| #!gmake |
| |
| # This Makefile is used to transform OpenCL reference pages in DocBook XML format to HTML web pages. |
| # Directory structure: |
| # |
| # man/ -- contains .xml input files |
| # man/xhtml -- contains Makefile, CSS, build tools, and .html output files |
| |
| # XSLT processor - other possibilities like Saxon exist |
| XSLT = xsltproc --nonet |
| |
| SED = sed |
| MV = mv |
| RUBY = ruby |
| |
| # Location of locally customized stylesheet, which imports |
| # the Docbook modular stylesheets, and specifically the |
| # stylesheet to convert Docbook+MathML => XHTML+MathML |
| DB2XHTML = opencl-man.xsl |
| |
| # Additional global dependencies that should cause a re-build of all pages: |
| # Unfortunately, if one line changes in the pageNumberLookup.rb file, it's only |
| # necessary to rebuild the corresponding .html refpage, but there's no easy way to |
| # express that in makefile rules. The choices are either to automatically |
| # rebuild all .html refpages triggered by any change in pageNumberLookup.rb, |
| # or else to rely on a human to rebuild pages as needed. |
| ADDTL_DEPS = copyright.inc.xsl styles-css.xsl pageNumberLookup.rb |
| #ADDTL_DEPS = copyright.inc.xsl styles-css.xsl |
| |
| # Filter program to fix up links to specification page numbers: |
| PAGENUM_FIXUP = $(RUBY) pageNumberLookup.rb |
| |
| .SUFFIXES: .gl .xml .html .xhtml .ck.xhtml .tex .pdf .3G .tar .tar.gz |
| #.PHONY: man html |
| |
| abstractDataTypes.html \ |
| abs.html \ |
| accessQualifiers.html \ |
| acos.html \ |
| addressSpaceQualifierFuncs.html \ |
| add_sat.html \ |
| any.html \ |
| as_typen.html \ |
| asin.html \ |
| asyncCopyFunctions.html \ |
| async_work_group_copy.html \ |
| async_work_group_strided_copy.html \ |
| atan.html \ |
| atomic_add.html \ |
| atom_add.html \ |
| atomic_and.html \ |
| atom_and.html \ |
| atomic_compare_exchange.html \ |
| atomic_cmpxchg.html \ |
| atom_cmpxchg.html \ |
| atomic_dec.html \ |
| atom_dec.html \ |
| atomic_exchange.html \ |
| atomic_fetch_key.html \ |
| atomic_flag.html \ |
| atomic_flag_clear.html \ |
| atomic_flag_test_and_set.html \ |
| atomic_inc.html \ |
| atom_inc.html \ |
| atomic_init.html \ |
| atomic_load.html \ |
| atomic_max.html \ |
| atom_max.html \ |
| atomic_min.html \ |
| atom_min.html \ |
| atomic_or.html \ |
| atom_or.html \ |
| atomic_store.html \ |
| atom_sub.html \ |
| atomic_sub.html \ |
| atomic_work_item_fence.html \ |
| atomic_xchg.html \ |
| atom_xchg.html \ |
| atomic_xor.html \ |
| atom_xor.html \ |
| atomicFunctions.html \ |
| ATOMIC_VAR_INIT.html \ |
| attribute.html \ |
| attributes-blocksAndControlFlow.html \ |
| attributes-loopUnroll.html \ |
| attributes-types.html \ |
| attributes-variables.html \ |
| barrier.html \ |
| bitselect.html \ |
| blocks.html \ |
| capture_event_profiling_info.html \ |
| cbrt.html \ |
| ceil.html \ |
| clamp_common.html \ |
| clamp_integer.html \ |
