blob: 6b41c3adfec18ea96bc62f21a378c0010c734877 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2015-2021 The Brenwill Workshop Ltd. (
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "MVKCommandBuffer.h"
#include "MVKCommandPool.h"
#include "MVKQueue.h"
#include "MVKPipeline.h"
#include "MVKFramebuffer.h"
#include "MVKQueryPool.h"
#include "MVKFoundation.h"
#include "MTLRenderPassDescriptor+MoltenVK.h"
#include "MVKCmdDraw.h"
#include "MVKCmdRenderPass.h"
using namespace std;
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark MVKCommandBuffer
VkResult MVKCommandBuffer::begin(const VkCommandBufferBeginInfo* pBeginInfo) {
_canAcceptCommands = true;
VkCommandBufferUsageFlags usage = pBeginInfo->flags;
_isReusable = !mvkAreAllFlagsEnabled(usage, VK_COMMAND_BUFFER_USAGE_ONE_TIME_SUBMIT_BIT);
_supportsConcurrentExecution = mvkAreAllFlagsEnabled(usage, VK_COMMAND_BUFFER_USAGE_SIMULTANEOUS_USE_BIT);
// If this is a secondary command buffer, and contains inheritance info, set the inheritance info and determine
// whether it contains render pass continuation info. Otherwise, clear the inheritance info, and ignore it.
const VkCommandBufferInheritanceInfo* pInheritInfo = (_isSecondary ? pBeginInfo->pInheritanceInfo : NULL);
bool hasInheritInfo = mvkSetOrClear(&_secondaryInheritanceInfo, pInheritInfo);
_doesContinueRenderPass = mvkAreAllFlagsEnabled(usage, VK_COMMAND_BUFFER_USAGE_RENDER_PASS_CONTINUE_BIT) && hasInheritInfo;
return getConfigurationResult();
void MVKCommandBuffer::releaseCommands() {
MVKCommand* cmd = _head;
while (cmd) {
MVKCommand* nextCmd = cmd->_next; // Establish next before returning current to pool.
cmd = nextCmd;
_head = nullptr;
_tail = nullptr;
VkResult MVKCommandBuffer::reset(VkCommandBufferResetFlags flags) {
_doesContinueRenderPass = false;
_canAcceptCommands = false;
_isReusable = false;
_supportsConcurrentExecution = false;
_wasExecuted = false;
_commandCount = 0;
_needsVisibilityResultMTLBuffer = false;
_lastTessellationPipeline = nullptr;
_lastMultiviewSubpass = nullptr;
// TODO: what are we releasing or returning here?
return VK_SUCCESS;
VkResult MVKCommandBuffer::end() {
_canAcceptCommands = false;
return getConfigurationResult();
void MVKCommandBuffer::addCommand(MVKCommand* command) {
if ( !_canAcceptCommands ) {
setConfigurationResult(reportError(VK_NOT_READY, "Command buffer cannot accept commands before vkBeginCommandBuffer() is called."));
if (_tail) { _tail->_next = command; }
command->_next = nullptr;
_tail = command;
if ( !_head ) { _head = command; }
void MVKCommandBuffer::submit(MVKQueueCommandBufferSubmission* cmdBuffSubmit) {
if ( !canExecute() ) { return; }
if (_prefilledMTLCmdBuffer) {
} else {
MVKCommandEncoder encoder(this);
if ( !_supportsConcurrentExecution ) { _isExecutingNonConcurrently.clear(); }
bool MVKCommandBuffer::canExecute() {
if (_isSecondary) {
setConfigurationResult(reportError(VK_NOT_READY, "Secondary command buffers may not be submitted directly to a queue."));
return false;
if ( !_isReusable && _wasExecuted ) {
setConfigurationResult(reportError(VK_NOT_READY, "Command buffer does not support execution more that once."));
return false;
// Do this test last so that _isExecutingNonConcurrently is only set if everything else passes
if ( !_supportsConcurrentExecution && _isExecutingNonConcurrently.test_and_set()) {
setConfigurationResult(reportError(VK_NOT_READY, "Command buffer does not support concurrent execution."));
return false;
_wasExecuted = true;
return true;
// If we can, prefill a MTLCommandBuffer with the commands in this command buffer.
