| OpName %foo_vf4_ "foo(vf4;" |
| OpName %bar "bar" |
| OpName %color "color" |
| OpName %BaseColor "BaseColor" |
| OpName %param "param" |
| OpName %gl_FragColor "gl_FragColor" |
| %void = OpTypeVoid |
| %10 = OpTypeFunction %void |
| %float = OpTypeFloat 32 |
| %v4float = OpTypeVector %float 4 |
| %_ptr_Function_v4float = OpTypePointer Function %v4float |
| %14 = OpTypeFunction %float %_ptr_Function_v4float |
| %uint = OpTypeInt 32 0 |
| %uint_0 = OpConstant %uint 0 |
| %_ptr_Function_float = OpTypePointer Function %float |
| %float_0 = OpConstant %float 0 |
| %bool = OpTypeBool |
| %_ptr_Input_v4float = OpTypePointer Input %v4float |
| %BaseColor = OpVariable %_ptr_Input_v4float Input |
| %_ptr_Output_v4float = OpTypePointer Output %v4float |
| %gl_FragColor = OpVariable %_ptr_Output_v4float Output |
| )"; |
| |
| const std::string foo = |
| R"(%foo_vf4_ = OpFunction %float None %14 |
| %bar = OpFunctionParameter %_ptr_Function_v4float |
| %27 = OpLabel |
| %28 = OpAccessChain %_ptr_Function_float %bar %uint_0 |
| %29 = OpLoad %float %28 |
| %30 = OpFOrdLessThan %bool %29 %float_0 |
| OpSelectionMerge %31 None |
| OpBranchConditional %30 %32 %31 |
| %32 = OpLabel |
| OpReturnValue %float_0 |
| %31 = OpLabel |
| %33 = OpAccessChain %_ptr_Function_float %bar %uint_0 |
| %34 = OpLoad %float %33 |
| OpReturnValue %34 |
| OpFunctionEnd |
| )"; |
| |
| const std::string fooMergeReturn = |
| R"(%foo_vf4_ = OpFunction %float None %14 |
| %bar = OpFunctionParameter %_ptr_Function_v4float |
| %27 = OpLabel |
| %41 = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_bool Function %false |
| %36 = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_float Function |
| OpSelectionMerge %35 None |
| OpSwitch %uint_0 %38 |
| %38 = OpLabel |
| %28 = OpAccessChain %_ptr_Function_float %bar %uint_0 |
| %29 = OpLoad %float %28 |
| %30 = OpFOrdLessThan %bool %29 %float_0 |
| OpSelectionMerge %31 None |
| OpBranchConditional %30 %32 %31 |
| %32 = OpLabel |
| OpStore %41 %true |
| OpStore %36 %float_0 |
| OpBranch %35 |
| %31 = OpLabel |
| %33 = OpAccessChain %_ptr_Function_float %bar %uint_0 |
| %34 = OpLoad %float %33 |
| OpStore %41 %true |
| OpStore %36 %34 |
| OpBranch %35 |
| %35 = OpLabel |
| %37 = OpLoad %float %36 |
| OpReturnValue %37 |
| OpFunctionEnd |
| )"; |
| |
| const std::string before = |
| R"(%main = OpFunction %void None %10 |
| %22 = OpLabel |
| %color = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_v4float Function |
| %param = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_v4float Function |
| %23 = OpLoad %v4float %BaseColor |
| OpStore %param %23 |
| %24 = OpFunctionCall %float %foo_vf4_ %param |
| %25 = OpCompositeConstruct %v4float %24 %24 %24 %24 |
| OpStore %color %25 |
| %26 = OpLoad %v4float %color |
| OpStore %gl_FragColor %26 |
| OpReturn |
| OpFunctionEnd |
| )"; |
| |
| const std::string after = |
| R"(%false = OpConstantFalse %bool |
| %_ptr_Function_bool = OpTypePointer Function %bool |
| %true = OpConstantTrue %bool |
| %main = OpFunction %void None %10 |
| %22 = OpLabel |
| %43 = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_bool Function %false |
| %44 = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_float Function |
