blob: 4d02a67c2d37a7cb36c21586726fa95164931fd1 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2015-2020 The Brenwill Workshop Ltd. (
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "MVKShaderModule.h"
#include "MVKPipeline.h"
#include "MVKFoundation.h"
#include "MVKLogging.h"
#include "vk_mvk_moltenvk.h"
#include <string>
using namespace std;
MVKMTLFunction::MVKMTLFunction(id<MTLFunction> mtlFunc, const SPIRVToMSLConversionResults scRslts, MTLSize tgSize) {
_mtlFunction = [mtlFunc retain]; // retained
shaderConversionResults = scRslts;
threadGroupSize = tgSize;
MVKMTLFunction::MVKMTLFunction(const MVKMTLFunction& other) {
_mtlFunction = [other._mtlFunction retain]; // retained
shaderConversionResults = other.shaderConversionResults;
threadGroupSize = other.threadGroupSize;
MVKMTLFunction::~MVKMTLFunction() {
[_mtlFunction release];
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark MVKShaderLibrary
// If the size of the workgroup dimension is specialized, extract it from the
// specialization info, otherwise use the value specified in the SPIR-V shader code.
static uint32_t getWorkgroupDimensionSize(const SPIRVWorkgroupSizeDimension& wgDim, const VkSpecializationInfo* pSpecInfo) {
if (wgDim.isSpecialized && pSpecInfo) {
for (uint32_t specIdx = 0; specIdx < pSpecInfo->mapEntryCount; specIdx++) {
const VkSpecializationMapEntry* pMapEntry = &pSpecInfo->pMapEntries[specIdx];
if (pMapEntry->constantID == wgDim.specializationID) {
return *reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>((uintptr_t)pSpecInfo->pData + pMapEntry->offset) ;
return wgDim.size;
MVKMTLFunction MVKShaderLibrary::getMTLFunction(const VkSpecializationInfo* pSpecializationInfo, MVKShaderModule* shaderModule) {
if ( !_mtlLibrary ) { return MVKMTLFunctionNull; }
id<MTLFunction> mtlFunc = nil;
@autoreleasepool {
NSString* mtlFuncName = @(_shaderConversionResults.entryPoint.mtlFunctionName.c_str());
MVKDevice* mvkDev = _owner->getDevice();
uint64_t startTime = mvkDev->getPerformanceTimestamp();
mtlFunc = [_mtlLibrary newFunctionWithName: mtlFuncName]; // temp retain
mvkDev->addActivityPerformance(mvkDev->_performanceStatistics.shaderCompilation.functionRetrieval, startTime);
if (mtlFunc) {
// If the Metal device supports shader specialization, and the Metal function expects to be
// specialized, populate Metal function constant values from the Vulkan specialization info,
// and compiled a specialized Metal function, otherwise simply use the unspecialized Metal function.
if (mvkDev->_pMetalFeatures->shaderSpecialization) {
NSArray<MTLFunctionConstant*>* mtlFCs = mtlFunc.functionConstantsDictionary.allValues;
if (mtlFCs.count) {
// The Metal shader contains function constants and expects to be specialized
// Populate the Metal function constant values from the Vulkan specialization info.
MTLFunctionConstantValues* mtlFCVals = [MTLFunctionConstantValues new]; // temp retain
if (pSpecializationInfo) {
// Iterate through the provided Vulkan specialization entries, and populate the
// Metal function constant value that matches the Vulkan specialization constantID.
for (uint32_t specIdx = 0; specIdx < pSpecializationInfo->mapEntryCount; specIdx++) {
const VkSpecializationMapEntry* pMapEntry = &pSpecializationInfo->pMapEntries[specIdx];
NSUInteger mtlFCIndex = pMapEntry->constantID;
MTLFunctionConstant* mtlFC = getFunctionConstant(mtlFCs, mtlFCIndex);
if (mtlFC) {
[mtlFCVals setConstantValue: &(((char*)pSpecializationInfo->pData)[pMapEntry->offset])
type: mtlFC.type
atIndex: mtlFCIndex];
// Compile the specialized Metal function, and use it instead of the unspecialized Metal function.
