blob: cf49d8de2e44bebec3415891b1b4c13c8f72684b [file] [log] [blame]
* MVKPixelFormats.h
* Copyright (c) 2015-2020 The Brenwill Workshop Ltd. (
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include "mvk_datatypes.h"
#include "MVKEnvironment.h"
#include "MVKBaseObject.h"
#include <SPIRV-Cross/spirv_msl.hpp>
#include <unordered_map>
#import <Metal/Metal.h>
class MVKPhysicalDevice;
// Validate these values periodically as new formats are added over time.
static const uint32_t _vkFormatCount = 256;
static const uint32_t _vkFormatCoreCount = VK_FORMAT_ASTC_12x12_SRGB_BLOCK + 1;
static const uint32_t _mtlPixelFormatCount = 128;
static const uint32_t _mtlPixelFormatCoreCount = MTLPixelFormatX32_Stencil8 + 2; // The actual last enum value is not available on iOS
static const uint32_t _mtlVertexFormatCount = MTLVertexFormatHalf + 1;
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark Metal format capabilities
typedef enum : uint16_t {
kMVKMTLFmtCapsNone = 0,
kMVKMTLFmtCapsRead = (1<<0),
kMVKMTLFmtCapsFilter = (1<<1),
kMVKMTLFmtCapsWrite = (1<<2),
kMVKMTLFmtCapsAtomic = (1<<3),
kMVKMTLFmtCapsColorAtt = (1<<4),
kMVKMTLFmtCapsDSAtt = (1<<5),
kMVKMTLFmtCapsBlend = (1<<6),
kMVKMTLFmtCapsMSAA = (1<<7),
kMVKMTLFmtCapsResolve = (1<<8),
kMVKMTLFmtCapsVertex = (1<<9),
kMVKMTLFmtCapsRF = (kMVKMTLFmtCapsRead | kMVKMTLFmtCapsFilter),
kMVKMTLFmtCapsRC = (kMVKMTLFmtCapsRead | kMVKMTLFmtCapsColorAtt),
kMVKMTLFmtCapsRCB = (kMVKMTLFmtCapsRC | kMVKMTLFmtCapsBlend),
kMVKMTLFmtCapsRWC = (kMVKMTLFmtCapsRC | kMVKMTLFmtCapsWrite),
kMVKMTLFmtCapsRFCMRB = (kMVKMTLFmtCapsRCMB | kMVKMTLFmtCapsFilter | kMVKMTLFmtCapsResolve),
kMVKMTLFmtCapsAll = (kMVKMTLFmtCapsRFWCMB | kMVKMTLFmtCapsResolve),
kMVKMTLFmtCapsDRMR = (kMVKMTLFmtCapsDRM | kMVKMTLFmtCapsResolve),
kMVKMTLFmtCapsChromaSubsampling = kMVKMTLFmtCapsRF,
kMVKMTLFmtCapsMultiPlanar = kMVKMTLFmtCapsChromaSubsampling,
} MVKMTLFmtCaps;
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark Format descriptors
/** Describes the properties of a VkFormat, including the corresponding Metal pixel and vertex format. */
typedef struct {
VkFormat vkFormat;
MTLPixelFormat mtlPixelFormat;
MTLPixelFormat mtlPixelFormatSubstitute;
MTLVertexFormat mtlVertexFormat;
MTLVertexFormat mtlVertexFormatSubstitute;
uint8_t chromaSubsamplingPlaneCount;
uint8_t chromaSubsamplingComponentBits;
VkExtent2D blockTexelSize;
uint32_t bytesPerBlock;
MVKFormatType formatType;
VkFormatProperties properties;
const char* name;
bool hasReportedSubstitution;
inline double bytesPerTexel() const { return (double)bytesPerBlock / (double)(blockTexelSize.width * blockTexelSize.height); };
inline bool isSupported() const { return (mtlPixelFormat != MTLPixelFormatInvalid || chromaSubsamplingPlaneCount > 0); };
inline bool isSupportedOrSubstitutable() const { return isSupported() || (mtlPixelFormatSubstitute != MTLPixelFormatInvalid); };
inline bool vertexIsSupported() const { return (mtlVertexFormat != MTLVertexFormatInvalid); };
inline bool vertexIsSupportedOrSubstitutable() const { return vertexIsSupported() || (mtlVertexFormatSubstitute != MTLVertexFormatInvalid); };
