Handle variable pointer in some optimizations (#2490)

* Check var pointer capability in ADCE.

* Check var ptr capability for common uniform.

* Check var ptr capability in access chain convert.

Since we want this pass to run even if there are variable pointer on
storage buffers, we had to remove asserts that assumed there were no
variable pointers.  The functions with the asserts will now work, it
becomes the responsibility of the callers to deal with the output as

* Single block elimination and variable pointers.

It seems like the code in local single block elimination is able to
handle cases with variable pointers already.  This is because the
function `HasOnlySupportedRefs` ensures that variables that feed a
variable pointer are not candidates.

* Single store elimination and variable pointers.

It seems like the code in local single stroe elimination is able to
handle cases with variable pointers already.  This is because the
function `FindSingleStoreAndCheckUses` ensures that variables that feed
a variable pointer are not candidates.

* SSA rewriter and variable pointers.

It seems like the code in the two passes that call the SSA rewriter are
able to  handle cases with variable pointers already.  This is because the
function `HasOnlySupportedRefs` ensures that variables that feed
a variable pointer are not candidates.

Fixes #2458.
diff --git a/source/opt/aggressive_dead_code_elim_pass.cpp b/source/opt/aggressive_dead_code_elim_pass.cpp
index b5ce4cc..ac9dfb4 100644
--- a/source/opt/aggressive_dead_code_elim_pass.cpp
+++ b/source/opt/aggressive_dead_code_elim_pass.cpp
@@ -566,11 +566,19 @@
   // TODO(greg-lunarg): Handle additional capabilities
   if (!context()->get_feature_mgr()->HasCapability(SpvCapabilityShader))
     return Status::SuccessWithoutChange;
   // Current functionality assumes relaxed logical addressing (see
   // instruction.h)
   // TODO(greg-lunarg): Handle non-logical addressing
   if (context()->get_feature_mgr()->HasCapability(SpvCapabilityAddresses))
     return Status::SuccessWithoutChange;
+  // The variable pointer extension is no longer needed to use the capability,
+  // so we have to look for the capability.
+  if (context()->get_feature_mgr()->HasCapability(
+          SpvCapabilityVariablePointersStorageBuffer))
+    return Status::SuccessWithoutChange;
   // If any extensions in the module are not explicitly supported,
   // return unmodified.
   if (!AllExtensionsSupported()) return Status::SuccessWithoutChange;
diff --git a/source/opt/common_uniform_elim_pass.cpp b/source/opt/common_uniform_elim_pass.cpp
index 52d279f..7762fba 100644
--- a/source/opt/common_uniform_elim_pass.cpp
+++ b/source/opt/common_uniform_elim_pass.cpp
@@ -514,6 +514,9 @@
   // TODO(greg-lunarg): Add support for physical addressing
   if (context()->get_feature_mgr()->HasCapability(SpvCapabilityAddresses))
     return Status::SuccessWithoutChange;
+  if (context()->get_feature_mgr()->HasCapability(
+          SpvCapabilityVariablePointersStorageBuffer))
+    return Status::SuccessWithoutChange;
   // Do not process if any disallowed extensions are enabled
   if (!AllExtensionsSupported()) return Status::SuccessWithoutChange;
   // Do not process if module contains OpGroupDecorate. Additional
diff --git a/source/opt/instruction.cpp b/source/opt/instruction.cpp
index 5f3c5a8..5a82e53 100644
--- a/source/opt/instruction.cpp
+++ b/source/opt/instruction.cpp
@@ -155,12 +155,6 @@
 Instruction* Instruction::GetBaseAddress() const {
-  assert((IsLoad() || opcode() == SpvOpStore || opcode() == SpvOpAccessChain ||
-          opcode() == SpvOpPtrAccessChain ||
-          opcode() == SpvOpInBoundsAccessChain || opcode() == SpvOpCopyObject ||
-          opcode() == SpvOpImageTexelPointer) &&
-         "GetBaseAddress should only be called on instructions that take a "
-         "pointer or image.");
   uint32_t base = GetSingleWordInOperand(kLoadBaseIndex);
   Instruction* base_inst = context()->get_def_use_mgr()->GetDef(base);
   bool done = false;
@@ -182,24 +176,6 @@
-  switch (opcode()) {
-    case SpvOpLoad:
-    case SpvOpStore:
-    case SpvOpAccessChain:
-    case SpvOpInBoundsAccessChain:
-    case SpvOpPtrAccessChain:
-    case SpvOpImageTexelPointer:
-    case SpvOpCopyObject:
-      // A load or store through a pointer.
