blob: 30f1d1b23e51f019fd9f95496aa644bb26f07a92 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2015-2021 The Brenwill Workshop Ltd. (
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "MVKInstance.h"
#include "MVKQueue.h"
#include "MVKSwapchain.h"
#include "MVKSync.h"
#include "MVKFoundation.h"
#include "MVKOSExtensions.h"
#include "MVKGPUCapture.h"
using namespace std;
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark MVKQueueFamily
// MTLCommandQueues are cached in MVKQueueFamily/MVKPhysicalDevice because they are very
// limited in number. An app that creates multiple VkDevices over time (such as a test suite)
// will soon find 15 second delays when creating subsequent MTLCommandQueues.
id<MTLCommandQueue> MVKQueueFamily::getMTLCommandQueue(uint32_t queueIndex) {
lock_guard<mutex> lock(_qLock);
id<MTLCommandQueue> mtlQ = _mtlQueues[queueIndex];
if ( !mtlQ ) {
@autoreleasepool { // Catch any autoreleased objects created during MTLCommandQueue creation
uint32_t maxCmdBuffs = mvkConfig().maxActiveMetalCommandBuffersPerQueue;
mtlQ = [_physicalDevice->getMTLDevice() newCommandQueueWithMaxCommandBufferCount: maxCmdBuffs]; // retained
_mtlQueues[queueIndex] = mtlQ;
return mtlQ;
MVKQueueFamily::MVKQueueFamily(MVKPhysicalDevice* physicalDevice, uint32_t queueFamilyIndex, const VkQueueFamilyProperties* pProperties) {
_physicalDevice = physicalDevice;
_queueFamilyIndex = queueFamilyIndex;
_properties = *pProperties;
_mtlQueues.assign(_properties.queueCount, nil);
MVKQueueFamily::~MVKQueueFamily() {
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark MVKQueue
void MVKQueue::propagateDebugName() { setLabelIfNotNil(_mtlQueue, _debugName); }
#pragma mark Queue submissions
// Execute the queue submission under an autoreleasepool to ensure transient Metal objects are autoreleased.
// This is critical for apps that don't use standard OS autoreleasing runloop threading.
static inline void execute(MVKQueueSubmission* qSubmit) { @autoreleasepool { qSubmit->execute(); } }
// Executes the submmission, either immediately, or by dispatching to an execution queue.
// Submissions to the execution queue are wrapped in a dedicated autoreleasepool.
// Relying on the dispatch queue to find time to drain the autoreleasepool can
// result in significant memory creep under heavy workloads.
VkResult MVKQueue::submit(MVKQueueSubmission* qSubmit) {
if (_device->getConfigurationResult() != VK_SUCCESS) { return _device->getConfigurationResult(); }
if ( !qSubmit ) { return VK_SUCCESS; } // Ignore nils
VkResult rslt = qSubmit->getConfigurationResult(); // Extract result before submission to avoid race condition with early destruction
if (_execQueue) {
dispatch_async(_execQueue, ^{ execute(qSubmit); } );
} else {
return rslt;
VkResult MVKQueue::submit(uint32_t submitCount, const VkSubmitInfo* pSubmits, VkFence fence, MVKCommandUse cmdUse) {
// Fence-only submission
if (submitCount == 0 && fence) {
return submit(new MVKQueueCommandBufferSubmission(this, nullptr, fence, cmdUse));
VkResult rslt = VK_SUCCESS;
for (uint32_t sIdx = 0; sIdx < submitCount; sIdx++) {
VkFence fenceOrNil = (sIdx == (submitCount - 1)) ? fence : VK_NULL_HANDLE; // last one gets the fence
const VkSubmitInfo* pVkSub = &pSubmits[sIdx];
MVKQueueCommandBufferSubmission* mvkSub;
uint32_t cbCnt = pVkSub->commandBufferCount;
if (cbCnt <= 1) {
mvkSub = new MVKQueueFullCommandBufferSubmission<1>(this, pVkSub, fenceOrNil);
} else if (cbCnt <= 16) {
mvkSub = new MVKQueueFullCommandBufferSubmission<16>(this, pVkSub, fenceOrNil);
} else if (cbCnt <= 32) {
mvkSub = new MVKQueueFullCommandBufferSubmission<32>(this, pVkSub, fenceOrNil);
} else if (cbCnt <= 64) {
mvkSub = new MVKQueueFullCommandBufferSubmission<64>(this, pVkSub, fenceOrNil);
} else if (cbCnt <= 128) {
mvkSub = new MVKQueueFullCommandBufferSubmission<128>(this, pVkSub, fenceOrNil);
} else if (cbCnt <= 256) {
mvkSub = new MVKQueueFullCommandBufferSubmission<256>(this, pVkSub, fenceOrNil);
} else {
mvkSub = new MVKQueueFullCommandBufferSubmission<512>(this, pVkSub, fenceOrNil);
VkResult subRslt = submit(mvkSub);
if (rslt == VK_SUCCESS) { rslt = subRslt; }
return rslt;
VkResult MVKQueue::submit(const VkPresentInfoKHR* pPresentInfo) {
return submit(new MVKQueuePresentSurfaceSubmission(this, pPresentInfo));
// Create an empty submit struct and fence, submit to queue and wait on fence.
