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<holder>The Khronos Group Inc.
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
copy of this software and/or associated documentation files (the
"Materials"), to deal in the Materials without restriction, including
without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Materials, and to
permit persons to whom the Materials are furnished to do so, subject to
the condition that this copyright notice and permission notice shall be included
in all copies or substantial portions of the Materials.</holder>
<!-- ================================ SYNOPSIS -->
<refnamediv id="cl_khr_subgroups">
Extension adds support for implementation-controlled subgroups.
<refsect2 id="synopsis">
<informaltable frame="none">
<tgroup cols="1" align="left" colsep="0" rowsep="0">
<colspec colname="col1" colnum="1" />
#pragma OPENCL EXTENSION cl_khr_subgroups : enable
<!-- ================================ DESCRIPTION -->
<refsect1 id="description"><title>Description</title>
Subgroups behave similarly to workgroups with their own
sets of builtins and synchronization primitives. Subgroups
within a workgroup are independent, make forward progress
with respect to each other and may map to optimized
hardware structures where that makes sense.
If this extension is supported by an implementation,
the string <code>cl_khr_subgroups</code> will be
present in the <constant>CL_DEVICE_EXTENSIONS</constant>
string described in table 4.3
(see <citerefentry><refentrytitle>clGetDeviceInfo</refentrytitle></citerefentry>).
Within a work-group work-items may be divided
into sub-groups in an implementation-defined
fashion. The mapping of work-items to sub-groups
is implementation-defined and may be
queried at runtime. While sub-groups may be
used in multi-dimensional work-groups,
each subgroup is 1-dimensional and any given
work-item may query which sub-group it is a member of.
Work items are mapped into subgroups through
a combination of compile-time decisions and the
parameters of the dispatch. The mapping to subgroups
is invariant for the duration of a kernel’s
execution, across dispatches of a given kernel
with the same launch parameters, and from one
work-group to another within the dispatch (excluding
the trailing edge work-groups in the
presence of non-uniform work-group sizes). In
addition, all sub-groups within a work-group will
be the same size, apart from the sub-group with
the maximum index which may be smaller if the
size of the work-group is not evenly divisible
by the size of the sub-groups
Sub-groups execute concurrently within a given work-group
and make independent forward progress with respect to each
other even in the absence of work-group barrier operations.
Subgroups are able to internally synchronize using barrier
operations without synchronizing with each other.
In the degenerate case, with the extension enabled, a single
sub-group must be supported for each work-group. In this
situation all sub-group scope functions alias their work-group
level equivalents.
This extension enables the following functions:
<informaltable frame="all">
<tgroup cols="2" align="left" colsep="1" rowsep="1">
<colspec colnum="1" colwidth="2*" colname="col1" />
<colspec colnum="2" colwidth="8*" colname="col2" />
<entry>Returns information about the kernel object</entry>
<entry>Returns the number of work-items in the subgroup</entry>
<entry>Returns the maximum size of a subgroup within the dispatch</entry>
<entry>Returns the number of subgroups in the current workgroup</entry>
<entry>Returns the number of enqueued subgroups</entry>
<entry>Returns the sub-group ID</entry>
<entry>Returns the unique work-item ID within the current subgroup</entry>
<entry>Sub-group barrier</entry>
<entry>Returns non-zero if a predicate evaluates true for all work-items</entry>
<entry>Returns non-zero if a predicate evaluates true for any work-items</entry>
<entry>Broadcast a value to all work-items in a sub-group</entry>
<entry><citerefentry href="sub_group_reduce"><refentrytitle>sub_group_reduce_&lt;op></refentrytitle></citerefentry></entry>
<entry>Broadcast a value to all work-items in a sub-group</entry>
<entry><citerefentry href="sub_group_scan_exclusive"><refentrytitle>sub_group_scan_exclusive_&lt;op></refentrytitle></citerefentry></entry>
<entry>Do an exclusive scan operation</entry>
<entry><citerefentry href="sub_group_scan_inclusive"><refentrytitle>sub_group_scan_inclusive_&lt;op></refentrytitle></citerefentry></entry>
<entry>Do an inclusive scan operation</entry>
<entry>Reserve packet entries for reading from a pipe</entry>
<entry>Reserve packet entries for writing to a pipe</entry>
<entry>Indicates that all reads associated with a reservation are completed</entry>
<entry>Indicates that all writes associated with a reservation are completed</entry>
<entry>Returns the number of subgroups in each workgroup of the dispatch</entry>
<entry>Returns the maximum sub-group size for a block</entry>
<!-- ================================ EXAMPLE -->
<refsect2 id="example1">
<informaltable frame="none">
<tgroup cols="1" align="left" colsep="0" rowsep="0">
<colspec colname="col1" colnum="1" />
Example goes here - it will be set in "code" type with white space preserved.
<!-- ================================ SPECIFICATION -->
<!-- Set the "uri" attribute in the <olink /> element to the "named destination" for the PDF page
<refsect1 id="specification"><title>Specification</title>
<imagedata fileref="pdficon_small1.gif" format="gif" />
<olink uri="cl_khr_subgroups">OpenCL Specification</olink>
<!-- ================================ ALSO SEE -->
<refsect1 id="seealso"><title>Also see</title>
<citerefentry href="workItemFunctions"><refentrytitle>Work Item Functions</refentrytitle></citerefentry>,
<citerefentry href="syncFunctions"><refentrytitle>Sync Functions</refentrytitle></citerefentry>
<!-- ============================== COPYRIGHT -->
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<refsect3 id="Copyright"><title></title>
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