blob: 63c94ff736f545843c3185f23699259dd2f44e4c [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2014-2019 The Brenwill Workshop Ltd. (
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "MVKImage.h"
#include "MVKQueue.h"
#include "MVKSwapchain.h"
#include "MVKCommandBuffer.h"
#include "mvk_datatypes.hpp"
#include "MVKFoundation.h"
#include "MVKLogging.h"
#include "MVKEnvironment.h"
#include "MVKLogging.h"
#include "MVKCodec.h"
#import "MTLTextureDescriptor+MoltenVK.h"
#import "MTLSamplerDescriptor+MoltenVK.h"
using namespace std;
#pragma mark MVKImage
VkImageType MVKImage::getImageType() { return mvkVkImageTypeFromMTLTextureType(_mtlTextureType); }
VkFormat MVKImage::getVkFormat() { return mvkVkFormatFromMTLPixelFormat(_mtlPixelFormat); }
VkExtent3D MVKImage::getExtent3D(uint32_t mipLevel) {
return mvkMipmapLevelSizeFromBaseSize3D(_extent, mipLevel);
VkDeviceSize MVKImage::getBytesPerRow(uint32_t mipLevel) {
size_t bytesPerRow = mvkMTLPixelFormatBytesPerRow(_mtlPixelFormat, getExtent3D(mipLevel).width);
return (uint32_t)mvkAlignByteOffset(bytesPerRow, _byteAlignment);
VkDeviceSize MVKImage::getBytesPerLayer(uint32_t mipLevel) {
return mvkMTLPixelFormatBytesPerLayer(_mtlPixelFormat, getBytesPerRow(mipLevel), getExtent3D(mipLevel).height);
VkResult MVKImage::getSubresourceLayout(const VkImageSubresource* pSubresource,
VkSubresourceLayout* pLayout) {
MVKImageSubresource* pImgRez = getSubresource(pSubresource->mipLevel,
if ( !pImgRez ) { return VK_INCOMPLETE; }
*pLayout = pImgRez->layout;
return VK_SUCCESS;
void MVKImage::getTransferDescriptorData(MVKImageDescriptorData& imgData) {
imgData.imageType = getImageType();
imgData.format = getVkFormat();
imgData.extent = _extent;
imgData.mipLevels = _mipLevels;
imgData.arrayLayers = _arrayLayers;
imgData.samples = _samples;
imgData.usage = _usage;
#pragma mark Resource memory
void MVKImage::applyMemoryBarrier(VkPipelineStageFlags srcStageMask,
VkPipelineStageFlags dstStageMask,
VkMemoryBarrier* pMemoryBarrier,
MVKCommandEncoder* cmdEncoder,
MVKCommandUse cmdUse) {
if ( needsHostReadSync(srcStageMask, dstStageMask, pMemoryBarrier) ) {
[cmdEncoder->getMTLBlitEncoder(cmdUse) synchronizeResource: getMTLTexture()];
void MVKImage::applyImageMemoryBarrier(VkPipelineStageFlags srcStageMask,
VkPipelineStageFlags dstStageMask,
VkImageMemoryBarrier* pImageMemoryBarrier,
MVKCommandEncoder* cmdEncoder,
MVKCommandUse cmdUse) {
const VkImageSubresourceRange& srRange = pImageMemoryBarrier->subresourceRange;
// Extract the mipmap levels that are to be updated
uint32_t mipLvlStart = srRange.baseMipLevel;
uint32_t mipLvlCnt = srRange.levelCount;
uint32_t mipLvlEnd = (mipLvlCnt == VK_REMAINING_MIP_LEVELS
? getMipLevelCount()
: (mipLvlStart + mipLvlCnt));
// Extract the cube or array layers (slices) that are to be updated
uint32_t layerStart = srRange.baseArrayLayer;
uint32_t layerCnt = srRange.layerCount;
uint32_t layerEnd = (layerCnt == VK_REMAINING_ARRAY_LAYERS
? getLayerCount()
: (layerStart + layerCnt));
bool needsSync = needsHostReadSync(srcStageMask, dstStageMask, pImageMemoryBarrier);
id<MTLTexture> mtlTex = needsSync ? getMTLTexture() : nil;
id<MTLBlitCommandEncoder> mtlBlitEncoder = needsSync ? cmdEncoder->getMTLBlitEncoder(cmdUse) : nil;
// Iterate across mipmap levels and layers, and update the image layout state for each
for (uint32_t mipLvl = mipLvlStart; mipLvl < mipLvlEnd; mipLvl++) {
for (uint32_t layer = layerStart; layer < layerEnd; layer++) {
MVKImageSubresource* pImgRez = getSubresource(mipLvl, layer);
if (pImgRez) { pImgRez->layoutState = pImageMemoryBarrier->newLayout; }
if (needsSync) { [mtlBlitEncoder synchronizeTexture: mtlTex slice: layer level: mipLvl]; }
// Returns whether the specified image memory barrier requires a sync between this
// texture and host memory for the purpose of the host reading texture memory.
bool MVKImage::needsHostReadSync(VkPipelineStageFlags srcStageMask,
VkPipelineStageFlags dstStageMask,
VkImageMemoryBarrier* pImageMemoryBarrier) {
return false;
return ((pImageMemoryBarrier->newLayout == VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_GENERAL) &&
mvkIsAnyFlagEnabled(dstStageMask, (VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_HOST_BIT)) &&
mvkIsAnyFlagEnabled(pImageMemoryBarrier->dstAccessMask, (VK_ACCESS_HOST_READ_BIT)) &&
isMemoryHostAccessible() && !isMemoryHostCoherent());
// Returns a pointer to the internal subresource for the specified MIP level layer.
MVKImageSubresource* MVKImage::getSubresource(uint32_t mipLevel, uint32_t arrayLayer) {
uint32_t srIdx = (mipLevel * _arrayLayers) + arrayLayer;
return (srIdx < _subresources.size()) ? &_subresources[srIdx] : NULL;
VkResult MVKImage::getMemoryRequirements(VkMemoryRequirements* pMemoryRequirements) {
pMemoryRequirements->size = _byteCount;
pMemoryRequirements->alignment = _byteAlignment;
pMemoryRequirements->memoryTypeBits = (_isDepthStencilAttachment
? _device->getPhysicalDevice()->getPrivateMemoryTypes()
: _device->getPhysicalDevice()->getAllMemoryTypes());
if (!_isLinear) { // XXX Linear images must support host-coherent memory
mvkDisableFlag(pMemoryRequirements->memoryTypeBits, _device->getPhysicalDevice()->getHostCoherentMemoryTypes());
// Only transient attachments may use memoryless storage
if (!mvkAreFlagsEnabled(_usage, VK_IMAGE_USAGE_TRANSIENT_ATTACHMENT_BIT) ) {
mvkDisableFlag(pMemoryRequirements->memoryTypeBits, _device->getPhysicalDevice()->getLazilyAllocatedMemoryTypes());
return VK_SUCCESS;
VkResult MVKImage::getMemoryRequirements(const void*, VkMemoryRequirements2* pMemoryRequirements) {
auto* next = (VkStructureType*)pMemoryRequirements->pNext;
while (next) {
switch (*next) {
auto* dedicatedReqs = (VkMemoryDedicatedRequirements*)next;
// TODO: Maybe someday we could do something with MTLHeaps
// and allocate non-dedicated memory from them. For now, we
// always prefer dedicated allocations.
dedicatedReqs->prefersDedicatedAllocation = VK_TRUE;
dedicatedReqs->requiresDedicatedAllocation = VK_FALSE;
next = (VkStructureType*)dedicatedReqs->pNext;
next = (VkStructureType*)((VkMemoryRequirements2*)next)->pNext;
return VK_SUCCESS;
// Memory may have been mapped before image was bound, and needs to be loaded into the MTLTexture.