// Wrap in autorelease pool to capture autoreleased Metal encoding activity.
void MVKCommandBuffer::prefill() {
@autoreleasepool {
if ( !canPrefill() ) { return; }
uint32_t qIdx = 0;
_prefilledMTLCmdBuffer = _commandPool->newMTLCommandBuffer(qIdx); // retain
MVKCommandEncoder encoder(this);
// Once encoded onto Metal, if this command buffer is not reusable, we don't need the
// MVKCommand instances anymore, so release them in order to reduce memory pressure.
if ( !_isReusable ) { releaseCommands(); }
bool MVKCommandBuffer::canPrefill() {
bool wantPrefill = _device->shouldPrefillMTLCommandBuffers();
return wantPrefill && !(_isSecondary || _supportsConcurrentExecution);
void MVKCommandBuffer::clearPrefilledMTLCommandBuffer() {
// Metal command buffers do not return to their pool on release, nor do they support the
// concept of a reset. In order to become available again in their pool, they must pass
// through the commit step. This is unfortunate because if the app adds commands to this
// command buffer and then chooses to reset it instead of submit it, we risk committing
// a prefilled Metal command buffer that the app did not intend to submit, potentially
// causing unexpected side effects. But unfortunately there is nothing else we can do.
if (_prefilledMTLCmdBuffer && _prefilledMTLCmdBuffer.status == MTLCommandBufferStatusNotEnqueued) {
[_prefilledMTLCmdBuffer commit];
[_prefilledMTLCmdBuffer release];
_prefilledMTLCmdBuffer = nil;
#pragma mark Construction
// Initializes this instance after it has been created or retrieved from a pool.
void MVKCommandBuffer::init(const VkCommandBufferAllocateInfo* pAllocateInfo) {
_commandPool = (MVKCommandPool*)pAllocateInfo->commandPool;
_isSecondary = (pAllocateInfo->level == VK_COMMAND_BUFFER_LEVEL_SECONDARY);
MVKCommandBuffer::~MVKCommandBuffer() {
// If the initial visibility result buffer has not been set, promote the first visibility result buffer
// found among any of the secondary command buffers, to support the case where a render pass is started in
// the primary command buffer but the visibility query is started inside one of the secondary command buffers.
void MVKCommandBuffer::recordExecuteCommands(const MVKArrayRef<MVKCommandBuffer*> secondaryCommandBuffers) {
if (!_needsVisibilityResultMTLBuffer) {
for (MVKCommandBuffer* cmdBuff : secondaryCommandBuffers) {
if (cmdBuff->_needsVisibilityResultMTLBuffer) {
_needsVisibilityResultMTLBuffer = true;
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark Tessellation constituent command management
void MVKCommandBuffer::recordBindPipeline(MVKCmdBindPipeline* mvkBindPipeline) {
_lastTessellationPipeline = mvkBindPipeline->isTessellationPipeline() ? mvkBindPipeline : nullptr;
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark Multiview render pass command management
void MVKCommandBuffer::recordBeginRenderPass(MVKCmdBeginRenderPassBase* mvkBeginRenderPass) {
MVKRenderPass* mvkRendPass = mvkBeginRenderPass->getRenderPass();
_lastMultiviewSubpass = mvkRendPass->isMultiview() ? mvkRendPass->getSubpass(0) : nullptr;
void MVKCommandBuffer::recordNextSubpass() {
if (_lastMultiviewSubpass) {
_lastMultiviewSubpass = _lastMultiviewSubpass->getRenderPass()->getSubpass(_lastMultiviewSubpass->getSubpassIndex() + 1);
void MVKCommandBuffer::recordEndRenderPass() {
_lastMultiviewSubpass = nullptr;
MVKRenderSubpass* MVKCommandBuffer::getLastMultiviewSubpass() {
if (_doesContinueRenderPass) {
MVKRenderSubpass* subpass = ((MVKRenderPass*)_secondaryInheritanceInfo.renderPass)->getSubpass(_secondaryInheritanceInfo.subpass);
if (subpass->isMultiview()) { return subpass; }
return _lastMultiviewSubpass;
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark MVKCommandEncoder
void MVKCommandEncoder::encode(id<MTLCommandBuffer> mtlCmdBuff) {
_renderPass = nullptr;
_renderSubpassIndex = 0;
_multiviewPassIndex = 0;
_canUseLayeredRendering = false;
_mtlCmdBuffer = mtlCmdBuff; // not retained
setLabelIfNotNil(_mtlCmdBuffer, _cmdBuffer->_debugName);
MVKCommand* cmd = _cmdBuffer->_head;
while (cmd) {
uint32_t prevMVPassIdx = _multiviewPassIndex;
if (_multiviewPassIndex > prevMVPassIdx) {
// This means we're in a multiview render pass, and we moved on to the
// next view group. Re-encode all commands in the subpass again for this group.
