blob: aef11ea69f361fcbd353fd3cf8b1ac86ff471b51 [file] [log] [blame]
* MVKDevice.h
* Copyright (c) 2014-2019 The Brenwill Workshop Ltd. (
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include "MVKFoundation.h"
#include "MVKBaseObject.h"
#include "MVKLayers.h"
#include "MVKObjectPool.h"
#include "mvk_datatypes.hpp"
#include "vk_mvk_moltenvk.h"
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <mutex>
#import <Metal/Metal.h>
#import <QuartzCore/CAMetalLayer.h>
class MVKInstance;
class MVKDevice;
class MVKQueue;
class MVKQueueFamily;
class MVKSurface;
class MVKSemaphoreImpl;
class MVKResource;
class MVKBuffer;
class MVKBufferView;
class MVKImage;
class MVKSwapchainImage;
class MVKImageView;
class MVKSwapchain;
class MVKDeviceMemory;
class MVKFence;
class MVKSemaphore;
class MVKQueryPool;
class MVKShaderModule;
class MVKPipelineCache;
class MVKPipelineLayout;
class MVKPipeline;
class MVKSampler;
class MVKDescriptorSetLayout;
class MVKDescriptorPool;
class MVKDescriptorUpdateTemplate;
class MVKFramebuffer;
class MVKRenderPass;
class MVKCommandPool;
class MVKCommandEncoder;
class MVKCommandResourceFactory;
/** The buffer index to use for vertex content. */
const static uint32_t kMVKVertexContentBufferIndex = 0;
// Parameters to define the sizing of inline collections
const static uint32_t kMVKCachedViewportCount = 16;
const static uint32_t kMVKCachedScissorCount = 16;
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark MVKPhysicalDevice
/** Represents a Vulkan physical GPU device. */
class MVKPhysicalDevice : public MVKDispatchableVulkanAPIObject {
/** Returns the debug report object type of this object. */
VkDebugReportObjectTypeEXT getVkDebugReportObjectType() override { return VK_DEBUG_REPORT_OBJECT_TYPE_PHYSICAL_DEVICE_EXT; }
/** Returns a pointer to the Vulkan instance. */
MVKInstance* getInstance() override { return _mvkInstance; }
/** Populates the specified structure with the features of this device. */
void getFeatures(VkPhysicalDeviceFeatures* features);
/** Populates the specified structure with the features of this device. */
void getFeatures(VkPhysicalDeviceFeatures2* features);
/** Populates the specified structure with the properties of this device. */
void getProperties(VkPhysicalDeviceProperties* properties);
/** Populates the specified structure with the properties of this device. */
void getProperties(VkPhysicalDeviceProperties2* properties);
/** Returns the name of this device. */
inline const char* getName() { return _properties.deviceName; }
/** Returns whether the specified format is supported on this device. */
bool getFormatIsSupported(VkFormat format);
/** Populates the specified structure with the format properties of this device. */
void getFormatProperties(VkFormat format, VkFormatProperties* pFormatProperties);
/** Populates the specified structure with the format properties of this device. */
void getFormatProperties(VkFormat format, VkFormatProperties2KHR* pFormatProperties);
* Populates the specified structure with the image format properties
* supported for the specified image characteristics on this device.
VkResult getImageFormatProperties(VkFormat format,
VkImageType type,
VkImageTiling tiling,
VkImageUsageFlags usage,
VkImageCreateFlags flags,
VkImageFormatProperties* pImageFormatProperties);
* Populates the specified structure with the image format properties
* supported for the specified image characteristics on this device.
VkResult getImageFormatProperties(const VkPhysicalDeviceImageFormatInfo2KHR* pImageFormatInfo,
VkImageFormatProperties2KHR* pImageFormatProperties);
#pragma mark Surfaces
* Queries whether this device supports presentation to the specified surface,
* using a queue of the specified queue family.
VkResult getSurfaceSupport(uint32_t queueFamilyIndex, MVKSurface* surface, VkBool32* pSupported);
/** Returns the capabilities of the specified surface. */
VkResult getSurfaceCapabilities(MVKSurface* surface, VkSurfaceCapabilitiesKHR* pSurfaceCapabilities);
* Returns the pixel formats supported by the surface.
* If pSurfaceFormats is null, the value of pCount is updated with the number of
* pixel formats supported by the surface.
