blob: 4c5eb371551f6f5f40dfdf00960b35d5bcbaf74b [file] [log] [blame]
# This Makefile is used to transform OpenCL reference pages in DocBook XML format to HTML web pages.
# XSLT processor - other possibilities like Saxon exist
XSLT = xsltproc --nonet
SED = sed
MV = mv
RUBY = ruby
# Location of locally customized stylesheet, which imports
# the Docbook modular stylesheets, and specifically the
# stylesheet to convert Docbook+MathML => XHTML+MathML
DB2XHTML = opencl-man.xsl
# Additional dependencies that should cause a re-build of all pages:
ADDTL_DEPS = styles-css.xsl pageNumberLookup.rb
# Filter program to fix up links to specification page numbers:
PAGENUM_FIXUP = $(RUBY) pageNumberLookup.rb
.SUFFIXES: .gl .xml .html .xhtml .ck.xhtml .tex .pdf .3G .tar .tar.gz
#.PHONY: man html
%.html: ../%.xml $(DB2XHTML) $(ADDTL_DEPS)
$(XSLT) --xinclude -o $@.tmp1 $(DB2XHTML) $<
$(SED) 's/<?xml-stylesheet/<!-- saved from url=(0013)about:internet -->\n<?xml-stylesheet/g' $@.tmp1 | \
$(SED) 's#' > $@.tmp2
$(PAGENUM_FIXUP) $@.tmp2 > $@.tmp3
$(MV) $@.tmp3 $@
$(RM) $@.tmp[123]
# man pages
abstractDataTypes.html \
abs.html \
acos.html \
add_sat.html \
any.html \
as_typen.html \
asin.html \
asyncCopyFunctions.html \
async_work_group_copy.html \
atan.html \
atomicFunctions.html \
attribute.html \
attributes-blocksAndControlFlow.html \
attributes-types.html \
attributes-variables.html \
barrier.html \
bitselect.html \
cbrt.html \
ceil.html \
clBuildProgram.html \
clCreateBuffer.html \
clCreateCommandQueue.html \
clCreateContext.html \
clCreateContextFromType.html \
clCreateFromGLBuffer.html \
clCreateFromGLRenderbuffer.html \
clCreateFromGLTexture2D.html \
clCreateFromGLTexture3D.html \
clCreateImage2D.html \
clCreateImage3D.html \
clCreateKernel.html \
clCreateKernelsInProgram.html \
clCreateProgramWithBinary.html \
clCreateProgramWithSource.html \
clCreateSampler.html \
clEnqueueAcquireGLObjects.html \
clEnqueueBarrier.html \
clEnqueueCopyBuffer.html \
clEnqueueCopyImage.html \
clEnqueueCopyBufferToImage.html \
clEnqueueCopyImageToBuffer.html \
clEnqueueMapBuffer.html \
clEnqueueMapImage.html \
clEnqueueMarker.html \
clEnqueueNDRangeKernel.html \
clEnqueueNativeKernel.html \
clEnqueueReadBuffer.html \
clEnqueueReadImage.html \
clEnqueueWriteBuffer.html \
clEnqueueWriteImage.html \
clEnqueueReleaseGLObjects.html \
clEnqueueTask.html \
clEnqueueUnmapMemObject.html \
clEnqueueWaitForEvents.html \
clFinish.html \
clFlush.html \
clGetCommandQueueInfo.html \
clGetContextInfo.html \
clGetDeviceIDs.html \
clGetDeviceInfo.html \
clGetEventInfo.html \
clGetExtensionFunctionAddress.html \
clGetImageInfo.html \
clGetKernelInfo.html \
clGetKernelWorkGroupInfo.html \
clGetMemObjectInfo.html \
clGetPlatformIDs.html \
clGetPlatformInfo.html \
clGetProgramBuildInfo.html \
clGetProgramInfo.html \
clGetEventProfilingInfo.html \
clGetSamplerInfo.html \
clGetSupportedImageFormats.html \
clGetGLObjectInfo.html \
clGetGLTextureInfo.html \
clReleaseCommandQueue.html \
clReleaseContext.html \
clReleaseEvent.html \
clReleaseKernel.html \
clReleaseMemObject.html \
clReleaseProgram.html \
clReleaseSampler.html \
clRetainCommandQueue.html \
