blob: d6788247134c3b27ec98f498b3692eb04f6084f3 [file] [log] [blame]
# Synopsis:
# pageNumberLookup.rb filename.html > outputFile.html
# This script is used to replace symbolic references to locations in the OpenCL
# specification with page number references. This can be used when you want the
# reference page to refer to section XYZ of the OpenCL spec with a link and have
# the link open the spec document to section XYZ. This approach is based on the
# "named destination" feature for PDF files.
# Ideally we wanted to link to the named destinations, but inconsistencies between
# versions of MS Word and other limitations prevent us from doing that at this time.
# So, this is a second-best solution in which we map symbolic names to page
# numbers, then the link will open the spec to the specified page. To use this
# solution, refer to a section in the spec using a symbolic name that you make up
# in a <olink /> element with a uri attribute that is the symbolic name. Then add
# the keyword gl_sharing to the lookup table below with the corresponding page
# number from the Spec.
# For example to link to the spec section for gl_sharing, use:
# <olink uri="gl_sharing">OpenCL Specification</olink>
# The xsltproc program generates a temporary HTML file where the XML line above
# is transformed into:
# <a href="">
# OpenCL Specification</a>
# When this lookup program is run on the HTML file, it will look up the keyword and
# replace text in the HTML file so that the final URL will to make it look like this:
# <a href="">
# OpenCL Specification</a>
# (You can control what the first part of the URL is by modifying the SpecBaseUrl
# variable in the opencl-man.xsl file.)
# Spec page number mapping here. First string in quotes. Commas between values.
# Text after page number is for reference to see where this content can be found in the spec.
Pagenums = {
"clGetPlatformIDs" => 29, # 4.1 - Querying Platform Info
"clGetPlatformInfo" => 29, # 4.1 - Querying Platform Info
"clGetDeviceIDs" => 31, # 4.2 - Querying Devices
"clGetDeviceInfo" => 32, # 4.2 - Querying Devices
"clCreateContext" => 40, # 4.3 - Contexts
"clCreateContextFromType" => 42, # 4.3 - Contexts
"clRetainContext" => 43, # 4.3 - Contexts
"clReleaseContext" => 43, # 4.3 - Contexts
"clGetContextInfo" => 43, # 4.3 - Contexts
"clCreateCommandQueue" => 46, # 5.1 - Command Queues
"clRetainCommandQueue" => 47, # 5.1 - Command Queues
"clReleaseCommandQueue" => 48, # 5.1 - Command Queues
"clGetCommandQueueInfo" => 48, # 5.1 - Command Queues
"clSetCommandQueueProperty" => 49, # 5.1 - Command Queues
"clCreateBuffer" => 52, # 5.2.1 - Creating Buffer Objects
"clEnqueueReadBuffer" => 54, # 5.2.1 - Creating Buffer Objects
"clEnqueueWriteBuffer" => 54, # 5.2.1 - Creating Buffer Objects
"clEnqueueCopyBuffer" => 57, # 5.2.1 - Creating Buffer Objects
"clRetainMemObject" => 58, # 5.2.3 - Retaining and Releasing Memory Objects
"clReleaseMemObject" => 58, # 5.2.3 - Retaining and Releasing Memory Objects
"clCreateImage2D" => 59, # 5.2.4 - Creating Image Objects
"clCreateImage3D" => 60, # 5.2.4 - Creating Image Objects
"cl_image_format" => 62, # - Image Format Descriptor
"clGetSupportedImageFormats" => 64, # 5.2.5 - Querying List of Supported Image Formats
"clEnqueueReadImage" => 67, # 5.2.6 - Reading, Writing and Copying Image Objects
"clEnqueueWriteImage" => 67, # 5.2.6 - Reading, Writing and Copying Image Objects
"clEnqueueCopyImage" => 70, # 5.2.6 - Reading, Writing and Copying Image Objects
"clEnqueueCopyImageToBuffer" => 72, # 5.2.7 - Copying between Image and Buffer Objects