cmd = _lastMultiviewPassCmd->_next;
} else {
cmd = cmd->_next;
void MVKCommandEncoder::encodeSecondary(MVKCommandBuffer* secondaryCmdBuffer) {
MVKCommand* cmd = secondaryCmdBuffer->_head;
while (cmd) {
cmd = cmd->_next;
void MVKCommandEncoder::beginRenderpass(MVKCommand* passCmd,
VkSubpassContents subpassContents,
MVKRenderPass* renderPass,
MVKFramebuffer* framebuffer,
VkRect2D& renderArea,
MVKArrayRef<VkClearValue> clearValues) {
_renderPass = renderPass;
_framebuffer = framebuffer;
_renderArea = renderArea;
_isRenderingEntireAttachment = (mvkVkOffset2DsAreEqual(_renderArea.offset, {0,0}) &&
mvkVkExtent2DsAreEqual(_renderArea.extent, _framebuffer->getExtent2D()));
_clearValues.assign(clearValues.begin(), clearValues.end());
setSubpass(passCmd, subpassContents, 0);
void MVKCommandEncoder::beginNextSubpass(MVKCommand* subpassCmd, VkSubpassContents contents) {
setSubpass(subpassCmd, contents, _renderSubpassIndex + 1);
// Sets the current render subpass to the subpass with the specified index.
void MVKCommandEncoder::setSubpass(MVKCommand* subpassCmd,
VkSubpassContents subpassContents,
uint32_t subpassIndex) {
_lastMultiviewPassCmd = subpassCmd;
_subpassContents = subpassContents;
_renderSubpassIndex = subpassIndex;
_multiviewPassIndex = 0;
_canUseLayeredRendering = (_device->_pMetalFeatures->layeredRendering &&
(_device->_pMetalFeatures->multisampleLayeredRendering ||
(getSubpass()->getSampleCount() == VK_SAMPLE_COUNT_1_BIT)));
void MVKCommandEncoder::beginNextMultiviewPass() {
uint32_t MVKCommandEncoder::getMultiviewPassIndex() { return _multiviewPassIndex; }
// Creates _mtlRenderEncoder and marks cached render state as dirty so it will be set into the _mtlRenderEncoder.
void MVKCommandEncoder::beginMetalRenderPass(bool loadOverride) {
MTLRenderPassDescriptor* mtlRPDesc = [MTLRenderPassDescriptor renderPassDescriptor];
getSubpass()->populateMTLRenderPassDescriptor(mtlRPDesc, _multiviewPassIndex, _framebuffer, _clearValues.contents(), _isRenderingEntireAttachment, loadOverride);
if (_occlusionQueryState.getNeedsVisibilityResultMTLBuffer()) {
if (!_visibilityResultMTLBuffer) {
// Unfortunately, the temp buffer mechanism tends to allocate large buffers and return offsets into them.
// This won't work with visibility buffers, particularly if the offset is greater than the maximum supported
// by the device. So we can't use that.
