blob: 4648d19e70aefaf59a616e0a86bba3d7c256bc39 [file] [log] [blame]
* MVKSmallVector.h
* Copyright (c) 2012-2021 Dr. Torsten Hans (
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
// In case MVKSmallVector should use just std::vector instead
#if 0
template<typename T, size_t N = 0>
using MVKSmallVector = std::vector<T>;
// MVKSmallVector.h is a sequence container that (optionally) implements a small buffer optimization.
// It behaves similarly to std::vector, except until a certain number of elements are reserved,
// it does not use the heap. Like std::vector, MVKSmallVector is guaranteed to use contiguous memory,
// so if the preallocated number of elements are exceeded, all elements are then in heap.
// MVKSmallVector supports just the necessary members to be compatible with MoltenVK.
// If C++17 will be the default in the future, code can be simplified quite a bit.
// Example:
// MVKSmallVector<int, 2> sv;
// sv.push_back( 1 ); // no allocation, uses pre-allocated memory
// sv.push_back( 2 ); // no allocation, uses pre-allocated memory
// sv.push_back( 3 ); // adding another element now reserves memory from heap and copies from pre-allocated memory
// If you don't need any inline storage use:
// MVKSmallVector<int> v; // this is essentially the same as using std::vector
// The per-instance memory overhead of MVKSmallVector (16 bytes) is smaller than std::vector
// (24 bytes), but MVKSmallVector lacks the polymorphism of std::vector, that allows it to
// be passed to functions without reference to the pre-allocation size. MVKSmallVector
// supports the contents() function to derive an MVKArrayRef from its contents, which can
// be passed to functions without reference to the MVKSmallVector pre-allocaton size.
#include "MVKSmallVectorAllocator.h"
#include "MVKFoundation.h"
#include <type_traits>
#include <initializer_list>
#include <utility>
template<typename Type, typename Allocator = mvk_smallvector_allocator<Type, 0>>
class MVKSmallVectorImpl
Allocator alc;
class iterator : public std::iterator<std::random_access_iterator_tag, Type>
const MVKSmallVectorImpl *vector;
size_t index;
typedef typename std::iterator_traits<iterator>::difference_type diff_type;
iterator() : vector{ nullptr }, index{ 0 } { }
iterator( const size_t _index, const MVKSmallVectorImpl &_vector ) : vector{ &_vector }, index{ _index } { }
iterator &operator=( const iterator &it )
vector = it.vector;
index = it.index;
return *this;
Type *operator->() { return &vector->alc.ptr[index]; }
Type &operator*() { return vector->alc.ptr[index]; }
operator Type*() { return &vector->alc.ptr[index]; }
bool operator==( const iterator &it ) const { return vector == it.vector && index == it.index; }
bool operator!=( const iterator &it ) const { return vector != it.vector || index != it.index; }
iterator& operator++() { ++index; return *this; }
iterator operator++( int ) { auto t = *this; ++index; return t; }
iterator& operator--() { --index; return *this; }
iterator operator--( int ) { auto t = *this; --index; return t; }
iterator operator+ (const diff_type n) { return iterator( index + n, *vector ); }
iterator& operator+= (const diff_type n) { index += n; return *this; }
iterator operator- (const diff_type n) { return iterator( index - n, *vector ); }
iterator& operator-= (const diff_type n) { index -= n; return *this; }
diff_type operator- (const iterator& it) { return index - it.index; }
bool operator< (const iterator& it) { return index < it.index; }
bool operator<= (const iterator& it) { return index <= it.index; }
bool operator> (const iterator& it) { return index > it.index; }
bool operator>= (const iterator& it) { return index >= it.index; }