-      assert(base_inst->IsValidBasePointer() &&
-             "We cannot have a base pointer come from this load");
-      break;
-    default:
-      // A load or store of an image.
-      assert(base_inst->IsValidBaseImage() && "We are expecting an image.");
-      break;
-  }
   return base_inst;
diff --git a/source/opt/local_access_chain_convert_pass.cpp b/source/opt/local_access_chain_convert_pass.cpp
index 5b976a1..2258e61 100644
--- a/source/opt/local_access_chain_convert_pass.cpp
+++ b/source/opt/local_access_chain_convert_pass.cpp
@@ -264,6 +264,12 @@
 bool LocalAccessChainConvertPass::AllExtensionsSupported() const {
+  // This capability can now exist without the extension, so we have to check
+  // for the capability.  This pass is only looking at function scope symbols,
+  // so we do not care if there are variable pointers on storage buffers.
+  if (context()->get_feature_mgr()->HasCapability(
+          SpvCapabilityVariablePointers))
+    return false;
   // If any extension not in whitelist, return false
   for (auto& ei : get_module()->extensions()) {
     const char* extName =
diff --git a/source/opt/local_single_block_elim_pass.cpp b/source/opt/local_single_block_elim_pass.cpp
index 9330ab7..3e2eb7e 100644
--- a/source/opt/local_single_block_elim_pass.cpp
+++ b/source/opt/local_single_block_elim_pass.cpp
@@ -187,6 +187,7 @@
   // Assumes relaxed logical addressing only (see instruction.h).
   if (context()->get_feature_mgr()->HasCapability(SpvCapabilityAddresses))
     return Status::SuccessWithoutChange;
   // Do not process if module contains OpGroupDecorate. Additional
   // support required in KillNamesAndDecorates().
   // TODO(greg-lunarg): Add support for OpGroupDecorate
@@ -233,8 +234,7 @@
-      // SPV_KHR_variable_pointers
-      //   Currently do not support extended pointer expressions
+      "SPV_KHR_variable_pointers",
diff --git a/source/opt/local_single_store_elim_pass.cpp b/source/opt/local_single_store_elim_pass.cpp
index 6c09dec..f47777e 100644
--- a/source/opt/local_single_store_elim_pass.cpp
+++ b/source/opt/local_single_store_elim_pass.cpp
@@ -98,8 +98,7 @@
-      // SPV_KHR_variable_pointers
-      //   Currently do not support extended pointer expressions
+      "SPV_KHR_variable_pointers",
diff --git a/source/opt/local_ssa_elim_pass.cpp b/source/opt/local_ssa_elim_pass.cpp
index 8209aa4..df327a6 100644
--- a/source/opt/local_ssa_elim_pass.cpp
+++ b/source/opt/local_ssa_elim_pass.cpp
@@ -83,8 +83,7 @@
-      // SPV_KHR_variable_pointers
