Validate during reduction (#2194)

* Run validator during reduction.

* Added functionality to validate modules after each reduction step, and some tests to check this is working.  Also fixed an issue where reduction passes were not guaranteed to be executed at their minimum granularities.
diff --git a/source/reduce/reducer.cpp b/source/reduce/reducer.cpp
index a751b71..4f4429a 100644
--- a/source/reduce/reducer.cpp
+++ b/source/reduce/reducer.cpp
@@ -81,6 +81,11 @@
     // Iterate through the available passes
     for (auto& pass : impl_->passes) {
+      // If this pass hasn't reached its minimum granularity then it's
+      // worth eventually doing another round of reductions, in order to
+      // try this pass at a finer granularity.
+      another_round_worthwhile |= !pass->ReachedMinimumGranularity();
       // Keep applying this pass at its current granularity until it stops
       // working or we hit the reduction step limit.
       impl_->consumer(SPV_MSG_INFO, nullptr, {},
@@ -89,14 +94,10 @@
         auto maybe_result = pass->TryApplyReduction(current_binary);
         if (maybe_result.empty()) {
           // This pass did not have any impact, so move on to the next pass.
-          // If this pass hasn't reached its minimum granularity then it's
-          // worth eventually doing another round of reductions, in order to
-          // try this pass at a finer granularity.
               SPV_MSG_INFO, nullptr, {},
               ("Pass " + pass->GetName() + " did not make a reduction step.")
-          another_round_worthwhile |= !pass->ReachedMinimumGranularity();
         std::stringstream stringstream;
@@ -105,7 +106,14 @@
                      << reductions_applied << ".";
         impl_->consumer(SPV_MSG_INFO, nullptr, {},
-        if (impl_->interestingness_function(maybe_result, reductions_applied)) {
+        if (!spvtools::SpirvTools(impl_->target_env).Validate(maybe_result)) {
+          // The reduction step went wrong and an invalid binary was produced.
+          // By design, this shouldn't happen; this is a safeguard to stop an
+          // invalid binary from being regarded as interesting.
+          impl_->consumer(SPV_MSG_INFO, nullptr, {},
+                          "Reduction step produced an invalid binary.");
+        } else if (impl_->interestingness_function(maybe_result,
+                                                   reductions_applied)) {
           // Success!  The binary produced by this reduction step is
           // interesting, so make it the binary of interest henceforth, and
           // note that it's worth doing another round of reduction passes.
diff --git a/test/reduce/CMakeLists.txt b/test/reduce/CMakeLists.txt
index 69731a6..cdd27b9 100644
--- a/test/reduce/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/test/reduce/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
+        validation_during_reduction_test.cpp
         LIBS SPIRV-Tools-reduce
diff --git a/test/reduce/reduce_test_util.cpp b/test/reduce/reduce_test_util.cpp
index 4561439..19ef749 100644
--- a/test/reduce/reduce_test_util.cpp
+++ b/test/reduce/reduce_test_util.cpp
@@ -64,5 +64,9 @@
   return result;
+void NopDiagnostic(spv_message_level_t /*level*/, const char* /*source*/,
+                   const spv_position_t& /*position*/,
+                   const char* /*message*/) {}
 }  // namespace reduce
 }  // namespace spvtools
diff --git a/test/reduce/reduce_test_util.h b/test/reduce/reduce_test_util.h
index 80cc092..499c774 100644
--- a/test/reduce/reduce_test_util.h
+++ b/test/reduce/reduce_test_util.h
@@ -72,6 +72,10 @@
 const uint32_t kReduceDisassembleOption =
+// Don't print reducer info during testing.
+void NopDiagnostic(spv_message_level_t /*level*/, const char* /*source*/,
+                   const spv_position_t& /*position*/, const char* /*message*/);
 }  // namespace reduce
 }  // namespace spvtools
diff --git a/test/reduce/reducer_test.cpp b/test/reduce/reducer_test.cpp
index 4ce68cc..88fc5e4 100644
--- a/test/reduce/reducer_test.cpp
+++ b/test/reduce/reducer_test.cpp
@@ -23,11 +23,6 @@
 namespace reduce {
 namespace {
-// Don't print reducer info during testing.
