blob: 275a048d67f4a02c75e0f484836a3d9524627b59 [file] [log] [blame]
* mvk_datatypes.h
* Copyright (c) 2015-2021 The Brenwill Workshop Ltd. (
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* This file contains functions for converting between Vulkan and Metal data types.
* The functions here are used internally by MoltenVK, and are exposed here
* as a convenience for use elsewhere within applications using MoltenVK.
#ifndef __mvkDataTypes_h_
#define __mvkDataTypes_h_ 1
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#endif // __cplusplus
#include "mvk_vulkan.h"
#import <Metal/Metal.h>
#import <CoreGraphics/CoreGraphics.h>
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark Image properties
#pragma mark Texture formats
/** Enumerates the data type of a format. */
typedef enum {
kMVKFormatNone, /**< Format type is unknown. */
kMVKFormatColorHalf, /**< A 16-bit floating point color. */
kMVKFormatColorFloat, /**< A 32-bit floating point color. */
kMVKFormatColorInt8, /**< A signed 8-bit integer color. */
kMVKFormatColorUInt8, /**< An unsigned 8-bit integer color. */
kMVKFormatColorInt16, /**< A signed 16-bit integer color. */
kMVKFormatColorUInt16, /**< An unsigned 16-bit integer color. */
kMVKFormatColorInt32, /**< A signed 32-bit integer color. */
kMVKFormatColorUInt32, /**< An unsigned 32-bit integer color. */
kMVKFormatDepthStencil, /**< A depth and stencil value. */
kMVKFormatCompressed, /**< A block-compressed color. */
} MVKFormatType;
/** Returns whether the VkFormat is supported by this implementation. */
bool mvkVkFormatIsSupported(VkFormat vkFormat);
/** Returns whether the MTLPixelFormat is supported by this implementation. */
bool mvkMTLPixelFormatIsSupported(MTLPixelFormat mtlFormat);
/** Returns the format type corresponding to the specified Vulkan VkFormat, */
MVKFormatType mvkFormatTypeFromVkFormat(VkFormat vkFormat);
/** Returns the format type corresponding to the specified Metal MTLPixelFormat, */
MVKFormatType mvkFormatTypeFromMTLPixelFormat(MTLPixelFormat mtlFormat);
* Returns the Metal MTLPixelFormat corresponding to the specified Vulkan VkFormat,
* or returns MTLPixelFormatInvalid if no corresponding MTLPixelFormat exists.
* Not all MTLPixelFormats returned by this function are supported by all GPU's,
* and, internally, MoltenVK may substitute and use a different MTLPixelFormat than
* is returned by this function for a particular Vulkan VkFormat value.
* Not all macOS GPU's support the MTLPixelFormatDepth24Unorm_Stencil8 pixel format.
* Even though this function will return that value when passed the corresponding
* VkFormat value, internally, MoltenVK will use the MTLPixelFormatDepth32Float_Stencil8
* instead when a GPU does not support the MTLPixelFormatDepth24Unorm_Stencil8 pixel format.
* On an macOS device that has more than one GPU, one of the GPU's may support the
* MTLPixelFormatDepth24Unorm_Stencil8 pixel format while another may not.
MTLPixelFormat mvkMTLPixelFormatFromVkFormat(VkFormat vkFormat);
* Returns the Vulkan VkFormat corresponding to the specified Metal MTLPixelFormat,
* or returns VK_FORMAT_UNDEFINED if no corresponding VkFormat exists.
VkFormat mvkVkFormatFromMTLPixelFormat(MTLPixelFormat mtlFormat);
* Returns the size, in bytes, of a texel block of the specified Vulkan format.
* For uncompressed formats, the returned value corresponds to the size in bytes of a single texel.
uint32_t mvkVkFormatBytesPerBlock(VkFormat vkFormat);
* Returns the size, in bytes, of a texel block of the specified Metal format.