-      //   Currently do not support extended pointer expressions
+      "SPV_KHR_variable_pointers",
diff --git a/test/opt/aggressive_dead_code_elim_test.cpp b/test/opt/aggressive_dead_code_elim_test.cpp
index a883fb2..8b622ba 100644
--- a/test/opt/aggressive_dead_code_elim_test.cpp
+++ b/test/opt/aggressive_dead_code_elim_test.cpp
@@ -6338,6 +6338,57 @@
   SinglePassRunAndMatch<AggressiveDCEPass>(test, true);
+TEST_F(AggressiveDCETest, TestVariablePointer) {
+  const std::string before =
+      R"(OpCapability Shader
+OpCapability VariablePointers
+%1 = OpExtInstImport "GLSL.std.450"
+OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450
+OpEntryPoint GLCompute %2 "main"
+OpExecutionMode %2 LocalSize 1 1 1
+OpSource GLSL 450
+OpMemberDecorate %_struct_3 0 Offset 0
+OpDecorate %_struct_3 Block
+OpDecorate %4 DescriptorSet 0
+OpDecorate %4 Binding 0
+OpDecorate %_ptr_StorageBuffer_int ArrayStride 4
+OpDecorate %_arr_int_int_128 ArrayStride 4
+%void = OpTypeVoid
+%8 = OpTypeFunction %void
+%int = OpTypeInt 32 1
+%int_128 = OpConstant %int 128
+%_arr_int_int_128 = OpTypeArray %int %int_128
+%_struct_3 = OpTypeStruct %_arr_int_int_128
+%_ptr_StorageBuffer__struct_3 = OpTypePointer StorageBuffer %_struct_3
+%4 = OpVariable %_ptr_StorageBuffer__struct_3 StorageBuffer
+%bool = OpTypeBool
+%true = OpConstantTrue %bool
+%int_0 = OpConstant %int 0
+%int_1 = OpConstant %int 1
+%_ptr_StorageBuffer_int = OpTypePointer StorageBuffer %int
+%2 = OpFunction %void None %8
+%16 = OpLabel
+%17 = OpAccessChain %_ptr_StorageBuffer_int %4 %int_0 %int_0
+OpBranch %18
+%18 = OpLabel
+%19 = OpPhi %_ptr_StorageBuffer_int %17 %16 %20 %21
+OpLoopMerge %22 %21 None
+OpBranchConditional %true %23 %22
+%23 = OpLabel
+OpStore %19 %int_0
+OpBranch %21
+%21 = OpLabel
+%20 = OpPtrAccessChain %_ptr_StorageBuffer_int %19 %int_1
+OpBranch %18
+%22 = OpLabel
+  SinglePassRunAndCheck<AggressiveDCEPass>(before, before, true, true);
 // TODO(greg-lunarg): Add tests to verify handling of these cases:
 //    Check that logical addressing required
diff --git a/test/opt/common_uniform_elim_test.cpp b/test/opt/common_uniform_elim_test.cpp
index 9e39439..923f786 100644
--- a/test/opt/common_uniform_elim_test.cpp
+++ b/test/opt/common_uniform_elim_test.cpp
@@ -1383,6 +1383,91 @@
   SinglePassRunAndMatch<CommonUniformElimPass>(text, true);
+TEST_F(CommonUniformElimTest, TestVariablePointer) {
+  // Same test a basic1 except the variable pointers capability has been added.
+  // This should stop the transformation from running.