-void NopDiagnostic(spv_message_level_t /*level*/, const char* /*source*/,
-                   const spv_position_t& /*position*/,
-                   const char* /*message*/) {}
 // This changes its mind each time IsInteresting is invoked as to whether the
 // binary is interesting, until some limit is reached after which the binary is
 // always deemed interesting.  This is useful to test that reduction passes
diff --git a/test/reduce/validation_during_reduction_test.cpp b/test/reduce/validation_during_reduction_test.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bb7d14e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/reduce/validation_during_reduction_test.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,376 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2018 Google LLC
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+#include "reduce_test_util.h"
+#include "source/reduce/reducer.h"
+#include "source/reduce/reduction_pass.h"
+#include "source/reduce/remove_instruction_reduction_opportunity.h"
+namespace spvtools {
+namespace reduce {
+namespace {
+// A dumb reduction pass that removes global values regardless of whether they
+// are referenced. This is very likely to make the resulting module invalid.  We
+// use this to test the reducer's behavior in the scenario where a bad reduction
+// pass leads to an invalid module.
+class BlindlyRemoveGlobalValuesPass : public ReductionPass {
+ public:
+  // Creates the reduction pass in the context of the given target environment
+  // |target_env|
+  explicit BlindlyRemoveGlobalValuesPass(const spv_target_env target_env)
+      : ReductionPass(target_env) {}
+  ~BlindlyRemoveGlobalValuesPass() override = default;
+  // The name of this pass.
+  std::string GetName() const final { return "BlindlyRemoveGlobalValuesPass"; };
+ protected:
+  // Adds opportunities to remove all global values.  Assuming they are all
+  // referenced (directly or indirectly) from elsewhere in the module, each such
+  // opportunity will make the module invalid.
+  std::vector<std::unique_ptr<ReductionOpportunity>> GetAvailableOpportunities(
+      opt::IRContext* context) const final {
+    std::vector<std::unique_ptr<ReductionOpportunity>> result;
+    for (auto& inst : context->module()->types_values()) {
+      if (inst.HasResultId()) {
+        result.push_back(
+            MakeUnique<RemoveInstructionReductionOpportunity>(&inst));
+      }
+    }
+    return result;
+  }
+TEST(ValidationDuringReductionTest, CheckInvalidPassMakesNoProgress) {
+  // A module whose global values are all referenced, so that any application of
+  // MakeModuleInvalidPass will make the module invalid.
+  std::string original = R"(
+               OpCapability Shader
+          %1 = OpExtInstImport "GLSL.std.450"
+               OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450
+               OpEntryPoint Fragment %4 "main" %60
+               OpExecutionMode %4 OriginUpperLeft
+               OpSource ESSL 310
+               OpName %4 "main"
+               OpName %16 "buf2"
+               OpMemberName %16 0 "i"
+               OpName %18 ""
+               OpName %25 "buf1"
+               OpMemberName %25 0 "f"
+               OpName %27 ""
+               OpName %60 "_GLF_color"
+               OpMemberDecorate %16 0 Offset 0
+               OpDecorate %16 Block
