blob: c8d80bca8a189d192467920108b7893ea43ed278 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2015-2020 The Brenwill Workshop Ltd. (
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "MVKRenderPass.h"
#include "MVKFramebuffer.h"
#include "MVKCommandBuffer.h"
#include "MVKFoundation.h"
#include "mvk_datatypes.hpp"
#include <cassert>
using namespace std;
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark MVKRenderSubpass
MVKVulkanAPIObject* MVKRenderSubpass::getVulkanAPIObject() { return _renderPass->getVulkanAPIObject(); };
VkFormat MVKRenderSubpass::getColorAttachmentFormat(uint32_t colorAttIdx) {
if (colorAttIdx < _colorAttachments.size()) {
uint32_t rpAttIdx = _colorAttachments[colorAttIdx].attachment;
return _renderPass->_attachments[rpAttIdx].getFormat();
bool MVKRenderSubpass::isColorAttachmentUsed(uint32_t colorAttIdx) {
if (colorAttIdx >= _colorAttachments.size()) {
return false;
return _colorAttachments[colorAttIdx].attachment != VK_ATTACHMENT_UNUSED;
VkFormat MVKRenderSubpass::getDepthStencilFormat() {
uint32_t rpAttIdx = _depthStencilAttachment.attachment;
return _renderPass->_attachments[rpAttIdx].getFormat();
VkSampleCountFlagBits MVKRenderSubpass::getSampleCount() {
for (auto& ca : _colorAttachments) {
uint32_t rpAttIdx = ca.attachment;
return _renderPass->_attachments[rpAttIdx].getSampleCount();
uint32_t rpAttIdx = _depthStencilAttachment.attachment;
return _renderPass->_attachments[rpAttIdx].getSampleCount();
// Extract the first view, number of views, and the portion of the mask to be rendered from
// the lowest clump of set bits in a view mask.
static uint32_t getNextViewMaskGroup(uint32_t viewMask, uint32_t* startView, uint32_t* viewCount, uint32_t *groupMask = nullptr) {
// First, find the first set bit. This is the start of the next clump of views to be rendered.
// n.b. ffs(3) returns a 1-based index. This actually bit me during development of this feature.
int pos = ffs(viewMask) - 1;
int end = pos;
if (groupMask) { *groupMask = 0; }
// Now we'll step through the bits one at a time until we find a bit that isn't set.
// This is one past the end of the next clump. Clear the bits as we go, so we can use
// ffs(3) again on the next clump.
// TODO: Find a way to make this faster.
while (viewMask & (1 << end)) {
if (groupMask) { *groupMask |= viewMask & (1 << end); }
viewMask &= ~(1 << (end++));
if (startView) { *startView = pos; }
if (viewCount) { *viewCount = end - pos; }
return viewMask;
// Get the portion of the view mask that will be rendered in the specified Metal render pass.
uint32_t MVKRenderSubpass::getViewMaskGroupForMetalPass(uint32_t passIdx) {
if (!_viewMask) { return 0; }
assert(passIdx < getMultiviewMetalPassCount());
if (!_renderPass->getDevice()->getPhysicalDevice()->canUseInstancingForMultiview()) {
return 1 << getFirstViewIndexInMetalPass(passIdx);
uint32_t mask = _viewMask, groupMask = 0;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i <= passIdx; ++i) {
mask = getNextViewMaskGroup(mask, nullptr, nullptr, &groupMask);
return groupMask;
uint32_t MVKRenderSubpass::getMultiviewMetalPassCount() const {
if (!_viewMask) { return 0; }
if (!_renderPass->getDevice()->getPhysicalDevice()->canUseInstancingForMultiview()) {
// If we can't use instanced drawing for this, we'll have to unroll the render pass.
return __builtin_popcount(_viewMask);
uint32_t mask = _viewMask;
uint32_t count;
// Step through each clump until there are no more clumps. I'll know this has
// happened when the mask becomes 0, since getNextViewMaskGroup() clears each group of bits
// as it finds them, and returns the remainder of the mask.