| classDiagram.html \ |
| clBuildProgram.html \ |
| clCompileProgram.html \ |
| clCreateBuffer.html \ |
| clCreateCommandQueueWithProperties.html \ |
| clCreateContext.html \ |
| clCreateContextFromType.html \ |
| clCreateEventFromGLsyncKHR.html \ |
| clCreateEventFromEGLsyncKHR.html \ |
| clCreateFromD3D10Texture2DKHR.html \ |
| clCreateFromD3D11Texture2DKHR.html \ |
| clCreateFromD3D10Texture3DKHR.html \ |
| clCreateFromD3D11Texture3DKHR.html \ |
| clCreateFromD3D10BufferKHR.html \ |
| clCreateFromD3D11BufferKHR.html \ |
| clCreateFromEGLImageKHR.html \ |
| clCreateFromGLBuffer.html \ |
| clCreateFromGLRenderbuffer.html \ |
| clCreateFromGLTexture.html \ |
| clCreateFromDX9MediaSurfaceKHR.html \ |
| clCreateImage.html \ |
| clCreateKernel.html \ |
| clCreateKernelsInProgram.html \ |
| clCreatePipe.html \ |
| clCreateProgramWithBinary.html \ |
| clCreateProgramWithSource.html \ |
| clCreateProgramWithBuiltInKernels.html \ |
| clCreateSamplerWithProperties.html \ |
| clCreateSubBuffer.html \ |
| clCreateSubDevices.html \ |
| clCreateUserEvent.html \ |
| clEnqueueAcquireD3D10ObjectsKHR.html \ |
| clEnqueueAcquireD3D11ObjectsKHR.html \ |
| clEnqueueAcquireEGLObjectsKHR.html \ |
| clEnqueueAcquireGLObjects.html \ |
| clEnqueueAcquireDX9MediaSurfacesKHR.html \ |
| clEnqueueBarrierWithWaitList.html \ |
| clEnqueueCopyBuffer.html \ |
| clEnqueueCopyBufferRect.html \ |
| clEnqueueCopyImage.html \ |
| clEnqueueCopyBufferToImage.html \ |
| clEnqueueCopyImageToBuffer.html \ |
| clEnqueueFillBuffer.html \ |
| clEnqueueFillImage.html \ |
| clEnqueueMapBuffer.html \ |
| clEnqueueMapImage.html \ |
| clEnqueueMarkerWithWaitList.html \ |
| clEnqueueMigrateMemObjects.html \ |
| clEnqueueNDRangeKernel.html \ |
| clEnqueueNativeKernel.html \ |
| clEnqueueReadBuffer.html \ |
| clEnqueueReadBufferRect.html \ |
| clEnqueueReadImage.html \ |
| clEnqueueReleaseD3D10ObjectsKHR.html \ |
| clEnqueueReleaseD3D11ObjectsKHR.html \ |
| clEnqueueReleaseDX9MediaSurfacesKHR.html \ |
| clEnqueueReleaseEGLObjectsKHR.html \ |
| clEnqueueReleaseGLObjects.html \ |
| clEnqueueSVMFree.html \ |
| clEnqueueSVMMap.html \ |
| clEnqueueSVMMemcpy.html \ |
| clEnqueueSVMMemFill.html \ |
| clEnqueueSVMUnmap.html \ |
| clEnqueueUnmapMemObject.html \ |
| clEnqueueWriteBuffer.html \ |
| clEnqueueWriteBufferRect.html \ |
| clEnqueueWriteImage.html \ |
| clFinish.html \ |
| clFlush.html \ |
| clGetCommandQueueInfo.html \ |
| clGetContextInfo.html \ |
| clGetDeviceIDs.html \ |
| clGetDeviceIDsFromD3D10KHR.html \ |
| clGetDeviceIDsFromD3D11KHR.html \ |
| clGetDeviceIDsFromDX9MediaAdapterKHR.html \ |
| clGetDeviceInfo.html \ |
| clGetEventInfo.html \ |
| clGetEventProfilingInfo.html \ |
| clGetExtensionFunctionAddressForPlatform.html \ |
| clGetGLContextInfoKHR.html \ |
| clGetGLObjectInfo.html \ |
| clGetGLTextureInfo.html \ |
| clGetImageInfo.html \ |
| clGetKernelInfo.html \ |
| clGetKernelArgInfo.html \ |
| clGetKernelSubGroupInfoKHR.html \ |