+               OpDecorate %18 DescriptorSet 0
+               OpDecorate %18 Binding 2
+               OpMemberDecorate %25 0 Offset 0
+               OpDecorate %25 Block
+               OpDecorate %27 DescriptorSet 0
+               OpDecorate %27 Binding 1
+               OpDecorate %60 Location 0
+          %2 = OpTypeVoid
+          %3 = OpTypeFunction %2
+          %6 = OpTypeInt 32 1
+          %9 = OpConstant %6 0
+         %16 = OpTypeStruct %6
+         %17 = OpTypePointer Uniform %16
+         %18 = OpVariable %17 Uniform
+         %19 = OpTypePointer Uniform %6
+         %22 = OpTypeBool
+         %24 = OpTypeFloat 32
+         %25 = OpTypeStruct %24
+         %26 = OpTypePointer Uniform %25
+         %27 = OpVariable %26 Uniform
+         %28 = OpTypePointer Uniform %24
+         %31 = OpConstant %24 2
+         %56 = OpConstant %6 1
+         %58 = OpTypeVector %24 4
+         %59 = OpTypePointer Output %58
+         %60 = OpVariable %59 Output
+         %72 = OpUndef %24
+         %74 = OpUndef %6
+          %4 = OpFunction %2 None %3
+          %5 = OpLabel
+               OpBranch %10
+         %10 = OpLabel
+         %73 = OpPhi %6 %74 %5 %77 %34
+         %71 = OpPhi %24 %72 %5 %76 %34
+         %70 = OpPhi %6 %9 %5 %57 %34
+         %20 = OpAccessChain %19 %18 %9
+         %21 = OpLoad %6 %20
+         %23 = OpSLessThan %22 %70 %21
+               OpLoopMerge %12 %34 None
+               OpBranchConditional %23 %11 %12
+         %11 = OpLabel
+         %29 = OpAccessChain %28 %27 %9
+         %30 = OpLoad %24 %29
+         %32 = OpFOrdGreaterThan %22 %30 %31
+               OpSelectionMerge %34 None
+               OpBranchConditional %32 %33 %46
+         %33 = OpLabel
+         %40 = OpFAdd %24 %71 %30
+         %45 = OpISub %6 %73 %21
+               OpBranch %34
+         %46 = OpLabel
+         %50 = OpFMul %24 %71 %30
+         %54 = OpSDiv %6 %73 %21
+               OpBranch %34
+         %34 = OpLabel
+         %77 = OpPhi %6 %45 %33 %54 %46
+         %76 = OpPhi %24 %40 %33 %50 %46
+         %57 = OpIAdd %6 %70 %56
+               OpBranch %10
+         %12 = OpLabel
+         %61 = OpAccessChain %28 %27 %9
+         %62 = OpLoad %24 %61
+         %66 = OpConvertSToF %24 %21
+         %68 = OpConvertSToF %24 %73
+         %69 = OpCompositeConstruct %58 %62 %71 %66 %68
+               OpStore %60 %69
+               OpReturn
+               OpFunctionEnd
+  )";
+  spv_target_env env = SPV_ENV_UNIVERSAL_1_3;
+  Reducer reducer(env);
+  reducer.SetMessageConsumer(NopDiagnostic);
+  // Say that every module is interesting.
+  reducer.SetInterestingnessFunction(
+      [](const std::vector<uint32_t>&, uint32_t) -> bool { return true; });
+  reducer.AddReductionPass(MakeUnique<BlindlyRemoveGlobalValuesPass>(env));
+  std::vector<uint32_t> binary_in;
+  SpirvTools t(env);
+  ASSERT_TRUE(t.Assemble(original, &binary_in, kReduceAssembleOption));
+  std::vector<uint32_t> binary_out;
+  spvtools::ReducerOptions reducer_options;
+  reducer_options.set_step_limit(500);
+  reducer.Run(std::move(binary_in), &binary_out, reducer_options);
+  // The reducer should have no impact.
+  CheckEqual(env, original, binary_out);
+TEST(ValidationDuringReductionTest, CheckNotAlwaysInvalidCanMakeProgress) {
+  // A module with just one unreferenced global value.  All but one application
+  // of MakeModuleInvalidPass will make the module invalid.
