| Name Strings |
| |
| cl_ext_device_fission |
| |
| Contributors |
| |
| Greg Bellows, IBM |
| Ben Gaster, AMD |
| Aaftab Munshi, Apple |
| Ian Ollmann, Apple |
| Ofer Rosenberg, Intel |
| Brian Watt, IBM |
| |
| Contact |
| |
| Ian Ollmann, iano 'at' apple 'dot' com |
| |
| IP Status |
| |
| No known IP issues |
| |
| Version |
| |
| Version 1, June 9, 2010 |
| |
| Number |
| |
| OpenCL Extension #11 |
| |
| Status |
| |
| Approved by all contributors |
| |
| Extension Type |
| |
| OpenCL device extension |
| |
| Dependencies |
| |
| None |
| |
| Overview |
| |
| This extension provides an interface for sub-dividing an OpenCL device |
| into multiple sub-devices. There are a number of cases in which a typical |
| user would like to subdivide a device: |
| |
| 1. To reserve part of the device for use for high priority / |
| latency-sensitive tasks |
| 2. To more directly control the assignment of work to individual compute |
| units |
| 3. To subdivide compute devices along some shared hardware feature like a |
| cache |
| |
| Typically these are areas where some level of additional control is required |
| to get optimal performance beyond that provided by standard OpenCL 1.1 APIs. |
| Proper use of this interface assumes some detailed knowledge of the devices |
| in question. |
| |
| Header File |
| |
| Extension interfaces and constants defined in cl_ext.h |
| |
| New Procedures and Functions |
| cl_int clReleaseDeviceEXT( cl_device_id device ); |
| |
| cl_int clRetainDeviceEXT( cl_device_id device ); |
| |
| cl_int clCreateSubDevicesEXT( |
| cl_device_id in_device, |
| const cl_device_partition_property_ext * properties, |
| cl_uint num_entries, |
| cl_device_id *out_devices, |
| cl_uint *num_devices ); |
| |
| New Types |
| |
| The following new types have been added for declaring device |
| partitionining properties. |
| |
| typedef cl_bitfield cl_device_partition_property_ext; |
| |
| New Tokens |
| |
| Accepted as a property name in the <properties> parameter of |
| clCreateSubDeviceEXT: |
| |
| |
| Accepted as a property name, when accompanying the |
| CL_DEVICE_PARITION_BY_AFFINITY_DOMAIN_EXT property, in the <properties> |
| parameter of clCreateSubDeviceEXT: |
| |
| |
| Accepted as a property being queried in the <param_name> argument of |
| clGetDeviceInfo: |
| |
| |
| Accepted as the property list terminator in the <properties> parameter of |
| clCreateSubDeviceEXT: |
| |
| |
| Accepted as the partition counts list terminator in the <properties> |
| parameter of clCreateSubDeviceEXT: |
| |
| |
| Accepted as the partition names list terminator in the <properties> |
| parameter of clCreateSubDeviceEXT: |
| |
| |
| Returned by clCreateSubDevicesEXT when the indicated partition scheme is |
| supported by the implementation, but the implementation can not further |
| partition the device in this way. |
| |
| |
| Returned by clCreateSubDevicesEXT when the total number of compute units |
| requested exceeds CL_DEVICE_MAX_COMPUTE_UNITS, or the number of compute |
| units for any one sub-device is less than 1. |
| |
| |
| Returned by clCreateSubDevicesEXT when a compute unit name appearing in a |
| name list following CL_DEVICE_PARTITION_BY_NAMES_EXT is not in range. |
| |
| |
| |
| Additions to Section 4.2 (Querying Devices) |
| |
| cl_int clReleaseDeviceEXT( cl_device_id device ); |
| |
| clReleaseDeviceEXT decrements the <device> reference count. After the |
| reference count reaches zero, the object shall be destroyed and associated |
| resources released for reuse by the system. |
| |
| clReleaseDeviceEXT returns CL_SUCCESS if the function is executed |
| successfully or the device is a root level device. It returns |
| CL_INVALID_DEVICE if the <device> is not a valid device. |
| |
| cl_int clRetainDeviceEXT( cl_device_id device ); |
| |
| clRetainDeviceEXT increments the <device> reference count. |
| |
| clReleaseDeviceEXT returns CL_SUCCESS if the function is executed |
| successfully or the device is a root level device. It returns |
| CL_INVALID_DEVICE if the <device> is not a valid device. |
| |
| CAUTION: Since root level devices are generally returned by a clGet call |
| (clGetDeviceIDs) and not a clCreate call, the user generally does not own a |
| reference count for root level devices. The reference count attached to a |
| device retured from clGetDeviceIDs is owned by the implementation. |
| Developers need to be careful when releasing cl_device_ids to always balance |
| clCreateSubDevicesEXT or clRetainDeviceEXT with each call to |
| clReleaseDeviceEXT for the device. By convention, software layers that own |