} MVKVkFormatDesc;
/** Describes the properties of a MTLPixelFormat or MTLVertexFormat. */
typedef struct {
union {
MTLPixelFormat mtlPixelFormat;
MTLVertexFormat mtlVertexFormat;
VkFormat vkFormat;
MVKMTLFmtCaps mtlFmtCaps;
const char* name;
inline bool isSupported() const { return (mtlPixelFormat != MTLPixelFormatInvalid) && (mtlFmtCaps != kMVKMTLFmtCapsNone); };
} MVKMTLFormatDesc;
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark MVKPixelFormats
/** Helper class to manage pixel format capabilities and conversions. */
class MVKPixelFormats : public MVKBaseObject {
/** Returns the Vulkan API opaque object controlling this object. */
MVKVulkanAPIObject* getVulkanAPIObject() override;
/** Returns whether the VkFormat is supported by this implementation. */
bool isSupported(VkFormat vkFormat);
/** Returns whether the VkFormat is supported by this implementation, or can be substituted by one that is. */
bool isSupportedOrSubstitutable(VkFormat vkFormat);
/** Returns whether the MTLPixelFormat is supported by this implementation. */
bool isSupported(MTLPixelFormat mtlFormat);
/** Returns whether the specified Metal MTLPixelFormat can be used as a depth format. */
bool isDepthFormat(MTLPixelFormat mtlFormat);
/** Returns whether the specified Metal MTLPixelFormat can be used as a stencil format. */
bool isStencilFormat(MTLPixelFormat mtlFormat);
/** Returns whether the specified Metal MTLPixelFormat is a PVRTC format. */
bool isPVRTCFormat(MTLPixelFormat mtlFormat);
/** Returns the format type corresponding to the specified Vulkan VkFormat, */
MVKFormatType getFormatType(VkFormat vkFormat);
/** Returns the format type corresponding to the specified Metal MTLPixelFormat, */
MVKFormatType getFormatType(MTLPixelFormat mtlFormat);
* Returns the Metal MTLPixelFormat corresponding to the specified Vulkan VkFormat,
* or returns MTLPixelFormatInvalid if no corresponding MTLPixelFormat exists.
MTLPixelFormat getMTLPixelFormat(VkFormat vkFormat);
* Returns the Vulkan VkFormat corresponding to the specified Metal MTLPixelFormat,
* or returns VK_FORMAT_UNDEFINED if no corresponding VkFormat exists.
VkFormat getVkFormat(MTLPixelFormat mtlFormat);
* Returns the size, in bytes, of a texel block of the specified Vulkan format.
* For uncompressed formats, the returned value corresponds to the size in bytes of a single texel.
uint32_t getBytesPerBlock(VkFormat vkFormat);
* Returns the size, in bytes, of a texel block of the specified Metal format.
* For uncompressed formats, the returned value corresponds to the size in bytes of a single texel.
uint32_t getBytesPerBlock(MTLPixelFormat mtlFormat);
* Returns the size of the compression block, measured in texels for a Vulkan format.
* The returned value will be {1, 1} for non-compressed formats without chroma-subsampling.
VkExtent2D getBlockTexelSize(VkFormat vkFormat);
* Returns the size of the compression block, measured in texels for a Metal format.
* The returned value will be {1, 1} for non-compressed formats without chroma-subsampling.
