blob: 3570f527fa3cb66639229e21a3bfa8e57f5e5266 [file] [log] [blame]
* MVKDescriptorSet.h
* Copyright (c) 2014-2019 The Brenwill Workshop Ltd. (
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include "MVKDevice.h"
#include "MVKImage.h"
#include "MVKVector.h"
#include <MoltenVKSPIRVToMSLConverter/SPIRVToMSLConverter.h>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
using namespace mvk;
class MVKDescriptorPool;
class MVKDescriptorBinding;
class MVKDescriptorSet;
class MVKDescriptorSetLayout;
class MVKPipelineLayout;
class MVKCommandEncoder;
#pragma mark MVKShaderStageResourceBinding
/** Indicates the Metal resource indexes used by a single shader stage in a descriptor binding. */
typedef struct MVKShaderStageResourceBinding {
uint32_t bufferIndex = 0;
uint32_t textureIndex = 0;
uint32_t samplerIndex = 0;
MVKShaderStageResourceBinding operator+ (const MVKShaderStageResourceBinding& rhs);
MVKShaderStageResourceBinding& operator+= (const MVKShaderStageResourceBinding& rhs);
} MVKShaderStageResourceBinding;
#pragma mark MVKShaderResourceBinding
/** Indicates the Metal resource indexes used by each shader stage in a descriptor binding. */
typedef struct MVKShaderResourceBinding {
MVKShaderStageResourceBinding stages[kMVKShaderStageMax];
uint32_t getMaxBufferIndex();
uint32_t getMaxTextureIndex();
uint32_t getMaxSamplerIndex();
MVKShaderResourceBinding operator+ (const MVKShaderResourceBinding& rhs);
MVKShaderResourceBinding& operator+= (const MVKShaderResourceBinding& rhs);
} MVKShaderResourceBinding;
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark MVKDescriptorSetLayoutBinding
/** Represents a Vulkan descriptor set layout binding. */
class MVKDescriptorSetLayoutBinding : public MVKBaseDeviceObject {
/** Returns the Vulkan API opaque object controlling this object. */
MVKVulkanAPIObject* getVulkanAPIObject() override;
/** Encodes this binding layout and the specified descriptor set binding on the specified command encoder. */
void bind(MVKCommandEncoder* cmdEncoder,
MVKDescriptorBinding& descBinding,
MVKShaderResourceBinding& dslMTLRezIdxOffsets,
MVKVector<uint32_t>& dynamicOffsets,
uint32_t* pDynamicOffsetIndex);
/** Encodes this binding layout and the specified descriptor binding on the specified command encoder immediately. */
void push(MVKCommandEncoder* cmdEncoder,
uint32_t& dstArrayElement,
uint32_t& descriptorCount,
uint32_t& descriptorsPushed,
VkDescriptorType descriptorType,
size_t stride,
const void* pData,
MVKShaderResourceBinding& dslMTLRezIdxOffsets);
/** Populates the specified shader converter context, at the specified descriptor set binding. */
void populateShaderConverterContext(SPIRVToMSLConverterContext& context,
MVKShaderResourceBinding& dslMTLRezIdxOffsets,
uint32_t dslIndex);
/** Constructs an instance. */
MVKDescriptorSetLayoutBinding(MVKDevice* device,
MVKDescriptorSetLayout* layout,
const VkDescriptorSetLayoutBinding* pBinding);
MVKDescriptorSetLayoutBinding(const MVKDescriptorSetLayoutBinding& binding);
/** Destuctor. */
~MVKDescriptorSetLayoutBinding() override;
friend class MVKDescriptorBinding;
friend class MVKPipelineLayout;
void initMetalResourceIndexOffsets(MVKShaderStageResourceBinding* pBindingIndexes,
MVKShaderStageResourceBinding* pDescSetCounts,
const VkDescriptorSetLayoutBinding* pBinding);
MVKDescriptorSetLayout* _layout;
VkDescriptorSetLayoutBinding _info;
std::vector<MVKSampler*> _immutableSamplers;
MVKShaderResourceBinding _mtlResourceIndexOffsets;
bool _applyToStage[kMVKShaderStageMax];
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark MVKDescriptorSetLayout
/** Represents a Vulkan descriptor set layout. */
class MVKDescriptorSetLayout : public MVKVulkanAPIDeviceObject {
/** Returns the debug report object type of this object. */
VkDebugReportObjectTypeEXT getVkDebugReportObjectType() override { return VK_DEBUG_REPORT_OBJECT_TYPE_DESCRIPTOR_SET_LAYOUT_EXT; }
/** Encodes this descriptor set layout and the specified descriptor set on the specified command encoder. */
void bindDescriptorSet(MVKCommandEncoder* cmdEncoder,
MVKDescriptorSet* descSet,
MVKShaderResourceBinding& dslMTLRezIdxOffsets,
MVKVector<uint32_t>& dynamicOffsets,
uint32_t* pDynamicOffsetIndex);
/** Encodes this descriptor set layout and the specified descriptor updates on the specified command encoder immediately. */
void pushDescriptorSet(MVKCommandEncoder* cmdEncoder,
MVKVector<VkWriteDescriptorSet>& descriptorWrites,
MVKShaderResourceBinding& dslMTLRezIdxOffsets);
/** Encodes this descriptor set layout and the updates from the given template on the specified command encoder immediately. */
void pushDescriptorSet(MVKCommandEncoder* cmdEncoder,
MVKDescriptorUpdateTemplate* descUpdateTemplates,
const void* pData,
MVKShaderResourceBinding& dslMTLRezIdxOffsets);
/** Populates the specified shader converter context, at the specified DSL index. */
void populateShaderConverterContext(SPIRVToMSLConverterContext& context,
MVKShaderResourceBinding& dslMTLRezIdxOffsets,
uint32_t dslIndex);
/** Returns true if this layout is for push descriptors only. */