* For uncompressed formats, the returned value corresponds to the size in bytes of a single texel.
uint32_t mvkMTLPixelFormatBytesPerBlock(MTLPixelFormat mtlFormat);
* Returns the size of the compression block, measured in texels for a Vulkan format.
* The returned value will be {1, 1} for non-compressed formats.
VkExtent2D mvkVkFormatBlockTexelSize(VkFormat vkFormat);
* Returns the size of the compression block, measured in texels for a Metal format.
* The returned value will be {1, 1} for non-compressed formats.
VkExtent2D mvkMTLPixelFormatBlockTexelSize(MTLPixelFormat mtlFormat);
* Returns the size, in bytes, of a texel of the specified Vulkan format.
* The returned value may be fractional for certain compressed formats.
float mvkVkFormatBytesPerTexel(VkFormat vkFormat);
* Returns the size, in bytes, of a texel of the specified Metal format.
* The returned value may be fractional for certain compressed formats.
float mvkMTLPixelFormatBytesPerTexel(MTLPixelFormat mtlFormat);
* Returns the size, in bytes, of a row of texels of the specified Vulkan format.
* For compressed formats, this takes into consideration the compression block size,
* and texelsPerRow should specify the width in texels, not blocks. The result is rounded
* up if texelsPerRow is not an integer multiple of the compression block width.
size_t mvkVkFormatBytesPerRow(VkFormat vkFormat, uint32_t texelsPerRow);
* Returns the size, in bytes, of a row of texels of the specified Metal format.
* For compressed formats, this takes into consideration the compression block size,
* and texelsPerRow should specify the width in texels, not blocks. The result is rounded
* up if texelsPerRow is not an integer multiple of the compression block width.
size_t mvkMTLPixelFormatBytesPerRow(MTLPixelFormat mtlFormat, uint32_t texelsPerRow);
* Returns the size, in bytes, of a texture layer of the specified Vulkan format.
* For compressed formats, this takes into consideration the compression block size,
* and texelRowsPerLayer should specify the height in texels, not blocks. The result is
* rounded up if texelRowsPerLayer is not an integer multiple of the compression block height.
size_t mvkVkFormatBytesPerLayer(VkFormat vkFormat, size_t bytesPerRow, uint32_t texelRowsPerLayer);
* Returns the size, in bytes, of a texture layer of the specified Metal format.
* For compressed formats, this takes into consideration the compression block size,
* and texelRowsPerLayer should specify the height in texels, not blocks. The result is
* rounded up if texelRowsPerLayer is not an integer multiple of the compression block height.
size_t mvkMTLPixelFormatBytesPerLayer(MTLPixelFormat mtlFormat, size_t bytesPerRow, uint32_t texelRowsPerLayer);
/** Returns the default properties for the specified Vulkan format. */
VkFormatProperties mvkVkFormatProperties(VkFormat vkFormat);
/** Returns the name of the specified Vulkan format. */
const char* mvkVkFormatName(VkFormat vkFormat);
/** Returns the name of the specified Metal pixel format. */
const char* mvkMTLPixelFormatName(MTLPixelFormat mtlFormat);
* Returns the MTLClearColor value corresponding to the color value in the VkClearValue,
* extracting the color value that is VkFormat for the VkFormat.