* If pSurfaceFormats is not null, then pCount formats are copied into the array.
* If the number of available formats is less than pCount, the value of pCount is
* updated to indicate the number of formats actually returned in the array.
* Returns VK_SUCCESS if successful. Returns VK_INCOMPLETE if the number of supported
* formats is larger than pCount. Returns other values if an error occurs.
VkResult getSurfaceFormats(MVKSurface* surface, uint32_t* pCount, VkSurfaceFormatKHR* pSurfaceFormats);
* Returns the pixel formats supported by the surface.
* If pSurfaceFormats is null, the value of pCount is updated with the number of
* pixel formats supported by the surface.
* If pSurfaceFormats is not null, then pCount formats are copied into the array.
* If the number of available formats is less than pCount, the value of pCount is
* updated to indicate the number of formats actually returned in the array.
* Returns VK_SUCCESS if successful. Returns VK_INCOMPLETE if the number of supported
* formats is larger than pCount. Returns other values if an error occurs.
VkResult getSurfaceFormats(MVKSurface* surface, uint32_t* pCount, VkSurfaceFormat2KHR* pSurfaceFormats);
* Returns the presentation modes supported by the surface.
* If pPresentModes is null, the value of pCount is updated with the number of
* presentation modes supported by the surface.
* If pPresentModes is not null, then pCount presentation modes are copied into the array.
* If the number of available modes is less than pCount, the value of pCount is updated
* to indicate the number of presentation modes actually returned in the array.
* Returns VK_SUCCESS if successful. Returns VK_INCOMPLETE if the number of supported
* presentation modes is larger than pCount. Returns other values if an error occurs.
VkResult getSurfacePresentModes(MVKSurface* surface, uint32_t* pCount, VkPresentModeKHR* pPresentModes);
* Returns the rectangles that will be used on the surface by this physical device
* when the surface is presented.
* If pRects is null, the value of pRectCount is updated with the number of
* rectangles used the surface by this physical device.
* If pRects is not null, then pCount rectangles are copied into the array.
* If the number of rectangles is less than pCount, the value of pCount is updated
* to indicate the number of rectangles actually returned in the array.
* Returns VK_SUCCESS if successful. Returns VK_INCOMPLETE if the number of rectangles
* is larger than pCount. Returns other values if an error occurs.
VkResult getPresentRectangles(MVKSurface* surface, uint32_t* pRectCount, VkRect2D* pRects);
#pragma mark Queues
* If pQueueFamilyProperties is null, the value of pCount is updated with the number of
* queue families supported by this instance.
* If pQueueFamilyProperties is not null, then pCount queue family properties are copied into
* the array. If the number of available queue families is less than pCount, the value of
* pCount is updated to indicate the number of queue families actually returned in the array.
* Returns VK_SUCCESS if successful. Returns VK_INCOMPLETE if the number of queue families
* available in this instance is larger than the specified pCount. Returns other values if
* an error occurs.
VkResult getQueueFamilyProperties(uint32_t* pCount, VkQueueFamilyProperties* pQueueFamilyProperties);
* If pQueueFamilyProperties is null, the value of pCount is updated with the number of
* queue families supported by this instance.
* If pQueueFamilyProperties is not null, then pCount queue family properties are copied into
* the array. If the number of available queue families is less than pCount, the value of
* pCount is updated to indicate the number of queue families actually returned in the array.
* Returns VK_SUCCESS if successful. Returns VK_INCOMPLETE if the number of queue families
* available in this instance is larger than the specified pCount. Returns other values if
* an error occurs.
VkResult getQueueFamilyProperties(uint32_t* pCount, VkQueueFamilyProperties2KHR* pQueueFamilyProperties);
#pragma mark Memory models
/** Returns a pointer to the memory characteristics of this device. */
inline const VkPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties* getPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties() { return &_memoryProperties; }
/** Populates the specified memory properties with the memory characteristics of this device. */
VkResult getPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties(VkPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties* pMemoryProperties);
/** Populates the specified memory properties with the memory characteristics of this device. */
VkResult getPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties(VkPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties2* pMemoryProperties);
* Returns a bit mask of all memory type indices.
* Each bit [0..31] in the returned bit mask indicates a distinct memory type.
inline uint32_t getAllMemoryTypes() { return _allMemoryTypes; }
* Returns a bit mask of all memory type indices that allow host visibility to the memory.