bool isPushDescriptorLayout() const { return _isPushDescriptorLayout; }
/** Constructs an instance for the specified device. */
MVKDescriptorSetLayout(MVKDevice* device, const VkDescriptorSetLayoutCreateInfo* pCreateInfo);
friend class MVKDescriptorSetLayoutBinding;
friend class MVKPipelineLayout;
friend class MVKDescriptorSet;
MVKVectorInline<MVKDescriptorSetLayoutBinding, 8> _bindings;
std::unordered_map<uint32_t, uint32_t> _bindingToIndex;
MVKShaderResourceBinding _mtlResourceCounts;
bool _isPushDescriptorLayout : 1;
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark MVKDescriptorBinding
/** Represents a Vulkan descriptor binding. */
class MVKDescriptorBinding : public MVKBaseObject {
/** Returns the Vulkan API opaque object controlling this object. */
MVKVulkanAPIObject* getVulkanAPIObject() override;
* Updates the internal element bindings from the specified content.
* Depending on the descriptor type of the descriptor set, the binding content is
* extracted from one of the specified pImageInfo, pBufferInfo, or pTexelBufferView
* arrays, and the other arrays are ignored (and may be a null pointer).
* The srcStartIndex parameter indicates the index of the initial pDescriptor element
* at which to start reading, and the dstStartIndex parameter indicates the index of
* the initial internal element at which to start writing.
* The count parameter indicates how many internal elements should be updated, and
* may be larger than the number of descriptors that can be updated in this instance.
* If count is larger than the number of internal elements remaining after dstStartIndex,
* only the remaining elements will be updated, and the number of pDescriptors that were
* not read will be returned, so that the remaining unread pDescriptors can be read by
* another MVKDescriptorBinding instance within the same descriptor set. If all of the
* remaining pDescriptors are read by this intance, this function returns zero, indicating
* that there is nothing left to be read by another MVKDescriptorBinding instance.
uint32_t writeBindings(uint32_t srcStartIndex,
uint32_t dstStartIndex,
uint32_t count,
size_t stride,
const void* pData);
* Updates the specified content arrays from the internal element bindings.
* Depending on the descriptor type of the descriptor set, the binding content is
* placed into one of the specified pImageInfo, pBufferInfo, or pTexelBufferView
* arrays, and the other arrays are ignored (and may be a null pointer).
* The srcStartIndex parameter indicates the index of the initial internal element
* at which to start reading, and the dstStartIndex parameter indicates the index of
* the initial pDescriptor element at which to start writing.
* The count parameter indicates how many internal elements should be read, and may
* be larger than the number of descriptors that can be read from this instance.
* If count is larger than the number of internal elements remaining after srcStartIndex,
* only the remaining elements will be read, and the number of pDescriptors that were not
* updated will be returned, so that the remaining pDescriptors can be updated by another
* MVKDescriptorBinding instance within the same descriptor set. If all of the remaining
* pDescriptors are updated by this intance, this function returns zero, indicating that
* there is nothing left to be updated by another MVKDescriptorBinding instance.
uint32_t readBindings(uint32_t srcStartIndex,
uint32_t dstStartIndex,
uint32_t count,
VkDescriptorType& descType,
VkDescriptorImageInfo* pImageInfo,
VkDescriptorBufferInfo* pBufferInfo,
VkBufferView* pTexelBufferView);
/** Returns whether this instance represents the specified Vulkan binding point. */
bool hasBinding(uint32_t binding);
/** Constructs an instance. */
MVKDescriptorBinding(MVKDescriptorSet* pDescSet, MVKDescriptorSetLayoutBinding* pBindingLayout);
/** Destructor. */
friend class MVKDescriptorSetLayoutBinding;
void initMTLSamplers(MVKDescriptorSetLayoutBinding* pBindingLayout);
MVKDescriptorSet* _pDescSet;
MVKDescriptorSetLayoutBinding* _pBindingLayout;
std::vector<VkDescriptorImageInfo> _imageBindings;
std::vector<VkDescriptorBufferInfo> _bufferBindings;
std::vector<VkBufferView> _texelBufferBindings;
std::vector<id<MTLBuffer>> _mtlBuffers;
std::vector<NSUInteger> _mtlBufferOffsets;
std::vector<id<MTLTexture>> _mtlTextures;
std::vector<id<MTLSamplerState>> _mtlSamplers;
bool _hasDynamicSamplers;
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark MVKDescriptorSet
/** Represents a Vulkan descriptor set. */
class MVKDescriptorSet : public MVKVulkanAPIDeviceObject {
/** Returns the debug report object type of this object. */
VkDebugReportObjectTypeEXT getVkDebugReportObjectType() override { return VK_DEBUG_REPORT_OBJECT_TYPE_DESCRIPTOR_SET_EXT; }
/** Updates the resource bindings in this instance from the specified content. */
template<typename DescriptorAction>
void writeDescriptorSets(const DescriptorAction* pDescriptorAction,
size_t stride,
const void* pData);
* Reads the resource bindings defined in the specified content
* from this instance into the specified collection of bindings.