const Type &operator[]( const diff_type i ) const { return vector->alc.ptr[index + i]; }
Type &operator[]( const diff_type i ) { return vector->alc.ptr[index + i]; }
bool is_valid() const { return index < vector->alc.size(); }
size_t get_position() const { return index; }
// this is the growth strategy -> adjust to your needs
size_t vector_GetNextCapacity() const
constexpr auto ELEMENTS_FOR_64_BYTES = 64 / sizeof( Type );
const auto current_capacity = capacity();
return MINIMUM_CAPACITY + ( 3 * current_capacity ) / 2;
void vector_Allocate( const size_t s )
const auto new_reserved_size = s > size() ? s : size();
alc.allocate( new_reserved_size );
void vector_ReAllocate( const size_t s )
alc.re_allocate( s );
MVKSmallVectorImpl( const size_t n, const Type t = { } )
if( n > 0 )
alc.allocate( n );
for( size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i )
alc.construct( &alc.ptr[i], t );
alc.num_elements_used = n;
MVKSmallVectorImpl( const MVKSmallVectorImpl &a )
const size_t n = a.size();
if( n > 0 )
alc.allocate( n );
for( size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i )
alc.construct( &alc.ptr[i], a.alc.ptr[i] );
alc.num_elements_used = n;
template<typename U>
MVKSmallVectorImpl( const U &a )
const size_t n = a.size();
if( n > 0 )
alc.allocate( n );
for( size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i )
alc.construct( &alc.ptr[i], a[i] );
alc.num_elements_used = n;
MVKSmallVectorImpl( MVKSmallVectorImpl &&a ) : alc{ std::move( a.alc ) }
MVKSmallVectorImpl( std::initializer_list<Type> vector )
if( vector.size() > capacity() )
vector_Allocate( vector.size() );
// std::initializer_list does not yet support std::move, we use it anyway but it has no effect
for( auto &&element : vector )
alc.construct( &alc.ptr[alc.num_elements_used], std::move( element ) );
template<typename U>
MVKSmallVectorImpl& operator=( const U &a )
static_assert( std::is_base_of<MVKSmallVectorImpl<Type>, U>::value, "argument is not of type MVKSmallVectorImpl" );
if( this != reinterpret_cast<const MVKSmallVectorImpl<Type>*>( &a ) )
const auto n = a.size();
if( alc.num_elements_used == n )
for( size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i )
alc.ptr[i] = a.alc.ptr[i];
if( n > capacity() )
vector_ReAllocate( n );
alc.template destruct_all<Type>();
for( size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i )
alc.construct( &alc.ptr[i], a[i] );
alc.num_elements_used = n;
return *this;
MVKSmallVectorImpl& operator=( MVKSmallVectorImpl &&a )
alc.swap( a.alc );
return *this;
bool operator==( const MVKSmallVectorImpl &a ) const
if( alc.num_elements_used != a.alc.num_elements_used )
return false;
for( size_t i = 0; i < alc.num_elements_used; ++i )
if( alc[i] != a.alc[i] )
return false;
return true;
bool operator!=( const MVKSmallVectorImpl &a ) const
if( alc.num_elements_used != a.alc.num_elements_used )
return true;
for( size_t i = 0; i < alc.num_elements_used; ++i )
if( alc.ptr[i] != a.alc[i] )
return true;
return false;
void swap( MVKSmallVectorImpl &a )
alc.swap( a.alc );
iterator begin() const { return iterator( 0, *this ); }
iterator end() const { return iterator( alc.num_elements_used, *this ); }
const MVKArrayRef<Type> contents() const { return MVKArrayRef<Type>(data(), size()); }
MVKArrayRef<Type> contents() { return MVKArrayRef<Type>(data(), size()); }
const Type &operator[]( const size_t i ) const { return alc[i]; }
Type &operator[]( const size_t i ) { return alc[i]; }
const Type &at( const size_t i ) const { return alc[i]; }
Type &at( const size_t i ) { return alc[i]; }
const Type &front() const { return alc[0]; }
Type &front() { return alc[0]; }
const Type &back() const { return alc[alc.num_elements_used - 1]; }
Type &back() { return alc[alc.num_elements_used - 1]; }
