blob: a397e3ced4726e312e2acf7f97b705cf725d4a1a [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2015-2022 The Brenwill Workshop Ltd. (
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "MVKDeviceMemory.h"
#include "MVKBuffer.h"
#include "MVKImage.h"
#include "MVKQueue.h"
#include "MVKEnvironment.h"
#include "mvk_datatypes.hpp"
#include "MVKFoundation.h"
#include <cstdlib>
#include <stdlib.h>
using namespace std;
#pragma mark MVKDeviceMemory
void MVKDeviceMemory::propagateDebugName() {
setLabelIfNotNil(_mtlHeap, _debugName);
setLabelIfNotNil(_mtlBuffer, _debugName);
VkResult MVKDeviceMemory::map(VkDeviceSize offset, VkDeviceSize size, VkMemoryMapFlags flags, void** ppData) {
if ( !isMemoryHostAccessible() ) {
return reportError(VK_ERROR_MEMORY_MAP_FAILED, "Private GPU-only memory cannot be mapped to host memory.");
if (isMapped()) {
return reportError(VK_ERROR_MEMORY_MAP_FAILED, "Memory is already mapped. Call vkUnmapMemory() first.");
if ( !ensureMTLBuffer() && !ensureHostMemory() ) {
return reportError(VK_ERROR_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY, "Could not allocate %llu bytes of host-accessible device memory.", _allocationSize);
_mappedRange.offset = offset;
_mappedRange.size = adjustMemorySize(size, offset);
*ppData = (void*)((uintptr_t)_pMemory + offset);
// Coherent memory does not require flushing by app, so we must flush now
// to support Metal textures that actually reside in non-coherent memory.
if (mvkIsAnyFlagEnabled(_vkMemProps, VK_MEMORY_PROPERTY_HOST_COHERENT_BIT)) {
pullFromDevice(offset, size);
return VK_SUCCESS;
void MVKDeviceMemory::unmap() {
if ( !isMapped() ) {
reportError(VK_ERROR_MEMORY_MAP_FAILED, "Memory is not mapped. Call vkMapMemory() first.");
// Coherent memory does not require flushing by app, so we must flush now
// to support Metal textures that actually reside in non-coherent memory.
if (mvkIsAnyFlagEnabled(_vkMemProps, VK_MEMORY_PROPERTY_HOST_COHERENT_BIT)) {
flushToDevice(_mappedRange.offset, _mappedRange.size);
_mappedRange.offset = 0;
_mappedRange.size = 0;
VkResult MVKDeviceMemory::flushToDevice(VkDeviceSize offset, VkDeviceSize size) {
VkDeviceSize memSize = adjustMemorySize(size, offset);
if (memSize == 0 || !isMemoryHostAccessible()) { return VK_SUCCESS; }
if (_mtlBuffer && _mtlStorageMode == MTLStorageModeManaged) {
[_mtlBuffer didModifyRange: NSMakeRange(offset, memSize)];
// If we have an MTLHeap object, there's no need to sync memory manually between resources and the buffer.
if ( !_mtlHeap ) {
lock_guard<mutex> lock(_rezLock);
for (auto& img : _imageMemoryBindings) { img->flushToDevice(offset, memSize); }
for (auto& buf : _buffers) { buf->flushToDevice(offset, memSize); }
return VK_SUCCESS;
VkResult MVKDeviceMemory::pullFromDevice(VkDeviceSize offset,
VkDeviceSize size,
MVKMTLBlitEncoder* pBlitEnc) {
VkDeviceSize memSize = adjustMemorySize(size, offset);
if (memSize == 0 || !isMemoryHostAccessible()) { return VK_SUCCESS; }
if (pBlitEnc && _mtlBuffer && _mtlStorageMode == MTLStorageModeManaged) {
if ( !pBlitEnc->mtlCmdBuffer) { pBlitEnc->mtlCmdBuffer = _device->getAnyQueue()->getMTLCommandBuffer(kMVKCommandUseInvalidateMappedMemoryRanges); }
if ( !pBlitEnc->mtlBlitEncoder) { pBlitEnc->mtlBlitEncoder = [pBlitEnc->mtlCmdBuffer blitCommandEncoder]; }
[pBlitEnc->mtlBlitEncoder synchronizeResource: _mtlBuffer];
// If we have an MTLHeap object, there's no need to sync memory manually between resources and the buffer.
if ( !_mtlHeap ) {
lock_guard<mutex> lock(_rezLock);
for (auto& img : _imageMemoryBindings) { img->pullFromDevice(offset, memSize); }
for (auto& buf : _buffers) { buf->pullFromDevice(offset, memSize); }
return VK_SUCCESS;
// If the size parameter is the special constant VK_WHOLE_SIZE, returns the size of memory
// between offset and the end of the buffer, otherwise simply returns size.