| a reference count should be themselves responsible for releasing it. |
| |
| typedef cl_bitfield cl_device_partition_property_ext; |
| cl_int clCreateSubDevicesEXT( |
| cl_device_id in_device, |
| const cl_device_partition_property_ext * properties, |
| cl_uint num_entries, |
| cl_device_id *out_devices, |
| cl_uint *num_devices ); |
| |
| clCreateSubDevicesEXT creates an array of sub-devices that each reference a |
| nonintersecting set of compute units within <in_device>, according to a |
| partition scheme given by the <cl_device_partition_property_ext> list. The |
| output sub-devices may be used in every way that the root device can be |
| used, including building programs, further calls to clCreateSubDevicesEXT |
| and creating command queues. They may also be used within any context |
| created using the in_device or parent/ancestor thereof. When a command |
| queue is created against a sub-device, the commands enqueued on that queue |
| are executed only on the sub-device. |
| |
| in_device - The device to be partitioned |
| |
| num_entries - The number of cl_device_ids that will fit in the array pointed |
| to by <out_devices>. If <out_devices> is not NULL, <num_entries> must be |
| greater than zero. |
| |
| out_devices - On output, the array pointed to by <out_devices> will contain |
| up to <num_entries> sub-devices. If the <out_devices> argument is NULL, |
| it is ignored. The number of cl_device_ids returned is the minimum of |
| <num_entries> and the number of devices created by the partition scheme. |
| |
| num_devices - On output, the number of devices that the <in_device> may be |
| partitioned in to according to the partitioning scheme given by |
| <properties>. If num_devices is NULL, it is ignored. |
| |
| properties - A zero terminated list of device fission {property-value, |
| cl_int[]} pairs that describe how to partition the device into |
| sub-devices. <properties> may not be NULL. Only one of |
| properties list. Available properties are: |
| |
| CL_DEVICE_PARTITION_EQUALLY_EXT - Split the aggregate device into as |
| many smaller aggregate devices as can be created, each containing N |
| compute units. The value N is passed as the value accompanying this |
| property. If N does not divide evenly into |
| CL_DEVICE_MAX_COMPUTE_UNITS then the remaining compute units are |
| not used. |
| |
| Example: To divide a device containing 16 compute units into two |
| sub-devices, each containing 8 compute units, pass: |
| |
| |
| CL_DEVICE_PARTITION_BY COUNTS_EXT - This property is followed by a |
| CL_PARTITION_BY_COUNTS_LIST_END_EXT terminated list of compute unit |
| counts. For each non-zero count M in the list, a sub-device is |
| created with M compute units in it. |
| CL_PARTITION_BY_COUNTS_LIST_END_EXT is defined to be 0. |
| |
| Example: to split a four compute unit device into two sub-devices, |
| each containing two compute units, pass: |
| |
| |
| The first 2 means put two compute units in the first sub-device. The |
| second 2 means put two compute units in the second sub-device. |
| CL_PARTITION_BY_COUNTS_LIST_END_EXT terminates the list of |
| sub-devices. CL_PROPERTIES_LIST_END_EXT terminates the list of |
| properties. The total number of compute units specified may not |
| exceed the number of compute units in the device. |
| |
| CL_DEVICE_PARTITION_BY NAMES_EXT - This property is followed by a list |
| of compute unit names. Each list starts with a |
| CL_PARTITION_BY_NAMES_LIST_END_EXT terminated list of compute unit |
| names. Compute unit names are integers that count up from zero to |
| the number of compute units less one. |
| CL_PARTITION_BY_NAMES_LIST_END_EXT is defined to be -1. Only |
| one sub-device may be created at a time with this selector. An |
| individual compute unit name may not appear more than once in the |
| sub-device description. |
| |
| Example: To create a three compute unit sub-device using compute |
| units, { 0, 1, 3 }, pass: |
| |
| |
| The meaning of these numbers are, in order: |
| 0 the name of the first compute unit in the sub-device |
| 1 the name of the second compute unit in the sub-device |
| 3 the name of the third compute unit in the sub-device |
| CL_PROPERTIES_LIST_END_EXT list terminator for the list of |
| properties |
| |
| smaller aggregate devices containing one or more compute units |
| that all share part of a cache hierarchy. The value accompanying |
| this property may be drawn from the following CL_AFFINITY_DOMAIN |
| list: |
| |
| CL_AFFINITY_DOMAIN_NUMA_EXT - Split the device into sub-devices |