* Each bit [0..31] in the returned bit mask indicates a distinct memory type.
inline uint32_t getHostVisibleMemoryTypes() { return _hostVisibleMemoryTypes; }
* Returns a bit mask of all memory type indices that are coherent between host and device.
* Each bit [0..31] in the returned bit mask indicates a distinct memory type.
inline uint32_t getHostCoherentMemoryTypes() { return _hostCoherentMemoryTypes; }
* Returns a bit mask of all memory type indices that do NOT allow host visibility to the memory.
* Each bit [0..31] in the returned bit mask indicates a distinct memory type.
inline uint32_t getPrivateMemoryTypes() { return _privateMemoryTypes; }
* Returns a bit mask of all memory type indices that are lazily allocated.
* Each bit [0..31] in the returned bit mask indicates a distinct memory type.
inline uint32_t getLazilyAllocatedMemoryTypes() { return _lazilyAllocatedMemoryTypes; }
#pragma mark Metal
/** Populates the specified structure with the Metal-specific features of this device. */
const MVKPhysicalDeviceMetalFeatures* getMetalFeatures() { return &_metalFeatures; }
/** Returns the underlying Metal device. */
inline id<MTLDevice> getMTLDevice() { return _mtlDevice; }
/*** Replaces the underlying Metal device .*/
inline void replaceMTLDevice(id<MTLDevice> mtlDevice) { [_mtlDevice autorelease]; _mtlDevice = [mtlDevice retain]; }
#pragma mark Construction
/** Constructs an instance wrapping the specified Vulkan instance and Metal device. */
MVKPhysicalDevice(MVKInstance* mvkInstance, id<MTLDevice> mtlDevice);
/** Default destructor. */
~MVKPhysicalDevice() override;
* Returns a reference to this object suitable for use as a Vulkan API handle.
* This is the compliment of the getMVKPhysicalDevice() method.
inline VkPhysicalDevice getVkPhysicalDevice() { return (VkPhysicalDevice)getVkHandle(); }
* Retrieves the MVKPhysicalDevice instance referenced by the VkPhysicalDevice handle.
* This is the compliment of the getVkPhysicalDevice() method.
static inline MVKPhysicalDevice* getMVKPhysicalDevice(VkPhysicalDevice vkPhysicalDevice) {
return (MVKPhysicalDevice*)getDispatchableObject(vkPhysicalDevice);
friend class MVKDevice;
MTLFeatureSet getMaximalMTLFeatureSet();
void initMetalFeatures();
void initFeatures();
void initProperties();
void initMemoryProperties();
std::vector<MVKQueueFamily*>& getQueueFamilies();
void initPipelineCacheUUID();
MTLFeatureSet getHighestMTLFeatureSet();
bool getImageViewIsSupported(const VkPhysicalDeviceImageFormatInfo2KHR *pImageFormatInfo);
void logGPUInfo();
id<MTLDevice> _mtlDevice;
MVKInstance* _mvkInstance;
VkPhysicalDeviceFeatures _features;
MVKPhysicalDeviceMetalFeatures _metalFeatures;
VkPhysicalDeviceProperties _properties;
VkPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties _memoryProperties;
std::vector<MVKQueueFamily*> _queueFamilies;
uint32_t _allMemoryTypes;
uint32_t _hostVisibleMemoryTypes;
uint32_t _hostCoherentMemoryTypes;
uint32_t _privateMemoryTypes;
uint32_t _lazilyAllocatedMemoryTypes;
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark MVKDevice
/** Represents a Vulkan logical GPU device, associated with a physical device. */
class MVKDevice : public MVKDispatchableVulkanAPIObject {
/** Returns the debug report object type of this object. */
VkDebugReportObjectTypeEXT getVkDebugReportObjectType() override { return VK_DEBUG_REPORT_OBJECT_TYPE_DEVICE_EXT; }
/** Returns a pointer to the Vulkan instance. */
MVKInstance* getInstance() override { return _physicalDevice->getInstance(); }
/** Returns the physical device underlying this logical device. */
inline MVKPhysicalDevice* getPhysicalDevice() { return _physicalDevice; }
/** Returns the name of this device. */
inline const char* getName() { return _pProperties->deviceName; }
/** Returns the common resource factory for creating command resources. */
inline MVKCommandResourceFactory* getCommandResourceFactory() { return _commandResourceFactory; }
/** Returns the function pointer corresponding to the specified named entry point. */
PFN_vkVoidFunction getProcAddr(const char* pName);