VkDeviceSize MVKDeviceMemory::adjustMemorySize(VkDeviceSize size, VkDeviceSize offset) {
return (size == VK_WHOLE_SIZE) ? (_allocationSize - offset) : size;
VkResult MVKDeviceMemory::addBuffer(MVKBuffer* mvkBuff) {
lock_guard<mutex> lock(_rezLock);
// If a dedicated alloc, ensure this buffer is the one and only buffer
// I am dedicated to.
if (_isDedicated && (_buffers.empty() || _buffers[0] != mvkBuff) ) {
return reportError(VK_ERROR_OUT_OF_DEVICE_MEMORY, "Could not bind VkBuffer %p to a VkDeviceMemory dedicated to resource %p. A dedicated allocation may only be used with the resource it was dedicated to.", mvkBuff, getDedicatedResource() );
if (!ensureMTLBuffer() ) {
return reportError(VK_ERROR_OUT_OF_DEVICE_MEMORY, "Could not bind a VkBuffer to a VkDeviceMemory of size %llu bytes. The maximum memory-aligned size of a VkDeviceMemory that supports a VkBuffer is %llu bytes.", _allocationSize, _device->_pMetalFeatures->maxMTLBufferSize);
// In the dedicated case, we already saved the buffer we're going to use.
if (!_isDedicated) { _buffers.push_back(mvkBuff); }
return VK_SUCCESS;
void MVKDeviceMemory::removeBuffer(MVKBuffer* mvkBuff) {
lock_guard<mutex> lock(_rezLock);
mvkRemoveAllOccurances(_buffers, mvkBuff);
VkResult MVKDeviceMemory::addImageMemoryBinding(MVKImageMemoryBinding* mvkImg) {
lock_guard<mutex> lock(_rezLock);
// If a dedicated alloc, ensure this image is the one and only image
// I am dedicated to. If my image is aliasable, though, allow other aliasable
// images to bind to me.
if (_isDedicated && (_imageMemoryBindings.empty() || !(contains(_imageMemoryBindings, mvkImg) || (_imageMemoryBindings[0]->_image->getIsAliasable() && mvkImg->_image->getIsAliasable()))) ) {
return reportError(VK_ERROR_OUT_OF_DEVICE_MEMORY, "Could not bind VkImage %p to a VkDeviceMemory dedicated to resource %p. A dedicated allocation may only be used with the resource it was dedicated to.", mvkImg, getDedicatedResource() );
if (!_isDedicated) { _imageMemoryBindings.push_back(mvkImg); }
return VK_SUCCESS;
void MVKDeviceMemory::removeImageMemoryBinding(MVKImageMemoryBinding* mvkImg) {
lock_guard<mutex> lock(_rezLock);
mvkRemoveAllOccurances(_imageMemoryBindings, mvkImg);
// Ensures that this instance is backed by a MTLHeap object,
// creating the MTLHeap if needed, and returns whether it was successful.
bool MVKDeviceMemory::ensureMTLHeap() {
if (_mtlHeap) { return true; }
// Don't bother if we don't have placement heaps.
if (!getDevice()->_pMetalFeatures->placementHeaps) { return true; }
// Can't create MTLHeaps of zero size.
if (_allocationSize == 0) { return true; }
// MTLHeaps on macOS must use private storage for now.
if (_mtlStorageMode != MTLStorageModePrivate) { return true; }
// MTLHeaps on iOS must use private or shared storage for now.
if ( !(_mtlStorageMode == MTLStorageModePrivate ||
_mtlStorageMode == MTLStorageModeShared) ) { return true; }
MTLHeapDescriptor* heapDesc = [MTLHeapDescriptor new];
heapDesc.type = MTLHeapTypePlacement;
heapDesc.storageMode = _mtlStorageMode;
heapDesc.cpuCacheMode = _mtlCPUCacheMode;
// For now, use tracked resources. Later, we should probably default
// to untracked, since Vulkan uses explicit barriers anyway.