+  const std::string test =
+      R"(OpCapability Shader
+OpCapability VariablePointers
+%1 = OpExtInstImport "GLSL.std.450"
+OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450
+OpEntryPoint Fragment %main "main" %BaseColor %fi %gl_FragColor
+OpExecutionMode %main OriginUpperLeft
+OpSource GLSL 140
+OpName %main "main"
+OpName %v "v"
+OpName %BaseColor "BaseColor"
+OpName %fi "fi"
+OpName %U_t "U_t"
+OpMemberName %U_t 0 "g_F"
+OpMemberName %U_t 1 "g_F2"
+OpName %_ ""
+OpName %f2 "f2"
+OpName %gl_FragColor "gl_FragColor"
+OpMemberDecorate %U_t 0 Offset 0
+OpMemberDecorate %U_t 1 Offset 4
+OpDecorate %U_t Block
+OpDecorate %_ DescriptorSet 0
+%void = OpTypeVoid
+%11 = OpTypeFunction %void
+%float = OpTypeFloat 32
+%v4float = OpTypeVector %float 4
+%_ptr_Function_v4float = OpTypePointer Function %v4float
+%_ptr_Input_v4float = OpTypePointer Input %v4float
+%BaseColor = OpVariable %_ptr_Input_v4float Input
+%_ptr_Input_float = OpTypePointer Input %float
+%fi = OpVariable %_ptr_Input_float Input
+%float_0 = OpConstant %float 0
+%bool = OpTypeBool
+%U_t = OpTypeStruct %float %float
+%_ptr_Uniform_U_t = OpTypePointer Uniform %U_t
+%_ = OpVariable %_ptr_Uniform_U_t Uniform
+%int = OpTypeInt 32 1
+%int_0 = OpConstant %int 0
+%_ptr_Uniform_float = OpTypePointer Uniform %float
+%_ptr_Function_float = OpTypePointer Function %float
+%int_1 = OpConstant %int 1
+%_ptr_Output_v4float = OpTypePointer Output %v4float
+%gl_FragColor = OpVariable %_ptr_Output_v4float Output
+%main = OpFunction %void None %11
+%26 = OpLabel
+%v = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_v4float Function
+%f2 = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_float Function
+%27 = OpLoad %v4float %BaseColor
+OpStore %v %27
+%28 = OpLoad %float %fi
+%29 = OpFOrdGreaterThan %bool %28 %float_0
+OpSelectionMerge %30 None
+OpBranchConditional %29 %31 %32
+%31 = OpLabel
+%33 = OpLoad %v4float %v
+%34 = OpAccessChain %_ptr_Uniform_float %_ %int_0
+%35 = OpLoad %float %34
+%36 = OpVectorTimesScalar %v4float %33 %35
+OpStore %v %36
+OpBranch %30
+%32 = OpLabel
+%37 = OpAccessChain %_ptr_Uniform_float %_ %int_1
+%38 = OpLoad %float %37
+%39 = OpAccessChain %_ptr_Uniform_float %_ %int_0
+%40 = OpLoad %float %39
+%41 = OpFSub %float %38 %40
+OpStore %f2 %41
+%42 = OpLoad %v4float %v
+%43 = OpLoad %float %f2
+%44 = OpVectorTimesScalar %v4float %42 %43
+OpStore %v %44
+OpBranch %30
+%30 = OpLabel
+%45 = OpLoad %v4float %v
+OpStore %gl_FragColor %45
+  SinglePassRunAndCheck<CommonUniformElimPass>(test, test, true, true);
 // TODO(greg-lunarg): Add tests to verify handling of these cases:
 //    Disqualifying cases: extensions, decorations, non-logical addressing,
diff --git a/test/opt/local_access_chain_convert_test.cpp b/test/opt/local_access_chain_convert_test.cpp
index 154824b..1b75b36 100644
--- a/test/opt/local_access_chain_convert_test.cpp
+++ b/test/opt/local_access_chain_convert_test.cpp
@@ -700,6 +700,126 @@
+TEST_F(LocalAccessChainConvertTest, VariablePointersStorageBuffer) {
+  // A case with a storage buffer variable pointer.  We should still convert
+  // the access chain on the function scope symbol.