VkResult MVKImage::bindDeviceMemory(MVKDeviceMemory* mvkMem, VkDeviceSize memOffset) {
if (_deviceMemory) { _deviceMemory->removeImage(this); }
MVKResource::bindDeviceMemory(mvkMem, memOffset);
_usesTexelBuffer = validateUseTexelBuffer();
flushToDevice(getDeviceMemoryOffset(), getByteCount());
return _deviceMemory ? _deviceMemory->addImage(this) : VK_SUCCESS;
bool MVKImage::validateUseTexelBuffer() {
VkExtent2D blockExt = mvkMTLPixelFormatBlockTexelSize(_mtlPixelFormat);
bool isUncompressed = blockExt.width == 1 && blockExt.height == 1;
bool useTexelBuffer = _device->_pMetalFeatures->texelBuffers; // Texel buffers available
useTexelBuffer = useTexelBuffer && isMemoryHostAccessible() && _isLinear && isUncompressed; // Applicable memory layout
useTexelBuffer = useTexelBuffer && _deviceMemory && _deviceMemory->_mtlBuffer; // Buffer is available to overlay
useTexelBuffer = useTexelBuffer && !isMemoryHostCoherent(); // macOS cannot use shared memory for texel buffers
return useTexelBuffer;
bool MVKImage::shouldFlushHostMemory() { return isMemoryHostAccessible() && !_usesTexelBuffer; }
// Flushes the device memory at the specified memory range into the MTLTexture. Updates
// all subresources that overlap the specified range and are in an updatable layout state.
VkResult MVKImage::flushToDevice(VkDeviceSize offset, VkDeviceSize size) {
if (shouldFlushHostMemory()) {
for (auto& subRez : _subresources) {
switch (subRez.layoutState) {
updateMTLTextureContent(subRez, offset, size);
return VK_SUCCESS;
// Pulls content from the MTLTexture into the device memory at the specified memory range.
// Pulls from all subresources that overlap the specified range and are in an updatable layout state.
VkResult MVKImage::pullFromDevice(VkDeviceSize offset, VkDeviceSize size) {
if (shouldFlushHostMemory()) {
for (auto& subRez : _subresources) {
switch (subRez.layoutState) {
getMTLTextureContent(subRez, offset, size);
return VK_SUCCESS;
#pragma mark Metal
id<MTLTexture> MVKImage::getMTLTexture() {
if ( !_mtlTexture && _mtlPixelFormat ) {
// Lock and check again in case another thread has created the texture.
lock_guard<mutex> lock(_lock);
if (_mtlTexture) { return _mtlTexture; }
_mtlTexture = newMTLTexture(); // retained
return _mtlTexture;
VkResult MVKImage::setMTLTexture(id<MTLTexture> mtlTexture) {
lock_guard<mutex> lock(_lock);
_mtlTexture = [mtlTexture retain]; // retained
_mtlPixelFormat = _mtlTexture.pixelFormat;
_mtlTextureType = _mtlTexture.textureType;
_extent.width = uint32_t(_mtlTexture.width);
_extent.height = uint32_t(_mtlTexture.height);
_extent.depth = uint32_t(_mtlTexture.depth);
_mipLevels = uint32_t(_mtlTexture.mipmapLevelCount);
_samples = mvkVkSampleCountFlagBitsFromSampleCount(_mtlTexture.sampleCount);
_arrayLayers = uint32_t(_mtlTexture.arrayLength);
_usage = mvkVkImageUsageFlagsFromMTLTextureUsage(_mtlTexture.usage, _mtlPixelFormat);
if (_device->_pMetalFeatures->ioSurfaces) {
_ioSurface = mtlTexture.iosurface;
return VK_SUCCESS;
// Creates and returns a retained Metal texture suitable for use in this instance.
// This implementation creates a new MTLTexture from a MTLTextureDescriptor and possible IOSurface.
// Subclasses may override this function to create the MTLTexture in a different manner.
id<MTLTexture> MVKImage::newMTLTexture() {
if (_ioSurface) {
return [getMTLDevice() newTextureWithDescriptor: getMTLTextureDescriptor() iosurface: _ioSurface plane: 0];
} else if (_usesTexelBuffer) {
return [_deviceMemory->_mtlBuffer newTextureWithDescriptor: getMTLTextureDescriptor()
offset: getDeviceMemoryOffset()
bytesPerRow: _subresources[0].layout.rowPitch];
} else {
return [getMTLDevice() newTextureWithDescriptor: getMTLTextureDescriptor()];
// Removes and releases the MTLTexture object, so that it can be lazily created by getMTLTexture().