MTLClearColor mvkMTLClearColorFromVkClearValue(VkClearValue vkClearValue,
VkFormat vkFormat);
/** Returns the Metal depth value corresponding to the depth value in the specified VkClearValue. */
double mvkMTLClearDepthFromVkClearValue(VkClearValue vkClearValue);
/** Returns the Metal stencil value corresponding to the stencil value in the specified VkClearValue. */
uint32_t mvkMTLClearStencilFromVkClearValue(VkClearValue vkClearValue);
/** Returns whether the specified Metal MTLPixelFormat can be used as a depth format. */
bool mvkMTLPixelFormatIsDepthFormat(MTLPixelFormat mtlFormat);
/** Returns whether the specified Metal MTLPixelFormat can be used as a stencil format. */
bool mvkMTLPixelFormatIsStencilFormat(MTLPixelFormat mtlFormat);
/** Returns whether the specified Metal MTLPixelFormat is a PVRTC format. */
bool mvkMTLPixelFormatIsPVRTCFormat(MTLPixelFormat mtlFormat);
/** Returns the Metal texture type from the specified Vulkan image properties. */
MTLTextureType mvkMTLTextureTypeFromVkImageType(VkImageType vkImageType,
uint32_t arraySize,
bool isMultisample);
/** Returns the Vulkan image type from the Metal texture type. */
VkImageType mvkVkImageTypeFromMTLTextureType(MTLTextureType mtlTextureType);
/** Returns the Metal MTLTextureType corresponding to the Vulkan VkImageViewType. */
MTLTextureType mvkMTLTextureTypeFromVkImageViewType(VkImageViewType vkImageViewType, bool isMultisample);
/** Returns the Metal texture usage from the Vulkan image usage taking into considertion usage limits for the pixel format. */
MTLTextureUsage mvkMTLTextureUsageFromVkImageUsageFlags(VkImageUsageFlags vkImageUsageFlags, MTLPixelFormat mtlPixFmt);
/** Returns the Vulkan image usage from the Metal texture usage and format. */
VkImageUsageFlags mvkVkImageUsageFlagsFromMTLTextureUsage(MTLTextureUsage mtlUsage, MTLPixelFormat mtlFormat);
* Returns the numeric sample count corresponding to the specified Vulkan sample count flag.
* The specified flags value should have only one bit set, otherwise an invalid numeric value will be returned.
uint32_t mvkSampleCountFromVkSampleCountFlagBits(VkSampleCountFlagBits vkSampleCountFlag);
/** Returns the Vulkan bit flags corresponding to the numeric sample count, which must be a PoT value. */
VkSampleCountFlagBits mvkVkSampleCountFlagBitsFromSampleCount(NSUInteger sampleCount);
/** Returns the Metal texture swizzle from the Vulkan component swizzle. */
MTLTextureSwizzle mvkMTLTextureSwizzleFromVkComponentSwizzle(VkComponentSwizzle vkSwizzle);
/** Returns all four Metal texture swizzles from the Vulkan component mapping. */
MTLTextureSwizzleChannels mvkMTLTextureSwizzleChannelsFromVkComponentMapping(VkComponentMapping vkMapping);
#pragma mark Mipmaps
* Returns the number of mipmap levels available to an image with the specified side dimension.
* If the specified dimension is a power-of-two, the value returned is (log2(dim) + 1).
* If the specified dimension is NOT a power-of-two, the value returned is 0, indicating
* that the image cannot support mipmaps.
uint32_t mvkMipmapLevels(uint32_t dim);
* Returns the number of mipmap levels available to an image with the specified extent.
* If each dimension in the specified extent is a power-of-two, the value returned
* is MAX(log2(dim) + 1) across both dimensions. If either dimension in the specified
* extent is NOT a power-of-two, the value returned is 1, indicating that the image
* cannot support mipmaps, and that only the base mip level can be used.
uint32_t mvkMipmapLevels2D(VkExtent2D extent);
* Returns the number of mipmap levels available to an image with the specified extent.
* If each dimension in the specified extent is a power-of-two, the value returned
* is MAX(log2(dim) + 1) across all dimensions. If either dimension in the specified
* extent is NOT a power-of-two, the value returned is 1, indicating that the image
* cannot support mipmaps, and that only the base mip level can be used.
uint32_t mvkMipmapLevels3D(VkExtent3D extent);
* Returns the size of the specified zero-based mipmap level,
* when the size of the base level is the specified size.
VkExtent2D mvkMipmapLevelSizeFromBaseSize2D(VkExtent2D baseSize, uint32_t level);
* Returns the size of the specified zero-based mipmap level,
* when the size of the base level is the specified size.