const Type *data() const { return alc.ptr; }
Type *data() { return alc.ptr; }
size_t size() const { return alc.num_elements_used; }
bool empty() const { return alc.num_elements_used == 0; }
size_t capacity() const { return alc.get_capacity(); }
void pop_back()
if( alc.num_elements_used > 0 )
alc.destruct( &alc.ptr[alc.num_elements_used] );
void clear()
alc.template destruct_all<Type>();
void reset()
void reserve( const size_t new_size )
if( new_size > capacity() )
vector_ReAllocate( new_size );
void assign( const size_t new_size, const Type &t )
if( new_size <= capacity() )
vector_Allocate( new_size );
for( size_t i = 0; i < new_size; ++i )
alc.construct( &alc.ptr[i], t );
alc.num_elements_used = new_size;
template <class InputIterator>
void assign( InputIterator first, InputIterator last )
while( first != last )
emplace_back( *first );
void resize( const size_t new_size, const Type t = { } )
if( new_size == alc.num_elements_used )
if( new_size == 0 )
if( new_size > alc.num_elements_used )
if( new_size > capacity() )
vector_ReAllocate( new_size );
while( alc.num_elements_used < new_size )
alc.construct( &alc.ptr[alc.num_elements_used], t );
//if constexpr( !std::is_trivially_destructible<Type>::value )
while( alc.num_elements_used > new_size )
alc.destruct( &alc.ptr[alc.num_elements_used] );
// alc.num_elements_used = new_size;
// trims the capacity of the slist to the number of alc.ptr
void shrink_to_fit()
void erase( const iterator it )
if( it.is_valid() )
for( size_t i = it.get_position(); i < alc.num_elements_used; ++i )
alc.ptr[i] = std::move( alc.ptr[i + 1] );
// this is required for types with a destructor
alc.destruct( &alc.ptr[alc.num_elements_used] );
void erase( const iterator first, const iterator last )
if( first.is_valid() )
size_t last_pos = last.is_valid() ? last.get_position() : size();
size_t n = last_pos - first.get_position();
alc.num_elements_used -= n;
for( size_t i = first.get_position(), e = last_pos; i < alc.num_elements_used && e < alc.num_elements_used + n; ++i, ++e )
alc.ptr[i] = std::move( alc.ptr[e] );
// this is required for types with a destructor
for( size_t i = alc.num_elements_used; i < alc.num_elements_used + n; ++i )
alc.destruct( &alc.ptr[i] );
// adds t before it and automatically resizes vector if necessary
void insert( const iterator it, Type t )
if( !it.is_valid() || alc.num_elements_used == 0 )
push_back( std::move( t ) );
if( alc.num_elements_used == capacity() )
vector_ReAllocate( vector_GetNextCapacity() );
// move construct last element
alc.construct( &alc.ptr[alc.num_elements_used], std::move( alc.ptr[alc.num_elements_used - 1] ) );
// move the remaining elements
const size_t it_position = it.get_position();
for( size_t i = alc.num_elements_used - 1; i > it_position; --i )
alc.ptr[i] = std::move( alc.ptr[i - 1] );
alc.ptr[it_position] = std::move( t );
void push_back( const Type &t )
if( alc.num_elements_used == capacity() )
vector_ReAllocate( vector_GetNextCapacity() );
alc.construct( &alc.ptr[alc.num_elements_used], t );
void push_back( Type &&t )
if( alc.num_elements_used == capacity() )
vector_ReAllocate( vector_GetNextCapacity() );
alc.construct( &alc.ptr[alc.num_elements_used], std::forward<Type>( t ) );
template<class... Args>
Type &emplace_back( Args&&... args )
if( alc.num_elements_used == capacity() )
vector_ReAllocate( vector_GetNextCapacity() );
alc.construct( &alc.ptr[alc.num_elements_used], std::forward<Args>( args )... );
return alc.ptr[alc.num_elements_used - 1];
// specialization for pointer types
template<typename Type, typename Allocator>
class MVKSmallVectorImpl<Type*, Allocator>
Allocator alc;
class iterator : public std::iterator<std::random_access_iterator_tag, Type*>