+  const std::string test =
+      R"(
+; CHECK: OpFunction
+; CHECK: [[var:%\w+]] = OpVariable {{%\w+}} Function
+; CHECK: [[ld:%\w+]] = OpLoad {{%\w+}} [[var]]
+; CHECK: OpCompositeExtract {{%\w+}} [[ld]] 0 0
+               OpCapability Shader
+               OpCapability VariablePointersStorageBuffer
+          %1 = OpExtInstImport "GLSL.std.450"
+               OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450
+               OpEntryPoint GLCompute %2 "main"
+               OpExecutionMode %2 LocalSize 1 1 1
+               OpSource GLSL 450
+               OpMemberDecorate %_struct_3 0 Offset 0
+               OpDecorate %_struct_3 Block
+               OpDecorate %4 DescriptorSet 0
+               OpDecorate %4 Binding 0
+               OpDecorate %_ptr_StorageBuffer_int ArrayStride 4
+               OpDecorate %_arr_int_int_128 ArrayStride 4
+       %void = OpTypeVoid
+          %8 = OpTypeFunction %void
+        %int = OpTypeInt 32 1
+    %int_128 = OpConstant %int 128
+%_arr_int_int_128 = OpTypeArray %int %int_128
+  %_struct_3 = OpTypeStruct %_arr_int_int_128
+%_ptr_StorageBuffer__struct_3 = OpTypePointer StorageBuffer %_struct_3
+%_ptr_Function__struct_3 = OpTypePointer Function %_struct_3
+          %4 = OpVariable %_ptr_StorageBuffer__struct_3 StorageBuffer
+       %bool = OpTypeBool
+       %true = OpConstantTrue %bool
+      %int_0 = OpConstant %int 0
+      %int_1 = OpConstant %int 1
+%_ptr_StorageBuffer_int = OpTypePointer StorageBuffer %int
+%_ptr_Function_int = OpTypePointer Function %int
+          %2 = OpFunction %void None %8
+         %18 = OpLabel
+         %19 = OpVariable %_ptr_Function__struct_3 Function
+         %20 = OpAccessChain %_ptr_StorageBuffer_int %4 %int_0 %int_0
+               OpBranch %21
+         %21 = OpLabel
+         %22 = OpPhi %_ptr_StorageBuffer_int %20 %18 %23 %24
+               OpLoopMerge %25 %24 None
+               OpBranchConditional %true %26 %25
+         %26 = OpLabel
+               OpStore %22 %int_0
+               OpBranch %24
+         %24 = OpLabel
+         %23 = OpPtrAccessChain %_ptr_StorageBuffer_int %22 %int_1
+               OpBranch %21
+         %25 = OpLabel
+         %27 = OpAccessChain %_ptr_Function_int %19 %int_0 %int_0
+         %28 = OpLoad %int %27
+               OpReturn
+               OpFunctionEnd
+  SinglePassRunAndMatch<LocalAccessChainConvertPass>(test, true);
+TEST_F(LocalAccessChainConvertTest, VariablePointers) {
+  // A case with variable pointer capability.  We should not convert
+  // the access chain on the function scope symbol because the variable pointer
+  // could the analysis to miss references to function scope symbols.
+  const std::string test =
+      R"(OpCapability Shader
+OpCapability VariablePointers
+%1 = OpExtInstImport "GLSL.std.450"
+OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450
+OpEntryPoint GLCompute %2 "main"
+OpExecutionMode %2 LocalSize 1 1 1
+OpSource GLSL 450
+OpMemberDecorate %_struct_3 0 Offset 0
+OpDecorate %_struct_3 Block
+OpDecorate %4 DescriptorSet 0
+OpDecorate %4 Binding 0
+OpDecorate %_ptr_StorageBuffer_int ArrayStride 4
+OpDecorate %_arr_int_int_128 ArrayStride 4
+%void = OpTypeVoid
+%8 = OpTypeFunction %void
+%int = OpTypeInt 32 1
+%int_128 = OpConstant %int 128
+%_arr_int_int_128 = OpTypeArray %int %int_128
+%_struct_3 = OpTypeStruct %_arr_int_int_128
+%_ptr_StorageBuffer__struct_3 = OpTypePointer StorageBuffer %_struct_3
+%_ptr_Function__struct_3 = OpTypePointer Function %_struct_3
+%4 = OpVariable %_ptr_StorageBuffer__struct_3 StorageBuffer
+%bool = OpTypeBool
+%true = OpConstantTrue %bool
+%int_0 = OpConstant %int 0
+%int_1 = OpConstant %int 1
+%_ptr_StorageBuffer_int = OpTypePointer StorageBuffer %int
+%_ptr_Function_int = OpTypePointer Function %int
+%2 = OpFunction %void None %8
+%18 = OpLabel
+%19 = OpVariable %_ptr_Function__struct_3 Function
+%20 = OpAccessChain %_ptr_StorageBuffer_int %4 %int_0 %int_0