/** Retrieves a queue at the specified index within the specified family. */
MVKQueue* getQueue(uint32_t queueFamilyIndex, uint32_t queueIndex);
/** Block the current thread until all queues in this device are idle. */
VkResult waitIdle();
/** Returns whether or not the given descriptor set layout is supported. */
void getDescriptorSetLayoutSupport(const VkDescriptorSetLayoutCreateInfo* pCreateInfo,
VkDescriptorSetLayoutSupport* pSupport);
/** Populates the device group presentation capabilities. */
VkResult getDeviceGroupPresentCapabilities(VkDeviceGroupPresentCapabilitiesKHR* pDeviceGroupPresentCapabilities);
/** Populates the device group surface presentation modes. */
VkResult getDeviceGroupSurfacePresentModes(MVKSurface* surface, VkDeviceGroupPresentModeFlagsKHR* pModes);
#pragma mark Object lifecycle
MVKBuffer* createBuffer(const VkBufferCreateInfo* pCreateInfo,
const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator);
void destroyBuffer(MVKBuffer* mvkBuff,
const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator);
MVKBufferView* createBufferView(const VkBufferViewCreateInfo* pCreateInfo,
const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator);
void destroyBufferView(MVKBufferView* mvkBuffView,
const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator);
MVKImage* createImage(const VkImageCreateInfo* pCreateInfo,
const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator);
void destroyImage(MVKImage* mvkImg,
const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator);
MVKImageView* createImageView(const VkImageViewCreateInfo* pCreateInfo,
const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator);
void destroyImageView(MVKImageView* mvkImgView, const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator);
MVKSwapchain* createSwapchain(const VkSwapchainCreateInfoKHR* pCreateInfo,
const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator);
void destroySwapchain(MVKSwapchain* mvkSwpChn,
const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator);
MVKSwapchainImage* createSwapchainImage(const VkImageCreateInfo* pCreateInfo,
MVKSwapchain* swapchain,
const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator);
void destroySwapchainImage(MVKSwapchainImage* mvkImg,
const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator);
MVKFence* createFence(const VkFenceCreateInfo* pCreateInfo,
const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator);
void destroyFence(MVKFence* mvkFence,
const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator);
MVKSemaphore* createSemaphore(const VkSemaphoreCreateInfo* pCreateInfo,
const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator);
void destroySemaphore(MVKSemaphore* mvkSem4,
const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator);
MVKQueryPool* createQueryPool(const VkQueryPoolCreateInfo* pCreateInfo,
const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator);
void destroyQueryPool(MVKQueryPool* mvkQP,
const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator);
MVKShaderModule* createShaderModule(const VkShaderModuleCreateInfo* pCreateInfo,
const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator);
void destroyShaderModule(MVKShaderModule* mvkShdrMod,
const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator);
MVKPipelineCache* createPipelineCache(const VkPipelineCacheCreateInfo* pCreateInfo,
const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator);
void destroyPipelineCache(MVKPipelineCache* mvkPLC,
const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator);
MVKPipelineLayout* createPipelineLayout(const VkPipelineLayoutCreateInfo* pCreateInfo,
const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator);
void destroyPipelineLayout(MVKPipelineLayout* mvkPLL,
const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator);
* Template function that creates count number of pipelines of type PipelineType,
* using a collection of configuration information of type PipelineInfoType,
* and adds the new pipelines to the specified pipeline cache.