+  std::string original = R"(
+               OpCapability Shader
+          %1 = OpExtInstImport "GLSL.std.450"
+               OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450
+               OpEntryPoint Fragment %4 "main" %60
+               OpExecutionMode %4 OriginUpperLeft
+               OpSource ESSL 310
+               OpName %4 "main"
+               OpName %16 "buf2"
+               OpMemberName %16 0 "i"
+               OpName %18 ""
+               OpName %25 "buf1"
+               OpMemberName %25 0 "f"
+               OpName %27 ""
+               OpName %60 "_GLF_color"
+               OpMemberDecorate %16 0 Offset 0
+               OpDecorate %16 Block
+               OpDecorate %18 DescriptorSet 0
+               OpDecorate %18 Binding 2
+               OpMemberDecorate %25 0 Offset 0
+               OpDecorate %25 Block
+               OpDecorate %27 DescriptorSet 0
+               OpDecorate %27 Binding 1
+               OpDecorate %60 Location 0
+          %2 = OpTypeVoid
+          %3 = OpTypeFunction %2
+          %6 = OpTypeInt 32 1
+          %9 = OpConstant %6 0
+         %16 = OpTypeStruct %6
+         %17 = OpTypePointer Uniform %16
+         %18 = OpVariable %17 Uniform
+         %19 = OpTypePointer Uniform %6
+         %22 = OpTypeBool
+         %24 = OpTypeFloat 32
+         %25 = OpTypeStruct %24
+         %26 = OpTypePointer Uniform %25
+         %27 = OpVariable %26 Uniform
+         %28 = OpTypePointer Uniform %24
+         %31 = OpConstant %24 2
+         %56 = OpConstant %6 1
+       %1000 = OpConstant %6 1000 ; It should be possible to remove this instruction without making the module invalid.
+         %58 = OpTypeVector %24 4
+         %59 = OpTypePointer Output %58
+         %60 = OpVariable %59 Output
+         %72 = OpUndef %24
+         %74 = OpUndef %6
+          %4 = OpFunction %2 None %3
+          %5 = OpLabel
+               OpBranch %10
+         %10 = OpLabel
+         %73 = OpPhi %6 %74 %5 %77 %34
+         %71 = OpPhi %24 %72 %5 %76 %34
+         %70 = OpPhi %6 %9 %5 %57 %34
+         %20 = OpAccessChain %19 %18 %9
+         %21 = OpLoad %6 %20
+         %23 = OpSLessThan %22 %70 %21
+               OpLoopMerge %12 %34 None
+               OpBranchConditional %23 %11 %12
+         %11 = OpLabel
+         %29 = OpAccessChain %28 %27 %9
+         %30 = OpLoad %24 %29
+         %32 = OpFOrdGreaterThan %22 %30 %31
+               OpSelectionMerge %34 None
+               OpBranchConditional %32 %33 %46
+         %33 = OpLabel
+         %40 = OpFAdd %24 %71 %30
+         %45 = OpISub %6 %73 %21
+               OpBranch %34
+         %46 = OpLabel
+         %50 = OpFMul %24 %71 %30
+         %54 = OpSDiv %6 %73 %21
+               OpBranch %34
+         %34 = OpLabel
+         %77 = OpPhi %6 %45 %33 %54 %46
+         %76 = OpPhi %24 %40 %33 %50 %46
+         %57 = OpIAdd %6 %70 %56
+               OpBranch %10
+         %12 = OpLabel
+         %61 = OpAccessChain %28 %27 %9
+         %62 = OpLoad %24 %61
+         %66 = OpConvertSToF %24 %21
+         %68 = OpConvertSToF %24 %73
+         %69 = OpCompositeConstruct %58 %62 %71 %66 %68
+               OpStore %60 %69
+               OpReturn
+               OpFunctionEnd
+  )";
+  // This is the same as the original, except that the constant declaration of
+  // 1000 is gone.