void readDescriptorSets(const VkCopyDescriptorSet* pDescriptorCopies,
VkDescriptorType& descType,
VkDescriptorImageInfo* pImageInfo,
VkDescriptorBufferInfo* pBufferInfo,
VkBufferView* pTexelBufferView);
* Instances of this class can participate in a linked list or pool. When so participating,
* this is a reference to the next instance in the list or pool. This value should only be
* managed and set by the list or pool.
MVKDescriptorSet* _next;
MVKDescriptorSet(MVKDevice* device) : MVKVulkanAPIDeviceObject(device) {}
friend class MVKDescriptorSetLayout;
friend class MVKDescriptorPool;
void setLayout(MVKDescriptorSetLayout* layout);
MVKDescriptorBinding* getBinding(uint32_t binding);
MVKDescriptorSetLayout* _pLayout = nullptr;
std::vector<MVKDescriptorBinding> _bindings;
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark MVKDescriptorPool
typedef MVKDeviceObjectPool<MVKDescriptorSet> MVKDescriptorSetPool;
/** Represents a Vulkan descriptor pool. */
class MVKDescriptorPool : public MVKVulkanAPIDeviceObject {
/** Returns the debug report object type of this object. */
VkDebugReportObjectTypeEXT getVkDebugReportObjectType() override { return VK_DEBUG_REPORT_OBJECT_TYPE_DESCRIPTOR_POOL_EXT; }
/** Allocates the specified number of descriptor sets. */
VkResult allocateDescriptorSets(uint32_t count,
const VkDescriptorSetLayout* pSetLayouts,
VkDescriptorSet* pDescriptorSets);
/** Free's up the specified descriptor set. */
VkResult freeDescriptorSets(uint32_t count, const VkDescriptorSet* pDescriptorSets);
/** Destoys all currently allocated descriptor sets. */
VkResult reset(VkDescriptorPoolResetFlags flags);
/** Constructs an instance for the specified device. */
MVKDescriptorPool(MVKDevice* device, const VkDescriptorPoolCreateInfo* pCreateInfo);
/** Destructor. */
~MVKDescriptorPool() override;
MVKDescriptorSetPool* getDescriptorSetPool(MVKDescriptorSetLayout* mvkDescSetLayout);
uint32_t _maxSets;
std::unordered_set<MVKDescriptorSet*> _allocatedSets;
std::unordered_map<MVKDescriptorSetLayout*, MVKDescriptorSetPool*> _descriptorSetPools;
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark MVKDescriptorUpdateTemplate
/** Represents a Vulkan descriptor update template. */
class MVKDescriptorUpdateTemplate : public MVKVulkanAPIDeviceObject {
/** Returns the debug report object type of this object. */
VkDebugReportObjectTypeEXT getVkDebugReportObjectType() override { return VK_DEBUG_REPORT_OBJECT_TYPE_DESCRIPTOR_UPDATE_TEMPLATE_EXT; }
/** Get the nth update template entry. */
const VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateEntryKHR* getEntry(uint32_t n) const;
/** Get the total number of entries. */
uint32_t getNumberOfEntries() const;
/** Get the type of this template. */
VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateTypeKHR getType() const;
/** Constructs an instance for the specified device. */
MVKDescriptorUpdateTemplate(MVKDevice* device, const VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateCreateInfoKHR* pCreateInfo);
/** Destructor. */
~MVKDescriptorUpdateTemplate() override = default;
VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateTypeKHR _type;
std::vector<VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateEntryKHR> _entries;
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark Support functions
/** Updates the resource bindings in the descriptor sets inditified in the specified content. */
void mvkUpdateDescriptorSets(uint32_t writeCount,
const VkWriteDescriptorSet* pDescriptorWrites,
uint32_t copyCount,
const VkCopyDescriptorSet* pDescriptorCopies);
/** Updates the resource bindings in the given descriptor set from the specified template. */
void mvkUpdateDescriptorSetWithTemplate(VkDescriptorSet descriptorSet,
VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateKHR updateTemplate,
const void* pData);
* If the shader stage binding has a binding defined for the specified stage, populates
* the context at the descriptor set binding from the shader stage resource binding.
void mvkPopulateShaderConverterContext(SPIRVToMSLConverterContext& context,
MVKShaderStageResourceBinding& ssRB,
spv::ExecutionModel stage,
uint32_t descriptorSetIndex,
uint32_t bindingIndex);