"clEnqueueCopyBufferToImage" => 74, # 5.2.7 - Copying between Image and Buffer Objects
"clEnqueueMapBuffer" => 76, # 5.2.8 - Mapping and Unmapping Memory Objects
"clEnqueueMapImage" => 78, # 5.2.8 - Mapping and Unmapping Memory Objects
"clEnqueueUnmapMemObject " => 81, # 5.2.8 - Mapping and Unmapping Memory Objects
"clGetMemObjectInfo" => 82, # 5.2.9 - Memory Object Queries
"clGetImageInfo" => 84, # 5.2.9 - Memory Object Queries
"clCreateSampler" => 85, # 5.3 - Sampler Objects
"clRetainSampler" => 86, # 5.3 - Sampler Objects
"clReleaseSampler" => 86, # 5.3 - Sampler Objects
"clGetSamplerInfo" => 86, # 5.3 - Sampler Objects
"clCreateProgramWithSource" => 88, # 5.4.1 - Creating Program Objects
"clCreateProgramWithBinary" => 89, # 5.4.1 - Creating Program Objects
"clRetainProgram" => 91, # 5.4.1 - Creating Program Objects
"clReleaseProgram" => 91, # 5.4.1 - Creating Program Objects
"clBuildProgram" => 91, # 5.4.2 - Building Program Executables
"clUnloadCompiler" => 95, # 5.4.4 - Unloading the OpenCL Compiler
"clGetProgramInfo" => 96, # 5.4.5 - Program Object Queries
"clGetProgramBuildInfo" => 98, # 5.4.5 - Program Object Queries
"clCreateKernel" => 101, # 5.5.1 - Creating Kernel Objects
"clCreateKernelsInProgram" => 102, # 5.5.1 - Creating Kernel Objects
"clRetainKernel" => 102, # 5.5.1 - Creating Kernel Objects
"clReleaseKernel" => 103, # 5.5.1 - Creating Kernel Objects
"clSetKernelArg" => 103, # 5.5.2 - Setting Kernel Arguments
"clGetKernelInfo" => 105, # 5.5.3 - Kernel Object Queries
"clGetKernelWorkGroupInfo" => 106, # 5.5.3 - Kernel Object Queries
"clEnqueueNDRangeKernel" => 109, # 5.6 - Executing Kernels
"clEnqueueTask" => 112, # 5.6 - Executing Kernels
"clEnqueueNativeKernel" => 114, # 5.6 - Executing Kernels
"clWaitForEvents" => 116, # 5.7 - Event Objects
"clGetEventInfo" => 117, # 5.7 - Event Objects
"clRetainEvent" => 118, # 5.7 - Event Objects
"clReleaseEvent" => 119, # 5.7 - Event Objects
"clEnqueueMarker" => 121, # 5.8 - Out-of-order Execution of Kernels and Memory Object Commands
"clEnqueueWaitForEvents" => 121, # 5.8 - Out-of-order Execution of Kernels and Memory Object Commands
"clEnqueueBarrier" => 121, # 5.8 - Out-of-order Execution of Kernels and Memory Object Commands
"clGetEventProfilingInfo" => 123, # 5.9 - Profiling Operations on Memory Objects and Kernels
"clFlush" => 125, # 5.10 - Flush and Finish
"clFinish" => 125, # 5.10 - Flush and Finish
"scalarDataTypes" => 126, # 6.1.1 - Built-in Scalar Data Types
"vectorDataTypes" => 129, # 6.1.2 - Built-in Vector Data Types
"otherDataTypes" => 130, # 6.1.3 - Other Built-in Data Types
"sampler_t" => 130, # 6.1.3 - Other Built-in Data Types
"reservedDataTypes" => 130, # 6.1.4 - Reserved Data Types
"convert_T" => 137, # 6.2.1 - Conversions and Type Casting
"as_typen" => 141, # - Reinterpreting Types Using as_typen()
"operators" => 143, # 6.3 - Operators
"addressSpaceQualifier" => 150, # 6.5 - Address Space Qualifiers
"imageAccessQualifiers" => 153, # 6.6 - Image Access Qualifiers
"functionQualifiers" => 154, # 6.7 - Function Qualifiers
"restrictions" => 157, # 6.8 - Restrictions
"preprocessorDirectives" => 160, # 6.9 - Preprocessor Directives and Macros
"attribute" => 162, # 6.10. - Attribute Qualifiers
"attributes-types" => 163, # 6.10.1 - Specifying Attributes of Types
"attributes-variables" => 165, # 6.10.3 - Specifying Attributes of Variables
"attributes-blocksAndControlFlow" => 167, # 6.10.4 - Specifying Attributes of Blocks and Control-Flow-Statements
"workItemFunctions" => 168, # 6.11.1 - Work-Item Functions
