blob: 034d47335e90d319a625431c8ab3e14dbaaeaa45 [file] [log] [blame]
* MVKSync.h
* Copyright (c) 2014-2019 The Brenwill Workshop Ltd. (
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include "MVKDevice.h"
#include <atomic>
#include <mutex>
#include <condition_variable>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <vector>
class MVKFenceSitter;
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark MVKSemaphoreImpl
* A general utility semaphore object. Reservations can be made with an instance,
* and it will block waiting threads until reservations have been released.
* An instance can be configured so that each call to the reserve() function must be
* matched with a separate call to the release() function before waiting threads are
* unblocked, or it can be configured so that a single call to the release() function
* will release all outstanding reservations and unblock all threads immediately.
class MVKSemaphoreImpl : public MVKBaseObject {
* Adds a reservation to this semaphore, incrementing the reservation count.
* Subsequent calls to a wait() function will block until a corresponding call
* is made to the release() function.
void reserve();
* Depending on configuration, releases one or all reservations. When all reservations
* have been released, unblocks all waiting threads to continue processing.
* Returns true if the last reservation was released.
bool release();
* Blocks processing on the current thread until any or all (depending on configuration) outstanding
* reservations have been released, or until the specified timeout interval in nanoseconds expires.
* If timeout is the special value UINT64_MAX the timeout is treated as infinite.
* If reserveAgain is set to true, a single reservation will be added once this wait is finished.
* Returns true if all reservations were cleared, or false if the timeout interval expired.
bool wait(uint64_t timeout = UINT64_MAX, bool reserveAgain = false);
#pragma mark Construction
* Constructs an instance with the specified number of initial reservations.
* This value defaults to zero, starting the semaphore in an unblocking state.
* The waitAll parameter indicates whether a call to the release() function is required
* for each call to the reserve() function (waitAll = true), or whether a single call
* to the release() function will release all outstanding reservations (waitAll = true).
* This value defaults to true, indicating that each call to the reserve() function will
* require a separate call to the release() function to cause the semaphore to stop blocking.
MVKSemaphoreImpl(bool waitAll = true, uint32_t reservationCount = 0)
: _shouldWaitAll(waitAll), _reservationCount(reservationCount) {}
/** Destructor. */
bool operator()();
inline bool isClear() { return _reservationCount == 0; } // Not thread-safe
std::mutex _lock;
std::condition_variable _blocker;
uint32_t _reservationCount;
bool _shouldWaitAll;
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark MVKSemaphore
/** Represents a Vulkan semaphore. */
class MVKSemaphore : public MVKRefCountedDeviceObject {
* Blocks processing on the current thread until this semaphore is
* signaled, or until the specified timeout in nanoseconds expires.
* If timeout is the special value UINT64_MAX the timeout is treated as infinite.
* Returns true if this semaphore was signaled, or false if the timeout interval expired.
bool wait(uint64_t timeout = UINT64_MAX);
/** Signals the semaphore. Unblocks all waiting threads to continue processing. */
void signal();
/** Encodes an operation to block command buffer operation until this semaphore is signaled. */
void encodeWait(id<MTLCommandBuffer> cmdBuff);
/** Encodes an operation to signal the semaphore. */
void encodeSignal(id<MTLCommandBuffer> cmdBuff);
#pragma mark Construction
MVKSemaphore(MVKDevice* device, const VkSemaphoreCreateInfo* pCreateInfo);
~MVKSemaphore() override;
MVKSemaphoreImpl _blocker;
id<MTLEvent> _mtlEvent;
std::atomic<uint64_t> _mtlEventValue;
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark MVKFence
/** Represents a Vulkan fence. */
class MVKFence : public MVKRefCountedDeviceObject {
* If this fence has not been signaled yet, adds the specified fence sitter to the
* internal list of fence sitters that will be notified when this fence is signaled,
* and then calls addUnsignaledFence() on the fence sitter so it is aware that it
* will be signaled.
* Does nothing if this fence has already been signaled, and does not call
* addUnsignaledFence() on the fence sitter.
* Each fence sitter should only listen once for each fence. Adding the same fence sitter
* more than once in between each fence reset and signal results in undefined behaviour.
void addSitter(MVKFenceSitter* fenceSitter);
/** Removes the specified fence sitter. */
void removeSitter(MVKFenceSitter* fenceSitter);
/** Signals this fence. Notifies all waiting fence sitters. */
void signal();
/** Rremoves all fence sitters and resets this fence back to unsignaled state again. */
void reset();
/** Returns whether this fence has been signaled and not reset. */
bool getIsSignaled();
#pragma mark Construction
MVKFence(MVKDevice* device, const VkFenceCreateInfo* pCreateInfo) :
MVKRefCountedDeviceObject(device), _isSignaled(mvkAreFlagsEnabled(pCreateInfo->flags, VK_FENCE_CREATE_SIGNALED_BIT)) {}
void notifySitters();
std::mutex _lock;
std::unordered_set<MVKFenceSitter*> _fenceSitters;
bool _isSignaled;
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark MVKFenceSitter
/** An object that responds to signals from MVKFences. */
class MVKFenceSitter : public MVKBaseObject {
* If this instance has been configured to wait for fences, blocks processing on the
* current thread until any or all of the fences that this instance is waiting for are
* signaled, or until the specified timeout in nanoseconds expires. If this instance
* has not been configured to wait for fences, this function immediately returns true.
* If timeout is the special value UINT64_MAX the timeout is treated as infinite.
* Returns true if the required fences were triggered, or false if the timeout interval expired.
bool wait(uint64_t timeout = UINT64_MAX) { return _blocker.wait(timeout); }
#pragma mark Construction
MVKFenceSitter(bool waitAll) : _blocker(waitAll, 0) {}
friend class MVKFence;
void awaitFence(MVKFence* fence) { _blocker.reserve(); }
void fenceSignaled(MVKFence* fence) { _blocker.release(); }
MVKSemaphoreImpl _blocker;
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark Support functions
/** Resets the specified fences. */
VkResult mvkResetFences(uint32_t fenceCount, const VkFence* pFences);
* Blocks the current thread until any or all of the specified
* fences have been signaled, or the specified timeout occurs.
VkResult mvkWaitForFences(uint32_t fenceCount,
const VkFence* pFences,
VkBool32 waitAll,
uint64_t timeout = UINT64_MAX);
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark MVKMetalCompiler
* Abstract class that creates Metal objects that require compilation, such as
* MTLShaderLibrary, MTLFunction, MTLRenderPipelineState and MTLComputePipelineState.
* Instances of this class are one-shot, and can only be used for a single compilation.
class MVKMetalCompiler : public MVKBaseDeviceObject {
/** If this object is waiting for compilation to complete, deletion will be deferred until then. */
void destroy() override;
#pragma mark Construction
MVKMetalCompiler(MVKDevice* device) : MVKBaseDeviceObject(device) {}
~MVKMetalCompiler() override;
void compile(std::unique_lock<std::mutex>& lock, dispatch_block_t block);
virtual void handleError();
bool endCompile(NSError* compileError);
bool markDestroyed();
NSError* _compileError = nil;
uint64_t _startTime = 0;
bool _isCompileDone = false;
bool _isDestroyed = false;
std::mutex _completionLock;
std::condition_variable _blocker;
std::string _compilerType = "Unknown";
MVKPerformanceTracker* _pPerformanceTracker = nullptr;