MVKFunctionSpecializer* fs = new MVKFunctionSpecializer(_owner);
[mtlFunc release]; // temp release
mtlFunc = fs->newMTLFunction(_mtlLibrary, mtlFuncName, mtlFCVals); // temp retain
[mtlFCVals release]; // temp release
} else {
reportError(VK_ERROR_INVALID_SHADER_NV, "Shader module does not contain an entry point named '%s'.", mtlFuncName.UTF8String);
// Set the debug name. First try name of shader module, otherwise try name of owner.
NSString* dbName = shaderModule-> getDebugName();
if ( !dbName ) { dbName = _owner-> getDebugName(); }
setLabelIfNotNil(mtlFunc, dbName);
auto& wgSize = _shaderConversionResults.entryPoint.workgroupSize;
MVKMTLFunction mvkMTLFunc(mtlFunc, _shaderConversionResults, MTLSizeMake(getWorkgroupDimensionSize(wgSize.width, pSpecializationInfo),
getWorkgroupDimensionSize(wgSize.height, pSpecializationInfo),
getWorkgroupDimensionSize(wgSize.depth, pSpecializationInfo)));
[mtlFunc release]; // temp release
return mvkMTLFunc;
// Returns the MTLFunctionConstant with the specified ID from the specified array of function constants.
// The specified ID is the index value contained within the function constant.
MTLFunctionConstant* MVKShaderLibrary::getFunctionConstant(NSArray<MTLFunctionConstant*>* mtlFCs, NSUInteger mtlFCID) {
for (MTLFunctionConstant* mfc in mtlFCs) { if (mfc.index == mtlFCID) { return mfc; } }
return nil;
void MVKShaderLibrary::setEntryPointName(string& funcName) {
_shaderConversionResults.entryPoint.mtlFunctionName = funcName;
void MVKShaderLibrary::setWorkgroupSize(uint32_t x, uint32_t y, uint32_t z) {
auto& wgSize = _shaderConversionResults.entryPoint.workgroupSize;
wgSize.width.size = x;
wgSize.height.size = y;
wgSize.depth.size = z;
MVKShaderLibrary::MVKShaderLibrary(MVKVulkanAPIDeviceObject* owner,
const string& mslSourceCode,
const SPIRVToMSLConversionResults& shaderConversionResults) : _owner(owner) {
MVKShaderLibraryCompiler* slc = new MVKShaderLibraryCompiler(_owner);
NSString* nsSrc = [[NSString alloc] initWithUTF8String: mslSourceCode.c_str()]; // temp retained
_mtlLibrary = slc->newMTLLibrary(nsSrc); // retained
[nsSrc release]; // release temp string
_shaderConversionResults = shaderConversionResults;
_msl = mslSourceCode;
MVKShaderLibrary::MVKShaderLibrary(MVKVulkanAPIDeviceObject* owner,
const void* mslCompiledCodeData,
size_t mslCompiledCodeLength) : _owner(owner) {
MVKDevice* mvkDev = _owner->getDevice();
uint64_t startTime = mvkDev->getPerformanceTimestamp();
@autoreleasepool {
dispatch_data_t shdrData = dispatch_data_create(mslCompiledCodeData,
NSError* err = nil;
_mtlLibrary = [mvkDev->getMTLDevice() newLibraryWithData: shdrData error: &err]; // retained
handleCompilationError(err, "Compiled shader module creation");
[shdrData release];
mvkDev->addActivityPerformance(mvkDev->_performanceStatistics.shaderCompilation.mslLoad, startTime);
MVKShaderLibrary::MVKShaderLibrary(const MVKShaderLibrary& other) : _owner(other._owner) {
_mtlLibrary = [other._mtlLibrary retain];
_shaderConversionResults = other._shaderConversionResults;
_msl = other._msl;
// If err object is nil, the compilation succeeded without any warnings.
// If err object exists, and the MTLLibrary was created, the compilation succeeded, but with warnings.
