blob: ea71834c15cd899d329b3779a8ee2d0650ddb424 [file] [log] [blame]
* MVKShaderModule.h
* Copyright (c) 2015-2020 The Brenwill Workshop Ltd. (
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include "MVKDevice.h"
#include "MVKSync.h"
#include "MVKVector.h"
#include <MoltenVKSPIRVToMSLConverter/SPIRVToMSLConverter.h>
#include <MoltenVKGLSLToSPIRVConverter/GLSLToSPIRVConverter.h>
#include <mutex>
#import <Metal/Metal.h>
class MVKPipelineCache;
class MVKShaderCacheIterator;
class MVKShaderLibraryCache;
class MVKShaderModule;
using namespace mvk;
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark MVKShaderLibrary
/** A MTLFunction and corresponding result information resulting from a shader conversion. */
typedef struct MVKMTLFunction {
SPIRVToMSLConversionResults shaderConversionResults;
MTLSize threadGroupSize;
inline id<MTLFunction> getMTLFunction() { return _mtlFunction; }
MVKMTLFunction(id<MTLFunction> mtlFunc, const SPIRVToMSLConversionResults scRslts, MTLSize tgSize);
MVKMTLFunction(const MVKMTLFunction& other);
id<MTLFunction> _mtlFunction;
} MVKMTLFunction;
/** A MVKMTLFunction indicating an invalid MTLFunction. The mtlFunction member is nil. */
const MVKMTLFunction MVKMTLFunctionNull(nil, SPIRVToMSLConversionResults(), MTLSizeMake(1, 1, 1));
/** Wraps a single MTLLibrary. */
class MVKShaderLibrary : public MVKBaseObject {
/** Returns the Vulkan API opaque object controlling this object. */
MVKVulkanAPIObject* getVulkanAPIObject() override { return _owner->getVulkanAPIObject(); };
* Sets the entry point function name.
* This is usually set automatically during shader conversion from SPIR-V to MSL.
* For a library that was created directly from MSL, this function can be used to
* set the name of the function if it has a different name than the default main0().
void setEntryPointName(std::string& funcName);
* Sets the number of threads in a single compute kernel workgroup, per dimension.
* This is usually set automatically during shader conversion from SPIR-V to MSL.
* For a library that was created directly from MSL, this function can be used to
* set the workgroup size..
void setWorkgroupSize(uint32_t x, uint32_t y, uint32_t z);
/** Constructs an instance from the specified MSL source code. */
MVKShaderLibrary(MVKVulkanAPIDeviceObject* owner,
const std::string& mslSourceCode,
const SPIRVToMSLConversionResults& shaderConversionResults);
/** Constructs an instance from the specified compiled MSL code data. */
MVKShaderLibrary(MVKVulkanAPIDeviceObject* owner,
const void* mslCompiledCodeData,
size_t mslCompiledCodeLength);
/** Copy constructor. */
MVKShaderLibrary(const MVKShaderLibrary& other);
~MVKShaderLibrary() override;
friend MVKShaderCacheIterator;
friend MVKShaderLibraryCache;
friend MVKShaderModule;
MVKMTLFunction getMTLFunction(const VkSpecializationInfo* pSpecializationInfo, MVKShaderModule* shaderModule);
void handleCompilationError(NSError* err, const char* opDesc);
MTLFunctionConstant* getFunctionConstant(NSArray<MTLFunctionConstant*>* mtlFCs, NSUInteger mtlFCID);
MVKVulkanAPIDeviceObject* _owner;
id<MTLLibrary> _mtlLibrary;
SPIRVToMSLConversionResults _shaderConversionResults;
std::string _msl;
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark MVKShaderLibraryCache
/** Represents a cache of shader libraries for one shader module. */
class MVKShaderLibraryCache : public MVKBaseObject {
/** Returns the Vulkan API opaque object controlling this object. */
MVKVulkanAPIObject* getVulkanAPIObject() override { return _owner->getVulkanAPIObject(); };
* Returns a shader library from the specified shader context sourced from the specified shader module,
* lazily creating the shader library from source code in the shader module, if needed.
* If pWasAdded is not nil, this function will set it to true if a new shader library was created,
* and to false if an existing shader library was found and returned.
MVKShaderLibrary* getShaderLibrary(SPIRVToMSLConversionConfiguration* pContext,
MVKShaderModule* shaderModule,
bool* pWasAdded = nullptr);
MVKShaderLibraryCache(MVKVulkanAPIDeviceObject* owner) : _owner(owner) {};
~MVKShaderLibraryCache() override;
friend MVKShaderCacheIterator;
friend MVKPipelineCache;
friend MVKShaderModule;
MVKShaderLibrary* findShaderLibrary(SPIRVToMSLConversionConfiguration* pContext);
MVKShaderLibrary* addShaderLibrary(SPIRVToMSLConversionConfiguration* pContext,
const std::string& mslSourceCode,
const SPIRVToMSLConversionResults& shaderConversionResults);
void merge(MVKShaderLibraryCache* other);
MVKVulkanAPIDeviceObject* _owner;
MVKVectorInline<std::pair<SPIRVToMSLConversionConfiguration, MVKShaderLibrary*>, 1> _shaderLibraries;
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark MVKShaderModule
typedef struct MVKShaderModuleKey_t {
std::size_t codeSize;
std::size_t codeHash;
bool operator==(const MVKShaderModuleKey_t& rhs) const {
return ((codeSize == rhs.codeSize) && (codeHash == rhs.codeHash));
MVKShaderModuleKey_t(std::size_t codeSize, std::size_t codeHash) : codeSize(codeSize), codeHash(codeHash) {}
MVKShaderModuleKey_t() : MVKShaderModuleKey_t(0, 0) {}
} MVKShaderModuleKey;
* Hash structure implementation for MVKShaderModuleKey in std namespace,
* so MVKShaderModuleKey can be used as a key in a std::map and std::unordered_map.