for (count = 0; mask != 0; ++count) {
mask = getNextViewMaskGroup(mask, nullptr, nullptr);
return count;
uint32_t MVKRenderSubpass::getFirstViewIndexInMetalPass(uint32_t passIdx) const {
if (!_viewMask) { return 0; }
assert(passIdx < getMultiviewMetalPassCount());
uint32_t mask = _viewMask;
uint32_t startView = 0, viewCount = 0;
if (!_renderPass->getDevice()->getPhysicalDevice()->canUseInstancingForMultiview()) {
for (uint32_t i = 0; mask != 0; ++i) {
mask = getNextViewMaskGroup(mask, &startView, &viewCount);
while (passIdx-- > 0 && viewCount-- > 0) {
} else {
for (uint32_t i = 0; i <= passIdx; ++i) {
mask = getNextViewMaskGroup(mask, &startView, nullptr);
return startView;
uint32_t MVKRenderSubpass::getViewCountInMetalPass(uint32_t passIdx) const {
if (!_viewMask) { return 0; }
assert(passIdx < getMultiviewMetalPassCount());
if (!_renderPass->getDevice()->getPhysicalDevice()->canUseInstancingForMultiview()) {
return 1;
uint32_t mask = _viewMask;
uint32_t viewCount = 0;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i <= passIdx; ++i) {
mask = getNextViewMaskGroup(mask, nullptr, &viewCount);
return viewCount;
uint32_t MVKRenderSubpass::getViewCountUpToMetalPass(uint32_t passIdx) const {
if (!_viewMask) { return 0; }
if (!_renderPass->getDevice()->getPhysicalDevice()->canUseInstancingForMultiview()) {
return passIdx+1;
uint32_t mask = _viewMask;
uint32_t totalViewCount = 0;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i <= passIdx; ++i) {
uint32_t viewCount;
mask = getNextViewMaskGroup(mask, nullptr, &viewCount);
totalViewCount += viewCount;
return totalViewCount;
void MVKRenderSubpass::populateMTLRenderPassDescriptor(MTLRenderPassDescriptor* mtlRPDesc,
uint32_t passIdx,
MVKFramebuffer* framebuffer,
const MVKArrayRef<VkClearValue>& clearValues,
bool isRenderingEntireAttachment,
bool loadOverride) {
MVKPixelFormats* pixFmts = _renderPass->getPixelFormats();
// Populate the Metal color attachments
uint32_t caCnt = getColorAttachmentCount();
uint32_t caUsedCnt = 0;
for (uint32_t caIdx = 0; caIdx < caCnt; caIdx++) {
uint32_t clrRPAttIdx = _colorAttachments[caIdx].attachment;
MTLRenderPassColorAttachmentDescriptor* mtlColorAttDesc = mtlRPDesc.colorAttachments[caIdx];
// If it exists, configure the resolve attachment first,
// as it affects how the store action of the color attachment.
uint32_t rslvRPAttIdx = _resolveAttachments.empty() ? VK_ATTACHMENT_UNUSED : _resolveAttachments[caIdx].attachment;
bool hasResolveAttachment = (rslvRPAttIdx != VK_ATTACHMENT_UNUSED);
if (hasResolveAttachment) {
// In a multiview render pass, we need to override the starting layer to ensure
// only the enabled views are loaded.