// If err object exists, and the MTLLibrary was not created, the compilation failed.
void MVKShaderLibrary::handleCompilationError(NSError* err, const char* opDesc) {
if ( !err ) return;
if (_mtlLibrary) {
MVKLogInfo("%s succeeded with warnings (Error code %li):\n%s", opDesc, (long)err.code, err.localizedDescription.UTF8String);
} else {
"%s failed (Error code %li):\n%s",
opDesc, (long)err.code,
MVKShaderLibrary::~MVKShaderLibrary() {
[_mtlLibrary release];
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark MVKShaderLibraryCache
MVKShaderLibrary* MVKShaderLibraryCache::getShaderLibrary(SPIRVToMSLConversionConfiguration* pContext,
MVKShaderModule* shaderModule,
bool* pWasAdded) {
bool wasAdded = false;
MVKShaderLibrary* shLib = findShaderLibrary(pContext);
if ( !shLib ) {
if (shaderModule->convert(pContext)) {
shLib = addShaderLibrary(pContext, shaderModule->getMSL(), shaderModule->getConversionResults());
wasAdded = true;
if (pWasAdded) { *pWasAdded = wasAdded; }
return shLib;
// Finds and returns a shader library matching the specified context, or returns nullptr if it doesn't exist.
// If a match is found, the specified context is aligned with the context of the matching library.
MVKShaderLibrary* MVKShaderLibraryCache::findShaderLibrary(SPIRVToMSLConversionConfiguration* pContext) {
for (auto& slPair : _shaderLibraries) {
if (slPair.first.matches(*pContext)) {
return slPair.second;
return nullptr;
// Adds and returns a new shader library configured from the specified context.
MVKShaderLibrary* MVKShaderLibraryCache::addShaderLibrary(SPIRVToMSLConversionConfiguration* pContext,
const string& mslSourceCode,
const SPIRVToMSLConversionResults& shaderConversionResults) {
MVKShaderLibrary* shLib = new MVKShaderLibrary(_owner, mslSourceCode, shaderConversionResults);
_shaderLibraries.emplace_back(*pContext, shLib);
return shLib;
// Merge another shader library cache with this one. Handle null input.
void MVKShaderLibraryCache::merge(MVKShaderLibraryCache* other) {
if ( !other ) { return; }
for (auto& otherPair : other->_shaderLibraries) {
if ( !findShaderLibrary(&otherPair.first) ) {
_shaderLibraries.emplace_back(otherPair.first, new MVKShaderLibrary(*otherPair.second));
MVKShaderLibraryCache::~MVKShaderLibraryCache() {
for (auto& slPair : _shaderLibraries) { slPair.second->destroy(); }
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark MVKShaderModule
MVKMTLFunction MVKShaderModule::getMTLFunction(SPIRVToMSLConversionConfiguration* pContext,
const VkSpecializationInfo* pSpecializationInfo,
MVKPipelineCache* pipelineCache) {
lock_guard<mutex> lock(_accessLock);
MVKShaderLibrary* mvkLib = _directMSLLibrary;
if ( !mvkLib ) {
uint64_t startTime = _device->getPerformanceTimestamp();
if (pipelineCache) {
mvkLib = pipelineCache->getShaderLibrary(pContext, this);
} else {
mvkLib = _shaderLibraryCache.getShaderLibrary(pContext, this);
_device->addActivityPerformance(_device->_performanceStatistics.shaderCompilation.shaderLibraryFromCache, startTime);
} else {
return mvkLib ? mvkLib->getMTLFunction(pSpecializationInfo, this) : MVKMTLFunctionNull;
bool MVKShaderModule::convert(SPIRVToMSLConversionConfiguration* pContext) {
bool shouldLogCode = _device->_pMVKConfig->debugMode;
bool shouldLogEstimatedGLSL = shouldLogCode;
// If the SPIR-V converter does not have any code, but the GLSL converter does,
// convert the GLSL code to SPIR-V and set it into the SPIR-V conveter.