// Use a local variable to make sure it gets copied.
id<MTLBuffer> visibilityResultMTLBuffer = [getMTLDevice() newBufferWithLength: _pDeviceMetalFeatures->maxQueryBufferSize options: MTLResourceStorageModePrivate]; // not retained
[visibilityResultMTLBuffer setPurgeableState: MTLPurgeableStateVolatile];
[_mtlCmdBuffer addCompletedHandler: ^(id<MTLCommandBuffer>) {
[visibilityResultMTLBuffer release];
_visibilityResultMTLBuffer = visibilityResultMTLBuffer;
mtlRPDesc.visibilityResultBuffer = _visibilityResultMTLBuffer;
VkExtent2D fbExtent = _framebuffer->getExtent2D();
mtlRPDesc.renderTargetWidthMVK = max(min(_renderArea.offset.x + _renderArea.extent.width, fbExtent.width), 1u);
mtlRPDesc.renderTargetHeightMVK = max(min(_renderArea.offset.y + _renderArea.extent.height, fbExtent.height), 1u);
if (_canUseLayeredRendering) {
uint32_t renderTargetArrayLength;
bool found3D = false, found2D = false;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
id<MTLTexture> mtlTex = mtlRPDesc.colorAttachments[i].texture;
if (mtlTex == nil) { continue; }
switch (mtlTex.textureType) {
case MTLTextureType3D:
found3D = true;
found2D = true;
if (getSubpass()->isMultiview()) {
// In the case of a multiview pass, the framebuffer layer count will be one.
// We need to use the view count for this multiview pass.
renderTargetArrayLength = getSubpass()->getViewCountInMetalPass(_multiviewPassIndex);
} else {
renderTargetArrayLength = _framebuffer->getLayerCount();
// Metal does not allow layered render passes where some RTs are 3D and others are 2D.
if (!(found3D && found2D) || renderTargetArrayLength > 1) {
mtlRPDesc.renderTargetArrayLengthMVK = renderTargetArrayLength;
_mtlRenderEncoder = [_mtlCmdBuffer renderCommandEncoderWithDescriptor: mtlRPDesc]; // not retained
setLabelIfNotNil(_mtlRenderEncoder, getMTLRenderCommandEncoderName());
if ( !_isRenderingEntireAttachment ) { clearRenderArea(); }
void MVKCommandEncoder::encodeStoreActions(bool storeOverride) {
getSubpass()->encodeStoreActions(this, _isRenderingEntireAttachment, storeOverride);
MVKRenderSubpass* MVKCommandEncoder::getSubpass() { return _renderPass->getSubpass(_renderSubpassIndex); }
// Returns a name for use as a MTLRenderCommandEncoder label
NSString* MVKCommandEncoder::getMTLRenderCommandEncoderName() {
NSString* rpName;
rpName = _renderPass->getDebugName();
if (rpName) { return rpName; }
rpName = _cmdBuffer->getDebugName();
if (rpName) { return rpName; }
MVKCommandUse cmdUse = (_renderSubpassIndex == 0) ? kMVKCommandUseBeginRenderPass : kMVKCommandUseNextSubpass;
return mvkMTLRenderCommandEncoderLabel(cmdUse);
void MVKCommandEncoder::bindPipeline(VkPipelineBindPoint pipelineBindPoint, MVKPipeline* pipeline) {
switch (pipelineBindPoint) {
void MVKCommandEncoder::signalEvent(MVKEvent* mvkEvent, bool status) {
mvkEvent->encodeSignal(_mtlCmdBuffer, status);
bool MVKCommandEncoder::supportsDynamicState(VkDynamicState state) {
MVKGraphicsPipeline* gpl = (MVKGraphicsPipeline*)_graphicsPipelineState.getPipeline();
return !gpl || gpl->supportsDynamicState(state);
VkRect2D MVKCommandEncoder::clipToRenderArea(VkRect2D scissor) {
int32_t raLeft = _renderArea.offset.x;
int32_t raRight = raLeft + _renderArea.extent.width;
int32_t raBottom = _renderArea.offset.y;
int32_t raTop = raBottom + _renderArea.extent.height;
scissor.offset.x = mvkClamp(scissor.offset.x, raLeft, max(raRight - 1, raLeft));
scissor.offset.y = mvkClamp(scissor.offset.y, raBottom, max(raTop - 1, raBottom));
scissor.extent.width = min<int32_t>(scissor.extent.width, raRight - scissor.offset.x);
scissor.extent.height = min<int32_t>(scissor.extent.height, raTop - scissor.offset.y);
return scissor;
void MVKCommandEncoder::finalizeDrawState(MVKGraphicsStage stage) {
if (stage == kMVKGraphicsStageVertex) {
// Must happen before switching encoders.