VkResult MVKQueue::waitIdle(MVKCommandUse cmdUse) {
if (_device->getConfigurationResult() != VK_SUCCESS) { return _device->getConfigurationResult(); }
VkFenceCreateInfo vkFenceInfo = {
.pNext = nullptr,
.flags = 0,
// The MVKFence is retained by the command submission, and may outlive this function while
// the command submission finishes, so we can't allocate MVKFence locally on the stack.
MVKFence* mvkFence = new MVKFence(_device, &vkFenceInfo);
VkFence vkFence = (VkFence)mvkFence;
submit(0, nullptr, vkFence, cmdUse);
VkResult rslt = mvkWaitForFences(_device, 1, &vkFence, false);
return rslt;
id<MTLCommandBuffer> MVKQueue::getMTLCommandBuffer(MVKCommandUse cmdUse, bool retainRefs) {
id<MTLCommandBuffer> mtlCmdBuff = nil;
#if MVK_XCODE_12
if ([_mtlQueue respondsToSelector: @selector(commandBufferWithDescriptor:)]) {
MTLCommandBufferDescriptor* mtlCmdBuffDesc = [MTLCommandBufferDescriptor new]; // temp retain
mtlCmdBuffDesc.retainedReferences = retainRefs;
if (mvkConfig().debugMode) {
mtlCmdBuffDesc.errorOptions |= MTLCommandBufferErrorOptionEncoderExecutionStatus;
mtlCmdBuff = [_mtlQueue commandBufferWithDescriptor: mtlCmdBuffDesc];
[mtlCmdBuffDesc release]; // temp release
} else
if (retainRefs) {
mtlCmdBuff = [_mtlQueue commandBuffer];
} else {
mtlCmdBuff = [_mtlQueue commandBufferWithUnretainedReferences];
setLabelIfNotNil(mtlCmdBuff, getMTLCommandBufferLabel(cmdUse));
return mtlCmdBuff;
NSString* MVKQueue::getMTLCommandBufferLabel(MVKCommandUse cmdUse) {
#define CASE_GET_LABEL(cmdUse) \
case kMVKCommandUse ##cmdUse: \
if ( !_mtlCmdBuffLabel ##cmdUse ) { _mtlCmdBuffLabel ##cmdUse = [[NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@ on Queue %d-%d", mvkMTLCommandBufferLabel(kMVKCommandUse ##cmdUse), _queueFamily->getIndex(), _index] retain]; } \
return _mtlCmdBuffLabel ##cmdUse
switch (cmdUse) {
default: return mvkMTLCommandBufferLabel(cmdUse);
#pragma mark Construction
MVKQueue::MVKQueue(MVKDevice* device, MVKQueueFamily* queueFamily, uint32_t index, float priority)
: MVKDeviceTrackingMixin(device) {
_queueFamily = queueFamily;
_index = index;
_priority = priority;
_mtlCmdBuffLabelEndCommandBuffer = nil;
_mtlCmdBuffLabelQueueSubmit = nil;
_mtlCmdBuffLabelQueuePresent = nil;
_mtlCmdBuffLabelDeviceWaitIdle = nil;
_mtlCmdBuffLabelQueueWaitIdle = nil;
_mtlCmdBuffLabelAcquireNextImage = nil;
_mtlCmdBuffLabelInvalidateMappedMemoryRanges = nil;
void MVKQueue::initName() {
const char* fmt = "MoltenVKQueue-%d-%d-%.1f";
char name[256];
sprintf(name, fmt, _queueFamily->getIndex(), _index, _priority);
_name = name;
void MVKQueue::initExecQueue() {
_execQueue = nil;
if ( !mvkConfig().synchronousQueueSubmits ) {
// Determine the dispatch queue priority
dispatch_qos_class_t dqQOS = MVK_DISPATCH_QUEUE_QOS_CLASS;