void MVKImage::resetMTLTexture() {
[_mtlTexture release];
_mtlTexture = nil;
void MVKImage::resetIOSurface() {
if (_ioSurface) {
_ioSurface = nil;
IOSurfaceRef MVKImage::getIOSurface() { return _ioSurface; }
VkResult MVKImage::useIOSurface(IOSurfaceRef ioSurface) {
if (!_device->_pMetalFeatures->ioSurfaces) { return reportError(VK_ERROR_FEATURE_NOT_PRESENT, "vkUseIOSurfaceMVK() : IOSurfaces are not supported on this platform."); }
if (ioSurface) {
if (IOSurfaceGetWidth(ioSurface) != _extent.width) { return reportError(VK_ERROR_INITIALIZATION_FAILED, "vkUseIOSurfaceMVK() : IOSurface width %zu does not match VkImage width %d.", IOSurfaceGetWidth(ioSurface), _extent.width); }
if (IOSurfaceGetHeight(ioSurface) != _extent.height) { return reportError(VK_ERROR_INITIALIZATION_FAILED, "vkUseIOSurfaceMVK() : IOSurface height %zu does not match VkImage height %d.", IOSurfaceGetHeight(ioSurface), _extent.height); }
if (IOSurfaceGetBytesPerElement(ioSurface) != mvkMTLPixelFormatBytesPerBlock(_mtlPixelFormat)) { return reportError(VK_ERROR_INITIALIZATION_FAILED, "vkUseIOSurfaceMVK() : IOSurface bytes per element %zu does not match VkImage bytes per element %d.", IOSurfaceGetBytesPerElement(ioSurface), mvkMTLPixelFormatBytesPerBlock(_mtlPixelFormat)); }
if (IOSurfaceGetElementWidth(ioSurface) != mvkMTLPixelFormatBlockTexelSize(_mtlPixelFormat).width) { return reportError(VK_ERROR_INITIALIZATION_FAILED, "vkUseIOSurfaceMVK() : IOSurface element width %zu does not match VkImage element width %d.", IOSurfaceGetElementWidth(ioSurface), mvkMTLPixelFormatBlockTexelSize(_mtlPixelFormat).width); }
if (IOSurfaceGetElementHeight(ioSurface) != mvkMTLPixelFormatBlockTexelSize(_mtlPixelFormat).height) { return reportError(VK_ERROR_INITIALIZATION_FAILED, "vkUseIOSurfaceMVK() : IOSurface element height %zu does not match VkImage element height %d.", IOSurfaceGetElementHeight(ioSurface), mvkMTLPixelFormatBlockTexelSize(_mtlPixelFormat).height); }
_ioSurface = ioSurface;
} else {
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations"
_ioSurface = IOSurfaceCreate((CFDictionaryRef)@{
(id)kIOSurfaceWidth: @(_extent.width),
(id)kIOSurfaceHeight: @(_extent.height),
(id)kIOSurfaceBytesPerElement: @(mvkMTLPixelFormatBytesPerBlock(_mtlPixelFormat)),
(id)kIOSurfaceElementWidth: @(mvkMTLPixelFormatBlockTexelSize(_mtlPixelFormat).width),
(id)kIOSurfaceElementHeight: @(mvkMTLPixelFormatBlockTexelSize(_mtlPixelFormat).height),
(id)kIOSurfaceIsGlobal: @(true), // Deprecated but needed for interprocess transfers
#pragma clang diagnostic pop
return VK_SUCCESS;
MTLTextureUsage MVKImage::getMTLTextureUsage() {
MTLTextureUsage usage = mvkMTLTextureUsageFromVkImageUsageFlags(_usage);
// If this is a depth/stencil texture, and the device supports it, tell
// Metal we may create texture views of this, too.
if ((_mtlPixelFormat == MTLPixelFormatDepth32Float_Stencil8
|| _mtlPixelFormat == MTLPixelFormatDepth24Unorm_Stencil8
) && _device->_pMetalFeatures->stencilViews) {
mvkEnableFlag(usage, MTLTextureUsagePixelFormatView);
// If this format doesn't support being blitted to, and the usage
// doesn't specify use as an attachment, turn off
// MTLTextureUsageRenderTarget.
VkFormatProperties props;
_device->getPhysicalDevice()->getFormatProperties(getVkFormat(), &props);
if (!mvkAreFlagsEnabled(_isLinear ? props.linearTilingFeatures : props.optimalTilingFeatures, VK_FORMAT_FEATURE_BLIT_DST_BIT) &&
mvkDisableFlag(usage, MTLTextureUsageRenderTarget);
// If this is a 3D compressed texture, tell Metal we might write to it.
if (_is3DCompressed) {
mvkEnableFlag(usage, MTLTextureUsageShaderWrite);
return usage;
// Returns an autoreleased Metal texture descriptor constructed from the properties of this image.
MTLTextureDescriptor* MVKImage::getMTLTextureDescriptor() {
MTLTextureDescriptor* mtlTexDesc = [[MTLTextureDescriptor alloc] init];
if (_is3DCompressed) {
// Metal doesn't yet support 3D compressed textures, so we'll decompress
// the texture ourselves. This, then, is the *uncompressed* format.
mtlTexDesc.pixelFormat = MTLPixelFormatBGRA8Unorm;
} else {
mtlTexDesc.pixelFormat = _mtlPixelFormat;
mtlTexDesc.pixelFormat = _mtlPixelFormat;
mtlTexDesc.textureType = _mtlTextureType;
mtlTexDesc.width = _extent.width;
mtlTexDesc.height = _extent.height;
mtlTexDesc.depth = _extent.depth;
mtlTexDesc.mipmapLevelCount = _mipLevels;
mtlTexDesc.sampleCount = mvkSampleCountFromVkSampleCountFlagBits(_samples);
mtlTexDesc.arrayLength = _arrayLayers;
mtlTexDesc.usageMVK = getMTLTextureUsage();
mtlTexDesc.storageModeMVK = getMTLStorageMode();
mtlTexDesc.cpuCacheMode = getMTLCPUCacheMode();
return [mtlTexDesc autorelease];
MTLStorageMode MVKImage::getMTLStorageMode() {
if ( !_deviceMemory ) return MTLStorageModePrivate;
// For macOS, textures cannot use Shared storage mode, so change to Managed storage mode.
MTLStorageMode stgMode = _deviceMemory->getMTLStorageMode();
if (_ioSurface && stgMode == MTLStorageModePrivate) { stgMode = MTLStorageModeShared; }
if (stgMode == MTLStorageModeShared) { stgMode = MTLStorageModeManaged; }
return stgMode;
bool MVKImage::isMemoryHostCoherent() {
return (getMTLStorageMode() == MTLStorageModeShared);
// Updates the contents of the underlying MTLTexture, corresponding to the
// specified subresource definition, from the underlying memory buffer.
void MVKImage::updateMTLTextureContent(MVKImageSubresource& subresource,
VkDeviceSize offset, VkDeviceSize size) {
VkImageSubresource& imgSubRez = subresource.subresource;
VkSubresourceLayout& imgLayout = subresource.layout;
// Check if subresource overlaps the memory range.
VkDeviceSize memStart = offset;
VkDeviceSize memEnd = offset + size;
VkDeviceSize imgStart = imgLayout.offset;
VkDeviceSize imgEnd = imgLayout.offset + imgLayout.size;
if (imgStart >= memEnd || imgEnd <= memStart) { return; }
// Don't update if host memory has not been mapped yet.
void* pHostMem = getHostMemoryAddress();
if ( !pHostMem ) { return; }
VkExtent3D mipExtent = getExtent3D(imgSubRez.mipLevel);
VkImageType imgType = getImageType();
void* pImgBytes = (void*)((uintptr_t)pHostMem + imgLayout.offset);
MTLRegion mtlRegion;
mtlRegion.origin = MTLOriginMake(0, 0, 0);
mtlRegion.size = mvkMTLSizeFromVkExtent3D(mipExtent);
std::unique_ptr<char[]> decompBuffer;
if (_is3DCompressed) {
// We cannot upload the texture data directly in this case. But we
// can upload the decompressed image data.