template<typename PipelineType, typename PipelineInfoType>
VkResult createPipelines(VkPipelineCache pipelineCache,
uint32_t count,
const PipelineInfoType* pCreateInfos,
const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator,
VkPipeline* pPipelines);
void destroyPipeline(MVKPipeline* mvkPPL,
const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator);
MVKSampler* createSampler(const VkSamplerCreateInfo* pCreateInfo,
const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator);
void destroySampler(MVKSampler* mvkSamp,
const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator);
MVKDescriptorSetLayout* createDescriptorSetLayout(const VkDescriptorSetLayoutCreateInfo* pCreateInfo,
const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator);
void destroyDescriptorSetLayout(MVKDescriptorSetLayout* mvkDSL,
const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator);
MVKDescriptorPool* createDescriptorPool(const VkDescriptorPoolCreateInfo* pCreateInfo,
const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator);
void destroyDescriptorPool(MVKDescriptorPool* mvkDP,
const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator);
MVKDescriptorUpdateTemplate* createDescriptorUpdateTemplate(const VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateCreateInfoKHR* pCreateInfo,
const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator);
void destroyDescriptorUpdateTemplate(MVKDescriptorUpdateTemplate* mvkDUT,
const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator);
MVKFramebuffer* createFramebuffer(const VkFramebufferCreateInfo* pCreateInfo,
const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator);
void destroyFramebuffer(MVKFramebuffer* mvkFB,
const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator);
MVKRenderPass* createRenderPass(const VkRenderPassCreateInfo* pCreateInfo,
const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator);
void destroyRenderPass(MVKRenderPass* mvkRP,
const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator);
MVKCommandPool* createCommandPool(const VkCommandPoolCreateInfo* pCreateInfo,
const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator);
void destroyCommandPool(MVKCommandPool* mvkCmdPool,
const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator);
MVKDeviceMemory* allocateMemory(const VkMemoryAllocateInfo* pAllocateInfo,
const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator);
void freeMemory(MVKDeviceMemory* mvkDevMem,
const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator);
/** Applies the specified global memory barrier to all resource issued by this device. */
void applyMemoryBarrier(VkPipelineStageFlags srcStageMask,
VkPipelineStageFlags dstStageMask,
VkMemoryBarrier* pMemoryBarrier,
MVKCommandEncoder* cmdEncoder,
MVKCommandUse cmdUse);
* If performance is being tracked, returns a monotonic timestamp value for use performance timestamping.
* The returned value corresponds to the number of CPU "ticks" since the app was initialized.
* Calling this value twice, subtracting the first value from the second, and then multiplying
* the result by the value returned by mvkGetTimestampPeriod() will provide an indication of the
* number of nanoseconds between the two calls. The convenience function mvkGetElapsedMilliseconds()
* can be used to perform this calculation.
inline uint64_t getPerformanceTimestamp() {
return _pMVKConfig->performanceTracking ? getPerformanceTimestampImpl() : 0;
* If performance is being tracked, adds the performance for an activity with a duration
* interval between the start and end times, to the given performance statistics.
* If endTime is zero or not supplied, the current time is used.
inline void addActivityPerformance(MVKPerformanceTracker& shaderCompilationEvent,
uint64_t startTime, uint64_t endTime = 0) {
if (_pMVKConfig->performanceTracking) {
addActivityPerformanceImpl(shaderCompilationEvent, startTime, endTime);
/** Populates the specified statistics structure from the current activity performance statistics. */
void getPerformanceStatistics(MVKPerformanceStatistics* pPerf);
#pragma mark Metal
/** Returns the underlying Metal device. */
inline id<MTLDevice> getMTLDevice() { return _physicalDevice->getMTLDevice(); }
/** Returns standard compilation options to be used when compiling MSL shaders. */
MTLCompileOptions* getMTLCompileOptions();
/** Returns the Metal vertex buffer index to use for the specified vertex attribute binding number. */
uint32_t getMetalBufferIndexForVertexAttributeBinding(uint32_t binding);
* Returns the Metal MTLPixelFormat corresponding to the specified Vulkan VkFormat,
* or returns MTLPixelFormatInvalid if no corresponding MTLPixelFormat exists.
* This function uses the MoltenVK API function mvkMTLPixelFormatFromVkFormat(), but
* not all MTLPixelFormats returned by that API function are supported by all GPU's.
* This function may substitute and return a MTLPixelFormat value that is different than
* the value returned by the mvkMTLPixelFormatFromVkFormat() function, but is compatible
* with the GPU underlying this instance.
* Not all macOS GPU's support the MTLPixelFormatDepth24Unorm_Stencil8 pixel format, and
* in that case, this function will return MTLPixelFormatDepth32Float_Stencil8 instead.
* All other pixel formats are returned unchanged.