int dqPriority = (1.0 - _priority) * QOS_MIN_RELATIVE_PRIORITY;
dispatch_queue_attr_t dqAttr = dispatch_queue_attr_make_with_qos_class(DISPATCH_QUEUE_SERIAL, dqQOS, dqPriority);
// Create the dispatch queue
_execQueue = dispatch_queue_create((getName() + "-Dispatch").c_str(), dqAttr); // retained
// Retrieves and initializes the Metal command queue.
void MVKQueue::initMTLCommandQueue() {
uint64_t startTime = _device->getPerformanceTimestamp();
_mtlQueue = _queueFamily->getMTLCommandQueue(_index); // not retained (cached in queue family)
_device->addActivityPerformance(_device->_performanceStatistics.queue.mtlQueueAccess, startTime);
// Initializes Xcode GPU capture scopes
void MVKQueue::initGPUCaptureScopes() {
_submissionCaptureScope = new MVKGPUCaptureScope(this);
if (_queueFamily->getIndex() == mvkConfig().defaultGPUCaptureScopeQueueFamilyIndex &&
_index == mvkConfig().defaultGPUCaptureScopeQueueIndex) {
getDevice()->startAutoGPUCapture(MVK_CONFIG_AUTO_GPU_CAPTURE_SCOPE_FRAME, _mtlQueue);
_submissionCaptureScope->beginScope(); // Allow Xcode to capture the first frame if desired.
MVKQueue::~MVKQueue() {
[_mtlCmdBuffLabelEndCommandBuffer release];
[_mtlCmdBuffLabelQueueSubmit release];
[_mtlCmdBuffLabelQueuePresent release];
[_mtlCmdBuffLabelDeviceWaitIdle release];
[_mtlCmdBuffLabelQueueWaitIdle release];
[_mtlCmdBuffLabelAcquireNextImage release];
[_mtlCmdBuffLabelInvalidateMappedMemoryRanges release];
// Destroys the execution dispatch queue.
void MVKQueue::destroyExecQueue() {
if (_execQueue) {
_execQueue = nullptr;
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark MVKQueueSubmission
MVKQueueSubmission::MVKQueueSubmission(MVKQueue* queue,
uint32_t waitSemaphoreCount,
const VkSemaphore* pWaitSemaphores) {
_queue = queue;
_queue->retain(); // Retain here and release in destructor. See note for MVKQueueCommandBufferSubmission::finish().
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < waitSemaphoreCount; i++) {
_waitSemaphores.push_back(make_pair((MVKSemaphore*)pWaitSemaphores[i], (uint64_t)0));
MVKQueueSubmission::~MVKQueueSubmission() {
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark MVKQueueCommandBufferSubmission
void MVKQueueCommandBufferSubmission::execute() {
// MVKLogDebug("Executing submission %p.", this);
// If using encoded semaphore waiting, do so now.
for (auto& ws : _waitSemaphores) { ws.first->encodeWait(getActiveMTLCommandBuffer(), ws.second); }
// Submit each command buffer.
// If using encoded semaphore signaling, do so now.
for (auto& ss : _signalSemaphores) { ss.first->encodeSignal(getActiveMTLCommandBuffer(), ss.second); }
// Commit the last MTLCommandBuffer.
// Nothing after this because callback might destroy this instance before this function ends.