if (isMultiview()) {
uint32_t startView = getFirstViewIndexInMetalPass(passIdx);
if (mtlColorAttDesc.resolveTexture.textureType == MTLTextureType3D)
mtlColorAttDesc.resolveDepthPlane += startView;
mtlColorAttDesc.resolveSlice += startView;
// Configure the color attachment
MVKRenderPassAttachment* clrMVKRPAtt = &_renderPass->_attachments[clrRPAttIdx];
if (clrMVKRPAtt->populateMTLRenderPassAttachmentDescriptor(mtlColorAttDesc, this,
hasResolveAttachment, false,
loadOverride)) {
mtlColorAttDesc.clearColor = pixFmts->getMTLClearColor(clearValues[clrRPAttIdx], clrMVKRPAtt->getFormat());
if (isMultiview()) {
uint32_t startView = getFirstViewIndexInMetalPass(passIdx);
if (mtlColorAttDesc.texture.textureType == MTLTextureType3D)
mtlColorAttDesc.depthPlane += startView;
mtlColorAttDesc.slice += startView;
// Populate the Metal depth and stencil attachments
uint32_t dsRPAttIdx = _depthStencilAttachment.attachment;
MVKRenderPassAttachment* dsMVKRPAtt = &_renderPass->_attachments[dsRPAttIdx];
MVKImageView* dsImage = framebuffer->getAttachment(dsRPAttIdx);
MTLPixelFormat mtlDSFormat = dsImage->getMTLPixelFormat(0);
if (pixFmts->isDepthFormat(mtlDSFormat)) {
MTLRenderPassDepthAttachmentDescriptor* mtlDepthAttDesc = mtlRPDesc.depthAttachment;
if (dsMVKRPAtt->populateMTLRenderPassAttachmentDescriptor(mtlDepthAttDesc, this,
false, false,
loadOverride)) {
mtlDepthAttDesc.clearDepth = pixFmts->getMTLClearDepthValue(clearValues[dsRPAttIdx]);
if (isMultiview()) {
mtlDepthAttDesc.slice += getFirstViewIndexInMetalPass(passIdx);
if (pixFmts->isStencilFormat(mtlDSFormat)) {
MTLRenderPassStencilAttachmentDescriptor* mtlStencilAttDesc = mtlRPDesc.stencilAttachment;
if (dsMVKRPAtt->populateMTLRenderPassAttachmentDescriptor(mtlStencilAttDesc, this,
false, true,
loadOverride)) {
mtlStencilAttDesc.clearStencil = pixFmts->getMTLClearStencilValue(clearValues[dsRPAttIdx]);
if (isMultiview()) {
mtlStencilAttDesc.slice += getFirstViewIndexInMetalPass(passIdx);
_mtlDummyTex = nil;
if (caUsedCnt == 0 && dsRPAttIdx == VK_ATTACHMENT_UNUSED) {
if (_renderPass->getDevice()->_pMetalFeatures->renderWithoutAttachments) {
// We support having no attachments.
mtlRPDesc.defaultRasterSampleCount = 1;
// Add a dummy attachment so this passes validation.
VkExtent2D fbExtent = framebuffer->getExtent2D();
MTLTextureDescriptor* mtlTexDesc = [MTLTextureDescriptor texture2DDescriptorWithPixelFormat: MTLPixelFormatR8Unorm width: fbExtent.width height: fbExtent.height mipmapped: NO];
if (isMultiview()) {
mtlTexDesc.textureType = MTLTextureType2DArray;
mtlTexDesc.arrayLength = getViewCountInMetalPass(passIdx);
} else if (framebuffer->getLayerCount() > 1) {
mtlTexDesc.textureType = MTLTextureType2DArray;
mtlTexDesc.arrayLength = framebuffer->getLayerCount();
if ([_renderPass->getMTLDevice() supportsFeatureSet: MTLFeatureSet_iOS_GPUFamily1_v3]) {
mtlTexDesc.storageMode = MTLStorageModeMemoryless;
} else {
mtlTexDesc.storageMode = MTLStorageModePrivate;
mtlTexDesc.storageMode = MTLStorageModePrivate;
mtlTexDesc.usage = MTLTextureUsageRenderTarget;
_mtlDummyTex = [_renderPass->getMTLDevice() newTextureWithDescriptor: mtlTexDesc]; // not retained
[_mtlDummyTex setPurgeableState: MTLPurgeableStateVolatile];
MTLRenderPassColorAttachmentDescriptor* mtlColorAttDesc = mtlRPDesc.colorAttachments[0];