std::unique_ptr<MVKCodec> codec = mvkCreateCodec(getVkFormat());
if (!codec) {
reportError(VK_ERROR_FORMAT_NOT_SUPPORTED, "A 3D texture used a compressed format that MoltenVK does not yet support.");
VkSubresourceLayout destLayout;
destLayout.rowPitch = 4 * mipExtent.width;
destLayout.depthPitch = destLayout.rowPitch * mipExtent.height;
destLayout.size = destLayout.depthPitch * mipExtent.depth;
decompBuffer = std::unique_ptr<char[]>(new char[destLayout.size]);
codec->decompress(decompBuffer.get(), pImgBytes, destLayout, imgLayout, mipExtent);
pImgBytes = decompBuffer.get();
imgLayout = destLayout;
VkDeviceSize bytesPerRow = (imgType != VK_IMAGE_TYPE_1D) ? imgLayout.rowPitch : 0;
VkDeviceSize bytesPerImage = (imgType == VK_IMAGE_TYPE_3D) ? imgLayout.depthPitch : 0;
id<MTLTexture> mtlTex = getMTLTexture();
if (mvkMTLPixelFormatIsPVRTCFormat(mtlTex.pixelFormat)) {
bytesPerRow = 0;
bytesPerImage = 0;
[mtlTex replaceRegion: mtlRegion
mipmapLevel: imgSubRez.mipLevel
slice: imgSubRez.arrayLayer
withBytes: pImgBytes
bytesPerRow: bytesPerRow
bytesPerImage: bytesPerImage];
// Updates the contents of the underlying memory buffer from the contents of
// the underlying MTLTexture, corresponding to the specified subresource definition.
void MVKImage::getMTLTextureContent(MVKImageSubresource& subresource,
VkDeviceSize offset, VkDeviceSize size) {
VkImageSubresource& imgSubRez = subresource.subresource;
VkSubresourceLayout& imgLayout = subresource.layout;
// Check if subresource overlaps the memory range.
VkDeviceSize memStart = offset;
VkDeviceSize memEnd = offset + size;
VkDeviceSize imgStart = imgLayout.offset;
VkDeviceSize imgEnd = imgLayout.offset + imgLayout.size;
if (imgStart >= memEnd || imgEnd <= memStart) { return; }
// Don't update if host memory has not been mapped yet.
void* pHostMem = getHostMemoryAddress();
if ( !pHostMem ) { return; }
VkExtent3D mipExtent = getExtent3D(imgSubRez.mipLevel);
VkImageType imgType = getImageType();
void* pImgBytes = (void*)((uintptr_t)pHostMem + imgLayout.offset);
MTLRegion mtlRegion;
mtlRegion.origin = MTLOriginMake(0, 0, 0);
mtlRegion.size = mvkMTLSizeFromVkExtent3D(mipExtent);
[getMTLTexture() getBytes: pImgBytes
bytesPerRow: (imgType != VK_IMAGE_TYPE_1D ? imgLayout.rowPitch : 0)
bytesPerImage: (imgType == VK_IMAGE_TYPE_3D ? imgLayout.depthPitch : 0)
fromRegion: mtlRegion
mipmapLevel: imgSubRez.mipLevel
slice: imgSubRez.arrayLayer];
#pragma mark Construction
MVKImage::MVKImage(MVKDevice* device, const VkImageCreateInfo* pCreateInfo) : MVKResource(device) {
_mtlTexture = nil;
_ioSurface = nil;
_usesTexelBuffer = false;
// Adjust the info components to be compatible with Metal, then use the modified versions to set other
// config info. Vulkan allows unused extent dimensions to be zero, but Metal requires minimum of one.
uint32_t minDim = 1;
_extent.width = max(pCreateInfo->extent.width, minDim);
_extent.height = max(pCreateInfo->extent.height, minDim);
_extent.depth = max(pCreateInfo->extent.depth, minDim);
_arrayLayers = max(pCreateInfo->arrayLayers, minDim);
// Perform validation and adjustments before configuring other settings
_samples = validateSamples(pCreateInfo);
_mipLevels = validateMipLevels(pCreateInfo);
_isLinear = validateLinear(pCreateInfo);
_mtlPixelFormat = getMTLPixelFormatFromVkFormat(pCreateInfo->format);
_mtlTextureType = mvkMTLTextureTypeFromVkImageType(pCreateInfo->imageType, _arrayLayers, _samples > VK_SAMPLE_COUNT_1_BIT);
_usage = pCreateInfo->usage;
_is3DCompressed = (pCreateInfo->imageType == VK_IMAGE_TYPE_3D) && (mvkFormatTypeFromVkFormat(pCreateInfo->format) == kMVKFormatCompressed);
_isDepthStencilAttachment = (mvkAreFlagsEnabled(pCreateInfo->usage, VK_IMAGE_USAGE_DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT_BIT) ||
mvkAreFlagsEnabled(mvkVkFormatProperties(pCreateInfo->format).optimalTilingFeatures, VK_FORMAT_FEATURE_DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT_BIT));
_canSupportMTLTextureView = !_isDepthStencilAttachment || _device->_pMetalFeatures->stencilViews;
_hasExpectedTexelSize = (mvkMTLPixelFormatBytesPerBlock(_mtlPixelFormat) == mvkVkFormatBytesPerBlock(pCreateInfo->format));
// Calc _byteCount after _byteAlignment
_byteAlignment = _isLinear ? _device->getVkFormatTexelBufferAlignment(pCreateInfo->format) : mvkEnsurePowerOfTwo(mvkVkFormatBytesPerBlock(pCreateInfo->format));
for (uint32_t mipLvl = 0; mipLvl < _mipLevels; mipLvl++) {
_byteCount += getBytesPerLayer(mipLvl) * _extent.depth * _arrayLayers;
void MVKImage::validateConfig(const VkImageCreateInfo* pCreateInfo) {
bool is2D = pCreateInfo->imageType == VK_IMAGE_TYPE_2D;
bool isCompressed = mvkFormatTypeFromVkFormat(pCreateInfo->format) == kMVKFormatCompressed;
if (isCompressed && !is2D) {
setConfigurationResult(reportError(VK_ERROR_FEATURE_NOT_PRESENT, "vkCreateImage() : Under Metal, compressed formats may only be used with 2D images."));
if (isCompressed && !is2D && !mvkCanDecodeFormat(pCreateInfo->format)) {
setConfigurationResult(reportError(VK_ERROR_FEATURE_NOT_PRESENT, "vkCreateImage() : Under Metal, the %s compressed format may only be used with 2D images.", mvkVkFormatName(pCreateInfo->format)));
if ((mvkFormatTypeFromVkFormat(pCreateInfo->format) == kMVKFormatDepthStencil) && !is2D ) {
setConfigurationResult(reportError(VK_ERROR_FEATURE_NOT_PRESENT, "vkCreateImage() : Under Metal, depth/stencil formats may only be used with 2D images."));
if (mvkIsAnyFlagEnabled(pCreateInfo->flags, VK_IMAGE_CREATE_BLOCK_TEXEL_VIEW_COMPATIBLE_BIT)) {
setConfigurationResult(reportError(VK_ERROR_FEATURE_NOT_PRESENT, "vkCreateImage() : Metal does not allow uncompressed views of compressed images."));
VkSampleCountFlagBits MVKImage::validateSamples(const VkImageCreateInfo* pCreateInfo) {
VkSampleCountFlagBits validSamples = pCreateInfo->samples;
if (validSamples == VK_SAMPLE_COUNT_1_BIT) { return validSamples; }
if (pCreateInfo->imageType != VK_IMAGE_TYPE_2D) {