// Returns the active MTLCommandBuffer, lazily retrieving it from the queue if needed.
id<MTLCommandBuffer> MVKQueueCommandBufferSubmission::getActiveMTLCommandBuffer() {
if ( !_activeMTLCommandBuffer ) {
return _activeMTLCommandBuffer;
// Commits the current active MTLCommandBuffer, if it exists, and sets a new active MTLCommandBuffer.
void MVKQueueCommandBufferSubmission::setActiveMTLCommandBuffer(id<MTLCommandBuffer> mtlCmdBuff) {
if (_activeMTLCommandBuffer) { commitActiveMTLCommandBuffer(); }
_activeMTLCommandBuffer = [mtlCmdBuff retain]; // retained to handle prefilled
[_activeMTLCommandBuffer enqueue];
#if MVK_XCODE_12
static const char* mvkStringFromErrorState(MTLCommandEncoderErrorState errState) {
switch (errState) {
case MTLCommandEncoderErrorStateUnknown: return "unknown";
case MTLCommandEncoderErrorStateAffected: return "affected";
case MTLCommandEncoderErrorStateCompleted: return "completed";
case MTLCommandEncoderErrorStateFaulted: return "faulted";
case MTLCommandEncoderErrorStatePending: return "pending";
return "unknown";
// Commits and releases the currently active MTLCommandBuffer, optionally signalling
// when the MTLCommandBuffer is done. The first time this is called, it will wait on
// any semaphores. We have delayed signalling the semaphores as long as possible to
// allow as much filling of the MTLCommandBuffer as possible before forcing a wait.
void MVKQueueCommandBufferSubmission::commitActiveMTLCommandBuffer(bool signalCompletion) {
// If using inline semaphore waiting, do so now.
for (auto& ws : _waitSemaphores) { ws.first->encodeWait(nil, ws.second); }
// If we need to signal completion, use getActiveMTLCommandBuffer() to ensure at least
// one MTLCommandBuffer is used, otherwise if this instance has no content, it will not
// finish(), signal the fence and semaphores ,and be destroyed.
// Use temp var for MTLCommandBuffer commit and release because completion callback
// may destroy this instance before this function ends.
id<MTLCommandBuffer> mtlCmdBuff = signalCompletion ? getActiveMTLCommandBuffer() : _activeMTLCommandBuffer;
_activeMTLCommandBuffer = nil;
MVKDevice* mvkDev = _queue->getDevice();
uint64_t startTime = mvkDev->getPerformanceTimestamp();
[mtlCmdBuff addCompletedHandler: ^(id<MTLCommandBuffer> mtlCB) {
if (mtlCB.status == MTLCommandBufferStatusError) {
// If a command buffer error has occurred, report the error. If the error affects
// the physical device, always mark both the device and physical device as lost.
// If the error is local to this command buffer, optionally mark the device (but not the
// physical device) as lost, depending on the value of MVKConfiguration::resumeLostDevice.
getVulkanAPIObject()->reportError(VK_ERROR_DEVICE_LOST, "Command buffer %p \"%s\" execution failed (code %li): %s", mtlCB, mtlCB.label ? mtlCB.label.UTF8String : "", mtlCB.error.code, mtlCB.error.localizedDescription.UTF8String);
switch (mtlCB.error.code) {
case MTLCommandBufferErrorBlacklisted:
case MTLCommandBufferErrorNotPermitted: // May also be used for command buffers executed in the background without the right entitlement.