| clGetKernelWorkGroupInfo.html \ |
| clGetMemObjectInfo.html \ |
| clGetPipeInfo.html \ |
| clGetPlatformIDs.html \ |
| clGetPlatformInfo.html \ |
| clGetProgramBuildInfo.html \ |
| clGetProgramInfo.html \ |
| clGetSamplerInfo.html \ |
| clGetSupportedImageFormats.html \ |
| clIcdGetPlatformIDsKHR.html \ |
| cl_image_desc.html \ |
| cl_image_format.html \ |
| cl_khr_3d_image_writes.html \ |
| cl_khr_dx9_media_sharing.html \ |
| cl_khr_d3d10_sharing.html \ |
| cl_khr_d3d11_sharing.html \ |
| cl_khr_egl_event.html \ |
| cl_khr_egl_image.html \ |
| cl_khr_fp16.html \ |
| cl_khr_fp64.html \ |
| cl_khr_gl_depth_images.html \ |
| cl_khr_gl_event.html \ |
| cl_khr_gl_msaa_sharing.html \ |
| cl_khr_gl_sharing.html \ |
| cl_khr_icd.html \ |
| cl_khr_int64_base_atomics.html \ |
| cl_khr_int64_extended_atomics.html \ |
| cl_khr_initialize_memory.html \ |
| cl_khr_mipmap_image.html \ |
| cl_khr_spir.html \ |
| cl_khr_srgb_image_writes.html \ |
| cl_khr_subgroups.html \ |
| cl_khr_terminate_context.html \ |
| clLinkProgram.html \ |
| clReleaseCommandQueue.html \ |
| clReleaseContext.html \ |
| clReleaseDevice.html \ |
| clReleaseEvent.html \ |
| clReleaseKernel.html \ |
| clReleaseMemObject.html \ |
| clReleaseProgram.html \ |
| clReleaseSampler.html \ |
| clRetainCommandQueue.html \ |
| clRetainContext.html \ |
| clRetainDevice.html \ |
| clRetainEvent.html \ |
| clRetainKernel.html \ |
| clRetainMemObject.html \ |
| clRetainProgram.html \ |
| clRetainSampler.html \ |
| clSetEventCallback.html \ |
| clSetKernelExecInfo.html \ |
| clSetKernelArg.html \ |
| clSetKernelArgSVMPointer.html \ |
| clSetMemObjectDestructorCallback.html \ |
| clSetUserEventStatus.html \ |
| clSVMAlloc.html \ |
| clSVMFree.html \ |
| clTerminateContextKHR.html \ |
| clUnloadPlatformCompiler.html \ |
| clWaitForEvents.html \ |
| clz.html \ |
| commit_read_pipe.html \ |
| commit_write_pipe.html \ |
| commonFunctions.html \ |
| commonMin.html \ |
| commonMax.html \ |
| constant.html \ |
| convert_T.html \ |
| copysign.html \ |
| cos.html \ |
| create_user_event.html \ |
| cross.html \ |
| ctz.html \ |
| dataTypes.html \ |
| degrees.html \ |
| deprecated.html \ |
| distance.html \ |
| divide.html \ |
| dot.html \ |
| enqueue_kernel.html \ |
| enqueue_marker.html \ |
| enums.html \ |
| erf.html \ |
| eventFunctions.html \ |
| exp.html \ |
| EXTENSION.html \ |
| fabs.html \ |
| fast_distance.html \ |
| fast_length.html \ |
| fast_normalize.html \ |
| fdim.html \ |
| floor.html \ |
| fma.html \ |
| fmax.html \ |
| fmin.html \ |
| fmod.html \ |
| FP_CONTRACT.html \ |
| fract.html \ |
| frexp.html \ |
| functionQualifiers.html \ |
| geometricFunctions.html \ |
| genericAddressSpace.html \ |
| get_default_queue.html \ |
| get_enqueued_local_size.html \ |
| get_enqueued_num_sub_groups.html \ |
| get_global_id.html \ |
| get_global_linear_id.html \ |
| get_global_offset.html \ |
| get_global_size.html \ |