setConfigurationResult(reportError(VK_ERROR_FEATURE_NOT_PRESENT, "vkCreateImage() : Under Metal, multisampling can only be used with a 2D image type. Setting sample count to 1."));
validSamples = VK_SAMPLE_COUNT_1_BIT;
if (mvkFormatTypeFromVkFormat(pCreateInfo->format) == kMVKFormatCompressed) {
setConfigurationResult(reportError(VK_ERROR_FEATURE_NOT_PRESENT, "vkCreateImage() : Under Metal, multisampling cannot be used with compressed images. Setting sample count to 1."));
validSamples = VK_SAMPLE_COUNT_1_BIT;
if (pCreateInfo->arrayLayers > 1) {
if ( !_device->_pMetalFeatures->multisampleArrayTextures ) {
setConfigurationResult(reportError(VK_ERROR_FEATURE_NOT_PRESENT, "vkCreateImage() : This device does not support multisampled array textures. Setting sample count to 1."));
validSamples = VK_SAMPLE_COUNT_1_BIT;
if ( !_device->_pMetalFeatures->multisampleLayeredRendering && mvkIsAnyFlagEnabled(pCreateInfo->usage, (VK_IMAGE_USAGE_COLOR_ATTACHMENT_BIT |
setConfigurationResult(reportError(VK_ERROR_FEATURE_NOT_PRESENT, "vkCreateImage() : This device does not support rendering to multisampled array (layered) attachments. Setting sample count to 1."));
validSamples = VK_SAMPLE_COUNT_1_BIT;
return validSamples;
uint32_t MVKImage::validateMipLevels(const VkImageCreateInfo* pCreateInfo) {
uint32_t minDim = 1;
uint32_t validMipLevels = max(pCreateInfo->mipLevels, minDim);
if (validMipLevels == 1) { return validMipLevels; }
if (pCreateInfo->imageType == VK_IMAGE_TYPE_1D) {
setConfigurationResult(reportError(VK_ERROR_FEATURE_NOT_PRESENT, "vkCreateImage() : Under Metal, 1D images cannot use mipmaps. Setting mip levels to 1."));
validMipLevels = 1;
return validMipLevels;
bool MVKImage::validateLinear(const VkImageCreateInfo* pCreateInfo) {
if (pCreateInfo->tiling != VK_IMAGE_TILING_LINEAR ) { return false; }
bool isLin = true;
if (pCreateInfo->imageType != VK_IMAGE_TYPE_2D) {
setConfigurationResult(reportError(VK_ERROR_FEATURE_NOT_PRESENT, "vkCreateImage() : If tiling is VK_IMAGE_TILING_LINEAR, imageType must be VK_IMAGE_TYPE_2D."));
isLin = false;
if (mvkFormatTypeFromVkFormat(pCreateInfo->format) == kMVKFormatDepthStencil) {
setConfigurationResult(reportError(VK_ERROR_FEATURE_NOT_PRESENT, "vkCreateImage() : If tiling is VK_IMAGE_TILING_LINEAR, format must not be a depth/stencil format."));
isLin = false;
if (pCreateInfo->mipLevels > 1) {
setConfigurationResult(reportError(VK_ERROR_FEATURE_NOT_PRESENT, "vkCreateImage() : If tiling is VK_IMAGE_TILING_LINEAR, mipLevels must be 1."));
isLin = false;
if (pCreateInfo->arrayLayers > 1) {
setConfigurationResult(reportError(VK_ERROR_FEATURE_NOT_PRESENT, "vkCreateImage() : If tiling is VK_IMAGE_TILING_LINEAR, arrayLayers must be 1."));
isLin = false;
if (pCreateInfo->samples > VK_SAMPLE_COUNT_1_BIT) {
setConfigurationResult(reportError(VK_ERROR_FEATURE_NOT_PRESENT, "vkCreateImage() : If tiling is VK_IMAGE_TILING_LINEAR, samples must be VK_SAMPLE_COUNT_1_BIT."));
isLin = false;
isLin = false;
return isLin;
// Initializes the subresource definitions.
void MVKImage::initSubresources(const VkImageCreateInfo* pCreateInfo) {
_subresources.reserve(_mipLevels * _arrayLayers);
MVKImageSubresource subRez;
subRez.layoutState = pCreateInfo->initialLayout;
for (uint32_t mipLvl = 0; mipLvl < _mipLevels; mipLvl++) {
subRez.subresource.mipLevel = mipLvl;
for (uint32_t layer = 0; layer < _arrayLayers; layer++) {
subRez.subresource.arrayLayer = layer;
// Initializes the layout element of the specified image subresource.
void MVKImage::initSubresourceLayout(MVKImageSubresource& imgSubRez) {
VkImageSubresource subresource = imgSubRez.subresource;
uint32_t currMipLevel = subresource.mipLevel;
uint32_t currArrayLayer = subresource.arrayLayer;
VkDeviceSize bytesPerLayerCurrLevel = getBytesPerLayer(currMipLevel);
// Accumulate the byte offset for the specified sub-resource.
// This is the sum of the bytes consumed by all layers in all mipmap levels before the
// desired level, plus the layers before the desired layer at the desired level.
VkDeviceSize offset = 0;
for (uint32_t mipLvl = 0; mipLvl < currMipLevel; mipLvl++) {
offset += (getBytesPerLayer(mipLvl) * _extent.depth * _arrayLayers);
offset += (bytesPerLayerCurrLevel * currArrayLayer);
VkSubresourceLayout& layout = imgSubRez.layout;
layout.offset = offset;
layout.size = bytesPerLayerCurrLevel;
layout.rowPitch = getBytesPerRow(currMipLevel);
layout.depthPitch = bytesPerLayerCurrLevel;
MVKImage::~MVKImage() {
if (_deviceMemory) { _deviceMemory->removeImage(this); }
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark MVKImageView
void MVKImageView::populateMTLRenderPassAttachmentDescriptor(MTLRenderPassAttachmentDescriptor* mtlAttDesc) {
mtlAttDesc.texture = getMTLTexture(); // Use image view, necessary if image view format differs from image format
mtlAttDesc.level = _useMTLTextureView ? 0 : _subresourceRange.baseMipLevel;
if (mtlAttDesc.texture.textureType == MTLTextureType3D) {
mtlAttDesc.slice = 0;
mtlAttDesc.depthPlane = _useMTLTextureView ? 0 : _subresourceRange.baseArrayLayer;
} else {
mtlAttDesc.slice = _useMTLTextureView ? 0 : _subresourceRange.baseArrayLayer;
mtlAttDesc.depthPlane = 0;
void MVKImageView::populateMTLRenderPassAttachmentDescriptorResolve(MTLRenderPassAttachmentDescriptor* mtlAttDesc) {
mtlAttDesc.resolveTexture = getMTLTexture(); // Use image view, necessary if image view format differs from image format
mtlAttDesc.resolveLevel = _useMTLTextureView ? 0 : _subresourceRange.baseMipLevel;
if (mtlAttDesc.resolveTexture.textureType == MTLTextureType3D) {
mtlAttDesc.resolveSlice = 0;
mtlAttDesc.resolveDepthPlane = _useMTLTextureView ? 0 : _subresourceRange.baseArrayLayer;
} else {
mtlAttDesc.resolveSlice = _useMTLTextureView ? 0 : _subresourceRange.baseArrayLayer;
mtlAttDesc.resolveDepthPlane = 0;
#pragma mark Metal
id<MTLTexture> MVKImageView::getMTLTexture() {
// If we can use a Metal texture view, lazily create it, otherwise use the image texture directly.