| comprised of compute units that share a NUMA band. |
| |
| CL_AFFINITY_DOMAIN_L4_CACHE_EXT - Split the device into sub-devices |
| comprised of compute units that share a level 4 data cache. |
| |
| CL_AFFINITY_DOMAIN_L3_CACHE_EXT - Split the device into sub-devices |
| comprised of compute units that share a level 3 data cache. |
| |
| CL_AFFINITY_DOMAIN_L2_CACHE_EXT - Split the device into sub-devices |
| comprised of compute units that share a level 2 data cache. |
| |
| CL_AFFINITY_DOMAIN_L1_CACHE_EXT - Split the device into sub-devices |
| comprised of compute units that share a level 1 data cache. |
| |
| CL_AFFINITY_DOMAIN_NEXT_FISSIONABLE_EXT - Split the device along the |
| next fissionable CL_AFFINITY_DOMAIN. The implementation shall |
| find the first level along which the device or sub-device may be |
| further subdivided in the order NUMA, L4, L3, L2, L1, and |
| fission the device into sub-devices comprised of compute units |
| that share memory sub-systems at this level. The user may |
| determine what happened by calling |
| clGetDeviceInfo(CL_DEVICE_PARTITION_STYLE_EXT) on the |
| sub-devices. |
| |
| Example: To split a non-NUMA device along the outermost cache level |
| (if any), pass: |
| |
| |
| CL_PROPERTIES_LIST_END_EXT - A list terminator for a properties list. |
| |
| The following values may be returned by clCreateSubDevicesEXT: |
| |
| CL_SUCCESS - The command succeeded. |
| |
| CL_INVALID_VALUE - The properties key is unknown, or the indicated partition |
| CL_DEVICE_PARTITION_BY COUNTS_EXT) is not supported for this device by |
| the implementation. On an OpenCL 1.1 implementation, these cases return |
| CL_INVALID_PROPERTY instead, to be consistent with clCreateContext |
| behavior. |
| |
| CL_INVALID_VALUE - num_entries is zero and out_devices is not NULL, or both |
| out_devices and num_devices are NULL. |
| |
| CL_DEVICE_PARTITION_FAILED_EXT - The indicated partition scheme is supported |
| by the implementation, but the implementation can not further partition |
| the device in this way. For example, |
| compute units in in_device share the same cache at the level requested. |
| |
| CL_INVALID_PARTITION_COUNT_EXT - The total number of compute units requested |
| exceeds CL_DEVICE_MAX_COMPUTE_UNITS, or the number of compute units for |
| any one sub-device is less than 1, or the number of sub-devices |
| requested exceeds CL_DEVICE_MAX_COMPUTE_UNITS. |
| |
| CL_INVALID_PARTITION_NAME_EXT - A compute unit name appearing in a name list |
| following CL_DEVICE_PARTITION_BY NAMES_EXT is not in the range |
| [-1, number of compute units - 1]. |
| |
| CL_INVALID_DEVICE - The in_device is not a valid device. The in_device is |
| not a device in context. |
| |
| |
| Clarification of Behavior of Existing Functions with Sub-Devices (Normative) |
| |
| In a style consistent with retain / release behavior of other OpenCL |
| objects, if a new object is created that references a cl_device_id, or |
| comes to reference it through an API such as clBuildProgram, the |
| cl_device_id shall be prevented from being destroyed until such time as |
| the new object no longer needs it. |
| |
| |
| Changes to Section 4.2 (Querying Devices) |
| |
| clGetDeviceIDs - Only root level devices shall be returned by this function. |
| Devices returned by this function should not contain compute units that |
| alias compute units on another returned in the same function call. |
| Compute units in root level devices shall not alias compute units in |
| other root level devices. |
| |
| clGetDeviceInfo - If the device is a sub-device created by |
| clCreateSubDevicesEXT, then the value returned for |
| CL_DEVICE_MAX_COMPUTE_UNITS is the number of compute units in the |
| sub-device. The CL_DEVICE_VENDOR_ID may be different from the parent |
| device CL_DEVICE_VENDOR_ID, but should be the same for all devices and |
| sub-devices that can share a binary executable, such as that returned |
| from clGetProgramInfo(CL_PROGRAM_BINARIES). Other selectors such as |
| CL_DEVICE_GLOBAL_MEM_CACHE_SIZE may optionally change value to better |
| reflect the behavior of the sub-device in an implementation defined |
| manner. |
| |
| The following selectors are added for clGetDeviceInfo: |
| |
| CL_DEVICE_PARENT_DEVICE_EXT - a selector to get the cl_device_id for |
| the parent cl_device_id to which the sub-device belongs. |
| (Sub-division can be multi-level.) If the device is a root level |
| device, then it will return NULL. |
| |
| CL_DEVICE_PARTITION_TYPES_EXT - a selector to get a list of supported |
| partition types for partitioning a device. The return type is an |