clRetainContext.html \
clRetainEvent.html \
clRetainKernel.html \
clRetainMemObject.html \
clRetainProgram.html \
clRetainSampler.html \
clSetCommandQueueProperty.html \
clSetKernelArg.html \
clUnloadCompiler.html \
clWaitForEvents.html \
cl_image_format.html \
cl_khr_3d_image_writes.html \
cl_khr_byte_addressable_store.html \
cl_khr_fp16.html \
cl_khr_fp64.html \
cl_khr_global_int32_base_atomics.html \
cl_khr_global_int32_extended_atomics.html \
cl_khr_int64_base_atomics.html \
cl_khr_int64_extended_atomics.html \
cl_khr_local_int32_base_atomics.html \
cl_khr_local_int32_extended_atomics.html \
cl_khr_select_fprounding_mode.html \
clamp.html \
clz.html \
commonFunctions.html \
commonMin.html \
commonMax.html \
constant.html \
convert_T.html \
copysign.html \
cos.html \
cross.html \
degrees.html \
distance.html \
divide.html \
dot.html \
enums.html \
erf.html \
errors.html \
exp.html \
explicitMemoryFenceFunctions.html \
fabs.html \
fast_distance.html \
fast_length.html \
fast_normalize.html \
fdim.html \
floor.html \
fma.html \
fmax.html \
fmin.html \
fmod.html \
fract.html \
frexp.html \
functionQualifiers.html \
geometricFunctions.html \
get_global_id.html \
get_global_size.html \
get_group_id.html \
get_image_channel_data_type.html \
get_image_channel_order.html \
get_image_depth.html \
get_image_dim.html \
get_image_height.html \
get_image_width.html \
get_local_id.html \
get_local_size.html \
get_num_groups.html \
get_work_dim.html \
gl_sharing.html \
global.html \
hadd.html \
hypot.html \
ilogb.html \
imageAccessQualifiers.html \
imageFunctions.html \
integerFunctions.html \
integerMax.html \
isequal.html \
isfinite.html \
isgreater.html \
isgreaterequal.html \
isinf.html \
isless.html \
islessequal.html \
islessgreater.html \
isnan.html \
isnormal.html \
isnotequal.html \
isordered.html \
isunordered.html \
ldexp.html \
length.html \
lgamma.html \
local.html \
log.html \
macroLimits.html \
mad.html \
mad24.html \
mad_hi.html \
mad_sat.html \
mathConstants.html \
mathFunctions.html \
mem_fence.html \
mix.html \
modf.html \
mul24.html \
mul_hi.html \
nan.html \
nextafter.html \
normalize.html \
operators.html \
otherDataTypes.html \
prefetch.html \
preprocessorDirectives.html \
private.html \
pow.html \
radians.html \
recip.html \
relationalFunctions.html \
read_imagef3d.html \
read_imagef2d.html \
read_imagei2d.html \
read_imagei3d.html \
read_imageh2d.html \
read_imageh3d.html \
read_mem_fence.html \
remainder.html \
remquo.html \
reservedDataTypes.html \
restrictions.html \
rint.html \
rootn.html \
rotate.html \
round.html \
sampler_t.html \
scalarDataTypes.html \
select.html \
sign.html \
signbit.html \
sin.html \
smoothstep.html \
sqrt.html \
step.html \
sub_sat.html \
tan.html \
tgamma.html \
trunc.html \
upsample.html \
vectorDataLoadandStoreFunctions.html \
vectorDataTypes.html \
vloadn.html \
vload_half.html \
vload_halfn.html \
vloada_halfn.html \
vstoren.html \
vstore_half.html \
vstore_halfn.html \
vstorea_halfn.html \
wait_group_events.html \
workItemFunctions.html \
write_image.html \
write_imageh2d.html \
write_imageh3d.html \
default: $(HTMLFILES)