| get_group_id.html \ |
| get_image_array_size.html \ |
| get_image_channel_data_type.html \ |
| get_image_channel_order.html \ |
| get_image_depth.html \ |
| get_image_dim.html \ |
| get_image_height.html \ |
| get_image_num_mip_levels.html \ |
| get_image_num_samples.html \ |
| get_image_width.html \ |
| get_kernel_max_sub_group_size_for_ndrange.html \ |
| get_kernel_preferred_work_group_size_multiple.html \ |
| get_kernel_sub_group_count_for_ndrange.html \ |
| get_kernel_work_group_size.html \ |
| get_local_id.html \ |
| get_local_linear_id.html \ |
| get_local_size.html \ |
| get_max_sub_group_size.html \ |
| get_num_groups.html \ |
| get_num_sub_groups.html \ |
| get_pipe_num_packets.html \ |
| get_pipe_max_packets.html \ |
| get_sub_group_id.html \ |
| get_sub_group_local_id.html \ |
| get_sub_group_size.html \ |
| get_work_dim.html \ |
| global.html \ |
| hadd.html \ |
| helperFunctions.html \ |
| hypot.html \ |
| ilogb.html \ |
| imageFunctions.html \ |
| integerFunctions.html \ |
| integerMax.html \ |
| isequal.html \ |
| isfinite.html \ |
| isgreater.html \ |
| isgreaterequal.html \ |
| isinf.html \ |
| isless.html \ |
| islessequal.html \ |
| islessgreater.html \ |
| isnan.html \ |
| isnormal.html \ |
| isnotequal.html \ |
| isordered.html \ |
| isunordered.html \ |
| is_valid_event.html \ |
| is_valid_reserve_id.html \ |
| ldexp.html \ |
| length.html \ |
| lgamma.html \ |
| local.html \ |
| log.html \ |
| macroLimits.html \ |
| mad.html \ |
| mad24.html \ |
| mad_hi.html \ |
| mad_sat.html \ |
| mag.html \ |
| mathConstants.html \ |
| mathFunctions.html \ |
| memory_order.html \ |
| memory_scope.html \ |
| miscVectorFunctions.html \ |
| mix.html \ |
| modf.html \ |
| mul24.html \ |
| mul_hi.html \ |
| nan.html \ |
| ndrange.html \ |
| nextafter.html \ |
| normalize.html \ |
| operators.html \ |
| otherDataTypes.html \ |
| pipeFunctions.html \ |
| popcount.html \ |
| pow.html \ |
| prefetch.html \ |
| preprocessorDirectives.html \ |
| printfFunction.html \ |
| private.html \ |
| qualifiers.html \ |
| radians.html \ |
| recip.html \ |
| relationalFunctions.html \ |
| read_imagef1d.html \ |
| read_imagef2d.html \ |
| read_imagef3d.html \ |
| read_imagei1d.html \ |
| read_imagei2d.html \ |
| read_imagei3d.html \ |
| read_imageh1d.html \ |
| read_imageh2d.html \ |
| read_imageh3d.html \ |
| read_pipe.html \ |
| release_event.html \ |
| remainder.html \ |
| remquo.html \ |
| reservedDataTypes.html \ |
| reserve_read_pipe.html \ |
| reserve_write_pipe.html \ |
| restrictions.html \ |
| retain_event.html \ |
| rint.html \ |
| rootn.html \ |
| rotate.html \ |
| round.html \ |
| sampler_t.html \ |
| scalarDataTypes.html \ |
| select.html \ |
| set_user_event_status.html \ |
| sharedVirtualMemory.html \ |
| shuffle.html \ |
| sign.html \ |
| signbit.html \ |
| sin.html \ |
| smoothstep.html \ |
| sqrt.html \ |
| step.html \ |
| storageQualifiers.html \ |