VkExtent2D getBlockTexelSize(MTLPixelFormat mtlFormat);
/** Returns the number of planes of the specified chroma-subsampling (YCbCr) VkFormat */
uint8_t getChromaSubsamplingPlaneCount(VkFormat vkFormat);
/** Returns the number of bits per channel of the specified chroma-subsampling (YCbCr) VkFormat */
uint8_t getChromaSubsamplingComponentBits(VkFormat vkFormat);
/** Returns the MSLFormatResolution of the specified chroma-subsampling (YCbCr) VkFormat */
SPIRV_CROSS_NAMESPACE::MSLFormatResolution getChromaSubsamplingResolution(VkFormat vkFormat);
/** Returns the number of planes, blockTexelSize, bytesPerBlock and mtlPixFmt of each plane of the specified chroma-subsampling (YCbCr) VkFormat into the given arrays */
uint8_t getChromaSubsamplingPlanes(VkFormat vkFormat, VkExtent2D blockTexelSize[3], uint32_t bytesPerBlock[3], MTLPixelFormat mtlPixFmt[3]);
* Returns the size, in bytes, of a texel of the specified Vulkan format.
* The returned value may be fractional for certain compressed formats.
float getBytesPerTexel(VkFormat vkFormat);
* Returns the size, in bytes, of a texel of the specified Metal format.
* The returned value may be fractional for certain compressed formats.
float getBytesPerTexel(MTLPixelFormat mtlFormat);
* Returns the size, in bytes, of a row of texels of the specified Vulkan format.
* For compressed formats, this takes into consideration the compression block size,
* and texelsPerRow should specify the width in texels, not blocks. The result is rounded
* up if texelsPerRow is not an integer multiple of the compression block width.
size_t getBytesPerRow(VkFormat vkFormat, uint32_t texelsPerRow);
* Returns the size, in bytes, of a row of texels of the specified Metal format.
* For compressed formats, this takes into consideration the compression block size,
* and texelsPerRow should specify the width in texels, not blocks. The result is rounded
* up if texelsPerRow is not an integer multiple of the compression block width.
size_t getBytesPerRow(MTLPixelFormat mtlFormat, uint32_t texelsPerRow);
* Returns the size, in bytes, of a texture layer of the specified Vulkan format.
* For compressed formats, this takes into consideration the compression block size,
* and texelRowsPerLayer should specify the height in texels, not blocks. The result is
* rounded up if texelRowsPerLayer is not an integer multiple of the compression block height.
size_t getBytesPerLayer(VkFormat vkFormat, size_t bytesPerRow, uint32_t texelRowsPerLayer);
* Returns the size, in bytes, of a texture layer of the specified Metal format.
* For compressed formats, this takes into consideration the compression block size,
* and texelRowsPerLayer should specify the height in texels, not blocks. The result is
* rounded up if texelRowsPerLayer is not an integer multiple of the compression block height.
size_t getBytesPerLayer(MTLPixelFormat mtlFormat, size_t bytesPerRow, uint32_t texelRowsPerLayer);
/** Returns the default properties for the specified Vulkan format. */
VkFormatProperties& getVkFormatProperties(VkFormat vkFormat);
/** Returns the Metal format capabilities supported by the specified Vulkan format, without substitution. */
MVKMTLFmtCaps getCapabilities(VkFormat vkFormat);
/** Returns the Metal format capabilities supported by the specified Metal format. */
MVKMTLFmtCaps getCapabilities(MTLPixelFormat mtlFormat);
/** Returns the name of the specified Vulkan format. */
const char* getName(VkFormat vkFormat);
/** Returns the name of the specified Metal pixel format. */
const char* getName(MTLPixelFormat mtlFormat);
* Returns the MTLClearColor value corresponding to the color value in the VkClearValue,
* extracting the color value that is VkFormat for the VkFormat.
MTLClearColor getMTLClearColor(VkClearValue vkClearValue, VkFormat vkFormat);
/** Returns the Metal depth value corresponding to the depth value in the specified VkClearValue. */
double getMTLClearDepthValue(VkClearValue vkClearValue);
/** Returns the Metal stencil value corresponding to the stencil value in the specified VkClearValue. */
uint32_t getMTLClearStencilValue(VkClearValue vkClearValue);
/** Returns the Vulkan image usage from the Metal texture usage and format. */
VkImageUsageFlags getVkImageUsageFlags(MTLTextureUsage mtlUsage, MTLPixelFormat mtlFormat);
* Returns the Metal texture usage from the Vulkan image usage and Metal format, ensuring that at least the
* usages in minUsage are included, even if they wouldn't naturally be included based on the other two parameters.