"mathConstants" => 175, # 6.11.2 - Table at end of Math Functions
"mathFunctions" => 170, # 6.11.2 - Math Functions
"FP_CONTRACT" => 175, # - Floating-point macros and pragmas for math.h
"integerFunctions" => 177, # 6.11.3 - Integer Functions
"macroLimits" => 178, # 6.11.3 - Content at end of Integer Functions
"commonFunctions" => 180, # 6.11.4 - Common Functions
"geometricFunctions" => 182, # 6.11.5 - Geometric Functions
"relationalFunctions" => 184, # 6.11.6 - Relational Functions
"vectorDataLoadandStoreFunctions" => 186, # 6.11.7 - Vector Data Load and Store Functions
"imageFunctions" => 190, # 6.11.8 - Image Read and Write Functions
"synchFunctions" => 199, # 6.11.9 - Synchronization Functions
"explicitMemoryFenceFunctions" => 200, # 6.11.10 - Explicit Memory Fence Functions
"asyncCopyFunctions" => 201, # "6.11.11 - Async Copies from Global to Local Memory, Local to Global Memory, and Prefetch"
"imageAddressFiltering" => 212, # 8.2 - Image Addressing and Filtering (There is no page for this but it is referenced in system)
"EXTENSION" => 223, # 9.1 - Compiler Directives for Optional Extensions
"clGetExtensionFunctionAddress" => 224, # 9.2 - Getting OpenCL Extension Function Pointers
"cl_khr_fp64" => 225, # 9.3 - Double Precision Floating-Point
"cl_khr_select_fprounding_mode" => 242, # 9.4 - Selecting Rounding Mode
"SELECT_ROUNDING_MODE" => 242, # 9.4 - Selecting Rounding Mode
"atomicFunctions" => 244, # 9.5 - Atomic Functions for 32-bit integers
"cl_khr_global_int32_base_atomics" =>244, # 9.5 - Atomic Functions for 32-bit integers
"cl_khr_global_int32_extended_atomics" => 245, # 9.5 - Atomic Functions for 32-bit integers
"cl_khr_local_int32_base_atomics" => 246, # 9.6 - Local Atomics for 32-bit integers
"cl_khr_local_int32_extended_atomics" => 247, # 9.6 - Local Atomics for 32-bit integers
"cl_khr_int64_base_atomics" => 248, # 9.7 - 64-bit Atomics
"cl_khr_int64_extended_atomics" => 249, # 9.7 - 64-bit Atomics
"cl_khr_3d_image_writes" => 250, # 9.8 - Writing to 3D image memory objects
"cl_khr_byte_addressable_store" => 252, # 9.9 - Byte Addressable Stores
"cl_khr_fp16" => 253, # 9.10 - Half Floating-Point
"clGetGLContextInfoKHR" => 270, # 9.11 - Creating CL context from a GL context or share group
"gl_sharing" => 279, # B.1 - Sharing Memory Objects with OpenGL / OpenGL ES Buffer, Texture and Renderbuffer Objects"
"clCreateFromGLBuffer" => 280, # B.1.2 - CL Buffer Objects -> GL Buffer Objects
"clCreateFromGLTexture2D" => 281, # B.1.3 - CL Image Objects -> GL Textures
"clCreateFromGLTexture3D" => 282, # B.1.3 - CL Image Objects -> GL Textures
"clCreateFromGLRenderbuffer" => 285, # B.1.4 - CL Image Objects -> GL Renderbuffers
"clGetGLObjectInfo" => 286, # B.1.5 - Querying GL object information from a CL memory object
"clGetGLTextureInfo" => 286, # B.1.5 - Querying GL object information from a CL memory object
"clEnqueueAcquireGLObjects" => 287, # B.1.6 - Sharing memory objects that map to GL objects between GL and CL contexts
"clEnqueueReleaseGLObjects" => 289, # B.1.6 - Sharing memory objects that map to GL objects between GL and CL contexts
"references" => 301, # 11 - References (There is no page for this but it is referenced in system)
# Copy the specified file to the output, substituting any references to spec page numbers
IO.foreach(ARGV[0]) do |line|
puts line.sub(/(#namedest=)([^ ]*)(\")/) { |m|
keyword = m.sub('"', "").sub(/#namedest=/, "")
"#page=" + (Pagenums.has_key?(keyword) ? Pagenums.fetch(keyword).to_s :
abort("Spec page number for keyword " + keyword + " not found in " + $0)) + '"'