| sub_group_all.html \ |
| sub_group_any.html \ |
| sub_group_barrier.html \ |
| sub_group_broadcast.html \ |
| sub_group_commit_read_pipe.html \ |
| sub_group_commit_write_pipe.html \ |
| sub_group_scan_exclusive.html \ |
| sub_group_scan_inclusive.html \ |
| sub_group_reduce.html \ |
| sub_group_reserve_read_pipe.html \ |
| sub_group_reserve_write_pipe.html \ |
| sub_sat.html \ |
| supportedImageFormats.html \ |
| syncFunctions.html \ |
| tan.html \ |
| tgamma.html \ |
| trunc.html \ |
| upsample.html \ |
| vec_step.html \ |
| vectorDataLoadandStoreFunctions.html \ |
| vectorDataTypes.html \ |
| vloadn.html \ |
| vload_half.html \ |
| vload_halfn.html \ |
| vloada_halfn.html \ |
| vstoren.html \ |
| vstore_half.html \ |
| vstore_halfn.html \ |
| vstorea_halfn.html \ |
| wait_group_events.html \ |
| work_group_all.html \ |
| work_group_any.html \ |
| work_group_barrier.html \ |
| work_group_broadcast.html \ |
| work_group_commit_read_pipe.html \ |
| work_group_commit_write_pipe.html \ |
| work_group_scan_exclusive.html \ |
| work_group_scan_inclusive.html \ |
| work_group_reduce.html \ |
| work_group_reserve_read_pipe.html \ |
| work_group_reserve_write_pipe.html \ |
| workItemFunctions.html \ |
| write_image1d.html \ |
| write_image2d.html \ |
| write_image3d.html \ |
| write_pipe.html |
| |
| # The following rule accomplishes several things: |
| # 1. First, the xsltproc program transforms .xml into HTML format. |
| # 2. Next, a certain string regarding "xml-stylesheet" is replaced. We |
| # don't know why, but that's how the OpenGL build tools worked, so we |
| # follow the same convention for OpenCL. |
| # 2a. Replace all occurrences of '<strong>fsfunc' with |
| # '<strong class="fsfunc">'. This works around a bug in the |
| # docbook-xsl 1.76.1 stylesheets. More recent stylesheet releases |
| # don't have this bug, but they aren't installed everywhere. See |
| # http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=3481384&group_id=21935&atid=373747 |
| # 3. Then we replace all occurrences of 'target="_top"' with |
| # 'target="pagedisplay" so that linked pages will open in the same |
| # frame. We couldn't figure out how to modify the Docbook rules to |
| # change the target attribute, so we just do it here. |
| # 4. Finally, we replace a particular string regarding |
| # "xhtml1-transitional.dtd", again based on the OpenGL build. This |
| # is so that references to the DTD don't cause spurious hits on |
| # the W3C web server (IE does this, although it doesn't need to). |
| %.html: ../%.xml $(DB2XHTML) $(ADDTL_DEPS) |
| $(XSLT) --xinclude -o $@.tmp1 $(DB2XHTML) $< |
| $(SED) 's/<?xml-stylesheet/<!-- saved from url=(0013)about:internet -->\n<?xml-stylesheet/g' $@.tmp1 | \ |
| $(SED) -e 's/<strong>fsfunc/<strong class="fsfunc">/g' \ |
| -e 's/target="_top"/target="pagedisplay"/' \ |
| -e 's#http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd#xhtml1-transitional.dtd#g' > $@.tmp2 |