_graphicsPipelineState.encode(stage); // Must do sets others
// Clears the render area of the framebuffer attachments.
void MVKCommandEncoder::clearRenderArea() {
MVKClearAttachments clearAtts;
getSubpass()->populateClearAttachments(clearAtts, _clearValues.contents());
uint32_t clearAttCnt = (uint32_t)clearAtts.size();
if (clearAttCnt == 0) { return; }
if (!getSubpass()->isMultiview()) {
VkClearRect clearRect;
clearRect.rect = _renderArea;
clearRect.baseArrayLayer = 0;
clearRect.layerCount = _framebuffer->getLayerCount();
// Create and execute a temporary clear attachments command.
// To be NOT acquire and return the command from the pool.
MVKCmdClearMultiAttachments<1> cmd;
cmd.setContent(_cmdBuffer, clearAttCnt,, 1, &clearRect);
} else {
// For multiview, it is possible that some attachments need different layers cleared.
// In that case, we'll have to clear them individually. :/
for (auto& clearAtt : clearAtts) {
MVKSmallVector<VkClearRect, 1> clearRects;
getSubpass()->populateMultiviewClearRects(clearRects, this, clearAtt.colorAttachment, clearAtt.aspectMask);
// Create and execute a temporary clear attachments command.
// To be NOT acquire and return the command from the pool.
if (clearRects.size() == 1) {
MVKCmdClearSingleAttachment<1> cmd;
cmd.setContent(_cmdBuffer, 1, &clearAtt, (uint32_t)clearRects.size(),;
} else {
MVKCmdClearSingleAttachment<4> cmd;
cmd.setContent(_cmdBuffer, 1, &clearAtt, (uint32_t)clearRects.size(),;
void MVKCommandEncoder::finalizeDispatchState() {
_computePipelineState.encode(); // Must do sets others
void MVKCommandEncoder::endRenderpass() {
_renderPass = nullptr;
_framebuffer = nullptr;
_renderSubpassIndex = 0;
void MVKCommandEncoder::endMetalRenderEncoding() {
// MVKLogDebugIf(_mtlRenderEncoder, "Render subpass end MTLRenderCommandEncoder.");
if (_mtlRenderEncoder == nil) { return; }
[_mtlRenderEncoder endEncoding];
_mtlRenderEncoder = nil; // not retained
void MVKCommandEncoder::endCurrentMetalEncoding() {
[_mtlComputeEncoder endEncoding];
_mtlComputeEncoder = nil; // not retained
_mtlComputeEncoderUse = kMVKCommandUseNone;
[_mtlBlitEncoder endEncoding];
_mtlBlitEncoder = nil; // not retained
_mtlBlitEncoderUse = kMVKCommandUseNone;
id<MTLComputeCommandEncoder> MVKCommandEncoder::getMTLComputeEncoder(MVKCommandUse cmdUse) {
if ( !_mtlComputeEncoder ) {
_mtlComputeEncoder = [_mtlCmdBuffer computeCommandEncoder]; // not retained
if (_mtlComputeEncoderUse != cmdUse) {
_mtlComputeEncoderUse = cmdUse;
setLabelIfNotNil(_mtlComputeEncoder, mvkMTLComputeCommandEncoderLabel(cmdUse));
return _mtlComputeEncoder;
id<MTLBlitCommandEncoder> MVKCommandEncoder::getMTLBlitEncoder(MVKCommandUse cmdUse) {
if ( !_mtlBlitEncoder ) {
_mtlBlitEncoder = [_mtlCmdBuffer blitCommandEncoder]; // not retained
if (_mtlBlitEncoderUse != cmdUse) {
_mtlBlitEncoderUse = cmdUse;
setLabelIfNotNil(_mtlBlitEncoder, mvkMTLBlitCommandEncoderLabel(cmdUse));
return _mtlBlitEncoder;