MVKSmallVectorImpl *vector;
size_t index;
typedef typename std::iterator_traits<iterator>::difference_type diff_type;
iterator() : vector{ nullptr }, index{ 0 } { }
iterator( const size_t _index, MVKSmallVectorImpl &_vector ) : vector{ &_vector }, index{ _index } { }
iterator &operator=( const iterator &it )
vector = it.vector;
index = it.index;
return *this;
Type *&operator*() { return vector->alc[index]; }
bool operator==( const iterator &it ) const { return vector == it.vector && index == it.index; }
bool operator!=( const iterator &it ) const { return vector != it.vector || index != it.index; }
iterator& operator++() { ++index; return *this; }
iterator operator++( int ) { auto t = *this; ++index; return t; }
iterator& operator--() { --index; return *this; }
iterator operator--( int ) { auto t = *this; --index; return t; }
iterator operator+ (const diff_type n) { return iterator( index + n, *vector ); }
iterator& operator+= (const diff_type n) { index += n; return *this; }
iterator operator- (const diff_type n) { return iterator( index - n, *vector ); }
iterator& operator-= (const diff_type n) { index -= n; return *this; }
diff_type operator- (const iterator& it) { return index - it.index; }
bool operator< (const iterator& it) { return index < it.index; }
bool operator<= (const iterator& it) { return index <= it.index; }
bool operator> (const iterator& it) { return index > it.index; }
bool operator>= (const iterator& it) { return index >= it.index; }
const Type &operator[]( const diff_type i ) const { return vector->alc.ptr[index + i]; }
Type &operator[]( const diff_type i ) { return vector->alc.ptr[index + i]; }
bool is_valid() const { return index < vector->alc.size(); }
size_t get_position() const { return index; }
// this is the growth strategy -> adjust to your needs
size_t vector_GetNextCapacity() const
constexpr auto ELEMENTS_FOR_64_BYTES = 64 / sizeof( Type* );
const auto current_capacity = capacity();
return MINIMUM_CAPACITY + ( 3 * current_capacity ) / 2;
void vector_Allocate( const size_t s )
const auto new_reserved_size = s > size() ? s : size();
alc.allocate( new_reserved_size );
void vector_ReAllocate( const size_t s )
alc.re_allocate( s );
MVKSmallVectorImpl( const size_t n, Type *t = nullptr )
if ( n > 0 )
alc.allocate( n );
for ( size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i )
alc.ptr[i] = t;
alc.num_elements_used = n;
MVKSmallVectorImpl( const MVKSmallVectorImpl &a )
const size_t n = a.size();
if ( n > 0 )
alc.allocate( n );
for ( size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i )
alc.ptr[i] = a.alc.ptr[i];
alc.num_elements_used = n;
MVKSmallVectorImpl( MVKSmallVectorImpl &&a ) : alc{ std::move( a.alc ) }
MVKSmallVectorImpl( std::initializer_list<Type*> vector )
if ( vector.size() > capacity() )
vector_Allocate( vector.size() );
// std::initializer_list does not yet support std::move, we use it anyway but it has no effect
for ( auto element : vector )
alc.ptr[alc.num_elements_used] = element;
template<typename U>
MVKSmallVectorImpl& operator=( const U &a )
static_assert( std::is_base_of<MVKSmallVectorImpl<U>, U>::value, "argument is not of type MVKSmallVectorImpl" );
if ( this != reinterpret_cast< const MVKSmallVectorImpl<Type>* >( &a ) )
const auto n = a.size();
if ( alc.num_elements_used == n )
for ( size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i )
alc.ptr[i] = a.alc.ptr[i];
if ( n > capacity() )
vector_ReAllocate( n );
for ( size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i )
alc.ptr[i] = a[i];
alc.num_elements_used = n;
return *this;
MVKSmallVectorImpl& operator=( MVKSmallVectorImpl &&a )
alc.swap( a.alc );
return *this;