if (_useMTLTextureView) {
if ( !_mtlTexture && _mtlPixelFormat ) {
// Lock and check again in case another thread created the texture view
lock_guard<mutex> lock(_lock);
if (_mtlTexture) { return _mtlTexture; }
_mtlTexture = newMTLTexture(); // retained
return _mtlTexture;
} else {
return _image->getMTLTexture();
// Creates and returns a retained Metal texture as an
// overlay on the Metal texture of the underlying image.
id<MTLTexture> MVKImageView::newMTLTexture() {
MTLTextureType mtlTextureType = _mtlTextureType;
// Fake support for 2D views of 3D textures.
if (_image->getImageType() == VK_IMAGE_TYPE_3D &&
(mtlTextureType == MTLTextureType2D || mtlTextureType == MTLTextureType2DArray)) {
mtlTextureType = MTLTextureType3D;
return [_image->getMTLTexture() newTextureViewWithPixelFormat: _mtlPixelFormat
textureType: mtlTextureType
levels: NSMakeRange(_subresourceRange.baseMipLevel, _subresourceRange.levelCount)
slices: NSMakeRange(_subresourceRange.baseArrayLayer, _subresourceRange.layerCount)]; // retained
#pragma mark Construction
// device and _image may be nil when a temporary instance
// is constructed to validate image view capabilities
MVKImageView::MVKImageView(MVKDevice* device,
const VkImageViewCreateInfo* pCreateInfo,
const MVKConfiguration* pAltMVKConfig) : MVKVulkanAPIDeviceObject(device) {
_image = (MVKImage*)pCreateInfo->image;
_usage = _image ? _image->_usage : 0;
auto* next = (VkStructureType*)pCreateInfo->pNext;
while (next) {
switch (*next) {
auto* pViewUsageInfo = (VkImageViewUsageCreateInfo*)next;
if (!(pViewUsageInfo->usage & ~_usage))
_usage = pViewUsageInfo->usage;
next = (VkStructureType*)pViewUsageInfo->pNext;
next = (VkStructureType*)((VkImageViewCreateInfo*)next)->pNext;
// Remember the subresource range, and determine the actual number of mip levels and texture slices
_subresourceRange = pCreateInfo->subresourceRange;
if (_subresourceRange.levelCount == VK_REMAINING_MIP_LEVELS) {
_subresourceRange.levelCount = _image ? (_image->getMipLevelCount() - _subresourceRange.baseMipLevel) : 1;
if (_subresourceRange.layerCount == VK_REMAINING_ARRAY_LAYERS) {
_subresourceRange.layerCount = _image ? (_image->getLayerCount() - _subresourceRange.baseArrayLayer) : 1;
bool useShaderSwizzle;
bool isMultisample = _image ? _image->getSampleCount() != VK_SAMPLE_COUNT_1_BIT : false;
_mtlTexture = nil;
_mtlPixelFormat = getSwizzledMTLPixelFormat(pCreateInfo->format, pCreateInfo->components, useShaderSwizzle,
(_device ? _device->_pMVKConfig : pAltMVKConfig));
_packedSwizzle = useShaderSwizzle ? mvkPackSwizzle(pCreateInfo->components) : 0;
_mtlTextureType = mvkMTLTextureTypeFromVkImageViewType(pCreateInfo->viewType, isMultisample);
// Validate whether the image view configuration can be supported
void MVKImageView::validateImageViewConfig(const VkImageViewCreateInfo* pCreateInfo) {
// No image if we are just validating view config
MVKImage* image = (MVKImage*)pCreateInfo->image;
if ( !image ) { return; }
VkImageType imgType = image->getImageType();
VkImageViewType viewType = pCreateInfo->viewType;
// VK_KHR_maintenance1 supports taking 2D image views of 3D slices. No dice in Metal.
if ((viewType == VK_IMAGE_VIEW_TYPE_2D || viewType == VK_IMAGE_VIEW_TYPE_2D_ARRAY) && (imgType == VK_IMAGE_TYPE_3D)) {
if (pCreateInfo->subresourceRange.layerCount != image->_extent.depth) {
reportError(VK_ERROR_FEATURE_NOT_PRESENT, "vkCreateImageView(): Metal does not fully support views on a subset of a 3D texture.");
if (!mvkAreFlagsEnabled(_usage, VK_IMAGE_USAGE_COLOR_ATTACHMENT_BIT)) {
setConfigurationResult(reportError(VK_ERROR_FEATURE_NOT_PRESENT, "vkCreateImageView(): 2D views on 3D images are only supported for color attachments."));
} else if (mvkIsAnyFlagEnabled(_usage, ~VK_IMAGE_USAGE_COLOR_ATTACHMENT_BIT)) {
reportError(VK_ERROR_FEATURE_NOT_PRESENT, "vkCreateImageView(): 2D views on 3D images are only supported for color attachments.");
// Returns a MTLPixelFormat, based on the MTLPixelFormat converted from the VkFormat, but possibly
// modified by the swizzles defined in the VkComponentMapping of the VkImageViewCreateInfo.
// Metal does not support general per-texture swizzles, so if the swizzle is not an identity swizzle, this
// function attempts to find an alternate MTLPixelFormat that coincidentally matches the swizzled format.
// If a replacement MTLFormat was found, it is returned and useShaderSwizzle is set to false.
// If a replacement MTLFormat could not be found, the original MTLPixelFormat is returned, and the
// useShaderSwizzle is set to true, indicating that shader swizzling should be used for this image view.
// The config is used to test whether full shader swizzle support is available, and to report an error if not.
MTLPixelFormat MVKImageView::getSwizzledMTLPixelFormat(VkFormat format,
VkComponentMapping components,
bool& useShaderSwizzle,
const MVKConfiguration* pMVKConfig) {
// Attempt to find a valid format transformation swizzle first.