id<MTLCommandEncoder> MVKCommandEncoder::getMTLEncoder(){
if (_mtlRenderEncoder) { return _mtlRenderEncoder; }
if (_mtlComputeEncoder) { return _mtlComputeEncoder; }
if (_mtlBlitEncoder) { return _mtlBlitEncoder; }
return nil;
MVKPushConstantsCommandEncoderState* MVKCommandEncoder::getPushConstants(VkShaderStageFlagBits shaderStage) {
switch (shaderStage) {
case VK_SHADER_STAGE_VERTEX_BIT: return &_vertexPushConstants;
case VK_SHADER_STAGE_TESSELLATION_CONTROL_BIT: return &_tessCtlPushConstants;
case VK_SHADER_STAGE_FRAGMENT_BIT: return &_fragmentPushConstants;
case VK_SHADER_STAGE_COMPUTE_BIT: return &_computePushConstants;
MVKAssert(false, "Invalid shader stage: %u", shaderStage);
return nullptr;
void MVKCommandEncoder::setVertexBytes(id<MTLRenderCommandEncoder> mtlEncoder,
const void* bytes,
NSUInteger length,
uint32_t mtlBuffIndex) {
if (_pDeviceMetalFeatures->dynamicMTLBufferSize && length <= _pDeviceMetalFeatures->dynamicMTLBufferSize) {
[mtlEncoder setVertexBytes: bytes length: length atIndex: mtlBuffIndex];
} else {
const MVKMTLBufferAllocation* mtlBuffAlloc = copyToTempMTLBufferAllocation(bytes, length);
[mtlEncoder setVertexBuffer: mtlBuffAlloc->_mtlBuffer offset: mtlBuffAlloc->_offset atIndex: mtlBuffIndex];
void MVKCommandEncoder::setFragmentBytes(id<MTLRenderCommandEncoder> mtlEncoder,
const void* bytes,
NSUInteger length,
uint32_t mtlBuffIndex) {
if (_pDeviceMetalFeatures->dynamicMTLBufferSize && length <= _pDeviceMetalFeatures->dynamicMTLBufferSize) {
[mtlEncoder setFragmentBytes: bytes length: length atIndex: mtlBuffIndex];
} else {
const MVKMTLBufferAllocation* mtlBuffAlloc = copyToTempMTLBufferAllocation(bytes, length);
[mtlEncoder setFragmentBuffer: mtlBuffAlloc->_mtlBuffer offset: mtlBuffAlloc->_offset atIndex: mtlBuffIndex];
void MVKCommandEncoder::setComputeBytes(id<MTLComputeCommandEncoder> mtlEncoder,
const void* bytes,
NSUInteger length,
uint32_t mtlBuffIndex) {
if (_pDeviceMetalFeatures->dynamicMTLBufferSize && length <= _pDeviceMetalFeatures->dynamicMTLBufferSize) {
[mtlEncoder setBytes: bytes length: length atIndex: mtlBuffIndex];
} else {
const MVKMTLBufferAllocation* mtlBuffAlloc = copyToTempMTLBufferAllocation(bytes, length);
[mtlEncoder setBuffer: mtlBuffAlloc->_mtlBuffer offset: mtlBuffAlloc->_offset atIndex: mtlBuffIndex];
const MVKMTLBufferAllocation* MVKCommandEncoder::getTempMTLBuffer(NSUInteger length) {
const MVKMTLBufferAllocation* mtlBuffAlloc = getCommandEncodingPool()->acquireMTLBufferAllocation(length);
MVKMTLBufferAllocationPool* pool = mtlBuffAlloc->getPool();
// Return the MTLBuffer allocation to the pool once the command buffer is done with it
[_mtlCmdBuffer addCompletedHandler: ^(id<MTLCommandBuffer> mcb) {
return mtlBuffAlloc;
MVKCommandEncodingPool* MVKCommandEncoder::getCommandEncodingPool() {
return _cmdBuffer->getCommandPool()->getCommandEncodingPool();
// Copies the specified bytes into a temporary allocation within a pooled MTLBuffer, and returns the MTLBuffer allocation.