MTLPixelFormat getMTLPixelFormatFromVkFormat(VkFormat vkFormat);
/** Returns the memory alignment required for the format when used in a texel buffer. */
VkDeviceSize getVkFormatTexelBufferAlignment(VkFormat format);
* Returns the MTLBuffer used to hold occlusion query results,
* when all query pools use the same MTLBuffer.
id<MTLBuffer> getGlobalVisibilityResultMTLBuffer();
* Expands the visibility results buffer, used for occlusion queries, by replacing the
* existing buffer with a new MTLBuffer that is large enough to accommodate all occlusion
* queries created to date, including those defined in the specified query pool.
* Returns the previous query count, before the new queries were added, which can
* be used by the new query pool to locate its queries within the single large buffer.
uint32_t expandVisibilityResultMTLBuffer(uint32_t queryCount);
/** Returns the memory type index corresponding to the specified Metal memory storage mode. */
uint32_t getVulkanMemoryTypeIndex(MTLStorageMode mtlStorageMode);
#pragma mark Properties directly accessible
/** Pointer to the MoltenVK configuration settings. */
const MVKConfiguration* _pMVKConfig;
/** Device features available and enabled. */
const VkPhysicalDeviceFeatures _enabledFeatures;
const VkPhysicalDevice16BitStorageFeatures _enabledStorage16Features;
const VkPhysicalDevice8BitStorageFeaturesKHR _enabledStorage8Features;
const VkPhysicalDeviceFloat16Int8FeaturesKHR _enabledF16I8Features;
const VkPhysicalDeviceVariablePointerFeatures _enabledVarPtrFeatures;
const VkPhysicalDeviceHostQueryResetFeaturesEXT _enabledHostQryResetFeatures;
const VkPhysicalDeviceVertexAttributeDivisorFeaturesEXT _enabledVtxAttrDivFeatures;
const VkPhysicalDevicePortabilitySubsetFeaturesEXTX _enabledPortabilityFeatures;
/** The list of Vulkan extensions, indicating whether each has been enabled by the app for this device. */
const MVKExtensionList _enabledExtensions;
/** Pointer to the Metal-specific features of the underlying physical device. */
const MVKPhysicalDeviceMetalFeatures* _pMetalFeatures;
/** Pointer to the properties of the underlying physical device. */
const VkPhysicalDeviceProperties* _pProperties;
/** Pointer to the memory properties of the underlying physical device. */
const VkPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties* _pMemoryProperties;
/** Performance statistics. */
MVKPerformanceStatistics _performanceStatistics;
#pragma mark Construction
/** Constructs an instance on the specified physical device. */
MVKDevice(MVKPhysicalDevice* physicalDevice, const VkDeviceCreateInfo* pCreateInfo);
~MVKDevice() override;
* Returns a reference to this object suitable for use as a Vulkan API handle.
* This is the compliment of the getMVKDevice() method.
inline VkDevice getVkDevice() { return (VkDevice)getVkHandle(); }
* Retrieves the MVKDevice instance referenced by the VkDevice handle.
* This is the compliment of the getVkDevice() method.
static inline MVKDevice* getMVKDevice(VkDevice vkDevice) {
return (MVKDevice*)getDispatchableObject(vkDevice);
MVKResource* addResource(MVKResource* rez);
MVKResource* removeResource(MVKResource* rez);
void initPerformanceTracking();
void initPhysicalDevice(MVKPhysicalDevice* physicalDevice);
void initQueues(const VkDeviceCreateInfo* pCreateInfo);
void enableFeatures(const VkDeviceCreateInfo* pCreateInfo);
void enableFeatures(const VkBool32* pEnable, const VkBool32* pRequested, const VkBool32* pAvailable, uint32_t count);
void enableExtensions(const VkDeviceCreateInfo* pCreateInfo);
const char* getActivityPerformanceDescription(MVKPerformanceTracker& shaderCompilationEvent);
uint64_t getPerformanceTimestampImpl();
void addActivityPerformanceImpl(MVKPerformanceTracker& shaderCompilationEvent,
uint64_t startTime, uint64_t endTime);
MVKPhysicalDevice* _physicalDevice;
MVKCommandResourceFactory* _commandResourceFactory;
std::vector<std::vector<MVKQueue*>> _queuesByQueueFamilyIndex;
std::vector<MVKResource*> _resources;
std::mutex _rezLock;
std::mutex _perfLock;
id<MTLBuffer> _globalVisibilityResultMTLBuffer;
uint32_t _globalVisibilityQueryCount;
std::mutex _vizLock;
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark MVKDeviceTrackingMixin
* This mixin class adds the ability for an object to track the device that created it.