mtlColorAttDesc.texture = _mtlDummyTex;
mtlColorAttDesc.level = 0;
mtlColorAttDesc.slice = 0;
mtlColorAttDesc.depthPlane = 0;
mtlColorAttDesc.loadAction = MTLLoadActionDontCare;
mtlColorAttDesc.storeAction = MTLStoreActionDontCare;
void MVKRenderSubpass::encodeStoreActions(MVKCommandEncoder* cmdEncoder,
bool isRenderingEntireAttachment,
bool storeOverride) {
if (!cmdEncoder->_mtlRenderEncoder) { return; }
if (!_renderPass->getDevice()->_pMetalFeatures->deferredStoreActions) { return; }
uint32_t caCnt = getColorAttachmentCount();
for (uint32_t caIdx = 0; caIdx < caCnt; ++caIdx) {
uint32_t clrRPAttIdx = _colorAttachments[caIdx].attachment;
bool hasResolveAttachment = _resolveAttachments.empty() ? false : _resolveAttachments[caIdx].attachment != VK_ATTACHMENT_UNUSED;
_renderPass->_attachments[clrRPAttIdx].encodeStoreAction(cmdEncoder, this, isRenderingEntireAttachment, hasResolveAttachment, caIdx, false, storeOverride);
uint32_t dsRPAttIdx = _depthStencilAttachment.attachment;
_renderPass->_attachments[dsRPAttIdx].encodeStoreAction(cmdEncoder, this, isRenderingEntireAttachment, false, 0, false, storeOverride);
_renderPass->_attachments[dsRPAttIdx].encodeStoreAction(cmdEncoder, this, isRenderingEntireAttachment, false, 0, true, storeOverride);
void MVKRenderSubpass::populateClearAttachments(MVKClearAttachments& clearAtts,
const MVKArrayRef<VkClearValue>& clearValues) {
VkClearAttachment cAtt;
uint32_t attIdx;
uint32_t caCnt = getColorAttachmentCount();
for (uint32_t caIdx = 0; caIdx < caCnt; caIdx++) {
attIdx = _colorAttachments[caIdx].attachment;
if ((attIdx != VK_ATTACHMENT_UNUSED) && _renderPass->_attachments[attIdx].shouldUseClearAttachment(this)) {
cAtt.colorAttachment = caIdx;
cAtt.clearValue = clearValues[attIdx];
attIdx = _depthStencilAttachment.attachment;
if ((attIdx != VK_ATTACHMENT_UNUSED) && _renderPass->_attachments[attIdx].shouldUseClearAttachment(this)) {
cAtt.aspectMask = 0;
cAtt.colorAttachment = 0;
cAtt.clearValue = clearValues[attIdx];
MVKPixelFormats* pixFmts = _renderPass->getPixelFormats();
MTLPixelFormat mtlDSFmt = _renderPass->getPixelFormats()->getMTLPixelFormat(getDepthStencilFormat());
if (pixFmts->isDepthFormat(mtlDSFmt)) { cAtt.aspectMask |= VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_DEPTH_BIT; }
if (pixFmts->isStencilFormat(mtlDSFmt)) { cAtt.aspectMask |= VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_STENCIL_BIT; }
if (cAtt.aspectMask) { clearAtts.push_back(cAtt); }
void MVKRenderSubpass::populateMultiviewClearRects(MVKSmallVector<VkClearRect, 1>& clearRects,
MVKCommandEncoder* cmdEncoder,
uint32_t caIdx, VkImageAspectFlags aspectMask) {
uint32_t attIdx;
assert(this == cmdEncoder->getSubpass());
attIdx = _depthStencilAttachment.attachment;
_renderPass->_attachments[attIdx].populateMultiviewClearRects(clearRects, cmdEncoder);
attIdx = _colorAttachments[caIdx].attachment;
_renderPass->_attachments[attIdx].populateMultiviewClearRects(clearRects, cmdEncoder);
// Returns the format capabilities required by this render subpass.
// It is possible for a subpass to use a single framebuffer attachment for multiple purposes.
// For example, a subpass may use a color or depth attachment as an input attachment as well.
// So, accumulate the capabilities from all possible attachments, just to be safe.
