blob: b3b523b6564fb0ed3c94a97daaa349ea522cd529 [file] [log] [blame]
* MVKDescriptorSet.h
* Copyright (c) 2015-2021 The Brenwill Workshop Ltd. (
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include "MVKDescriptor.h"
#include "MVKSmallVector.h"
#include "MVKBitArray.h"
#include <unordered_set>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
class MVKDescriptorPool;
class MVKPipelineLayout;
class MVKCommandEncoder;
class MVKResourcesCommandEncoderState;
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark MVKDescriptorSetLayout
/** Represents a Vulkan descriptor set layout. */
class MVKDescriptorSetLayout : public MVKVulkanAPIDeviceObject {
/** Returns the Vulkan type of this object. */
VkObjectType getVkObjectType() override { return VK_OBJECT_TYPE_DESCRIPTOR_SET_LAYOUT; }
/** Returns the debug report object type of this object. */
VkDebugReportObjectTypeEXT getVkDebugReportObjectType() override { return VK_DEBUG_REPORT_OBJECT_TYPE_DESCRIPTOR_SET_LAYOUT_EXT; }
/** Encodes this descriptor set layout and the specified descriptor set on the specified command encoder. */
void bindDescriptorSet(MVKCommandEncoder* cmdEncoder,
VkPipelineBindPoint pipelineBindPoint,
uint32_t descSetIndex,
MVKDescriptorSet* descSet,
MVKShaderResourceBinding& dslMTLRezIdxOffsets,
MVKArrayRef<uint32_t> dynamicOffsets,
uint32_t& dynamicOffsetIndex);
/** Encodes this descriptor set layout and the specified descriptor updates on the specified command encoder immediately. */
void pushDescriptorSet(MVKCommandEncoder* cmdEncoder,
MVKArrayRef<VkWriteDescriptorSet>& descriptorWrites,
MVKShaderResourceBinding& dslMTLRezIdxOffsets);
/** Encodes this descriptor set layout and the updates from the given template on the specified command encoder immediately. */
void pushDescriptorSet(MVKCommandEncoder* cmdEncoder,
MVKDescriptorUpdateTemplate* descUpdateTemplates,
const void* pData,
MVKShaderResourceBinding& dslMTLRezIdxOffsets);
/** Populates the specified shader converter context, at the specified DSL index. */
void populateShaderConverterContext(mvk::SPIRVToMSLConversionConfiguration& context,
MVKShaderResourceBinding& dslMTLRezIdxOffsets,
uint32_t dslIndex);
/** Populates the descriptor usage as indicated by the shader converter context. */
void populateDescriptorUsage(MVKBitArray& usageArray,
mvk::SPIRVToMSLConversionConfiguration& context,
uint32_t dslIndex);
/** Returns the binding for the descriptor at the index in a descriptor set. */
MVKDescriptorSetLayoutBinding* getBindingForDescriptorIndex(uint32_t descriptorIndex);
/** Returns true if this layout is for push descriptors only. */
bool isPushDescriptorLayout() const { return _isPushDescriptorLayout; }
/** Returns a new MTLArgumentEncoder for the stage, populated from this layout and info from the shader config. */
id<MTLArgumentEncoder> newMTLArgumentEncoder(MVKShaderStage stage, mvk::SPIRVToMSLConversionConfiguration& shaderConfig, uint32_t descSetIdx);
MVKDescriptorSetLayout(MVKDevice* device, const VkDescriptorSetLayoutCreateInfo* pCreateInfo);
friend class MVKDescriptorSetLayoutBinding;
friend class MVKPipelineLayout;
friend class MVKDescriptorSet;
friend class MVKDescriptorPool;
void propagateDebugName() override {}
inline uint32_t getDescriptorCount() { return _descriptorCount; }
inline uint32_t getDescriptorIndex(uint32_t binding, uint32_t elementIndex = 0) { return getBinding(binding)->getDescriptorIndex(elementIndex); }
inline MVKDescriptorSetLayoutBinding* getBinding(uint32_t binding) { return &_bindings[_bindingToIndex[binding]]; }
const VkDescriptorBindingFlags* getBindingFlags(const VkDescriptorSetLayoutCreateInfo* pCreateInfo);
inline bool isUsingMetalArgumentBuffer() { return isUsingMetalArgumentBuffers() && !isPushDescriptorLayout(); };
void initForMetalArgumentBufferUse();
MVKSmallVector<MVKDescriptorSetLayoutBinding> _bindings;
std::unordered_map<uint32_t, uint32_t> _bindingToIndex;
MVKShaderResourceBinding _mtlResourceCounts;
NSUInteger _metalArgumentBufferSize;
uint32_t _descriptorCount;
bool _isPushDescriptorLayout;
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark MVKDescriptorSet
/** Represents a Vulkan descriptor set. */
class MVKDescriptorSet : public MVKVulkanAPIDeviceObject {
/** Returns the Vulkan type of this object. */
VkObjectType getVkObjectType() override { return VK_OBJECT_TYPE_DESCRIPTOR_SET; }
/** Returns the debug report object type of this object. */
VkDebugReportObjectTypeEXT getVkDebugReportObjectType() override { return VK_DEBUG_REPORT_OBJECT_TYPE_DESCRIPTOR_SET_EXT; }
/** Returns the layout that defines this descriptor set. */
MVKDescriptorSetLayout* getLayout() { return _layout; }
/** Returns the descriptor type for the specified binding number. */
VkDescriptorType getDescriptorType(uint32_t binding);
/** Updates the resource bindings in this instance from the specified content. */
template<typename DescriptorAction>
void write(const DescriptorAction* pDescriptorAction, size_t stride, const void* pData);
* Reads the resource bindings defined in the specified content
* from this instance into the specified collection of bindings.