MTLPixelFormat mtlPF = getMTLPixelFormatFromVkFormat(format);
useShaderSwizzle = false;
switch (mtlPF) {
case MTLPixelFormatR8Unorm:
return MTLPixelFormatA8Unorm;
case MTLPixelFormatA8Unorm:
return MTLPixelFormatR8Unorm;
case MTLPixelFormatRGBA8Unorm:
return MTLPixelFormatBGRA8Unorm;
case MTLPixelFormatRGBA8Unorm_sRGB:
return MTLPixelFormatBGRA8Unorm_sRGB;
case MTLPixelFormatBGRA8Unorm:
return MTLPixelFormatRGBA8Unorm;
case MTLPixelFormatBGRA8Unorm_sRGB:
return MTLPixelFormatRGBA8Unorm_sRGB;
case MTLPixelFormatDepth32Float_Stencil8:
// If aspect mask looking only for stencil then change to stencil-only format even if shader swizzling is needed
if (_subresourceRange.aspectMask == VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_STENCIL_BIT) {
mtlPF = MTLPixelFormatX32_Stencil8;
return mtlPF;
case MTLPixelFormatDepth24Unorm_Stencil8:
// If aspect mask looking only for stencil then change to stencil-only format even if shader swizzling is needed
if (_subresourceRange.aspectMask == VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_STENCIL_BIT) {
mtlPF = MTLPixelFormatX24_Stencil8;
return mtlPF;
// No format transformation swizzles were found, so unless we have an identity swizzle, we'll need to use shader swizzling.
if ( !SWIZZLE_MATCHES(R, G, B, A)) {
useShaderSwizzle = true;
if ( !pMVKConfig->fullImageViewSwizzle ) {
const char* vkCmd = _image ? "vkCreateImageView(VkImageViewCreateInfo" : "vkGetPhysicalDeviceImageFormatProperties2KHR(VkPhysicalDeviceImageViewSupportEXTX";
const char* errMsg = ("The value of %s::components) (%s, %s, %s, %s), when applied to a VkImageView, requires full component swizzling to be enabled both at the"
" time when the VkImageView is created and at the time any pipeline that uses that VkImageView is compiled. Full component swizzling can"
" be enabled via the MVKConfiguration::fullImageViewSwizzle config parameter or MVK_CONFIG_FULL_IMAGE_VIEW_SWIZZLE environment variable.");
setConfigurationResult(reportError(VK_ERROR_FEATURE_NOT_PRESENT, errMsg, vkCmd,
mvkVkComponentSwizzleName(components.r), mvkVkComponentSwizzleName(components.g),
mvkVkComponentSwizzleName(components.b), mvkVkComponentSwizzleName(components.a)));
return mtlPF;
// Determine whether this image view should use a Metal texture view,
// and set the _useMTLTextureView variable appropriately.
void MVKImageView::initMTLTextureViewSupport() {
// If no image we're just validating image iview config
if ( !_image ) {
_useMTLTextureView = false;
_useMTLTextureView = _image->_canSupportMTLTextureView;
bool is3D = _image->_mtlTextureType == MTLTextureType3D;
// If the view is identical to underlying image, don't bother using a Metal view
if (_mtlPixelFormat == _image->_mtlPixelFormat &&
(_mtlTextureType == _image->_mtlTextureType ||
((_mtlTextureType == MTLTextureType2D || _mtlTextureType == MTLTextureType2DArray) && is3D)) &&
_subresourceRange.levelCount == _image->_mipLevels &&
_subresourceRange.layerCount == (is3D ? _image->_extent.depth : _image->_arrayLayers)) {
_useMTLTextureView = false;
// Never use views for subsets of 3D textures. Metal doesn't support them yet.
if (is3D && _subresourceRange.layerCount != _image->_extent.depth) {
_useMTLTextureView = false;
MVKImageView::~MVKImageView() {
[_mtlTexture release];
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark MVKSampler
// Returns an autoreleased Metal sampler descriptor constructed from the properties of this image.
MTLSamplerDescriptor* MVKSampler::getMTLSamplerDescriptor(const VkSamplerCreateInfo* pCreateInfo) {
MTLSamplerDescriptor* mtlSampDesc = [[MTLSamplerDescriptor alloc] init];
mtlSampDesc.sAddressMode = mvkMTLSamplerAddressModeFromVkSamplerAddressMode(pCreateInfo->addressModeU);
mtlSampDesc.tAddressMode = mvkMTLSamplerAddressModeFromVkSamplerAddressMode(pCreateInfo->addressModeV);
mtlSampDesc.rAddressMode = mvkMTLSamplerAddressModeFromVkSamplerAddressMode(pCreateInfo->addressModeW);
mtlSampDesc.minFilter = mvkMTLSamplerMinMagFilterFromVkFilter(pCreateInfo->minFilter);
mtlSampDesc.magFilter = mvkMTLSamplerMinMagFilterFromVkFilter(pCreateInfo->magFilter);
mtlSampDesc.mipFilter = (pCreateInfo->unnormalizedCoordinates
? MTLSamplerMipFilterNotMipmapped
: mvkMTLSamplerMipFilterFromVkSamplerMipmapMode(pCreateInfo->mipmapMode));
mtlSampDesc.lodMinClamp = pCreateInfo->minLod;
mtlSampDesc.lodMaxClamp = pCreateInfo->maxLod;
mtlSampDesc.maxAnisotropy = (pCreateInfo->anisotropyEnable
? mvkClamp(pCreateInfo->maxAnisotropy, 1.0f, _device->_pProperties->limits.maxSamplerAnisotropy)
: 1);
mtlSampDesc.normalizedCoordinates = !pCreateInfo->unnormalizedCoordinates;
if (pCreateInfo->compareEnable) {
if (_device->_pMetalFeatures->depthSampleCompare) {
mtlSampDesc.compareFunctionMVK = mvkMTLCompareFunctionFromVkCompareOp(pCreateInfo->compareOp);
} else {
setConfigurationResult(reportError(VK_ERROR_FEATURE_NOT_PRESENT, "vkCreateSampler(): Depth texture samplers do not support the comparison of the pixel value against a reference value."));
mtlSampDesc.borderColorMVK = mvkMTLSamplerBorderColorFromVkBorderColor(pCreateInfo->borderColor);
if (_device->getPhysicalDevice()->getMetalFeatures()->samplerClampToBorder) {
if (pCreateInfo->addressModeU == VK_SAMPLER_ADDRESS_MODE_CLAMP_TO_BORDER) {
mtlSampDesc.sAddressMode = MTLSamplerAddressModeClampToBorderColor;
if (pCreateInfo->addressModeV == VK_SAMPLER_ADDRESS_MODE_CLAMP_TO_BORDER) {
mtlSampDesc.tAddressMode = MTLSamplerAddressModeClampToBorderColor;
if (pCreateInfo->addressModeW == VK_SAMPLER_ADDRESS_MODE_CLAMP_TO_BORDER) {
mtlSampDesc.rAddressMode = MTLSamplerAddressModeClampToBorderColor;
return [mtlSampDesc autorelease];
// Constructs an instance on the specified image.