if ( !_spvConverter.hasSPIRV() && _glslConverter.hasGLSL() ) {
uint64_t startTime = _device->getPerformanceTimestamp();
bool wasConverted = _glslConverter.convert(getMVKGLSLConversionShaderStage(pContext), shouldLogCode, false);
_device->addActivityPerformance(_device->_performanceStatistics.shaderCompilation.glslToSPRIV, startTime);
if (wasConverted) {
if (shouldLogCode) { MVKLogInfo("%s", _glslConverter.getResultLog().c_str()); }
} else {
reportError(VK_ERROR_INVALID_SHADER_NV, "Unable to convert GLSL to SPIR-V:\n%s", _glslConverter.getResultLog().c_str());
shouldLogEstimatedGLSL = false;
uint64_t startTime = _device->getPerformanceTimestamp();
bool wasConverted = _spvConverter.convert(*pContext, shouldLogCode, shouldLogCode, shouldLogEstimatedGLSL);
_device->addActivityPerformance(_device->_performanceStatistics.shaderCompilation.spirvToMSL, startTime);
if (wasConverted) {
if (shouldLogCode) { MVKLogInfo("%s", _spvConverter.getResultLog().c_str()); }
} else {
reportError(VK_ERROR_INVALID_SHADER_NV, "Unable to convert SPIR-V to MSL:\n%s", _spvConverter.getResultLog().c_str());
return wasConverted;
// Returns the MVKGLSLConversionShaderStage corresponding to the shader stage in the SPIR-V converter context.
MVKGLSLConversionShaderStage MVKShaderModule::getMVKGLSLConversionShaderStage(SPIRVToMSLConversionConfiguration* pContext) {
switch (pContext->options.entryPointStage) {
case spv::ExecutionModelVertex: return kMVKGLSLConversionShaderStageVertex;
case spv::ExecutionModelTessellationControl: return kMVKGLSLConversionShaderStageTessControl;
case spv::ExecutionModelTessellationEvaluation: return kMVKGLSLConversionShaderStageTessEval;
case spv::ExecutionModelGeometry: return kMVKGLSLConversionShaderStageGeometry;
case spv::ExecutionModelFragment: return kMVKGLSLConversionShaderStageFragment;
case spv::ExecutionModelGLCompute: return kMVKGLSLConversionShaderStageCompute;
case spv::ExecutionModelKernel: return kMVKGLSLConversionShaderStageCompute;
MVKAssert(false, "Bad shader stage provided for GLSL to SPIR-V conversion.");
return kMVKGLSLConversionShaderStageAuto;
void MVKShaderModule::setWorkgroupSize(uint32_t x, uint32_t y, uint32_t z) {
_spvConverter.setWorkgroupSize(x, y, z);
if(_directMSLLibrary) { _directMSLLibrary->setWorkgroupSize(x, y, z); }
#pragma mark Construction
MVKShaderModule::MVKShaderModule(MVKDevice* device,
const VkShaderModuleCreateInfo* pCreateInfo) : MVKVulkanAPIDeviceObject(device), _shaderLibraryCache(this) {
_directMSLLibrary = nullptr;
size_t codeSize = pCreateInfo->codeSize;
// Ensure something is there.
if ( (pCreateInfo->pCode == VK_NULL_HANDLE) || (codeSize < 4) ) {
setConfigurationResult(reportError(VK_ERROR_INVALID_SHADER_NV, "vkCreateShaderModule(): Shader module contains no shader code."));
size_t codeHash = 0;
// Retrieve the magic number to determine what type of shader code has been loaded.
