Properly mark IR changed if instruction folder creates more than one constant. (#3799)

In #3636, I missed that the instruction folder may create more than a
single constant per call.  Since CCP was only checking whether one
constant had been created after folding, it was wrongly thinking that
the IR had not changed.

Fixes #3738.
diff --git a/source/opt/ccp_pass.cpp b/source/opt/ccp_pass.cpp
index b007f24..2d19bcb 100644
--- a/source/opt/ccp_pass.cpp
+++ b/source/opt/ccp_pass.cpp
@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@
     // that CCP has modified the IR, independently of whether the constant is
     // actually propagated. See
     // for details.
-    if (folded_inst->result_id() == next_id) created_new_constant_ = true;
+    if (folded_inst->result_id() >= next_id) created_new_constant_ = true;
     return SSAPropagator::kInteresting;
diff --git a/test/opt/ccp_test.cpp b/test/opt/ccp_test.cpp
index f74fb47..943bc6c 100644
--- a/test/opt/ccp_test.cpp
+++ b/test/opt/ccp_test.cpp
@@ -1105,6 +1105,59 @@
   EXPECT_EQ(std::get<1>(result), Pass::Status::SuccessWithChange);
+// Test from
+// Similar to the previous one but more than one constant is generated in a
+// single call to the instruction folder.
+TEST_F(CCPTest, CCPNoChangeFailureSeveralConstantsDuringFolding) {
+  const std::string text = R"(
+               OpCapability Shader
+          %1 = OpExtInstImport "GLSL.std.450"
+               OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450
+               OpEntryPoint Fragment %2 "main"
+               OpExecutionMode %2 OriginUpperLeft
+       %void = OpTypeVoid
+          %4 = OpTypeFunction %void
+      %float = OpTypeFloat 32
+    %v3float = OpTypeVector %float 3
+       %uint = OpTypeInt 32 0
+     %uint_0 = OpConstant %uint 0
+       %bool = OpTypeBool
+     %v3bool = OpTypeVector %bool 3
+    %float_0 = OpConstant %float 0
+         %12 = OpConstantComposite %v3float %float_0 %float_0 %float_0
+%float_0_300000012 = OpConstant %float 0.300000012
+         %14 = OpConstantComposite %v3float %float_0_300000012 %float_0_300000012 %float_0_300000012
+; CCP is generating several constants during a single instruction evaluation.
+; When folding %19, it generates the constants %true and %24.  They are dead
+; because they cannot be replaced anywhere in the IR.  CCP was wrongly
+; considering the IR to be unmodified because of this.
+; CHECK: %true = OpConstantTrue %bool
+; CHECK: %24 = OpConstantComposite %v3bool %true %true %true
+; CHECK: %float_1 = OpConstant %float 1
+; CHECK: %float_0_699999988 = OpConstant %float 0.699999988
+          %2 = OpFunction %void None %4
+         %15 = OpLabel
+               OpBranch %16
+         %16 = OpLabel
+         %17 = OpPhi %v3float %12 %15 %14 %18
+         %19 = OpFOrdLessThan %v3bool %17 %14
+         %20 = OpAll %bool %19
+               OpLoopMerge %21 %18 None
+               OpBranchConditional %20 %18 %21
+         %18 = OpLabel
+               OpBranch %16
+         %21 = OpLabel
+         %22 = OpExtInst %v3float %1 FMix %12 %17 %14
+               OpReturn
+               OpFunctionEnd
+  auto result = SinglePassRunAndMatch<CCPPass>(text, true);
+  EXPECT_EQ(std::get<1>(result), Pass::Status::SuccessWithChange);
 }  // namespace
 }  // namespace opt
 }  // namespace spvtools