blob: 90ee5d220b45143fe8b045df86973788e96df77d [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2014-2019 The Brenwill Workshop Ltd. (
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "MVKSurface.h"
#include "MVKSwapchain.h"
#include "MVKImage.h"
#include "MVKFoundation.h"
#include "MVKOSExtensions.h"
#include "MVKWatermark.h"
#include "MVKWatermarkTextureContent.h"
#include "MVKWatermarkShaderSource.h"
#include "mvk_datatypes.h"
#include "MVKLogging.h"
#import "CAMetalLayer+MoltenVK.h"
#import "MVKBlockObserver.h"
using namespace std;
#pragma mark MVKSwapchain
uint32_t MVKSwapchain::getImageCount() { return (uint32_t)_surfaceImages.size(); }
MVKSwapchainImage* MVKSwapchain::getImage(uint32_t index) { return _surfaceImages[index]; }
VkResult MVKSwapchain::getImages(uint32_t* pCount, VkImage* pSwapchainImages) {
// Get the number of surface images
uint32_t imgCnt = getImageCount();
// If images aren't actually being requested yet, simply update the returned count
if ( !pSwapchainImages ) {
*pCount = imgCnt;
return VK_SUCCESS;
// Determine how many images we'll return, and return that number
VkResult result = (*pCount >= imgCnt) ? VK_SUCCESS : VK_INCOMPLETE;
*pCount = min(*pCount, imgCnt);
// Now populate the images
for (uint32_t imgIdx = 0; imgIdx < *pCount; imgIdx++) {
pSwapchainImages[imgIdx] = (VkImage)_surfaceImages[imgIdx];
return result;
VkResult MVKSwapchain::acquireNextImageKHR(uint64_t timeout,
VkSemaphore semaphore,
VkFence fence,
uint32_t deviceMask,
uint32_t* pImageIndex) {
if ( getIsSurfaceLost() ) { return VK_ERROR_SURFACE_LOST_KHR; }
// Find the image that has the smallest availability measure
uint32_t minWaitIndex = 0;
MVKSwapchainImageAvailability minAvailability = { .acquisitionID = kMVKUndefinedLargeUInt64,
.waitCount = kMVKUndefinedLargeUInt32,
.isAvailable = false };
for (MVKSwapchainImage* mvkSCImg : _surfaceImages) {
const MVKSwapchainImageAvailability* currAvailability = mvkSCImg->getAvailability();
if (*currAvailability < minAvailability) {
minAvailability = *currAvailability;
minWaitIndex = mvkSCImg->getSwapchainIndex();
*pImageIndex = minWaitIndex; // Return the index of the image with the shortest wait
_surfaceImages[minWaitIndex]->signalWhenAvailable((MVKSemaphore*)semaphore, (MVKFence*)fence);
return getHasSurfaceSizeChanged() ? VK_ERROR_OUT_OF_DATE_KHR : VK_SUCCESS;
bool MVKSwapchain::getHasSurfaceSizeChanged() {
return !CGSizeEqualToSize(_mtlLayer.naturalDrawableSizeMVK, _mtlLayerOrigDrawSize);
uint64_t MVKSwapchain::getNextAcquisitionID() { return ++_currentAcquisitionID; }
* Releases any surfaces that are not currently being displayed,
* so they can be used by a different swapchain.
void MVKSwapchain::releaseUndisplayedSurfaces() {}
#pragma mark Rendering
// Called automatically when a swapchain image is about to be presented to the surface by the queue.
