blob: a9a428c9e9d26ac174c5b048e31526154ade4b48 [file] [log] [blame]
Name Strings
Christopher Cameron
Benedict Gaster
Michael Houston
John Kessenich
Christopher Lamb
Laurent Morichetti
Aftab Munshi
Ofer Rosenberg
IP Status
No known claims.
Version 7, March 2, 2010
OpenCL Extension #5
Ratified by the Khronos Promoters, January 29, 2010
Extension Type
OpenCL platform extension
OpenCL 1.0 is required.
This extension defines a simple mechanism through which the Khronos
installable client driver loader (ICD Loader) may expose multiple
separate vendor installable client drivers (Vendor ICDs) for
OpenCL. An application written against the ICD Loader will be able to
access all cl_platform_ids exposed by all vendor implementations
with the ICD Loader acting as a demultiplexor.
Inferring Vendors From Function Calls from Arguments
At every OpenCL function call, the ICD Loader infers the Vendor ICD
function to call from the arguments to the function. An object is
said to be ICD compatible if it is of the following structure:
struct _cl_<object>
struct _cl_icd_dispatch *dispatch;
// ... remainder of internal data
<object> is one of platform_id, device_id, context, command_queue,
mem, program, kernel, event, or sampler.
The structure _cl_icd_dispatch is a function pointer dispatch
table which is used to direct calls to a particular vendor
implementation. All objects created from ICD compatible objects
must be ICD compatible.
A link to source code which defines the entries in the function
table structure _cl_icd_dispatch is available in the Sample
Code section of this document. The order of the functions in
_cl_icd_dispatch is determined by the ICD Loader's source. The ICD
Loader's source's _cl_icd_dispatch table is to be appended to only.
Functions which do not have an argument from which the vendor
implementation may be inferred are ignored, with the exception
of clGetExtensionFunctionAddress which is described below.
ICD Data
A Vendor ICD is defined by two pieces of data.
The Vendor ICD library specifies a library which contains the
OpenCL entrypoints for the vendor's OpenCL implementation. The
vendor ICD's library file name should include the vendor name, or
a vendor-specific implementation identifier.
The Vendor ICD extension suffix is a short string which specifies
the default suffix for extensions implemented only by that vendor.
See Additions to Chapter 9 for details on the mechanism through
which this is accomplished. The vendor suffix string is optional.
ICD Loader Vendor Enumeration on Windows
To enumerate Vendor ICDs on Windows, the ICD Loader scans
the values in the registry key
For each value in this key which has DWORD data set to 0, the ICD
Loader opens the dynamic link library specified by the name of
the value using LoadLibraryA.
For example, if the registry contains the following value
"c:\\vendor a\\vndra_ocl.dll"=dword:00000000
then the ICD will open the library "c:\vendor a\vndra_ocl.dll"
ICD Loader Vendor Enumeration on Linux
To enumerate vendor ICDs on Linux, the ICD Loader scans
the files the path /etc/OpenCL/vendors. For each
file in this path, the ICD Loader opens the file as a text
file. The expected format for the file is a single line of
text which specifies the Vendor ICD's library. The ICD
Loader will attempt to open that file as a shared object
using dlopen(). Note that the library specified may be an
absolute path or just a file name.
For example, if the following file exists
and contains the text
then the ICD Loader will load the library ""
Adding a Vendor Library
Upon successfully loading a Vendor ICD's library, the
ICD Loader queries the following functions from the library:
clIcdGetPlatformIDsKHR, clGetPlatformInfo, and
clGetExtensionFunctionAddress. If any of these functions
are not present then the ICD Loader will close and ignore
the library.
Next the ICD Loader queries available ICD-enabled
platforms in the library using clIcdGetPlatformIDsKHR.
For each of these platforms, the ICD Loader queries the
platform's extension string to verify that cl_khr_icd is
supported, then queries the platform's Vendor ICD extension
suffix using clGetPlatformInfo with the value
If any of these steps fail, the ICD Loader will ignore the
Vendor ICD and continue on to the next.
New Procedures and Functions
cl_int clIcdGetPlatformIDsKHR(
cl_uint num_entries,
cl_platform_id *platforms,
cl_uint *num_platforms);
New Tokens
Accepted as <param_name> to the function clGetPlatformInfo
Returned by clGetPlatformIDs when no platforms are found
Additions to Chapter 4 of the OpenCL 1.0.48 Specification
In section 4.1, replace the description of the return values of
clGetPlatformIDs with:
"clGetPlatformIDs returns CL_SUCCESS if the function is executed
successfully and there are a non zero number of platforms available.
It returns CL_PLATFORM_NOT_FOUND_KHR if zero platforms are
available. It returns CL_INVALID_VALUE if <num_entries> is
equal to zero and <platforms> is not NULL or if both <num_platforms>
and <platforms> are NULL."
In section 4.1, add the following after the description of
"The list of platforms accessible through the Khronos ICD Loader
can be obtained using the following function
cl_int clIcdGetPlatformIDsKHR(
cl_uint num_entries,
cl_platform_id *platforms,
cl_uint *num_platforms);
<num_entries> is the number of cl_platform_id entries that can be
added to <platforms>. If <platforms> is not NULL, then
<num_entries> must be greater than zero.