const MVKMTLBufferAllocation* MVKCommandEncoder::copyToTempMTLBufferAllocation(const void* bytes, NSUInteger length) {
const MVKMTLBufferAllocation* mtlBuffAlloc = getTempMTLBuffer(length);
void* pBuffData = mtlBuffAlloc->getContents();
memcpy(pBuffData, bytes, length);
return mtlBuffAlloc;
#pragma mark Queries
void MVKCommandEncoder::beginOcclusionQuery(MVKOcclusionQueryPool* pQueryPool, uint32_t query, VkQueryControlFlags flags) {
_occlusionQueryState.beginOcclusionQuery(pQueryPool, query, flags);
uint32_t queryCount = 1;
if (_renderPass && getSubpass()->isMultiview()) {
queryCount = getSubpass()->getViewCountInMetalPass(_multiviewPassIndex);
addActivatedQueries(pQueryPool, query, queryCount);
void MVKCommandEncoder::endOcclusionQuery(MVKOcclusionQueryPool* pQueryPool, uint32_t query) {
_occlusionQueryState.endOcclusionQuery(pQueryPool, query);
void MVKCommandEncoder::markTimestamp(MVKQueryPool* pQueryPool, uint32_t query) {
uint32_t queryCount = 1;
if (_renderPass && getSubpass()->isMultiview()) {
queryCount = getSubpass()->getViewCountInMetalPass(_multiviewPassIndex);
addActivatedQueries(pQueryPool, query, queryCount);
void MVKCommandEncoder::resetQueries(MVKQueryPool* pQueryPool, uint32_t firstQuery, uint32_t queryCount) {
addActivatedQueries(pQueryPool, firstQuery, queryCount);
// Marks the specified queries as activated
void MVKCommandEncoder::addActivatedQueries(MVKQueryPool* pQueryPool, uint32_t query, uint32_t queryCount) {
if ( !_pActivatedQueries ) { _pActivatedQueries = new MVKActivatedQueries(); }
uint32_t endQuery = query + queryCount;
while (query < endQuery) {
// Register a command buffer completion handler that finishes each activated query.
// Ownership of the collection of activated queries is passed to the handler.