+OpBranch %21
+%21 = OpLabel
+%22 = OpPhi %_ptr_StorageBuffer_int %20 %18 %23 %24
+OpLoopMerge %25 %24 None
+OpBranchConditional %true %26 %25
+%26 = OpLabel
+OpStore %22 %int_0
+OpBranch %24
+%24 = OpLabel
+%23 = OpPtrAccessChain %_ptr_StorageBuffer_int %22 %int_1
+OpBranch %21
+%25 = OpLabel
+%27 = OpAccessChain %_ptr_Function_int %19 %int_0 %int_0
+%28 = OpLoad %int %27
+  SinglePassRunAndCheck<LocalAccessChainConvertPass>(test, test, false, true);
 // TODO(greg-lunarg): Add tests to verify handling of these cases:
 //    Assorted vector and matrix types
diff --git a/test/opt/local_single_block_elim.cpp b/test/opt/local_single_block_elim.cpp
index e2efc5e..402352d 100644
--- a/test/opt/local_single_block_elim.cpp
+++ b/test/opt/local_single_block_elim.cpp
@@ -1062,6 +1062,62 @@
       predefs + before, predefs + after, true, true);
+TEST_F(LocalSingleBlockLoadStoreElimTest, VariablePointerTest) {
+  // Check that the load of the first variable is still used and that the load
+  // of the third variable is propagated.  The first load has to remain because
+  // of the store to the variable pointer.
+  const std::string text = R"(
+; CHECK: [[v1:%\w+]] = OpVariable
+; CHECK: [[v2:%\w+]] = OpVariable
+; CHECK: [[v3:%\w+]] = OpVariable
+; CHECK: [[phi:%\w+]] = OpPhi
+; CHECK: [[ld1:%\w+]] = OpLoad %int [[v1]]
+; CHECK: OpIAdd %int [[ld1]] %int_0
+               OpCapability Shader
+               OpCapability VariablePointers
+          %1 = OpExtInstImport "GLSL.std.450"
+               OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450
+               OpEntryPoint GLCompute %2 "main"
+               OpExecutionMode %2 LocalSize 1 1 1
+               OpSource GLSL 450
+               OpMemberDecorate %_struct_3 0 Offset 0
+               OpMemberDecorate %_struct_3 1 Offset 4
+       %void = OpTypeVoid
+          %5 = OpTypeFunction %void
+        %int = OpTypeInt 32 1
+       %bool = OpTypeBool
+  %_struct_3 = OpTypeStruct %int %int
+%_ptr_Function__struct_3 = OpTypePointer Function %_struct_3
+%_ptr_Function_int = OpTypePointer Function %int
+       %true = OpConstantTrue %bool
+      %int_0 = OpConstant %int 0
+      %int_1 = OpConstant %int 1
+         %13 = OpConstantNull %_struct_3
+          %2 = OpFunction %void None %5
+         %14 = OpLabel
+         %15 = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_int Function
+         %16 = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_int Function
+         %17 = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_int Function
+               OpSelectionMerge %18 None
+               OpBranchConditional %true %19 %20
+         %19 = OpLabel
+               OpBranch %18
+         %20 = OpLabel
+               OpBranch %18
+         %18 = OpLabel
+         %21 = OpPhi %_ptr_Function_int %15 %19 %16 %20
+               OpStore %15 %int_1
+               OpStore %21 %int_0
+         %22 = OpLoad %int %15
+               OpStore %17 %int_0
+         %23 = OpLoad %int %17
+         %24 = OpIAdd %int %22 %23
+               OpReturn
+               OpFunctionEnd
+  )";
+  SinglePassRunAndMatch<LocalSingleBlockLoadStoreElimPass>(text, false);
 // TODO(greg-lunarg): Add tests to verify handling of these cases:
 //    Other target variable types
diff --git a/test/opt/local_single_store_elim_test.cpp b/test/opt/local_single_store_elim_test.cpp
index 5fd0217..5a1650b 100644
--- a/test/opt/local_single_store_elim_test.cpp
+++ b/test/opt/local_single_store_elim_test.cpp
@@ -847,6 +847,61 @@
   SinglePassRunAndCheck<LocalSingleStoreElimPass>(predefs + before,
                                                   predefs + after, true, true);
+TEST_F(LocalSingleStoreElimTest, VariablePointerTest) {
+  // Check that the load of the first variable is still used and that the load
+  // of the third variable is propagated.  The first load has to remain because
+  // of the store to the variable pointer.