VkExtent3D mvkMipmapLevelSizeFromBaseSize3D(VkExtent3D baseSize, uint32_t level);
* Returns the size of the mipmap base level, when the size of
* the specified zero-based mipmap level is the specified size.
VkExtent2D mvkMipmapBaseSizeFromLevelSize2D(VkExtent2D levelSize, uint32_t level);
* Returns the size of the mipmap base level, when the size of
* the specified zero-based mipmap level is the specified size.
VkExtent3D mvkMipmapBaseSizeFromLevelSize3D(VkExtent3D levelSize, uint32_t level);
#pragma mark Samplers
/** Returns the Metal MTLSamplerAddressMode corresponding to the specified Vulkan VkSamplerAddressMode. */
MTLSamplerAddressMode mvkMTLSamplerAddressModeFromVkSamplerAddressMode(VkSamplerAddressMode vkMode);
* Returns the Metal MTLSamplerBorderColor corresponding to the specified Vulkan VkBorderColor,
* or returns MTLSamplerBorderColorTransparentBlack if no corresponding MTLSamplerBorderColor exists.
MTLSamplerBorderColor mvkMTLSamplerBorderColorFromVkBorderColor(VkBorderColor vkColor);
* Returns the Metal MTLSamplerMinMagFilter corresponding to the specified Vulkan VkFilter,
* or returns MTLSamplerMinMagFilterNearest if no corresponding MTLSamplerMinMagFilter exists.
MTLSamplerMinMagFilter mvkMTLSamplerMinMagFilterFromVkFilter(VkFilter vkFilter);
* Returns the Metal MTLSamplerMipFilter corresponding to the specified Vulkan VkSamplerMipmapMode,
* or returns MTLSamplerMipFilterNotMipmapped if no corresponding MTLSamplerMipFilter exists.
MTLSamplerMipFilter mvkMTLSamplerMipFilterFromVkSamplerMipmapMode(VkSamplerMipmapMode vkMode);
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark Render pipeline
/** Identifies a particular shading stage in a pipeline. */
typedef enum {
kMVKShaderStageVertex = 0,
kMVKShaderStageMax = kMVKShaderStageCount // Pubic API legacy value
} MVKShaderStage;
/** Returns the Metal MTLColorWriteMask corresponding to the specified Vulkan VkColorComponentFlags. */
MTLColorWriteMask mvkMTLColorWriteMaskFromVkChannelFlags(VkColorComponentFlags vkWriteFlags);
/** Returns the Metal MTLBlendOperation corresponding to the specified Vulkan VkBlendOp. */
MTLBlendOperation mvkMTLBlendOperationFromVkBlendOp(VkBlendOp vkBlendOp);
/** Returns the Metal MTLBlendFactor corresponding to the specified Vulkan VkBlendFactor. */
MTLBlendFactor mvkMTLBlendFactorFromVkBlendFactor(VkBlendFactor vkBlendFactor);
* Returns the Metal MTLVertexFormat corresponding to the specified
* Vulkan VkFormat as used as a vertex attribute format.