void MVKCommandEncoder::finishQueries() {
if ( !_pActivatedQueries ) { return; }
MVKActivatedQueries* pAQs = _pActivatedQueries;
[_mtlCmdBuffer addCompletedHandler: ^(id<MTLCommandBuffer> mtlCmdBuff) {
for (auto& qryPair : *pAQs) {
delete pAQs;
_pActivatedQueries = nullptr;
#pragma mark Construction
MVKCommandEncoder::MVKCommandEncoder(MVKCommandBuffer* cmdBuffer) : MVKBaseDeviceObject(cmdBuffer->getDevice()),
_vertexPushConstants(this, VK_SHADER_STAGE_VERTEX_BIT),
_fragmentPushConstants(this, VK_SHADER_STAGE_FRAGMENT_BIT),
_computePushConstants(this, VK_SHADER_STAGE_COMPUTE_BIT),
_occlusionQueryState(this) {
_pDeviceFeatures = &_device->_enabledFeatures;
_pDeviceMetalFeatures = _device->_pMetalFeatures;
_pDeviceProperties = _device->_pProperties;
_pDeviceMemoryProperties = _device->_pMemoryProperties;
_pActivatedQueries = nullptr;
_mtlCmdBuffer = nil;
_mtlRenderEncoder = nil;
_mtlComputeEncoder = nil;
_mtlComputeEncoderUse = kMVKCommandUseNone;
_mtlBlitEncoder = nil;
_mtlBlitEncoderUse = kMVKCommandUseNone;
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark Support functions
NSString* mvkMTLRenderCommandEncoderLabel(MVKCommandUse cmdUse) {
switch (cmdUse) {
case kMVKCommandUseBeginRenderPass: return @"vkCmdBeginRenderPass RenderEncoder";
case kMVKCommandUseNextSubpass: return @"vkCmdNextSubpass RenderEncoder";
case kMVKCommandUseBlitImage: return @"vkCmdBlitImage RenderEncoder";
case kMVKCommandUseResolveImage: return @"vkCmdResolveImage (resolve stage) RenderEncoder";
case kMVKCommandUseResolveExpandImage: return @"vkCmdResolveImage (expand stage) RenderEncoder";
case kMVKCommandUseClearColorImage: return @"vkCmdClearColorImage RenderEncoder";
case kMVKCommandUseClearDepthStencilImage: return @"vkCmdClearDepthStencilImage RenderEncoder";
default: return @"Unknown Use RenderEncoder";
NSString* mvkMTLBlitCommandEncoderLabel(MVKCommandUse cmdUse) {
switch (cmdUse) {
case kMVKCommandUsePipelineBarrier: return @"vkCmdPipelineBarrier BlitEncoder";
case kMVKCommandUseCopyImage: return @"vkCmdCopyImage BlitEncoder";
case kMVKCommandUseResolveCopyImage: return @"vkCmdResolveImage (copy stage) RenderEncoder";
case kMVKCommandUseCopyBuffer: return @"vkCmdCopyBuffer BlitEncoder";
case kMVKCommandUseCopyBufferToImage: return @"vkCmdCopyBufferToImage BlitEncoder";
case kMVKCommandUseCopyImageToBuffer: return @"vkCmdCopyImageToBuffer BlitEncoder";
case kMVKCommandUseFillBuffer: return @"vkCmdFillBuffer BlitEncoder";
case kMVKCommandUseUpdateBuffer: return @"vkCmdUpdateBuffer BlitEncoder";
case kMVKCommandUseResetQueryPool: return @"vkCmdResetQueryPool BlitEncoder";
case kMVKCommandUseCopyQueryPoolResults:return @"vkCmdCopyQueryPoolResults BlitEncoder";
default: return @"Unknown Use BlitEncoder";
NSString* mvkMTLComputeCommandEncoderLabel(MVKCommandUse cmdUse) {
switch (cmdUse) {
case kMVKCommandUseDispatch: return @"vkCmdDispatch ComputeEncoder";
case kMVKCommandUseCopyBuffer: return @"vkCmdCopyBuffer ComputeEncoder";
case kMVKCommandUseCopyBufferToImage: return @"vkCmdCopyBufferToImage ComputeEncoder";
case kMVKCommandUseCopyImageToBuffer: return @"vkCmdCopyImageToBuffer ComputeEncoder";
case kMVKCommandUseFillBuffer: return @"vkCmdFillBuffer ComputeEncoder";
case kMVKCommandUseClearColorImage: return @"vkCmdClearColorImage ComputeEncoder";
case kMVKCommandUseTessellationVertexTessCtl: return @"vkCmdDraw (vertex and tess control stages) ComputeEncoder";
case kMVKCommandUseMultiviewInstanceCountAdjust: return @"vkCmdDraw (multiview instance count adjustment) ComputeEncoder";
case kMVKCommandUseCopyQueryPoolResults:return @"vkCmdCopyQueryPoolResults ComputeEncoder";
case kMVKCommandUseAccumOcclusionQuery: return @"Post-render-pass occlusion query accumulation ComputeEncoder";
default: return @"Unknown Use ComputeEncoder";