* Implementation supports an instance where the device is null.
* As a mixin, this class should only be used as a component of multiple inheritance.
* Any class that inherits from this class should also inherit from MVKBaseObject.
* This requirement is to avoid the diamond problem of multiple inheritance.
class MVKDeviceTrackingMixin {
/** Returns the device for which this object was created. */
inline MVKDevice* getDevice() { return _device; }
/** Returns the underlying Metal device. */
inline id<MTLDevice> getMTLDevice() { return _device ? _device->getMTLDevice() : nil; }
* Returns the Metal MTLPixelFormat corresponding to the specified Vulkan VkFormat,
* or returns MTLPixelFormatInvalid if no corresponding MTLPixelFormat exists.
* This function delegates to the MVKDevice::getMTLPixelFormatFromVkFormat() function.
* See the notes for that function for more information about how MTLPixelFormats
* are managed for each platform device.
inline MTLPixelFormat getMTLPixelFormatFromVkFormat(VkFormat vkFormat) {
return _device ? _device->getMTLPixelFormatFromVkFormat(vkFormat)
: mvkMTLPixelFormatFromVkFormatInObj(vkFormat, getBaseObject());
/** Constructs an instance for the specified device. */
MVKDeviceTrackingMixin(MVKDevice* device) : _device(device) {}
virtual ~MVKDeviceTrackingMixin() {}
virtual MVKBaseObject* getBaseObject() = 0;
MVKDevice* _device;
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark MVKBaseDeviceObject
/** Represents an object that is spawned from a Vulkan device, and tracks that device. */
class MVKBaseDeviceObject : public MVKBaseObject, public MVKDeviceTrackingMixin {
/** Constructs an instance for the specified device. */
MVKBaseDeviceObject(MVKDevice* device) : MVKDeviceTrackingMixin(device) {}
MVKBaseObject* getBaseObject() override { return this; };
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark MVKVulkanAPIDeviceObject
/** Abstract class that represents an opaque Vulkan API handle object spawned from a Vulkan device. */
class MVKVulkanAPIDeviceObject : public MVKVulkanAPIObject, public MVKDeviceTrackingMixin {
/** Returns a pointer to the Vulkan instance. */
MVKInstance* getInstance() override { return _device ? _device->getInstance() : nullptr; }
/** Constructs an instance for the specified device. */
MVKVulkanAPIDeviceObject(MVKDevice* device) : MVKDeviceTrackingMixin(device) {}
MVKBaseObject* getBaseObject() override { return this; };
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark MVKDeviceObjectPool
/** Manages a pool of instances of a particular object type that requires an MVKDevice during construction. */
template <class T>
class MVKDeviceObjectPool : public MVKObjectPool<T> {
/** Returns the Vulkan API opaque object controlling this object. */
MVKVulkanAPIObject* getVulkanAPIObject() override { return _device; };
/** Returns a new instance. */
T* newObject() override { return new T(_device); }
* Configures this instance for the device, and either use pooling, or not, depending
* on the value of isPooling, which defaults to true if not indicated explicitly.
MVKDeviceObjectPool(MVKDevice* device, bool isPooling = true) : MVKObjectPool<T>(isPooling), _device(device) {}
MVKDevice* _device;
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark Support functions
/** Returns an approximation of how much memory, in bytes, the device can use with good performance. */
uint64_t mvkRecommendedMaxWorkingSetSize(id<MTLDevice> mtlDevice);
/** Populate the propertes with info about the GPU represented by the MTLDevice. */
void mvkPopulateGPUInfo(VkPhysicalDeviceProperties& devProps, id<MTLDevice> mtlDevice);
/** Returns the registry ID of the specified device, or zero if the device does not have a registry ID. */
uint64_t mvkGetRegistryID(id<MTLDevice> mtlDevice);
* If the MTLDevice defines a texture memory alignment for the format, it is retrieved from
* the MTLDevice and returned, or returns zero if the MTLDevice does not define an alignment.
* The format must support linear texture memory (must not be depth, stencil, or compressed).
VkDeviceSize mvkMTLPixelFormatLinearTextureAlignment(MTLPixelFormat mtlPixelFormat, id<MTLDevice> mtlDevice);