MVKMTLFmtCaps MVKRenderSubpass::getRequiredFormatCapabilitiesForAttachmentAt(uint32_t rpAttIdx) {
MVKMTLFmtCaps caps = kMVKMTLFmtCapsNone;
for (auto& att : _inputAttachments) {
if (att.attachment == rpAttIdx) {
mvkEnableFlags(caps, kMVKMTLFmtCapsRead);
for (auto& att : _colorAttachments) {
if (att.attachment == rpAttIdx) {
mvkEnableFlags(caps, kMVKMTLFmtCapsColorAtt);
for (auto& att : _resolveAttachments) {
if (att.attachment == rpAttIdx) {
mvkEnableFlags(caps, kMVKMTLFmtCapsResolve);
if (_depthStencilAttachment.attachment == rpAttIdx) { mvkEnableFlags(caps, kMVKMTLFmtCapsDSAtt); }
return caps;
MVKRenderSubpass::MVKRenderSubpass(MVKRenderPass* renderPass,
const VkSubpassDescription* pCreateInfo,
uint32_t viewMask) {
_renderPass = renderPass;
_subpassIndex = (uint32_t)_renderPass->_subpasses.size();
_viewMask = viewMask;
// Add attachments
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < pCreateInfo->inputAttachmentCount; i++) {
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < pCreateInfo->colorAttachmentCount; i++) {
if (pCreateInfo->pResolveAttachments) {
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < pCreateInfo->colorAttachmentCount; i++) {
if (pCreateInfo->pDepthStencilAttachment) {
_depthStencilAttachment = *pCreateInfo->pDepthStencilAttachment;
} else {
_depthStencilAttachment.attachment = VK_ATTACHMENT_UNUSED;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < pCreateInfo->preserveAttachmentCount; i++) {
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark MVKRenderPassAttachment
MVKVulkanAPIObject* MVKRenderPassAttachment::getVulkanAPIObject() { return _renderPass->getVulkanAPIObject(); };
VkFormat MVKRenderPassAttachment::getFormat() { return _info.format; }
VkSampleCountFlagBits MVKRenderPassAttachment::getSampleCount() { return _info.samples; }
bool MVKRenderPassAttachment::populateMTLRenderPassAttachmentDescriptor(MTLRenderPassAttachmentDescriptor* mtlAttDesc,
MVKRenderSubpass* subpass,
bool isRenderingEntireAttachment,
bool hasResolveAttachment,
bool isStencil,
bool loadOverride) {
bool willClear = false; // Assume the attachment won't be cleared
// Only allow clearing of entire attachment if we're actually rendering to the entire
// attachment AND we're in the first subpass.
if ( loadOverride ) {
mtlAttDesc.loadAction = MTLLoadActionLoad;
} else if ( isRenderingEntireAttachment && isFirstUseOfAttachment(subpass) ) {
VkAttachmentLoadOp loadOp = isStencil ? _info.stencilLoadOp : _info.loadOp;
mtlAttDesc.loadAction = mvkMTLLoadActionFromVkAttachmentLoadOp(loadOp);
willClear = (loadOp == VK_ATTACHMENT_LOAD_OP_CLEAR);
} else {
mtlAttDesc.loadAction = MTLLoadActionLoad;
// If the device supports late-specified store actions, we'll use those, and then set them later.
// That way, if we wind up doing a tessellated draw, we can set the store action to store then,
// and then when the render pass actually ends, we can use the true store action.