| $(PAGENUM_FIXUP) $@.tmp2 > $@.tmp3 |
| $(MV) $@.tmp3 $@ |
| $(RM) $@.tmp[123] |
| |
| default: $(HTMLFILES) |
| |
| clean: |
| $(RM) $(HTMLFILES) |
| |
| clobber: |
| $(RM) $(HTMLFILES) |
| |
| # The following XML include files dependencies can be generated with: |
| # cd ../man |
| # grep '!ENTITY' *.xml | sed -e 's/:.*SYSTEM "/: ..\//' -e 's/">//' -e 's/\.xml:/.html:/' |
| |
| abs.html: ../integerFunctionsInc.xml |
| acos.html: ../mathFunctionsInc.xml |
| add_sat.html: ../integerFunctionsInc.xml |
| any.html: ../relationalFunctionsIGEN.xml |
| asin.html: ../mathFunctionsInc.xml |
| async_work_group_copy.html: ../asyncCopyInc.xml |
| async_work_group_copy.html: ../vectorHalfFunctionsInc.xml |
| async_work_group_strided_copy.html: ../asyncCopyInc.xml |
| async_work_group_strided_copy.html: ../vectorHalfFunctionsInc.xml |
| atan.html: ../mathFunctionsInc.xml |
| atomic_compare_exchange.html: ../atomicFunctionsInc.xml |
| atomic_exchange.html: ../atomicFunctionsInc.xml |
| atomic_fetch_key.html: ../atomicFunctionsInc.xml |
| atomic_flag_clear.html: ../atomicFunctionsInc.xml |
| atomic_flag_test_and_set.html: ../atomicFunctionsInc.xml |
| atomic_init.html: ../atomicFunctionsInc.xml |
| atomic_load.html: ../atomicFunctionsInc.xml |
| atomic_store.html: ../atomicFunctionsInc.xml |
| bitselect.html: ../relationalFunctionsInc1.xml |
| bitselect.html: ../relationalFunctionsGEN.xml |
| capture_event_profiling_info.html: ../eventFunctionsInc.xml |
| cbrt.html: ../mathFunctionsInc.xml |
| ceil.html: ../mathFunctionsInc.xml |
| clamp_common.html: ../integerFunctionsInc.xml |
| clamp_common.html: ../commonFunctionsInc.xml |
| clamp_integer.html: ../integerFunctionsInc.xml |
| clBuildProgram.html: ../buildOptionsInc.xml |
| clCompileProgram.html: ../buildOptionsInc.xml |
| clCreateBuffer.html: ../clCreate_memflagsInc.xml |
| clCreateCommandQueueWithProperties.html: ../cl_queue_properties_Inc.xml |
| clCreateCommandQueueWithProperties.html: ../out_of_order_exec_Inc.xml |
| clCreateContextFromType.html: ../cl_device_type_Inc.xml |
| clCreateContextFromType.html: ../cl_context_properties_Inc.xml |
| clCreateContext.html: ../cl_context_properties_Inc.xml |
| clCreateFromD3D10BufferKHR.html: ../sharingD3D10Inc.xml |
| clCreateFromD3D10Texture2DKHR.html: ../sharingD3D10Inc.xml |
| clCreateFromD3D10Texture3DKHR.html: ../sharingD3D10Inc.xml |
| clCreateFromD3D11BufferKHR.html: ../sharingD3D11Inc.xml |
| clCreateFromD3D11Texture2DKHR.html: ../sharingD3D11Inc.xml |
| clCreateFromD3D11Texture3DKHR.html: ../sharingD3D11Inc.xml |
| clCreateFromDX9MediaSurfaceKHR.html: ../mediaSurfaceFormatsInc.xml |
| clCreateFromGLBuffer.html: ../gl_sharingInc.xml |
| clCreateFromGLBuffer.html: ../gl_formatsInc.xml |
| clCreateFromGLBuffer.html: ../gl_lifetimeInc.xml |
| clCreateFromGLBuffer.html: ../gl_syncInc.xml |
| clCreateFromGLRenderbuffer.html: ../gl_sharingInc.xml |
