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<holder>The Khronos Group Inc.
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
copy of this software and/or associated documentation files (the
"Materials"), to deal in the Materials without restriction, including
without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Materials, and to
permit persons to whom the Materials are furnished to do so, subject to
the condition that this copyright notice and permission notice shall be included
in all copies or substantial portions of the Materials.</holder>
<!-- ================================ SYNOPSIS -->
<refnamediv id=" sampler_t">
<refname> sampler_t</refname>
A type used to control how elements of a 2D or 3D image object are read by <function>read_image{f|i|ui}</function>.
<refsect2 id="synopsis">
<informaltable frame="none">
<tgroup cols="1" align="left" colsep="0" rowsep="0">
<colspec colname="col1" colnum="1" />
const sampler_t &lt;sampler name&gt; = &lt;value&gt;
<!-- ================================ DESCRIPTION -->
<refsect1 id="description"><title>Description</title>
<!-- sampler_t below needs to be rendered in monospace, but I couldn't bear to tag it as <constant> because it isn't a constant. I tagged it <type> for now. - drm -->
The image read functions take a sampler argument. The sampler can be passed as an argument
to the kernel using <citerefentry><refentrytitle>clSetKernelArg</refentrytitle></citerefentry>, or it can be a constant variable of type <type>sampler_t</type> declared in the program source.
Sampler variables in a program are declared to be of type <type>sampler_t</type>.
The <type>sampler_t</type> type is a 32-bit unsigned int constant and is interpreted as a bit-field that specifies the following properties:
<!-- I didn't know how to make a bulleted list for the following three items - drm -->
Addressing Mode
Filter Mode
Normalized Coordinates
These properties control how elements of an image object are read by
<citerefentry href="imageFunctions"><refentrytitle>read_image{f|i|ui}</refentrytitle></citerefentry>.
Samplers can also be declared as global constants in the program source using the syntax shown at the top of this page.
The sampler fields are described in the table below:
<informaltable frame="all">
<tgroup cols="2" align="left" colsep="1" rowsep="1">
<colspec colname="col1" colnum="1" />
<colspec colname="col2" colnum="2" />
<entry>Sampler State</entry>
Specifies whether the <varname>x</varname>, <varname>y</varname> and <varname>z</varname> coordinates are passed in as normalized or unnormalized values. This must be a literal value and can be one of the following predefined enums:
The samplers used with an image in multiple calls to <function>read_image{f|i|ui}</function> declared in a kernel must use the same value for <constant>&lt;normalized coords&gt;</constant>.
<constant>&lt;address mode&gt;</constant>
Specifies the image addressing-mode i.e. how out-of-range
image coordinates are handled. This must be a literal value
and can be one of the following predefined enums:
coordinate at every integer junction. This address
mode can only be used with normalized coordinates. If
normalized coordinates are not used, this addressing
mode may generate image coordinates that are
CLK_ADDRESS_REPEAT - out-of-range image coordinates
are wrapped to the valid range. This <constant>address mode</constant> can
only be used with normalized coordinates. If normalized
coordinates are not used, this addressing mode may generate
image coordinates that are undefined.
CLK_ADDRESS_CLAMP_TO_EDGE - out-of-range image
coordinates are clamped to the extent.
CLK_ADDRESS_CLAMP - out-of-range image coordinates
will return a border color.
CLK_ADDRESS_NONE - for this address mode the
programmer guarantees that the image coordinates used to
sample elements of the image refer to a location inside the
image; otherwise the results are undefined.
<constant>&lt;filter mode&gt;</constant>
Specifies the filtering mode to use. This must be a literal value
and can be one of the following predefined enums:
<!-- Sorry, I didn't know where this links - drm -->
Refer to section on Image Addressing and Filtering in the <olink uri="imageAddressFiltering">OpenCL specification</olink> for a description of these filtering modes.
Samplers cannot be declared as arrays, pointers, or be used as the type for local variables inside a function or as the return value of a function defined in a program. Samplers cannot be passed as arguments to functions called by a <citerefentry href="functionQualifiers"><refentrytitle>__kernel</refentrytitle></citerefentry> function.
A sampler argument to a <citerefentry href="functionQualifiers"><refentrytitle>__kernel</refentrytitle></citerefentry>
function cannot be modified.
<!-- ================================ NOTES -->
<refsect1 id="notes"><title>Notes</title>
The maximum number of samplers that can be declared in a kernel can be queried using the
<constant>CL_DEVICE_MAX_SAMPLERS</constant> token in the table of OpenCL Device Queries for
If <code>&lt;addressing mode&gt;</code> in sampler is CLK_ADDRESS_CLAMP, then out-of-range image
coordinates return the border color. The border color selected depends on the image channel
order and can be one of the following values:
<itemizedlist mark="disc">
If the image channel order is CL_A, CL_INTENSITY, CL_Rx, CL_RA, CL_RGx,CL_RGBx, CL_ARGB,
CL_BGRA, or CL_RGBA, the border color is (0.0f, 0.0f,0.0f, 0.0f).
If the image channel order is CL_R, CL_RG, CL_RGB, or CL_LUMINANCE, the border
color is (0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f)
A kernel that uses a sampler with the CL_ADDRESS_CLAMP addressing mode with multiple
images may result in additional samplers being used internally by an implementation. If
the same sampler is used with multiple images called via
<citerefentry href="read_imagef2d"><refentrytitle>read_imagef</refentrytitle></citerefentry> or
<citerefentry href="read_imagei2d"><refentrytitle>read_image{i|ui}</refentrytitle></citerefentry>
then it is possible that an implementation may need to allocate an additional sampler to handle
the different border color values that may be needed depending on the image formats being used.
These implementation allocated samplers will count against the maximum sampler values supported
by the device and given by CL_DEVICE_MAX_SAMPLERS. Enqueuing a kernel that requires more samplers
than the implementation can support will result in a CL_OUT_OF_RESOURCES error being returned.
<!-- ================================ EXAMPLE -->
<refsect2 id="example1">
<informaltable frame="none">
<tgroup cols="1" align="left" colsep="0" rowsep="0">
<colspec colname="col1" colnum="1" />
const sampler_t samplerA = CLK_NORMALIZED_COORDS_TRUE |
<!-- "samplerA" below needs to be rendered bold, but I can't bring myself to
tag it as <function> because it isn't a function - drm -->
samplerA specifies a sampler that uses normalized coordinates, the repeat addressing mode and
a nearest filter.
<!-- ================================ SPECIFICATION -->
<!-- Set the "uri" attribute in the <olink /> element to the "named destination" for the PDF page
<refsect1 id="specification"><title>Specification</title>
<imagedata fileref="pdficon_small1.gif" format="gif" />
<olink uri="sampler_t">OpenCL Specification</olink>
<!-- ================================ ALSO SEE -->
<refsect1 id="seealso"><title>Also see</title>
<citerefentry href="otherDataTypes"><refentrytitle>Other Data Types</refentrytitle></citerefentry>,
<citerefentry href="imageFunctions"><refentrytitle>Image Read and Write Functions</refentrytitle></citerefentry>,
<citerefentry href="classDiagram"><refentrytitle>Cardinality Diagram</refentrytitle></citerefentry>
<!-- ============================== COPYRIGHT -->
<!-- Content included from -->
<refsect3 id="Copyright"><title></title>
<imagedata fileref="KhronosLogo.jpg" format="jpg" />
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