MTLTextureUsage getMTLTextureUsage(VkImageUsageFlags vkImageUsageFlags,
MTLPixelFormat mtlFormat,
MTLTextureUsage minUsage = MTLTextureUsageUnknown);
/** Enumerates all formats that support the given features, calling a specified function for each one. */
void enumerateSupportedFormats(VkFormatProperties properties, bool any, std::function<bool(VkFormat)> func);
* Returns the Metal MTLVertexFormat corresponding to the specified
* Vulkan VkFormat as used as a vertex attribute format.
MTLVertexFormat getMTLVertexFormat(VkFormat vkFormat);
#pragma mark Construction
MVKPixelFormats(MVKPhysicalDevice* physicalDevice = nullptr);
MVKVkFormatDesc& getVkFormatDesc(VkFormat vkFormat);
MVKVkFormatDesc& getVkFormatDesc(MTLPixelFormat mtlFormat);
MVKMTLFormatDesc& getMTLPixelFormatDesc(MTLPixelFormat mtlFormat);
MVKMTLFormatDesc& getMTLVertexFormatDesc(MTLVertexFormat mtlFormat);
void initVkFormatCapabilities();
void initMTLPixelFormatCapabilities();
void initMTLVertexFormatCapabilities();
void buildMTLFormatMaps();
void buildVkFormatMaps();
void setFormatProperties(MVKVkFormatDesc& vkDesc);
void modifyMTLFormatCapabilities();
void modifyMTLFormatCapabilities(id<MTLDevice> mtlDevice);
void addMTLPixelFormatCapabilities(id<MTLDevice> mtlDevice,
MTLFeatureSet mtlFeatSet,
MTLPixelFormat mtlPixFmt,
MVKMTLFmtCaps mtlFmtCaps);
void disableMTLPixelFormatCapabilities(MTLPixelFormat mtlPixFmt,
MVKMTLFmtCaps mtlFmtCaps);
void disableAllMTLPixelFormatCapabilities(MTLPixelFormat mtlPixFmt);
void addMTLVertexFormatCapabilities(id<MTLDevice> mtlDevice,
MTLFeatureSet mtlFeatSet,
MTLVertexFormat mtlVtxFmt,
MVKMTLFmtCaps mtlFmtCaps);
template<typename T>
void testFmt(const T v1, const T v2, const char* fmtName, const char* funcName);
void testProps(const VkFormatProperties p1, const VkFormatProperties p2, const char* fmtName);
void test();
MVKPhysicalDevice* _physicalDevice;
MVKVkFormatDesc _vkFormatDescriptions[_vkFormatCount];
MVKMTLFormatDesc _mtlPixelFormatDescriptions[_mtlPixelFormatCount];
MVKMTLFormatDesc _mtlVertexFormatDescriptions[_mtlVertexFormatCount];
// Vulkan core formats have small values and are mapped by simple lookup array.
// Vulkan extension formats have larger values and are mapped by a map.
uint16_t _vkFormatDescIndicesByVkFormatsCore[_vkFormatCoreCount];
std::unordered_map<uint32_t, uint32_t> _vkFormatDescIndicesByVkFormatsExt;
// Most Metal formats have small values and are mapped by simple lookup array.
// Outliers are mapped by a map.
uint16_t _mtlFormatDescIndicesByMTLPixelFormatsCore[_mtlPixelFormatCoreCount];
std::unordered_map<NSUInteger, uint32_t> _mtlFormatDescIndicesByMTLPixelFormatsExt;
uint16_t _mtlFormatDescIndicesByMTLVertexFormats[_mtlVertexFormatCount];