+  const std::string text = R"(
+; CHECK: [[v1:%\w+]] = OpVariable
+; CHECK: [[v2:%\w+]] = OpVariable
+; CHECK: [[v3:%\w+]] = OpVariable
+; CHECK: [[ld1:%\w+]] = OpLoad %int [[v1]]
+; CHECK: OpIAdd %int [[ld1]] %int_0
+               OpCapability Shader
+               OpCapability VariablePointers
+          %1 = OpExtInstImport "GLSL.std.450"
+               OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450
+               OpEntryPoint GLCompute %2 "main"
+               OpExecutionMode %2 LocalSize 1 1 1
+               OpSource GLSL 450
+               OpMemberDecorate %_struct_3 0 Offset 0
+               OpMemberDecorate %_struct_3 1 Offset 4
+       %void = OpTypeVoid
+          %5 = OpTypeFunction %void
+        %int = OpTypeInt 32 1
+       %bool = OpTypeBool
+  %_struct_3 = OpTypeStruct %int %int
+%_ptr_Function__struct_3 = OpTypePointer Function %_struct_3
+%_ptr_Function_int = OpTypePointer Function %int
+       %true = OpConstantTrue %bool
+      %int_0 = OpConstant %int 0
+      %int_1 = OpConstant %int 1
+         %13 = OpConstantNull %_struct_3
+          %2 = OpFunction %void None %5
+         %14 = OpLabel
+         %15 = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_int Function
+         %16 = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_int Function
+         %17 = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_int Function
+               OpStore %15 %int_1
+               OpStore %17 %int_0
+               OpSelectionMerge %18 None
+               OpBranchConditional %true %19 %20
+         %19 = OpLabel
+               OpBranch %18
+         %20 = OpLabel
+               OpBranch %18
+         %18 = OpLabel
+         %21 = OpPhi %_ptr_Function_int %15 %19 %16 %20
+               OpStore %21 %int_0
+         %22 = OpLoad %int %15
+         %23 = OpLoad %int %17
+         %24 = OpIAdd %int %22 %23
+               OpReturn
+               OpFunctionEnd
+  )";
+  SinglePassRunAndMatch<LocalSingleStoreElimPass>(text, false);
 // TODO(greg-lunarg): Add tests to verify handling of these cases:
 //    Other types
diff --git a/test/opt/local_ssa_elim_test.cpp b/test/opt/local_ssa_elim_test.cpp
index b2961a2..d2da1f9 100644
--- a/test/opt/local_ssa_elim_test.cpp
+++ b/test/opt/local_ssa_elim_test.cpp
@@ -1820,6 +1820,116 @@
   SinglePassRunAndMatch<SSARewritePass>(spv_asm, true);
+TEST_F(LocalSSAElimTest, VariablePointerTest1) {
+  // Check that the load of the first variable is still used and that the load
+  // of the third variable is propagated.  The first load has to remain because
+  // of the store to the variable pointer.