<platforms> returns a list of OpenCL platforms available for access
through the Khronos ICD Loader. The cl_platform_id values returned in
<platform> are ICD compatible and can be used to identify a
specific OpenCL platform. If the <platforms> argument is NULL,
then this argument is ignored. The number of OpenCL platforms
returned is the minimum of the value specified by num_entries or
the number of OpenCL platforms available.
<num_platforms> returns the number of OpenCL platforms available.
If <num_platforms> is NULL, then this argument is ignored.
clIcdGetPlatformIDsKHR returns CL_SUCCESS if the function is executed
successfully and there are a non zero number of platforms available.
It returns CL_PLATFORM_NOT_FOUND_KHR if zero platforms are
available. It returns CL_INVALID_VALUE if <num_entries> is
equal to zero and <platforms> is not NULL or if both <num_platforms>
and <platforms> are NULL."
Add the following to table 4.1:
cl_platform_info Return Type Description
---------------- ----------- ----------------------------
CL_PLATFORM_ICD_SUFFIX_KHR char[] Then function name suffix
used to identify extension
functions to be directed to
this platform by the ICD
Additions to Chapter 9 of the OpenCL 1.0.48 Specification
Add the following paragraph to the end of Section 9.2:
"For functions supported by the ICD Loader,
clGetExtensionFunctionAddress will return the function pointer of
the ICD Loader implementation. For extension functions which the ICD
Loader is unaware of, the function clGetExtensionFunctionAddress
will determine the vendor implementation to return based on the
string passed in. The ICD Loader will return the result from
querying clGetExtensionFunctionAddress on the vendor ICD enumerated
by the ICD Loader whose ICD suffix is a suffix of the function name
being queried. If no such vendor exists or the suffix of the
function is KHR or EXT then clGetExtensionFunctionAddress will
return NULL."
Interactions with other extensions
1. Some OpenCL functions do not take an object argument from which
their vendor library may be identified (e.g, clUnloadCompiler),
how will they be handled?
RESOLVED: Such functions will be a NOOP for all calls through the
2. How are OpenCL extension to be handled?
RESOLVED: OpenCL extension functions may be added to the ICD as
soon as they are implemented by any vendor. The suffix mechanism
provides access for vendor extensions which are not yet added to
the ICD.
3: How will the ICD handle a NULL cl_platform_id?
RESOLVED: The NULL platform is not supported by the ICD.
4. There exists no mechanism to unload the ICD, should there be
RESOLVED: As there is no standard mechanism for unloading a vendor
implementation, do not add one for the ICD.
Sample Code
The official source for the ICD. This is currently available
only to Khronos members from our internal Subversion
repository under /repos/OpenCL/trunk/icd/
An abbreviated version of the _cl_icd_dispatch structure is
as follows.
struct _cl_icd_dispatch
CL_API_ENTRY cl_int (CL_API_CALL *clGetPlatformIDs)(
cl_uint num_entries,
cl_platform_id * platforms,
cl_uint * num_platforms) CL_API_SUFFIX__VERSION_1_0;
CL_API_ENTRY cl_int (CL_API_CALL *clGetPlatformInfo)(
cl_platform_id platform,
cl_platform_info param_name,
size_t param_value_size,
void * param_value,
size_t * param_value_size_ret) CL_API_SUFFIX__VERSION_1_0;
/* ...continues... */
As an example of this mechanism in action, consider the function
clCreateCommandQueue. The implementation of this function in the
ICD Loader is as follows
cl_command_queue clCreateCommandQueue(
cl_context context,
cl_device_id device,
cl_command_queue_properties properties,
cl_int * errcode_ret)
return context->dispatch->clCreateCommandQueue(
Conformance Tests
A vendor supports cl_khr_icd if conformance may be run successfully
on their platform through the ICD Loader.
Revision History
Version 7, 2010/03/02 (Jon Leech) - fix typos for
clGetExtensionFunctionAddress (public bug 258), reflow a paragraph
with very long lines.
Version 6, 2010/02/17 (Jon Leech) - remove URLs pointing to
resources available only to Khronos members, since this
was causing confusion to outside readers of the extension
Version 5, 2009/12/08 (Christopher Cameron) - Clarify language
of ICD Loader versus Vendor ICD, update Linux enumeration to
reflect bug and email discussion.
Version 4, 2009/11/10 (Christopher Cameron) - Fix typos.
Version 3, 2009/11/05 (Christopher Cameron) - update Linux and
Windows enumeration to use directories and registry values.
Change suffix information to come from platform query. Add
error code for clGetPlatformIDs when there are no platforms.
Version 2, 2009/11/02 (Christopher Cameron) - update Linux
enumeration to use INI file format. Some cleanup of sections.
Update on ICD unload function.
Version 1, 2009/09/20 (Christopher Cameron) - initial extension
specification (see also Khronos bug 5391)