bool operator==( const MVKSmallVectorImpl &a ) const
if ( alc.num_elements_used != a.alc.num_elements_used )
return false;
for ( size_t i = 0; i < alc.num_elements_used; ++i )
if ( alc[i] != a.alc[i] )
return false;
return true;
bool operator!=( const MVKSmallVectorImpl &a ) const
if ( alc.num_elements_used != a.alc.num_elements_used )
return true;
for ( size_t i = 0; i < alc.num_elements_used; ++i )
if ( alc.ptr[i] != a.alc[i] )
return true;
return false;
void swap( MVKSmallVectorImpl &a )
alc.swap( a.alc );
iterator begin() { return iterator( 0, *this ); }
iterator end() { return iterator( alc.num_elements_used, *this ); }
const MVKArrayRef<Type*> contents() const { return MVKArrayRef<Type*>(data(), size()); }
MVKArrayRef<Type*> contents() { return MVKArrayRef<Type*>(data(), size()); }
const Type * const at( const size_t i ) const { return alc[i]; }
Type * &at( const size_t i ) { return alc[i]; }
const Type * const operator[]( const size_t i ) const { return alc[i]; }
Type * &operator[]( const size_t i ) { return alc[i]; }
const Type * const front() const { return alc[0]; }
Type * &front() { return alc[0]; }
const Type * const back() const { return alc[alc.num_elements_used - 1]; }
Type * &back() { return alc[alc.num_elements_used - 1]; }
const Type * const *data() const { return alc.ptr; }
Type * *data() { return alc.ptr; }
size_t size() const { return alc.num_elements_used; }
bool empty() const { return alc.num_elements_used == 0; }
size_t capacity() const { return alc.get_capacity(); }
void pop_back()
if ( alc.num_elements_used > 0 )
void clear()
alc.num_elements_used = 0;
void reset()
void reserve( const size_t new_size )
if ( new_size > capacity() )
vector_ReAllocate( new_size );
void assign( const size_t new_size, const Type *t )
if ( new_size <= capacity() )
vector_Allocate( new_size );
for ( size_t i = 0; i < new_size; ++i )
alc.ptr[i] = const_cast< Type* >( t );
alc.num_elements_used = new_size;
void resize( const size_t new_size, const Type *t = nullptr )
if ( new_size == alc.num_elements_used )
if ( new_size == 0 )
if ( new_size > alc.num_elements_used )
if ( new_size > capacity() )
vector_ReAllocate( new_size );
while ( alc.num_elements_used < new_size )
alc.ptr[alc.num_elements_used] = const_cast< Type* >( t );
alc.num_elements_used = new_size;
// trims the capacity of the MVKSmallVectorImpl to the number of used elements
void shrink_to_fit()
void erase( const iterator it )
if ( it.is_valid() )
for ( size_t i = it.get_position(); i < alc.num_elements_used; ++i )
alc.ptr[i] = alc.ptr[i + 1];
void erase( const iterator first, const iterator last )
if( first.is_valid() )
size_t last_pos = last.is_valid() ? last.get_position() : size();
size_t n = last_pos - first.get_position();
alc.num_elements_used -= n;
for( size_t i = first.get_position(), e = last_pos; i < alc.num_elements_used && e < alc.num_elements_used + n; ++i, ++e )
alc.ptr[i] = alc.ptr[e];
// adds t before position it and automatically resizes vector if necessary
void insert( const iterator it, const Type *t )
if ( !it.is_valid() || alc.num_elements_used == 0 )
push_back( t );
if ( alc.num_elements_used == capacity() )
vector_ReAllocate( vector_GetNextCapacity() );
// move the remaining elements
const size_t it_position = it.get_position();
for ( size_t i = alc.num_elements_used; i > it_position; --i )
alc.ptr[i] = alc.ptr[i - 1];
alc.ptr[it_position] = const_cast< Type* >( t );
void push_back( const Type *t )
if ( alc.num_elements_used == capacity() )
vector_ReAllocate( vector_GetNextCapacity() );
alc.ptr[alc.num_elements_used] = const_cast< Type* >( t );
template<typename Type, size_t N = 0>
using MVKSmallVector = MVKSmallVectorImpl<Type, mvk_smallvector_allocator<Type, N>>;