void read(const VkCopyDescriptorSet* pDescriptorCopies,
VkDescriptorImageInfo* pImageInfo,
VkDescriptorBufferInfo* pBufferInfo,
VkBufferView* pTexelBufferView,
VkWriteDescriptorSetInlineUniformBlockEXT* pInlineUniformBlock);
/** Extracts the dynamic offsets from the array, and binds them to the encoder state. */
void bindDynamicOffsets(MVKResourcesCommandEncoderState* rezEncState,
uint32_t descSetIndex,
MVKArrayRef<uint32_t> dynamicOffsets,
uint32_t& dynamicOffsetIndex);
/** Returns an MTLBuffer region allocation. */
const MVKMTLBufferAllocation* acquireMTLBufferRegion(NSUInteger length);
* Returns the Metal argument buffer to which resources are written,
* or return nil if Metal argument buffers are not being used.
id<MTLBuffer> getMetalArgumentBuffer();
/** Returns the offset into the Metal argument buffer to which resources are written. */
inline NSUInteger getMetalArgumentBufferOffset() { return _metalArgumentBufferOffset; }
/** Returns an array indicating the descriptors that have changed since the Metal argument buffer was last updated. */
MVKBitArray& getMetalArgumentBufferDirtyDescriptors() { return _metalArgumentBufferDirtyDescriptors; }
/** Returns the descriptor at an index. */
MVKDescriptor* getDescriptorAt(uint32_t descIndex) { return _descriptors[descIndex]; }
/** Returns the number of descriptors in this descriptor set. */
uint32_t getDescriptorCount() { return (uint32_t)_descriptors.size(); }
MVKDescriptorSet(MVKDescriptorPool* pool);
friend class MVKDescriptorSetLayoutBinding;
friend class MVKDescriptorPool;
void propagateDebugName() override {}
MVKDescriptor* getDescriptor(uint32_t binding, uint32_t elementIndex = 0);
VkResult allocate(MVKDescriptorSetLayout* layout,
uint32_t variableDescriptorCount,
NSUInteger mtlArgBufferOffset);
void free(bool isPoolReset);
MVKDescriptorPool* _pool;
MVKDescriptorSetLayout* _layout;
MVKSmallVector<MVKDescriptor*> _descriptors;
MVKBitArray _dynamicBufferDescriptors;
MVKBitArray _metalArgumentBufferDirtyDescriptors;
NSUInteger _metalArgumentBufferOffset;
uint32_t _variableDescriptorCount;
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark MVKDescriptorTypePool
/** Support class for MVKDescriptorPool that holds a pool of instances of a single concrete descriptor class. */
template<class DescriptorClass>
class MVKDescriptorTypePool : public MVKBaseObject {
MVKVulkanAPIObject* getVulkanAPIObject() override { return nullptr; };
MVKDescriptorTypePool(size_t poolSize);
friend class MVKDescriptorPool;
VkResult allocateDescriptor(MVKDescriptor** pMVKDesc, MVKDescriptorPool* pool);
void freeDescriptor(MVKDescriptor* mvkDesc, MVKDescriptorPool* pool);
void reset();
MVKSmallVector<DescriptorClass> _descriptors;
MVKBitArray _availability;
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark MVKDescriptorPool
/** Represents a Vulkan descriptor pool. */
class MVKDescriptorPool : public MVKVulkanAPIDeviceObject {
/** Returns the Vulkan type of this object. */
VkObjectType getVkObjectType() override { return VK_OBJECT_TYPE_DESCRIPTOR_POOL; }
/** Returns the debug report object type of this object. */
VkDebugReportObjectTypeEXT getVkDebugReportObjectType() override { return VK_DEBUG_REPORT_OBJECT_TYPE_DESCRIPTOR_POOL_EXT; }
/** Allocates descriptor sets. */
VkResult allocateDescriptorSets(const VkDescriptorSetAllocateInfo* pAllocateInfo,
VkDescriptorSet* pDescriptorSets);
/** Free's up the specified descriptor set. */
VkResult freeDescriptorSets(uint32_t count, const VkDescriptorSet* pDescriptorSets);
/** Destroys all currently allocated descriptor sets. */
VkResult reset(VkDescriptorPoolResetFlags flags);
MVKDescriptorPool(MVKDevice* device, const VkDescriptorPoolCreateInfo* pCreateInfo, bool poolDescriptors);
~MVKDescriptorPool() override;
friend class MVKDescriptorSet;
template<class> friend class MVKDescriptorTypePool;
void propagateDebugName() override {}
const uint32_t* getVariableDecriptorCounts(const VkDescriptorSetAllocateInfo* pAllocateInfo);
VkResult allocateDescriptorSet(MVKDescriptorSetLayout* mvkDSL, uint32_t variableDescriptorCount, VkDescriptorSet* pVKDS);