| clCreateFromGLRenderbuffer.html: ../gl_formatsInc.xml |
| clCreateFromGLRenderbuffer.html: ../gl_lifetimeInc.xml |
| clCreateFromGLRenderbuffer.html: ../gl_syncInc.xml |
| clCreateFromGLTexture.html: ../gl_sharingInc.xml |
| clCreateFromGLTexture.html: ../gl_formatsInc.xml |
| clCreateFromGLTexture.html: ../gl_lifetimeInc.xml |
| clCreateFromGLTexture.html: ../gl_syncInc.xml |
| clCreateImage.html: ../clCreate_memflagsInc.xml |
| clCreatePipe.html: ../clCreate_memflagsInc.xml |
| clCreateSubBuffer.html: ../clCreate_memflagsInc.xml |
| clCreateSubDevices.html: ../clCreate_memflagsInc.xml |
| clEnqueueAcquireD3D10ObjectsKHR.html: ../sharingD3D10Inc.xml |
| clEnqueueAcquireD3D11ObjectsKHR.html: ../sharingD3D11Inc.xml |
| clEnqueueAcquireDX9MediaSurfacesKHR.html: ../mediaSurfaceFormatsInc.xml |
| clEnqueueAcquireEGLObjectsKHR.html: ../gl_syncInc.xml |
| clEnqueueAcquireGLObjects.html: ../gl_sharingInc.xml |
| clEnqueueAcquireGLObjects.html: ../gl_formatsInc.xml |
| clEnqueueAcquireGLObjects.html: ../gl_lifetimeInc.xml |
| clEnqueueAcquireGLObjects.html: ../gl_syncInc.xml |
| clEnqueueMapBuffer.html: ../map_flags_Inc.xml |
| clEnqueueMapBuffer.html: ../accessMappedInc.xml |
| clEnqueueMapImage.html: ../map_flags_Inc.xml |
| clEnqueueMapImage.html: ../accessMappedInc.xml |
| clEnqueueReleaseD3D10ObjectsKHR.html: ../sharingD3D10Inc.xml |
| clEnqueueReleaseD3D11ObjectsKHR.html: ../sharingD3D11Inc.xml |
| clEnqueueReleaseDX9MediaSurfacesKHR.html: ../mediaSurfaceFormatsInc.xml |
| clEnqueueReleaseEGLObjectsKHR.html: ../gl_syncInc.xml |
| clEnqueueReleaseGLObjects.html: ../gl_sharingInc.xml |
| clEnqueueReleaseGLObjects.html: ../gl_formatsInc.xml |
| clEnqueueReleaseGLObjects.html: ../gl_lifetimeInc.xml |
| clEnqueueReleaseGLObjects.html: ../gl_syncInc.xml |
| clEnqueueSVMMap.html: ../map_flags_Inc.xml |
| clEnqueueUnmapMemObject.html: ../accessMappedInc.xml |
| clGetDeviceIDsFromD3D10KHR.html: ../sharingD3D10Inc.xml |
| clGetDeviceIDsFromD3D11KHR.html: ../sharingD3D11Inc.xml |
| clGetDeviceIDsFromDX9MediaAdapterKHR.html: ../mediaSurfaceFormatsInc.xml |
| clGetDeviceIDs.html: ../cl_device_type_Inc.xml |
| clGetGLContextInfoKHR.html: ../gl_sharingInc.xml |
| clGetGLContextInfoKHR.html: ../gl_formatsInc.xml |
| clGetGLContextInfoKHR.html: ../gl_lifetimeInc.xml |
| clGetGLContextInfoKHR.html: ../gl_syncInc.xml |
| clGetSupportedImageFormats.html: ../clCreate_memflagsInc.xml |
| cl_khr_d3d10_sharing.html: ../sharingD3D10Inc.xml |
| cl_khr_gl_sharing.html: ../gl_sharingInc.xml |
| clLinkProgram.html: ../buildOptionsInc.xml |
| clz.html: ../integerFunctionsInc.xml |
| commit_read_pipe.html: ../pipeFunctionsInc.xml |
| commit_write_pipe.html: ../pipeFunctionsInc.xml |
| commonFunctions.html: ../commonFunctionsInc.xml |
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| commonMin.html: ../commonFunctionsInc.xml |
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