case MTLCommandBufferErrorDeviceRemoved:
if ( !mvkConfig().resumeLostDevice ) { mvkDev->markLost(); }
#if MVK_XCODE_12
if (mvkConfig().debugMode) {
if (&MTLCommandBufferEncoderInfoErrorKey != nullptr) {
if (NSArray<id<MTLCommandBufferEncoderInfo>>* mtlEncInfo = mtlCB.error.userInfo[MTLCommandBufferEncoderInfoErrorKey]) {
MVKLogInfo("Encoders for %p \"%s\":", mtlCB, mtlCB.label ? mtlCB.label.UTF8String : "");
for (id<MTLCommandBufferEncoderInfo> enc in mtlEncInfo) {
MVKLogInfo(" - %s: %s", enc.label.UTF8String, mvkStringFromErrorState(enc.errorState));
if (enc.debugSignposts.count > 0) {
MVKLogInfo(" Debug signposts:");
for (NSString* signpost in enc.debugSignposts) {
MVKLogInfo(" - %s", signpost.UTF8String);
#if MVK_XCODE_12
if (mvkConfig().debugMode && [mtlCB respondsToSelector: @selector(logs)]) {
bool isFirstMsg = true;
for (id<MTLFunctionLog> log in mtlCB.logs) {
if (isFirstMsg) {
MVKLogInfo("Shader log messages:");
isFirstMsg = false;
MVKLogInfo("%s", log.description.UTF8String);
// Ensure finish() is the last thing the completetion callback does.
mvkDev->addActivityPerformance(mvkDev->_performanceStatistics.queue.mtlCommandBufferCompletion, startTime);
if (signalCompletion) { this->finish(); }
[mtlCmdBuff commit];
[mtlCmdBuff release]; // retained
// Be sure to retain() any API objects referenced in this function, and release() them in the
// destructor (or superclass destructor). It is possible for rare race conditions to result
// in the app destroying API objects before this function completes execution. For example,
// this may occur if a GPU semaphore here triggers another submission that triggers a fence,
// and the app immediately destroys objects. Rare, but it has been encountered.
void MVKQueueCommandBufferSubmission::finish() {
// MVKLogDebug("Finishing submission %p. Submission count %u.", this, _subCount--);
// Performed here instead of as part of execute() for rare case where app destroys queue
// immediately after a waitIdle() is cleared by fence below, taking the capture scope with it.
// If using inline semaphore signaling, do so now.
for (auto& ss : _signalSemaphores) { ss.first->encodeSignal(nil, ss.second); }
// If a fence exists, signal it.
if (_fence) { _fence->signal(); }
// On device loss, the fence and signal semaphores may be signalled early, and they might then
// be destroyed on the waiting thread before this submission is done with them. We therefore
// retain() each here to ensure they live long enough for this submission to finish using them.
MVKQueueCommandBufferSubmission::MVKQueueCommandBufferSubmission(MVKQueue* queue,
const VkSubmitInfo* pSubmit,
VkFence fence,
MVKCommandUse cmdUse) :
(pSubmit ? pSubmit->waitSemaphoreCount : 0),
(pSubmit ? pSubmit->pWaitSemaphores : nullptr)),
_commandUse(cmdUse) {
// pSubmit can be null if just tracking the fence alone
if (pSubmit) {
VkTimelineSemaphoreSubmitInfo* pTimelineSubmit = nullptr;
for (const auto* next = (const VkBaseInStructure*)pSubmit->pNext; next; next = next->pNext) {
switch (next->sType) {
pTimelineSubmit = (VkTimelineSemaphoreSubmitInfo*)next;
if (pTimelineSubmit) {
// Presentation doesn't support timeline semaphores, so handle wait values here.
uint32_t wsCnt = pTimelineSubmit->waitSemaphoreValueCount;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < wsCnt; i++) {
_waitSemaphores[i].second = pTimelineSubmit->pWaitSemaphoreValues[i];
uint32_t ssCnt = pSubmit->signalSemaphoreCount;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < ssCnt; i++) {
auto* sem4 = (MVKSemaphore*)pSubmit->pSignalSemaphores[i];
uint64_t sem4Val = pTimelineSubmit ? pTimelineSubmit->pSignalSemaphoreValues[i] : 0;
_signalSemaphores.emplace_back(sem4, sem4Val);
_fence = (MVKFence*)fence;
if (_fence) { _fence->retain(); }
_activeMTLCommandBuffer = nil;
// static std::atomic<uint32_t> _subCount;
// MVKLogDebug("Creating submission %p. Submission count %u.", this, ++_subCount);
MVKQueueCommandBufferSubmission::~MVKQueueCommandBufferSubmission() {
if (_fence) { _fence->release(); }
for (auto s : _signalSemaphores) { s.first->release(); }
template <size_t N>
void MVKQueueFullCommandBufferSubmission<N>::submitCommandBuffers() {
_queue->getPhysicalDevice()->startTimestampCorrelation(_cpuStart, _gpuStart);
MVKCommandEncodingContext encodingContext;
for (auto& cb : _cmdBuffers) { cb->submit(this, &encodingContext); }
template <size_t N>
void MVKQueueFullCommandBufferSubmission<N>::finish() {
_queue->getPhysicalDevice()->updateTimestampPeriod(_cpuStart, _gpuStart);
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark MVKQueuePresentSurfaceSubmission
void MVKQueuePresentSurfaceSubmission::execute() {
// If the semaphores are encodable, wait on them by encoding them on the MTLCommandBuffer before presenting.