if ( _renderPass->getDevice()->_pMetalFeatures->deferredStoreActions ) {
mtlAttDesc.storeAction = MTLStoreActionUnknown;
} else {
mtlAttDesc.storeAction = getMTLStoreAction(subpass, isRenderingEntireAttachment, hasResolveAttachment, isStencil, false);
return willClear;
void MVKRenderPassAttachment::encodeStoreAction(MVKCommandEncoder* cmdEncoder,
MVKRenderSubpass* subpass,
bool isRenderingEntireAttachment,
bool hasResolveAttachment,
uint32_t caIdx,
bool isStencil,
bool storeOverride) {
MTLStoreAction storeAction = getMTLStoreAction(subpass, isRenderingEntireAttachment, hasResolveAttachment, isStencil, storeOverride);
MVKPixelFormats* pixFmts = _renderPass->getPixelFormats();
if (pixFmts->isDepthFormat(pixFmts->getMTLPixelFormat(_info.format)) && !isStencil) {
[cmdEncoder->_mtlRenderEncoder setDepthStoreAction: storeAction];
} else if (pixFmts->isStencilFormat(pixFmts->getMTLPixelFormat(_info.format)) && isStencil) {
[cmdEncoder->_mtlRenderEncoder setStencilStoreAction: storeAction];
} else {
[cmdEncoder->_mtlRenderEncoder setColorStoreAction: storeAction atIndex: caIdx];
void MVKRenderPassAttachment::populateMultiviewClearRects(MVKSmallVector<VkClearRect, 1>& clearRects, MVKCommandEncoder* cmdEncoder) {
MVKRenderSubpass* subpass = cmdEncoder->getSubpass();
uint32_t clearMask = subpass->getViewMaskGroupForMetalPass(cmdEncoder->getMultiviewPassIndex()) & _firstUseViewMasks[subpass->_subpassIndex];
if (!clearMask) { return; }
VkRect2D renderArea = cmdEncoder->clipToRenderArea({{0, 0}, {kMVKUndefinedLargeUInt32, kMVKUndefinedLargeUInt32}});
uint32_t startView, viewCount;
do {
clearMask = getNextViewMaskGroup(clearMask, &startView, &viewCount);
clearRects.push_back({renderArea, startView, viewCount});
} while (clearMask);
bool MVKRenderPassAttachment::isFirstUseOfAttachment(MVKRenderSubpass* subpass) {
if ( subpass->isMultiview() ) {
return _firstUseViewMasks[subpass->_subpassIndex] == subpass->_viewMask;
} else {
return _firstUseSubpassIdx == subpass->_subpassIndex;
bool MVKRenderPassAttachment::isLastUseOfAttachment(MVKRenderSubpass* subpass) {
if ( subpass->isMultiview() ) {
return _lastUseViewMasks[subpass->_subpassIndex] == subpass->_viewMask;
} else {
return _lastUseSubpassIdx == subpass->_subpassIndex;
MTLStoreAction MVKRenderPassAttachment::getMTLStoreAction(MVKRenderSubpass* subpass,
bool isRenderingEntireAttachment,
bool hasResolveAttachment,
bool isStencil,
bool storeOverride) {
// If a resolve attachment exists, this attachment must resolve once complete.
// Otherwise only allow the attachment to be discarded if we're actually rendering
// to the entire attachment and we're in the last subpass.
if (hasResolveAttachment && !_renderPass->getDevice()->_pMetalFeatures->combinedStoreResolveAction) {
return MTLStoreActionMultisampleResolve;
if ( storeOverride ) {
return hasResolveAttachment ? MTLStoreActionStoreAndMultisampleResolve : MTLStoreActionStore;
if ( isRenderingEntireAttachment && isLastUseOfAttachment(subpass) ) {
VkAttachmentStoreOp storeOp = isStencil ? _info.stencilStoreOp : _info.storeOp;
return mvkMTLStoreActionFromVkAttachmentStoreOp(storeOp, hasResolveAttachment);
return hasResolveAttachment ? MTLStoreActionStoreAndMultisampleResolve : MTLStoreActionStore;
bool MVKRenderPassAttachment::shouldUseClearAttachment(MVKRenderSubpass* subpass) {
// If the subpass is not the first subpass to use this attachment, don't clear this attachment
if (subpass->isMultiview()) {
if (_firstUseViewMasks[subpass->_subpassIndex] == 0) { return false; }
} else {
if (subpass->_subpassIndex != _firstUseSubpassIdx) { return false; }
return (_info.loadOp == VK_ATTACHMENT_LOAD_OP_CLEAR);
MVKRenderPassAttachment::MVKRenderPassAttachment(MVKRenderPass* renderPass,
const VkAttachmentDescription* pCreateInfo) {
_info = *pCreateInfo;
_renderPass = renderPass;
_attachmentIndex = uint32_t(_renderPass->_attachments.size());
// Validate pixel format is supported
MVKPixelFormats* pixFmts = _renderPass->getPixelFormats();
if ( !pixFmts->isSupportedOrSubstitutable(_info.format) ) {
_renderPass->setConfigurationResult(reportError(VK_ERROR_FORMAT_NOT_SUPPORTED, "vkCreateRenderPass(): Attachment format %s is not supported on this device.", _renderPass->getPixelFormats()->getName(_info.format)));
// Determine the indices of the first and last render subpasses to use this attachment.