| array of cl_device partition property ext values drawn from the |
| following list: |
| |
| |
| The implementation shall return at least one property from the above |
| list. However, when a partition style is found within this list, |
| the partition style is not required to work in every case. For |
| example, a device might support partitioning by affinity domain, but |
| not along NUMA domains. |
| |
| CL_DEVICE_AFFINITY_DOMAINS_EXT - a selector to get a list of supported |
| affinity domains for partitioning the device using the |
| return type is an array of cl_device_partition_property_ext values. |
| The values shall come from the list: |
| |
| |
| If no partition style is supported then the size of the returned |
| array is zero. Even though a device has a NUMA, or particular |
| cache level, an implementation may elect not to provide fissioning |
| at that level. |
| |
| reference count. The return type is cl_uint. If the device is a |
| root level device, a reference count of 1 is returned. |
| |
| CL_DEVICE_PARTITION_STYLE_EXT - a selector to get the |
| cl_device_partition_property_ext list used to create the sub-device. |
| If the device is a root level device then a list consisting of |
| { CL_PROPERTIES_LIST_END_EXT} is returned. If the property on device |
| CL_AFFINITY_DOMAIN_NEXT_FISSIONABLE will be replaced by the symbol |
| representing the actual CL_AFFINITY DOMAIN used |
| (e.g. CL_AFFINITY_DOMAIN_NUMA). The returned value is an array of |
| cl_device_partition_property_ext. The length of the array is |
| obtained from the size returned by the param size value ret |
| parameter to the function. |
| |
| Changes to Section 4.3 (Contexts) |
| |
| clCreateContext - The new cl_context only owns a reference to the devices |
| explicitly passed to it at creation. It does not reference sub-devices |
| of those devices unless they were also passed in the device list at |
| creation time. |
| |
| clCreateContextFromType - Only root level devices are used to create the |
| context. The context does not reference sub-devices created from those |
| devices. |
| |
| clGetContextInfo - Only the device list passed into clCreateContext is |
| returned by CL_CONTEXT_DEVICES. Additional sub-devices usable in the |
| context, because their parent devices were used to create the devices, |
| are not returned here. |
| |
| Changes to Section 5.1 (Command Queues) |
| |
| clCreateCommandQueue - This call will return CL_INVALID_DEVICE if the device |
| or one of its ancestors was not used to create the context. On success, |
| the cl_command_queue that is created for a sub-device will attempt to |
| execute any work enqueued on it on just the sub-device. |
| |
| clGetCommandQueueInfo - If the command queue was created with a sub-device, |
| the sub-device is returned for the CL_QUEUE_DEVICE selector. |
| |
| Changes to Section 5.4.1 (Creating Program Objects) |
| |
| clCreateProgramWithBinary - This call will return CL_INVALID_DEVICE if a |
| device or one of its ancestors was not used to create the programs |
| context. |
| |
| Changes to Section 5.4.2 (Building Program Executables) |
| |
| clBuildProgram - This call will return CL_INVALID_DEVICE if the device or |
| one of its ancestors was not used to create the programs context. |
| clBuildProgram must be called for each device or sub-device that will |
| be used with the program. This function will return CL_INVALID_DEVICE |
| if the device was not used to create the program and the program was |
| created with clCreateProgramWithBinary. Implementations should |
| eliminate redundant compilation where devices and sub-devices can share |
| a common binary. |
| |
| Changes to Section 5.4.5 (Program Object Queries) |
| |
| clGetProgramInfo - Behavior depends on how the program was created: |
| |
| clCreateProgramWithSource - CL_PROGRAM_DEVICES returns the union of the |
| set of devices used to create the cl_context to which the program |
| belongs and the set of devices for which clBuildProgram() has |
| succeeded on this program. |
| |
| clCreateProgramWithBinary - CL_PROGRAM_DEVICES returns the union of the |
| set of devices used to create the program and the set of devices |
| for which clBuildProgram() has succeeded on this program. |
| |
| the same list in the same order, except that pointers to compiled |
| binaries or their sizes are returned instead, respectively. The user is |
| responsible for preventing the obvious race condition here, in which |
| clBuildProgram() succeeds on more devices between when |
| requested. |
| |