+  const std::string text = R"(
+; CHECK: [[v1:%\w+]] = OpVariable
+; CHECK: [[v2:%\w+]] = OpVariable
+; CHECK: [[v3:%\w+]] = OpVariable
+; CHECK: [[ld1:%\w+]] = OpLoad %int [[v1]]
+; CHECK: OpIAdd %int [[ld1]] %int_0
+               OpCapability Shader
+               OpCapability VariablePointers
+          %1 = OpExtInstImport "GLSL.std.450"
+               OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450
+               OpEntryPoint GLCompute %2 "main"
+               OpExecutionMode %2 LocalSize 1 1 1
+               OpSource GLSL 450
+               OpMemberDecorate %_struct_3 0 Offset 0
+               OpMemberDecorate %_struct_3 1 Offset 4
+       %void = OpTypeVoid
+          %5 = OpTypeFunction %void
+        %int = OpTypeInt 32 1
+       %bool = OpTypeBool
+  %_struct_3 = OpTypeStruct %int %int
+%_ptr_Function__struct_3 = OpTypePointer Function %_struct_3
+%_ptr_Function_int = OpTypePointer Function %int
+       %true = OpConstantTrue %bool
+      %int_0 = OpConstant %int 0
+      %int_1 = OpConstant %int 1
+         %13 = OpConstantNull %_struct_3
+          %2 = OpFunction %void None %5
+         %14 = OpLabel
+         %15 = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_int Function
+         %16 = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_int Function
+         %17 = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_int Function
+               OpStore %15 %int_1
+               OpStore %17 %int_0
+               OpSelectionMerge %18 None
+               OpBranchConditional %true %19 %20
+         %19 = OpLabel
+               OpBranch %18
+         %20 = OpLabel
+               OpBranch %18
+         %18 = OpLabel
+         %21 = OpPhi %_ptr_Function_int %15 %19 %16 %20
+               OpStore %21 %int_0
+         %22 = OpLoad %int %15
+         %23 = OpLoad %int %17
+         %24 = OpIAdd %int %22 %23
+               OpReturn
+               OpFunctionEnd
+  )";
+  SinglePassRunAndMatch<SSARewritePass>(text, false);
+TEST_F(LocalSSAElimTest, VariablePointerTest2) {
+  // Check that the load of the first variable is still used and that the load
+  // of the third variable is propagated.  The first load has to remain because
+  // of the store to the variable pointer.
+  const std::string text = R"(
+; CHECK: [[v1:%\w+]] = OpVariable
+; CHECK: [[v2:%\w+]] = OpVariable
+; CHECK: [[v3:%\w+]] = OpVariable
+; CHECK: [[ld1:%\w+]] = OpLoad %int [[v1]]
+; CHECK: OpIAdd %int [[ld1]] %int_0
+               OpCapability Shader
+               OpCapability VariablePointers
+          %1 = OpExtInstImport "GLSL.std.450"
+               OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450
+               OpEntryPoint GLCompute %2 "main"
+               OpExecutionMode %2 LocalSize 1 1 1
+               OpSource GLSL 450
+               OpMemberDecorate %_struct_3 0 Offset 0
+               OpMemberDecorate %_struct_3 1 Offset 4
+       %void = OpTypeVoid
+          %5 = OpTypeFunction %void
+        %int = OpTypeInt 32 1
+       %bool = OpTypeBool
+  %_struct_3 = OpTypeStruct %int %int
+%_ptr_Function__struct_3 = OpTypePointer Function %_struct_3
+%_ptr_Function_int = OpTypePointer Function %int
+       %true = OpConstantTrue %bool
+      %int_0 = OpConstant %int 0
+      %int_1 = OpConstant %int 1
+         %13 = OpConstantNull %_struct_3
+          %2 = OpFunction %void None %5
+         %14 = OpLabel
+         %15 = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_int Function
+         %16 = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_int Function
+         %17 = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_int Function
+               OpStore %15 %int_1
+               OpStore %17 %int_0
+               OpSelectionMerge %18 None
+               OpBranchConditional %true %19 %20
+         %19 = OpLabel
+               OpBranch %18
+         %20 = OpLabel
+               OpBranch %18
+         %18 = OpLabel
+         %21 = OpPhi %_ptr_Function_int %15 %19 %16 %20
+               OpStore %21 %int_0
+         %22 = OpLoad %int %15
+         %23 = OpLoad %int %17
+         %24 = OpIAdd %int %22 %23
+               OpReturn
+               OpFunctionEnd
+  )";
+  SinglePassRunAndMatch<LocalMultiStoreElimPass>(text, false);
 // TODO(greg-lunarg): Add tests to verify handling of these cases:
 //    No optimization in the presence of