heapDesc.hazardTrackingMode = MTLHazardTrackingModeTracked;
heapDesc.size = _allocationSize;
_mtlHeap = [_device->getMTLDevice() newHeapWithDescriptor: heapDesc]; // retained
[heapDesc release];
if (!_mtlHeap) { return false; }
return true;
// Ensures that this instance is backed by a MTLBuffer object,
// creating the MTLBuffer if needed, and returns whether it was successful.
bool MVKDeviceMemory::ensureMTLBuffer() {
if (_mtlBuffer) { return true; }
NSUInteger memLen = mvkAlignByteCount(_allocationSize, _device->_pMetalFeatures->mtlBufferAlignment);
if (memLen > _device->_pMetalFeatures->maxMTLBufferSize) { return false; }
// If host memory was already allocated, it is copied into the new MTLBuffer, and then released.
if (_mtlHeap) {
_mtlBuffer = [_mtlHeap newBufferWithLength: memLen options: getMTLResourceOptions() offset: 0]; // retained
if (_pHostMemory) {
memcpy(_mtlBuffer.contents, _pHostMemory, memLen);
[_mtlBuffer makeAliasable];
} else if (_pHostMemory) {
_mtlBuffer = [getMTLDevice() newBufferWithBytes: _pHostMemory length: memLen options: getMTLResourceOptions()]; // retained
} else {
_mtlBuffer = [getMTLDevice() newBufferWithLength: memLen options: getMTLResourceOptions()]; // retained
if (!_mtlBuffer) { return false; }
_pMemory = isMemoryHostAccessible() ? _mtlBuffer.contents : nullptr;
return true;
// Ensures that host-accessible memory is available, allocating it if necessary.
bool MVKDeviceMemory::ensureHostMemory() {
if (_pMemory) { return true; }
if ( !_pHostMemory) {
size_t memAlign = _device->_pMetalFeatures->mtlBufferAlignment;
NSUInteger memLen = mvkAlignByteCount(_allocationSize, memAlign);
int err = posix_memalign(&_pHostMemory, memAlign, memLen);
if (err) { return false; }
_pMemory = _pHostMemory;
return true;
void MVKDeviceMemory::freeHostMemory() {
_pHostMemory = nullptr;
MVKResource* MVKDeviceMemory::getDedicatedResource() {
MVKAssert(_isDedicated, "This method should only be called on dedicated allocations!");
return _buffers.empty() ? (MVKResource*)_imageMemoryBindings[0] : (MVKResource*)_buffers[0];
MVKDeviceMemory::MVKDeviceMemory(MVKDevice* device,
const VkMemoryAllocateInfo* pAllocateInfo,
const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator) : MVKVulkanAPIDeviceObject(device) {
// Set Metal memory parameters
_vkMemProps = _device->_pMemoryProperties->memoryTypes[pAllocateInfo->memoryTypeIndex].propertyFlags;
_mtlStorageMode = mvkMTLStorageModeFromVkMemoryPropertyFlags(_vkMemProps);
_mtlCPUCacheMode = mvkMTLCPUCacheModeFromVkMemoryPropertyFlags(_vkMemProps);
_allocationSize = pAllocateInfo->allocationSize;
bool willExportMTLBuffer = false;
VkImage dedicatedImage = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
VkBuffer dedicatedBuffer = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
VkExternalMemoryHandleTypeFlags handleTypes = 0;
for (const auto* next = (const VkBaseInStructure*)pAllocateInfo->pNext; next; next = next->pNext) {
switch (next->sType) {
auto* pDedicatedInfo = (VkMemoryDedicatedAllocateInfo*)next;
dedicatedImage = pDedicatedInfo->image;
dedicatedBuffer = pDedicatedInfo->buffer;
_isDedicated = dedicatedImage || dedicatedBuffer;
auto* pExpMemInfo = (VkExportMemoryAllocateInfo*)next;
handleTypes = pExpMemInfo->handleTypes;
// Setting Metal objects directly will override Vulkan settings.
// It is responsibility of app to ensure these are consistent. Not doing so results in undefined behavior.
const auto* pMTLBuffInfo = (VkImportMetalBufferInfoEXT*)next;
[_mtlBuffer release]; // guard against dups
_mtlBuffer = [pMTLBuffInfo->mtlBuffer retain]; // retained
_mtlStorageMode = _mtlBuffer.storageMode;
_mtlCPUCacheMode = _mtlBuffer.cpuCacheMode;
_allocationSize = _mtlBuffer.length;
const auto* pExportInfo = (VkExportMetalObjectCreateInfoEXT*)next;
willExportMTLBuffer = pExportInfo->exportObjectType == VK_EXPORT_METAL_OBJECT_TYPE_METAL_BUFFER_BIT_EXT;
initExternalMemory(handleTypes); // After setting _isDedicated
// "Dedicated" means this memory can only be used for this image or buffer.
if (dedicatedImage) {
if (isMemoryHostCoherent() ) {
if (!((MVKImage*)dedicatedImage)->_isLinear) {
setConfigurationResult(reportError(VK_ERROR_OUT_OF_DEVICE_MEMORY, "Host-coherent VkDeviceMemory objects cannot be associated with optimal-tiling images."));
} else {
if (!_device->_pMetalFeatures->sharedLinearTextures) {
// Need to use the managed mode for images.