MTLVertexFormat mvkMTLVertexFormatFromVkFormat(VkFormat vkFormat);
/** Returns the Metal MTLVertexStepFunction corresponding to the specified Vulkan VkVertexInputRate. */
MTLVertexStepFunction mvkMTLVertexStepFunctionFromVkVertexInputRate(VkVertexInputRate vkVtxStep);
/** Returns the Metal MTLStepFunction corresponding to the specified Vulkan VkVertexInputRate. */
MTLStepFunction mvkMTLStepFunctionFromVkVertexInputRate(VkVertexInputRate vkVtxStep, bool forTess = false);
/** Returns the Metal MTLPrimitiveType corresponding to the specified Vulkan VkPrimitiveTopology. */
MTLPrimitiveType mvkMTLPrimitiveTypeFromVkPrimitiveTopology(VkPrimitiveTopology vkTopology);
/** Returns the Metal MTLPrimitiveTopologyClass corresponding to the specified Vulkan VkPrimitiveTopology. */
MTLPrimitiveTopologyClass mvkMTLPrimitiveTopologyClassFromVkPrimitiveTopology(VkPrimitiveTopology vkTopology);
/** Returns the Metal MTLTriangleFillMode corresponding to the specified Vulkan VkPolygonMode, */
MTLTriangleFillMode mvkMTLTriangleFillModeFromVkPolygonMode(VkPolygonMode vkFillMode);
/** Returns the Metal MTLLoadAction corresponding to the specified Vulkan VkAttachmentLoadOp. */
MTLLoadAction mvkMTLLoadActionFromVkAttachmentLoadOp(VkAttachmentLoadOp vkLoadOp);
/** Returns the Metal MTLStoreAction corresponding to the specified Vulkan VkAttachmentStoreOp. */
MTLStoreAction mvkMTLStoreActionFromVkAttachmentStoreOp(VkAttachmentStoreOp vkStoreOp, bool hasResolveAttachment, bool canResolveFormat = true);
/** Returns the Metal MTLMultisampleDepthResolveFilter corresponding to the specified Vulkan VkResolveModeFlagBits. */
MTLMultisampleDepthResolveFilter mvkMTLMultisampleDepthResolveFilterFromVkResolveModeFlagBits(VkResolveModeFlagBits vkResolveMode);
/** Returns the Metal MTLMultisampleStencilResolveFilter corresponding to the specified Vulkan VkResolveModeFlagBits. */
MTLMultisampleStencilResolveFilter mvkMTLMultisampleStencilResolveFilterFromVkResolveModeFlagBits(VkResolveModeFlagBits vkResolveMode);
/** Returns the Metal MTLViewport corresponding to the specified Vulkan VkViewport. */
MTLViewport mvkMTLViewportFromVkViewport(VkViewport vkViewport);
/** Returns the Metal MTLScissorRect corresponding to the specified Vulkan VkRect2D. */
MTLScissorRect mvkMTLScissorRectFromVkRect2D(VkRect2D vkRect);
/** Returns the Metal MTLCompareFunction corresponding to the specified Vulkan VkCompareOp, */
MTLCompareFunction mvkMTLCompareFunctionFromVkCompareOp(VkCompareOp vkOp);
/** Returns the Metal MTLStencilOperation corresponding to the specified Vulkan VkStencilOp, */
MTLStencilOperation mvkMTLStencilOperationFromVkStencilOp(VkStencilOp vkOp);
/** Returns the Metal MTLCullMode corresponding to the specified Vulkan VkCullModeFlags, */
MTLCullMode mvkMTLCullModeFromVkCullModeFlags(VkCullModeFlags vkCull);
/** Returns the Metal MTLWinding corresponding to the specified Vulkan VkFrontFace, */
MTLWinding mvkMTLWindingFromVkFrontFace(VkFrontFace vkWinding);
/** Returns the Metal MTLIndexType corresponding to the specified Vulkan VkIndexType, */
MTLIndexType mvkMTLIndexTypeFromVkIndexType(VkIndexType vkIdxType);
/** Returns the size, in bytes, of a vertex index of the specified type. */
size_t mvkMTLIndexTypeSizeInBytes(MTLIndexType mtlIdxType);
/** Returns the MoltenVK MVKShaderStage corresponding to the specified Vulkan VkShaderStageFlagBits. */
MVKShaderStage mvkShaderStageFromVkShaderStageFlagBits(VkShaderStageFlagBits vkStage);
/** Returns the Vulkan VkShaderStageFlagBits corresponding to the specified MoltenVK MVKShaderStage. */
VkShaderStageFlagBits mvkVkShaderStageFlagBitsFromMVKShaderStage(MVKShaderStage mvkStage);
/** Returns the Metal MTLWinding corresponding to the specified SPIR-V spv::ExecutionMode. */
MTLWinding mvkMTLWindingFromSpvExecutionMode(uint32_t spvMode);
/** Returns the Metal MTLTessellationPartitionMode corresponding to the specified SPIR-V spv::ExecutionMode. */
MTLTessellationPartitionMode mvkMTLTessellationPartitionModeFromSpvExecutionMode(uint32_t spvMode);
* Returns the combination of Metal MTLRenderStage bits corresponding to the specified Vulkan VkPiplineStageFlags,
* taking into consideration whether the barrier is to be placed before or after the specified pipeline stages.