| %45 = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_float Function |
| %color = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_v4float Function |
| %param = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_v4float Function |
| %23 = OpLoad %v4float %BaseColor |
| OpStore %param %23 |
| OpStore %43 %false |
| OpSelectionMerge %55 None |
| OpSwitch %uint_0 %47 |
| %47 = OpLabel |
| %48 = OpAccessChain %_ptr_Function_float %param %uint_0 |
| %49 = OpLoad %float %48 |
| %50 = OpFOrdLessThan %bool %49 %float_0 |
| OpSelectionMerge %52 None |
| OpBranchConditional %50 %51 %52 |
| %51 = OpLabel |
| OpStore %43 %true |
| OpStore %44 %float_0 |
| OpBranch %55 |
| %52 = OpLabel |
| %53 = OpAccessChain %_ptr_Function_float %param %uint_0 |
| %54 = OpLoad %float %53 |
| OpStore %43 %true |
| OpStore %44 %54 |
| OpBranch %55 |
| %55 = OpLabel |
| %56 = OpLoad %float %44 |
| OpStore %45 %56 |
| %24 = OpLoad %float %45 |
| %25 = OpCompositeConstruct %v4float %24 %24 %24 %24 |
| OpStore %color %25 |
| %26 = OpLoad %v4float %color |
| OpStore %gl_FragColor %26 |
| OpReturn |
| OpFunctionEnd |
| )"; |
| |
| // The early return case must be handled by merge-return first. |
| AddPass<MergeReturnPass>(); |
| AddPass<InlineExhaustivePass>(); |
| RunAndCheck(predefs + before + foo, predefs + after + fooMergeReturn); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(InlineTest, EarlyReturnNotAppearingLastInFunctionInlined) { |
| // Example from https://github.com/KhronosGroup/SPIRV-Tools/issues/755 |
| // |
| // Original example is derived from: |
| // |
| // #version 450 |
| // |
| // float foo() { |
| // if (true) { |
| // } |
| // } |
| // |
| // void main() { foo(); } |
| // |
| // But the order of basic blocks in foo is changed so that the return |
| // block is listed second-last. There is only one return in the callee |
| // but it does not appear last. |
| |
| const std::string predefs = |
| R"(OpCapability Shader |
| OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450 |
| OpEntryPoint Vertex %main "main" |
| OpSource GLSL 450 |
| OpName %main "main" |
| OpName %foo_ "foo(" |
| %void = OpTypeVoid |
| %4 = OpTypeFunction %void |
| %bool = OpTypeBool |
| %true = OpConstantTrue %bool |
| )"; |
| |
| const std::string foo = |
| R"(%foo_ = OpFunction %void None %4 |
| %7 = OpLabel |
| OpSelectionMerge %8 None |
| OpBranchConditional %true %9 %8 |
| %8 = OpLabel |
| OpReturn |
| %9 = OpLabel |
| OpBranch %8 |
| OpFunctionEnd |
| )"; |
| |
| const std::string fooMergeReturn = |
| R"(%uint = OpTypeInt 32 0 |
| %uint_0 = OpConstant %uint 0 |
| %false = OpConstantFalse %bool |
| %_ptr_Function_bool = OpTypePointer Function %bool |
| %foo_ = OpFunction %void None %4 |
| %7 = OpLabel |
| %18 = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_bool Function %false |
| OpSelectionMerge %12 None |
| OpSwitch %uint_0 %13 |
| %13 = OpLabel |
| OpSelectionMerge %8 None |
| OpBranchConditional %true %9 %8 |
| %8 = OpLabel |
| OpStore %18 %true |
| OpBranch %12 |
| %9 = OpLabel |
| OpBranch %8 |
| %12 = OpLabel |
| OpReturn |
| OpFunctionEnd |
| )"; |
| |
| const std::string before = |
| R"(%main = OpFunction %void None %4 |
| %10 = OpLabel |
| %11 = OpFunctionCall %void %foo_ |
| OpReturn |
| |