// If the semaphores are not encodable, wait on them inline after presenting.
// The semaphores know what to do.
id<MTLCommandBuffer> mtlCmdBuff = _queue->getMTLCommandBuffer(kMVKCommandUseQueuePresent);
[mtlCmdBuff enqueue];
for (auto& ws : _waitSemaphores) { ws.first->encodeWait(mtlCmdBuff, 0); }
for (int i = 0; i < _presentInfo.size(); i++ ) {
MVKPresentableSwapchainImage *img = _presentInfo[i].presentableImage;
img->presentCAMetalDrawable(mtlCmdBuff, _presentInfo[i]);
for (auto& ws : _waitSemaphores) { ws.first->encodeWait(nil, 0); }
[mtlCmdBuff commit];
// Let Xcode know the current frame is done, then start a new frame
auto cs = _queue->_submissionCaptureScope;
void MVKQueuePresentSurfaceSubmission::stopAutoGPUCapture() {
if (_queue->_queueFamily->getIndex() == mvkConfig().defaultGPUCaptureScopeQueueFamilyIndex &&
_queue->_index == mvkConfig().defaultGPUCaptureScopeQueueIndex) {
MVKQueuePresentSurfaceSubmission::MVKQueuePresentSurfaceSubmission(MVKQueue* queue,
const VkPresentInfoKHR* pPresentInfo)
: MVKQueueSubmission(queue, pPresentInfo->waitSemaphoreCount, pPresentInfo->pWaitSemaphores) {
const VkPresentTimesInfoGOOGLE *pPresentTimesInfoGOOGLE = nullptr;
for ( const auto *next = ( VkBaseInStructure* ) pPresentInfo->pNext; next; next = next->pNext )
switch ( next->sType )
pPresentTimesInfoGOOGLE = ( const VkPresentTimesInfoGOOGLE * ) next;
// Populate the array of swapchain images, testing each one for status
uint32_t scCnt = pPresentInfo->swapchainCount;
const VkPresentTimeGOOGLE *pPresentTimesGOOGLE = nullptr;
if ( pPresentTimesInfoGOOGLE && pPresentTimesInfoGOOGLE->pTimes ) {
pPresentTimesGOOGLE = pPresentTimesInfoGOOGLE->pTimes;
MVKAssert( pPresentTimesInfoGOOGLE->swapchainCount == pPresentInfo->swapchainCount, "VkPresentTimesInfoGOOGLE swapchainCount must match VkPresentInfo swapchainCount" );
VkResult* pSCRslts = pPresentInfo->pResults;
for (uint32_t scIdx = 0; scIdx < scCnt; scIdx++) {
MVKSwapchain* mvkSC = (MVKSwapchain*)pPresentInfo->pSwapchains[scIdx];
MVKPresentTimingInfo presentInfo = {};
presentInfo.presentableImage = mvkSC->getPresentableImage(pPresentInfo->pImageIndices[scIdx]);
if ( pPresentTimesGOOGLE ) {
presentInfo.hasPresentTime = true;
presentInfo.presentID = pPresentTimesGOOGLE[scIdx].presentID;
presentInfo.desiredPresentTime = pPresentTimesGOOGLE[scIdx].desiredPresentTime;
} else {
presentInfo.hasPresentTime = false;
VkResult scRslt = mvkSC->getSurfaceStatus();
if (pSCRslts) { pSCRslts[scIdx] = scRslt; }