MTLRenderStages mvkMTLRenderStagesFromVkPipelineStageFlags(VkPipelineStageFlags vkStages, bool placeBarrierBefore);
/** Returns the combination of Metal MTLBarrierScope bits corresponding to the specified Vulkan VkAccessFlags. */
MTLBarrierScope mvkMTLBarrierScopeFromVkAccessFlags(VkAccessFlags vkAccess);
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark Geometry conversions
/** Returns a VkExtent2D that corresponds to the specified CGSize. */
static inline VkExtent2D mvkVkExtent2DFromCGSize(CGSize cgSize) {
VkExtent2D vkExt;
vkExt.width = cgSize.width;
vkExt.height = cgSize.height;
return vkExt;
/** Returns a CGSize that corresponds to the specified VkExtent2D. */
static inline CGSize mvkCGSizeFromVkExtent2D(VkExtent2D vkExtent) {
CGSize cgSize;
cgSize.width = vkExtent.width;
cgSize.height = vkExtent.height;
return cgSize;
/** Returns a Metal MTLOrigin constructed from a VkOffset3D. */
static inline MTLOrigin mvkMTLOriginFromVkOffset3D(VkOffset3D vkOffset) {
return MTLOriginMake(vkOffset.x, vkOffset.y, vkOffset.z);
/** Returns a Vulkan VkOffset3D constructed from a Metal MTLOrigin. */
static inline VkOffset3D mvkVkOffset3DFromMTLSize(MTLOrigin mtlOrigin) {
return { (int32_t)mtlOrigin.x, (int32_t)mtlOrigin.y, (int32_t)mtlOrigin.z };
/** Returns a Metal MTLSize constructed from a VkExtent3D. */
static inline MTLSize mvkMTLSizeFromVkExtent3D(VkExtent3D vkExtent) {
return MTLSizeMake(vkExtent.width, vkExtent.height, vkExtent.depth);
/** Returns a Vulkan VkExtent3D constructed from a Metal MTLSize. */
static inline VkExtent3D mvkVkExtent3DFromMTLSize(MTLSize mtlSize) {
return { (uint32_t)mtlSize.width, (uint32_t)mtlSize.height, (uint32_t)mtlSize.depth };
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark Memory options
/** Macro indicating the Vulkan memory type bits corresponding to Metal private memory (not host visible). */
/** Macro indicating the Vulkan memory type bits corresponding to Metal shared memory (host visible and coherent). */
/** Macro indicating the Vulkan memory type bits corresponding to Metal managed memory (host visible and non-coherent). */
/** Macro indicating the Vulkan memory type bits corresponding to Metal memoryless memory (not host visible and lazily allocated). */
/** Returns the Metal storage mode corresponding to the specified Vulkan memory flags. */
MTLStorageMode mvkMTLStorageModeFromVkMemoryPropertyFlags(VkMemoryPropertyFlags vkFlags);
/** Returns the Metal CPU cache mode corresponding to the specified Vulkan memory flags. */
MTLCPUCacheMode mvkMTLCPUCacheModeFromVkMemoryPropertyFlags(VkMemoryPropertyFlags vkFlags);
/** Returns the Metal resource option flags corresponding to the Metal storage mode and cache mode. */
MTLResourceOptions mvkMTLResourceOptions(MTLStorageMode mtlStorageMode, MTLCPUCacheMode mtlCPUCacheMode);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif // __cplusplus