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<holder>The Khronos Group Inc.
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
copy of this software and/or associated documentation files (the
"Materials"), to deal in the Materials without restriction, including
without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Materials, and to
permit persons to whom the Materials are furnished to do so, subject to
the condition that this copyright notice and permission notice shall be included
in all copies or substantial portions of the Materials.</holder>
<!-- ================================ SYNOPSIS -->
<refnamediv id="clCreateProgramWithBinary">
Creates a program object for a context, and loads specified binary data into the program object.
<refsynopsisdiv xmlns:xlink=""><title></title>
cl_program <function>clCreateProgramWithBinary</function>
<paramdef><link xlink:href="abstractDataTypes.html">cl_context</link><parameter>context</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><link xlink:href="scalarDataTypes.html">cl_uint</link><parameter>num_devices</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef>const <link xlink:href="abstractDataTypes.html">cl_device_id</link><parameter>*device_list</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef>const <link xlink:href="scalarDataTypes.html">size_t</link><parameter>*lengths</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef>const <link xlink:href="scalarDataTypes.html">unsigned char</link><parameter>**binaries</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><link xlink:href="scalarDataTypes.html">cl_int</link><parameter>*binary_status</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><link xlink:href="scalarDataTypes.html">cl_int</link><parameter>*errcode_ret</parameter></paramdef>
<!-- ================================ PARAMETERS -->
<refsect1 id="parameters">
Must be a valid OpenCL context.
A pointer to a list of devices that are in <varname>context</varname>. <varname>device_list</varname> must be a non-NULL
value. The binaries are loaded for devices specified in this list.
The number of devices listed in <varname>device_list</varname>.
The devices associated with the program object will be the list of devices specified by
<varname>device_list</varname>. The list of devices specified by <varname>device_list</varname> must be devices associated with <varname>context</varname>.
An array of the size in bytes of the program binaries to be loaded for devices specified
by <varname>device_list</varname>.
An array of pointers to program binaries to be loaded for devices specified by <varname>device_list</varname>. For each device given by <varname>device_list</varname>[i], the pointer to the program binary for that device is given by <varname>binaries</varname>[i] and the length of this corresponding binary is given by <varname>lengths</varname>[i]. <varname>lengths</varname>[i] cannot be zero and <varname>binaries</varname>[i] cannot be a NULL pointer.
The program binaries specified by <varname>binaries</varname> contain the bits that describe the program executable that will be run on the device(s) associated with <varname>context</varname>. The program binary can consist of either or both of device-specific executable(s), and/or implementation-specific intermediate representation (IR) which will be converted to the device-specific executable.
Returns whether the program binary for each device specified in <varname>device_list</varname> was
loaded successfully or not. It is an array of <varname>num_devices</varname> entries and returns <errorname>CL_SUCCESS</errorname> in
<varname>binary_status[i]</varname> if binary was successfully loaded for device specified by <varname>device_list[i]</varname>;
otherwise returns <errorname>CL_INVALID_VALUE</errorname> if <varname>lengths[i]</varname> is zero or if <varname>binaries[i]</varname> is a NULL value or
<errorname>CL_INVALID_BINARY</errorname> in <varname>binary_status[i]</varname> if program binary is not a valid binary for the
specified device. If <varname>binary_status</varname> is NULL, it is ignored.
Returns an appropriate error code. If <varname>errcode_ret</varname> is NULL, no error code is
<!-- ================================ NOTES -->
<refsect1 id="notes"><title>Notes</title>
OpenCL allows applications to create a program object using the program source or binary and
build appropriate program executables. This allows applications to determine whether they want
to use the pre-built offline binary or load and compile the program source and use the executable
compiled/linked online as the program executable. This can be very useful as it allows
applications to load and build program executables online on its first instance for appropriate
OpenCL devices in the system. These executables can now be queried and cached by the
application. Future instances of the application launching will no longer need to compile and
build the program executables. The cached executables can be read and loaded by the
application, which can help significantly reduce the application initialization time.
<!-- ================================ ERRORS -->
<refsect1 id="errors"><title>Errors</title>
Returns a valid non-zero program object and <varname>errcode_ret</varname> is set to<errorname>CL_SUCCESS</errorname> if the program object is created successfully. Otherwise, it returns a NULL value with one of the following error values returned in <varname>errcode_ret</varname>:
<itemizedlist mark="disc">
<errorname>CL_INVALID_CONTEXT</errorname> if <varname>context</varname> is not a valid context.
<errorname>CL_INVALID_VALUE</errorname> if <varname>device_list</varname> is NULL or <varname>num_devices</varname> is zero; or if
<varname>lengths</varname> or <varname>binaries</varname> are NULL or if any entry in <varname>lengths</varname>[i] or <varname>binaries</varname>[i] is NULL.
<errorname>CL_INVALID_DEVICE</errorname> if OpenCL devices listed in <varname>device_list</varname> are not in the list of devices associated with <varname>context</varname>.
<errorname>CL_INVALID_BINARY</errorname> if an invalid program binary was encountered for any device. <varname>binary_status</varname> will return specific status for each device.
<errorname>CL_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY</errorname> if there is a failure to allocate resources required by the OpenCL implementation on the host.
<!-- ================================ EXAMPLE -->
<refsect2 id="example1">
<informaltable frame="none">
<tgroup cols="1" align="left" colsep="0" rowsep="0">
<colspec colname="col1" colnum="1" />
Example goes here - it will be set in "code" type with white space preserved.
<!-- ================================ SPECIFICATION -->
<!-- Set the "uri" attribute in the <olink /> element to the "named destination" for the PDF page
<refsect1 id="specification"><title>Specification</title>
<imagedata fileref="pdficon_small1.gif" format="gif" />
<olink uri="clCreateProgramWithBinary">OpenCL Specification</olink>
<!-- ================================ ALSO SEE -->
<refsect1 id="seealso"><title>Also see</title>
<!-- ================================ COPYRIGHT -->
<!-- Content included from -->
<refsect3 id="Copyright"><title></title>
<imagedata fileref="KhronosLogo.jpg" format="jpg" />
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