// Activities include marking the frame interval and rendering the watermark if needed.
void MVKSwapchain::willPresentSurface(id<MTLTexture> mtlTexture, id<MTLCommandBuffer> mtlCmdBuff) {
renderWatermark(mtlTexture, mtlCmdBuff);
// If the product has not been fully licensed, renders the watermark image to the surface.
void MVKSwapchain::renderWatermark(id<MTLTexture> mtlTexture, id<MTLCommandBuffer> mtlCmdBuff) {
if (_device->_pMVKConfig->displayWatermark) {
if ( !_licenseWatermark ) {
_licenseWatermark = new MVKWatermarkRandom(getMTLDevice(),
mvkMTLPixelFormatBytesPerRow(__watermarkTextureFormat, __watermarkTextureWidth),
_licenseWatermark->render(mtlTexture, mtlCmdBuff, _performanceStatistics.lastFrameInterval / 1000.0);
} else {
if (_licenseWatermark) {
_licenseWatermark = nullptr;
// Calculates and remembers the time interval between frames.
void MVKSwapchain::markFrameInterval() {
if ( !(_device->_pMVKConfig->performanceTracking || _licenseWatermark) ) { return; }
uint64_t prevFrameTime = _lastFrameTime;
_lastFrameTime = mvkGetTimestamp();
_performanceStatistics.lastFrameInterval = mvkGetElapsedMilliseconds(prevFrameTime, _lastFrameTime);
// Low pass filter.
// y[i] := α * x[i] + (1-α) * y[i-1] OR
// y[i] := y[i-1] + α * (x[i] - y[i-1])
_performanceStatistics.averageFrameInterval += _averageFrameIntervalFilterAlpha * (_performanceStatistics.lastFrameInterval - _performanceStatistics.averageFrameInterval);
_performanceStatistics.averageFramesPerSecond = 1000.0 / _performanceStatistics.averageFrameInterval;
// Uncomment for per-frame logging.
// MVKLogDebug("Frame interval: %.2f ms. Avg frame interval: %.2f ms. Frame number: %d.",
// _performanceStatistics.lastFrameInterval,
// _performanceStatistics.averageFrameInterval,
// _currentPerfLogFrameCount + 1);
uint32_t perfLogCntLimit = _device->_pMVKConfig->performanceLoggingFrameCount;
if ((perfLogCntLimit > 0) && (++_currentPerfLogFrameCount >= perfLogCntLimit)) {
_currentPerfLogFrameCount = 0;
MVKLogInfo("Frame interval: %.2f ms. Avg frame interval: %.2f ms. Avg FPS: %.2f. Reporting every: %d frames. Elapsed time: %.3f seconds.",
mvkGetElapsedMilliseconds() / 1000.0);
#pragma mark Metal
id<CAMetalDrawable> MVKSwapchain::getNextCAMetalDrawable() {
id<CAMetalDrawable> nextDrwbl = nil;
while ( !(nextDrwbl = [_mtlLayer nextDrawable]) ) {
MVKLogError("Drawable could not be retrieved! Elapsed time: %.6f ms.", mvkGetElapsedMilliseconds());
return nextDrwbl;
#pragma mark Construction
MVKSwapchain::MVKSwapchain(MVKDevice* device,
const VkSwapchainCreateInfoKHR* pCreateInfo) : MVKBaseDeviceObject(device), _surfaceLost(false) {
_currentAcquisitionID = 0;
// If applicable, release any surfaces (not currently being displayed) from the old swapchain.
MVKSwapchain* oldSwapchain = (MVKSwapchain*)pCreateInfo->oldSwapchain;
if (oldSwapchain) { oldSwapchain->releaseUndisplayedSurfaces(); }
uint32_t imgCnt = mvkClamp(pCreateInfo->minImageCount,
initCAMetalLayer(pCreateInfo, imgCnt);
initSurfaceImages(pCreateInfo, imgCnt); // After initCAMetalLayer()
_licenseWatermark = NULL;
// Initializes the CAMetalLayer underlying the surface of this swapchain.