void freeDescriptorSet(MVKDescriptorSet* mvkDS, bool isPoolReset);
VkResult allocateDescriptor(VkDescriptorType descriptorType, MVKDescriptor** pMVKDesc);
void freeDescriptor(MVKDescriptor* mvkDesc);
void initMetalArgumentBuffer(const VkDescriptorPoolCreateInfo* pCreateInfo);
NSUInteger getMetalArgumentBufferResourceStorageSize(NSUInteger bufferCount, NSUInteger textureCount, NSUInteger samplerCount);
MTLArgumentDescriptor* getMTLArgumentDescriptor(MTLDataType resourceType, NSUInteger argIndex, NSUInteger count);
MVKSmallVector<MVKDescriptorSet> _descriptorSets;
MVKBitArray _descriptorSetAvailablility;
id<MTLBuffer> _metalArgumentBuffer;
NSUInteger _nextMetalArgumentBufferOffset;
MVKMTLBufferAllocator _inlineBlockMTLBufferAllocator;
MVKDescriptorTypePool<MVKUniformBufferDescriptor> _uniformBufferDescriptors;
MVKDescriptorTypePool<MVKStorageBufferDescriptor> _storageBufferDescriptors;
MVKDescriptorTypePool<MVKUniformBufferDynamicDescriptor> _uniformBufferDynamicDescriptors;
MVKDescriptorTypePool<MVKStorageBufferDynamicDescriptor> _storageBufferDynamicDescriptors;
MVKDescriptorTypePool<MVKInlineUniformBlockDescriptor> _inlineUniformBlockDescriptors;
MVKDescriptorTypePool<MVKSampledImageDescriptor> _sampledImageDescriptors;
MVKDescriptorTypePool<MVKStorageImageDescriptor> _storageImageDescriptors;
MVKDescriptorTypePool<MVKInputAttachmentDescriptor> _inputAttachmentDescriptors;
MVKDescriptorTypePool<MVKSamplerDescriptor> _samplerDescriptors;
MVKDescriptorTypePool<MVKCombinedImageSamplerDescriptor> _combinedImageSamplerDescriptors;
MVKDescriptorTypePool<MVKUniformTexelBufferDescriptor> _uniformTexelBufferDescriptors;
MVKDescriptorTypePool<MVKStorageTexelBufferDescriptor> _storageTexelBufferDescriptors;
bool _hasPooledDescriptors;
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark MVKDescriptorUpdateTemplate
/** Represents a Vulkan descriptor update template. */
class MVKDescriptorUpdateTemplate : public MVKVulkanAPIDeviceObject {
/** Returns the Vulkan type of this object. */
VkObjectType getVkObjectType() override { return VK_OBJECT_TYPE_DESCRIPTOR_UPDATE_TEMPLATE; }
/** Returns the debug report object type of this object. */
VkDebugReportObjectTypeEXT getVkDebugReportObjectType() override { return VK_DEBUG_REPORT_OBJECT_TYPE_DESCRIPTOR_UPDATE_TEMPLATE_EXT; }
/** Get the nth update template entry. */
const VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateEntryKHR* getEntry(uint32_t n) const;
/** Get the total number of entries. */
uint32_t getNumberOfEntries() const;
/** Get the type of this template. */
VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateTypeKHR getType() const;
/** Constructs an instance for the specified device. */
MVKDescriptorUpdateTemplate(MVKDevice* device, const VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateCreateInfoKHR* pCreateInfo);
/** Destructor. */
~MVKDescriptorUpdateTemplate() override = default;
void propagateDebugName() override {}
VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateTypeKHR _type;
MVKSmallVector<VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateEntryKHR, 1> _entries;
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark Support functions
/** Updates the resource bindings in the descriptor sets inditified in the specified content. */
void mvkUpdateDescriptorSets(uint32_t writeCount,
const VkWriteDescriptorSet* pDescriptorWrites,
uint32_t copyCount,
const VkCopyDescriptorSet* pDescriptorCopies);
/** Updates the resource bindings in the given descriptor set from the specified template. */
void mvkUpdateDescriptorSetWithTemplate(VkDescriptorSet descriptorSet,
VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateKHR updateTemplate,
const void* pData);
* If the shader stage binding has a binding defined for the specified stage, populates
* the context at the descriptor set binding from the shader stage resource binding.
void mvkPopulateShaderConverterContext(mvk::SPIRVToMSLConversionConfiguration& context,
MVKShaderStageResourceBinding& ssRB,
spv::ExecutionModel stage,
uint32_t descriptorSetIndex,
uint32_t bindingIndex,
uint32_t count,
MVKSampler* immutableSampler);