Proposed LoopControl bitfield allocation mechanism in spir-v.xml
diff --git a/include/spirv/spir-v.xml b/include/spirv/spir-v.xml
index 424c68a..67f6dc5 100644
--- a/include/spirv/spir-v.xml
+++ b/include/spirv/spir-v.xml
@@ -120,4 +120,25 @@
     <ids type="opcode" start="6016" end="4294967295" comment="Opcode range reservable for future use by vendors"/>
+    <!-- SECTION: SPIR-V Loop Control Bit Reservations -->
+    <!-- Reserve ranges of bits in the loop control bitfield.
+         Each vendor determines the use of values in their own ranges.
+         Vendors are not required to disclose those uses.  If the use of a
+         value is included in an extension that is adopted by a Khronos
+         extension or specification, then that value's use may be permanently
+         fixed as if originally reserved in a Khronos range.
+         The SPIR Working Group strongly recommends:
+         - Each value is used for only one purpose.
+         - All values in a range should be used before allocating a new range.
+         -->
+    <!-- Reserved loop control bits -->
+    <ids type="LoopControl" start="0" end="15" vendor="Khronos" comment="Reserved LoopControl bits, not available to vendors - see the SPIR-V Specification"/>
+    <ids type="LoopControl" start="16" end="18" vendor="Intel" comment="Contact"/>
+    <ids type="LoopControl" start="19" end="30" comment="Unreserved bits reservable for use by vendors"/>
+    <ids type="LoopControl" start="31" end="31" vendor="Khronos" comment="Reserved LoopControl bit, not available to vendors"/>