void MVKSwapchain::initCAMetalLayer(const VkSwapchainCreateInfoKHR* pCreateInfo, uint32_t imgCnt) {
MVKSurface* mvkSrfc = (MVKSurface*)pCreateInfo->surface;
if ( !mvkSrfc->getCAMetalLayer() ) {
_surfaceLost = true;
_mtlLayer = mvkSrfc->getCAMetalLayer();
_mtlLayer.device = getMTLDevice();
_mtlLayer.pixelFormat = getMTLPixelFormatFromVkFormat(pCreateInfo->imageFormat);
_mtlLayer.maximumDrawableCountMVK = imgCnt;
_mtlLayer.displaySyncEnabledMVK = (pCreateInfo->presentMode != VK_PRESENT_MODE_IMMEDIATE_KHR);
_mtlLayer.magnificationFilter = _device->_pMVKConfig->swapchainMagFilterUseNearest ? kCAFilterNearest : kCAFilterLinear;
_mtlLayer.framebufferOnly = !mvkIsAnyFlagEnabled(pCreateInfo->imageUsage, (VK_IMAGE_USAGE_TRANSFER_SRC_BIT |
_mtlLayerOrigDrawSize = _mtlLayer.updatedDrawableSizeMVK;
// TODO: set additional CAMetalLayer properties before extracting drawables:
// - presentsWithTransaction
// - drawsAsynchronously
// - colorspace (macOS only) Vulkan only supports sRGB colorspace for now.
// - wantsExtendedDynamicRangeContent (macOS only)
if ( [_mtlLayer.delegate isKindOfClass: [PLATFORM_VIEW_CLASS class]] ) {
// Sometimes, the owning view can replace its CAMetalLayer. In that case, the client
// needs to recreate the swapchain, or no content will be displayed.
_layerObserver = [MVKBlockObserver observerWithBlock: ^(NSString* path, id, NSDictionary*, void*) {
if ( ![path isEqualToString: @"layer"] ) { return; }
this->_surfaceLost = true;
[this->_layerObserver release];
this->_layerObserver = nil;
} forObject: _mtlLayer.delegate atKeyPath: @"layer"];
// Initializes the array of images used for the surface of this swapchain.
// The CAMetalLayer should already be initialized when this is called.
void MVKSwapchain::initSurfaceImages(const VkSwapchainCreateInfoKHR* pCreateInfo, uint32_t imgCnt) {
if ( getIsSurfaceLost() ) {
VkExtent2D imgExtent = mvkVkExtent2DFromCGSize(_mtlLayerOrigDrawSize);
VkImageCreateInfo imgInfo = {
.imageType = VK_IMAGE_TYPE_2D,
.format = mvkVkFormatFromMTLPixelFormat(_mtlLayer.pixelFormat),
.extent = { imgExtent.width, imgExtent.height, 1 },
.mipLevels = 1,
.arrayLayers = 1,
.samples = VK_SAMPLE_COUNT_1_BIT,
.usage = pCreateInfo->imageUsage,
.flags = 0,
if (mvkAreFlagsEnabled(pCreateInfo->flags, VK_SWAPCHAIN_CREATE_MUTABLE_FORMAT_BIT_KHR)) {
for (uint32_t imgIdx = 0; imgIdx < imgCnt; imgIdx++) {
_surfaceImages.push_back(_device->createSwapchainImage(&imgInfo, this, NULL));
MVKLogInfo("Created %d swapchain images with initial size (%d, %d).", imgCnt, imgExtent.width, imgExtent.height);
// Initialize frame interval tracking, including start time and filtering parameters.
void MVKSwapchain::initFrameIntervalTracking() {
_performanceStatistics.lastFrameInterval = 0;
_performanceStatistics.averageFrameInterval = 0;
_performanceStatistics.averageFramesPerSecond = 0;
_currentPerfLogFrameCount = 0;
_lastFrameTime = mvkGetTimestamp();
// Establish the alpha parameter of a low-pass filter for averaging frame intervals.
double RC_over_dt = 10.0;
_averageFrameIntervalFilterAlpha = 1.0 / (1.0 + RC_over_dt);
MVKSwapchain::~MVKSwapchain() {
for (auto& img : _surfaceImages) { _device->destroySwapchainImage(img, NULL); }
if (_licenseWatermark) { _licenseWatermark->destroy(); }
[this->_layerObserver release];