+  std::string expected = R"(
+               OpCapability Shader
+          %1 = OpExtInstImport "GLSL.std.450"
+               OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450
+               OpEntryPoint Fragment %4 "main" %60
+               OpExecutionMode %4 OriginUpperLeft
+               OpSource ESSL 310
+               OpName %4 "main"
+               OpName %16 "buf2"
+               OpMemberName %16 0 "i"
+               OpName %18 ""
+               OpName %25 "buf1"
+               OpMemberName %25 0 "f"
+               OpName %27 ""
+               OpName %60 "_GLF_color"
+               OpMemberDecorate %16 0 Offset 0
+               OpDecorate %16 Block
+               OpDecorate %18 DescriptorSet 0
+               OpDecorate %18 Binding 2
+               OpMemberDecorate %25 0 Offset 0
+               OpDecorate %25 Block
+               OpDecorate %27 DescriptorSet 0
+               OpDecorate %27 Binding 1
+               OpDecorate %60 Location 0
+          %2 = OpTypeVoid
+          %3 = OpTypeFunction %2
+          %6 = OpTypeInt 32 1
+          %9 = OpConstant %6 0
+         %16 = OpTypeStruct %6
+         %17 = OpTypePointer Uniform %16
+         %18 = OpVariable %17 Uniform
+         %19 = OpTypePointer Uniform %6
+         %22 = OpTypeBool
+         %24 = OpTypeFloat 32
+         %25 = OpTypeStruct %24
+         %26 = OpTypePointer Uniform %25
+         %27 = OpVariable %26 Uniform
+         %28 = OpTypePointer Uniform %24
+         %31 = OpConstant %24 2
+         %56 = OpConstant %6 1
+         %58 = OpTypeVector %24 4
+         %59 = OpTypePointer Output %58
+         %60 = OpVariable %59 Output
+         %72 = OpUndef %24
+         %74 = OpUndef %6
+          %4 = OpFunction %2 None %3
+          %5 = OpLabel
+               OpBranch %10
+         %10 = OpLabel
+         %73 = OpPhi %6 %74 %5 %77 %34
+         %71 = OpPhi %24 %72 %5 %76 %34
+         %70 = OpPhi %6 %9 %5 %57 %34
+         %20 = OpAccessChain %19 %18 %9
+         %21 = OpLoad %6 %20
+         %23 = OpSLessThan %22 %70 %21
+               OpLoopMerge %12 %34 None
+               OpBranchConditional %23 %11 %12
+         %11 = OpLabel
+         %29 = OpAccessChain %28 %27 %9
+         %30 = OpLoad %24 %29
+         %32 = OpFOrdGreaterThan %22 %30 %31
+               OpSelectionMerge %34 None
+               OpBranchConditional %32 %33 %46
+         %33 = OpLabel
+         %40 = OpFAdd %24 %71 %30
+         %45 = OpISub %6 %73 %21
+               OpBranch %34
+         %46 = OpLabel
+         %50 = OpFMul %24 %71 %30
+         %54 = OpSDiv %6 %73 %21
+               OpBranch %34
+         %34 = OpLabel
+         %77 = OpPhi %6 %45 %33 %54 %46
+         %76 = OpPhi %24 %40 %33 %50 %46
+         %57 = OpIAdd %6 %70 %56
+               OpBranch %10
+         %12 = OpLabel
+         %61 = OpAccessChain %28 %27 %9
+         %62 = OpLoad %24 %61
+         %66 = OpConvertSToF %24 %21
+         %68 = OpConvertSToF %24 %73
+         %69 = OpCompositeConstruct %58 %62 %71 %66 %68
+               OpStore %60 %69
+               OpReturn
+               OpFunctionEnd
+  )";
+  spv_target_env env = SPV_ENV_UNIVERSAL_1_3;
+  Reducer reducer(env);
+  reducer.SetMessageConsumer(NopDiagnostic);
+  // Say that every module is interesting.
+  reducer.SetInterestingnessFunction(
+      [](const std::vector<uint32_t>&, uint32_t) -> bool { return true; });
+  reducer.AddReductionPass(MakeUnique<BlindlyRemoveGlobalValuesPass>(env));
+  std::vector<uint32_t> binary_in;
+  SpirvTools t(env);
+  ASSERT_TRUE(t.Assemble(original, &binary_in, kReduceAssembleOption));
+  std::vector<uint32_t> binary_out;
+  spvtools::ReducerOptions reducer_options;
+  reducer_options.set_step_limit(500);
+  reducer.Run(std::move(binary_in), &binary_out, reducer_options);
+  CheckEqual(env, expected, binary_out);
+}  // namespace
+}  // namespace reduce
+}  // namespace spvtools