namespace std {
template <>
struct hash<MVKShaderModuleKey> {
std::size_t operator()(const MVKShaderModuleKey& k) const { return k.codeHash; }
/** Represents a Vulkan shader module. */
class MVKShaderModule : public MVKVulkanAPIDeviceObject {
/** Returns the Vulkan type of this object. */
VkObjectType getVkObjectType() override { return VK_OBJECT_TYPE_SHADER_MODULE; }
/** Returns the debug report object type of this object. */
VkDebugReportObjectTypeEXT getVkDebugReportObjectType() override { return VK_DEBUG_REPORT_OBJECT_TYPE_SHADER_MODULE_EXT; }
/** Returns the Metal shader function, possibly specialized. */
MVKMTLFunction getMTLFunction(SPIRVToMSLConversionConfiguration* pContext,
const VkSpecializationInfo* pSpecializationInfo,
MVKPipelineCache* pipelineCache);
/** Convert the SPIR-V to MSL, using the specified shader conversion context. */
bool convert(SPIRVToMSLConversionConfiguration* pContext);
/** Returns the original SPIR-V code that was specified when this object was created. */
const std::vector<uint32_t>& getSPIRV() { return _spvConverter.getSPIRV(); }
* Returns the Metal Shading Language source code as converted by the most recent
* call to convert() function, or set directly using the setMSL() function.
const std::string& getMSL() { return _spvConverter.getMSL(); }
/** Returns information about the shader conversion results. */
const SPIRVToMSLConversionResults& getConversionResults() { return _spvConverter.getConversionResults(); }
/** Sets the number of threads in a single compute kernel workgroup, per dimension. */
void setWorkgroupSize(uint32_t x, uint32_t y, uint32_t z);
/** Returns a key as a means of identifying this shader module in a pipeline cache. */
MVKShaderModuleKey getKey() { return _key; }
MVKShaderModule(MVKDevice* device, const VkShaderModuleCreateInfo* pCreateInfo);
~MVKShaderModule() override;
friend MVKShaderCacheIterator;
void propogateDebugName() override {}
MVKGLSLConversionShaderStage getMVKGLSLConversionShaderStage(SPIRVToMSLConversionConfiguration* pContext);
MVKShaderLibraryCache _shaderLibraryCache;
SPIRVToMSLConverter _spvConverter;
GLSLToSPIRVConverter _glslConverter;
MVKShaderLibrary* _directMSLLibrary;
MVKShaderModuleKey _key;
std::mutex _accessLock;
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark MVKShaderLibraryCompiler
* Creates a MTLLibrary from source code.
* Instances of this class are one-shot, and can only be used for a single library compilation.
class MVKShaderLibraryCompiler : public MVKMetalCompiler {
* Returns a new (retained) MTLLibrary object compiled from the MSL source code.
* If the Metal library compiler does not return within MVKConfiguration::metalCompileTimeout
* nanoseconds, an error will be generated and logged, and nil will be returned.
id<MTLLibrary> newMTLLibrary(NSString* mslSourceCode);
#pragma mark Construction
MVKShaderLibraryCompiler(MVKVulkanAPIDeviceObject* owner) : MVKMetalCompiler(owner) {
_compilerType = "Shader library";
_pPerformanceTracker = &_owner->getDevice()->_performanceStatistics.shaderCompilation.mslCompile;
~MVKShaderLibraryCompiler() override;
bool compileComplete(id<MTLLibrary> mtlLibrary, NSError *error);
void handleError() override;
id<MTLLibrary> _mtlLibrary = nil;
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark MVKFunctionSpecializer
* Compiles a specialized MTLFunction.
* Instances of this class are one-shot, and can only be used for a single function compilation.
class MVKFunctionSpecializer : public MVKMetalCompiler {
* Returns a new (retained) MTLFunction object compiled from the MTLLibrary and specialization constants.
* If the Metal function compiler does not return within MVKConfiguration::metalCompileTimeout
* nanoseconds, an error will be generated and logged, and nil will be returned.
id<MTLFunction> newMTLFunction(id<MTLLibrary> mtlLibrary, NSString* funcName, MTLFunctionConstantValues* constantValues);
#pragma mark Construction
MVKFunctionSpecializer(MVKVulkanAPIDeviceObject* owner) : MVKMetalCompiler(owner) {
_compilerType = "Function specialization";
_pPerformanceTracker = &_owner->getDevice()->_performanceStatistics.shaderCompilation.functionSpecialization;
~MVKFunctionSpecializer() override;
bool compileComplete(id<MTLFunction> mtlFunction, NSError *error);
id<MTLFunction> _mtlFunction = nil;