MVKSampler::MVKSampler(MVKDevice* device, const VkSamplerCreateInfo* pCreateInfo) : MVKVulkanAPIDeviceObject(device) {
_mtlSamplerState = [getMTLDevice() newSamplerStateWithDescriptor: getMTLSamplerDescriptor(pCreateInfo)];
MVKSampler::~MVKSampler() {
[_mtlSamplerState release];
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark MVKSwapchainImage
bool MVKSwapchainImageAvailability_t::operator< (const MVKSwapchainImageAvailability_t& rhs) const {
if ( isAvailable && !rhs.isAvailable) { return true; }
if ( !isAvailable && rhs.isAvailable) { return false; }
if (waitCount < rhs.waitCount) { return true; }
if (waitCount > rhs.waitCount) { return false; }
return acquisitionID < rhs.acquisitionID;
// Makes this image available for acquisition by the app.
// If any semaphores are waiting to be signaled when this image becomes available, the
// earliest semaphore is signaled, and this image remains unavailable for other uses.
void MVKSwapchainImage::makeAvailable() {
lock_guard<mutex> lock(_availabilityLock);
// Mark when this event happened, relative to that of other images
_availability.acquisitionID = _swapchain->getNextAcquisitionID();
// Mark this image as available if no semaphores or fences are waiting to be signaled.
_availability.isAvailable = _availabilitySignalers.empty();
MVKSwapchainSignaler signaler;
if (_availability.isAvailable) {
// If this image is now available, signal the semaphore and fence that were associated
// with the last time this image was acquired while available. This is a workaround for
// when an app uses a single semaphore or fence for more than one swapchain image.
// Becuase the semaphore or fence will be signaled by more than one image, it will
// get out of sync, and the final use of the image would not be signaled as a result.
signaler = _preSignaled;
} else {
// If this image is not yet available, extract and signal the first semaphore and fence.
signaler = _availabilitySignalers.front();
_availabilitySignalers.erase( _availabilitySignalers.begin() );
// Signal the semaphore and fence, and let them know they are no longer being tracked.
// MVKLogDebug("Signaling%s swapchain image %p semaphore %p from present, with %lu remaining semaphores.", (_availability.isAvailable ? " pre-signaled" : ""), this, signaler.first, _availabilitySignalers.size());
void MVKSwapchainImage::signalWhenAvailable(MVKSemaphore* semaphore, MVKFence* fence) {
lock_guard<mutex> lock(_availabilityLock);
auto signaler = make_pair(semaphore, fence);
if (_availability.isAvailable) {
_availability.isAvailable = false;
if (_device->_pMetalFeatures->events) {
// Unfortunately, we can't assume we have an MTLSharedEvent here.
// This means we need to execute a command on the device to signal
// the semaphore. Alternatively, we could always use an MTLSharedEvent,
// but that might impose unacceptable performance costs just to handle
// this one case.
MVKQueue* queue = _device->getQueue(0, 0);
id<MTLCommandQueue> mtlQ = queue->getMTLCommandQueue();
id<MTLCommandBuffer> mtlCmdBuff = [mtlQ commandBufferWithUnretainedReferences];
[mtlCmdBuff enqueue];
[mtlCmdBuff commit];
_preSignaled = signaler;
} else {
// MVKLogDebug("%s swapchain image %p semaphore %p in acquire with %lu other semaphores.", (_availability.isAvailable ? "Signaling" : "Tracking"), this, semaphore, _availabilitySignalers.size());
// Signal either or both of the semaphore and fence in the specified tracker pair.
void MVKSwapchainImage::signal(MVKSwapchainSignaler& signaler) {
if (signaler.first && !_device->_pMetalFeatures->events) { signaler.first->signal(); }
if (signaler.second) { signaler.second->signal(); }
// Tell the semaphore and fence that they are being tracked for future signaling.
void MVKSwapchainImage::markAsTracked(MVKSwapchainSignaler& signaler) {
if (signaler.first) { signaler.first->retain(); }
if (signaler.second) { signaler.second->retain(); }
// Tell the semaphore and fence that they are no longer being tracked for future signaling.
void MVKSwapchainImage::unmarkAsTracked(MVKSwapchainSignaler& signaler) {
if (signaler.first) { signaler.first->release(); }
if (signaler.second) { signaler.second->release(); }
const MVKSwapchainImageAvailability* MVKSwapchainImage::getAvailability() {
lock_guard<mutex> lock(_availabilityLock);
_availability.waitCount = (uint32_t)_availabilitySignalers.size();
return &_availability;
#pragma mark Metal
// Creates and returns a retained Metal texture suitable for use in this instance.
// This implementation retrieves a MTLTexture from the CAMetalDrawable.
id<MTLTexture> MVKSwapchainImage::newMTLTexture() {
return [[getCAMetalDrawable() texture] retain];
id<CAMetalDrawable> MVKSwapchainImage::getCAMetalDrawable() {
if ( !_mtlDrawable ) {
@autoreleasepool { // Allow auto-released drawable object to be reclaimed before end of loop
_mtlDrawable = [_swapchain->getNextCAMetalDrawable() retain]; // retained
MVKAssert(_mtlDrawable, "Could not aquire an available CAMetalDrawable from the CAMetalLayer in MVKSwapchain image: %p.", this);
return _mtlDrawable;
void MVKSwapchainImage::presentCAMetalDrawable(id<MTLCommandBuffer> mtlCmdBuff) {
// MVKLogDebug("Presenting swapchain image %p from present.", this);
id<CAMetalDrawable> mtlDrawable = getCAMetalDrawable();
_swapchain->willPresentSurface(getMTLTexture(), mtlCmdBuff);
// If using a command buffer, present the drawable through it,
// and make myself available only once the command buffer has completed.
// Otherwise, immediately present the drawable and make myself available.
if (mtlCmdBuff) {
[mtlCmdBuff presentDrawable: mtlDrawable];
if (_device->_pMetalFeatures->events && !_availabilitySignalers.empty()) {
// Signal the semaphore device-side.
[mtlCmdBuff addCompletedHandler: ^(id<MTLCommandBuffer> mcb) { makeAvailable(); }];
} else {
[mtlDrawable present];
// Removes and releases the Metal drawable object, so that it can be lazily created by getCAMetalDrawable().
void MVKSwapchainImage::resetCAMetalDrawable() {
[_mtlDrawable release];
_mtlDrawable = nil;
// Resets the MTLTexture and CAMetalDrawable underlying this image.
void MVKSwapchainImage::resetMetalSurface() {
resetMTLTexture(); // Release texture first so drawable will be last to release it
#pragma mark Construction
MVKSwapchainImage::MVKSwapchainImage(MVKDevice* device,
const VkImageCreateInfo* pCreateInfo,
MVKSwapchain* swapchain) : MVKImage(device, pCreateInfo) {
_swapchain = swapchain;
_swapchainIndex = _swapchain->getImageCount();
_availability.acquisitionID = _swapchain->getNextAcquisitionID();
_availability.isAvailable = true;
_preSignaled = make_pair(nullptr, nullptr);
_mtlDrawable = nil;
_canSupportMTLTextureView = false; // Override...swapchains never support Metal image view.
MVKSwapchainImage::~MVKSwapchainImage() {