uint32_t magicNum = *pCreateInfo->pCode;
switch (magicNum) {
case kMVKMagicNumberSPIRVCode: { // SPIR-V code
size_t spvCount = (codeSize + 3) >> 2; // Round up if byte length not exactly on uint32_t boundary
uint64_t startTime = _device->getPerformanceTimestamp();
codeHash = mvkHash(pCreateInfo->pCode, spvCount);
_device->addActivityPerformance(_device->_performanceStatistics.shaderCompilation.hashShaderCode, startTime);
_spvConverter.setSPIRV(pCreateInfo->pCode, spvCount);
case kMVKMagicNumberMSLSourceCode: { // MSL source code
size_t hdrSize = sizeof(MVKMSLSPIRVHeader);
char* pMSLCode = (char*)(uintptr_t(pCreateInfo->pCode) + hdrSize);
size_t mslCodeLen = codeSize - hdrSize;
uint64_t startTime = _device->getPerformanceTimestamp();
codeHash = mvkHash(&magicNum);
codeHash = mvkHash(pMSLCode, mslCodeLen, codeHash);
_device->addActivityPerformance(_device->_performanceStatistics.shaderCompilation.hashShaderCode, startTime);
_spvConverter.setMSL(pMSLCode, nullptr);
_directMSLLibrary = new MVKShaderLibrary(this, _spvConverter.getMSL().c_str(), _spvConverter.getConversionResults());
case kMVKMagicNumberMSLCompiledCode: { // MSL compiled binary code
size_t hdrSize = sizeof(MVKMSLSPIRVHeader);
char* pMSLCode = (char*)(uintptr_t(pCreateInfo->pCode) + hdrSize);
size_t mslCodeLen = codeSize - hdrSize;
uint64_t startTime = _device->getPerformanceTimestamp();
codeHash = mvkHash(&magicNum);
codeHash = mvkHash(pMSLCode, mslCodeLen, codeHash);
_device->addActivityPerformance(_device->_performanceStatistics.shaderCompilation.hashShaderCode, startTime);
_directMSLLibrary = new MVKShaderLibrary(this, (void*)(pMSLCode), mslCodeLen);
default: // Could be GLSL source code
if (_device->_enabledExtensions.vk_NV_glsl_shader.enabled) {
const char* pGLSL = (char*)pCreateInfo->pCode;
size_t glslLen = codeSize - 1;
uint64_t startTime = _device->getPerformanceTimestamp();
codeHash = mvkHash(pGLSL, codeSize);
_device->addActivityPerformance(_device->_performanceStatistics.shaderCompilation.hashShaderCode, startTime);
_glslConverter.setGLSL(pGLSL, glslLen);
} else {
setConfigurationResult(reportError(VK_ERROR_INVALID_SHADER_NV, "vkCreateShaderModule(): The SPIR-V contains an invalid magic number %x.", magicNum));
_key = MVKShaderModuleKey(codeSize, codeHash);
MVKShaderModule::~MVKShaderModule() {
if (_directMSLLibrary) { _directMSLLibrary->destroy(); }
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark MVKShaderLibraryCompiler
id<MTLLibrary> MVKShaderLibraryCompiler::newMTLLibrary(NSString* mslSourceCode) {
unique_lock<mutex> lock(_completionLock);
compile(lock, ^{
[_owner->getMTLDevice() newLibraryWithSource: mslSourceCode
options: _owner->getDevice()->getMTLCompileOptions()
completionHandler: ^(id<MTLLibrary> mtlLib, NSError* error) {
bool isLate = compileComplete(mtlLib, error);
if (isLate) { destroy(); }
return [_mtlLibrary retain];
void MVKShaderLibraryCompiler::handleError() {
if (_mtlLibrary) {
MVKLogInfo("%s compilation succeeded with warnings (Error code %li):\n%s", _compilerType.c_str(),
(long)_compileError.code, _compileError.localizedDescription.UTF8String);
} else {
bool MVKShaderLibraryCompiler::compileComplete(id<MTLLibrary> mtlLibrary, NSError* compileError) {
lock_guard<mutex> lock(_completionLock);
_mtlLibrary = [mtlLibrary retain]; // retained
return endCompile(compileError);
#pragma mark Construction
MVKShaderLibraryCompiler::~MVKShaderLibraryCompiler() {
[_mtlLibrary release];
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark MVKFunctionSpecializer
id<MTLFunction> MVKFunctionSpecializer::newMTLFunction(id<MTLLibrary> mtlLibrary,
NSString* funcName,
MTLFunctionConstantValues* constantValues) {
unique_lock<mutex> lock(_completionLock);
compile(lock, ^{
[mtlLibrary newFunctionWithName: funcName
constantValues: constantValues
completionHandler: ^(id<MTLFunction> mtlFunc, NSError* error) {
bool isLate = compileComplete(mtlFunc, error);
if (isLate) { destroy(); }
return [_mtlFunction retain];
bool MVKFunctionSpecializer::compileComplete(id<MTLFunction> mtlFunction, NSError* compileError) {
lock_guard<mutex> lock(_completionLock);
_mtlFunction = [mtlFunction retain]; // retained
return endCompile(compileError);
#pragma mark Construction
MVKFunctionSpecializer::~MVKFunctionSpecializer() {
[_mtlFunction release];