_firstUseSubpassIdx = kMVKUndefinedLargeUInt32;
_lastUseSubpassIdx = 0;
if ( _renderPass->isMultiview() ) {
for (auto& subPass : _renderPass->_subpasses) {
// If it uses this attachment, the subpass will identify required format capabilities.
MVKMTLFmtCaps reqCaps = subPass.getRequiredFormatCapabilitiesForAttachmentAt(_attachmentIndex);
if (reqCaps) {
uint32_t spIdx = subPass._subpassIndex;
_firstUseSubpassIdx = min(spIdx, _firstUseSubpassIdx);
_lastUseSubpassIdx = max(spIdx, _lastUseSubpassIdx);
if ( subPass.isMultiview() ) {
uint32_t viewMask = subPass._viewMask;
std::for_each(_lastUseViewMasks.begin(), _lastUseViewMasks.end(), [viewMask](uint32_t& mask) { mask &= ~viewMask; });
std::for_each(_firstUseViewMasks.begin(), _firstUseViewMasks.end(), [&viewMask](uint32_t mask) { viewMask &= ~mask; });
// Validate that the attachment pixel format supports the capabilities required by the subpass.
// Use MTLPixelFormat to look up capabilities to permit Metal format substitution.
if ( !mvkAreAllFlagsEnabled(pixFmts->getCapabilities(pixFmts->getMTLPixelFormat(_info.format)), reqCaps) ) {
_renderPass->setConfigurationResult(reportError(VK_ERROR_FORMAT_NOT_SUPPORTED, "vkCreateRenderPass(): Attachment format %s on this device does not support the VkFormat attachment capabilities required by the subpass at index %d.", _renderPass->getPixelFormats()->getName(_info.format), spIdx));
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark MVKRenderPass
VkExtent2D MVKRenderPass::getRenderAreaGranularity() { return { 1, 1 }; }
MVKRenderSubpass* MVKRenderPass::getSubpass(uint32_t subpassIndex) { return &_subpasses[subpassIndex]; }
bool MVKRenderPass::isMultiview() const { return _subpasses[0].isMultiview(); }
MVKRenderPass::MVKRenderPass(MVKDevice* device,
const VkRenderPassCreateInfo* pCreateInfo) : MVKVulkanAPIDeviceObject(device) {
const VkRenderPassMultiviewCreateInfo* pMultiviewCreateInfo = nullptr;
for (auto* next = (const VkBaseInStructure*)pCreateInfo->pNext; next; next = next->pNext) {
switch (next->sType) {
pMultiviewCreateInfo = (const VkRenderPassMultiviewCreateInfo*)next;
const uint32_t* viewMasks = nullptr;
if (pMultiviewCreateInfo && pMultiviewCreateInfo->subpassCount) {
viewMasks = pMultiviewCreateInfo->pViewMasks;
// Add subpasses and dependencies first
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < pCreateInfo->subpassCount; i++) {
_subpasses.emplace_back(this, &pCreateInfo->pSubpasses[i], viewMasks ? viewMasks[i] : 0);
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < pCreateInfo->dependencyCount; i++) {
// Add attachments after subpasses, so each attachment can link to subpasses
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < pCreateInfo->attachmentCount; i++) {
_attachments.emplace_back(this, &pCreateInfo->pAttachments[i]);