_mtlStorageMode = MTLStorageModeManaged;
// Nonetheless, we need a buffer to be able to map the memory at will.
if (!ensureMTLBuffer() ) {
setConfigurationResult(reportError(VK_ERROR_OUT_OF_DEVICE_MEMORY, "Could not allocate a host-coherent VkDeviceMemory of size %llu bytes. The maximum memory-aligned size of a host-coherent VkDeviceMemory is %llu bytes.", _allocationSize, _device->_pMetalFeatures->maxMTLBufferSize));
for (auto& memoryBinding : ((MVKImage*)dedicatedImage)->_memoryBindings) {
if (dedicatedBuffer) {
// If we can, create a MTLHeap. This should happen before creating the buffer, allowing us to map its contents.
if ( !_isDedicated ) {
if (!ensureMTLHeap()) {
setConfigurationResult(reportError(VK_ERROR_OUT_OF_DEVICE_MEMORY, "Could not allocate VkDeviceMemory of size %llu bytes.", _allocationSize));
// If memory needs to be coherent it must reside in an MTLBuffer, since an open-ended map() must work.
// Or if a MTLBuffer will be exported, ensure it exists.
if ((isMemoryHostCoherent() || willExportMTLBuffer) && !ensureMTLBuffer() ) {
setConfigurationResult(reportError(VK_ERROR_OUT_OF_DEVICE_MEMORY, "Could not allocate a host-coherent or exportable VkDeviceMemory of size %llu bytes. The maximum memory-aligned size of a host-coherent VkDeviceMemory is %llu bytes.", _allocationSize, _device->_pMetalFeatures->maxMTLBufferSize));
void MVKDeviceMemory::initExternalMemory(VkExternalMemoryHandleTypeFlags handleTypes) {
if ( !handleTypes ) { return; }
setConfigurationResult(reportError(VK_ERROR_INITIALIZATION_FAILED, "vkAllocateMemory(): Only external memory handle types VK_EXTERNAL_MEMORY_HANDLE_TYPE_MTLBUFFER_BIT_KHR or VK_EXTERNAL_MEMORY_HANDLE_TYPE_MTLTEXTURE_BIT_KHR are supported."));
bool requiresDedicated = false;
auto& xmProps = getPhysicalDevice()->getExternalBufferProperties(VK_EXTERNAL_MEMORY_HANDLE_TYPE_MTLBUFFER_BIT_KHR);
requiresDedicated = requiresDedicated || mvkIsAnyFlagEnabled(xmProps.externalMemoryFeatures, VK_EXTERNAL_MEMORY_FEATURE_DEDICATED_ONLY_BIT);
auto& xmProps = getPhysicalDevice()->getExternalImageProperties(VK_EXTERNAL_MEMORY_HANDLE_TYPE_MTLTEXTURE_BIT_KHR);
requiresDedicated = requiresDedicated || mvkIsAnyFlagEnabled(xmProps.externalMemoryFeatures, VK_EXTERNAL_MEMORY_FEATURE_DEDICATED_ONLY_BIT);
if (requiresDedicated && !_isDedicated) {
setConfigurationResult(reportError(VK_ERROR_INITIALIZATION_FAILED, "vkAllocateMemory(): External memory requires a dedicated VkBuffer or VkImage."));
MVKDeviceMemory::~MVKDeviceMemory() {
// Unbind any resources that are using me. Iterate a copy of the collection,
// to allow the resource to callback to remove itself from the collection.
auto buffCopies = _buffers;
for (auto& buf : buffCopies) { buf->bindDeviceMemory(nullptr, 0); }
auto imgCopies = _imageMemoryBindings;
for (auto& img : imgCopies) { img->bindDeviceMemory(nullptr, 0); }
[_mtlBuffer release];
_mtlBuffer = nil;
[_mtlHeap release];
_mtlHeap = nil;